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1.《气候变化研究进展》是受国家气候委员会委托,由中国气象局国家气候中心主办的气候变化领域内由自然科学和社会科学相结合的综合性学术刊物。2.本刊设有“气候系统变化”“气候变化影响”“气候变化适应”“温室气体排放”“对策论坛”“调查研究”和“简讯”等栏目。  相似文献   

2007年7月16-27日,由中国气象局主办,国家外国专家局、国家自然科学基金委,全球变化分析、研究和培训系统(START)协办,中国气象局国家气候中心和培训中心联合承办的“第四届气候系统与气候变化国际讲习班(ISCS)”在中国气象局成功举办。  相似文献   

1.《气候变化研究进展》是受国家气候委员会委托,由中国气象局国家气候中心主办的气候变化领域内由自然科学和社会科学相结合的综合性学术刊物.2.本刊设有“气候系统变化”“气候变化影响”“气候变化适应”“温室气体排放”“对策论坛”“调查研究”和“简讯”等栏目,并定期就某一专题组稿、约稿。  相似文献   

1.《气候变化研究进展》是受国家气候委员会委托,由中国气象局国家气候中心主办的气候变化领域内由自然科学和社会科学相结合的综合性学术刊物。2.本刊设有“气候系统变化”“气候变化影响”“气候变化适应”“温室气体排放”“对策论坛”“调查研究”和“简讯”等栏目,并定期就某一专题组稿、约稿,以专栏形式发表。综述类论文以约稿为主,一般不接受自由投稿。  相似文献   

IPCC气候变化自然科学认知的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
过去20年来,随着观测手段的改善、气候模式的进步以及分析方法的提升,人类对气候变化事实、原因和未来趋势的认识水平不断深化,进一步确认全球气候系统变暖是毋庸置疑的,人类活动是20世纪中叶以来气候变暖的主要原因,未来气候系统仍将继续变暖。IPCC评估报告极大地促进了气候变化自然科学的进展,并为适应和减缓气候变化奠定了坚实的科学基础。  相似文献   

气候变化科学方面的几个最新认知   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第一工作组报告主要从以下几个方面的进展提升了我们对气候系统变化、气候变化原因以及预估未来气候系统变化等方面的认知,对过去气候变化及其与人类活动的关系有了更加清晰、可靠的认识。综合多重证据评估指出,全球气候正经历着前所未有的变化;包括极端事件在内的归因进展已把人类活动对气候系统影响的认识从大气圈扩展到水圈、冰冻圈和生物圈,进一步强化了人类活动影响全球和区域气候的认识;有关区域气候变化信息的内容更加丰富,与各行业和敏感地区的气候变化影响联系更加紧密,使这些信息能更好地为气候变化风险评估和气候变化区域适应提供支持;气候模式和约束预估方法的发展以及对气候敏感度认识的深化,减少了未来不同排放情景下全球地表温度(Global Surface Temperature,GST)、海平面上升和海洋热含量的变化预估的不确定性。这份最新报告对我国提升气候变化研究水平和防灾减灾应对能力具有十分重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

通过系统梳理日本适应气候变化法律政策的发展历程,分析日本多主体适应气候变化的框架机制,结合其目前具体的适应实践进展,总结出可供中国借鉴的经验启示。研究发现,日本适应气候变化法律政策的发展经历了由重减缓、轻适应,到上升至国家战略,再到立法这3个阶段,形成了以国家、国立环境研究所、地方公共团体、地区气候变化适应中心、企业和居民为主体的多主体适应框架,从科研成果与决策应用转化、适应信息“共享—反馈—更新”有效循环、建立跨地区合作平台、适应资金支持、实施进度监测管理等5个方面构建了多主体适应气候变化机制。目前日本各适应主体逐步开展适应气候变化实践,但适应工作仍处于初期阶段,适应信息共享体系、跨地区合作细则以及适应政策实施效果评价体系有待进一步完善。结合日本的法律政策经验和中国具体情况,提出了中国应科学定位适应气候变化法律地位、加快立法进程,完善“监测评估—信息共享—适应行动—效果评价”多主体适应框架的机制体制,引导企业采取气候风险管理和适应性商业活动,提高居民的适应认知和适应能力的政策建议。  相似文献   

运用1961--2007年气温、降水资料,分析了韩城气候变暖特征及对花椒生产的影响。受全球气候变暖影响,韩城气温总体呈上升趋势,20世纪90年代增温尤其明显,其中冬春季增温是年均温增加的主导因素。冬春季气温增高导致花椒越冬休眠差、萌芽开花期提前,抗寒能力减弱。增加了花椒越冬期和萌芽开花期发生霜冻害风险。年降水量随时间变化不明显,变幅加大,增加了旱涝风险机率。90年代以来4—5月关键期降水量有明显减少趋势,不利于花椒产量和品质提升。结合资料分析和生产实践调查,提出适当调整布局,抓好“避、抗、防、补”等系列化综合防御冻害措施,以及4—5月花椒需水关键期水分供应与补充。适应和缓解气候变化影响,促进花椒优质高产和种植效益提高。  相似文献   

我国现代气候业务现状及未来发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
从气候监测诊断、气候预测、气候系统模式、气候评价与灾害风险管理、气候变化业务和气候业务平台等角度,系统概述了我国现代气候业务现状。提出了以气候监测和动力学诊断为基础,以提升气候服务、气候风险管理和应对气候变化能力为目标,以发展客观化气候预测技术和定量化气候评估方法为核心的现代气候业务概念。分析了国际气候业务发展趋势及我国气候业务的差距,明确了加强气候系统基本变量监测、提高气候系统模式分辨率和改进物理过程、发展第2代短期气候预测系统、研发气象灾害风险评估方法并建立中国气候服务系统 (CFCS) 等发展任务。  相似文献   

IPCC特别报告SRCCL关于气候变化与粮食安全的新认知与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
气候变化对粮食安全的影响是广泛的,不但影响粮食产量和品质,还会影响到农户的生计以及农业相关的产业发展等;而粮食系统在保障粮食安全的同时,又会产生一系列的环境问题,其中农业源温室气体(GHG)的排放加剧全球变暖。IPCC在2019年8月份发布的《气候变化与土地特别报告》(SRCCL),从粮食生产、加工、储存、运输及消费的各个环节评估气候变化对粮食安全的影响及粮食系统的温室气体排放对气候系统的影响;系统梳理粮食系统供给侧和需求侧的适应与减缓措施、适应与减缓的协同和权衡问题,以及气候变化条件下保障粮食安全的政策环境等。SRCCL评估结论认为,由于大量施用氮肥和消耗水资源,目前粮食系统GHG排放占全球总排放的21%~37%;农业和粮食系统是全球应对气候变化的重要方面,供给侧和需求侧的综合措施可以减少食物浪费、减少GHG排放、增加粮食系统的恢复力。未来工作的重点应丰富和扩展气候变化影响评估内容,量化适应效果,加深对适应、减缓及其协同和权衡的科学认知,大力加强应对气候变化能力建设。  相似文献   

This study illustrates a methodology to assess the economic impacts of climate change at a city scale and benefits of adaptation, taking the case of sea level rise and storm surge risk in the city of Copenhagen, capital of Denmark. The approach is a simplified catastrophe risk assessment, to calculate the direct costs of storm surges under scenarios of sea level rise, coupled to an economic input–output (IO) model. The output is a risk assessment of the direct and indirect economic impacts of storm surge under climate change, including, for example, production and job losses and reconstruction duration, and the benefits of investment in upgraded sea defences. The simplified catastrophe risk assessment entails a statistical analysis of storm surge characteristics, geographical-information analysis of population and asset exposure combined with aggregated vulnerability information. For the city of Copenhagen, it is found that in absence of adaptation, sea level rise would significantly increase flood risks. Results call for the introduction of adaptation in long-term urban planning, as one part of a comprehensive strategy to manage the implications of climate change in the city. Mitigation policies can also aid adaptation by limiting the pace of future sea level rise.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency of heatwaves, particularly in urban contexts, is one of the perceptible consequences of climate change. A city’s vulnerability to these heatwaves must be determined to develop proper adaptation measures. This article addresses the vulnerability of a medium-sized city in Central Europe, Graz, to heatwaves. Based on secondary data and primary data gathered from expert interviews, we identified certain determinants of vulnerability for the city: temperature, proportion of open and green spaces to developed areas, construction period of buildings, distribution of age and poverty risk, adaptation strategies used, and risk perception levels assessed for decision makers in the city administration. Certain city districts can be classified as particularly vulnerable. A high level of risk perception was detected among all decision makers and some adaptation measures have already been enacted. In particular, inter-organizational collaboration in adaptation networks works effectively. A deficit in efficient communication between researchers, policy makers, and members of the public was perceived to be the main barrier. This case study exemplifies the assessment of a city’s vulnerability to heatwaves on the basis of particular determinants and can be applied to many other cities.

Policy relevance

The method applied revealed potential improvements and opportunities on the policy level. Strong networks for climate change adaptation are most effective if regular meetings take place, allowing trust and friendship to grow between decision makers. More target-group-oriented information is needed. Emergency organizations, in particular, need more information, because the perception of heatwave risks has only been based thus far on personal experiences. By establishing a central authority, more information could be provided on heatwaves in cities. The need to raise the perception of members of the population and motivate them to take personal responsibility during disasters was emphasized by interviewed decision makers. This can be supported by providing advice during heatwaves through newspapers, TV, and radio. People in risk groups and their relatives could be trained in workshops. City areas that are at high risk should be marked on maps to make relevant information more tangible for decision makers.  相似文献   

Projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggest that there will be an increase in the frequency and intensity of climate extremes in the 21st century. Kolkata, a megacity in India, has been singled out as one of the urban centers vulnerable to climate risks. Modest flooding during monsoons at high tide in the Hooghly River is a recurring hazard in Kolkata. More intense rainfall, riverine flooding, sea level rise, and coastal storm surges in a changing climate can lead to widespread and severe flooding and bring the city to a standstill for several days. Using rainfall data, high and low emissions scenarios, and sea level rise of 27 cm by 2050, this paper assesses the vulnerability of Kolkata to increasingly intense precipitation events for return periods of 30, 50, and 100 years. It makes location-specific inundation depth and duration projections using hydrological, hydraulic, and urban storm models with geographic overlays. High resolution spatial analysis provides a roadmap for designing adaptation schemes to minimize the impacts of climate change. The modeling results show that de-silting of the main sewers would reduce vulnerable population estimates by at least 5 %.  相似文献   

本文从气候天然容量、城市气候压力和城市协调发展能力3个方面选取24个指标构建较完整的城市气候承载力评价指标体系。气候天然容量指数采用内梅罗指数法计算,城市气候压力指数和城市协调发展能力指数采用基于熵权的综合评价方法计算,进而构建城市气候承载力综合评价函数以量化评价结果。以上海市为例,对其气候承载力进行定量化评价。研究表明,本文建立的气候承载力评价指标体系是可行的,它可以描述某一城市时域上的变化,也可以对区域气候承载力开发利用过程中存在的问题进行甄别,并可作为气候预警响应的依据,为我国建立区域气候安全管理机制提供技术参考。分析上海市2004-2013年这10年间气候承载力的变化趋势,结果表明研究期内上海市气候承载力整体劣于基准年值,且因深受气候天然容量的影响而处于较大波动状态。  相似文献   

Assessment of the climate preparedness of 30 urban areas in the UK   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Cities are increasingly aware of the need to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to changes in weather patterns leading to the production of urban climate change plans. The few existing systematic studies of these plans have focused on either adaptation or mitigation issues, and are typically based on surveys completed by city officials rather than analysis of documented evidence. To gain insight into the status of adaptation and mitigation action across the UK, climate change documents from 30 urban areas (representing ~28 % of the UK’s population) were analysed. An Urban Climate Change Preparedness Score, which could be applied to other urban areas outside the UK, has been devised for comparative analysis. This analysis characterizes progress against (i) Assessment, (ii) Planning, (iii) Action, and (iv) Monitoring, for both adaptation and mitigation. The Preparedness Score allows a quantitative comparison of climate change strategies across the urban areas analysed. This methodology can be transferred to other countries and makes an international comparison of urban areas and their climate change adaptation and mitigation plans possible. We found that all areas acknowledge climate change being a threat and that adaptation and mitigation planning and action is required. However, two urban areas did not have official adaptation or mitigation plans. Typically, mitigation activities across all cities were more advanced than adaptation plans. Emissions reduction targets ranged from 10 %–80 % with differing baselines, timeframes and scopes, for defining and meeting these targets. Similar variability was observed across adaptation plans. Several reasons for these differences are considered, but particularly notable is that a combination of incentives and regulation seem to stimulate more comprehensive strategies and action in many urban areas.  相似文献   

利用2000—2017年百色市气象资料和城市社会经济发展数据,构建以气候天然容量、极端气候事件压力、城市气候压力和城市协调发展能力四个评价指数组成的城市气候承载力综合函数,客观定量评价广西西部山地城市百色2000—2017年的气候承载力变化。结果表明:21世纪以来,百色市的气候承载力整体呈现一种波动上升的状态,反映百色的城市建设与气候之间的协调力增强,城市建设发展仍有较大的气候承载空间。百色城市气候承载力对极端天气气候事件,特别是干旱事件较为敏感;人为影响因子对气候承载力具有重要影响。提升气候承载力和应对气候变化能力应从提高防御自然灾害能力和城市协调发展能力、降低城市气候压力着手,建立可持续发展的城市气候生态系统。  相似文献   

Flooding is the most costly natural hazard in Europe. Climatic and socioeconomic change are expected to further increase the amount of loss in the future. To counteract this development, policymaking, and adaptation planning need reliable large-scale risk assessments and an improved understanding of potential risk drivers.In this study, recent datasets for hazard and flood protection standards are combined with high resolution exposure projections and attributes of vulnerability derived from open data sources. The independent and combined influence of exposure change and climate scenarios rcp45 and rcp85 on fluvial flood risk are evaluated for three future periods centered around 2025, 2055 and 2085. Scenarios with improved and neglected private precaution are examined for their influence on flood risk using a probabilistic, multivariable flood loss model — BN-FLEMOps — to estimate fluvial flood losses for residential buildings in Europe.The results on NUTS-3 level reveal that urban centers and their surrounding regions are the hotspots of flood risk in Europe. Flood risk is projected to increase in the British Isles and Central Europe throughout the 21st century, while risk in many regions of Scandinavia and the Mediterranean will stagnate or decline. Under the combined effects of exposure change and climate scenarios rcp45, rcp85, fluvial flood risk in Europe is estimated to increase seven-fold and ten-fold respectively until the end of the century. Our results confirm the dominance of socioeconomic change over climate change on increasing risk. Improved private precautionary measures would reduce flood risk in Europe on an average by 15%. The quantification of future flood risk in Europe by integrating climate, socioeconomic and private precaution scenarios provides an overview of risk drivers, trends, and hotspots. This large-scale comprehensive assessment at a regional level resolution is valuable for multi-scale risk-based adaptation planning.  相似文献   

La Ceiba, Honduras, a city of about 200,000 people, lies along the Caribbean Sea, nestled against a mountain range and the Rio Cangrejal. The city faces three flooding risks: routine flooding of city streets due to the lack of a stormwater drainage system; occasional major flooding of the Rio Cangrejal, which flows through the city; and flooding from heavy rainfall events and storm surges associated with tropical cyclones. In this study, we applied a method developed for the U.S. Agency for International Development and then worked with stakeholders in La Ceiba to understand climate change risks and evaluate adaptation alternatives. We estimated the impacts of climate change on the current flooding risks and on efforts to mitigate the flooding problems. The climate change scenarios, which addressed sea level rise and flooding, were based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates of sea level rise (Houghton et al. 2001) and published literature linking changes in temperature to more intense precipitation (Trenberth et al., Bull Am Meteorol Soc, 84:1205–1217, 2003) and hurricanes (Knutson and Tuleya, J Clim, 17:3477–3495, 2004). Using information from Trenberth et al., Bull Am Meteorol Soc, 84:1205–1217, (2003) and Knutson and Tuleya, J Clim, 17:3477–3495, 2004, we scaled intense precipitation and hurricane wind speed based on projected temperature increases. We estimated the volume of precipitation in intense events to increase by 2 to 4% in 2025 and by 6 to 14% by 2050. A 13% increase in intense precipitation, the high scenario for 2050, could increase peak 5-year flood flows by about 60%. Building an enhanced urban drainage system that could cope with the estimated increased flooding would cost one-third more than building a system to handle current climate conditions, but would avoid costlier reconstruction in the future. The flow of the Rio Cangrejal would increase by one-third from more intense hurricanes. The costs of raising levees to protect the population from increased risks from climate change would be about $1 million. The coast west of downtown La Ceiba is the most vulnerable to sea level rise and storm surges. It is relatively undeveloped, but is projected to have rapid development. Setbacks on coastal construction in that area may limit risks. The downtown coastline is also at risk and may need to be protected with groins and sand pumping. Stakeholders in La Ceiba concluded that addressing problems of urban drainage should be a top priority. They emphasized improved management of the Rio Cangrejal watershed and improved storm warnings to cope with risks from extreme precipitation and cyclones. Adoption of risk management principles and effective land use management could also help reduce risks from current climate and climate change.  相似文献   


As increasing evidence shows that the risks of climate change are mounting, there is a call for further climate action (both reducing global emissions, and adaptation to better manage the risks of climate change). To promote and enable adaptation, governments have introduced, or are considering introducing, reporting on climate risks and efforts being taken to address those risks. This paper reports on an analysis of the first two rounds of such reports submitted under the UK Climate Change Act (2008) Adaptation Reporting Power. It highlights benefits and challenges for reporting authorities and policymakers receiving the reports that could also inform other countries considering such reporting. For reporting authorities, benefits arise from the reporting process and resulting reports. These benefits include elevating climate risks and adaptation to the corporate level and with stakeholders, alongside facilitating alignment and integration of actions within existing risk management and governance structures. For policymakers, reporting provides enhanced understanding of climate risks and actions from a bottom-up perspective that can be integrated into national-level assessments and adaptation planning processes. The identified challenges are those related to capacity and process. These include limited risk and adaptation assessment capacities; relevance of climate change risks and adaptation in the context of other urgent risks and actions; reporting process effectiveness and robustness; and the provision of effective and sufficiently comprehensive support, including feedback.

Key policy insights
  • Effective adaptation reporting needs to be designed and delivered so as to enhance the value of the reporting process and resulting reports both for those reporting and those receiving the reports, as well as from the broader policy perspective.

  • Providing a positive and supportive reporting environment is critical to encourage participation and facilitating contiuous learning and improvement, while also facilitating delivery of policy-relevant adaptation reports.

  • Contributions of adaptation reporting can be enhanced by an inclusive reporting requirement involving a broader organizational mix that enables more effective risk management and reporting that reflects associated (inter)dependencies and consistency with the more comprehensive post-2015 resilience agenda (Paris Agreement, Sendai Framework for DRR and UN Agenda 2030 SDGs).


Involving a wide-range of stakeholders at different moments in the planning of urban adaptation to climate change can help to overcome different barriers to adaptation, such as a lack of common perception, or control over options. This Article argues for an approach that involves a wide range of actors throughout the planning process in order to confront the challenges of urban adaptation to climate change. It builds on the results of a three-year participatory action research project to identify the catalysts with which local administrations can overcome the lack of data, the low level of engagement around the climate issue, and the cause-and-effect linkages of climate change impacts on the urban environment. Significant factors include territorial rootedness, leveraging actors’ experience, interaction between actors, as well as the valuing of local actors as experts of territorial management rather than as novices with regard to climate change adaptation. In addition to contributing towards the engagement of a large number of stakeholders around adaptation issues, a planning process that involves representatives from various sectors and during several stages contributes to a greater understanding of these issues and their linkages. It follows that such a process will bring changes to urban practices by better articulating local concerns about climatic issues.

Policy relevance

Although participation is commonly advocated in policy responses to climate change, only few empirical studies have investigated the ways in which local actors' knowledge can be integrated into climate change adaptation planning processes. The article builds on the results of an action research project carried out in Québec City, Canada, to address the relevance of involving a progressively broader range of actors as the adaptation process moves through its various phases. Given that a multitude of barriers to adaptation are at play at different times in a municipality, collaborations between local stakeholders emerge as a key factor. These collaborations provide greater insight into the linkages between climate change impacts and the urban environment and, in doing so, bring into question ordinary urban management and design practices.  相似文献   

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