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The lower Araguás catchment, central Pyrenees, is characterized by extensive badlands (25% of the total catchment), whereas the upper catchment is covered by dense plantation forest. The catchment (45 ha) has been monitored since October 2005 with the aim of studying its hydrological response. The 44 floods recorded over this period were analysed to identify the factors that control the rainfall—runoff relationship. The first relevant feature of the catchment was its responsiveness. The catchment reacted to all rainfall events, but the irregular nature of the hydrological response was the most characteristic feature of the response. No single variable could explain the response of the Araguás catchment. It was found that stormflow coefficients mainly depend on the combination of rainfall volume and antecedent baseflow. A significant correlation was observed between maximum rainfall intensity and peak flow values. The shapes of the different hydrographs are very similar, regardless of the peak flow magnitude; they show a short time lag, relatively narrow peak flow, and steep recession limb. This indicates a large contribution by overland flow, resulting mainly from the generation of infiltration excess runoff in badland areas.  相似文献   

To improve understanding of DOC dynamics in seasonal Mediterranean environments, rainfall, soil water, groundwater and stream water samples were taken during a 27-month period in the Can Vila catchment (northeast Spain). Using these data, we characterized DOC dynamics in the different hydrological compartments and analysed the factors affecting them. We also analysed DOC dynamics during storm events and the factors that control DOC delivery to the stream. The results show some seasonality in rainwater and soil water DOC concentrations, while no clear seasonality was observed in stream water and groundwater, where DOC dynamics were strongly related to discharge and water table variations. For storm events with several discharge peaks, the slope of the discharge–DOC concentration relationship was higher for the first peak. The rather similar dynamics of stream water DOC concentration in all floods contrast with the observed diversity of hydrological processes. This raises the question of the origin of the observed rapid DOC increase.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman


The temporal and spatial dynamics of groundwater was investigated in a small catchment in the Spanish Pyrenees, which was extensively used for agriculture in the past. Analysis of the water table fluctuations at five locations over a 6‐year period demonstrated that the groundwater dynamics had a marked seasonal cycle involving a wetting‐up period that commenced with the first autumn rainfall events, a saturation period during winter and spring and a drying‐down period from the end of spring until the end of the summer. The length of the saturation period showed great interannual variability, which was mainly influenced by the rainfall and evapotranspiration characteristics. There was marked spatial variability in the water table, especially during the wetting‐up period, which could be related to differences in slope and drainage area, geomorphology, soil properties and local topography. Areas contributing to runoff generation were identified within the catchment by field mapping of moisture conditions. Areas contributing to infiltration excess runoff were correlated with former cultivated fields affected by severe sheetwash erosion. Areas contributing to saturation excess runoff were characterized by a marked spatial dynamics associated with catchment wetness conditions. The saturation spatial pattern, which was partially related to the topographic index, was very patchy throughout the catchment, suggesting the influence of other factors associated with past agricultural activities, including changes in local topography and soil properties. The relationship between water table levels and stream flow was weak, especially during the wetting‐up period, suggesting little connection between ground water and the hydrological response, at least at some locations. The results suggest that in drier and human‐disturbed environments, such as sub‐Mediterranean mountains, saturation patterns cannot be represented only by the general topography of the catchment. They also suggest that groundwater storage and runoff is not a succession of steady‐state flow conditions, as assumed in most hydrological models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of precipitation (D and 18O) has been widely used as an input signal in water tracer studies. Whereas much recent effort has been put into developing methodologies to improve our understanding and modelling of hydrological processes (e.g., transit‐time distributions or young water fractions), less attention has been paid to the spatio‐temporal variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation, used as input signal in these studies. Here, we investigated the uncertainty in isotope‐based hydrograph separation due to the spatio‐temporal variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation. The study was carried out in a Mediterranean headwater catchment (0.56 km2). Rainfall and throughfall samples were collected at three locations across this relatively small catchment, and stream water samples were collected at the outlet. Results showed that throughout an event, the spatial variability of the input signal had a higher impact on hydrograph separation results than its temporal variability. However, differences in isotope‐based hydrograph separation determined preevent water due to the spatio‐temporal variability were different between events and ranged between 1 and 14%. Based on catchment‐scale isoscapes, the most representative sampling location could also be identified. This study confirms that even in small headwater catchments, spatio‐temporal variability can be significant. Therefore, it is important to characterize this variability and identify the best sampling strategy to reduce the uncertainty in our understanding of catchment hydrological processes.  相似文献   


The objective of this study is to investigate the factors that control event runoff characteristics at the small catchment scale. The study area is the Hydrological Open Air Laboratory, Lower Austria. Event runoff coefficient (Rc), recession time constant (Tc) and peak discharge (Qp) are estimated from hourly discharge and precipitation data for 298 events in the period 2013–2015. The results show that the Rc and their variability tend to be largest for the tile drainages (mean Rc = 0.09) and the main outlet (mean Rc = 0.08) showing larger Rc in January/February and smaller Rc in July/August. Tc does not vary much between the systems and tends to be largest at the main outlet (mean Tc = 6.5 h) and smallest for the tile drainages (mean Tc = 4.5 h). Groundwater levels explain the temporal variability of Rc and Tc more than soil moisture or precipitation, suggesting a role of shallow flow paths.  相似文献   

Human-induced afforestation has been one of the main policies for environmental management of farmland abandonment in Mediterranean areas. Over the last decades, several studies have reviewed the impact of afforestation activities on geomorphological and hydrological responses and soil properties, although few studies have evaluated the effects on water table dynamics. In parallel to human-induced afforestation activities, natural revegetation occurred in abandoned fields and in fields where the intensity of human activity declined, driving the expansion of shrubs. This research addresses the spatial and temporal variability of water table dynamics in a small afforested sub-catchment located in the Central Spanish Pyrenees. Differences between afforestation (Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris) and natural plant colonization (shrubs, mainly Genista scorpius, Buxus sempervirens, and Juniperus communis) and early abandoned meadows (G. scorpius), are analysed in terms of runoff generation and seasonal water table depth dynamics. Precipitation, runoff and water table datasets recorded for the 2014–2019 period are used. Results show a high temporal and spatial variability with large fluctuations in discharge and water table. Groundwater dynamics varied markedly over the year, identifying a wet and dry period with different responses suggesting different runoff generation processes (Hortonian flow during dry and wet periods, and saturation excess runoff during wet conditions). Furthermore, important differences are noted among the various land cover types: (i) in the natural revegetation area (shrubland and meadows) a marked seasonal cycle was observed with short saturation periods during winter and spring; and (ii) in the afforestation areas, the water table dynamics showed a seasonal cycle with a high variability, with fast responses and rapid oscillations. Likewise, the relationship between the depth of water table and hydrological variables was not straightforward, suggesting complex hydrological behaviour.  相似文献   

In the semi‐arid Mediterranean environment, the rainfall–runoff relationships are complex because of the markedly irregular patterns in rainfall, the seasonal mismatch between evaporation and rainfall, and the spatial heterogeneity in landscape properties. Watersheds often display considerable non‐linear threshold behavior, which still make runoff generation an open research question. Our objectives in this context were: to identify the primary processes of runoff generation in a small natural catchment; to test whether a physically based model, which takes into consideration only the primary processes, is able to predict spatially distributed water‐table and stream discharge dynamics; and to use the hydrological model to increase our understanding of runoff generation mechanisms. The observed seasonal dynamics of soil moisture, water‐table depth, and stream discharge indicated that Hortonian overland‐flow was negligible and the main mechanism of runoff generation was saturated subsurface‐flow. This gives rise to base‐flow, controls the formation of the saturated areas, and contributes to storm‐flow together with saturation overland‐flow. The distributed model, with a 1D scheme for the kinematic surface‐flow, a 2D sub‐horizontal scheme for the saturated subsurface‐flow, and ignoring the unsaturated flow, performed efficiently in years when runoff volume was high and medium, although there was a smoothing effect on the observed water‐table. In dry years, small errors greatly reduced the efficiency of the model. The hydrological model has allowed to relate the runoff generation mechanisms with the land‐use. The forested hillslopes, where the calibrated soil conductivity was high, were never saturated, except at the foot of the slopes, where exfiltration of saturated subsurface‐flow contributed to storm‐flow. Saturation overland‐flow was only found near the streams, except when there were storm‐flow peaks, when it also occurred on hillslopes used for pasture, where soil conductivity was low. The bedrock–soil percolation, simulated by a threshold mechanism, further increased the non‐linearity of the rainfall–runoff processes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A network of 30 standalone snow monitoring stations was used to investigate the snow cover distribution, snowmelt dynamics, and runoff generation during two rain‐on‐snow (ROS) events in a 40 km2 montane catchment in the Black Forest region of southwestern Germany. A multiple linear regression analysis using elevation, aspect, and land cover as predictors for the snow water equivalent (SWE) distribution within the catchment was applied on an hourly basis for two significant ROS flood events that occurred in December 2012. The available snowmelt water, liquid precipitation, as well as the total retention storage of the snow cover were considered in order to estimate the amount of water potentially available for the runoff generation. The study provides a spatially and temporally distributed picture of how the two observed ROS floods developed in the catchment. It became evident that the retention capacity of the snow cover is a crucial mechanism during ROS. It took several hours before water was released from the snowpack during the first ROS event, while retention storage was exceeded within 1 h from the start of the second event. Elevation was the most important terrain feature. South‐facing terrain contributed more water for runoff than north‐facing slopes, and only slightly more runoff was generated at open compared to forested areas. The results highlight the importance of snowmelt together with liquid precipitation for the generation of flood runoff during ROS and the large temporal and spatial variability of the relevant processes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regolith surface characteristics and response were examined over a three‐year period in a badland area in a Mediterranean middle‐mountain zone near Vallcebre (Eastern Pyrenees). Preliminary work carried out in this area indicated clear seasonal patterns of regolith properties driven by frost heaving in winter and crusting and erosion in the rest of the year. Rainfall simulations were performed with a small portable nozzle simulator in order to study seasonal changes in runoff generation, erosion rates and raindrop effect on bulk density changes. The results showed large seasonal variations in runoff and erosion responses. In?ltration rates after runoff start were correlated with precipitation depth before runoff start; runoff generation was therefore related to regolith saturation only to a very limited extent. Erosion rates were more controlled by runoff rates than by the weakness of regolith against raindrop splash, and sediment grain size increased with concentration. The combined role of antecedent regolith moisture and bulk density explained most of the seasonal variability in in?ltration, bulk density changes during rainfall and erosion rates, but some seasonal differences in sediment detachability were not explained by these variables and may be attributed to changes in roughness. Overall, runoff and erosion responses were relatively stable during spring and autumn, whereas wide variations in in?ltration rates and sediment detachment occurred in winter and summer respectively. Experiments conducted in a single season would have produced poorly representative, if not erroneous, results. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This article addresses the critical need for a better quantitative understanding of how water resources from the Hérault River catchment in France have been influenced by climate variability and the increasing pressure of human activity over the last 50 years. A method is proposed for assessing the relative impacts of climate and growing water demand on the decrease in discharge observed at various gauging stations in the periods 1961–1980 and 1981–2010. An annual water balance at the basin scale was calculated first, taking into account precipitation, actual evapotranspiration, water withdrawals and water discharge. Next, the evolution of the seasonal variability in hydroclimatic conditions and water withdrawals was studied. The catchment was then divided into zones according to the main geographical characteristics to investigate the heterogeneity of the climatic and human dynamics. This delimitation took into account the distribution of climate, topography, lithology, land cover and water uses, as well as the availability of discharge series. At the area scale, annual water balances were calculated to understand the internal changes that occurred in the catchment between both past periods. The decrease in runoff can be explained by the decrease in winter precipitation in the upstream areas and by the increase during summer in both water withdrawals and evapotranspiration in the downstream areas, mainly due to the increase in temperature. Thus, water stress increased in summer by 35%. This work is the first step of a larger research project to assess possible future changes in the capacity to satisfy water demand in the Hérault River catchment, using a model that combines hydrological processes and water demand.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyze suspended sediment transport in a Mediterranean agricultural catchment under traditional soil and water conservation practices. Field measurements were conducted in Can Revull, a small ephemeral catchment (1.03 km2) on the island of Mallorca. This study uses continuous turbidity records to analyse suspended sediment transport regimes, construct and interpret multiple regression models of total suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and of SSC related to stormflow discharge, and assess the sediment loads and yields of three hydrological years (2004–2005 to 2006–2007). An annual average SSC of 17.3 mg l?1, with a maximum of 2270 mg l?1, was recorded in the middle of the winter period when rainfall intensities are high and headwater slopes are ploughed and thus bare. Strong seasonal contrasts of baseflow dynamics associated with different degrees of dilution provide a large scatter in SSC and in the derived rating curves, reflecting that other factors control the supply of suspended sediment. Multiple regression models identify rainfall intensity as the most significant variable in sediment supply. However, under baseflow conditions, physical and biological processes generate sediment in the channel that is subsequently removed during high flow. In contrast, when baseflow is not present, rainfall intensity is the only process that supplies sediment to the channel, mostly from hillslopes. Considering the study period as average in terms of total annual rainfall and intensities, suspended sediment yields were an order of magnitude lower than those obtained in other Mediterranean catchments, a factor that can be related to the historical use of soil conservation practices. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Brixenbach valley is a small Alpine torrent catchment (9.2 km2, 820–1950 m a.s.l., 47.45°, 12.26°) in Tyrol, Austria. Intensive hydrological research in the catchment since more than 12 years, including a hydrogeological survey, pedological and land use mapping, measurements of precipitation, runoff, soil moisture and infiltration as well as the conduction of rainfall simulations, has contributed to understand the hydrological response of the catchment, its subcatchments and specific sites. The paper presents a synthesis of the research in form of runoff process maps for different soil moisture states and precipitation characteristics, derived with the aid of a newly developed Soil-hydrological model. These maps clearly visualize the differing runoff reaction of different subcatchments. The pasture dominated areas produce high surface flow rates during short precipitation events (1 h, 86 mm) with high rainfall intensity, whilst the forested areas often develop shallow subsurface flow. Dry preconditions lead to a slight reduction of surface flow, long rainfall events (24 h, 170 mm) to a dominance of deep subsurface flow and percolation.  相似文献   

The proportion of water younger than 2–3 months (young water fraction, Fyw) has become increasingly investigated in catchment hydrology. Fyw is typically estimated by comparing seasonal tracer cycles in precipitation and streamflow, through water sampling. However, some open research questions remain, such as: (i) whether part of the summer precipitation should be discarded because the high evapotranspiration demand, (ii) how well Fyw serves as a metric to compare catchments, and (iii) how sampling frequency affects Fyw estimates. To address these questions, we investigated Fyw in soil-, ground- and stream waters for the small Mediterranean Can Vila catchment. Rainfall was sampled at 5-mm intervals. Mobile soil water and groundwater were sampled fortnightly. Stream water was sampled depending on flow at variable time intervals (30 min to 1 week). Over 58 months, this sampling provided 1,529 δ18O determinations. Isotopic analyses results led us to include summer precipitation in the input signal. We found the highest Fyw in mobile soil waters (34%), while this was almost zero for groundwater except during wet periods. For stream waters, Fyw depended on the discharge variations, so that the flow-weighted young water fraction () was 22.6%, whereas the time-weighted Fyw was just 6.2%. Both and its discharge sensitivity (Sd) varied when different 12-month sampling periods were investigated. The young water fraction that would be obtained from a virtual thorough sampling () was estimated from the Sd and the observed stream flow. This showed an underestimation of by 25% for the frequent dynamic sampling and 66% for weekly sampling, due to missing high flows. Our results confirm that Fyw and its discharge sensitivity are metrics very sensitive to meteorological forcing during the analysed period. Thus, comparisons between catchments need long-term mean annual values and their variability. Our findings also support the dependence of Fyw estimates on the sampling rate and show the advantages of flow-weighted analysis. Finally, catchment water turnover investigations should be accompanied by the analysis of flow duration curves.  相似文献   

The suspended sediment response of a small catchment subjected to farmland abandonment and subsequent plant recolonization was studied in relation to its hydrological functioning. The analysis of data over a seven‐year period demonstrated that suspended sediment yield was greatly influenced by the occurrence of intense, low‐frequency events. Greater amounts of suspended sediment were exported during spring, when the catchment was hydrologically more active. Rainfall intensity and baseflow at the start of a flood event had a strong influence on the sediment response, suggesting that several hydrological processes were active within the catchment. SSC (suspended sediment concentration)‐Q hysteretic loop analysis at the event scale aided understanding of the sedimentological and hydrological behaviour of the catchment. During the study period the SSC‐Q loops showed a high degree of seasonality and two main patterns strongly related to catchment wetness were distinguished. When the catchment was dry (mainly during summer and the beginning of autumn) the predominant process was infiltration excess runoff over sparsely vegetated areas close to the main channel. Under these conditions, floods exhibited a counter‐clockwise hysteretic loop and were characterized by a small streamflow response, short duration and high SSC. Under wet conditions (mainly during winter and spring), saturation excess runoff was increasingly dominant over vegetated areas. Under these conditions, floods exhibited a clockwise hysteretic loop, and were characterized by a larger streamflow response, longer duration and higher suspended sediment yield. The lower SSC during the falling stage of the hydrograph is likely to be due to dilution effects related to the contribution of clean water resulting from enlargement of the saturated areas, together with an increase in the baseflow discharge. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

V. P. Singh 《水文研究》1997,11(12):1649-1669
The shape, timing and peak flow of a stream flow hydrograph are significantly influenced by spatial and temporal variability in rainfall and watershed characteristics. Depending upon the size and shape of a watershed, its hydrological response is closely linked with storm dynamics. On an urban watershed a rain storm moving in the direction of flow produces a higher peak than it would if it were moving in the opposite direction. The effect of storm speed on peak discharge is much less for rapidly moving storms than for storms moving at about the same speed as the flow velocity. In a relatively homogeneous watershed the most important effect of spatial variability of rainfall occurs in the timing and shape of the runoff hydrograph. Temporally variable rainfall leads to higher peak flow than does constant rainfall. Significant errors in the prediction of runoff occur when an equivalent uniform hillslope is used to represent a heterogeneous hillslope. When average soil properties are used instead of spatially variable properties, significant differences are observed in infiltration. Spatially variable roughness alters the flow dynamics significantly. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The scale issue is of central concern in hydrological processes to understand the potential upscaling or downscaling methodologies, and to develop models for scaling the dominant processes at different scales and in different environments. In this study, a typical permafrost watershed in the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau was selected. Its hydrological processes were monitored for 4 years from 2004 to 2008, measuring the effects of freezing and thawing depth of active soil layers on runoff processes. To identify the nature and cause of variation in the runoff response in different size catchments, catchments ranging from 1·07 to 112 km2 were identified in the watershed. The results indicated that the variation of runoff coefficients showed a ‘V’ shape with increasing catchment size during the spring and autumn seasons, when the active soil was subjected to thawing or freezing processes. A two‐stage method was proposed to create runoff scaling models to indicate the effects of scale on runoff processes. In summer, the scaling transition model followed an exponential function for mean daily discharge, whereas the scaling model for flood flow exhibited a linear function. In autumn, the runoff process transition across multiple scales followed an exponential function with air temperature as the driving factor. These scaling models demonstrate relatively high simulation efficiency and precision, and provide a practical way for upscaling or downscaling runoff processes in a medium‐size permafrost watershed. For permafrost catchments of this scale, the results show that the synergistic effect of scale and vegetation cover is an important driving factor in the runoff response. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In humid tropical systems, the large intraseasonal and interannual variability of rainfall can significantly affect all components of the water balance. This variability and the lack of detailed hydrological and meteorological data in both temporal and spatial scales have created uncertainties regarding the closure of the water balance for the Amazon basin. Previous studies in Amazonian micro‐catchments suggested that both the unsaturated and groundwater system, which are not taken into consideration in basin‐wide water budgets published in the literature, play an important role in controlling the timing of runoff generation. In this paper, the components of the water balance and the variations in different storages within the system were examined using 3 years' data from a 6·58 km2 micro‐catchment in central Amazonia. The role and relative importance of the various stores were examined. The results show a strong memory effect in the groundwater system that carries over seasonal climate anomalies from one year to the next and affects the hydrological response well beyond the time span of the anomaly. In addition, the deep unsaturated zone was found to play a key role in reducing most of the intraseasonal variability and also affected the groundwater recharge. This memory effect is crucial for sustaining streamflow and evaporation in years with rainfall deficiency. The memory effect caused by storage in the groundwater and unsaturated systems may also prevent the closure of annual large‐scale water balances, which assume that storage returns to a standard state each year. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Seven catchments of diverse size in Mediterranean Europe were investigated in order to understand the main aspects of their hydrological functioning. The methods included the analysis of daily and monthly precipitation, monthly potential evapotranspiration rates, flow duration curves, rainfall—runoff relationships and catchment internal data for the smaller and more instrumented catchments. The results showed that the catchments were less “dry” than initially considered. Only one of them was really semi-arid throughout the year. All the remaining catchments showed wet seasons when precipitation exceeded potential evapotrans-piration, allowing aquifer recharge, “wet” runoff generation mechanisms and relevant baseflow contribution. Nevertheless, local infiltration excess (Hortonian) overland flow was inferred during summer storms in some catchments and urban overland flow in some others. The roles of karstic groundwater, human disturbance and low winter temperatures were identified as having an important impact on the hydrological regime in some of the catchments.  相似文献   

The extensive afforestation of the Mediterranean rim of Europe in recent decades has increased the number of wildfire disturbances on hydrological and sediment processes, but the impacts on headwater catchments is still poorly understood, especially when compared with the previous agricultural landscape. This work monitored an agroforestry catchment in the north-western Iberian Peninsula, with plantation forests mixed with traditional agriculture using soil conservation practices, for one year before the fire and for three years afterwards, during which period the burnt area was ploughed and reforested. During this period, continuous data was collected for meteorology, streamflow and sediment concentration at the outlet, erosion features were mapped and measured after major rainfall events, and channel sediment dynamics were monitored downstream from the agricultural and the burnt forest area. Data from 202 rainfall events with over 10 mm was analysed in detail. Results show that the fire led to a notable impact on sediment processes during the first two post-fire years, but not on streamflow processes; this despite the small size of the burnt area (10% of the catchment) and the occurrence of a severe drought in the first year after the fire. During this period, soil loss at the burnt forest slopes was much larger than that at most traditionally managed fields, and, ultimately, led to sediment exhaustion. At the catchment scale, storm characteristics were the dominant factor behind streamflow and sediment yield both before and after the fire. However, the data indicated a shift from detachment-limited sediment yield before the fire, to transport-limited sediment yield afterwards, with important increases in streamflow sediment concentration. This indicates that even small fires can temporarily change sediment processes in agroforestry catchments, with potential negative consequences for downstream water quality.  相似文献   

Shrink–swell soils, such as those in a Mediterranean climate regime, can cause changes in terms of hydrological and erosive responses because of the changing soil water storage conditions. Only a limited number of long‐term studies have focused on the impacts on both hydrological and erosive responses and their interactions in an agricultural environment. In this context, this study aims to document the dynamics of cracks, runoff and soil erosion within a small Mediterranean cultivated catchment and to quantify the influence of crack processes on the water and sediment supplied to a reservoir located at the catchment outlet using water and sediment measurements at a cultivated field outlet as baseline. Detailed monitoring of the presence of topsoil cracks was conducted within the Kamech catchment (ORE OMERE, Tunisia), and runoff and suspended sediment loads were continuously measured over a long period of time (2005–2012) at the outlets of a field (1.32 ha) and a catchment (263 ha). Analysis of the data showed that topsoil cracks were open approximately half of the year and that the rainfall regime and water table level conditions locally control the seasonal cracking dynamics. Topsoil cracks appeared to seriously affect the generation of runoff and sediment concentrations and, consequently, sediment yields, with similar dynamics observed at the field and catchment outlets. A similar time lag in the seasonality between water and sediment delivery was observed at these two scales: although the runoff rates were globally low during the presence of topsoil cracks, most sediment transport occurred during this period associated with very high sediment concentrations. This study underlines the importance of a good prediction of runoff during the presence of cracks for reservoir siltation considerations. In this context, the prediction of cracking effects on runoff and soil erosion is a key factor for the development of effective soil and water management strategies and downstream reservoir preservation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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