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泛地理信息时代来临及SoLoMo互联网模式盛行,如何高效管理移动对象位置数据、社交关系数据及地理空间数据成为GIS与移动对象数据库研究领域一项全新的技术挑战。首先基于图模型提出了移动对象时空轨迹及社交关系的一体化数据模型GSM,实现了移动对象所在地理空间、移动对象位置与轨迹、移动对象之间社交关系的时空一体化表达,并定义了该模型的四种基础操作算子;然后基于图数据库系统Neo4J实现了GSM模型;最后利用真实的Brightkite、Gowalla位置社交网络数据验证了GSM模型的有效性。所提出的GSM模型能够有效避免关系数据库中表连接造成的移动对象管理与查询效率低下的问题,具有良好的执行效率及稳定性,可为基于位置的社交网络应用提供核心技术支持。  相似文献   

大数据驱动的人类移动模式和模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大数据时代的到来使得基于个体粒度的海量时空轨迹获取人类移动模式成为可能。来自不同领域的学者基于手机通话数据、公交卡刷卡记录、社交网站签到数据、出租车轨迹、银行刷卡记录等进行了人类移动模式的研究,这些研究丰富了地理信息系统的时空分析方法,为从个体角度审视人与地理环境之间的交互关系提供了一个新视角,并可以应用于交通、公共卫生等领域。总结了基于大数据的人类移动模式研究流程,归纳了人类移动模式的基本度量方法,探讨了解释所观测移动模式的模型构建方法,指出了地理环境对于移动模型建立的影响。  相似文献   

一种基于模糊长短期神经网络的移动对象轨迹预测算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李明晓  张恒才  仇培元  程诗奋  陈洁  陆锋 《测绘学报》2018,47(12):1660-1669
预测移动对象未来某时刻位置能够为城市规划与管理、城市公共安全、城市应急指挥等提供重要的决策依据,也可为个性化信息推荐、广告定投等基于位置的服务应用提供技术支持。已有预测算法多采用固定格网剖分,位置相近轨迹点常被划分至不同格网,使得潜在轨迹模式被忽略,降低了预测精度。此外,已有预测模型不能有效学习到长序列轨迹有效信息,造成长期依赖问题。本文提出一种基于模糊长短时记忆神经网络(fuzzy long short term memory network,Fuzzy-LSTM)模型的移动对象轨迹预测算法,引入模糊轨迹概念解决固定格网剖分所导致的尖锐边界问题,并对传统LSTM进行改进,综合利用移动对象历史轨迹邻近性和周期性出行特征,提高移动对象轨迹位置预测精度。最后,采用某市10万用户连续15个工作日的移动通讯信令轨迹数据集对方法进行试验分析。结果表明,本文方法在30 min预测周期内的预测平均准确率达到83.98%,较经典的Naïve-LSTM预测模型和NLPMM预测模型分别提高了4.36%和6.95%。  相似文献   

刘民士  龙毅  孙勇 《测绘通报》2020,(4):134-138
移动轨迹是移动对象在地理空间环境中移动而留下的痕迹。移动轨迹数据是一类特殊的地理时空数据,它具有时间尺度、空间尺度和语义尺度特征。本文首先分析了轨迹数据的空间尺度特征与时间尺度特征,建立了轨迹空间尺度与时间尺度转换关系式;然后论述了轨迹的语义内涵和语义尺度特征,将轨迹语义分为移动对象语义、地理空间环境语义、采集设备语义、移动方式语义,并从地理空间环境语义的角度分析了轨迹的语义多尺度;最后探讨了轨迹语义尺度与时空尺度之间的一致性关系。  相似文献   

随着互联网的快速发展,社交网络对人类社会生活各个方面产生了重大影响。当人们从海量的社交网络数据中获取有价值的信息,社交网络数据的多样性和复杂性导致利用这些数据时存在着很多问题,如海量信息中提取感兴趣数据的效率过低。在智慧城市的建设中,如何高效利用这些海量数据为智慧城市提供决策支持是个巨大挑战。基于位置的社交网络数据具有丰富的信息,采用基于文本和空间聚类的方法探究城市服务设施的空间分布,再利用POI(point?of?interest)验证实验的可行性和结果的正确性。  相似文献   

结合室内轨迹数据的特点,研究了室内移动对象语义轨迹序列处理方法,以及利用LDA主题模型与用户历史轨迹进行室内商场用户分类的方法。提出了通过关联规则分析挖掘用户语义位置模式的方法,并以北京某大型商场的实际用户轨迹数据为例,对所提出的方法进行了实验验证。  相似文献   

近年来,基于位置的社交媒体飞速发展,为人类移动规律的挖掘与研究带来新的数据源。基于扩展Markov模型,加入时间维度,提出一种利用社交媒体时空数据挖掘人类活动规律的方法,探索用户的活动位置和活动位置的变化规律。应用该方法对北京市新浪微博用户的个体和群体活动规律进行探索,可有效挖掘人类在以小时为单位细粒度时段的移动规律并由此反映区位人口的动态变化。  相似文献   

来自社交网络的时空大数据具有海量和高动态的特性,有效选择时空数据进行聚焦挖掘分析至关重要。以微博位置签到数据为例,首先,对时空大数据空间聚类挖掘的有效选择问题进行了研究,针对社交网络时空数据不确定性问题,提出了时空大数据针对聚类挖掘的有效选择方法。聚类挖掘有效选择方法提出从空间、时间或属性等维度对时空大数据进行分割。然后,对分割得到的数据集进行空间探索分析(exploratory spatial data analysis,ESDA),得到具有聚类挖掘潜力的数据集。最后,以武汉市微博位置签到数据进行商圈热点探测为例,对提出的社交网络时空大数据聚类挖掘有效选择方法进行验证。结果表明,有效选择方法可以得到挖掘效率和精准性更高的时空数据集。  相似文献   

室内导航网络是室内位置服务的基础,传统人工测绘或基于CAD半自动提取等方法时效性较差。室内移动对象众包轨迹数据的出现为室内导航网络构建提供了一种新的解决方案。提出一种室内导航网络众包构建方法。首先提取出用于构建室内导航网络的廊道区域轨迹点;其次通过轨迹点生长融合聚类算法将廊道轨迹点转化为聚类点;最后通过聚类点连接生成室内导航网络。以某商城一楼2 d的移动对象轨迹数据进行了实验。结果表明,本文方法提取的室内导航网络准确度较高,能够为室内空间结构快速变化检测和更新提供支持。  相似文献   

路网更新的轨迹-地图匹配方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
吴涛  向隆刚  龚健雅 《测绘学报》2017,46(4):507-515
全面准确的路网信息作为智慧城市的重要基础之一,在城市规划、交通管理以及大众出行等方面具有重要意义和价值。然而,传统的基于测量的路网数据获取方式往往周期较长,不能及时反映最新的道路信息。近几年,随着定位技术在移动设备的广泛运用,国内外学者在研究路网信息获取时逐渐将视野转向移动对象的轨迹数据中所蕴含的道路信息。当前,基于移动位置信息的路网生成和更新方法多是直接面向全部轨迹数据施加道路提取算法,在处理大规模轨迹或者大范围道路时,计算量极大。为此,本文基于轨迹地图匹配技术,提出一种采用"检查→分析→提取→更新"过程的螺旋式路网数据更新策略。其主要思想是逐条输入轨迹,借助HMM地图匹配发现已有路网中的问题路段,进而从问题路段周边局部范围内的轨迹数据中提取并更新相关道路信息。该方法仅在局部范围内利用少量轨迹数据来修复路网,避免了对整个轨迹数据集进行计算,从而有效减少了计算量。基于OpenStreetMap的武汉市区路网数据以及武汉市出租车轨迹数据的试验表明,本文提出的路网更新方法不仅可行,而且灵活高效。  相似文献   

出租车轨迹数据挖掘进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴华意  黄蕊  游兰  向隆刚 《测绘学报》2019,48(11):1341-1356
大数据、物联网与精密定位技术的发展推动了城市感知的进步。随着社会活动的与日俱增,出租车轨迹数据不仅记录了出租车的行车轨迹,还蕴藏着道路交通状态、城市居民出行规律、城市结构及其他社会问题。通过各种数据分析与挖掘手段对出租车轨迹数据进行深入探究,对于智能交通、城市规划等有着重要意义。本文综述了近十年国内外基于出租车轨迹大数据的相关研究,按照空间统计方法、时间序列方法、图论与网络方法及机器学习方法等4类,详细阐述各类方法的研究现状。随后,本文分析了现有研究的应用领域、热点主题和发展趋势。最后,本文指出了出租车轨迹数据挖掘研究领域面临的挑战和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

移动轨迹聚类方法研究综述   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
轨迹数据是人类移动行为的表征,能够映射出人的出行模式和社会属性等信息。怎样有效挖掘轨迹数据蕴藏的人类活动规律一直是研究的热点。通过轨迹聚类发现行为相似的类簇,从而探究群体的移动模式是轨迹挖掘和深度应用常见的方法之一。本文首先根据轨迹数据的特点,将轨迹数据模型分为轨迹点模型和轨迹段模型,并据此定义相应的相似性度量:空间相似性度量和时空相似性度量;然后,对两类模型的聚类方法进行了综述,并总结不同聚类算法的优缺点,以期为不同应用选取聚类算法提供科学依据;最后对移动轨迹数据聚类方法研究的发展趋势进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Despite their increasing popularity in human mobility studies, few studies have investigated the geo‐spatial quality of GPS‐enabled mobile phone data in which phone location is determined by special queries designed to collect location data with predetermined sampling intervals (hereafter “active mobile phone data”). We focus on two key issues in active mobile phone data—systematic gaps in tracking records and positioning uncertainty—and investigate their effects on human mobility pattern analyses. To address gaps in records, we develop an imputation strategy that utilizes local environment information, such as parcel boundaries, and recording time intervals. We evaluate the performance of the proposed imputation strategy by comparing raw versus imputed data with participants’ online survey responses. The results indicate that imputed data are superior to raw data in identifying individuals’ frequently visited places on a weekly basis. To assess the location accuracy of active mobile phone data, we investigate the spatial and temporal patterns of the positional uncertainty of each record and examine via Monte Carlo simulation how inaccurate location information might affect human mobility pattern indicators. Results suggest that the level of uncertainty varies as a function of time of day and the type of land use at which the position was determined, both of which are closely related to the location technology used to determine the location. Our study highlights the importance of understanding and addressing limitations of mobile phone derived positioning data prior to their use in human mobility studies.  相似文献   

Identifying and characterizing variations of human activity – specifically changes in intensity and similarity – in urban environments provide insights into the social component of those eminently complex systems. Using large volumes of user-generated mobile phone data, we derive mobile communication profiles that we use as a proxy for the collective human activity. In this article, geocomputational methods and geovisual analytics such as self-organizing maps (SOM) are used to explore the variations of these profiles, and its implications for collective human activity. We evaluate the merits of SOM as a cross-dimensional clustering technique and derived temporal trajectories of variations within the mobile communication profiles. The trajectories’ characteristics such as length are discussed, suggesting spatial variations in intensity and similarity in collective human activity. Trajectories are linked back to the geographic space to map the spatial and temporal variation of trajectory characteristics. Different trajectory lengths suggest that mobile phone activity is correlated with the spatial configuration of the city, and so at different times of the day. Our approach contributes to the understanding of the space-time social dynamics within urban environments.  相似文献   

李翔  李瑞祥 《测绘工程》2021,30(3):1-8,14
移动载体及其用户的轨迹数据记录相关的行为特征和运动规律,具有重要的社会研究价值,也是轨迹数据挖掘、行为特征匹配等方面的研究重点。然而,在采用GPS获取轨迹数据的过程中会因为信号丢失或者干扰等影响造成轨迹数据的缺失。在路网未知的条件下,由于缺乏快速有效的轨迹修补算法,大多数缺失轨迹会被舍弃或者简单预估处理,严重影响轨迹信息提取的准确性和可用性。针对这一问题,根据轨迹丢失具体情况,确定轨迹丢失点和分类判断规则;以航向角动态变化作为标尺,提出一种丢失轨迹点插值拟合补全算法;最后,利用该算法对采集过程中几类缺失的轨迹数据分别进行实验分析。实验结果表明,在路网未知的条件下,该算法能够快速、准确地完成缺失轨迹点的补全工作,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

The implementation of social network applications on mobile platforms has significantly elevated the activity of mobile social networking. Mobile social networking offers a channel for recording an individual’s spatiotemporal behaviors when location-detecting capabilities of devices are enabled. It also facilitates the study of time geography on an individual level, which has previously suffered from a scarcity of georeferenced movement data. In this paper, we report on the use of georeferenced tweets to display and analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of daily user trajectories. For georeferenced tweets having both location information in longitude and latitude values and recorded creation time, we apply a space–time cube approach for visualization. Compared to the traditional methodologies for time geography studies such as the travel diary-based approach, the analytics using social media data present challenges broadly associated with those of Big Data, including the characteristics of high velocity, large volume, and heterogeneity. For this study, a batch processing system has been developed for extracting spatiotemporal information from each tweet and then creating trajectories of each individual mobile Twitter user. Using social media data in time geographic research has the benefits of study area flexibility, continuous observation and non-involvement with contributors. For example, during every 30-minute cycle, we collected tweets created by about 50,000 Twitter users living in a geographic region covering New York City to Washington, DC. Each tweet can indicate the exact location of its creator when the tweet was posted. Thus, the linked tweets show a Twitter users’ movement trajectory in space and time. This study explores using data intensive computing for processing Twitter data to generate spatiotemporal information that can recreate the space–time trajectories of their creators.  相似文献   

张昊  张健钦  郭小刚  卢剑  陆浩 《测绘通报》2021,(10):146-149
针对目前轨迹大数据基于WebGIS的热力图展示中的成图耗时较长、用户移动缩放交互差等问题,本文建立了基于HBase的轨迹数据与地图数据存储模型,为轨迹大数据在电子地图上进行热力图展示提供了存储方法,同时提出一种基于聚类处理的轨迹数据热力图可视化方法,针对不同缩放级别能够有效地减少数据绘制计算量与数据传输量,较大地提升了热力图渲染与展示的效率。试验证明,该方案能够实现轨迹数据、电子地图数据的存储,提高热力图可视化绘制效率,能够为轨迹数据挖掘与分析提供技术支撑。  相似文献   


Location-aware big data from social media have been widely used to quantitatively characterize natural disasters and disaster-induced losses. It is not clear how human activities collectively respond to a disaster. In this study, we examined the collective human activities in response to Typhoon Hato at multi spatial scales using aggregated location request data. We proposed a Multilevel Abrupt Changes Detection (MACD) methodological framework to detect and characterize the abrupt changes in location requests in response to Typhoon Hato. Results show that, at the grid level, most anomaly grids were located within a radius of 53?km around the typhoon trajectory. At the city level, there are significant spatial difference in terms of the human activity recovery duration (230?h on average). At the subnational level, the absolute magnitude of abrupt location request changes is strongly correlated with the typhoon-induced economic losses and the population affected.  相似文献   

Enormous quantities of trajectory data are collected from many sources, such as GPS devices and mobile phones, as sequences of spatio‐temporal points. These data can be used in many application domains such as traffic management, urban planning, tourism, bird migration, and so on. Raw trajectory data, as generated by mobile devices have very little or no semantics, and in most applications a higher level of abstraction is needed to exploit these data for decision making. Although several different methods have been proposed so far for trajectory querying and mining, there are no software tools to help the end user with semantic trajectory data analysis. In this article we present a software architecture for semantic trajectory data mining as well as the first software prototype to enrich trajectory data with both semantic information and data mining. As a prototype we extend the Weka data mining toolkit with the module Weka‐STPM, which is interoperable with databases constructed under OGC specifications. We tested Weka‐STPM with real geographic databases, and trajectory data stored under the Postgresql/PostGIS DBMS.  相似文献   

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