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昆明市都市型农业功能区划空间发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆明具有多功能特征的外向型都市农业格局正在形成,综合运用文献分析、专家咨询等方法建构了由生产、经济社会效益、资源禀赋和生态、农业现代化四位一体的功能区划指标体系,采用逐步判别聚类法将昆明市都市型农业分为滇池沿湖发展区、城市近中郊特色支柱产业发展区、北部农业综合开发区3个功能区,并结合现代昆明大都市建设提出了3区的功能定位、发展方向等。  相似文献   

休闲农业与美丽乡村耦合度评价指标体系构建及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
休闲农业的发展为美丽乡村建设提供有力的产业支撑,美丽乡村建设为休闲农业发展提供必要的技术和管理支持,二者的协调发展对于乡村地区建设生态文明,实现"美丽中国"具有重大意义。在对休闲农业与美丽乡村两个子系统预选指标选择的基础上,通过专家筛选、聚类分析、相关性分析、指标鉴别和定量检验,构建一整套科学、全面评价休闲农业与美丽乡村耦合度的指标体系,并通过层次分析法和包络数据分析法确定各指标的权重,再以物理学上容量耦合模型为依据构建耦合协调度评价模型。以都江堰现代农业区为例进行实证分析,运用这套指标体系进行休闲农业与美丽乡村之间耦合度的评价,为休闲农业和美丽乡村耦合协调发展以及进一步破解"三农"问题提供指导。  相似文献   

基于点状数据的上海都市型工业空间格局研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
镶嵌于城市地域的都市型工业,有着其独特的区位特征和空间格局。基于2008年上海都市型工业微观企业数据,探讨工业郊区化背景下都市型工业空间分布、集聚特征以及行业间的空间邻近关系。研究表明:上海都市型工业企业区位选择具有中心城区与近郊区双重指向性,在距离城市中心10~20 km区间都市工业分布最密集,空间分布的非均质特征明显。空间集聚以城市内各类园区(商业楼宇、都市工业园、工业园区)为主要载体,集聚格局在行业间存在一定差异。在空间邻近关系方面,各行业间呈现出基于相同要素投入、生产关联、共同市场、政策导向的邻近布局以及基于异质排他性、环境要求的弱邻近布局特征。  相似文献   

将GIS和遥感技术引入传统的脆弱度定量评价方法,采用专家咨询法和层次分析法建立指标体系,应用GIS建立评价模型,对典型的湘西北喀斯特山区农业生态环境脆弱度进行了评价。结果显示,研究区存在澧水河谷和以罗水乡为中心西北部两个农业生态环境脆弱度高值区,农业生态环境脆弱度分布与由人类活动所致的胁迫脆弱度分布匹配。根据评价结果,为了避免农业生态环境退化,应采取加强东南和西北山区坡耕地退耕还林、增加水田比重和减少西北农业区农药、化肥和地膜的使用量等措施。  相似文献   

从可持续发展的内涵和目标出发,选取能够反映农业生产、农业环境生态和农村社会经济等子系统可持续性的22项综合性指标和主要指标,建立了区域农业可持续发展指标体系、农业可持续能力评价和类型区划分方法。在此基础上,分析了2000—2005年全国各省农业生产、农业环境生态和农村社会经济等子系统的农业可持续指数变化范围、区域差异和制约因素,并且采用系统聚类的方法,将全国农业可持续发展能力划为4个类型区,分析各类型区内3个子系统发展的协调性以及限制因素。最后提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的农业技术推广评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业技术推广的评价主要集中在产后评价,评价结果难免片面.为避免这一问题,应对农业技术推广的整个过程,即产前、产中、产后3个阶段分别赋予相应指标,建立完整灵活的农业技术推广评价指标体系.在此基础上,采用专家咨询法和层次分析法对各个指标赋权重,建立农业技术推广评价的通用数学模型.经实例验证,得出结论:其一,所建指标体系和数学模型可操作性强、合理有效;其二,对产前、产中阶段进行评价比单纯进行产后效果评价意义更为重大.  相似文献   

西安市城市化与都市农业发展耦合关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
齐爱荣  周忠学  刘欢 《地理研究》2013,32(11):2133-2142
城市化以其强烈的市场效应与辐射功能带动了都市农业的发展,但同时又对都市农业的水土资源、生态环境造成负面影响;都市农业又通过其生产、社会及生态功能推动城市化发展。揭示两者之间的作用规律,对解决城市经济、社会和生态问题,快速推动都市农业发展,协调城乡关系具有重要意义。本文在构建城市化水平与都市农业发展水平测度指标体系的基础上,通过主成分分析法和相关分析法,探讨了城市化与都市农业发展之间的相互作用机制,并定量分析了两者之间的耦合关系。结果表明:① 近10 年,西安市城市化水平与都市农业发展水平都呈上升的趋势,且二者表现出显著的同步性;② 西安城市化水平和都市农业发展水平呈显著的正相关,相关系数达0.955;③ 西安城市现代化水平因子、城市生活质量水平因子和人口与经济结构因子是推动城市化的3 个主要因子,其中城市现代化水平因子是推动西安都市农业发展的主导因子。  相似文献   

城市化与都市农业功能交互耦合关系及时空特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市化与都市农业功能通过交互耦合机制形成复杂系统,在区域可持续发展中具有重要作用。该文在建立交互耦合系统评价指标体系基础上,运用灰色关联分析模型、耦合度模型探讨西安都市圈城市化与都市农业功能交互耦合关系并从时空角度分析耦合度的演变规律与空间分异特征。研究结果表明:1)城市化与都市农业功能要素关联度均在0.6之上,耦合关系错综复杂,关系密切。城市经济、消费、交通和科技对都市农业功能影响较大;都市农业食物供给、就业、观光休闲及美化环境功能服务城市化能力最强。2)2000-2011年西安都市圈城市化与都市农业功能耦合度在0.6~0.85之间,时序发展呈现波动性和阶段性特征,总体上,二者在较高水平上趋于协调。3)2011年二者耦合度呈现都市圈西北区域低于东南区域的空间特征,耦合发展水平具有显著的空间差异特征。  相似文献   

杨忍  刘芮彤 《地理研究》2022,41(7):1995-2015
以珠三角城市群地区的县(区)为研究单元,从生产供给、经济发展、社会保障和生态保育四个维度构建都市农业功能评价指标体系,利用熵值法、时空差异诊断模型、Spearman秩相关系数法和双变量局部空间自相关模型等对2005年、2012年和2019年珠三角地区都市农业多维功能演变及协同-权衡关系进行测度。结果表明:① 2005—2019年,珠三角地区都市农业的生产供给、经济发展和社会保障功能均值先下降后上升而生态保育功能反之;生产供给和生态保育功能总体呈现稳定的外部较强而中心偏弱的空间格局,经济发展和社会保障功能的空间分布格局变化较大。② 时间上,2005年珠三角都市农业经济发展功能较其他功能相对独立发展,2012年功能之间权衡关系显现,2019年各功能之间以协同关系为主;空间上,珠三角地区都市农业生态保育功能与其他三项功能的协同-权衡关系较为稳定,社会保障功能与生产供给、经济发展功能的协同-权衡关系较为稳定。③ 都市农业功能演变及协同-权衡关系发展具有阶段性特征,大致呈现“相互独立/低位协同-相互权衡-高位协同”的演化规律。  相似文献   

在逐一考察和判断106国道沿线典型样带区农业发展现状和地域分异的形成条件及其主导因素基础上,构建了农业地域类型划分指标体系,利用研究区农村社会经济数据和土地利用数据,首先,采用层次分析、SOFM分析与聚类分析相结合的方法,将研究区划分为8个农业地域类型区。其次,界定农业地域多功能类型,从农产品供给功能、就业与社会保障功能、生态保育功能及休闲与文化传承功能等多维角度,构建农业地域多功能分区指标体系,并结合区位特征将研究区划分为8个主导功能亚区。最后,将农业地域类型划分结果与农业地域功能分区结果进行耦合与叠加,获得了106国道沿线典型样带区农业综合区划方案,并就综合区划方案的发展方向和不同类型区域发展策略进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

上海市现代化都市型农业建设发展初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从主体功能转换、产业结构调整、产业发展组织和空间结构组合,探讨了上海市现代都市农业的建设发展。  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, municipal governments across the United States have increasingly tried to incorporate environmental efforts into city business and policies. Urban sustainability has become the key concept around which such activities are organized. Official sustainability plans are most often implemented through indicators and metrics. In Minneapolis, Minnesota, urban gardening, in a variety of forms, has been the focus of ongoing citizen- and NGO-led environmental efforts, as well as municipal measures of sustainability. Here, debates around the recent adoption of a city urban agriculture policy, as well as a program to encourage the installation of raingardens in neighborhoods across the city, reveal some of the rich variations in gardening practices and spaces. These far exceed the relatively narrow official focus on sustainability indicators. Better understanding how urban sustainability initiatives might work with, but also move beyond, indicators may provide directions toward wider visions of sustainable urban life.  相似文献   


The built-up area of Addis Ababa and its surrounding towns is expanding into the peri-urban region leading to high losses of farmland, directly influencing the food production for the urban population. This paper investigates the patterns of settlement growth in the region surrounding Addis Ababa and their impact on peri-urban agriculture using an urban spatial scenario design model. The effects of two population density scenarios are explored within the framework of a proposed master plan. The model output was used to estimate areas of different suitability levels that would be lost to the modelled settlement expansion. The settlement area in 2038 would represent 29% of the case study’s total area in the low-density scenario but only 19% in the high-density scenario. Compared to the low-density scenario, the high-density scenario would only require a third of the agricultural land transformed into settlement areas. Settlement development would contribute to higher losses of land suitable for cultivating important export products, high nutritional value and import-substituting products. The scenario approach can support sustainable regional planning for settlement expansion that conserves valuable farmland in the peri-urban area and contributes to building capacity for strategic planning of the city regions of sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Gendered Spaces of Informal Entrepreneurship in Soweto,South Africa   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

The full diversity of economic activities in the informal economy is not well understood. The apartheid legacy of limiting informal entrepreneurship explains the most obvious geographical patterns in South Africa. After a decade and a half since the end of apartheid, however, knowledge about the places from which informal entrepreneurs operate is incomplete. Retailing is overemphasized and production firm entrepreneurs, both male and female, remain a neglected spatiality. This study reports on a survey of 100 firms in Soweto and in-depth interviews with 30 firm owners. The findings challenge the representations of isolated urban entrepreneurs dependent on inherited social capital and of women's exclusive engagement in retail. Entrepreneurs create their own social capital in work-related realms, but there are important gender differences. More finely tuned conceptualizations of entrepreneurs and of gendered working spaces need to be developed so that policy does not perpetuate unitary myths and incomplete spatial representations. [Key words: entrepreneurship, Soweto, informal economy, gender.]  相似文献   

As a multifunctional activity and land use, urban agriculture supports a range of objectives, from urban greening to food security. However, it is often left out of urban policy. As a result of the highly contextual and cross-cutting nature of urban agriculture, there are relatively few comprehensive and formalized regulatory tools to draw from. Different cities around the world are now deciding how to fit urban agriculture into the urban agenda; however, in many places urban agriculture continues to operate in the absence of legitimization due to its relatively mobile and dynamic nature. This article looks at the importance of local and central governments in promoting sustainable urban agriculture. Through participatory action research, it examines the cases of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Copenhagen, Denmark to understand stakeholder interactions, as well as present and future barriers to the conservation of existing urban agriculture and future initiatives. The findings suggest that municipal recognition and institutional support for urban agriculture is an important component in increasing the sustainability of related initiatives. Local and central government plays a role in the legitimization and institutionalization of urban agriculture through the facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes, policy development and the conservation and allocation of land.  相似文献   

Different types of farming in metropolitan areas show both negative and positive responses to urban and nonurban forces of change. The variety of impacts has been neglected by most spatial intensity models and land use studies. This study examines census data from 1949 to 1982 in seven major U.S. metropolitan areas for six commodity types to detect regular patterns of changes in sales value, area harvested, number of animals, and intensity of production. Results show large declines in dairy farming, followed by poultry and fruit and nuts; some recent recovery in vegetable crops; and steady increases in both low value field crops and high value horticultural specialties. A trend toward polarization of metropolitan agriculture is indicated. Results also show differences between inner and outer urban fringe areas and a decline in the differential in intensity of production between metropolitan and non-metropolitan agriculture.  相似文献   

上海市现代都市农业发展中若干问题探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
上海正在向现代化生态型国际大都市发展,农业的功能地位在发生着转变。该文分析上海农业发展的四个背景,即城市化的快速推进、农用地减少和用地结构的调整、农业形态的组团式和条带式发展以及农业功能向服务于城市多样化需求的方向发展。探讨了上海现代都市农业未来的四个功能定位:城市的生态环境服务功能、产业化组织和示范带动功能、农业观光旅游和文化教育等服务功能、优质无公害农产品生产功能。指出了上海都市农业产业发展的战略方向,并在农业空间结构调整的原则基础上,规划了未来上海市农业生产布局与空间结构。  相似文献   

基于基塘系统保护的国土空间治理策略——以顺德区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以佛山市顺德区作为实证研究案例,采用野外调研、访谈等研究方法,剖析基塘与国土空间的协同发展机制,提出基于多功能基塘的国土空间治理策略。结果表明:顺德国土空间治理面临空间破碎化和空间嵌套分布、灾害与生态风险加剧、岭南水乡文化特色日渐流失等问题;协调基塘与不同地域子系统之间的功能耦合关系,发挥基塘对地域系统功能的支撑与协同作用,是实现国土空间协同发展和可持续利用的基础;实施基塘功能分区治理,保护集中连片基塘,整合基塘文化资源,推进基塘与村级工业园、村边塘、村心塘协同治理等策略,发挥基塘的多功能作用,有助于实现国土空间的安全、高效与可持续利用。  相似文献   

Food insecurity is a major concern in the United States, particularly in high-poverty areas and among households with children. Urban agriculture helps address food insecurity and promote recreation, aesthetics, biodiversity, and other benefits. This article reports a socioeconomic evaluation of ten different variables, including in situ analysis of healthy, nutritious food options, of a small, intensely urbanized city to identify neighborhoods that would benefit from urban agriculture. We produced a hierarchy of locations (using census block groups), from least to greatest socioeconomic need, for new urban agriculture sites. Our results found that one block group qualified in all ten variables and two-thirds demonstrated a need in at least half of the variables. The majority of these block groups were distributed within the middle of the city.  相似文献   

郑州市都市农业发展的有利条件及产业模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了都市农业的起源和在我国的发展概况,指出了发展都市农业的意义、作用和郑州市发展都市农业的有利条件,进一步探讨了郑州市发展都市农业应采取的产业模式,即:设施农业、生态农业、加工农业、创汇农业、绿化农业和观光休闲农业等.认为郑州市发展都市农业意义重大,时机已基本成熟,必须转变观念,正确选择产业模式,加强理论研究和多学科联合攻关,稳步推进郑州市都市农业的发展.  相似文献   

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