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利用UMRAO数据平台,研究了类星体3C273的射电流量密度与偏振度的关系(包括4.8GHz,8GHz和14.5GHz3个频段),结果发现偏振度与射电流量在3个频段都具有很强的负相关性。这些结果可能表明3C273的射电流量密度和偏振度的变化与聚束效应无关。一般,偏振度与流量密度的强负相关现象可以用喷流成分+激波成分的双成分模型来解释:在喷流成分与激波成分的偏振角相互垂直并且偏振度基本相同的情况下,激波在喷流中的传播产生了这些偏振度与流量密度的强负相关性。  相似文献   

本文讨论相对论激波在喷流中传播时,由照明不均匀性所引起的同步加速辐射问题中的某些相对论效应.研究激波的结构和厚度以及不均匀性尺度对于辐射变化的时标和变幅的关系.结果表明,由于激波辐射区的厚度对于光学辐射和射电辐射的不同,可能引起射电变化相对于光学变化的时间迟延,从而对某些观测现象提供了一种解释.  相似文献   

本文对blazars的聚束效应及相关的理论作了较全面的综述 ,指出了一些有待进一步探讨的问题和需要进一步完善的理论 ,并对其中几个具体问题进行研究 ,得到了一些新结果。第一章简单介绍了活动星系核的特征、分类及其标准模型。第二章综述了blazars的基本性质 ,对blazars的谱特征、高光度、高偏振、激烈光变、超光速现象和高能辐射等作了介绍。第三章介绍了相对论喷流模型 ,以及利用相对论喷流模型解释blazars的极端观测特性 ,如用相对论喷流模型从理论上解释了blazars的高光度、剧烈光变及高能量转换率 ,偏振方向的快速变化 ,超光速现象 ,发射线和高能辐射等观测特性。同时介绍了喷流具有相对论性的观测证据并重点介绍了喷流的加速和减速两个理论模型。第四章是聚束效应的几项具体研究工作 ,首先分析了 2 8个BLLac天体 ,2 4个核优势高偏振类星体 ,2 9个核优势低偏振类星体 ,以及 1 1个瓣优势低偏振类星体的射电和光学流量 ,证实具有相对论喷流的AGNs的Doppler提升效应确实存在 ,且很明显 ,光学和射电是高度聚束的。最小光变时标是一个及其重要的物理理 ,短时标光变能给人们提供大量的信息。但最小光变时标一般是在不同波段探测到的。利用加速模型 ,我们从理论上导出了一个联系各波段最小光变时标的公式 ,  相似文献   

本文讨论激波在喷流中传播时,由照明不均匀性所引起的同步加速辐射问题中的某些相对论效应,研究激波的结构和厚度以及不均匀性尺度对于辐射变化的时标和变幅的关系,结果表明,由于激波辐射区的厚度对于光学辐射和射电辐射的不同,可能引起射电变化相对于光学变化的时间迟延,从而对某些观测现象提供了一种解释。  相似文献   

本文研究了Blazar天体的辐射性质,提出一种新的喷流模型,即具有幂律分布的极端相对论电子团从中心核注入喷流等离子体中,它在一定的注入速度下,不仅能在喷流等离子体中激发等离子体湍动,产生电磁波的相干辐射,而且能产生强的同步辐射。利用等离子体的弱湍理论,我们研究了极端相对论电子团在喷流等离子体中的辐射过程,并详细研究了它在解释Blazar天体辐射特性中的应用,本文认为,Blazar天体的不稳定辐射与极端相对论电子团的无规注入、喷流等离子体的物理环境瞬息变化有关。Blazar中快速变化的辐射偏振角摆动。产生于相对论电子团在湍动等离子体中的同步辐射过程。另外,X选和射电选的BLLac天体之间的区别取决于喷流等离子体的运动状态和物理环境。  相似文献   

本文对相对论电子的辐射性质、能谱演化和加速机制等进行了简要的介绍。同时,对相对论电子在高能天体中的辐射作用和特性进行了简要的综述。本文给出了相对论电子在Blazar天体的射电辐射机制、光变机制、BL Lac天体的辐射机制以及γ暴的辐射机制等方面的应用研究成果。1、提出了相对论电子的光学薄同步辐射模型:解释Blazar天体的射电平谱:Blazar中心体的剧烈活动,使射电辐射区处于等离子体湍动状态,其中的相对论电子在湍动等离子体波的二交费米加速、激波加速、辐射损失、粒子逃逸和辐射区的绝热减速等物理过程作用下,形成较平的能谱,产生射电平谱。2、提出了新的Blazar天体光变模型:当Blazar天体爆发时,中心天体产生大量的相对论电子,注入喷流中;相对论电子产生同步辐射,并不断损失能量和逃逸辐射区,使它们的能谱快速变化,引起辐射发生快速光变。3、给出了BL Lac天体的等离子体反应堆模型:大量相对论电子从中心天体注入周围的等离子体反应堆中,通过同步辐射快速损失能量,同时这些电子同步吸收反应堆中不透明的光子,产生一个稳定、各向同性的幂律分布,其谱指数为γ=3;然后,这些相对论电子通过等离子体反应堆的爆发或其表面扩散过程逃逸出来,辐射低频的同步辐射。模型解释了BL Lac天体的高频辐射表现出快速的谱变化性质,即流量减小时谱变陡。4、提出了相对论电子的内激波加速模型,解释γ暴的尖峰光变特性:在γ暴产生的相对论运动的壳层中,有内激波产生;激波在壳层中传播,耗散壳层的运动能,使其中的部分电子加速成为相对论电子。然后,这些电子通过同步辐射产生观测到的γ辐射。模型认为,γ暴中的每个尖峰辐射是一对内激波加速相对论电子的辐射过程,复杂的γ暴光变曲线是多对内激波辐射过程的叠加。  相似文献   

本文对Blazars的聚束效应及相关的理论作了较全面的综述,指出了一 些有待进一步探讨的问题和需要进一步完善的理论,并对其中几个具体问题进行研究,得到了一些新结果。第一章简单介绍了活动星系核的特征、分类及其标准模型。第二章综述了Blazars的基本性质、对Blazars的谱特征、高光度、高偏振、激烈光变、超光速现象和高能辐射等作了介绍。第三章介绍了相对论喷流模型,以及利用相对论喷流模型解释Blazars的极端观测特性,如用相对论喷流模型从理论上解释了Blazars的高光度、剧烈光变及高能量转换率,偏振方向的快速变化,超光速现象,发射线和高能辐等能观测特性。同时介绍了喷流具有相对论性的观测证据并重点介绍了喷流的加速和减速两个理论模型。第四章是聚束效应的几项具体研究工作,首先分析了28个BL Lac天体,24个核优势高偏振类星体,29个核优势低偏振类星体,以及11个瓣优势低偏振类星体的射电和光学流量,证实具有相对论喷流的AGNs的Doppler提升效应确实存在,且很明显,光学和射电是高度聚束的。最小光变时标是一个及其重要的物理理,短时标光变能给人们提供大量的信息。但最小光变时标一般是在不同波段探测到的。利用加速模型,我们从理论上导出了一个联系各波段最小光变时标的公式,可把观测到的不同波段最小光变时标转换为同一波段的最小光变时标。利用该公式,把观测到的29个Blazars的不同波段最小光变时标转换为γ波段的最小光变时标,我们分析了这些对象光度与光变时标的关系,证实了Blazars的γ射线是高度聚束的。我们还研究了Blazars的偏振,发现偏振也是和聚束效应密切相关的,对Blazars的高能辐射也作了一些探讨,发现同步自康普顿模型能较好的解释Blazars天体的γ辐射。另外,提出一个新的喷流的电子注入模型,成功的解释了射电选Blazars天体在爆发时的谱硬化现象。  相似文献   

以类星体0917+624中1989年5月观测到的IDV事件为实例,尝试提出一个4成分模型(1个稳定成分和 3个闪烁成分)以充分解释在 6 cm波长上观测到的偏振变化,包括流量和偏振流量的相关性和反相关性以及它们之间的快速转化.对于 20 cm波长上观测到的偏振变化,3成分模型(1个稳定成分和3个闪烁成分)已足以解释全部现象.文中提出的闪烁模型在解释IDV事件的偏振变化方面改进了以前的模型拟合.  相似文献   

在本文中,我们对致密射电源内相对论运动效应的研究进展加以评述。内容包括: (1)视超光运动; (2)视超光流量变化(射电变源和康普顿问题); (3)射电变源的X-射线发射; (4)类星体计数统计中的相对论束射效应; (5)致密射电源物理参数的相对论改正; (6)相对论喷流的辐射特性; (7)相对论膨胀的流体力学研究及其应用。  相似文献   

利用美国甚长基线干涉阵对致密陡谱源1150+497进行双波段全偏振观测,获得该源在5GHz和8GHz波段的偏振流量和偏振矢量分布结果,发现该源偏振主要集中在核心处,并通过对三个频率偏振角的拟合,首次获得了源1150+497毫角秒尺度的旋转量约为66 rad/m2.移去旋转量后,获得该源毫角秒尺度的内禀磁场分布,显示磁场矢量与喷流方向一致.  相似文献   

On the basis of issues raised by observations of BL Lac objects and the qualitative jet model proposed by Bakeret al. in 1988, we have been led to consider the quantitative role of coherent, stimulated emission in jets and construct a new jet model of blazars in which a relativistic electron beam with an axial symmetric, power-law distribution is injected from the central engine into the jet plasma. We study quantitatively the synchrotron emission of the relativistic electron beams. Using the weak turbulent theory of plasma, we discuss the interaction between relativistic electron beams and jet plasma, and the roles of stimulated emission. The main results are:
  1. The synchrotron emission increases sensitively with the increase of the angle between the direction of the beam and the magnetic field. When the direction of the beam is vertical to the magnetic field, the synchrotron emission reaches its maximum, i.e. the emitted waves are beamed in the direction of the jet axis. We suggest that radio selected BL Lac objects belong to this extreme classification.
  2. The synchrotron emission of the relativistic beam increases rapidly with the increase of the Lorentz factor of the relativistic electron,γ, whenγ ≤ 22.5, then decreases rapidly with increase ofγ.
  3. The stimulated emission also increases with increasing Lorentz factorγ of the relativistic electrons whenγ ≤ 35 and then decreases with the increasingγ. The maximum stimulated emission and the maximum synchrotron emission occur at different frequencies. Stimulated emission is probably very important and reasonable flare mechanism in blazars.
  4. The rapid polarization position angle (PA) swings may arise from the interaction between the relativistic electron beam and the turbulent plasma.

In the inhomogeneous conical jet model, the electron number den- sity and magnetic ?eld strength have a power-law distribution with the distance from the jet apex. This model can interpret successfully the ?at-spectrum radio radiation from the core regions of active galactic nuclei. But the existing model calculation suits only the situation when the enclosed angle between the moving direction of a jet and the line of sight is very large, hence, we need to build a formula for calculating the radiation of inhomogeneous conical jets with any viewing angles. It is generally believed that the enclosed angle between the di- rection of jet motion and the line of sight is very small in BL Lac objects. With the extended inhomogeneous jet model, we have made ?tting on the observed radio spectra of three BL Lac objects, and obtained the physical parameters, such as the electron number density and magnetic ?eld strength in their jets. The result indicates that the nearest distance of the conical jet from the black hole is determined by the transition frequency of the observed radiation spec- trum, and that the nearest distance between the conical jet and the black hole is approximately the Schwarzschild radius for the three BL Lac objects.  相似文献   

We explore the possibility of determining the corpuscular composition of the plasma in the relativistic jets of blazars and microquasars from data on the polarization and intensity of their radio synchrotron emission. We have constructed a universal diagram that allows the relative content of nonrelativistic electrons to be established in specific objects using information about their frequency spectra and polarization at individual frequencies. As a result, we have found that the electron plasma component in the jets of the blazars 3C 279 and BL Lac is relativistic. In the jets of the microquasar GRS 1915+105, the cold plasma density may be comparable to or considerably higher than the relativistic particle density.  相似文献   

BL Lac objects are active nuclei, hosted in massive elliptical galaxies, the emission of which is dominated by a relativistic jet closely aligned with the line of sight. This implies the existence of a parent population of sources with a misaligned jet that have been identified with low-power radiogalaxies. The spectrum of BL Lacs, dominated by non-thermal emission over the whole electromagnetic range, together with bright compact radio cores, high luminosities, rapid and large amplitude flux variability at all frequencies and strong polarization makes these sources an optimal laboratory for high energy astrophysics. A most distinctive characteristic of the class is the weakness or absence of spectral lines, that historically hindered the identification of their nature and ever thereafter proved to be a hurdle in the determination of their distance. In this paper, we review the main observational facts that contribute to the present basic interpretation of this class of active galaxies. We overview the history of the BL Lac objects research field and their population as it emerged from multi-wavelength surveys. The properties of the flux variability and polarization, compared with those at radio, X-ray and gamma-ray frequencies, are summarized together with the present knowledge of the host galaxies, their environments, and central black hole masses. We focus this review on the optical observations, which played a crucial role in the early phase of BL Lacs studies, and in spite of extensive radio, X-ray, and recently gamma-ray observations, could represent the future major contribution to the unveiling of the origin of these sources. In particular, they could provide a firm conclusion on the long debated issue of the cosmic evolution of this class of active galactic nuclei and on the connection between formation of supermassive black holes and relativistic jets.  相似文献   

We present the results of the first survey and monitoring study of the linear polarization properties of compact, flat-spectrum radio sources at mm/submm wavelengths and discuss the implications of the inferred magnetic field structure for the emission models involving shock waves in relativistic jets on subparsec scales. We find significant polarization in most sources but, in general, the magnetic field on subparsec scales is less well ordered than on parsec scales. We observe no difference in polarization properties between the BL Lac objects and compact flat-spectrum quasars at these wavelengths. Although we find the behaviour of some sources, particularly the most highly polarized, to be very consistent with the predictions of transverse shock-in-jet models, the detailed behaviour of most objects is not. Conical shock structures can more readily explain the observed diverse behaviour of the sample, although some degree of bending of the jet may still be necessary in some cases.  相似文献   

Optically violent variable quasars and BL Lac objects, which form a subclass of active galactic nuclei are termed as Blazars. Blazars show high degree variation in their flux and polarization in a relatively shorter period of time. They are strong radio sources with a non-stellar continuum. Most of the BL Lac objects do not show any emission lines though in some cases very weak lines are observed. They harbour in elliptical galaxies. Some BL Lacs show superluminal motion indicating the flow of matter at relativistic speeds close to the line of sight. It is likely that the enormous energy produced by these objects may be due to a massive black hole with an accretion disc system. Some Blazars have been observed to detect short time variations in their flux and polarization in the visual band. These studies are aimed at understanding the physical processes taking place in the central engine. Detecting shorter period variations assumes significance as they impose restrictions on the total volume from where the huge amount of energy is comming out. To date the recorded shortest period variation in visual band is 6.3 min in OJ 287, a BL Lac object. Attempts are being made to detect shorter period variations, which pose observational challenges. It is generally accepted that the central engine of AGN harbours a massive blackhole with an accretion disc surrounding it. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Konigl inhomogeneous jet model can successfully reproduce most observa-tional features of jets in active galactic nuclei (AGN), when suitable physical parameters are adopted. We improve Konigl's calculations on the core emission from the jet with a small viewing angle θ0~ψ (ψ is half opening angle of the conical jet). The proper motion of the jet component provides a constraint on the jet kinematics. Based on the inhomogeneous jet model, we use the proper motion data of the jet component to calculate the minimal kinetic luminosity of the jet required to reproduce the core emission measured by the very-long-baseline intefferometry (VLBI) for a sample of BL Lac objects. Our results show that the minimal kinetic luminosity is slightly higher than the bolometric luminosity for most sources in the sample, which implies that radiatively inefficient accretion flows (RIAFs) may be in those BL Lac objects, or/and the properties of their broad-line regions (BLRs) are signifi-cantly different from flat-spectrum radio-loud quasars.  相似文献   

The rapid polarization position angle swing of ~ 180?observed in QSO 1150+812 at 2cm by Kochenov and Gabuzda is quite a regular event. One interesting property of the event is that, during the time of the swing the polarized flux density remained almost constant. We suggest that such an event can be explained in terms of a relativistic thin shock propagating through a uniform helical magnetic field, giving rise to relativistic aberration effects as the transverse field component rotates. The model may also be applicable to other similar events in which variations in polarization are not accompanied by variations in total flux density.  相似文献   

Polarization position angle swings of - 180 ° observed in extragalactic radio sources are a regular behavior of variability in polarization. They should be due to some kind of physically regular process. We consider relativistic shocks which propagate through and 'illuminate' regular configurations of magnetic field, producing polarization angle swing events. Two magnetic field configurations (force-free field and homogeneous helical field) are considered to demonstrate the results. It is shown that the properties of polarization angle swings and the relationship between the swings and variations in total and polarized flux density are critically dependent on the configuration of magnetic field and the dynamical behavior of the shock. In particular, we find that in some cases polarization angle swings can occur when the total and polarized flux densities only vary by a very small amount. These results may be useful for understanding the polarization variability with both long and short timescales obser  相似文献   

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