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Summary Astrometric measurements of 18 visual double stars carried out with a CCD are given.
The present observations are a test of the propriety of the CCD technique for astrometric observations of visual double stars.
The duration of the observations was 75 minutes. The precision of the CCD measures corresponds the precision of the photographic
method, so the advantages of CCD's are the great loss of reduction work and the corresponding time saving, inclusive shortering
the observing time.
Based on observations made at E.S.O., La Silla, Chile. 相似文献
《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》1999,23(2):221-228
We give the treated results of our CCD polarimetric data of the solar corona obtained during the 1997-03-09 total eclipse, including the profiles of absolute brightness and degree of polarization along 12 directions (including the two equatorial and two polar directions) in the middle corona (1.6−3.2 R⊙) 相似文献
The sensitivity and versatility of SKA will provide microarcsec astrometric precision and high quality milliarcsec-resolution images by simultaneously detecting calibrator sources near the target source. To reach these goals, we suggest that the long-baseline component of SKA contains at least 25% of the total collecting area in a region between 1000 and 5000 km from the core SKA. We also suggest a minimum of 60 elements in the long-baseline component of SKA to provide the necessary (u–v) coverage. For simultaneous all-sky observations, which provide absolute astrometric and geodetic parameters, we suggest using 10 independent subarrays each composed of at least six long-baseline elements correlated with the core SKA. We discuss many anticipated SKA long-baseline astrometric experiments: determination of distance, proper motion and orbital motion of thousands of stellar objects; planetary motion detections; mass determination of degenerate stars using their kinetics; calibration of the universal distance scale from 10 to 107 pc; the core and inner-jet interactions of AGN. With an increase by a factor of 10 in absolute astrometric accuracy using simultaneous all sky observations, the fundamental quasar reference frame can be defined to <10 μas and tied to the solar-system dynamic frame to this accuracy. Parameters associated with the earth rotation and orientation, nutation, and geophysical parameters, can be accurately monitored. Tests of fundamental physics include: solar and Jovian deflection experiments, the sky frame accuracy needed to interpret the gravity wave/pulsar-timing experiment, accurate monitoring of spacecraft orbits that impact solar system dynamics. 相似文献
The transition from local horizon and terrestrial BIH-systems to celestial reference frames is well known to be affected by various geodetic parameters such as polar motion (xp(t), yp(t)), UT1-TUC (where UT1 is basically dependent on variations in UT0 and t=time), plumb line deflections (, ) of observation stations, global and local tidal deformations etc. Variations of such quantities with (relative) resolution of the order of 0.001 and better, such as VLBI, demand the application of continuous high-precision (world-wide) geodynamic surveys whenever global theories and sufficient models are not available and the introduction of improved local and global models (geophysical and relativistic) is needed in order to match astrometric observations related to different reference frames. Prediction of parameters for immediate transformation from one system of reference into the other is sometimes of interest.The paperreviews recent results of different observations,points out a number of still open and unresolved problems in observations and modeling, anddiscusses related consequences. Conclusions for geodynamics drawn from comparison of observed data with models based on astronomical and geophysical observations give way to new understanding of basic phenomena of relevance for various disciplines. 相似文献
G. Artzner 《Solar physics》1990,128(1):281-286
Observed temporal variations of shape and size of the solar disk as viewed from Earth may act as constraints for theories of the interior of the Sun. In addition to existing programs of solar diameter measurements we investigate a ground-based photographic method.The solar limb profile is recorded on a photoresist-coated substrate over a 20 radial length simultaneously all along the circonference as a three-dimensional 21 mm diameter, 0.0015mm thick permanent object available for inspection by interferometric methods. The exposure time is long enough for filtering much of the atmospheric turbulence, whereas the slope of the observed solar limb should help to locate a standard solar limb. The first results of February 1989 at large zenith distance and low altitude are a set of differential measurements of the position of a solar limb around a circle with, after taking into account the 3.7 atmospheric differential refraction, a 0.34r.m.s. dispersion of the residuals for a fit to a circular solar disk.We estimate that this method of accuracy comparable to other ground-based methods, with potentially more than 600 independent simultaneous measurements along the circonference, could help to discriminate between terrestrial and solar causes for variations of shape and size of the solar disk.We note that operation outside the Earth's atmosphere would provide access not only to undisturbed images but also to UV wavelengths, i.e., to a better definition of the solar limb. 相似文献
N. C. Hambly L. Miller H. T. MacGillivray J. T. Herd & W. A. Cormack 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,298(3):897-904
We describe the new, fast, high-precision microdensitometer SuperCOSMOS. Some aspects of hardware and software design that enable high-precision astrometry from photographic plates are explained. We show that the positioning repeatability of the measuring machine is less than 0.1 μ μ m standard error in either coordinate, and the absolute positional accuracy is about 0.15 μ m standard error. Furthermore, measurements of the same plate in different orientations show that the sampling errors are small (e.g. ∼ 0.2 μ m, rising to ∼ 1.0 μ m at the plate limit, for stellar images in a IIIaJ emulsion), thus allowing the extraction of relative positional information from Schmidt plates at accuracies less than 1 μ m. We demonstrate that SuperCOSMOS is capable of measuring the positions of bright stars (i.e. those more than ∼ 4 mag above the plate limit) to a precision ∼ 0.5 μ m with survey–grade photographic plates employing fine–grained emulsions. 相似文献
Y. R. Huang C. Fang M. D. Ding X. F. Gao Z. G. Zhu S. Y. Ying J. Hu Y. Z. Xue 《Solar physics》1995,159(1):127-135
Since 1992 the solar tower telescope of Nanjing University (118°51 E, 32°03 N) as well as its multichannel solar spectrograph, originally established in 1982, have been reconstructed and a two-channel imaging spectrograph has been operated successfully. The apertures of the coelostat and the secondary mirror are both 60 cm. The spherical objective mirror, having an aperture of 43 cm and a focal length of 2170 cm, produces a solar image of 20 cm diameter. Two auxiliary telescopes using a small fraction of the coelostat's aperture were set up for guiding and H monochromatic monitoring. A multichannel spectrograph can be operated in six wavebands simultaneously. A CCD imaging spectrograph can be used for data acquisition at H and Caii K line wavebands automatically and simultaneously. The instrument consists of two CCD cameras, an image processor (SR-151), a personal computer, and a mechanical scanning device. The principal characteristics of the instruments are described. Some observational results are presented as examples. 相似文献
A. A. Kiselev 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1991,177(1-2):491-494
A general scheme of the astrometric plate reduction techniques is considered. It is shown that each classical plate-constants method may be formulated as a generalised Schlesinger's dependences method with N parameters, where N is the number of reference stars. The parameters depend upon the model of reduction adopted and common configuration of reference stars and the object. 相似文献
Laurence W. Fredrick 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1985,110(1):111-115
The techniques for studying double stars continue to evolve in a predictable way. The most recent major breakthroughs have been the area scanner and speckle interferometry. On the horizon looms the application of large format CCDs which will replace the photographic plate for many astrometric problems.Communication presented at the International Conference on Astrometric Binaries, held on 13–15 June, 1984, at the Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, Germany, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784–1846). 相似文献
Jun Nishikawa 《Solar physics》1994,152(1):125-130
Spatially-resolved precise photometric observations of the whole Sun at wavelengths of 545nm (FWHM 40nm) were carried out by using the CCD solar surface photometer. Bright parts of photospheric network have contrast of several tenths of percent, and their contribution to the total irradiance is approximately half that of active region faculae. The solar irradiance variations estimated from sunspots, faculae and active network (contrast>0.3%) agreed with the ACRIM data. The quiet Sun irradiance used in the present results was different from the total irradiance at the solar minimum observed by the ACRIM, which indicates unmeasured components (contrast>0.1%) cause the 11-year cycle irradiance variation. 相似文献
In this work we report on the application of video techniques to the astrometry of fast moving objects in the Solar System. Various phenomena may be observed for astrometric purposes, and two-dimensional photometry is well adapted for this. In this paper we describe in particular the method used to acquire and analyse such observations and we also give the first results obtained concerning two observations of mutual phenomena of the Galilean satellites of Jupiter which occurred during the last (1985) campaign of observations. 相似文献
J. Kovalevsky 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1980,22(2):153-163
The European Space Agency project of an astrometric satellite-HIPPARCOS-is shortly described. It will measure the angles between stars situated in fields separated by about 70°. The precision of the elementary measurements is expected to be of the order of 0.005. A similar accuracy is found to apply to the basic reduction giving the abcissae of stars referred to great circles on the sky. The final overall reduction should yield accuracies better than 0.002 in position and parallaxes and 0.002 per year in proper motions.The main features of the final catalogue are described and some possible consequences for fundamental astronomy are given.Presented at the Symposium Star Catalogues, Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics, held in honor of Paul Herget at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, November 30, 1978. 相似文献
Kevin Righter 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2011,46(9):1425-1426
Zdeněk Kopal 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1980,22(1):5-11
If the solar system is considered as a mechanical clockwork consisting of its present members which attract each other as mass-points, the extent of its present approach to secular stability (i.e., the state of minimum potential energy) — manifested by the existence of a number of nearcommensurabilities of the present orbital periods, not only of the planets, but also of their satellites —could not have been attained in a time-span of 4.6×109 yr of its age by gravitational perturbations alone.The existence of such commensurabilities — striking in many instances— could then be understood only on the assumption that either (a) the solar system was actually born with the present 2-, 3- and 4-term couplings between the orbital period of the planets already built-in from the outset (which is improbable on any known grounds); or (b) that these couplings — in particular, the 25 Jupiter-Saturn commensurability — have arisen as a result of tidal interaction between proto-planetary globes of much larger dimensions than these planets possess today. For the present dimensions and mutual distances of these planets, their tidal interaction in 109 yr would exert but negligible effects; and during that time neither their masses, nor the scale of the solar system underwent any essential change.Therefore, a hypothesis is proposed that the situation now obtaining had its origin in the early days of the formation of the solar system, when the planetary globes — in particular, those of Jupiter and Saturn (now in the terminal stage of Kelvin contraction) — were very much larger than they are today; and when, as a result, the tidal coupling between them operated at a much higher rate than at the present time.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy. 相似文献
G. P. Horedt 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1979,21(1):63-121
In Sections 1–6, we determine an approximate analytical model for the density and temperature distribution in the protoplanetary could. The rotation of the planets is discussed in Section 7 and we conclude that it cannot be determined from simple energy conservation laws.The velocity of the gas of the protoplanetary cloud is found to be smaller by about 5×103 cm s–1 in comparison to the Keplerian circular velocity. If the radius of the planetesimals is smaller than a certain limitr
1, they move together with the gas. Their vertical and horizontal motion for this case is studied in Sections 8 and 9.As the planetesimals grow by accretion their radius becomes larger thanr
1 and they move in Keplerian orbits. As long as their radius is betweenr
1 and a certain limitr
2 their gravitational interaction is negligible. In Section 10, we study the accretion for this case.In Section 11, we determine the change of the relative velocities due to close gravitational encounters. The principal equations governing the late stages of accretion are deduced in Section 12, In Section 13 there are obtained approximate analytical solutions.The effect of gas drag and of collisions is studied in Sections 14 and 15, respectively. Numerical results and conclusions concerning the last and principal stage of accretion are drawn in Section 16. 相似文献
J. Kovalevsky 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1991,177(1-2):457-464
After a short summary of the results expected from the HIPPARCOS mission, the author gives several examples illustrating the needs that will arise afterwards in order to maintain the level of precision achieved and to extend it to many more objects. Three domains are particularly dealt with in this paper:
- The maintenance of the HIPPARCOS reference system that will degrade at the rate of 2 mas per year. The instruments intended to contribute to this task should concentrate on observing a few stars as accurately as possible. The best candidates are astrolabes and optical interferometers.
- The extension of the HIPPARCOS catalogue to more stars using astrographs, Schmidt telescopes, and photoelectric meridian circles. A particularly important objective would be to reduce the GSE catalogue to this system and determine its proper motions with second epoch plates.
- The determination of new parallaxes and double star parameters in particular with CCD astrometry, astrometric photometry and various interferometric techniques.
Myron Lecar 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1996,64(1-2):163-166
We have accumulated thousands of orbits of test particles in the Solar System from the asteroid belt to beyond the orbit of Neptune. We find that the time for an orbit to make a close encounter with a perturbing planet, T
,is a function of the Lyapunov time, T
.The relation is log (T
)= a + b log (T
)where T
is a fiducial period which we have taken as the period of the principal perturber or the period of the asteroid. There are exceptions to this rule interior to the 2/3 resonance with Jupiter. There, at least in the restricted problem, for sufficiently small Jupiter mass, orbits may have a positive Lyapunov exponent and still be blocked from having a close approach to Jupiter by a zero velocity curve. Of more serious concern is whether the relation holds for purely secular resonances, and if it does, how to choose T
.This is the case of interest for the planets in the solar system. 相似文献
W. H. Jefferys G. F. Benedict P. D. Hemenway P. J. Shelus R. L. Duncombe 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1985,37(3):299-305
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST), a large optical telescope having an aperture of 2.4 meters and a length of 8.8 meters, is being developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This telescope will be placed into earth orbit by the space shuttle. Astrometric observations with the HST are made using a Fine Guidance Sensor which is capable of measuring the position of one object relative to another with an accuracy of ±0.002 arcseconds. The astrometric user of HST will be provided with an Astrometric Data Reduction Software package (ADRS). The variety of astrometric problems to be investigated with HST is discussed. 相似文献