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基于Arc GIS10.1软件操作平台,利用分辨率为30 m的DEM高程数据和Google Earth卫星地图,结合野外考察等方法,以元谋盆地为研究对象进行研究,结果表明:元谋盆地"第四纪古冰川地貌"与经典的冰川地貌相去甚远;末次冰盛期(LGM)雪线的高度至少在海拔3 700 m以上;"元谋东山冰期"的AAR值最大为0.34,最小为0.04,远低于正常山地冰川发育值0.6;植物化石和孢粉显示第四纪以来元谋盆地的植被主要以热带、亚热带植被为主,缺乏高海拔耐寒的植物孢粉。这些事实表明,元谋不可能存在第四纪冰川。  相似文献   

秦岭-黄淮平原交界带自然地理若干特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章探讨了秦岭-黄淮平原交界带划分的依据和方法,然后就其自然地理过渡性、暴雨频繁发生和坡地暖带及其自然地理效应进行讨论。研究表明:交界带自然地理要素不仅具有西部山地和东部平原之间的过渡性,而且北亚热带和暖温带地理成分在这里彼此交汇。交界带暴雨频繁,且以大暴雨为主,集中分布在海拔100~200 m之间。交界带冬季气温高于平原0.5~0.8℃,1月最高气温出现在海拔350~400 m之间,形成特有的坡地暖带,暖带厚度100~250 m。交界带暴雨频繁和暖坡效应是大气环流和交界带地貌格局共同作用的结果,且对本区土壤发育和植物分布等具有重大影响。  相似文献   

中国干旱区不同成因沉积物吹蚀速率的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中国干旱区8种不同成因沉积物吹蚀速率的风洞实验,从风蚀动力机制上讨论沙漠的物质来源及其与沙丘发育和沙漠形成的关系。对比风洞实验测定结果发现,在我国西北干旱区及其周围分布最广的8种沉积物中,吹蚀速率从大到小依次是:湖相沙 > 河流沙 > 砂页岩风化物 > 洪积物 > 冰水沙 > 花岗岩风化物 > 坡积物 > 冰碛物。吹蚀速率与沉积物组成中0.063~2 mm的易蚀性颗粒含量和分选性成显著线性正相关,与 < 0.063 mm的粉粘粒和 > 2 mm的砾石含量成显著线性负相关。根据不同沉积物吹蚀速率的差异性,可以将这8种沉积物划分为4类:(1) 湖相沙和河流沙在干燥条件下极易遭受风蚀,是最主要的沙源物质;(2) 砂页岩风化物、洪积物和冰水沙吹蚀速率较强,为次要的沙源物质;(3) 花岗岩风化物和坡积物吹蚀速率较差,仅能提供少量沙物质;(4) 冰碛物对风力有较强的抗蚀性,所能提供的沙物质数量甚微。我国沙漠的形成除了强盛的风力条件以外,内陆湖盆的干涸导致大范围湖相沙层的暴露以及流水对碎屑物质的前期分选起到了关键作用,这可能是我国沙漠一般分布在内陆湖盆周围或河流沿岸的主要物质原因。  相似文献   

本文介绍了中国第3座南极常年考察站新站址候选地——罗斯海难言岛的基本信息。通过对设在其上的自动气象站的观测数据分析表明,近地面风场主要由下降风控制,西-西北风是6级以上大风的主要风向,最大风力可达12级以上,1月、11月、12月是平均风力较小的三个月份。通过分析基于CFSR海冰资料的Polar-WRF模式模拟结果发现:Polar-WRF模式能模拟出和实测资料十分一致的下降风风场,分辨率越高越能更好的模拟出下降风的特点。难言岛附近强劲的西-西北向下降风是地形强迫的结果;来自Reeves冰川的气流是下降风的主要来源。大风的水平分布范围约为50 km。海拔1 400—300 m为下降风的加速关键区,风速最大的地方在海拔300 m高度的陡坡附近,下降风在抵达难言岛时,由于地面摩擦作用,风力已经有一定的衰减。模拟风场可以对观测资料做出有益的补充。  相似文献   

刘鸽  张威  贺明月 《云南地理环境研究》2012,24(4):104-110,F0004
哈巴雪山(5 396 m)位于横断山脉中北段,与玉龙雪山(5 596 m)以金沙江相隔,受西南季风影响强烈。在哈巴雪山3 100 m以上保存第四纪冰川侵蚀与堆积地貌,主要沿哈巴雪山西北脊两侧分布。应用相对地貌法,对比邻近山地尤其是玉龙雪山,将哈巴雪山冰期系列初步划分为:倒数第二次冰期、末次冰期早期和末次冰盛期(LGM)。以哈巴雪山哈巴河谷的冰碛物为研究对象,其末端海拔高度在倒数第二次冰期、末次冰期早期、末次冰盛期分别约为3 100 m、3 500 m、3 900 m。应用TSAM法、MEIM法、CF法计算得出哈巴雪山古雪线高度在倒数第二次冰期、末次冰期早期、末次冰盛期分别为3 675 m、4 000 m、4 200 m。  相似文献   

福建武夷山风景名胜区及其附近地区的地貌研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘尚仁 《热带地理》2004,24(3):216-220,241
武夷山风景名胜区及其附近地区由花岗岩、火山熔岩、变质岩和砂页岩等构成的中山、低山占最大面积.最高海拔约1800m,在海拔350~1200m,有7级剥蚀夷平面,形态有山顶缓坡型、山坡肩膀型、谷底裂点型(占绝大多数).丹霞地貌的顶面坡以圆弧形为主,陡崖坡有罕见的切层洞穴群和最大的晒布岩,崖麓缓坡多由红层组成.河流纵谷常沿着NNE走向较软的中生界砂页岩发育,断层谷断续长数十公里;横谷常沿着NWW的走向节理发育.据6个TL年龄认定河流阶地的沉积年代:第一级阶地Q3 ,第二级阶地Q2或Q2为主,第三级阶地Q2.  相似文献   

读者信箱 <热带地理》编辑部: 我感谢你们寄来的2001年<热带地理》21卷3期刊登的有关文章,仔细拜读了各位专家学者对有关华南地区"冰臼"与"壶穴"之争的评论,我完全同意专家们的看法,华南低山地区第四纪时没有发生过冰川作用.韩同林先生所称的"冰臼"实为壶穴地貌.国内有关新闻媒体帮他报导和大肆宣传,完全是受了他和少数支持他的人的误导罢了. 1999年当我见到科技日报4月26日刊登韩同林的"自然奇观广东冰臼群"一文后,便给科技日报编辑部写反驳文章"自然奇观--多种成因的石臼群"刊登在该报6月19日版面上,限于篇幅,文章和照片未全登载.但我不同意韩文的观点是明确的.1999年底,我编"青藏高原第四纪冰川与环境论文汇编"时,在第三卷"青藏高原第四纪冰期研究中的问题"一书中 , 把"中国东部北方大冰盖遗迹与南方山谷冰川遗迹有无之争"的文章列入附件"科学旅行指南及华东冰川遗迹有无之争"(426-584).现给贵刊编辑部寄来,并附上台湾学者有关"壶穴成因之探讨"等文章.可见按科学态度探求真理的学者们所见略同. 祝贵刊编辑编委们身体健康 中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所郑本兴 2001.10.20 <热带地理》编辑部: 你们好! 对"冰臼"与"壶穴"之争,我赞成"壶穴"是近代流水冲击和磨蚀作用所形成的说法,我可以补充实例加以说明. 1. 1981年,本人参加在安徽黄山召开的中国地理学会第一届第四纪冰川与冰缘学术讨论会筹备工作的考察,在研究逍遥溪谷地时,见到在花岗岩石质河床上及河床上的巨砾上,发育着许多"壶穴",其中典型的一个被称为"丹井","壶穴"呈管状,壁面很光滑,上口直径60 cm,深80~100 cm,积水深达60 cm,底部往下游方向倾斜,还有许多花岗岩、石英等的小卵石. 在白龙桥稍上游的谷底上,在刻有"龙头"、"且听龙吟"的磨圆的花岗岩巨大砾石上,还发育着许多急流作用形成的浅圆坑状"壶穴"和小沟槽. 在谷地发育着三级河流阶地,分别高出河床平水位5 m、20~40 m、60 m. 2. 1978年,在庐山第四纪地质考察时,在裁缝岭的泥石流堆积物(以往被称为大姑冰期泥砾)中,见一灰白色砂岩巨砾,有一鹅卵形"壶穴",长轴2 m,短轴62 m,可见深40 cm, 底部积水,"壶穴"面光滑,东南侧壁面上有8道擦痕,系泥石流爆发时砂、砾物质相互撞击而成.以上仅供参考. 顺致 敬礼! 哈尔滨大学地理系朱景湖 2001年10月28日  相似文献   

天然岳桦林——长白山高海拔地区的主要植被类型,主要分布于海拔1 700~2 000 m,位于长白山火山锥体的下部。那里山坡陡峻,气温低,雨量丰沛,风力强大,蒸发量较小,相对湿度较大,土层薄,土壤类型主  相似文献   

这一发现证实:第四纪冰期时北半球中纬度和中山地区古雪蚀作用是极重要的造貌和侵蚀营力,前人所谓的“表皮构造”,从剖面所处的海拔、谷地流向及应力方向看,均不能用冰川挤压作用来解释,不能证明庐山有过冰川作用。从所处的滨江滨湖地理位置看,基岩弧形弯曲现象与冬季积雪的重力挤压、春季融雪产生的冻融蠕动推挤力有关。  相似文献   

本文对南设得兰群岛乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛周围现代和上升海岸地貌进行了研究。认为现代海岸地貌有三类:碎屑海岸、基岩海岸和冰崖海岸。对碎屑海岸受负载浮冰的波浪作用造成的各种现象进行了成因和类型研究。系统研究上升海岸之后得出结论,该区上升海岸地貌以海拔20米为界,上下分别属较老组和较新组。海岸平均上升速度为10毫米/年。  相似文献   

On top of Shigujian Peak (1477 m a.s.l.) of the Dayangshan Mountain in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, large amounts of granite pits with diameters ranging from several dozens of centimeters to around one meter and depth from 10 cm to 45 cm are found on rock surface. These pits mainly appear on the NE and SE sides, and their drainage mouths are in the same direction. The identification results through micropolariscope and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer reveal that bedrock of pits is from middle to fine-grained moyite being apt to be weathered and modified. In Dayangshan region the annual mean temperature is 9.2℃ and annual precipitation is over 1700 mm. On the one hand, there always experiences a period of periglacial action with temperature oscillating near 0℃ for 4 months, i.e., from December to March next year. As a consequence, the freezing-thawing cycles may be remarkable to disintegrate the bedrock. On the other hand, the windward slope of Shigujian Peak meets typhoon of over force 10 on the Beaufort scale in summer, therefore, the blowing makes suspending sands or pebbles grind in swirling form. Based on field investigation and periglacial geomorphic theory, the pits on top of Shigujian Peak are attributed to freezing- thawing of periglacial action. Meanwhile, storm and strong wind accelerate the process. Observation shows that both the actions are still undergoing and variant directions of wind are the main cause for making different shapes of the pits. Because the top of Shigujian is 1500 m lower than the present snow line, some scholars considered that “glacial pothole” formed in the Quaternary is hard to work, even though in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).  相似文献   

On top of Shigujian Peak (1477 m a.s.l.) of the Dayangshan Mountain in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province, large amounts of granite pits with diameters ranging from several dozens of centimeters to around one meter and depth from 10 cm to 45 cm are found on rock surface. These pits mainly appear on the NE and SE sides, and their drainage mouths are in the same direction. The identification results through micropolariscope and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer reveal that bedrock of pits is from middle to fine-grained moyite being apt to be weathered and modified. In Dayangshan region the annual mean temperature is 9.2°C and annual precipitation is over 1700 mm. On the one hand, there always experiences a period of periglacial action with temperature oscillating near 0°C for 4 months, i.e., from December to March next year. As a consequence, the freezing-thawing cycles may be remarkable to disintegrate the bedrock. On the other hand, the windward slope of Shigujian Peak meets typhoon of over force 10 on the Beaufort scale in summer, therefore, the blowing makes suspending sands or pebbles grind in swirling form. Based on field investigation and periglacial geomorphic theory, the pits on top of Shigujian Peak are attributed to freezing-thawing of periglacial action. Meanwhile, storm and strong wind accelerate the process. Observation shows that both the actions are still undergoing and variant directions of wind are the main cause for making different shapes of the pits. Because the top of Shigujian is 1500 m lower than the present snow line, some scholars considered that “glacial pothole” formed in the Quaternary is hard to work, even though in the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Foundation: Regional landform and landscape survey programme of the Zhejiang Institute of Geological Survey Author: Zhu Cheng (1954–), Professor, specialized in geomorphology and the Quaternary geology.  相似文献   

俞洁辉  刘新圣  罗天祥  张林 《地理学报》2012,67(9):1246-1254
本研究基于西藏念青唐古拉山北麓高山嵩草草甸海拔分布上限(5125 m) 地下10 cm和30 cm土壤温度和水分连续3 年(2008-2010 年) 的监测数据, 分析了草甸海拔分布上限土壤温度和未冻水含量的季节动态特征。结果表明:1) 土壤在4 月中下旬解冻, 10 月中下旬冻结;6-8月份土壤温度日振幅最大, 10 cm和30 cm分别为3.8℃和1.4℃;2) 土壤未冻水含量回升(下降) 在解冻(冻结) 开始后, 5-10 月份未冻水含量较高, 其中10 cm和30 cm 分别为2%~6%和15%~20%;3) 基于10 cm土壤温度推算的本地区高山嵩草草甸海拔分布上限的生长季在6 月初至8 月末或9 月初, 持续时间为80-87 天, 生长季平均土壤温度和含水量分别为6.78±0.73℃和4.14±0.91%, 生长季期间日最低温度集中在3~7℃之间(占90%以上天数);4) 与较低海拔处(4980 m) 相比, 高山嵩草草甸海拔分布上限处10 cm土壤温度和未冻水含量均明显偏低, 生长季8月份出现日最低温< 5℃的天数也明显增加。  相似文献   

敦煌莫高窟顶几种典型床面蚀积量变化过程的初步观测   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
张伟民  汪万福  李志刚 《中国沙漠》2008,28(6):1039-1044
通过对莫高窟窟顶自然和人工床面的风蚀、输导及堆积沙量变化的野外监测,初步观测结果表明:在偏西风作用下,自然状况下的戈壁床面阻截了来自鸣沙山40%的沙量,其余60%的沙量进入窟区;而偏东风又可将偏西风、偏南风作用下沉积于窟顶90%的沙量吹回到鸣沙山边缘。床面阻、输性质与沙源供给状况密切相关。沙源丰富时,风沙流以较饱和形式输送,易形成输沙床面性质;沙源匮乏时,风沙流多以不饱和形式输送,形成阻沙-输沙床面性质。砾石直径较大(>4 cm)的床面主要呈现堆积性质,对偏西的风沙流阻滞功效比较明显,每100 m阻沙率可达45%;偏东风作用下,每100 m阻沙率可达19%; 而砾石直径较小(1 cm)的床面,主要以风沙输沙功能为主,是一个非堆积搬运床面。  相似文献   

Although Arabia hosts one of the largest deserts in the world, studies regarding aeolian erosional features in general and yardangs in particular are rare. The principal aim of this study is to delineate and investigate the various forms of yardangs in the Um Al-Rimam depressions in the northern part of Kuwait. The study area consists of two main depressions connected by neck area made up of continental sediments. Both depressions are surrounded by a dissected escarpment and their floors host muddy playas. On lithological bases, three main types of yardang have been identified: 7 yardangs are sculptured in sandstones of Lower Fars Formation (Lower to Middle Miocene), 23 are carved in calcretic rocks of Ghar Formation (Oligocene to Lower Miocene), and 11 yardangs are developed in Quaternary sediments. Their mean orientation NW (297°) coincides with the prevailing direction of the strong local northwesterly wind called the shamal. The average length/width ratio is 1.5:1. The wide geographic distribution of yardangs around the margins of the northern depression is due to sand blasting. This is explained by the annual sand accumulation measured in the study area where the northern depression shows 143 times higher accumulation than the southern depression, the neck area and the platform above the depressions. Also, the field measurements for annual erosional rates show that the sides of the yardangs are more affected by erosion compared to their middle parts. Remarkably slight mineralogical variations were detected within the surface sediments of Um Al-Rimam depressions and the Quaternary muddy yardangs which indicate a common origin. The age of yardangs is unknown but annual erosional rates on a small Quaternary muddy yardang suggest that they range in age between 44 and 1500 years depending on yardang size. It is believed, as indicated from field observation and interpretation of aerial photos, that the majority of yardangs are pre-existing bedrock forms. These forms were developed by paleo-surface hydrological processes which were modified by wind action in latter phase.  相似文献   

长江三角洲城市带扩展对区域温度变化的影响   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
利用DMSP/OLS 夜间灯光数据、土地利用统计数据和气象站常规观测资料, 结合NOAA/AVHRR、MODIS 反演的月地表温度数据, 定量考察了长江三角洲城市群热岛增温效应对区域温度气候趋势的贡献, 结果表明: ① 1992-2003 年长江三角洲城市化经历了一个快速的空间扩展过程, 宁镇扬、苏锡常、上海大城市区、杭州湾4 个城市群构成了一个“之” 字形城市带, 城市群之间出现城市化连片趋势, 城市带区域内1961-2005 年年平均气温增温 速率为0.28~0.44 oC/10a, 显著高于非城市带区域。② 城市热岛效应对区域平均温度的影响以夏秋季最强, 春季次之, 冬季最弱。③ 长江三角洲城市带热岛强度和城市总人口对数呈线性正相关关系。④ 城市带增温效应使得区域的年平均气温在1961-2005 年间增加了0.072 oC, 其中1991-2005 年间增温幅度为0.047 oC; 年最高气温升高了0.162 oC, 其中1991-2005 年间 增温幅度为0.083 oC, 表明1991-2005 年间长江三角洲城市带的空间扩展正在改变区域温度变化趋势, 且这种增温趋势显著。  相似文献   

The hydrological characteristics of the Heihe River Basin in the arid inland area of northwest China were investigated.The spatial distribution of annual precipitation in the basin indicates that it decreases from east to west and from south to north,and increases with elevation by a gradient of 24.4 mm per hundred meters below 2,810 m a.s.l.,but decreases with elevation by that of 37.0 mm per hundred meters above 2,810 m a.s.l.For the last 50 years,the mountain runoff of the ba-sin has a tendency of increase.Except in the mountain area,the aridity is very high in the basin,and the aridity index ranges from 1.6 to 7.0 at the piedmont,to 9.0~20.0 in the midstream area and up to 40.0 in the downstream Ejin region.It is estimated for the last 50 years that a 1oC increment of annual temperature causes a 21.5 mm increase of evaporation in the mountain area,and the equivalent reduction of mountain runoff is 0.215×109 m3/yr at the Yingluoxia Hydrometric Sta-tion.The estimation shows also that a 1oC increment of annual temperature causes 1,842 mm increase of farmland evapotranspiration in the midstream area,an equivalent of 0.298×109 m3/yr more water consumption.The anthropogenic influence on the hydrological processes and water resources is then discussed.  相似文献   

关于广东有无冰川发育条件的讨论   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
刘尚仁  覃朝锋  彭华 《地理科学》2000,20(4):375-380
因为“冰臼”一词尚未得到地学界认可,建议继续用“冰川壶穴”来替代“冰臼”。由于生成冰臼(冰川壶穴)与壶穴的水动力条件和地貌形态相似,所以单从形态难以区分广东河床上的壶穴或冰臼,只有确定广东是否发育过第四纪冰川之后,才可能确定广东是否有冰臼。本文从气候、地貌和生物角度证实广东未出现过第四纪冰川环境,并认为所谓:①水应力集中一点生成冰臼;②花岗岩坚硬不能生成壶穴;③二、三百万年前生成冰臼等冰臼论观点是  相似文献   

黄河源区多年冻土空间分布变化特征数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
马帅  盛煜  曹伟  吴吉春  胡晓莹  王生廷 《地理学报》2017,72(9):1621-1633
基于IPCC第五次评估报告预估的气温变化情景,采用数值模拟的方法对黄河源区典型冻土类型开展模拟,推算过去及预测未来黄河源区冻土分布空间变化过程和发展趋势。结果表明:1972-2012年源区多年冻土只有少部分发生退化,退化的冻土面积为833 km2,季节冻土主要集中在源区东南部的热曲谷地、小野马岭以及两湖流域南部的汤岔玛地带;RCP 2.6、RCP 6.0、RCP 8.5情景下,2050年多年冻土退化为季节冻土的面积差别不大,分别为2224 km2、2347 km2、2559 km2,占源区面积的7.5%、7.9%、8.6%;勒那曲、多曲、白马曲零星出现季节冻土,野牛沟、野马滩以及鄂陵湖东部的玛多四湖所在黄河低谷大片为季节冻土;2100年多年冻土退化为季节冻土的面积分别为5636 km2、9769 km2、15548 km2,占源区面积的19%、32.9%、52.3%;星宿海、尕玛勒滩、多格茸的多年冻土发生退化,低温冻土变为高温冻土,各类年平均地温出现了不同程度的升高。到2100年,RCP 2.6情景下源区多年冻土全部退化为季节冻土主要发生在目前年平均地温高于-0.15 oC的区域,而-0.15~-0.44 oC的区域部分发生退化;RCP 6.0、RCP 8.5情景下目前年平均地温分别为高于-0.21 oC以及-0.38o C的区域多年冻土全部发生退化,而-0.21~-0.69 oC以及-0.38~-0.88 oC的区域部分发生退化。  相似文献   

The geometry of estuarine and/or incised‐valley basins and their protected character compared with open sea basins are favourable for the preservation of sedimentary successions. The Lower St. Lawrence Estuary Basin (LSLEB, eastern Canada) is characterized by a thick (>400 m in certain areas) Quaternary succession. High‐ and very high‐resolution seismic reflection data, multibeam bathymetry coverage completed by core and chronostratigraphic data as well as a 3‐D seismic stratigraphic model are used to document the geometrical relationships between the bedrock and the Quaternary units of the LSLEB. The bedrock geometry of LSLEB is characterized by two large troughs that are interpreted as resulting mainly from repeated (?) periods of glacial overdeepening of a pre‐Quaternary drainage system. However, other mechanisms with complex feedback effects such as differential glacio‐isostatic uplift, erosion, sedimentary supply, and subsidence may have contributed to the formation of bedrock troughs. The two large bedrock troughs are mostly filled by ~200 m thick Wisconsinan (Marine Isotopic Stages 2–4) and possibly older sediments. Overlying units recorded the retreat of the Laurentian Ice Sheet during the Late Wisconsinan (Marine Isotopic Stage 2) and estuarine conditions during the Holocene. The strong correlation existing between the bedrock topography and the thickness of the Quaternary succession is indicative of the effectiveness of the LSLEB as a sediment trap.  相似文献   

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