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南秦岭早古生代地层含硒量及硒的分布规律   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
本文对南秦岭大巴山区主要分布的早古生代地层各种岩石的含硒量的研究结果表明,含硒量与岩石的岩性和形成时代密切相关,与岩石的含碳量和含硫量成正线性关系。碳质板岩和石煤相对于其他类岩石的含硒量高,碳质板岩一般为6×10~(-6)~35×10~(-6),石煤的含硒量为8×10~(-6)~45×10~(-6);中、下寒武统和志留系大贵坪组的碳质板岩和石煤含硒量较高,可达30×10~(-6)。同时,下寒武统的含硒量远远大于早古生代其他层位同类岩石的平均含硒量,是同类岩石平均含量的5~10倍。如碳酸盐岩的含硒量为2×10~(-6)~4×10~(-6);细粒岩石的含硒量较粗粒岩石的含硒量高,下志留统陡山沟组的厚层状到中厚层状砂岩、粉砂岩和上寒武统的砾屑灰岩的含硒量相近,约0.05×10~(-6)~0.08×10~(-6),是本区最低的。因此,并非本区所有岩石都富硒。  相似文献   

陕南硒中毒区地层时代的厘定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
雒昆利 《地质论评》2003,49(4):383-388
本文通过对南秦岭大巴山的紫阳县典型硒中毒区双安乡闹热村所在地及邻区分布的基岩的岩石类型、岩相和层序等进行研究和分析,发现紫阳县双安乡闹热村硒中毒区出露的地层主要为晚震旦世和早寒武世鲁家坪组下部厚约40余米的富硒高硫黄铁矿化黑色碳质硅质板岩和黄铁矿化火山凝灰岩,该层位可以和云南下寒武统筇竹寺组下部和贵州牛蹄塘组下部的地层对比。该层岩石含硒量为10~56mg/kg,平均为32mg/kg左右,是大巴山地区所有地层和岩石中含硒量最高的。该硒中毒区主要几块高硒田块(土壤含硒量为16~36mg/kg)下部分布的就是这套高硒的早寒武世黄铁矿化黑色碳质硅质板岩和黄铁矿化火山凝灰岩地层。  相似文献   

硒元素在土壤中的地球化学特征与成因一直是土壤地球化学研究的热点,同时也是富硒农产品发展的根基问题。本文通过对贵州省黔东南州43185件表层土壤样品的分析数据进行综合统计、评价、研究,结果显示:全区内耕地土壤中硒元素平均值为0.49μg/g,其中黑色页岩的耕地土壤中硒平均值1.55μg/g砂岩(含硅质岩)1.22μg/g含碳质灰岩0.66μg/g千枚岩0.60μg/g泥(页)岩0.58μg/g白云岩0.54μg/g辉绿岩0.52μg/g花岗岩0.48μg/g变余砂(砾)岩0.47μg/g灰岩0.43μg/g板岩变余凝灰岩0.42μg/g紫色砂岩0.32μg/g泥砾砂0.27μg/g,由此可见耕地土壤中硒元素含量的高低与成土母岩密切相关。同时结合区内重金属元素对耕地土壤污染风险评估,综合圈划出成土母岩为黑色页岩、砂岩(含硅质岩)的耕地圈划为高品级富硒耕地潜力区,含碳质灰岩、泥(页)岩、白云岩的耕地圈划为低品级富硒耕地潜力区,从而为区内开发和发展特色山地富硒农业提供科学依据。  相似文献   

川西高原地区岩石中硒的地球化学特征和影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川西高原土壤、水体等多种介质研究表明,该地区的硒含量偏低,天然土壤剖面硒为0.06~0.16μg/g,表层土壤中硒含量为0.075~0.204μg/g,沉积物中硒含量为0.069~0.310μg/g,地表水中硒含量为nd~0.096μg/L,地下水中硒含量为nd~0.058μg/L,均低于我国相应环境介质中硒的平均含量,影响到当地人体健康。本文采集川西高原地区80件岩石样品,同时采集6套岩心样品,这些样品主要以板岩、砂岩、灰岩和页岩为主。采用原子荧光光谱法(AFS)测定硒含量,研究川西高原阿坝地区岩石与岩心样品中硒的地球化学特征和低硒的影响因素。结果表明:岩石硒含量范围为0.030~0.282μg/g,平均值0.09μg/g,低于硒土壤背景值。不同类型岩石中的硒含量大小为:页岩灰岩板岩砂岩。岩石中硒含量在不同地区也表现出较大的差异:松潘阿坝壤塘马尔康九寨沟若尔盖红原,可能是受到岩石类型及有机质和地质环境的影响所致。岩心各剖面的硒含量最小值为0.02~0.07μg/g,最大值为0.21~0.34μg/g,平均值为0.06~0.17μg/g,各钻孔的硒含量明显低于硒的地壳丰度。本研究认为,硒的分布受地质环境、有机质、岩石致密性等条件限制,低硒的地质环境是导致岩石中的硒含量较低的最主要因素。  相似文献   

渔塘坝是中国较为典型的高硒地区之一。从该区选取了4个典型的富硒碳质岩样品,并在常温条件下进行了淋滤实验研究(pH=2.0,4.0和6.5)。初步结果表明:随着液固比的增大和淋滤时间的延长,淋滤液中硒含量变化的总体呈降低趋势。不同岩类间硒的淋失量有所差别,但岩石总量硒并不是影响硒淋失的主要因素。淋滤原液的不同pH值对岩石硒的淋失有显著影响,其淋失量的排列顺序是pH=2.0>pH=6.5>pH=4.0。岩石中碳酸盐与黄铁矿含量之比同淋滤液pH的变化有关,并且极可能是影响岩石风化初始阶段硒淋失的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲台山地区硒的地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘子宁  窦磊  游远航 《现代地质》2014,28(5):928-934
通过对台山地区岩石、土壤、农作物等样品的系统采集,准确测定了它们的硒含量,研究该地区硒的地球化学特征,探讨土壤富硒来源,查明当地富硒农产品的开发利用前景。结果表明,台山地区岩石均含有硒,但含硒量与岩石的岩性及形成的时代密切相关,而在各时代形成的岩石中,上寒武统浅变质水石组岩石含硒量最高。不同岩性含硒量的分布规律为浅变质泥岩→泥质粉砂岩→凝灰岩→花岗岩。台山地区表层土壤硒含量较高,但不同成土母质土壤剖面的硒含量分布存在明显差异,浅变质泥岩母质类剖面硒分布以底部聚积形式显现,砂岩母质类呈表聚现象,花岗岩母质类则以中部淀积层富集为特征。岩浆活动的硒源提供、区域浅变质作用的活化富集及粘土矿物的吸附保留,它们共同作用造成了台山地区土壤丰富的硒含量。在不加入外源硒及未经土壤改良的情况下,台山地区超过40%的农作物硒含量已达到现有的富硒农产品含量标准要求,具有广阔的开发富硒农产品前景。  相似文献   

南秦岭下古生界石煤的富硒性及意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
南秦岭下古生界地层中岍存着丰富的石煤资源,特别是下寒武统的鲁家坪组和下志留统的大贵坪组的石煤最为丰富,是本区下古生界的主要含煤段。这两个组的石煤均富含硒元素。下寒武统的石煤一般含硒量为(20-50)×10^-6,最高可达370×10^-6,下志留统的石煤含硒量一般为(20-30)×10^-6,远远高于地壳克拉克值。  相似文献   

湖北宜昌地区寒武系岩石学特征及沉积环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
鄂西宜昌地区寒武系出露齐全、连续,且岩石类型多样、化石丰富,是我国寒武系的标准剖面之一。其沉积环境以潮下高能浅滩为主,其次为间歇能量的潮间带、滨岸的中小型浅滩,少数为开阔海较深处的静水灰泥沉积。石灰岩集中分布于下寒武统天河板组和水井沱组,其次在下寒武统的石牌组、中寒武统的磕膝包组、官山瑙组有少量夹层出现。其岩石类型有颗粒灰岩(鲕粒灰岩、核形石灰岩、砾屑灰岩及砂屑灰岩)、含颗粒泥粉晶灰岩(含生屑泥粉晶灰岩、含生屑灰岩)及泥晶灰岩。白云岩是本地区数量最多的岩石类型。从下寒武统石龙洞组开始都是白云岩沉积,白云岩可据白云石化作用机理和时间的不同分为准同生白云岩和准同生后白云岩两大类。准同生白云岩广泛出现于中上寒武统,岩石呈土黄色、砖红色,具纹层、鸟眼、干裂构。准同生后白云岩根据残余颗粒的有无可分为残余颗粒白云岩和晶粒白云岩两大类。晶粒白云岩有两种成因。一为回流渗透云化;二为深埋藏云化。根据本区寒武系岩石的岩石学特征、生物组合特征和结构构造特征本文重建了各组段的沉积环境.  相似文献   

南秦岭下古生界地层中赋存着丰富的石煤资源,特别是下寒武统的鲁家坪组和下志留统的大贵坪组的石煤最为丰富,是本区下古生界的主要含煤段。这两个组的石煤均富含硒元素。下寒武统的石煤一般含硒量为(20~50)×10 ̄(-6),最高可达370×10 ̄(-6),下志留统的石煤含硒量一般为(20~30)×10 ̄(-6),远远高于地壳克拉克值 ̄[1]。  相似文献   

硒是与生物密不可分的微量元素,其含量和赋存形态对人们的生产生活至关重要,本文选择典型富硒地区陕西紫阳,测定该地区地层中29个不同岩性岩石样品的Se含量,探明了该区岩石组合主要以富硒的碳质板岩、硅质岩、黑色页岩和含黄铁矿煤样为主,而在灰岩中硒的富集程度不强。选取14个典型富硒岩石和煤样品,通过四步五态顺序提取法,阐明了硒的五种赋存形态特征及其环境地球化学意义:陕西紫阳地区岩石硒形态以硫/硒化物结合状态为主,残渣态、有机结合状态硒次之,紫阳地区沉积环境偏还原性。本文为深入认识陕西紫阳地区富硒岩石硒含量和硒迁移转化行为及富硒矿产资源综合开发利用提供了数据基础和理论指导。  相似文献   

我国中西部前陆盆地的特殊性和多样性及其天然气勘探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对我国中西部前陆盆地构造特征、大地构造背景、地球物理特征的理论研究和典型前陆盆地的详细解析,系统分析了我国中西部前陆盆地的发育特征和特殊性。强调晚二叠世以来大小不一、形态各异的多块体小型克拉通的聚合碰撞作用是导致中西部前陆盆地群形成的基本动力学过程:这些小型克拉通的多块体聚合碰撞造就了中西部前陆盆地的特殊性和多样性。同时,明确提出中西部盆地的基本特点是“两期三类前陆盆地”,即海西一印支期前陆盆地和喜山期前陆盆地,三类指海西一印支期的周缘前陆盆地和弧后前陆盆地、喜山期再生前陆盆地。根据前陆盆地的盆地结构和演化特征,又将中西部的前陆盆地划分为4种组合形式,即叠合型组合、改造型组合、早衰型组合和新生型组合。综合论述了不同时期不同类型前陆盆地构造对天然气聚集的五大控制作用。  相似文献   

The composition and distribution of phenanthrenes (polyaromatic compounds) have been studied in chloroform extracts from dispersed organic matter (OM) of clayey, siliceous, carbonate, and terrigenous rocks of different ages and facies and from some oils of the Siberian Platform. Phenanthrenes have been analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. High contents of 1,7,8-trimethylphenanthrene and 1,1,7,8-tetramethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrophenanthrene are present in the OM of Vendian and Cambrian carbonate-shale deposits and in ancient oils of the Nepa-Botuobiya and Anabar anteclises. The OM of Permian continental deposits and oils of the Vilyui syneclise is dominated by 1-methyl-7-isopropylphenanthrene (retene). A triangular diagram for identification of the types of original OM of rocks and classification of genetically related oils has been constructed based on the assessment of phenanthrene biomarker distribution. Putative pathways of the formation of phenanthrene biomarkers are discussed.  相似文献   

微亮晶(臼齿)碳酸盐成因及其在元古宙地球演化中的意义   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文应用多种技术方法,对微亮晶碳酸盐岩的成岩作用及其成因从宏观至微观进行了分析。根据岩石矿物学、地球化学和有机地球化学等研究证明,它是早期成岩过程中,在超高压的大气 CO_2,水平急剧下降的转折期,快速石化作用形成的具等粒结构μm级的微亮晶方解石集合体。MT 碳酸盐岩微亮晶成岩作用有两种类型:一是主要发生在海底沉积软泥中,在其底基质软泥中经差异压实作用形成褶皱肠状及复杂形的 MT 构造;二是直接在海水中或重力流搬运过程中形成的微亮晶球粒(核)。简言之,MT 碳酸盐岩石是在地球早期浅海环境下,由于微生物自养作用形成的地球化学成因产物。微亮晶碳酸盐岩是约束古大气圈和古海洋环境变化的最灵敏标志。通过详测 MT 丰度值和编制地球古大气圈 CO_2水平演化模式等,在前寒武纪发现有太古宙末期、早元古宙末期、中元古宙中期和新元古宙早-中期四个 MT 碳酸盐岩发育高峰值期,证明全球古大气圈 CO_2水平发生过四次不连续性、跳跃式下降周期,直到晚新元古宙未,全球雪球事件的发生,导致了 MT 碳酸盐岩的消失。其后,才进入显生宙的 CO_2低水平状态。MT 碳酸盐岩具有重要的油气资源远景,应予以重视。  相似文献   

北极地区丰富的油气资源近年来引发全世界的广泛关注。评估结果显示,北极油气资源分布不均,主要集中在俄罗斯、美国阿拉斯加、挪威、加拿大和丹麦格陵兰。不同国家和地区北极油气资源勘探开发特点不同,在新形势下可能还会发生变化。中国是油气消费大国和进口大国,俄罗斯北极地区已日渐成为中国重要油气供应地之一。综合分析几个主要北极国家北极油气开发利用现状和未来发展前景,与中国目前参与北极油气开发利用的情况,对未来中国如何参与北极油气资源开发利用提出建议,将俄罗斯作为中国北极油气开发的长期合作伙伴,与其开展项目投资、技术入股、航道建设等多个方面的合作。   相似文献   

Silicon is a key element whose major role in the control of the cycle of carbon in the ocean has been recently revealed. This is first illustrated through the resolution of the ‘opal paradox’ in the modern Southern Ocean. Second, the ‘silica hypothesis’ explains why, during the Last Glacial Maximum, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 was about 40 % below that of the interglacial period. Increased deliveries of wind-borne silica to the surface ocean as well as of riverine inputs favoured the dominance of diatoms over coccolithophorids, resulting in a net emission decrease of CO2 by coccolithophorids from the ocean surface to the atmosphere. To cite this article: P. Tréguer, C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 3–11  相似文献   

Variations in the tree line position and glacier activity in the Central and Eastern Altai regions in the Holocene were reconstructed on the basis of analysis of sixty radiocarbon and eighteen dendrochronological dates. The tree line was higher than now in the Early and Middle Holocene, and the climate was warmer and, likely, more humid. Glaciers advanced in the forests 300, 1400, and 3000–6000 years ago. In the last millennium the forest decline at the upper tree limit occurred in 1206–1256, 1445–1501, and 1642–1736.  相似文献   

国际埃迪卡拉系年代地层学研究进展与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
埃迪卡拉系为国际地层表新增的新元古界最上部的系级年代地层单位,层型剖面被确定为南澳大利亚弗林德斯山脉依诺拉马河剖面,其底界点位(GSSP)选定为埃拉逖那冰成杂砾岩(Elatina diamictite)之上盖帽碳酸盐岩努卡利那组(Nuccaleena Formation)的下界(Gradstein et al.,2004;Knoll et al.,2004)。我国修定后的震旦系与埃迪卡拉系完全相当,底界以南沱冰碛岩之上盖帽碳酸盐岩的下界为界。本文综合国际地层委员会新元古代地层分会以及相关国家和地区近年来在埃迪卡拉系年代地层学领域研究的新进展、存在问题以及未来发展趋势作一概要介绍,以期引起国内晚前寒武纪地层古生物学者的广泛关注。  相似文献   

Chronological analyses of correlations between certain global repeating events (mass extinctions of marine organisms, meteorite impacts, and flashes in the frequency of geomagnetic reversals) during the Phanerozoic Eon and the motion of the solar system in the Galaxy are presented for five rotationally symmetrical models for the regular Galactic gravitational field. Thirteen of sixteen mass-extinction events can be described by a repetition interval of 183±3 million years. This is in agreement with the anomalistic period (interval between two subsequent passages of the Sun through the apocenter of its Galactic orbit) in the model of Allen and Martos. The positions of the minima and maxima in Gaussian functions approximating the frequency distribution for geomagnetic reversals also agree with the times of passage of the Sun through the apocenter and pericenter, respectively, of its Galactic orbit in this model. The maximum in the distribution of the deviations of the dates of mass extinctions from the nearest dates of impacts of large, crater-forming bodies is close to zero, providing evidence that many such events are correlated. As a rule, extinctions follow impact events. The impacts of large bodies have occurred most often when the solar system passes through the Galactic plane, while mass extinctions occur more often at some distance from the Galactic plane (about 40 pc). As a rule, intervals of increases in the frequency of geomagnetic reversals coincide with dates of impacts of large bodies. At the same time, these intervals do not show a clear correlation with the dates of mass extinctions. The intensity of mass extinctions, like the energy released by impacts, is consistently higher in periods when the Sun is moving from the apocenter toward the pericenter of its orbit, than when it is moving from the pericenter toward the apocenter. Thus, there is evidence for a variety of relationships between repeating global events in the Phanerozoic and the motion of the Sun in the Galaxy. Long-period variations in the frequency of geomagnetic reversals are correlated with the orbital motion of the Sun, and increases in the frequency of geomagnetic reversals are correlated with impacts. Mass extinctions are correlated with the impacts of large bodies, whose motions may have been perturbed by clouds of interstellar material concentrated toward the Galactic plane and by the shock front associated with the Perseus spiral arm, through which the solar system passes. The velocity of the Sun relative to the spiral pattern is estimated.  相似文献   

Diamond crystals 0.1–0.8 carats were synthesized in experiments conducted in a BARS split-sphere multianvil high-pressure apparatus in the systems Fe-Co-S-C and Fe-Ni-S-C at a pressure of 5.5 GPa and temperature of 1300°C. The microtextures of the samples and the phases accompanying diamond (carbides, graphite, monoslufide solid solution, pentlandite, and taenite) are examined in much detail, the properties of metal-sulfide-carbon alloys are discussed, and issues related to the genesis of sulfide inclusions in diamonds and graphite crystallization in the diamond stability field are considered. The experiments demonstrate that diamonds can be synthesized and grow in pre-eutectic metal-sulfide melts with up to 14 wt % sulfur at relatively low P-T parameters, which correspond to the probable temperatures and pressures of natural diamond-forming processes at depths of approximately 150 km in the Earth’s upper mantle.  相似文献   

The magmatic and tectonic activity of eastern South America and the western South Atlantic shows that extension of the continental crust is the determinant factor of magmatism. Heating of the upper mantle is a necessary condition of its manifestation. Ascending plume material is a source of additional heat. In the Early Mesozoic, Eastern Brazil was situated above a large, ascending and probably ramifying plume, which has supplied heat and material since the Triassic, creating favorable conditions for continental magmatism. Magmatic activity continued, gradually waning, until the Neogene as evidence for long-term retention of heat energy beneath the continental lithosphere after the plume ascent. It has been shown that heated mantle material can be displaced from the continent to the ocean for a significant distance beneath the lithosphere with the formation of linear tectonomagmatic rises of the oceanic crust. The structural elements inherited certain directions on the continent and in the ocean, beginning from the Neoproterozoic. These directions were reactivated and continued to control the younger structural grain and magmatic activity. In Southeastern Brazil, these were the structural units striking in the southeastern (about 120° SE) and northeastern directions parallel to the continent-ocean boundary. In Northeastern Brazil, the W-E- and N—S-trending structural units are predominant. All these directions are manifested in oceanic structural units (Rio Grande, Vitória-Trindadi, Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco rises, etc.).  相似文献   

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