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基于对象的GIS时空数据模型设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GIS时空数据模型是描述空间实体的时间特性和空间特性的有机体,是GIS存储、再现、分析动态的现实世界的基础.该文采用面向对象的思想将地理实体抽象为空间对象,对空间对象的空间几何信息、属性信息、时间信息进行封装,提出了基于对象的GIS时空数据模型的构建方法.重点探讨了基于对象的地理实体描述方法、空间对象的时态特征和时态数据的存储方法,为时空信息的有机集成、共享管理、决策分析与应用提供了关于时空数据组织与管理模式的新思路.  相似文献   

组件地理信息系统不依赖于某一种开发语言,一般利用地理信息控件实现地理信息功能,专业应用功能则直接在通用平台上开发或是插入其它的专业模型分析控件来实现。目前,组件地理信息系统开发模式已成为地理信息系统二次开发的主要模式,该文阐述了组件地理信息系统的基本概念和技术基础,详细介绍了ESRI公司推出的MapObjects控件,结合实例论述了基于组件技术的地下水资源空间分析系统的设计开发过程。  相似文献   

基于地理实体的面向对象矢量模型设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间数据模型是GIS实现地理空间数据组织、表达、分析、处理和应用的基础。针对基于要素的地理实体矢量描述方法的不足,从地理空间信息一体化管理角度,提出面向对象矢量模型(OOVM),探讨模型体系结构、空间对象的描述方法和空间数据管理模式。该模型利用面向对象的技术,将地理实体抽象为不同的空间对象,并将各空间对象的标识符、属性与方法封装在一起,便于网络环境下地理空间信息的存储和分布式管理。以公司信息管理为例,设计了基于OOVM的分布式空间数据组织过程,为空间数据库的建设和数据共享提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

针对当前GIS中视频数据管理的功能较单一、检索方法单调的现状,通过分析、整合空间数据、视频数据,设计了一个地理立体视频数据模型(GeoSVDM),它包括视频、空间几何、专题属性、语义标注以及线性参照等要素,基于面向对象方法,抽象了视频帧及其位置、视域、视频片段及其轨迹等组件对象及其逻辑关系,并应用UML定义了模型结构。该模型通过建立视频对象与地理实体间的空间位置参照及语义参照关系,支持可视化、检索以及量测等多个应用功能,实现了地理立体视频对象数据组织与检索表达。试验表明,GeoSVDM具有功能丰富、集成化以及松耦合、灵活可扩展等优点,适合于地理立体视频的管理,并为GIS中应用可定位媒体提供了基础数据模型。  相似文献   

本文通过上海安亭国际汽车城规划信息系统构建的实例,探讨了如何从系统需求分析人手,借助地理信息系统(GIS)技术设计地块或小区域功能信息系统的思路和过程。同时,对于利用GIS建立城市规划信息系统的一般方法与问题作了一定的探讨。  相似文献   

GIS应用的最终目的是使其所包含的地理信息有效传递。该文从信息科学、认知科学及地理信息科学角度出发,指出认知空间和地理空间的阶层对应性是实现地理信息有效传递的基础;提出两类空间重叠区的概念,并阐明其在信息有效传递过程中的重要作用;确立认知科学在GIS应用中的两个基本原则是建立这种对应性的理论依据;强调信息制造者(制图者)是构建这种对应性的实施者,而信息接收者(用户)对认知空间分类阶层的正确识别则是构建这种对应性的出发点。  相似文献   

城市环境保护信息系统结构框架研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
随着城市化进程的加快,城市人口增加,城市环境保护成为城市关注的焦点.充分利用计算机技术、地理信息系统技术有利于提高城市环境保护规划及管理水平.结合城市环境保护局的工作内容及实质,提出了基于办公自动化、管理信息系统、网站发布系统、GIS可视化信息系统的城市环境保护信息系统的结构框架,并对系统框架的构成、信息流程、服务和应用模式进行了论述,探讨了基于WEB GIS的信息系统应用的系统数据体系以及基础地理信息系统、图文一体化、空间分析、决策支持等系统功能.  相似文献   

GIS在《世界地理》教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
娄昭  张磊 《世界地理研究》2009,18(3):169-172
文章论证GIS及其主要功能、运用GIS实现计算机辅助世界地理教学的可能性.并举出实例说明GIS在《世界地理》教学中的应用。在《世界地理》课程教学中应用GIS辅助教学,对于学生了解GIS的内涵、基本功能及发展趋势。熟练操作GIS软件,提高实践动手能力等方面均具有重要的推动作用。GIS在《世界地理》教学中具有重要的支撑作用,并有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

地理信息系统学科中几个基本问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理信息科学(GISci)尚不成熟,但中国地理信息系统(GIS)高等教育发展快速,因此GIS学科发展面临许多问题和挑战。尝试从哲学本体论、认识论和方法论角度探讨GIS学科中的几个基本问题:现实世界、概念世界、数字世界、空间认知、空间表达、空间分析与研究方法,同时从社会实践角度总结了GIS应用中的组织、管理与社会问题。1)系统总结地理空间、空间认知与信息表达的关系以及地理信息的基本特征;2)回顾GIS的概念与内涵演变,论证GIS概念的多样性与同一性,分析了几个代表性的GIS研究方向;3)在回顾地理学研究范式转变的基础上,探讨空间分析、知识产生过程以及基于GIS的地理学研究范式;4)辨析GIS与组织管理间的关系、GIS与社会间的互动关系,特别强调发展中国家GIS应用面临的问题。建议围绕“空间认知与表达”、“GIS方法论”、“GIS、组织与社会”进行跨学科研究,完善GIS学科体系。  相似文献   

控件子类化技术是当今成熟的编程技术,在程序的界面开发和对话框设计中有着广泛的应用。子类化属性是程序语言中控件的重要属性,通过对MFC的标准控件进行子类化扩展,能够设计出各种美观、实用且具有特殊功能的控件来美化程序界面。结合子类化方法的重要原理,作者首先分析了子类化技术在GIS系统开发中的应用,并总结了在GIS程序开发过程中一些较为实用的控件子类化方法。最后以在VC.NET开发环境中设计子类化控件实例进行了分析说明。  相似文献   


GEOVIEW, an integrated system, uses relational database technology and a graphics package (Graphical Kernel System) to offer a flexible environment in which to develop applications of geographical information systems (GIS). It has facilities to represent data in different spatial data structures. Data are stored and retrieved efficiently by using variable length raw data. The unified representation offers the benefit of storing entities in a single relation and eases the process of overlaying different entities. GEOVIEW also provides a mechanism for tailoring user interfaces to suit the needs of different applications by means of a facility to generate macros and menus.

Processing requirements for GIS applications can be supported by using tools provided by relational database technology and by graphics packages. High-level language interfaces which can process dynamic statements and bind dynamic variables are needed to develop an efficient database interface module. A graphics segment facility is essential to provide editing functions and to maximize the use of the local processing power of graphics workstations in the graphics interface module. Further improvements in performance can be made by using the array fetch facility and linear keys for spatial searching.  相似文献   

基于空间数据库技术的地籍管理系统研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
潘瑜春  钟耳顺  梁军 《地理研究》2003,22(2):237-244
随着GIS应用的深入发展,以文件管理空间数据的方式已不能满足当前GIS应用的需要,而空间数据库技术正是为解决GIS应用的企业化和社会化问题而发展起来的新技术,空间数据库技术及其应用研究是当前GIS技术研究的热点。本文分析了空间数据对象、空间数据库、空间数据库技术及其实现,研究了基于空间数据库技术的地籍管理系统在空间数据共享、海量数据管理、大范围查询检索、分布式空间数据处理与维护、地籍制图、数据安全控制等方面的应用实现,通过具体应用系统建设,提出了基于空间数据库技术的地籍管理信息系统的解决方案。  相似文献   

Wen Lin 《Urban geography》2013,34(7):901-922
While local governments have been one of the major user groups of GIS, there is still little research on how GIS development in local government might be intertwined with urban governance, particularly in non-Western contexts. Drawing upon insights from GIS implementation, critical GIS, and governmentality studies, this article seeks to bridge this gap by examining the implications of Chinese urban government GIS practices amidst China's changing urban governance. Through an in-depth case study of Shenzhen, this article analyzes how urban GIS has been transformed from a practice involving internal organizational workflow automation, into a more active dimension of the governance of urban spaces—reflected in the expanding practice of “geo-coding” the urban landscape. “Geo-coding” here refers to a broadly defined spatial practice of carving and reconstructing a rational urban space. GIS practices have constituted a particular form of geographic rationality that seeks to govern at a distance while simultaneously regulating the urban environment, intersecting with the broader transformations of China's urban governance. These GIS developments have been largely government-centric rather than citizen-centric, yet they provide possibilities for new forms of spatial knowledge production for citizen participation in urban governance.  相似文献   

该文通过分析当前地籍管理系统在制图方面存在的问题及其原因 ,研究了空间数据库技术和工作流管理技术在地籍管理信息系统制图中的应用 ,并研究了基于GIS技术的地理数据可视化原理和基于GIS的数字地图制图实现过程。在此基础上 ,进一步探讨基于以上技术的地籍管理信息系统的基本框架及地籍制图的实现  相似文献   

土地利用变化研究中的GIS空间分析方法及其应用   总被引:41,自引:7,他引:41  
土地利用变化研究尤其是空间变化研究 ,离不开 GIS的空间分析方法。该方法的数据基础主要是矢量格式的土地利用图件和遥感解译制图成果 ;模型基础包括 GIS的时空数据模型、属性数据模型和提取土地利用变化特征的原理模型 ;而数据处理过程则涉及GIS系统的数据转换功能、编辑功能、空间分析功能、数据库操作功能、空间统计分析功能以及图形显示功能等。本文结合北京市土地利用变化的实例分析 ,从上述三方面详细阐述了 GIS的空间分析方法及其在土地利用变化研究中的应用。  相似文献   

森林资源信息提取和制图技术方法研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
臧淑英  祖元刚 《地理科学》1999,19(5):466-469
森林资源信息的提取和制图依赖于大量空间数据的有效处理,探讨了ARC/INFO7.0.1和ARCVIEW3.0地理信息系统在森林资源信息提取,分析及制图等方面的技术方法,并以中国东北部大兴安岭地区的塔源林场为例,对方法的具体应用作了阐述。  相似文献   

Language plays a vital role in the communication, sharing and transmission of information among human beings. Geographical languages are essential for understanding, investigating, representing and propagating geo-spatial information. Geographical languages have developed and evolved gradually with improvements in science, technology and cognitive levels. Concerning the theoretical progress from geographical information ontology, epistemology and linguistic theory, this paper firstly puts forward the concept of a GIS language and discusses its basic characteristics according to changes in the structures, functions and characteristics of geographical languages. This GIS language can be regarded as a system of synthetic digital symbols. It is a comprehensive representation of geographical objects, phenomena and their spatial distributions and dynamic processes. This representation helps us generate a universal perception of geographical space using geographical scenarios or symbols with geometry, statuses, processes, spatio-temporal relationships, semantics and attributes. Furthermore, this paper states that the GIS language represents a new generation of geographical language due to its intrinsic characteristics, structures, functions and systematic content. Based on the aforementioned theoretical foundation, this paper illustrates the pivotal status and contributions of the GIS language from the perspective of geographical researchers. The language of GIS is a new geographical language designed for the current era, with features including spatio-temporal multi-dimension representation, interactive visualization, virtual geographical scenarios, multi-sensor perception and expedient broadcasting via the web. The GIS language is the highest-level geographical language developed to date, integrating semantic definitions, feature extraction, geographical dynamic representation and spatio-temporal factors and unifying the computation of geographical phenomena and objects. The GIS language possesses five important characteristics: abstraction, systematicness, strictness, precision and hierarchy. In summary, the GIS language provides a new means forpeople to recognize, understand and simulate entire geo-environments. Therefore, exploration of the GIS language’s functions in contemporary geographical developments is becoming increasingly important. Similarly, construction of the conceptual model and scientific systems of the GIS language will promote the development of the disciplines of geography and geographical information sciences. Therefore, this paper investigates the prospects of the GIS language from the perspectives of digital technology, geographical norms, geographical modeling and the disciplinary development of geography.  相似文献   

资源环境模型库管理系统研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资源环境模型库管理系统是资源环境研究中的关键问题之一。建立资源环境模型库管理 系统通常有两种途径。一种途径是采用模型管理技术, 其主要方法包括数据式模型管理、结构化 模型管理、面向对象的模型管理和基于知识的模型管理, 这种方式的优势是可以有效地管理资源 环境模型, 但对空间数据处理的功能较弱, 需要编写大量的程序代码。另一种途径是在GIS 中管 理模型, 如ArcGIS 中的ModelBuilder, 这种方式的优点是可以充分利用GIS 的空间数据处理能 力, 但对复杂模型的支持较差。根据以上两种方式的特点, 本文提出了一种面向对象的资源环境 模型管理框架, 把模型抽象为模型类与模型实例, 采用面向对象方法表达模型, 通过构建资源环 境模型引擎处理空间数据和模型数学方程; 利用模型库和数据库, 可以实现模型的有效管理和模 型重用。  相似文献   

The interprovincial terrestrial physical geographical entities are the key areas of regional integrated management. In this paper, we analyzed the spatial patterns of the interprovincial terrestrial physical geographical names (ITPGN) from three aspects: numerical features, spatial variance and spatial agglomeration. The influencing factors of the distribution of ITPGN and the implications for the regional management were further discussed. GIS technology was used to visualize the distribution of ITPGN, analyze the spatial agglomeration and the influencing factors of ITPGN. A total of 11,325 ITPGN, including 4243 water ITPGN and 7082 terrain ITPGN, were extracted from the database of “China’s Second National Survey of Geographical Names (2014-2018)”, and the mountain geographical names were the largest type in ITPGN. Hunan Province had the largest number of the names in China, and Shanghai had the smallest number of the names. The spatial variance of the terrain ITPGN was larger than that of the water ITPGN, and the ITPGN showed a significant agglomeration phenomenon in the southern part of China. In addition, the relative elevation and the population had an impact on the distribution of the ITPGN. The largest number of the geographical names occurred in the regions where the relative elevation was between 1000-2000 meters, and where the population was between 40-50 million. Based on the analysis, it was suggested that the government should take the ITPGN as management units, optimize management strategies based on the characteristics of different types of ITPGN, strengthen the naming of unnamed interprovincial terrestrial physical geographical entities and balance the interests in the controversial ITPGN. This study demonstrated that GIS and spatial analysis techniques were useful for the research of ITPGN and the results could provide targeted management suggestions to realize coordinated development in the interprovincial regions.  相似文献   

Language plays a vital role in the communication, sharing and transmission of information among human beings. Geographical languages are essential for understanding, investigating, representing and propagating geo-spatial information. Geographical languages have developed and evolved gradually with improvements in science, technology and cognitive levels. Concerning the theoretical progress from geographical information ontology, epistemology and linguistic theory, this paper firstly puts forward the concept of a GIS language and discusses its basic characteristics according to changes in the structures, functions and characteristics of geographical languages. This GIS language can be regarded as a system of synthetic digital symbols. It is a comprehensive representation of geographical objects, phenomena and their spatial distributions and dynamic processes. This representation helps us generate a universal perception of geographical space using geographical scenarios or symbols with geometry, statuses, processes, spatio-temporal relationships, semantics and attributes. Furthermore, this paper states that the GIS language represents a new generation of geographical language due to its intrinsic characteristics, structures, functions and systematic content. Based on the aforementioned theoretical foundation, this paper illustrates the pivotal status and contributions of the GIS language from the perspective of geographical researchers. The language of GIS is a new geographical language designed for the current era, with features including spatio-temporal multi-dimension representation, interactive visualization, virtual geographical scenarios, multi-sensor perception and expedient broadcasting via the web. The GIS language is the highest-level geographical language developed to date, integrating semantic definitions, feature extraction, geographical dynamic representation and spatio-temporal factors and unifying the computation of geographical phenomena and objects. The GIS language possesses five important characteristics: abstraction, systematicness, strictness, precision and hierarchy. In summary, the GIS language provides a new means for people to recognize, understand and simulate entire geo-environments. Therefore, exploration of the GIS language’s functions in contemporary geographical developments is becoming increasingly important. Similarly, construction of the conceptual model and scientific systems of the GIS language will promote the development of the disciplines of geography and geographical information sciences. Therefore, this paper investigates the prospects of the GIS language from the perspectives of digital technology, geographical norms, geographical modeling and the disciplinary development of geography.  相似文献   

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