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热带和中高纬地区季节内振荡的特征及其动力学诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用5年低阶全球谱模式资料,对中高纬大气和热带大气季节内振荡的动力学性质和传播特征进行了诊断研究。分析发现模式再现了大气中季节内振荡在热带和中高纬地区的传播特性以及它们之间的差异。热带大气30—60天振荡在速度势场上表现为纬向—波结构和行波特性,而在散度风场上反映了赤道西太平洋—印度洋东西向偶极子型的振荡。中高纬大气30—60天振荡表现为定常波位相和振幅的变化,即波包络的传播特征。它与中高纬地区遥相关型的转换有关,通过遥相关位相和振幅的变化,不仅完成了热带和中高纬地区之间以及热带不同区域之间的能量输送,而且通过这种能量输送过程把南、北半球中高纬地区季节内振荡联系起来。   相似文献   

本文采用ECMRWF1980—1988年u,v,z格点资料,进行Munakami带通滤波,分析中高纬大气季节内振荡的动力学特征及传播特征,以及与热带地区季节内振荡的差异。 在全球高度场单点相关图上,南北半球都有类似于波列的分布结构,它们有相同的视源区与视汇区,季节内振荡具有全球尺度特征。超前或滞后相关图上,可以发现季节内振荡具有40—50天振荡周期。 在高度场四个位相合成图上,我们发现中高纬高度场上反映的季节内振荡为定常波的振荡,即波列位相与振幅的振荡。 低纬地区速度势函数冬季为纬向一波结构,夏季为二波结构。合成的赤道区域时剖图上,冬季X场东传明显,夏季则仅东半球有东传现象。OLR场冬季主要为150E为节点的东西向偶极形式的振荡以及60W—O范围的局地振荡。 热带区域季节内振荡主要表现为行星波的传播,而中高纬大气的季节内振荡表现为定常波的振荡。  相似文献   

从海气相互作用的观点出发研究了热带大气季节内振荡产生的一种可能原因,发现在不考虑大气内部大尺度凝结反馈过程的条件下,线性简单海气耦合系统在真实的参数取值范围内存在一类和实际观测类似的季节内振荡模态,这种模态可以不稳定缓慢东传或西传或表现为驻波,海洋边界波反射效应对这种振荡模态的形成无根本性影响。这一结果为解释洋面上观测到的热带大气低频振荡的局地特征提供了理论背景。  相似文献   

孟加拉湾西南季风与南海热带季风季节内振荡特征的比较   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
李汀  琚建华 《气象学报》2013,71(3):492-504
采用美国国家环境预报中心的向外长波辐射和风场资料及日本气象厅的降水资料,用30-60d滤波后的夏季风指数在孟加拉湾和南海的区域平均值分别代表孟加拉湾西南季风和南海热带季风季节内振荡,对两支季风的季节内振荡特征进行比较分析,发现孟加拉湾西南季风的季节内振荡和南海热带季风的季节内振荡在夏季风期间(5-10月)都有约3次半的波动.夏季风期间,在阿拉伯海-西太平洋纬带上,夏季风的季节内振荡有4次从阿拉伯海的东传和3次从西太平洋的西传,其中7月后东传可直达西太平洋.孟加拉湾和南海在夏季风期间都有4次季节内振荡的经向传播,但孟加拉湾在约15°N以南为季节内振荡从热带东印度洋的北传,在约15°N以北则为副热带季风季节内振荡的南传;而在南海则是4次季节内振荡从热带的北传.在以孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡和南海热带季风季节内振荡分别划分的6个位相中,都存在1-3位相和4-6位相中低频对流、环流形势相反的特征,这是由热带东印度洋季节内振荡的东传和北传所致.热带印度洋季节内振荡沿西南-东北向经过约14d传到孟加拉湾,激发了孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡的东传,经过约6d到达南海,激发了南海热带季风季节内振荡的北传,经过约25d到达华南,形成热带印度洋季节内振荡向华南的经纬向接力传播(45d).孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡所影响的降水主要是在20°N以南的热带雨带随低频对流的东移而东移;而南海热带季风季节内振荡所影响的降水除了这种热带雨带随低频对流的东移外,还有在20°N以北的东亚副热带地区存在雨带随南海低频对流的北移而北移.  相似文献   

大气对热带热源低频响应的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨修群 《气象科学》1990,10(4):384-393
本文设计—关于基本气流线性化的二层球面模式研究大气对不同类型赤道热源的低频响应,分析了全球大气40—50天低频振荡的结构和传播特点。结果表明:全球大气对热带热源响应特征是在热带地区表现为东西向非对称的热源东侧的Kelvin响应和西侧的Rossby响应,高低层反位相;在中高纬响应是具有低频振荡的二维Rossby波列,且具有相当正压结构。低频振荡的传播特征表明热带大气对移动性热源的响应更有利于振荡的向东传播,且该振荡可以沿波列路径向中高纬度传播,然后再折向低纬。二维Rossby波列是联系着热带和中高纬度地区低频振荡的基本动力学途径。该波列的形成取决于基本气流的分布,冬半球波列振幅较大。因此本文认为40—50天低频振荡是全球尺度的现象,它是一涉及到热带对流加热、赤道Kelvin波、亦道Rossby波、二维Rossby波列以及基本气流等动力学相互作用的过程。  相似文献   

热带准两年振荡影响北半球冬季大气环流的诊断分析   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
陈文  杨蕾  黄荣辉  邱启鸿 《大气科学》2004,28(2):161-173
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,首先讨论了热带纬向风准两年振荡(QBO)的东、西风位相的划分标准.结果发现,赤道50 hPa的风与西风深厚度关系最密切,即赤道50 hPa的纬向平均风为西(东)风时往往代表平流层下层为一层深厚的西(东)风.在此基础上诊断分析了1958/1959~1997/1998年共40个冬季中热带纬向风QBO对北半球中高纬度地区纬向平均环流和准定常行星波传播的影响.诊断分析表明,热带QBO对北半球冬季大气环流的影响主要表现在平流层和对流层上层.热带QBO的东风位相年与西风位相年相比,中高纬地区的绕极西风环流明显减弱,中低纬地区则出现相反变化,从而在平流层的纬向平均环流分布上呈现偶极子形式.纬向平均流的这种年际变化可以很好地用中高纬度准定常行星波传播的异常加以解释,QBO的东风位相年和西风位相年相比,中高纬准定常行星波向极地的传播更强,从而在高纬度平流层产生异常的E-P通量辐合,波-流相互作用的结果使得西风减弱.但是热带纬向风QBO的影响在1958/1959~1997/1998年的前后20年有所差异.后20年相对于前20年而言,东西风位相的差异有所减小,Hol-ton-Tan振荡明显减弱;就行星波传播而言,东风位相年下,前20年行星波向上传播较弱,而后20年则以大约70°N为分界点,以南向上传播较强,以北向上传播较弱.这种差异可能跟中高纬度纬向西风的自身变化有关.  相似文献   

IAP AGCM4.0模式对热带大气季节内振荡的模拟评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于中国科学院大气物理所大气环流模式IAP AGCM4.0总共30年(1979~2008年)的模拟结果,评估了IAP AGCM4.0模式对热带大气季节内振荡的模拟能力。分析结果表明IAP AGCM4.0模式可以在一定程度上模拟出热带大气季节内振荡的主要时空谱结构特征,在周期30~80天处存在明显的谱能量中心;模式模拟的季节内振荡东传的主要特征与观测基本一致,东移波的能量远大于西移波。基于RMM指数(All-season Real-time Multivariate MJO Index)的分析表明,模式模拟的850 h Pa和200 h Pa季节内尺度风场和对流活动在赤道地区的空间分布与观测基本一致。但与观测相比,模式模拟的热带大气季节内振荡的周期较短,东传速度快于观测,虚假的西传特征过强,对流活跃区域范围较小、强度较弱。就非绝热加热而言,模式模拟结果与再分析资料比较接近,但最大加热在印度洋和西太平洋地区出现的位相较晚。进一步分析表明,模式中影响对流触发的相对湿度阈值(RHc)的不同取值(RHc分别取为85%、90%、95%和100%),可以显著影响热带大气非绝热加热垂直廓线,从而影响模式对热带大气季节内振荡的模拟;当对流触发相对湿度阈值取为90%时,IAP AGCM4.0模式对热带大气季节内振荡模拟的能力相对最好,非绝热加热垂直廓线在不同位相的分布特征也与再分析资料最为接近。这说明模式对流参数化方案中不同参数的合适选取,可以改进模式对热带大气季节内振荡的模拟能力。  相似文献   

通过一个赤道β平面上的绝热无摩擦的两层模式,讨论了线性垂直切变的纬向基本气流对热带行星尺度大气波动的影响。在长波近似下,当有纬向基本气流垂直切变时,可得到与东传Kelvin波和西传Rossby波对应的不稳定模态。对不稳定的Kelvin波模态,其相速受垂直切变的影响不大,而对不稳定的Rossby波模态,切变越大,西传速度越小。基本气流的垂直切变主要影响热带Rossby波。  相似文献   

李汀  琚建华 《气象学报》2013,71(1):38-49
通过对1979—2008年热带太平洋30—60 d振荡(Madden-Julian Oscillation,MJO)指数、美国国家环境预报中心再分析资料和日本气象厅降水资料的分析,发现热带东印度洋MJO强度和传播状况影响孟加拉湾西南夏季风季节内振荡及相关低频环流、对流和降水分布。当热带东印度洋MJO在春末夏初较活跃时,孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡活动在4—8月比其不活跃时提前约20 d(约1/2个周期),其对于孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡的影响可持续整个季风期,使西南季风的季节内振荡不仅酝酿期和活跃期提前发生,季风期有所延长,季节内振荡也更强。西南季风季节内振荡具有明显的北传和东传特征,北传沿孟加拉湾通道从赤道向副热带推进,而东传则沿10°—20°N从孟加拉湾向东传至南海地区。春末夏初时热带东印度洋MJO的异常状况,正是通过对西南季风季节内振荡东传和北传的影响,进而对孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡在季风期的酝酿、维持和活跃产生作用,这种作用同时体现在强度和时间上。孟加拉湾西南夏季风季节内振荡强度与热带东印度洋MJO在4月21日—5月5日的活动呈现显著负相关,当热带东印度洋MJO在春末夏初较活跃时,孟加拉湾西南夏季风季节内振荡的强度较大,在5—8月经历3次季节内振荡波动,低频对流场和环流场在1—3位相(孟加拉湾西南夏季风季节内振荡为正位相)和4—6位相(负位相)时呈反位相特征,这是由MJO低频对流的东传及在孟加拉湾和南海这两个通道上的北传引起的。从印度半岛到菲律宾群岛的降水在1—3位相和4—6位相上分别为正异常和负异常,其中,在第2位相(孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡波峰)和第5位相(孟加拉湾西南季风季节内振荡波谷)时分别为降水最大正异常和最大负异常。反之,在热带印度洋MJO在春末夏初不活跃年时,孟加拉湾西南夏季风季节内振荡活动较弱,强度偏弱且振荡也不规律。  相似文献   

1983与1985年夏季北半球500hPa高度场大气低频波的振荡特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文利用观测资料分析了1983与1985年夏季半球500hPa高度场大气低频波的振荡特征。结果表明,1983年(厄尔尼诺年)夏季热带中、东太平洋和印度洋以及东亚季风区上空的低频振荡比1985年(反厄尔尼诺年)夏季的低频振荡强,而热带西太平洋的情况恰好相反。这是由于反厄尔尼诺年夏季热带西太平洋对流活动强盛所致。分析结果还表明:1983年夏季低频波基本上是东传的;1985年夏季,在中高纬度地区低频波主要还是东传,热带是西传。西藏高原是大气低频振荡的汇区。  相似文献   

Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis I daily data from 1958 to 2002, climatic characteristics of the 30-60-day intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) of the zonal wind (u), meridional wind (v), and geopotential height (h) over global areas and especially the ISO of v over the subtropical northern Pacific are analyzed using the space-time spectrum analysis and wavelet transform methods. The results show that the ISO of v is very different from those of u and h, with the former representing the meridional low-frequency disturbances, which are the most active in the subtropics and mid-high latitudes, but very weak in the tropics. In the subtropical Northern Hemisphere, the energies of the ISOs of u and h are both concentrated on the waves with wave number of 1 and periods of 30-60 days, while the main energy of the ISO of v is concentrated on the waves with wave numbers of 4-6 and periods of 30-60 and 70-90 days. The westward propagating energies for the 30-60-day oscillations of u, v, and h are all stronger than the eastward propagating energies in the subtropics. In addition, the ISO of v is the strongest (weakest) in summer (winter) over the subtropics of East Asia and northwestern Pacific, while the situation is reversed over the subtropical northeastern Pacific, revealing a "seesaw" of the ISO intensity with seasons over the subtropics from the northwestern to northeastern Pacific. In the subtropical northwestern Pacific, the interannual and interdecadal changes of the ISO for v at 850 hPa indicate that its activities are significantly strong during 1958 1975, while obviously weak during 1976-1990, and are the strongest during 1991-2000, and its spectral energy is obviously abnormal but ruleless during the ENSO periods. However, in the 2 7-yr bandpass filtering series, the interannual changes of the v ISO over the subtropical northwestern Pacific contain distinct ENSO signals. And in the 9-yr low-pass filtering series, the v ISO changes over the subtropical northwestern Pacific are significantly out of phase with the changes of the Ni(n)o -3.4 SST, whereas the v ISO changes in the subtropical northeastern Pacific are significantly in phase with the changes of the Ni(n)o-3.4 SST.  相似文献   

We evaluate the performance of GAMIL1.1.1 in a 27-year forced simulation of the summer intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) over East Asia (EA)-western North Pacific (WNP). The assessment is based on two measures: climatological ISO (CISO) and transient ISO (TISO). CISO is the ISO component that is phase-locked to the annual cycle and describes seasonal march. TISO is the ISO component that varies year by year. The model reasonably captures many observed features of the ISO, including the stepwise northward advance of the rain belt of CISO, the dominant periodicities of TISO in both the South China Sea-Philippine Sea (SCS-PS) and the Yangtze River Basin (YRB), the northward propagation of 30--50-day TISO and the westward propagation of the 12--25-day TISO mode over the SCS-PS, and the zonal propagating features of three major TISO modes over the YRB. However, the model has notable deficiencies. These include the early onset of the South China Sea monsoon associated with CISO, too fast northward propagation of CISO from 20oN to 40oN and the absence of the CISO signal south of 10oN, the deficient eastward propagation of the 30--50-day TISO mode and the absence of a southward propagation in the YRB TISO modes. The authors found that the deficiencies in the ISO simulation are closely related to the model's biases in the mean states, suggesting that the improvement of the model mean state is crucial for realistic simulation of the intraseasonal variation.  相似文献   

韩荣青  李维京  董敏 《气象学报》2006,64(2):149-163
用时空滤波和Morlet小波方法,分析了1958—2000年夏季东亚(20°—45°N,110°—135°E)不同纬带(由南到北分为4个区域)的降水分别与太平洋同一纬带上大气30—60 d振荡(ISO)沿纬圈传播的关系及其成因机制。发现太平洋上经向风ISO向西传播的强或弱,是东亚夏季风区降水偏多或偏少的必要条件。对逐年夏季的分析表明,无论当年东亚夏季风强与否,在所划分的几个东亚季风区所有涝的年份里,太平洋同一纬带上大气ISO向西传播都明显较强,而在这些区域绝大多数旱的年份里,相应的ISO向西传播明显较弱。进一步分析发现,经向风ISO的纬向传播对应着大气经向型环流系统的移动,向西传影响东亚夏季风区降水的ISO有来自低纬中东太平洋东风流中的低频气旋(如副热带东风带中ISO的演变);也有来自中高纬度阿拉斯加湾及鄂霍次克海一带低频低压(如洋中槽)和高压(如阻塞高压和东北太平洋高压)的向南向西频散。因此东亚夏季旱涝不但与热带季风有关,而且与中东太平洋副热带东风系统中ISO的向西传播、中高纬度长波调整时低频扰动向西南经北太平洋副热带的传播密切相关。  相似文献   

The relationships between the precipitation over East Asia (20°-45°N,110°-135°E) and the 30-60-day intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) over the Pacific during the boreal summer are studied in the paper.The daily wind and height fields of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,the 24-h precipitation data of 687 stations in China during 1958-2000,and the pentad precipitation of CMAP/NOAA from 1979 to 2002 are all analyzed by the space-time filter method.The analysis results,from every drought and flood summer in four different regions of East Asia respectively during 1958-2000,have shown that the flood (drought) in the East Asian summer monsoon region is absolutely companied with the strongly (weakly) westward propagations of ISO from the central-east Pacific,and depends little on the intensity changes of the East Asian summer monsoon. And the westward ISO is usually the low-frequency cyclones and anticyclones from the Bay of Alaska in northeastern Pacific and the Okhotsk in the northwestern Pacific of mid-high latitudes,and the ISO evolving in subtropical easterlies.In mid-high latitudes the phenomena are related to the westward propagating mid- ocean trough and the retreat of blocking high.Therefore the westward propagating ISO from the central-east Pacific to East Asia is indispensable for more rainfall occurring in East Asia in summer,which results from the long-wave adjustment process in the mid-high latitudes and ISO evolving in tropical easterlies.  相似文献   

The ability of AGCM to simulate the tropical intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) has been studied using the output of global spectral model (ALGCM (R42L9)) of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the outoput is compared with the results from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis for the year 1978-1989. The model displays an evident periodic signal of the tropical ISO. Basic propagating characters of the tropical ISO are captured, and changes in phase speed between Eastern and Western Hemispheres are also well presented, and the simulation of eastward propagation is better than that of westward propagation. This model has increased the ability to simulate the strength of the tropical ISO, especially at 200 hPa, and basically simulates the horizontal structure of wind characterized by the convergence in low-level and divergence in upper-level. The vertical structure of the zonal wind is also well reproduced. Moreover, observed results show that the representing of seasonal preference to form strong ISO in winter and spring is related to ISO's interannual variability, but it is shown in this model with strong ISO in winter and summer and weak ISO in spring and autumn. Structures of some physical elements such as vertical velocity, divergence, specific humidity, etc., and the special distribution of ISO have also differences with these from NCEP reanalysis data, which make it clear to develop this model to simulate the structure and spatial distribution of the ISO.  相似文献   

贾小龙  李崇银  凌健 《大气科学》2008,32(5):1037-1050
基于与NCEP资料结果的比较,研究了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的大气环流模式SAMIL对夏季南亚季风区季节内振荡(ISO)向北传播特征的模拟,并结合目前对ISO北传机制的理解对模拟结果进行了分析讨论。SAMIL在夏季南亚地区模拟出相当强度的季节内振荡的活动,并且模拟的ISO也表现出与NCEP资料相似的从赤道向北传播的特征,但传播的速度要慢于NCEP资料的结果。模拟的北传ISO具有与NCEP资料相似的结构特征,涡度和水汽场明显的呈经向不对称,涡度和水汽的正异常位于ISO对流的北面,最大的上升运动和最强的行星边界层辐合也位于ISO对流的北面。ISO 结构的经向不对称性正是模式模拟的ISO具有向北传播特征的原因;而模式对夏季南亚季风区高低层风场和行星边界层水汽的合理模拟起了关键的作用。同时,根据关于ISO北传机理的已有研究,模式的结果也表明南亚地区夏季风场的垂直结构是那里ISO向北传播的重要机制。  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期数值预报中心的ERA40再分析逐日的200 hPa风场资料,选取1958—1977年和1980—1999年各20年,对比分析了在全球变暖背景下前后两个时段热带大气季节内振荡(ISO)的特征及其变化。研究表明:近20 a来,原来在赤道中太平洋上活跃的ISO减弱,而在中印度洋、孟加拉湾地区ISO变得活跃;全球变暖背景下,ISO的强度变化幅度加大,表明ISO更加活跃,且季节变化明显,冬、春季强,夏、秋季弱;对流层上层的纬向风能量更集中于1—3波,ISO的频率有加大的趋势。还利用中国科学院大气物理研究所LASG发展的耦合气候系统模式FGOALS-1.0g中的控制试验及其二氧化碳浓度加倍试验结果,分别对应实测资料的前后20年进行对比分析。发现模式对ISO的空间结构模拟较好,但低估了ISO的强度;时空谱分析表明模式结果中包含有更多的纬向风的高频成分,由于能量的分散,导致对ISO活动强度的低估。但通过对模式的控制试验和温室气体增加试验结果的对比分析,发现耦合模式还是较好地反映出在全球变暖背景下ISO在中印度洋、孟加拉湾地区变得活跃、频率加大等变化特征。  相似文献   

Using the ECMWF reanalysis daily 200-hPa wind data during the two 20-yr periods from 1958 to 1977 and from 1980 to 1999,the characteristics and changes of Intraseasonal Oscillations (ISO) in the two periods associated with global warming are analyzed and compared in this study.It is found that during the last 20 years,the ISO has weakened in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean,but becomes more active in the central Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal;under the background of the global warming,increase in the amplitude of ISO intensity suggests that the ISO has become more active than before,with an obvious seasonal cycle,i.e.,strong during winter and spring,but weak during summer and autumn;the energy of the upper tropospheric zonal winds has more concentrated in wave numbers 1-3,and the frequency of ISO tended to increase. Comparison between the results of control experiment and CO_2 increase (1% per year) experiment of FGOALS-1.0g (developed at LASG) with the first and second 20-yr observations,is also performed. respectively.The comparative results show that the spatial structure of the ISO was well reproduced,but the strength of ISO was underestimated.On the basis of space-time spectral analysis,it is found that the simulated ISO contains too much high frequency waves,leading to the underestimation of ISO intensity due to the dispersion of ISO energy.However,FGOALS-1.0g captured the salient features of ISO under the global warming background by two contrast experiments,such as the vitality and frequency-increasing of ISO in the central Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

利用1981—2020年夏季(5—8月)CPC(Climate Prediction Center)逐日降水资料、NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料以及NOAA的向外长波辐射资料,通过经验正交函数(EOF)分解、超前滞后合成等方法,分析了中国东部夏季季节内降水异常的主要模态(即南方型和江淮型降水异常)及其伴随的热带和中高...  相似文献   

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