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陆地生态系统通过植被光合作用可以吸收约30%的人为碳排放,在全球碳循环、减缓大气二氧化碳浓度上升等方面具有重要作用。最近10年发展起来的日光诱导叶绿素荧光遥感技术,可以监测植被实际光合作用,为全球陆地生态系统碳循环的研究提供了新的思路和方法。本文回顾了叶绿素荧光遥感产品发展及其在陆地生态系统碳循环和陆气相互作用中的应用研究进展,特别是在全球植被总初级生产力估算和陆地生态系统碳循环模型发展方面的进展,并进一步讨论了该领域研究面临的挑战和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

全球变化科学领域的若干研究进展   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了中国科学院大气物理研究所东亚中心在全球变化科学研究方面的一些进展.主要包括:(1)参与了国际和国内全球变化科学的开拓工作;(2)提出了区域水平上的全球变化研究新方向;(3)气候突变和全球增暖的区域响应研究;(4)东亚季风区植被-大气相互作用研究;(5)区域环境系统模式的发展和亚洲区域模式的国际比较研究活动;(6)提出了对全球变化的人类有序适应的概念、试验观测、理论和方法;(7)面向国家需求的全球变化问题北方干旱化研究;(8)陆地生态系统碳循环研究等.  相似文献   

<正>碳循环不仅是生态系统对全球变化响应的综合表现,还直接和大气CO_2浓度的变化相关,从而影响到全球气候的稳定,因而成为全球变化研究的重要内容之一。随着科学研究的深入和社会发展的需求,碳循环研究已逐渐从人类CO_2排放到海洋与陆地全球分布的基本问题,转变为区域碳收支的确定,以及在气候变化与人类活动双重影响下全球碳循环的响应及反馈。IPCC第五次评估报告(AR5)~([1])采用大量、独立的数据进一步明确了自工业革命以来,大  相似文献   

我们未来的气候:人类的干预有多大?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
任国玉 《气象》2003,29(3):3-7
对有关气候变化的观测事实和可能原因的研究做了简要回顾和总结,对21世纪人类活动和自然因子对气候系统的可能影响做了扼要讨论。近20余年全球气候变化科学有明显的进步,但要对21世纪气候趋势做出可靠预测,还需要在过去气候演化历史和成因、全球碳循环、气候系统模式与模拟、土地利用和土地覆盖变化的影响以及气候系统的稳定性等方面开展深入研究,以便进一步减少科学上的不确定性。  相似文献   

全球CO2浓度增加造成的全球变暖已成为人类亟需解决的问题,陆地生态系统在过去几十年一直扮演着重要的碳汇角色,吸收了30%左右的人类活动排放CO2。本文调研分析了陆地生态系统固碳速率空间估算方法,包括样地调查、通量监测、模型模拟、遥感估算等,梳理了各种估算方法的研究现状与进展。样地调查、通量观测等方法可以提供点尺度的固碳速率直接测量信息,但存在观测样本有限、空间代表性不足等问题。模型模拟方法可以从机理的角度描述陆地碳、水、能量循环,模拟预测陆地生态系统固碳速率的状态和变化。然而,在模型建立过程中,抽象和简化会引入结构与假设的不确定性,以及模型驱动数据引入的不确定性等问题是碳循环模型模拟方法面临的重大挑战。卫星遥感具有全球覆盖、分辨率精细、时间序列观测等优点,结合机器学习方法,为地球大数据驱动的全球碳源汇估算提供了新的研究范式。但是,当前各种固碳速率的监测方法还没有满足高度时空异质性的陆地生态系统固碳量监测需求,未来需要整合地面观测、模型模拟和卫星遥感等多种技术手段,提供区域和全球尺度的陆地生态系统碳汇精确估算方法体系和科学数据产品。  相似文献   

引 言自 2 0世纪 80年代以来 ,随着全球变化科学这一新兴学科的形成 ,以研究全球环境变化为对象 ,逐步发展成了国际地圈·生物圈计划 (IGBP)、全球变化人文因素计划 (IHDP)、世界气候研究计划 (WCRP)、生物多样性计划 (DIVERSITAS)等4个科学研究计划。全球变化科学以“地球系统”为研究对象 ,将大气圈、水圈、岩石圈、冰雪圈和生物圈 (包括人类自身 )视为一个整体。全球变化中最活跃的物质是碳和水 ,它是人类生存的物质基础。围绕全球碳循环、全球水资源与水循环、食物与纤维 3大主题以及人类与环境的相互作用研究 ,…  相似文献   

<正>世界气候研究计划(WCRP)提供的耦合模式对比计划第五阶段(CMIP5)的地球系统模式(ESM)较之以前增加了较为复杂的碳循环,即在原有的全球大气耦合海洋环流模式(AOGCMs)中,把大气与陆地和海洋碳循环过程加入,这样较真实地再现碳循环和物理气候系统之间的相互作用~([1])。为了表征它们之间的相互作用以及考虑碳循环响应于未来的气候变化和CO_2的变化,经常考虑碳—浓度参数化和碳—气候反馈参数化,这是两个强的和相反的反馈。碳—浓度参数化是度量陆地和海洋碳库对大  相似文献   

大气、海洋、人类活动与气候变暖   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
丁一汇  耿全震 《气象》1998,24(3):12-17
根据国内外的研究,对于人类活动引起的全球变暖以及与其有关的碳循环和大气与海洋的反馈过程做了综述。  相似文献   

利用一个全球海洋动力学环流模式所模拟的海洋环流场,建立了一个全面的二维海洋碳循环模式。此模式摒弃了传统箱模式的缺陷,充分考虑了诸如大气与海洋间的碳交换、光合作用和氧化分解、碳酸钙的产生和溶解、悬浮颗粒物的下沉等过程,尤其是在模式中耦合进了以往甚少考虑的海洋生物过程对碳循环的影响,引入了详尽合理的参数化方案。通过模拟发现:在稳定状态下,大气和海洋中总碳含量分布依赖于发生在海洋中的各种物理化学过程及边界条件,水平扩散系数和光合作用常数率对各化学量的分布有很大影响。  相似文献   

海洋碳循环与全球气候变化相互反馈的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋作为地球上一个主要吸收二氧化碳的汇,储存大量的二氧化碳.海-气间的二氧化碳交换,使得海洋中碳对气候产生反馈作用,从而影响着大气中CO2的浓度,甚至影响到全球气候的变化.本文主要介绍了海洋碳循环的过程,以及海洋碳循环过程对气候的反馈作用.  相似文献   

陆地生态系统与全球变化相互作用的研究进展   总被引:36,自引:3,他引:36  
全球变化及其对生态系统特别是陆地生态系统的影响已经严重地影响到人类生存环境与社会经济的可持续发展 ,引起了各国政府、科学家及公众的高度关注。文中从CO2 浓度倍增、温度变化、水分变化、水热与CO2 协同作用、辐射变化、臭氧变化以及人为干扰等气候环境变化对植物光合生理、生长发育、物质分配、水分利用、碳氮代谢等的影响方面阐述了全球变化影响生态系统的过程与机理 ;从地理分布范围、物候、结构与功能、生态系统的稳定性等方面分析了中国植被、森林生态系统、草原生态系统与农田生态系统对全球变化的响应 ;从植被变化引起的动力条件与热力条件的变化及植被固碳潜力的变化探讨了植被对于气候的反馈作用。在此基础上 ,基于当前全球变化研究前沿 ,提出了未来关于陆地生态系统与全球变化相互作用研究需要重视的方面 ,尤其是关于生态系统对全球变化响应的阈值研究应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

我国内陆河流域水文循环与其生态功能浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘春蓁 《干旱气象》2005,23(3):12-16
近50 a来,我国的西北内陆河流域,与世界很多干旱、半干旱的缺水地区一样,水文循环及其生态功能正发生着一系列衰退及相伴的生态环境恶化现象。本文从气候、人类活动与水文循环间相互作用的观点,用实测的气候水文数据剖析了这一现象。提出水文循环通过其生态功能,与生态系统相伴相生,互相依存。水资源的过渡开发利用超出了水文循环的再生能力,延迟了水资源再生周期。由于内陆河的平原与盆地的干燥度指数十分大,暖干气候放大了人类活动对水文循环的不利影响,加剧了生态环境的退化。对于内陆河流域,人类生存与经济发展地区远离山区水源地,流域统一的水资源综合管理对于维持健康的水文循环和生态系统尤为重要。  相似文献   

10~30 d时效的延伸期预报,作为无缝隙预报预测体系中至关重要的一环,连接着天气预报和短期气候预测。受不断加剧的气候变化的影响,延伸期预报将面临更为重大的挑战。首先概述国内外延伸期预报现状,然后分析了全球气候变化对极端天气气候事件分布特征、关键环流系统可预报性等方面的影响,发现气候变化将导致延伸期预报难度加大、需求更加旺盛,同时也更加突显延伸期预报在防灾减灾方面的作用。进一步展望延伸期预报将面临的新挑战以及未来业务发展的新动向,提出了适应气候变化的应对措施和建议,如大力发展数值预报模式、深入开展延伸期预报机理研究、大力发展动力—统计相结合的预报方法以及尝试多学科交叉协作等。  相似文献   

Previous research has identified the importance of the role of land cover in the global carbon cycle. In particular, forests have been identified as a significant carbon sink that can mitigate the rate of global climate change. Policy makers are faced with complex and difficult challenges in getting timely and useful information in monitoring global forest resources. Recent advances in the tools and methods of forest carbon accounting have produced new, innovative approaches to forest-based carbon inventories. But it is important as new tools are developed that scientists understand the needs of policy makers and that policy makers understand the capabilities and limitations of forest inventory methods. This paper explores four different policy applications that rely, or could benefit from, national carbon inventories. The goal is to help build a bridge between the communities of climate policy makers and scientists specialized in forest carbon inventories. To this end, we pursue three specific objectives: First we provide an overview for policy makers about approaches to forest carbon inventories, paying particular attention to the contributions of remote sensing technologies. Second, we outline the issues particularly relevant to forest inventory scientists who are interested in responding to public policy needs. We then discuss the tradeoffs between information cost, accuracy, precision, transparency and timeliness that need to be balanced in long-term monitoring of forest carbon. Finally, the article concludes with a series of observations and recommendations for the implementation of forest carbon inventories as increasingly central components of global climate change policy.  相似文献   

Carbon cycle feedbacks have been shown to be very important in predicting climate change over the next century. The response of the terrestrial carbon cycle to climate change depends on the competition between increased respiration due to warmer temperatures and increased uptake due to elevated CO2levels. Whether the terrestrial carbon cycle remains a sink for anthropogenic carbon, or switches to become a source, depends particularly on the response of soil respiration to temperature. Here we use observed global atmospheric CO2concentration to constrain the behaviour of soil respiration in a coupled climate–carbon cycle GCM.  相似文献   

We have characterized the relative contributions to uncertainty in predictions of global warming amount by year 2100 in the C4MIP model ensemble ( Friedlingstein et al., 2006 ) due to both carbon cycle process uncertainty and uncertainty in the physical climate properties of the Earth system. We find carbon cycle uncertainty to be important. On average the spread in transient climate response is around 40% of that due to the more frequently debated uncertainties in equilibrium climate sensitivity and global heat capacity.
This result is derived by characterizing the influence of different parameters in a global climate-carbon cycle 'box' model that has been calibrated against the 11 General Circulation models (GCMs) and Earth system Models of Intermediate Complexity (EMICs) in the C4MIP ensemble; a collection of current state-of-the-art climate models that include an explicit representation of the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Despite great advances in carbon cycle research during the past decade the climatic impact of terrestrial ecosystems is still highly uncertain. Although contemporary studies suggest that the terrestrial biosphere has acted as a net sink to atmospheric carbon during the past two decades, the future role of terrestrial carbon pools is most difficult to foresee. When land use change and forestry activities were included into the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, the requirements for scientific precision increased significantly. At the same time the political expectations of carbon sequestration as climate mitigation strategy added uncertainties of a social kind to the study of land-atmosphere carbon exchange that have been difficult to address by conventional scientific methods. In this paper I explore how the failure to take into account the effects of direct human activity in scientific projections of future terrestrial carbon storage has resulted in a simplified appreciation of the risks embedded in a global carbon sequestration scheme. I argue that the social limits to scientific analysis must be addressed in order to accommodate these risks in future climate governance and to enable continued scientific authority in the international climate regime.  相似文献   

Despite great advances in carbon cycle research during the past decade the climatic impact of terrestrial ecosystems is still highly uncertain. Although contemporary studies suggest that the terrestrial biosphere has acted as a net sink to atmospheric carbon during the past two decades, the future role of terrestrial carbon pools is most difficult to foresee. When land use change and forestry activities were included into the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, the requirements for scientific precision increased significantly. At the same time the political expectations of carbon sequestration as climate mitigation strategy added uncertainties of a social kind to the study of land-atmosphere carbon exchange that have been difficult to address by conventional scientific methods. In this paper I explore how the failure to take into account the effects of direct human activity in scientific projections of future terrestrial carbon storage has resulted in a simplified appreciation of the risks embedded in a global carbon sequestration scheme. I argue that the social limits to scientific analysis must be addressed in order to accommodate these risks in future climate governance and to enable continued scientific authority in the international climate regime.  相似文献   

Issues concerning what measures should be adopted to achieve a sustainable world with less carbon dioxide emission and in what magnitude should we reduce our emission have been on agenda in both international negotiations and countries’ policy making aimed at coping with potential global climate change. These issues cannot be easily addressed unless comprehensive understanding about the countries’ status quo as well as historical relationship between economic development and carbon dioxide emission are gained. In this paper, we examine the historical relationship between economic development and carbon dioxide emission; the ex ante restrictions on function forms and the poorly handled robustness issues rife in economics literature are synthetically addressed. Evidence from recent four decades indicates that per capita carbon dioxide emission first significantly and monotonously increase at low income level and flattens after per capita income reaches at about 22,000 $ (2005 constant price). We perform various robustness checks by employing different data sources, different model specifications and different econometric estimates. The captured development–emission relationship is robust. Our empirical results indicate factors such as urbanization, population density, trade, energy mix and economic environment impact the absolute level of carbon dioxide emission not the overall income elasticity structure of carbon dioxide emission.  相似文献   

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