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西藏拉果错卤虫─Ⅰ.生物学特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
西藏拉果错位于阿里高原南部,湖面海拔4470m,水化学类型属于弱度碳酸盐亚型,湖水盐度为5.5%-6.5%。湖区属于高原亚寒带干旱区。拉果错每年12月至翌年3月为肖水冰冰期,4月下旬-5月初卤虫科卵大量孵化,5-9月为卤虫早繁衍期,9月底-10月大量产生休眠卤虫卵,卤虫卵主要分布于湖东北部和西北部。卤虫和卤虫卵呈紫红色;虫卵属深色卵壳。卤虫干卵径264.5μm,卤虫克卵量约12万粒。无节幼体长60  相似文献   

银鱼生产的发展是通过银鱼的引种来实现的,银鱼的引种主要是采取向水体投放受精卵的方式来完成,受精卵又是通过人工繁殖而获得银鱼的人工繁殖不同于常规养殖鱼类,因其一经捕起很快就会死亡而不能进行人工催产因此银鱼人工繁殖的亲本是在银鱼的繁殖季节从天然水体中捕捞而获得,而大量的性成熟好的、可以立即进行人工受精的亲本只能在产卵高峰期才能捕获得到.所以了解并掌握银鱼的性腺发育规律和产卵时期对银鱼的人工繁殖十分重要 1992年4月至1996年5月在湖北省徐家河水库对近太湖新银鱼的性腺发育规律和产卵时期进行了长期的研究,并从1995年5月至1996年4月(银鱼的一生)周年标本中逐月进行了组织切片通过对近太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx pseudotaihuensis)卵细胞的组织学研究表明该鱼为分批产卵类型根据卵巢外部形态和内部组织结构,建议将近太湖新银鱼的卵巢划分为六个阶段;从卵巢每月发育期趋势和卵细胞大小以及卵的成熟度得出近太湖新银鱼的产卵期为3-5月,其中4月中旬至5月中旬为产卵高峰期;根据体长频率分布来看,近太湖新银鱼产完最后一批卵就死亡,因此,它的寿命仅一年从其周年体长和成熟系数分布并结合秋季大捕捞大量样本的检查,得出近太湖新银鱼只有春季产卵群  相似文献   

2014年对丹江口水库上游四大家鱼等产漂流性卵鱼类进行早期资源的现状调查,结果表明丹江口水库上游现有产漂流性卵鱼类共14种,以银鮈、蛇鮈、花斑副沙鳅、、蒙古鲌等鱼类为主,四大家鱼卵64粒,仅占卵数的1.02%.与1977年、1993年历史调查的产漂流性卵鱼类早期资源数据相比,产卵场数量减少6处,产卵场的规模和位置发生显著变化.丹江口水库上游产漂流性卵鱼类产卵总量下降明显,从1977年的近1745.86亿粒(尾)下降到2014年的455502.76万粒(尾);其中四大家鱼卵苗径流量下降幅度最为显著,从171.27亿粒(尾)下降到4295.22万粒(尾),四大家鱼卵苗径流量占鱼类卵苗总径流量的比例也从9.81%下降到了0.94%以下.  相似文献   

三峡水库调度运行改变了库区江段的水文情势,影响漂流性卵苗在库区江段内的时空分布特征。在水库低水位运行时,具有流水生境特征的库中和库尾江段是产漂流性卵鱼类在整个三峡库区内重要的产卵江段。了解三峡库中和库尾江段产漂流性卵鱼类的早期资源状况及其对水文和水温特征的响应关系,对于采取适宜的保护措施促进鱼类早期资源的恢复具有重要的意义。本文通过2017—2020年5—7月在库中涪陵断面进行的逐日早期资源监测,了解三峡库中和库尾江段产漂流性卵鱼类早期资源的种类组成、产卵规模、产卵场分布及其年际变动特征,并采用随机森林(RF)模型,分析鱼类逐日产卵规模变动与水文、水温格局及其过程的关系,辨识影响不同种类产卵规模变动的关键水文及水温要素。结果表明:2017—2020年共采集到漂流性鱼卵21种,包括长江上游特有鱼类鱼卵3种;以圆筒吻鮈Rhinagobio cylindricus、蒙古鲌Chanodichthys mongolicus、贝氏(?)Hemiculter bleekeri等6种鱼类的鱼卵为主,占总采集鱼卵数的88.76%;各年的鱼卵规模分别为83.04×108、14.29×...  相似文献   

雷欢  陈锋  谢文星  陈金生  金瑶  黄道明 《湖泊科学》2022,34(4):1219-1233
为促进汉江中下游鱼类繁殖,2018年6月汉江中下游首次实施梯级联合生态调度试验.该研究在汉江中下游钟祥、沙洋、泽口、仙桃江段设置监测断面,采集鱼类早期资源,并在兴隆枢纽泄洪闸上、下开展鱼类溯流集群情况监测,以分析生态调度对促进汉江中下游鱼类繁殖的效果.监测结果表明汉江中下游鱼卵种类共有26种(属),其中产漂流性卵鱼类22种.监测期间漂流性卵径流量为143411万粒,其中四大家鱼卵径流量为4887万粒,占3.41%,推测汉江中下游有6处成规模的产漂流性卵鱼类产卵场.生态调度期间,坝下鱼类溯流集群随兴隆枢纽调度过程发生变化,钟祥和仙桃江段均出现两次鱼类产卵高峰,鱼卵径流量占总径流量的61.66%,并监测到四大家鱼卵,表明梯级联合生态调度结合区间来水,对汉江下游鱼类,特别是四大家鱼的繁殖具有积极的作用.  相似文献   

徐薇  金瑶  陈桂亚  董纯  易燃  赵娜  陶江平 《湖泊科学》2023,35(5):1729-1740
2011—2020年,三峡水库共开展了14次促进坝下江段四大家鱼自然繁殖的生态调度试验,于每年5—7月在长江中游沙市江段开展鱼类早期资源调查研究,旨在掌握生态调度实施以来产漂流性卵鱼类自然繁殖的响应变化,评估生态调度对长江中游鱼类自然繁殖的贡献。十年间共采集到鱼卵35种,其中典型产漂流性卵鱼类有25种,主要种类包括贝氏?(Hemiculter bleekeri)、鯿(Parabraims pekinensis、银鮈(Squalidus argentatus)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)和花斑副沙鳅(Parabotia fasciata);鱼卵群落多样性指数H、均匀度指数E和稳定性指数ICV在年际间呈现先降低后升高的变化趋势,优势度指数D恰好相反,变化拐点出现在2017年,表明2017年以来群落多样性趋于增加,群落结构趋于稳定;产漂流性卵鱼类繁殖规模总体呈先减少后增加变化,有8个类群的繁殖规模逐年增加,鱼类繁殖高峰频次逐渐升高,大规模繁殖出现的时段逐渐延长...  相似文献   

总结了对1996年2月3日云南丽江7级地震的中短期监视及跟踪预报过程。根据川滇地区地震活动特征和可公度性计算结果,在该次地震前对大形势进行了预测。1995年10月以后,滇西北地区出现了大面积、大幅度、多手段的同步异常,其中以水氡 、水位和CO2异常为主,沿中甸-南涧的地震区分产为集中。根据上述异常特征及异常分布情况,作在该次地震前2个同大理州政府提出了书面预报意见,认为1996年2月底以前在中甸  相似文献   

在1995年1月17日兵库县南部地震之前数个月,地下水中的氡浓度增加了。从1994年10月下旬观测开始,到1994年12月底,氡浓度增加了约4倍。在1月8日,即神户地震前9天,氡浓度开始降低产达到比观测开始时高10倍多的一个峰值。这些氡值变化可能是这次灾难性地震的前兆现象。  相似文献   

本文描述了一秋龄性腺成熟中华绒螯蟹(简称河蟹)的外部特征并与一秋龄未成熟及二秋龄成熟河蟹进行比较,同时给出了体重与壳宽的回归方程.保安湖的研究结果表明,对于一秋龄雌蟹,体重大于29.8g(壳宽为4.03cm)全部成熟,而体重小于13.1g(壳宽为3.00cm)均不成熟,体重在13、1-29.8g之间,既有成熟又有未成熟.对于一秋龄雄蟹,体重大于26.0g(壳宽3.91cm),全部成熟,而于12.0g壳宽2.66cm)均未成熟,体重在12.0-26.0g之间,既有成熟者又有未成熟个体.对一秋龄成熟河蟹成熟系数逐月变化的观察表明,在翌年3月份达到峰值,雌蟹为12. 32± 1. 75%,雄蟹为 4. 24± 0. 06%;此后,性腺迅速退化,至翌年七月上旬,卵巢退变成细索状结构.己无完整的卵粒.  相似文献   

青藏公路沿线冻土的地温特征及退化方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金会军  赵林  王绍令  晋锐 《中国科学D辑》2006,36(11):1009-1019
青藏高原多年冻土(以下简称冻土)具有地域分布广、厚度薄及稳定性差等特征. 过去几十年的气候变暖背景下, 冻土广泛退化, 地温升高, 夏季最大融化深度加深, 冬季冻结深度减小. 冻土已经产生下引式、上引式和侧引式退化. 冻土层厚度减薄, 或者在某些地区彻底消失. 冻土退化模式研究在冻土学、寒区工程和寒区环境管理方面具有重要意义. 由南至北穿越560 km冻土区的青藏公路沿线(简称青藏线)冻土在青藏高原腹地具有很好的代表性. 在水平方向上, 冻土退化在多年冻土下界附近的零星冻土分布区、融区边缘和岛状冻土区表现得更为明显. 当最大季节融化深度超过最大季节冻结深度时, 冻土开始下引式退化; 通常形成融化夹层, 造成多年冻土和季节冻结层不衔接. 当多年冻土层中地温梯度减小到小于下伏或周边融土层时, 则产生上引式或侧引式退化. 下引式退化进程可分为4个阶段: (1) 初始退化阶段, (2) 加速退化阶段, (3) 融化夹层阶段, (4) 最终多年冻土彻底融化为季节冻土阶段. 当多年冻土中地温梯度降至下伏融土层地温梯度以下时, 则产生上引式退化. 3种类型冻土温度曲线(稳定型、退化型和相变过渡型)展现了这些退化模式. 虽然存在不同地段和类型的地温特征, 三种退化模式的各种组合最终将使多年冻土消融, 转变成季节冻土. 过去25年来, 青藏线冻土年平均下引式退化速率变化在6~25 cm, 年平均上引式退化速率在12~30 cm, 零星多年冻土区年平均侧引式退化速率为62~94 cm. 这些观测结果超过所报道的过去20年来阿拉斯加亚北极不连续冻土区4 cm的年平均退化速率, 蒙古国不连续冻土区的4~7 cm的年平均退化速率, 以及雅库悌共和国亚北极和阿拉斯加北极稳定性冻土区退化速率.  相似文献   

毛德培 《地震研究》2001,24(1):82-87
研究了1995年10月24日云南省武定6.5级强震前的地震活动性参数、空间分布图象、距震中135km的巧家台振幅比、波速比演化特征,结果表明武定6.5级地震孕育发生有明显的阶段性变化,经历了早期(1988年4月-1992年7月),中期(1992年8月-1995年3月),晚期(1995年4月-1995年10月)阶段的发展,最终发生了强震。最后应用岩石破裂实验结果,分析了武定6.5级地震孕震过程。  相似文献   

跨断层水准观测是一种高精度的测量工作,对水准仪的精度、稳定性等方面提出了较高的要求,因此仪器老化所产生的仪器性能衰减成为行业内普遍关注的问题。本文分析了Trimble DiNi12型数字水准仪在整个生命周期中的第1年、第4年和第7年的产出数据,结果表明这种数字水准仪在使用的前期性能衰减快,中后期可保持相对稳定的状态。Trimble DiNi12型数字水准仪与Leica DNA03型数字水准仪分别投入使用的第1年内测段往返测闭合差表明,Trimble DiNi12型水准仪所能达到的实际精度优于Leica DNA03型水准仪。进一步分析可知,Trimble DiNi12型水准仪在稳定性上也有一定优势,这和实际的使用情况相符。  相似文献   

The dynamics of the occurrence frequency and intensity of solar-terrestrial storms at the current solar cycle (cycle 24) onset (2007–2011) is considered. The storms were identified based on the moving semidiurnal average planetary index of activity, beginning from Ap* ≥ 30. It has been established that 12, 11, and 2 only moderate storms (Ap* = 30–49), which were randomly distributed during the year, were successively observed in the first three years. After a prolonged period without storms (August 2009–March 2010), a series of storms with mixed or only moderate activity, which were regularly distributed over the seasons (ecliptic longitudes) from April to August, started appearing beginning from the storm of April 1–6, 2010. This period followed the tendency toward the transformation of the slowly rotating four-sector structure (Large-Scale Open Solar Magnetic Field, LOSMF) from the two-sector structure (March 2010). The first storm in the new cycle (April 2010) was very powerful and originated owing to the successive destabilization of the complex of two magnetic filamentary ropes. It is interesting that the origination of a new LOSMF sector was associated with a 27-day interval, during which thermal neutrons appeared at Kamchatka and volcanoes erupted in Iceland, and a strong earthquake occurred in March 2011 in Japan when the Earth was located precisely in this sector.  相似文献   

To make a long-term prediction of the solar cycle in a standard way (GOST 25645.302-83), it is necessary to know the instant of the activity minimum onset, the determination of which is difficult during the decline stage of the previous cycle. The dependence of the long-term prediction error on the time of shift (t) relative to the solar activity minimum instant (i.e., the situation when a certain time before the minimum onset, rather than the time of this minimum, is the initial point of calculations) has been studied. It has been indicated that one should not know the exact time of the activity minimum onset in order to make prediction according to GOST, and such a prediction can be performed with an approximately identical error if the lead time is t ~ 1 year and more relative to the activity minimum onset. An analysis of the dependence of prognostic W max values on t for cycles 18–23 indicated that prognostic W max values are overestimated at small (to ~ 1 year) uncertainties in the time of activity minimum onset. It has been obtained that W max = 96 ± 13 for cycle 24 on the assumption that this cycle began in April 2007.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the origin of lead in snow at Dye 3, Greenland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The isotopic composition and concentration of lead has been measured in fresh and slightly aged snow collected at Dye 3 in southern Greenland during one full year. The lead concentration displayed large variations ranging from 14–3016 pg/g in April (spring) to 3–6 pg/g in September (summer) while the isotopic ratios changed in regular manner during the year. The 206Pb/207Pb ratios were 1.15 from spring to mid-summer snow, and increased in late summer to early autumn, reaching 1.20 in winter. These isotopic data indicate that the lead in the autumn to winter snow originated in North America, while that in spring to mid-summer snow is from Eurasia.  相似文献   

The population dynamics and distribution of Daphnia pulicaria were studied in Lake Constance (Lower Lake). This Daphnia was absent in the year 2004, absent during most part of the year 2005 and absent in spring 2007 but present from November 2005 to July 2006. Abundance was high from January to late May of the year 2006; maximum abundance was 95,000 ind. m−2 (30 May). Males and ephippial females were observed in January and late May. Ovigerous females constituted between 30% and 70% of adult females from November 2005 to April 2006; in June and July their percentage decreased to <20%. Mean number of eggs per egg-bearing female ranged between 2 (in November 2005) and 9.8 (in April 2006) and maximum egg number was 20. Birth and growth rates were low (generally <0.15); death rate was highest in June (0.275). Females of D. pulicaria were larger than females of Daphnia galeata/hyalina but carried somewhat fewer eggs. D. pulicaria generally preferred the deep cool water layers. The species was abundant in the northern parts of the Lower Lake (Gnadensee and Zeller See), rare in the southern parts (Rheinsee) and absent in the Upper Lake. We conclude that the life history and occurrence of large-bodied D. pulicaria in Lake Constance can be governed by fish predation pressure. This suggestion is supported by analyses of stomach contents from Coregonus lavaretus; stomachs contained high proportions of D. pulicaria in the first half of the year 2006. The disappearance of D. pulicaria in early summer and the comparatively low proportion of adults for most part of the investigation period also indicate that fish predation is involved in the dynamics of this Daphnia. The preference for deep cool water can be strategy to reduce predation risk. The low density of D. pulicaria in the southern basin of Lower Lake (Rheinsee) may be explained by the influence of the Rhine River which flows through this basin.  相似文献   

Engineering studies on Buckboard Mesa in Nevada have included extensive coring and borchole photographing in a late Cenozoic basalt flow. The basalt was evidently extruded from a fissure, now marked by a cinder cone, localized in the moat of the Timber Mountain caldera. It is an olivine-bearing andesitic basalt with a moderately high potassium content. Away from complications near the vent only a single flow is present. Distributaries from the main channel branch to clusters of lava toes at the flow terminus. A vesicular facies overlies a dense facies in general, but alternating layers formed in an early flow stage complicate the stratigraphy. Structures formed in a transitional stage are flattened vesicles, layers of vesicles, and lineated vesicles. These flow structures commonly parallel concentric flattened cylinders of the various rock types. The cylindrical structure is apparently fundamental to lava flow mechanics. In the brittle stage, an orthogonal system of three sets of fractures developed in the lava parallel and perpendicular to the flow layering. Similar flow channels with cylindrical flow structure and related fractures are present in Columbia River basalt and elsewhere.  相似文献   

A Polish-made vertical ionosonde (VI) has been operated at the Kandilli Observatory in Istanbul, for almost one year (May 1993 - April 1994) as part of the COST 238, PRIME Project, The critical frequencies were obtained for every half-hour interval. The data obtained during this campaign, on the descending branch of solar cycle 22, and the data measured earlier in Istanbul for cycle 20 were analysed and the characteristic behaviour of the F2 region ionosphere over Istanbul has been determined. This is a unique data set for this area. Several markers of the solar cycle activities in terms of the daily relative sunspot numbers, F10.7 cm solar radio flux and solar flare index, and the magnetic daily index of Ap were then used to seek the possible influence of the solar and ionospheric activities on the critical frequencies observed in Istanbul. It was found that the solar flare index, as a solar activity index, was more reliable in determining quiet ionospheric days. It is shown that the minimum and maximum time values of the solar activity are more convenient for ionospheric prediction and modelling.  相似文献   

The life history of the freshwater shrimp Palaemonetes antennarius (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) was investigated from April 1993 to November 2002 at 13 sites in the delta of the Neretva River, Croatia. The sex ratio (males vs. females) was in favour of females throughout the study year . The breeding period lasts from April to August with a peak of 75% of the ovigerous female in June. The maximum number of eggs carried by ovigerous females was 73, and there was a positive significant linear correlation between fecundity (number of early embryonic stage eggs per female) and female body size (carapace length) (R2=0.698, p<0.01). The breeding period was longer in limnocrenes and lakes with oligohaline-limnic water than in other habitat types because the water is more rapidly warmed in spring and cooled more slowly in autumn in these habitats. Larvae were present from June to October, with a peak reaching 19.4% of the total population in June. The shrimps follow a synchronic univoltine life cycle with a short egg-laying period and a new summer generation. Their larvae, apparently having no ecological flexibility, did not appear in any environment with high oscillations of salinity.  相似文献   

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