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本文利用MODTRAN 3.7和TOMRADE模式分别计算了308.0 nm、312.5 nm、317.5 nm、322.3 nm、331.2 nm、360.0 nm六个紫外波段的后向散射强度并进行了比较,且利用两个模式计算得到的插值表,对EPTOMS实测资料分别进行反演,得到结论如下:1)两模式算得的后向散射强度随着太阳天顶角、卫星天顶角、地表反照率的变化特性基本一致,均能较好的反映紫外后向散射的辐射特性;2)总体而言,两模式计算的后向散射强度值相对偏差在-6%~18%之间;3)分别把MODTRAN 3.7和TOMRADE模式计算的插值表用于2003年7月30日中纬度地区EPTOMS实测资料的反演,得到的臭氧总量相对偏差在-3%~5%之间.本文对紫外波段大气辐射传输模式的研究和紫外后向散射探测臭氧总量的反演误差研究有着重要意义.  相似文献   

FY-3气象卫星上搭载的紫外臭氧总量探测仪TOU是我国自主开发研制的首台用于全球臭氧总量定量测量的探测仪,自发射以来已成功在轨运行近两年.由于TOU发射前辐亮度定标存在偏差,为了得到高精度的产品,TOU必须进行在轨定标.本文介绍了基于辐射传输模式计算对TOU辐亮度进行在轨道定标的方法,定标过程中用于模拟辐亮度计算的臭氧总量由与TOU观测时刻相近的国外臭氧总量探测仪器MetOp/GOME-2提供.文章将在轨定标后TOU的反演结果与AURA/OMI以及地基的产品进行比较,结果表明,用辐射传输模式对TOU辐亮度进行在轨定标的方法是可行的,反演结果能够真实地反映臭氧的时空分布特性,在全球部分地基观测站所处的位置上对TOU, OMI以及地基的臭氧总量进行比较的结果表明,TOU与OMI的相对偏差均方根约为2.52%,TOU与地基以及OMI与地基观测结果之间的相对偏差均方根分别为4.45%和3.89%.  相似文献   

大气水汽对全球以及区域气候变化有着极其重要的影响,因而精确的获取水汽数据一直是非常重要的研究课题.单一传感器的遥感水汽反演算法有一定的局限,本文致力于发展一个基于多源遥感数据的水汽反演物理统计算法,该算法还能有效解决有云情况下的水汽反演.通过将晴空条件下近红外水汽反演结果与基于微波23.8 GHz的水汽敏感波段的组合指数进行回归,再将有云覆盖区域的微波指数代入到回归反演模型,从而获得有云覆盖条件下的水汽结果,实现有云条件下的水汽反演,对基于光学波段的水汽反演结果进行补充.不同的地表覆盖会对裸土表面的微波辐射有不同的影响作用,本文的算法还利用地表覆盖数据有效消除了这一影响,针对不同的地表覆盖,分别进行回归模型的建立.最后将该算法反演的结果与地基GPS的水汽监测数据进行对比,有云条件下的均方根误差为8 mm,且利用本算法可以较好的对光学数据进行补充,具有良好的空间一致性.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲大气气溶胶对地面臭氧变化的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
研究表明在珠三角目前的污染状况下,至少一半以上的紫外辐射被大气气溶胶衰减,如此大幅度的紫外辐射衰减对城市生态系统和物种化学循环,尤其是臭氧光化学反应过程有重大的影响.利用地面观测的臭氧、紫外辐射、气溶胶辐射特性参数以及辐射和化学模式定量评估了大气气溶胶对地面臭氧影响的显著性.实例分析表明,珠三角大气气溶胶和紫外辐射与臭氧之间的相关性显著,气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)与地面PM10的浓度相关性高达0.98,AOD与相应时次的紫外辐射和臭氧的反相关性明显,相关系数可达-0.9.分析表明气溶胶污染通过衰减紫外辐射可显著降低臭氧的产率,AOD为0.6时臭氧的午间峰值区消失,AOD至1.2时午间峰值区呈下降趋势,造成午间臭氧的生成产率明显降低.目前干季(10,11,12和1月)广州的气溶胶光学厚度AOD550 nm≥0.6(AOD340 nm≥1.0)的出现概率为47%(55%),珠三角在干季出现臭氧极大值的机会少与严重的气溶胶污染抑制臭氧峰值的出现应有密切的关系.分析表明应用辐射化学模式计算气溶胶的辐射效应时对单散射因子(SSA)十分敏感,表明应用辐射化学模式计算臭氧的产率时应慎重选取合理的单散射因子值.  相似文献   

基于最优估计理论,采用LBLRTM和VLIDORT辐射传输模式以及包含Line Mixing效应的aer_v_3.2数据库,构建了一套短波红外高光谱卫星反演XCO2的算法.利用该算法试验了Line Mixing效应对卫星反演结果的影响,对GOSAT卫星观测光谱数据进行了系统性试验反演,并利用选取的TCCON站点一年中的匹配观测资料进行了地面验证,同时与GOSAT卫星官方L2B产品进行了比对.试验表明,忽略Line Mixing将系统性低估约0.25%的CO2柱浓度.在气溶胶光学厚度小于0.3的大气条件下,本文反演算法反演结果与GOSAT官方数据产品精度接近,与地基观测值相差小于1%,而高浓度气溶胶背景下卫星反演CO2浓度的有效方法仍有待于突破.  相似文献   

反照率是控制地表能量收支的关键地球物理参数之一,海冰作为南北极地区重要的组成部分,海冰反照率的时空变化会对极地地区和全球范围的气候变化、物质平衡以及能量平衡等产生重要的影响.本文系统的总结了海冰反照率的影响因素、海冰反照率的参数化方法和遥感反演方法及产品的研究进展,阐明了各方法的基本原理、特点以及存在的问题等.海冰反照率的影响因素众多,主要受地表冰雪反射特性、太阳天顶角以及大气属性的影响;参数化方法提供了一种模拟海冰反照率的途径,主要通过取经验定值或建立温度、冰雪厚度以及光谱反照率等参数与海冰反照率的经验关系来进行,但是这种基于特定位置、特定时间以及特定的大气状态下的观测数据运用统计或经验方法建立的参数化方法,适用范围通常有限.遥感反演方法是高时空分辨率获取大范围及长时序海冰反照率的有力手段,主要分为传统的反演方法、直接反演方法以及基于非光学传感器的反演方法;但是遥感反演很容易受到云层的影响,仅能反演晴空下的海冰反照率,而且现有的方法基本都是针对单一传感器设计的,还没有能够联合多源传感器数据反演海冰反照率的方法.基于此,本文展望了未来海冰反照率的研究重点,即开展能够适用于云天空下的、高时空分辨率的以及能够联合多源数据反演海冰反照率的方法研究.  相似文献   

本文研究发展利用GMS 5/VISSR每小时卫星观测资料反演地表温度的方法,首先利用时空判断法进行云检测寻找晴空像元,然后从辐射传输方程出发,由实时探空资料求取大气上行、下行辐射率及大气透过率,根据由AVHRR NDVI导出的地表比辐射率,用单时相双光谱分裂窗法反演得到地表温度.比较反演结果与54511站及其他中国基准站2000年地面0cm地表温度实测值,相对于国际上其他经验公式而言,本文算法在精度上有所提高.敏感性分析试验着重于大气衰减的影响.基于本文算法,给出了内蒙中东部地区地表温度连续4天的变化实例以及东亚部分陆地“纯晴天”地表温度图.  相似文献   

张亭禄  邱国强 《湖泊科学》2009,21(2):173-181
介绍了一种基于辐射传递模拟和人工神经网络技术(ANN)的二类水体水色要素(CHL,SPM,CDOM)的反演算法.在辐射传递模拟计算中,纯海水吸收和散射、浮游植物吸收的数据或模型是已发表的被广泛采用的结果.黄色物质和非浮游植物颗粒吸收以及海洋颗粒物的散射模型从COASTLOOC数据中导出.另外,还利用了一个新的海洋颗粒物后向散射概率模型,在该模型中颗粒物后向散射概率是颗粒有机物与SPM比值和波长的甬数.把上述定义的固有光学性质作为输入,经过辐射传递模拟得到海表面以下辐照度反射比数据集,然后将该模拟数据集用于训练不同的人工神经网络,获取水色和水色要素浓度之间甬数关系的最佳近似.利用以上建立的基于人工神经网络的算法,把COASTLOOC数据集和PMNS数据集的辐照度反射比作为输入进行水色要素反演,通过比较反演值和真实测量值来评价算法性能.结果显示,建立的基于ANN的二类水体水色要素反演算法具有很好的性能.  相似文献   

太湖是我国典型的富营养化湖泊,水温是影响太湖藻类生长的重要环境因子之一,我国环境减灾卫星HJ-1B搭载的红外多光谱相机IRS对太湖水温动态遥感监测具有较大的性能优势.利用6景过境太湖的IRS热红外遥感影像,分别采用单通道普适性算法、辐射传输模型法和单窗算法反演太湖水温,并与实测水温和同期的TERRA/MODIS温度产品进行对比.结果表明,普适性单通道算法反演水温偏高,而辐射传输模型法和单窗算法则偏低;3种算法反演水温的均方根误差在1.001 K以内,单窗算法反演精度最高,其次是辐射传输模型法,再次为普适性单通道算法,而同期MODIS温度产品的均方根误差为1.507 K.3种算法从IRS热红外数据反演的水温直方图均呈正峰态、尖峰状态分布,反演结果能真实地反映太湖水温的空间分布特征.本研究对只有单个热红外通道的卫星传感器开展内陆水体水温遥感监测具有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   

大气中SO_2是一种对城市大气环境变化和全球辐射能量平衡有着重要影响的痕量气体.BRD(Band Residual Difference Algorithm)和DOAS(Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy)算法是两种主要的SO_2总量遥感反演算法,分别被用于美国和欧洲不同卫星载荷数据的SO_2反演.然而,目前缺少两种算法在相同观测条件下SO_2反演的精度比较及不确定性分析、在物理数学反演机制上的差异追因.因此,本文基于相同的仿真模拟数据和卫星紫外辐射观测数据,反演获得不同大气状况下的BRD和DOAS SO_2总量并进行精度比较验证.从算法反演通道、O_3吸收、气溶胶、地表反射率和观测角度影响等方面,讨论分析BRD和DOAS反演结果差异及反演误差的原因.结果表明,在低浓度SO_2情况下,BRD反演SO_2总量更接近于正演输入SO_2总量,DOAS反演结果存在高估,但相对于BRD算法,DOAS算法长时间序列卫星反演结果更能表现出SO_2的季节变化特征;在高浓度SO_2情况下,BRD(310.8~314.4nm)和DOAS(315~327nm)反演结果的绝对值差异明显且存在低估,BRD(310.8~314.4nm)SO_2反演值及反演精度都低于DOAS(315~327nm)反演结果.基于高光谱分辨率大气辐射传输模型SCIATRAN的反演不确定性分析结果显示,反演通道选择、紫外O_3吸收、气溶胶、地表反射率和观测角度对SO_2总量反演精度的影响较大.本研究对于SO_2卫星遥感反演算法的改进及SO_2反演产品的应用具有重要的科学意义,也可促进中国未来大气成分SO_2卫星遥感产品的研发.  相似文献   

静止卫星闪电探测中云影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
相对已经在轨运行的极轨卫星,搭载在静止卫星上的闪电成像仪能够提供全天候、无间断的闪电探测,是目前全球卫星闪电探测的方向.本文分析云不同特性对云顶闪电信号的影响,以及云高对静止卫星闪电定位的订正分析,将对静止卫星闪电成像仪的研发及其业务化运行提供技术支撑.研究中,通过建立云中闪电传输模型,模拟云中闪电传输.由于云粒子散射,云的体积、光学厚度和形状,以及闪电在云中发生的深度,都影响云中或云间闪电信号传输到云顶的能量衰减和持续时间,其持续时间可能超过已知静止卫星闪电成像仪假设的2 ms成像积分时间间隔,这样不能保证所有的闪电信号在一帧图像内探测到.但是,云粒子散射对云顶闪电的水平位置影响不大,闪电成像仪定位的云顶闪电可代表云中或云间的闪电位置.同时,在传统静止卫星图像定位模型的基础上,建立了闪电定位的云高订正模型.根据该模型,当云顶高度为10 km,云高所引起的闪电定位最大误差达到经向0.5379°、纬向0.2273°,超过已知静止卫星闪电成像仪假设的地面探测单元大小,有必要进行订正.  相似文献   

基于COSMIC掩星探测资料的云底高反演研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于相对湿度廓线进入云层时的突变实现云底高反演的思想,采用2008年11月至2009年1月的COSMIC掩星湿空气数据反演全球云底高度,并与探空资料反演结果进行对比分析,得出以下重要结论:(1)当温度-40 ℃相似文献   

A new parameterization for atmospheric transmission and O2 photodissociation in the Schumann-Runge band region has been developed and tested with a 1D radiative-photochemical model. The parameterization is based on the O2-column along the line of sight to the Sun and the local temperature. Line-by-line calculations have served as a benchmark for testing this method and several other, commonly used, parameterizations. The comparisons suggest that differences between the line-by-line calculations and currently accepted parameterizations can be reduced significantly by using the new method, particularly at large solar zenith angles. The production rate of O-atoms computed with this method shows less than 6% deviation compared to the line-by-line calculations at any altitude, all solar zenith angles and in all seasons. The largest errors are found toward the shorter wavelengths in the Schumann-Runge region at low altitudes. Transmittance is approximated to better than 4% at any altitude and/or solar zenith angle. The total O-production rate above 20 km is approximated to better than 2%. The new parameterization is easily implemented in existing photochemical models and in many cases it may simply replace the existing algorithm. The computational effort exceeds that of other parameterizations but in view of the total computation time needed for the actual calculation of the parameterized Schumann-Runge bands this should not lead to significant performance degeneration. The first 14 coefficients of the parameterization are included in this study. Both the complete sets of coefficients and a simple algorithm can be obtained by contacting the authors. A photochemical model study shows the largest effect of the parameterization method is on odd hydrogen concentrations. Subsequent interaction with an odd oxygen family causes differences in the ozone concentrations between the different parameterizations of more than 10% at selected altitudes. Although it is already established that deficiencies in the treatment of Schumann-Runge band absorption are unlikely to explain the current underestimation of ozone concentration at the stratopause in a variety of photochemical models, this study does show that the choice of parameterization has a large impact on the accuracy of the results at large solar zenith angles and in different seasons.  相似文献   

Obtaining an accurate, value for total ozone under a cloudy sky, especially when the sun is not high, is a major remaining problem associated with total ozone measurements. The Toronto spectrophotometer has been designed with this in mind. It has been fitted with a polarizing prism, and measures light at four wavelengths simultaneous which makes it possible to obtain two independent double ratios. Clouds produce two effects on ozone measurements; the first is purely an optical effect which causes an apparent increase in ozone, the second is most likely a real increase in ozone associated with large cumulus-type clouds. By considering the three following points it is possible to distinguish between these two cloud effects and probably measure the true total ozone for solar zenith angles less than 80°: 1. The multiply scattered component of polarized light is used to reduce optical cloud variance. This makes all skies appear like thick coulds. 2. A double difference similar to the AD method is used but the two ratios of the double difference are weighted inversely with(= 1 - 2 for a pair). This further reduces the optical effects of clouds. 3. Real ozone increases due to large clouds are verified by comparing the increase of ozone obtained from one double difference to that of another. Differences between this multiply, polarized curve and the direct sun curve will be given, and a technique to obtain an accurate value of total ozone under all sky conditions, provided that the solar zenith angle is less than 80°, will be given.  相似文献   

Ice crystal clouds have an influence on the radiative budget of the earth; however, the exact size and nature of this influence has yet to be determined. A laboratory cloud chamber experiment has been set up to provide data on the optical scattering behaviour of ice crystals at a visible wavelength in order to gain information which can be used in climate models concerning the radiative characteristics of cirrus clouds. A PMS grey-scale probe is used to monitor simultaneously the cloud microphysical properties in order to correlate these closely with the observed radiative properties. Preliminary results show that ice crystals scatter considerably more at 90° than do water droplets, and that the halo effects are visible in a laboratorygenerated cloud when the ice crystal concentration is sufficiently small to prevent masking from multiple scattering.  相似文献   

利用CloudSat卫星资料分析热带气旋的结构特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用2006-2010年的CloudSat热带气旋过境数据集资料,定量分析了大西洋地区飓风的云、降水和热力结构在不同演变阶段内的分布特征,结果表明:雷达反射率的发生概率以5 km高度为"拐点"呈现不同的分布特点,且成熟阶段的回波强度明显大于发展和消亡阶段.各径向环内深对流云发生概率始终最大,积云和雨层云始终最小.冰水含量的最大值位于内核区且沿径向不断减小,有效粒子半径和分布宽度参数随高度减小而粒子数浓度却增大.温度距平在距离中心200 km以内随飓风演变不断增大,而200 km以外始终较小.各阶段8 km以下存在湿心区,而其上方正好对应暖心区.内核区发展阶段存在近饱和区而成熟和消亡阶段存在向外倾斜的未饱和区.各阶段不同径向环内4 km以上主要为稳定层结而4 km以下的层结特性各异,且假相当位温沿径向逐渐减小.  相似文献   

本文探討了Gotz逆轉效应中,单色天頂散射光强I3112(?)的有效散射高度hE的上升过程。首先从理論上証明:hE并非沿高度連續的上升,而是跳跃上升的。然后用实际观測数据的計算,証实了理論結果。由此并指出,由于hE的跳跃,那么在应用逆轉效应,建立測定大气臭氧垂直分布方法时,如果将大气分层較多,那么可能在臭氧层中下部所得的結果,是不唯一的。基于上述結果,进一步研究了方法B,发現目前国际上通用的,由Ramanathan与Davo所給出的逆轉方法B的解是不唯的。这些解之間有着亘大的差异。因此以該方法計算出的各层臭氧含量,并不能肯定大气臭氧的垂直分布情况。  相似文献   

Summary In April 1970 the Backscatter Ultraviolet (BUV) experiment was placed into orbit aboard the Nimbus-4 satellite. This double monochromator experiment measures ultraviolet terrestrial radiance at twelve discrete wavelengths between 2550 Å and 3400 Å. Approximately 100 scans covering a 230 km square are made between terminator crossings on the daylight side of the earth. A colinear photometer channel with the same field of view is used to derive the Lambert reflectivity of the lower boundary of the scattering atmosphere. The extraterrestrial solar irradiance is measured at the northern terminator. The instrument has currently produced almost three years of nearly continuous data which are being used to infer the high-level ozone distribution and total ozone on a global basis. The high-level ozone data have been verified by independent coincident rocket ozone soundings, and the total ozone values show good agreement with Dobson spectrophotometer determinations as well as those made with the Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer also on Nimbus-4. An increase has been observed in equatorial radiance at 2550 Å relative to 2900 Å, which seems to indicate that the amount of ozone in the upper stratosphere is related to the eleven-year solar cycle.  相似文献   

A spectroscopic method for optical remote sensing of total ozone (O3) is described. It involves detailed spectral matching of near ultraviolet solar observations with synthetic profiles containing various amounts of ozone absorption. Application of this technique is made to airborne solar measurements in the 3100 to 3600 Å wavelength region. In the 3100 to 3200 Å region, measurements made above the tropopause (around geographic latitude 36.7°N, longitude 121.7°W at 0045 UT on 1/23/74) generally fit synthetic profiles constructed with 0.3 atm cm of O3 absorption andBroadfoot's (1972) extra-terrestrial solar irradiance values. However, there are several sections of the solar spectra where the observed intensity is either significantly higher or lower than the calculated value. In addition, several maxima and minima in the observed spectra do not coincide in wavelength with corresponding features in the synthetic profile. Such problems also appear when comparison is made with synthetic profiles based onArvesen et al.'s (1969) extra-terrestrial solar irradiance measurements. These discrepancies may arise from a combination of sources, including errors in laboratory measured O3 absorption coefficients, the extra-terrestrial solar irradiance values and the presence of other UV absorbing species in the stratosphere.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of the mixing of dry air into a cloud top from the point of view of the droplet spectra. It is shown theoretically that the resulting cycling of the air up and down in the cloud, as seems to be the essential mechanism by which cumuli have been diluted to their observed liquid water mixing ratio, can double the largest drop radius and generate cloud parcels containing drops of all sizes up to this maximum. These changes in the droplet distribution with size occur by a process which is not greatly influenced by the cloud condensation nuclei or the details of droplet growth since maritime like spectra can develop in continental type cumuli. It shows that large numbers of cloud condensation nuclei should not have much effect in inhibiting the rainforming process by reducing coalescence growth. On the contrary, the controlling parameters which determine precipitation efficiency and times seem to be those which control the mixing.  相似文献   

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