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库木库里盆地位于青藏高原北缘,与柴达木盆地一山之隔,是二者的过渡地带,也是高原主体部分向NE扩展的前缘地区;现今构造表现为被3条大型活动构造带(走滑的阿尔金断裂带、东昆仑断裂带和逆冲的祁漫塔格褶皱逆冲系)所夹持。因此,该盆地对于研究青藏高原北缘的构造活动性、活动历史,探讨高原的扩展模式具有十分重要的意义。虽然库木库里盆地南、北两侧均发育活动性很强的大型走滑断裂,但是在盆地中央发育1条大型背斜,走向NWW-SEE,与祁漫塔格褶皱逆冲系和柴达木盆地内的褶皱构造走向一致,说明盆地目前遭受NNE向的挤压。通过对盆地地形横、纵剖面和阶地展布形态的分析,得出背斜有自西向东扩展变形的特征;野外调查和测年结果显示,背斜东段冰川融水形成了大型冰水扇,形成年龄为(87.09±2.31)~(102.4±3.7)ka,进而获得背斜东段自晚更新世以来平均隆升速率的最大值为(2.78±0.28)~(3.28±0.28)mm/a。库木库里盆地整体的活动性很强,在构造上与其北边的柴达木盆地类似,都受控于阿尔金断裂南侧的NNE向的区域挤压作用。  相似文献   

自50~55 Ma以来,印度次大陆向北与欧亚大陆碰撞后形成喜马拉雅—青藏高原造山带,碰撞导致地壳增厚致使高原大幅隆升,改变了亚洲大陆岩石圈的构造格局,也对东亚地区的气候和环境产生了巨大影响。阿尔金断裂作为青藏高原北缘的主控边界断裂,其运动学性质在20世纪70年代备受关注,不同量级的滑动速率引出了块体运动与东向逃逸和连续变形与地壳增厚两种端元模型。约10~15 Ma以来,在青藏高原南部与北部出现地堑与裂谷,为高原东西向拉张运动提供了证据,表明青藏高原开始经历地壳减薄过程。青藏高原形成以来形变场经历怎样变化,长时间尺度的地质学构造过程与现今GPS观测是否能够统一?10~15 Ma以来青藏高原地壳减薄过程造成高原高程怎样的变化?青藏高原北缘,尤其是跨阿尔金断裂具有怎样的现今三维地壳变形场,地壳应变是如何在北阿尔金断裂、祁漫塔格断裂和阿尔金断裂之间分配的?青藏高原北缘与塔里木盆地具有怎样的力学性质,对跨阿尔金断裂构造形变场造成怎样的影响?最后,GPS观测得到的现今地表形变场能够对青藏高原形变模式的争论作出何种解答?上述科学问题的解答,对于研究青藏高原隆升与变形过程具有十分重要的意义。本研究分为两部分。第一部分是青藏高原北缘三维震间运动场的观测与研究。在青藏高原北缘跨阿尔金断裂中段自建9个GPS连续台站并开展观测,根据区域研究特点设计无人值守的观测台站,具有低成本投入、高质量观测的特点。上述连续GPS台站的建立填补了青藏高原北缘,尤其是在阿尔金无人区地壳形变观测研究的空白,积累了宝贵的连续GPS数据;截止2015年7月,共有4年的连续GPS观测。数据分析结果证明,设计建站方法行之有效,GPS台站稳定、观测数据质量稳定、数据连续性稳定。结合使用中国大陆构造环境监测网络在研究区及邻域GPS连续台站数据作位置时间序列与速度场解算,获得青藏高原北缘地区跨阿尔金断裂中段现今三维形变场。使用三维线弹性后向滑移(backslip)块体运动模型,反演塔里木块体、北阿尔金块体、柴达木块体和祁漫塔格块体的三维块体运动。结果表明,北阿尔金山相对于塔里木盆地有(1.32±0.2)mm/a的抬升速率,相对于柴达木盆地具有(0.73±0.3)mm/a的抬升速率,可解释为北阿尔金块体存在显著的造山过程;阿尔金断裂有(8.21±0.60)mm/a的左旋走滑速率、(0.66±0.60)mm/a的缩短速率;祁漫塔格断裂有(0.53±0.60)mm/a的左旋走滑速率、(1.53±0.60)mm/a的缩短速率;北阿尔金断裂有(0.87±0.60)mm/a的左旋速率、(0.69±0.60)mm/a的缩短速率。同时,阿尔金断裂中、西两段滑动速率基本一致,约为8.0~10.0mm/a。定量研究结果支持连续形变与地壳增厚模型,表明相对塔里木块体,青藏高原北缘地区正在抬升、增厚,以北阿尔金山地区最为明显,抬升速率约达1.3mm/a。跨青藏高原北缘的阿尔金断裂、北阿尔金断裂和祁漫塔格断裂近200km的宽泛变形带内,南北向地壳缩短并不明显,缩短量仅约为2.9mm,且近一半缩短量发生在祁漫塔格山南侧。GPS观测阿尔金断裂车尔臣河段(~86°E)剖面表明,断裂两侧存在非对称变形特征。本文采用非对称变形模型反演GPS速度剖面数据,获得断裂两侧塔里木盆地和青藏高原北部的地壳介质剪切模量差异。结果显示,塔里木盆地地壳介质剪切模量约为青藏高原北部剪切模量1.53倍,相应S波波速比值为1.24,与Yang等人得到的地壳和上地幔三维VSV模型结果一致。地震学研究结果认为,青藏高原北部与东部地区在中地壳存在低速层,局部区域可能发生部分熔融;Hacker等进一步确认羌塘地块中地壳到深部地壳存在熔融现象。本文的研究运用了与地震学完全不同的资料,通过大地测量方法推导青藏高原北部与塔里木盆地的地壳介质力学性质差异,得到与地震学研究得到的S波波速比及其构造物理学解释相当一致的结果。成果为青藏高原力学演化模型提供新的约束。本论文第二部分内容是使用覆盖青藏高原及周边的GPS速度场,计算青藏高原内部应变率场。GPS观测速度场不仅显示了南东东-北西西向的地壳拉张过程,也揭示了青藏高原内部更加重要的地壳减薄过程。结果显示,青藏高原北部和南部的垂向应变率(减薄应变率)分别为(8.9±0.8)nanostrain/a和(7.4±1.2)nanostrain/a,青藏高原西南部的垂向应变率为(12.0±3.2)nanostrain/a,表明青藏高原内部大尺度范围应变率测量结果的一致性。并且青藏高原内部的拉张应变率观测也相当一致,青藏高原北部,沿着N114±1°E主应变方向的拉张应变率为(21.9±0.4)nanostrain/a;高原南部沿着N93±1°E主应变方向的拉张应变率为(16.9±0.2)nanostrain/a;高原西南部沿着N74±3°E主应变方向的拉张应变率为(22.2±1.8)nanostrain/a。如果地壳减薄开始于10~15 Ma,并且现今观测得到应变率适用于整个时间跨度,那么地壳累积减薄5.5~8.5km。应用Airy地壳均衡理论,青藏高原的平均高程将下降~1km。青藏高原北部、南部和西南部相似的垂向应变速率也表明,在3个区域的地壳拉张、正断裂运动和地壳减薄过程由相同的物理机制所支配。综合上述两部分研究成果,发现青藏高原现今垂向运动在高原内部和边缘地区存在很大差别。高原内部地区正在经历地壳减薄,而高原边缘地区正在经历不同程度的增厚与隆升。青藏高原北缘地区的垂向应变率约5~20nanostrain/a,如果考虑重力均衡作用,对应的垂向隆升速率在0.04~0.14mm/a左右。但是,对于局部地区如北阿尔金块体,其底部受到塔里木盆地南缘下插挠曲板块的支持,在没有重力均衡情况下,垂向隆升速率可能达到1mm/a。喜马拉雅地区呈现不同水平的垂向形变,垂向应变强烈(约10~80nanostrain/a),山脉底部受到印度下插板片的支持,无法通过重力均衡假定由垂向应变率估计隆升速率。但由GPS与水准数据约束的俯冲板片模型推测山脉隆升速率达到约7mm/a。而对于祁连山地区,GPS应变率推测得到垂向应变率约20~40nanostrain/a,应用地壳均衡理论,平均隆升速率为0.15~0.3mm/a;而由于逆冲推覆构造与褶皱变形带的存在,中下地壳有可能仍存在弹性变形,不能实现完全重力均衡,实际隆升速率有可能高于这一估计。本文研究给出青藏高原不同地区三维形变场与形变速率的定量估计,是对连续形变与地壳增厚形变模型的重要修正。结果并不支持块体运动与东向逃逸模型,并认为高原南北双向俯冲模型中的塔里木块体南向俯冲几乎不存在。  相似文献   

丽江-小金河断裂位于青藏高原东南缘,是川滇菱形块体内重要的次级边界断裂。构造活动对区域河流水系的发育有重要影响,因此,定量研究水系地貌特征可在一定程度上反映区域内构造活动信息。本文采用地形坡度、地形起伏度、面积-高程积分值(HI)等地貌参数研究沿该断裂区域地貌对构造活动的响应。研究发现,断裂北侧坡度和地形起伏度较断裂南侧高,跨断裂4级流域盆地内亚流域盆地面积-高程积分值变化也指示断裂北侧流域成熟度低于断裂南侧,这反映了丽江-小金河断裂存在一定逆冲分量。  相似文献   

青藏高原北缘三危山断裂晚更新世活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三危山断裂位于青藏高原北缘,属于阿尔金断裂带向NW扩展的分支断裂,其最新的构造活动反映了青藏高原北部地区的构造演化及地震活动特征。文中通过遥感影像解译、野外实地调查和地质填图,对该断裂晚第四纪构造活动特征进行了研究。结果表明,三危山断裂发育于三危山西北麓,长约175km,断裂以左旋走滑为主,兼有逆断层性质,局部表现出正断层特征。其构造活动的地貌表现形式主要有:基岩陡坎、断层沟槽以及山包、冲沟左旋等。古地震探槽开挖揭示三危山断裂主要断错晚更新世地层,在距今(40.3±5.2)~(42.1±3.9)ka有过1次古地震活动,为1条晚更新世活动断裂。  相似文献   

渭河盆地北缘断裂带位于渭河盆地北山山前,国家地震局(1988年)、石油第三普查队、李永善(1992年)等在20世纪在渭河盆地及周缘活动构造研究项目中就对该断裂做了探测及初步研究.但纵观这些研究,对该断裂的认识,无论是断裂位置、断裂分段,还是断裂的活动时代,都存在着分歧.作为一条控制渭河盆地北缘的断裂带,查明其位置及分段、活动时代等至关重要.  相似文献   

洗马林断裂为洗马林-水泉断裂的西北段,是洋河盆地北缘断裂带的组成断裂之一,位于张家口-渤海断裂构造带与山西断陷盆地带的复合部位,其构造几何和变形特征是研究两大构造带相互作用的良好素材。文中采用地质地貌调查和地球物理探测等手段对该断裂进行探查和研究,阐述了断裂的几何展布、构造特征与活动性,分析了其与邻近断裂的构造关系,讨论了其在洋河盆地北缘断裂带中的变形转换作用。研究结果显示:洗马林断裂是1条以走滑为主、兼具逆冲的断裂,晚更新世中晚期以来和全新世期间的垂直滑动速率分别为0.17mm/a和0.25~0.38mm/a,水平滑动速率为0.58~0.67mm/a和0.50mm/a。断裂由NW向的主体断层和NE向的次级断层交替组合形成,NW向断层表现为高角度逆左旋走滑,NE向断层显示出正断活动,2组构造具有特定的构造几何关系,运动方式和变形特征相互匹配;在洋河盆地北缘断裂带的活动过程中,NW向的洗马林断裂起到了类似转换断层的变形转换与应力传递作用,其左旋走滑活动使得两端的NE向正断层活动得以协调进行。  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂在河西走廊西端的酒西盆地附近左旋走滑特征逐渐消失,而其东侧的宽滩山断裂和黑山北缘断裂表现为逆冲构造。在宽滩山北侧分布的2条断裂,分别是塔尔湾-池家刺窝断裂和干峡山断裂,这2条断裂也表现出明显的活动特征。前人认为塔尔湾-池家刺窝断裂是1条低活动速率的逆冲断裂,并未对其水平运动进行详细研究。宽滩山北缘断裂带是否存在水平走滑运动,对于进一步探讨阿尔金走滑断裂和祁连山北缘逆冲断裂的构造转换模式,具有非常重要的意义。文中通过无人机Sf M摄影测量等野外工作,对宽滩山北缘的塔尔湾-池家刺窝断裂和干峡山断裂的走滑运动特征进行研究,并获得了2点初步认识:1)宽滩山北缘断裂是具有右旋兼有逆冲的活动断裂,通过对宽滩山北缘断裂带的河流冲沟和阶地的位错量进行统计,初步估计其晚更新世右旋走滑速率为0.2~0.25mm/a,全新世右旋走滑速率为0.5~1.5mm/a;2)宽滩山北缘断裂所在的河西走廊西端位置的构造主要驱动力来自于祁连山向北的挤压作用,造成了宽滩山北缘断裂的右旋走滑和酒西盆地内多条断裂的逆冲运动性质。  相似文献   

巨型左旋走滑的阿尔金断裂是青藏高原的北部边界,在印度-欧亚板块碰撞过程中起重要的调节作用,控制着青藏高原东北部的构造演化,认识其活动演化对理解青藏高原的构造变形过程和机制具有重要意义。阿尔金断裂南侧存在一系列弧形地貌单元,知晓这些弧形带是原始弧形弯曲还是后期由于阿尔金断裂左旋走滑拖曳而形成的,对认识阿尔金断裂的构造演化具有重要意义。文中在前期阿尔金断裂南侧柴西英雄岭和柴北缘2条弧形带不同部位已开展的精细古地磁旋转变形研究的基础上,综合研究区和阿尔金断裂附近已有的古地磁旋转变形研究结果和弧形带几何形态学等其它地质证据,分析发现这2条弧形带的几何学特征是由其不同部位发生旋转变形所导致的,且旋转变形与该时段阿尔金断裂的快速左旋走滑活动密切相关。通过上述工作,更加全面地了解了阿尔金断裂新生代2阶段的走滑特征,进一步限定了阿尔金断裂早渐新世以来左旋滑移量,以柴西段为参照系滑移量至少约350~430km,以柴北缘段为参照系至少约380~460km,平均滑移速率至少约10. 6~13. 9mm/a。  相似文献   

玉门断裂位于青藏高原东北缘的祁连山造山带西段,与阿尔金断裂相邻,构造位置特殊,是青藏高原北缘向外扩展的最新活动证据。近20a越来越多的研究使得对其认识逐渐从弱活动向强活动转变。因此,玉门断裂作为1条青藏高原北缘祁连山造山带中新生的活动断裂和褶皱带,确定它晚更新世至全新世的活动性和古地震复发周期具有重要的意义。文中通过对玉门断裂山前冲积扇面和北大河阶地的影像解译与断层陡坎的测量,以及对2条不同断层陡坎的探槽开挖工作,获得了以下几点认识:1)玉门断裂全新世以来的垂直活动速率为0.41~0.48mm/a,晚更新世晚期以来的垂直活动速率为0.24~0.30mm/a。2)玉门断裂全新世以来共发生4次古地震事件,这4次古地震分别发生在6.12~10.53kaBP、3.6~5.38kaBP、1.64~1.93kaBP和0.63~1.64kaBP。总体上表现出复发间隔逐渐缩短,活动性增强的趋势,并且每次古地震都可能造成多支断层同时破裂,形成陡坎。  相似文献   

杨帆  王金烁  郝明 《地震工程学报》2020,42(5):1125-1131
墨脱断裂展布于南迦巴瓦构造结的东侧,晚第四纪以来活动强烈,断裂水平运动表现为左旋走滑。为了进一步研究墨脱断裂倾向滑动特征及断裂活动性差异,文章基于DEM数据提取了4对横跨断裂矩形区域内的高程数据,计算获得沿断裂发育的31个流域盆地的面积高程积分值。研究表明,墨脱断裂两侧在同一高度出现对称的4组台地面,且从低到相邻的两级台面的高度差没有出现逐步增大的趋势,表明断裂没有表现出明显的倾向滑动;沿断裂分布的汇水盆地具有较大的面积高程积分值(0.42~0.60之间),反映出墨脱断裂所在区域目前总体表现为强烈的构造隆升;根据汇水盆地面积高程积分值的空间分布特征,区域地壳隆升强度沿墨脱断裂由南至北具有逐渐减弱的趋势,结合断裂地貌形态,认为在强隆升区面积高程积分值对断裂活动性具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

The Yumen Fault lies on the west segment of the north Qilian Fault belt and adjacent to the Altyn-Tagh Fault,in the north margin of the Tibet Plateau.The tectonic location of the Yumen fault is special,and the fault is the evidence of recent activity of the northward growth of Tibetan plateau.In recent twenty years,many researches show the activity of the Yumen Fault became stronger from the early Pleistocene to the Holocene.Because the Yumen Fault is a new active fault and fold belt in the Qilian orogenic belt in the north margin of the Tibet Plateau,it is important to ascertain its slip rate and the recurrence interval of paleoearthquakes since the Late Pleistocene.Using the satellite image interpretation of the Beida river terrace,the GPS measurement of alluvial fans in front of the Yumen Fault and the trench excavation on the fault scarps,two conclusions are obtained in this paper.(1) The vertical slip rate of the Yumen Fault is about 0.41~0.48mm/a in the Holocene and about 0.24~0.30mm/a in the last stage of the late Pleistocene.(2) Since the Holocene epoch,four paleoearthquakes,which happened respectively in 6.12~10.53ka,3.6~5.38ka,1.64~1.93ka and 0.63~1.64ka,ruptured the surface scarps of the Yumen Fault.Overall,the recurrence interval of the paleoseismic events shortens gradually and the activity of the Yumen Fault becomes stronger since the Holocene.Anther characteristic is that every paleoearthquake probably ruptured multiple fault scarps at the same time.  相似文献   

The Bolokonu-Aqikekuduke fault zone(Bo-A Fault)is the plate convergence boundary between the middle and the northern Tianshan. Bo-A Fault is an inherited right-lateral strike-slip active fault and obliquely cuts the Tianshan Mountains to the northwest. Accurately constrained fault activity and slip rate is crucial for understanding the tectonic deformation mechanism, strain rate distribution and regional seismic hazard. Based on the interpretation of satellite remote sensing images and topographic surveys, this paper divides the alluvial fans in the southeast of Jinghe River into four phases, Fan1, Fan2, Fan3 and Fan4 by geomorphological elevation, water density, depth of cut, etc. This paper interprets gullies and terrace scarps by high-resolution LiDAR topographic data. Right-laterally offset gullies, fault scarps and terrace scarps are distributed in Fan1, Fan2b and Fan3. We have identified a total of 30 right-laterally offset gullies and terrace scarps. Minimum right-lateral displacement is about 6m and the maximum right-lateral displacements are(414±10)m, (91±5)m and(39±1)m on Fan2b, Fan3a and Fan3b. The landform scarp dividing Fan2b and Fan3a is offset right-laterally by (212±11)m. Combining the work done by the predecessors in the northern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains with Guliya ice core climate curve, this paper concludes that the undercut age of alluvial fan are 56~64ka, 35~41ka, 10~14ka in the Tianshan Mountains. The slip rate of Bo-A Fault since the formation of the Fan2b, Fan3a and Fan3b of the alluvial-proluvial fan is 3.3~3.7mm/a, 2.2~2.6mm/a and 2.7~3.9mm/a. The right-lateral strike-slip rate since the late Pleistocene is obtained to be 3.1±0.3mm/a based on high-resolution LiDAR topographic data and Monte Carlo analysis.  相似文献   

Qilian Shan and Hexi Corridor, located in the north of Tibetan plateau, are the margin of Tibetan plateau's tectonic deformation and pushing. Its internal deformations and activities can greatly conserve the extension process and characteristics of the Plateau. The research of Qilian Shan and Hexi Corridor consequentially plays a significant role in understanding tectonic deformation mechanism of Tibetan plateau. The northern Yumushan Fault, located in the middle of the northern Qilian Shan thrust belt, is a significant component of Qilian Shan thrust belt which divides Yumushan and intramontane basins in Hexi Corridor. Carrying out the research of Yumushan Fault will help explain the kinematics characteristics of the northern Yumushan active fault and its response to the northeastward growth of the Tibetan plateau.Because of limited technology conditions of the time, different research emphases and some other reasons, previous research results differ dramatically. This paper summarizes the last 20 years researches from the perspectives of fault slip rates, paleao-earthquake characteristics and tectonic deformation. Using aerial-photo morphological analysis, field investigation, optical simulated luminescence(OSL)dating of alluvial surfaces and topographic profiles, we calculate the vertical slip rate and strike-slip rate at the typical site in the northern Yumushan Fault, which is(0.55±0.15)mm/a and(0.95±0.11), respectively. On the controversial problems, namely "the Luotuo(Camel)city scarp" and the 180 A.D. Biaoshi earthquake, we use aerial-photo analysis, particular field investigation and typical profile dating. We concluded that "Luotuo city scarp" is the ruin of ancient diversion works rather than the fault scarp of the 180 A.D. Biaoshi earthquake. Combining the topographic profiles of the mountain range with fault characteristics, we believe Yumu Shan is a part of Qilian Shan. The uplift of Yumu Shan is the result of Qilian Shan and Yumu Shan itself pushing northwards. Topographic profile along the crest of the Yumu Shan illustrates the decrease from its center to the tips, which is similar to the vertical slip rates and the height of fault scarp. These show that Yumu Shan is controlled by fault extension and grows laterally and vertically. At present, fault activities are still concentrated near the north foot of Yumu Shan, and the mountain ranges continue to rise since late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

青海德令哈巴音郭勒河断裂带的新活动特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在青海德令哈巴音郭勒河北侧山前冲洪积扇上新发现了一条长约60km的逆断裂带,属于本区NNW-NWW向的柴达木盆地北缘活动断裂系内的一条次级挤压构造。断裂在地貌上表现为明显的挤压逆冲断层陡坎,晚更新世晚期以来的平均垂直滑动速率为0.41±0.27mm/a。探槽剖面确定了三次古地震事件,其年代分别为距今约32.7±1.45ka、15.54±1.32ka和3.2±0.33ka。  相似文献   

In the interior of the Tibetan Plateau, the active tectonics are primarily marked by conjugate strike slip faults and north-trending rifts, which represent the E-W extension since late Cenozoic of the plateau. The conjugate faults are mainly composed of NE-trending left-lateral strike-slip faults in Qiangtang terrane and NW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults in Lhasa terrane. While, the rifts mainly strike N, NNW and NNE within southern Tibet. However, it is still a debate on the deformational style and specific adjustment mechanism of E-W extension. One of key reasons causing this debate is the lack of detailed investigation of these active faults, especially within the northwestern plateau. Recently, we found a 20km long, NNW-trending active fault at Bero Zeco in northwestern Tibet. This fault is presented as fault sag ponds, channel offsets and fault scarps. Displacement of channels and geomorphic features suggested that the Bero Zeco Fault(BZF)is a dextral strike-slip fault with a small amount of normal slip component, which may result from the E-W extensional deformation in the interior of Tibet. BZF strikes N330°~340°W, as shown on the satellite image. The main Quaternary strata in the studied area are two stages alluvial fans around the Bero Zeco. From the satellite images, the old alluvial fans were cut by the lake shoreline leaving many of lake terraces. And the young fans cut across the lake terraces and the old fans. By contrasting to the "Paleo-Qiangtang Huge Lake" since late Quaternary, these old alluvial fans could be late Pleistocene with age ranging from 40ka to 50ka. And the young fans could be Holocene. The sag ponds along the BZF are distributed in the late Pleistocene alluvial fans. Also, the BZF displaced the late Pleistocene fans without traces within Holocene fans, suggesting that the BZF is a late Pleistocene active fault. The fault scarps are gentler with the slope angle of around 10° and the vertical offset is about 2m by field measurement. Reconstruction of the offset of channels suggested that the accumulated dextral offset could be about 44m on the late Pleistocene alluvial fans. Therefore, we infer that the dextral slip-rate could be around 1mm/a showing a low-rate deformation characteristic. The angle between the strike of BZF and principal compressive stress axis(σ1)is around 30°, which is significantly different to the other faults within the conjugate strike-slip fault zones that is 60°~75°. Now, the deformation mechanisms on these conjugate faults are mainly proposed in the studies of obtuse angle between the faults and σ1, which is likely not applicable for the BZF. We infer that the BZF could be the northward prolongation of the north-trending rifts based on the geometry. This difference suggests that the conjugate strike-slip faults may be formed by two different groups:one is obtuse angle, which is related to block extrusion or shear zones in Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes possibly; the other is acute angle, which may represent the characteristics of new-born fractures. And more studies are needed on their deformation mechanisms.  相似文献   

本文研究了断层崖的形成条件及演化过程,提出了必须对断层崖同时进行几何学和沉积学的研究,并根据我们对贺兰山山前断裂带的断层崖的研究结果,初步总结了断层崖崩积楔的若干特征及其在大地震重复性研究中的意义。根据对宁夏红果子沟和苏峪口断层崖几何学和沉积学的研究结果,确定了贺兰山山前断裂自全新世以来曾发生过4次快速错动事件.从老至新分别命名为 A、B、C、D 事件。由于第二期崩积楔下部物质的 C~(14)年龄为距今5745±90年,所以,B 事件大约发生在距今约6000年左右。第四次事件(D)发生在距今400年以内,以致使明代长城发生错动,西错断点的垂直断距为0.35米,东错断点为0.95米。由此估计4次断层错动事件的重复间隔约为2000—2500年。根据三期古崩积楔高度估计三次古错动的垂直位移幅度分别为:红果子沟西部断层崖为0.25—0.5米,东部断层崖为0.9—1.2米,苏峪口为0.8—1.6米,它们均与串件 D 相当。若假定事件 D 与1739年平罗地震相关,则上述4次断层错动的重复间隔即为7—7~(1/2)级以上地震的重复间隔。此数据与根据相同地段断层滑动速率计算的大地震平均重复间隔相当。宁夏北部贺兰山东麓断层为右旋走滑正断层,全新世以来垂直滑动速率北段为0.2—0.25毫米/年,中段为0.5—0.63毫米/年。而宁夏南部南、西华山断裂第四纪以来为左旋走滑断裂,20000年以来的走滑速率最大可达28.65毫米/年。这是因为二者分属于华北和青藏两个不同的构造区,因而具有不同的构造活动性及地震重复率。  相似文献   

Traditional method to generate Digital Elevation Model (DEM)through topographic map and topographic measurement has weak points such as low efficiency, long operating time and small range. The emergence of DEM-generation technology from high resolution satellite image provides a new method for rapid acquisition of large terrain and geomorphic data, which greatly improves the efficiency of data acquisition. This method costs lower compared with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), has large coverage compared with SfM (Structure from Motion). However, there is still lack of report on whether the accuracy of DEM generated from stereo-imagery satisfies the quantitative research of active tectonics. This research is based on LPS (Leica Photogrammetry Suit)software platform, using Worldview-2 panchromatic stereo-imagery as data source, selecting Kumishi Basin in eastern Tianshan Mountains with little vegetation as study area. We generated 0.5m resolution DEM of 5-km swath along the newly discovered rupture zone at the south of Kumishi Basin, measured the height of fault scarps on different levels of alluvial fans based on the DEM, then compared with the scarp height measured by differential GPS survey in the field to analyze the accuracy of the extracted DEM. The results show that the elevation difference between the topographic profiles derived from the extracted DEM and surveyed by differential GPS ranges from -2.82 to 4.87m. The shape of the fault scarp can be finely depicted and the deviation is 0.30m after elevation correction. The accuracy of measuring the height of fault scarps can reach 0.22m, which meets the need of high-precision quantitative research of active tectonics. It provides great convenience for rapidly obtaining fine geometry, profiles morphology, vertical dislocations of fault and important reference for sites selection for trench excavation, slip rate, and samples. This method has broad prospects in the study of active tectonics.  相似文献   

The Youshashan Fault lies in the south flank of Yingxiongling anticline, southwestern margin of Qaidam Basin. The Yingxiongling anticline is one of the most active neotectonics, situated at the front of folds expanding southward in the Qaidam Basin. Research on the paleoseimology and Late Quaternary slip rate of this fault is important for hazard assessment and understanding tectonic deformation in this area. We excavated a 27-m-long trench across the Youshashan fault where a pressure bridge formed on the Holocene alluvial fans, measured a profile of the fold scarp created by the fault west of the Youshashan mountain, and collected several samples of finer sands for luminescence dating. Analysis of these data shows that(1) The Youshashan Fault is a Holocene active feature. The fold scarp in the basin indicates that this fault has been active along a same surface trace since at least mid-late Pleistocene. At least two paleoseismic events are revealed by trenching, both occurred in Holocene. The latest event Ⅱ in the trench happened after 500a. The current information fails to confidently support that it is the 1977 Mangya M6.4 earthquake, but cannot excludes the possibility of it is related to this earthquake. The other event Ⅰ occurred about between 1 000a to 4 000a. Erosion after the event Ⅰ prevents us to constrain the event age and to identify more events further. (2)The vertical slip rate of the Youshashan fault is about(0.38±0.06)mm/a since mid-late Pleistocene. Comparing with relative speeds of GPS sites across the Yingxiongling anticline suggests that the Youshashan fault is an important structure which is accommodating crustal shortening in this region.  相似文献   

The Ebomiao Fault is a newly discovered active fault near the block boundary between the Tibetan plateau and the Alashan Block. This fault locates in the southern margin of the Beishan Mountain, which is generally considered to be a tectonically inactive zone, and active fault and earthquake are never expected to emerge, so the discovery of this active fault challenges the traditional thoughts. As a result, studying the new activity of this fault would shed new light on the neotectonic evolution of the Beishan Mountain and tectonic interaction effects between the Tibetan plateau and the Alashan Block. Based on some mature and traditional research methods of active tectonics such as satellite image interpretation, trenches excavation, differential GPS measurement, Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle Photogrammetry(UAVP), and Optical Stimulated Luminescence(OSL)dating, we quantitatively study the new activity features of the Ebomiao Fault.
Through this study, we complete the fault geometry of the Ebomiao Fault and extend the fault eastward by 25km on the basis of the 20km-fault trace identified previously, the total length of the fault is extened to 45km, which is capable of generating magnitude 7 earthquake calculated from the empirical relationships between earthquake magnitude and fault length. The Ebomiao Fault is manifested as several segments of linear scarps on the land surface, the scarps are characterized by poor continuity because of seasonal flood erosion. Linear scarps are either north- or south-facing scarps that emerge intermittently. Fourteen differential GPS profiles show that the height of the north-facing scarps ranges from (0.22±0.02)m to (1.32±0.1)m, and seven differential GPS profiles show the height of south-facing scarps ranging from (0.33±0.1)m to (0.64±0.1)m. To clarify the causes of the linear scarps with opposite-facing directions, we dug seven trenches across these scarps, the trench profiles show that the south-dipping reverse faults dominate the north-facing scarps, the dipping angles range from 23° to 86°. However, the south-facing scarps are controlled by south-dipping normal faults with dipping angles spanning from 60° to 81°.
The Ebomiao Fault is dominated by left-lateral strike-slip activity, with a small amount of vertical-slip component. From the submeter-resolution digital elevation models(DEM)constructed by UAVP, the measured left-lateral displacement of 19 gullies in the western segment of the Ebomiao Fault are(3.8±0.5)~(105±25)m, while the height of the north-facing scarps on this segment are(0.22±0.02)~(1.32±0.10)m(L3-L7), the left-lateral displacement is much larger than the scarp height. In this segment, there are three gullies preserving typical left-lateral offsets, one gully among them preserves two levels of alluvial terraces, the terrace riser between the upper terrace and the lower terrace is clear and shows horizontal offset. Based on high-resolution DEM interpretation and displacement restoration by LaDiCaoz software, the left-lateral displacement of the terrace riser is measured to be(16.7±0.5)m. The formation time of the terrace riser is approximated by the OSL age of the upper terrace, which is (11.2±1.5)ka BP at (0.68±0.03)m beneath the surface, and(11.4±0.6)ka at (0.89±0.03)m beneath the surface, the OSL age (11.2±1.5)ka BP at (0.68±0.03)m beneath the surface is more close to the formation time of the upper terrace because of a nearer distance to sediment contact between alluvial fan and eolian sand silt. Taking the (16.7±0.5)m left-lateral displacement of the terrace riser and the upper terrace age (11.2±1.5)ka, we calculate a left-lateral strike-slip rate of(1.52±0.25)mm/a for the Ebomiao Fault. The main source for the slip rate error is that the terrace risers on both walls of the fault are not definitely corresponded. The north wall of the fault is covered by eolian sand, we can only presume the location of terrace riser by geomorphic analysis. In addition, the samples used to calculate slip rate before were collected from the aeolian sand deposits on the north side of the fault, they are not sediments of the fan terraces, so they could not accurately define the formation age of the upper terrace. This study dates the upper terrace directly on the south wall of the fault.
Since the late Cenozoic, the new activity of the Ebomiao Fault may have responded to the shear component of the relative movement between the Tibetan plateau and the Alashan Block under the macroscopic geological background of the northeastern-expanding of the Tibetan plateau. The north-facing fault scarps are dominated by south-dipping low-angle reverse faults, the emergence of this kind of faults(faults overthrusting from the Jinta Basin to the Beishan Mountain)suggests the far-field effect of block convergence between Tibetan plateau and Alashan Block, which results in the relative compression and crustal shortening. As for whether the Ebomiao Fault and Qilianshan thrust system are connected in the deep, more work is needed.  相似文献   

The northeastern margin of Tibetan plateau is an active block controlled by the eastern Kunlun fault zone, the Qilian Shan-Haiyuan fault zone, and the Altyn Tagh fault zone. It is the frontier and the sensitive area of neotectonic activity since the Cenozoic. There are widespread folds, thrust faults and stike-slip faults in the northeastern Tibetan plateau produced by the intensive tectonic deformation, indicating that this area is suffering the crustal shortening, left-lateral shear and vertical uplift. The Riyueshan Fault is one of the major faults in the dextral strike-slip faults systems, which lies between the two major large-scale left-lateral strike-slip faults, the Qilian-Haiyuan Fault and the eastern Kunlun Fault. In the process of growing and expanding of the entire Tibetan plateau, the dextral strike-slip faults play an important role in regulating the deformation and transformation between the secondary blocks. In the early Quaternary, because of the northeastward expansion of the northeastern Tibetan plateau, tectonic deformations such as NE-direction extrusion shortening, clockwise rotation, and SEE-direction extrusion occurred in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, which lead to the left-lateral slip movement of the NWW-trending major regional boundary faults. As the result, the NNW-trending faults which lie between these NWW direction faults are developed. The main geomorphic units developed within the research area are controlled by the Riyueshan Fault, formed due to the northeastward motion of the Tibet block. These geomorphic units could be classified as:Qinghai Lake Basin, Haiyan Basin, Datonghe Basin, Dezhou Basin, and the mountains developed between the basins such as the Datongshan and the Riyueshan. Paleo basins, alluvial fans, multiple levels of terraces are developed at mountain fronts. The climate variation caused the formation of the geomorphic units during the expansion period of the lakes within the northeastern Tibetan plateau. There are two levels of alluvial fans and three levels of fluvial terrace developed in the study area, the sediments of the alluvial fans and fluvial terraces formed by different sources are developed in the same period. The Riyueshan Fault connects with the NNW-trending left-lateral strike-slip north marginal Tuoleshan fault in the north, and obliquely connects with the Lajishan thrust fault in the south. The fault extends for about 180km from north to south, passing through Datonghe, Reshui coal mine, Chaka River, Tuole, Ketu and Xicha, and connecting with the Lajishan thrusts near the Kesuer Basin. The Riyueshan Fault consists of five discontinuous right-step en-echelon sub-fault segments, with a spacing of 2~3km, and pull-apart basins are formed in the stepovers. The Riyueshan Fault is a secondary fault located in the Qaidam-Qilian active block which is controlled by the major boundary faults, such as the East Kunlun Fault and the Qilian-Haiyuan Fault. Its activity characteristics provide information of the outward expansion of the northeastern margin of Tibet. Tectonic landforms are developed along the Riyueshan Fault. Focusing on the distinct geomorphic deformation since late Pleistocene, the paper obtains the vertical displacement along the fault strike by RTK measurement method. Based on the fault growth-linkage theory, the evolution of the Riyueshan Fault and the related kinetic background are discussed. The following three conclusions are obtained:1)According to the characteristics of development of the three-stage 200km-long steep fault scarp developed in the landforms of the late Pleistocene alluvial fans and terraces, the Riyueshan Fault is divided into five segments, with the most important segment located in the third stepover(CD-3); 2)The three-stage displacement distribution pattern of the Riyueshan Fault reveals that the fault was formed by the growths and connections of multiple secondary faults and is in the second stage of fault growth and connection. With CD-3 as the boundary, the faults on the NW side continue to grow and connect; the fault activity time on the SE side is shorter, and the activity intensity is weaker; 3)The extreme value of the fault displacement distribution curve indicates the location of strain concentration and stress accumulation. With the stepover CD-3 as the boundary, the stress and strain on NW side are mainly concentrated in the middle and fault stepovers. The long-term accumulation range of stress on the SE side is relatively dispersed. The stress state may be related to the counterclockwise rotation inside the block under the compression of regional tectonic stress.  相似文献   

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