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水电站大坝建成后,水库的泄流由闸门控制,但泄往往与水下游水文的流量不一致,给水库防洪调度的安全带来影响。本文通过水口水电站水库运行中出现泄流量模型与原型值偏差的分析,以及通过测验率定情况,表明电站水库运行后,必须对益洪道泄流曲线模型值进行率定,提高泄流量精度,以确保水库防洪调度的安全。  相似文献   

洙浴水库位于陕西省宝鸡高新技术开发区马营镇洙浴村西南,大坝为均质土坝,坝高18 m,目前已运行四十多年,因年久失修,大坝迎水坡干砌石破坏严重,背水坡雨水冲蚀,坡面不整,存在严重安全隐患。按照大坝加固设计原则,对大坝稳定问题进行渗流复核计算,考虑水库运行中出现的各种不利条件,按照三种不同工况对现状及加固后大坝各工况大坝单宽流量和渗流进行计算分析,结果显示:大坝的单宽流量最大为1.34 m~3/d·m,水力坡降为0.063,大坝体出溢点渗透坡降小于土体允许渗透坡降,表明现状大坝在稳定渗流作用下是安全的,不会发生渗流破坏。研究结果为大坝后期除险加固和安全运行提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

陆浑水库坝基断层破碎带渗透稳定性评价   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
陆浑水库位于河南省洛阳市嵩县境内。为了论证大坝在水库投入正常高水位(319.5m,327.5m,331.8m)运行时的安全,经过对30余年的水位观测资料的整理和分析,在厘定水文地质模型的定性分析基础上,运用现代数理统计原理,成功地解决了困扰水库正常运行的坝基渗流问题,获得了善于坝基渗透稳定状况及其变化趋势的认识。结果表明:目前大坝的运行状况是正常的;水库在缓慢蓄水过程中,截水槽的薄弱部位可以得到渗透中固,截水槽中的填土与岩石结合面的抗渗比降可达45以上;上游铺盖与截水槽结合下游排水的防渗体系有效地控制了坝基渗流。同时,预测了高水位时坝基渗流是稳定的,水库完全可以投入高水位运行。这为病险水库的论证提供了一个案例。  相似文献   

滴水岩水库是一座以灌溉为主兼有防洪和供水等效益的Ⅴ等小(2)型水库工程,大坝为浆砌石防渗斜墙堆石坝,上游为重力防渗墙,大坝自运行以来,由于上游重力墙边坡太陡抗滑稳定不足,坝体不稳定,导致防渗墙多处裂缝、水库渗漏严重等问题,影响其正常运行及坝体安全和下游防洪保安。针对大坝存在问题,对滴水岩水库大坝除险加固施工方案加厚重力墙外加防渗面板、抛石和预应力锚固重力墙三种方案进行论证和比较,最终采取加厚重力墙外加防渗面板方案。经3年高水位运行,坝体原渗点未出现漏水,坝体稳定,加固质量可靠,达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

山西省政府近日发布的《关于加强水库安全管理工作的意见》(以下简称《意见》)规定,禁止在水库大坝管理和保护范围内进行采矿等活动。该《意见》要求,认真落实水库安全管理责任制,切实加强水库工程运行调度管理.加大水库安全保护力度,规范水库安全管理;禁止在大坝管理和保护范围内进行爆破、打井、采煤、采石、采矿;禁止在库区内进行围垦、采煤、开矿、修坟等其他危害水库安全的活动。  相似文献   

石长青  赵毅鹏 《河南地质》1998,16(3):202-207
宿鸭湖水库是一座综合利用的平原大型水库,经75.8特大洪水考验后暴露出坝基修漏及渗透稳定等诸多工程地质问题,本文通过对多次勘察及水库观测资料的整理分析,对洼地段坝前后渗水的形成机制进行了论证,指出坝基粉质粘土(Ⅲ)的大孔隙结构与坝后排渗设施不完善,年久失修是该段坝后渗水的主要原因,并提出治理措施,建议被设计部门采纳,大坝经加固除险施工,水库运行15年来证明,大坝安全,水库运行正常。  相似文献   

乌金塘水库位于辽宁省葫芦岛市,集防洪、城乡供水和养殖渔业为一体,该水库运行多年,存在诸多问题,针对水库主副坝的主坝坝基、坝体渗流现状和大坝渗流安全问题进行详细分析评价,分析结果可知:乌金塘水库主副坝防渗体及反滤排水设施比较完善,大坝渗流压力与渗流量变化的规律较为正常,水库主副坝运行多年来,并没有异常渗流现象发生。溢洪道底板与基础部位连接状况良好,在水库运行这么多年来从未发生渗漏现象;堰体抗滑稳定安全系数在堰基扬压力的作用下满足规范要求。  相似文献   

高永忠  彭金城  方启文 《地下水》2005,27(4):317-318
土工膜用于水库大坝防渗,南沙河水库是陕西南部地区第一个工程实例.本文总结介绍了材料、性能、参数选定,稳定分析,工程结构,运行情况.  相似文献   

结合边坡形态分析高边坡边坡稳定性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋文博 《地下水》2003,25(3):191-193
下坂地水利枢纽工程右坝肩高边坡的稳定性,对大坝及水库运行安全影响很大,结合工程地质条件,采用边坡形态及结构面综合分析、评价边坡的稳定性,提出了工程处理具体措施。  相似文献   

苇子沟水库主要由拦河大坝、输水洞、开敞式溢洪道组成,工程规模属于小(1)型水库。苇子沟水库大坝、溢洪道、输水洞在运行中已暴露出不同程度的质量问题,如溢洪道未作任何衬砌,岩石节理裂隙甚多,溢洪较大时会有局部轻度冲刷、坍塌现象,输水洞出现裂隙和严重漏水等问题。现根据设计、施工资料结合多年的运用管理情况,对苇子沟水库工程现状与工程质量及水库安全总体情况进行分析,以利于对苇子沟水库工程现状质量与水库总体安全进行评价,为类似水库工程质量与水库总体安全评价分析提供参考作用。  相似文献   

本文以龙井水库大坝为例,运用有限单元法对粘土心墙坝的渗流进行分析计算,同时运用瑞典圆弧滑动法和简化Bishop法对粘土心墙坝的坝体稳定进行分析计算,在此基础上对水库大坝进行了渗流安全评价和稳定性安全评价。  相似文献   

梁永玖 《云南地质》2011,30(1):112-114
对包墩水库建成运行以来的工程地质、水文地质及大坝渗漏、稳定作出评价,归纳存在的工程地质问题,提出相应的防渗漏处理措施。  相似文献   

经过对 30余年水位观测资料的整理和分析 ,在厘定水文地质模型的基础上 ,运用数理统计原理 ,获得了坝基地下水渗流特征及其变化趋势的基本认识 ,这包括库、管水位关系 ,代表断面测压管平均位势过程线 ,特定库水位时测压管管水位过程线 ,坝基渗流量变化。研究表明 ,上游铺盖与截水槽结合下游排水的防渗体系有效地控制了坝基水位 ,这为水库投入正常高水位(319.5 ,32 7.5 ,331.8m)的运行提供了详实的理论依据。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩区悬托河谷的水文地质结构比较复杂。当修建水库时,渗漏常是最主要的工程地质问题。作者对悬托河谷的水文地质结构进行了划分,并对悬托河的形成条件进行了探讨,这对选择良好的库坝位置,指导工程地质勘察,评价水库渗漏,合理制定开发方案、工程规模及防渗措施,都具重要意义。  相似文献   

金沙江白鹤滩水电工程坝区发育有数条规模较大的、对工程有直接影响的玄武岩层间错动带。错动带内充填碎屑夹泥,当大坝建成蓄水之后,在高水头差下容易发生渗透破坏,可能影响坝区水工建筑物运行的安全和稳定。针对厂坝区的地形地貌、地质结构、大坝水工建筑物和防渗排水系统的设计布置特点,建立了坝区左岸三维有限元精细模型。并采用插值拟合的方法确定特定断面边界的地下水位,计算模拟了运行期白鹤滩电站左岸坝区渗流场的变化规律和水力梯度场的分布,并结合在现场开展的错动带的渗透破坏试验数据,确定了错动带的允许水力梯度,评价错动带内渗透破坏的可能性。研究结果表明:现有的渗控措施在坝区形成了明显的降落漏斗,地下厂区防渗排水系统效果良好,渗压得到了有效控制。然而C2错动带内部分区域的水力梯度超过允许水力梯度,可能会发生渗透破坏。提出设置截渗洞和加强帷幕的防治措施,并模拟验证了这一措施可以较好地截断渗漏通道,保障厂房安全稳定运行。  相似文献   

综合物探方法在瀑河水库工程勘察中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在瀑河水库工程勘察中,合理地采取综合物探方法,收到了较好的勘察效果,既完成了坝址的岩性分层,又查明了库区阻水铺盖层厚度、潜水面分布、渗流方向和速度。实践表明综合物探方法在水利工程勘察中具有很大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

In this study, seepage phenomena through the right abutment of Shahid Abbaspour dam are investigated. The Shahid Abbaspour dam is a 200 m high arch dam, which regulates the waters of the Karun River, serves power generation, and flood control and irrigation needs. The dam site lies in the Zagros Mountains of southern Iran. This region presents continuous series of mainly of karstic limestone, marl, shale and gypsum ranging in age from Jurassic to Pliocene. The region has subsequently been folded and faulted. Seepage from the Shahid Abbaspour reservoir occurs mainly through the karstic limestone.The basic foundation treatment of the dam consisted of consolidation grouting, a high-pressure grout curtain and a drainage curtain. Moreover, a 144 m high and 30 m wide concrete cutoff wall was built to prevent reservoir seepage through a clay-filled fracture zone in the right abutment. The grout curtain penetrates the “Principal Vuggy Zone” only beneath the central portion of the dam and below the cutoff wall. In the right abutment fan curtains were constructed to reduce drainage flows, but the seepage problem could not be solved. In order to determine the seepage direction and karstification pattern, hydrogeological studies have been carried out. Additional investigation boreholes have been drilled to monitor fluctuations in groundwater level. Besides these, water chemistry, dye tracer, pinhole and XRF tests have been carried out. As a result of these studies, seepage paths have been identified in the karstic limestone in the right abutment of the dam.  相似文献   

蓝洞水库大坝病险综合物探勘查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
奚家鉴 《物探与化探》1999,23(5):356-362
针对蓝洞水库均质大坝出现散渗等病险,根据区内各介质物理性质及地球物理特征,合理选择了高密度电阻率、探地雷达、瞬态瑞雷波和自然电场4种物探方法进行综合勘查,查明病险的水源来向,为评估坝体的稳定性和加固处理设计提供依据.  相似文献   

Treatment of the seepage problems at the Kalecik Dam (Turkey)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Sedat Turkmen   《Engineering Geology》2003,68(3-4):159-169
This paper describes the seepage prevention measures at Kalecik Dam. Water leaked from the foundation of the dam after the impoundment. The dam, 77 m in height, was constructed for irrigation purposes.

The foundation consists of Mesozoic ophiolite, Paleocene allochthonous units composed of different lithologies and Miocene conglomerate. Karstified and fractured Paleocene limestone outcrops on the right bank of the dam foundation. This unit extends into, and its thickness increases within, the right abutment. The leakage occurs towards the downstream springs through the right bank limestone.

The main grout curtain is 200 m long and 60 m deep and was constructed on the right bank. After reservoir impounding, new springs were observed in the downstream area. Therefore, after the construction of the dam, remedial curtain grouting was required and carried out in three stages. Firstly, the main grout curtain was supplemented by additional grouting to seal the fractures and infill karstic cavities. The diversion tunnel was also repaired. The curtain depth was the same as the depth of the previous curtain. The second stage of additional treatment consisted of new deep grouting. Some investigation holes were also drilled along the same alignment as the main curtain to locate the seepage in the region. These holes were extended to an elevation of 442 m. The final stage of grouting measures was between the spillway and the dam body and underneath the spillway.

As a result of the additional grouting measures, the spring discharges observed downstream of the dam embankment decreased. However, the seepage paths were extended and were moved with time so that the seepage problems are still continuing.  相似文献   

The rockfill dam of this study has a clay core, filter zone, and sandy gravel shell, and it is located in the Nakdong River basin in Korea. Filling the reservoir began in August 1994 and it was full by April 1998. When the reservoir level was approximately 150 m, three settlement holes were found in the dam crest. To determine possible seepage paths and potential damaged areas within the rockfill dam, 15 tracer tests were performed during two periods. During the two test periods, six and nine tracer tests were conducted when the average water levels of the reservoir were 145 m and 142 m, respectively. Rhodamine WT (RWT) and bromide ion were used as tracers. For each test, 1800 to 4000 L of tracer solution were injected into the riprap for about 5 h. The 15 injection points were uniformly distributed from the right to left sides of the embankment and the two tracers were injected alternately. Tracer concentrations were monitored at 26 observation wells, which were divided into four groups by their geographical positions: right side of the crest, left side of the crest, right side of the dam toe, and left side of the dam toe. For each tracer test, more than 30 water samples were taken during a period of 96 h at each observation well. Based the breakthrough curves obtained from the sequential tracer tests, it was inferred that the most probable seepage paths and potential damaged area were in the left side of the crest (tongue wing zone) and, to a lesser extent, in the right side of the dam abutment.  相似文献   

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