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高翔  白红英  贺映娜 《地下水》2010,32(6):81-82
河流水体在受到污染之后有一定的自净能力,而生物-生态修复技术是对水体自净能力的一种人工强化[1],其原理是利用培育的生物或培养、接种的微生物的生命活动,对水中污染物进行转移、转化及降解作用,从而使水体得到恢复。使用水体生物—生态修复法治理秦淮河污染已达到预期效果,水质转好,河流生态日益恢复。  相似文献   

污水渗滤土地处理系统中的复氧方式及效果   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
复氧是困扰人工快渗、构造湿地等污水渗滤土地处理系统已久的问题。国际上目前采用的方法主要有3种:一是采用干湿交替的工作方式进行系统复氧,一是设置通气管对系统内部进行复氧,再一是利用植物的根系对系统内部进行复氧。研究结果表明,干湿交替的工作方式对系统的复氧条件有明显改善,而小水力负荷周期的工作方式对系统的复氧更为有效。通气管的设置通常与间歇性布水工作方式相结合,其效果通常要明显好于单纯采用干湿交替的工作方式。植物根系对系统的复氧,常因植物不同类型面具有不同的氧传输能力,植物根茎所能到达的范围往往决定了系统有效处理部位的大小。  相似文献   

通过水槽实验对紊动水体复氧规律进行了研究.将氧通量理论应用于紊动水体复氧过程的研究,得到了紊动水体表面传质系数.数值模拟研究了实验流场分布和紊动特性,得出了紊动水体表面传质系数与流速和紊动动能的关系式.不同工况的实验资料验证表明了紊动复氧理论的合理性和可靠性.  相似文献   

硫氧同位素示踪污染物来源在济南岩溶水中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,济南岩溶水硫酸盐浓度逐年升高,为了对硫酸盐污染区域实施有效的防治措施,保障饮用水安全,识别硫酸盐的污染来源极其重要。在系统分析研究区水文地质条件的基础上,根据实际的采样测试数据,采用硫、氧(S、O)双同位素示踪技术,分析识别了济南趵突泉泉域硫酸盐的主要污染来源,并通过IsoSource质量守恒模型,估算了硫酸盐各污染来源的贡献率。结果表明: 泉域内硫酸盐主要污染来源有大气沉降、污水和土壤; 大气沉降来源贡献率最大,均值达到53.9%; 其次是污水来源,均值为31%; 土壤来源贡献率最小,均值为15.1%。该研究为北方岩溶区地下水硫酸盐来源的定量研究提供了一种新方法,为济南趵突泉泉域硫酸盐污染防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

氧循环是地球系统重要的生物化学循环之一,其变化对地球的宜居性有着重要影响。工业革命以来,由于人类活动的影响,现代氧循环相比地质年代的氧循环发生了巨大的变化。陆地氧循环过程在现代氧循环中具有举足轻重的作用。从陆地植被生态系统产氧、陆地燃料燃烧耗氧等方面对已有陆地氧循环过程研究进行了回顾,表明:(1)陆地过程的变化会直接造成大气氧气浓度的波动,对大气氧气浓度有预测作用;(2)陆地氧循环过程反映了生态系统对人类活动与气候变化的响应,对评估生态安全具有指示作用。通过探究陆地氧循环过程对气候变化与人类活动的反馈,有助于预测未来大气氧气浓度的变化,为未来区域发展政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

水库深孔挑射出流对复氧的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在水工泄水建筑物复氧能力的研究中,前人对自由溢流复氧能力和闸下出流复氧能力的研究较多,但对泄流水库下层水的中孔和深孔的复氧能力研究较少.为了消除低溶解氧的水库下层水对下游生态环境的不利影响,保证水生生物的多样性,在滩坑水电站泄洪洞模型中进行了系统的试验,发现复氧率与弗汝德数和下游相对水深相关性较好,同时增设掺气槽能够显著的提高复氧率.经研究提出的在一定条件下的经验公式,为水工深孔设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

岱海湖水盐度与氧同位素定量关系的建立   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沈吉  曹建廷 《第四纪研究》2000,20(2):211-211
在平衡条件下,从海水或湖水中析出的自生碳酸盐矿物的氧同位素组成是水体温度(t)和水体氧同位素组成的函数,F,Gasse等人在前人研究的基础上给出了相应的关系式T(℃)=16.9-4.38(+0.27)+0.1+0.27(1)对于内陆封闭湖泊而言,湖水的氧同位素组成主要受控于湖区大气降水的氧同位素组成、汇水区大气降水量以及湖面的蒸发量。其中,大气降水的氧同位素组成在一定时间范围内可假设基本保持恒定,而汇水区大气降水量和湖面蒸发量可用湖水盐度指示,因此运用公式(1)计算古湖水温度的难点转化为:1)获…  相似文献   

环状河网水质模型在水污染控制规划中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
结合一维圣维南方程及CSTR水质概念模型的机理,开发了平原环状河网非稳态水质模型,并用于温州市温瑞塘河水污染控制规划的编制中。模型由水文子模型和水质子模型两部分构成,描述了水体中COD、氨氮和DO浓度随时间、空间的动态变化。利用新开发的模型,采用试错法,估算了河网的水环境容量,并以此为基础确定了远、近期污染物排放控制目标;通过研究水质恢复的滞后性,提出可以采取引水冲污、人工曝气复氧等非常规措施来改善河网水质;并且利用情景分析方法,分别设定不同流量与不同开闸方式相组合的9种冲污情景,定量化探讨了引水冲污方案;根据曝气复氧对河网水质改善的作用特征,筛选出需要曝气复氧的重点河段和次重点河段。  相似文献   

目前国内污水处理均采用传统方法处理,其工程投资巨大、运转费用昂贵,处理出水还需经一定时间自净,才允许排入地表水体。我们针对上述一系列问题,在保定市郊开展了污水土地处理中的快速入渗法处理,其处理结果,原污水中的污染质SS、COD、BOD_5、色度、氮、磷、等指标均呈几十倍到几百倍的下降。同时,  相似文献   

氮氧同位素在河流硝酸盐研究中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
多年来,世界各地河流普遍存在硝酸盐污染问题。为控制河流的硝酸盐污染,确定河水中硝酸盐的来源以及研究氮的循环过程就显得尤为重要。由于在不同成因下,硝酸盐的δ15N和δ18O存在着较大差异,因此利用氮、氧同位素方法研究河流硝酸盐问题正日益受到国内外研究人员的重视。综述了用硝酸盐中氮、氧同位素来研究河流硝酸盐的不同来源(大气沉降、化肥、牲畜粪、土壤硝酸盐等)和示踪其地球化学循环过程,特别是反硝化过程,这两方面的研究进展,并对我国河流硝酸盐研究现状进行了讨论及提出今后的研究方向。   相似文献   

我国河流湖泊污染的防治技术及发展趋势   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
我国河流湖泊污染现状为V类和劣V类水质占七大水系(辽河、海河、淮河、黄河、松花江、珠江、长江)主要断面的50%以上,高中营养化湖泊占被调查湖泊的85%以上,河流湖泊污染状况十分严峻.目前河流湖泊采取的污染防治技术措施主要有:削减截流污染源、完善城市排水系统和建设污水处理厂、河流低泥疏浚、河道曝气技术、生物修复技术、水生植被恢复工程、引清冲淡等等.生物生态技术将在河流湖泊污染防治及生态恢复中发挥重要的作用.  相似文献   

安徽省沱河沿河地区地下水水质现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对沱河沿河2km范围内地下水取样分析,查明了沿河地带村镇的地下水质现状,10m以浅地下水污染严重,以Ⅴ类水为主;10~20m地下水污染较轻,大部分为Ⅵ类水,其次为Ⅳ类水;20m以下地下水基本未受污染,水质较好,以Ⅶ类水为主。污染原因主要是河水污染、汛期河水倒灌、利用河水灌溉、化肥的过量使用、生活污水等。  相似文献   

拉拉铜矿水环境质量评价及污染因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于矿山开采可持续发展及环境保护的需要,在对四川省拉拉铜矿矿区水环境进行实地调查的基础上,利用水质监测资料,依据国家《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002),采用模糊数学方法对其水环境质量进行了综合评价。认为除尾矿水、生活污水极严重污染(类)外,其它水属清洁(类)。同时筛选出主要污染因子为来自尾矿水中的Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd和来自生活污水中的氨氮及总磷,进一步探讨了污染物的来源、毒性及迁移规律。提出对泄漏的尾矿水可通过吸附、沉淀,除去金属毒物,对生活污水可通过离子交换法和吸附法除氮除磷,同时还应对矿山水环境加强监管的措施。  相似文献   

Based on the large scale land and resources survey project--groundwater contamination survey in southeast China, a certain polluted river and its typical sites along its bank were selected as research objectives. Such river is a comprehensive sewage channel for certain provincial capital city, with complicated types of pollutants. Based on the analysis on water level of horizonal and vertical hydrogeologic profile and water quality monitoring data, the impact and range of the polluted river on local groundwater were evaluated. Data show that the polluted river supplies water to underground aquifers throughout the year, which has great impact on groundwater horizontally, but different ions have different responses. Major influential indexes such as inorganic component 3-nitrogen, sulphate, chloride etc. present an obvious relevance, while iron, manganese, fluoride, arsenic and heavy metal and so on are less impacted. The first four indexes in groundwater are less impacted by the surface sewage because of their protogenesis, and heavy metal components become less due to sediment filtration. Data also show that deep groundwater is less influenced, on the contrary, ammonia nitrogen ion is obviously impacted. On the basis of influence degree as well as range of evaluation, some factors that caused the existing influence were discussed and proposes feasible study direction.  相似文献   

The present study aims at assessing water quality of river Yamuna in one of the world’s most polluted and populated megacities, Delhi. Conductivity, salinity and sodium content were within the permissible categories. Chloride concentration exceeded acceptable levels of drinking water guidelines. Water quality was poor at all locations with respect to heavy metal contamination, especially along the lower section of the Delhi stretch. Heavy metal concentrations were manifold higher than the acceptable limits of drinking water according to the BIS guidelines and reached ~29, 4.9, 10, 31, 27, 83, 7.3 and 27 times higher, respectively, for metals aluminum, copper, chromium, cadmium, iron, lead, manganese and nickel. The Najafgarh and the Shahdara drains are major point sources. Low oxidation–reduction potential reflected high organic loads and traces of eutrophication together with significant levels of nitrate and total phosphate. Discharges from agriculture, sewage and power plants could be important sources of high metal concentration. This calls for urgent measures to be taken for prevention of metal contamination in the river, through both, technology as well as implementation of regulations in order to sustain huge populations in megacities like Delhi. Waste water treatment from point sources needs tremendous improvement on the city. Treatment of the entire waste generated up to the tertiary level is required for minimizing dissolved solids, especially toxic metals, and rendering reuse in agriculture suitable. Treatment plants need proper operation, maintenance, uninterrupted power supply and regular monitoring. Various measure and programmes need to be undertaken to ensure safe reuse of wastewater.  相似文献   

利用拉拉铜矿矿区水环境调查和水质监测资料,依据国家《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002),采用模糊数学方法对矿区水环境质量进行了综合评价,认为除尾矿水、生活污水极严重污染(Ⅴ类)外,其他水属清洁(Ⅰ类);同时筛选出主要污染因子为来自尾矿水中的Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd和生活污水中的总氮、总磷,进一步探讨了污染物可能造成的环境危害.提出对泄漏的尾矿水可通过吸附、沉淀,除去金属毒物;对生活污水可通过离子交换法和吸附法除氮、除磷,同时还应对矿山水环境加强监管的措施.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(11):2138-2153
Recent geochemical and hydrological findings show that the water quality of the base flow of the Lower Jordan River, between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, is dependent upon the ratio between surface water flow and groundwater discharge. Using water quality data, mass-balance calculations, and actual flow-rate measurements, possible management scenarios for the Lower Jordan River and their potential affects on its salinity are investigated. The predicted scenarios reveal that implementation of some elements of the Israel–Jordan peace treaty will have negative effects on the Jordan River water salinity. It is predicted that removal of sewage effluents dumped into the river (∼13 MCM/a) will significantly reduce the river water’s flow and increase the relative proportion of the saline groundwater flux into the river. Under this scenario, the Cl content of the river at its southern point (Abdalla Bridge) will rise to almost 7000 mg/L during the summer. In contrast, removal of all the saline water (16.5 MCM/a) that is artificially discharged into the Lower Jordan River will significantly reduce its Cl concentration, to levels of 650–2600 and 3000–3500 mg/L in the northern and southern areas of the Lower Jordan River, respectively. However, because the removal of either the sewage effluents or the saline water will decrease the river’s discharge to a level that could potentially cause river desiccation during the summer months, other water sources must be allocated to preserve in-stream flow needs and hence the river’s ecosystem.  相似文献   

The possible sources of water pollution and the evolution of water quality in the Malian River Basin of China’s Longdong Loess Plateau were studied based on chemical analysis. Concentrations of major chemicals in the river were related to the distance downstream from the source of the river and the surface water in the upstream had good quality, while the river from Southern Huanxian County to Qingcheng County was seriously polluted. Groundwater quality was generally good in the phreatic aquifer beneath the loess plateau, with bicarbonate and calcium dominant, but salinity was high and petroleum pollution was present in many parts of the study area. Both surface water and groundwater quality have declined rapidly during the past 20 years, leading to much of the water unsafe to drink and unsuitable for use in irrigation. The substances released into the water included industrial wastes, domestic sewage, organic and inorganic fertilizers, and pesticides, as well as a range of other substances that are harmful to humans. However, petroleum contamination caused by the oil industry in the Longdong oilfield is the largest source of pollution that infiltrates surface water and groundwater, leading to deterioration of water quality. It is recommended that oilfield management must be improved and the petroleum products and wastes must be disposed carefully to reduce the risk of further spills and pollution.  相似文献   

铜陵矿区主要河流水质分析与污染评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜陵矿区是长江下游重要的铜铁资源基地,也是典型的含硫多金属矿区,矿山酸性废水是矿业开发活动不可避免的环境问题,对地表水体有很大影响。本文以铜陵矿区主要河流为研究对象,通过野外调查采样和室内测试分析,从常规理化性质、矿山酸性废水和重金属元素三方面分析了的水质现状,采用单因子指数和内梅罗水质指数法进行了污染评价。结果表明:(1)矿区河流污染成分以有机污染和矿山酸性废水污染为主,其次是重金属污染。(2)在检测的46个河段中, 按综合污染指数大小分级,共计有93.48%的河段受到不同程度的污染,其中,水质严重污染的河段占 4.35%,水质重污染的河段占13.04%,水质污染的河段占 65.22%,水质轻污染的河段占10.87%;共计有6.52%的河段水质较好,均为清洁状态。(3)3条河流按污染程度大小依次为新桥河>顺安河>红星河,除顺安河外,其他均受到了矿山酸性废水污染。今后应重点关注矿山酸性废水的污染机理与风险评估,加强矿区水环境保护与恢复治理工作。  相似文献   

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