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青藏高原冰川变化遥感监测研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球变暖影响下,青藏高原冰川消融造成的冰川径流增大、冰湖溃决等问题威胁着山区及其周边居民的生命财产安全,对青藏高原冰川变化的研究日益紧迫。本文综述了国内外山地冰川变化遥感监测手段的发展、冰川面积及冰面高程变化的遥感监测研究现状、存在问题与发展趋势,并总结了中国青藏高原冰川变化遥感监测研究的主要成果。此外,本文基于2003-2009年ICESat/GLAS数据,计算了青藏高原各山区冰面高程变化及其冰川消融量。结果显示:青藏高原冰川面积持续减少,青藏高原冰面高程的平均变化为-0.24±0.03 m/a,冰川融水量为-14.86±11.88 km3/a,冰川变化呈现从青藏高原东、南外缘山区往内陆与西、北部山区减慢的时空特征。  相似文献   

高原湖泊的动态变化对区域水循环具有重要影响。受全球气候变化的影响,青藏高原湖泊自20世纪90年代开始呈现剧烈扩张趋势。为揭示近年来青藏高原湖泊面积的时空变化规律,本文提出了一种改进的半自动湖泊提取算法,结合环境减灾卫星(HJ-1A/1B)和Landsat系列卫星影像数据,对青藏高原内流流域中面积大于50 km2的127个湖泊进行了连续6年的动态监测,并分析了该区域2009-2014年湖泊面积时空变化特征。研究结果表明,该区域湖泊整体呈现显著扩张趋势,年均变化速率为231.89 km2yr-1(0.87 %yr-1),6年间湖泊面积扩张速率有所减缓。其中,扩张湖泊有104个,收缩湖泊有23个,变化速率分别为271.08 km2yr-1(1.02 % yr-1)和-39.19 km2yr-1(-0.15 %yr-1)。不同区域湖泊面积变化具有明显差异,主要表现为东部及北部大部分区域湖泊扩张,南部地区大部分湖泊面积稳定,萎缩湖泊主要分布于研究区四周。最后,本文通过分析冰川融水补给对湖泊面积变化的影响,发现存在冰川融水补给的湖泊面积变化率远大于不存在冰川融水补给的湖泊。由此可见,近年来冰川融水的增加是促进青藏高原内流流域湖泊扩张的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

2000-2013年青藏高原湖泊面积MODIS遥感监测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青藏高原上分布着大量的高原内陆湖泊群,该区域湖泊面积与区域及全球气候变化之间存在较强的耦合关系,遥感监测湖泊的分布和面积变化趋势,对分析区域自然生态环境具有重要意义。本研究将MOD09A1(地表反射率8天合成数据)进行逐月合成,提出了一种综合多种水体指数的青藏高原地区湖泊提取方法,并通过活动窗口、DEM和时间序列去噪等方法,消除山体阴影、冰雪等因素的干扰。最后,提取和合成了2000-2013年青藏高原逐年和逐月的湖泊范围,并选取色林错和卓乃湖2个典型湖泊与人工解译Landsat系列影像进行验证分析,其线性拟合度分别为0.99和0.97,从时空变化趋势上分析了青藏高原湖泊面积动态变化。结果表明:(1)2000-2013年,青藏高原地区湖泊范围整体上呈较显著的扩张趋势,湖泊总面积增加速率约为490.98 km2 a-1(R2约为0.96);(2)1-12月份湖泊面积逐月变化率均大于0,表明青藏高原湖泊面积呈整体扩张,而非季节性扩张。除2-4月份外,其他月份增加速率均在400 km2 a-1以上(R2>0.79),表现为稳定且持续扩张趋势。  相似文献   

冰川变化监测对生态灾害预防、区域水资源调控、气候变化研究等意义重大。利用冰川在雷达干涉影像上表现出失相干这一特性,选用1998年ERS 1/2与2018年 Sentinel-1A重轨单视复数SAR数据,通过相干系数取阈值的方法获取东帕米尔高原两个时期的冰川边界,以Landsat TM/OLI影像和全球陆地冰川空间监测计划发布的数据验证本文冰川边界提取的精度,从而分析冰川变化。结果表明:① 拟合研究区相干系数图上相干系数γ与对应像元个数的曲线关系,冰川区像元个数会在低相干区域积累形成一个小的波峰。曲线一阶导数变缓的点(冰川区向非冰川区过渡的转折点)即为所选阈值点,利用SAR相干系数取阈值法提取的冰川边界与光学遥感影像结合RGI6.0数据提取的验证冰川边界具有较好的一致性,SAR干涉相干系数提取冰川边界的方法是可行而有效的,ERS 1/2与Sentinel-1A提取的冰川总面积精度均在90%以上,而且SAR数据能够有效提取光学遥感影像难以识别的冰川表碛覆盖;② 1998年和2018年东帕米尔高原冰川总面积减少了318.59 km2,年平均变化速率为-15.93 km2/a,冰川退缩面积占冰川总面积的23%;③ 对大、中型规模冰川来说,表碛覆盖型冰川退缩较其他冰川明显;从坡向上来看,20年各个坡向冰川均有所退缩,其中东南坡冰川退缩最多,西坡冰川退缩最少;从海拔上来看,1998年冰川集中分布在4519~5421 m海拔区间内,2018年集中分布在4682~5320 m海拔区间内;在3325~5710 m海拔区间内冰川退缩明显,4915 m海拔附近达到退缩极大值。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨1983-2008 年间印度植被净初级生产力(NPP)的时空变化格局及其与温度降水的关系。基于遥感数据和GLOPEM-CEVSA模型估算区域植被NPP,利用分段线性回归,分析了过去26年印度植被NPP的时空格局与变化特征。结果表明:(1)过去26年间印度植被年均NPP为414.29 gC·m-2·a-1,森林、农田和草地的NPP平均值分别为1002.32、485.98和631.39 gC·m-2·a-1。(2)分段线性回归结果显示,1983-2008 年间,印度植被总平均NPP呈先上升后下降的趋势,趋势转折点在1996年。占印度面积比例最大的农田植被类型的平均NPP也呈先上升后下降的趋势,趋势转折点在1996年,与总平均NPP的趋势转折点一致。(3)在空间上,印度大部分地区,发生了趋势转折,趋势转折点集中在1991-2000年间,大部分地区NPP在趋势转折点前呈上升趋势,其后呈下降趋势,与区域平均NPP的变化趋势一致。(4)印度西北部干旱地区植被NPP与温度呈负相关,与降水呈正相关。喜马拉雅山南部森林NPP则与温度呈正相关。降雨量较大的印度南部地区NPP与降水呈负相关。  相似文献   

湖泊(特别是内陆湖)作为全球气候变化的敏感区域,是气候变化与环境变异的指示器,其面积变化在一定程度上可反映区域的气候变化。因此,精确监测湖泊面积的时空变化,对分析区域生态环境变化具有重要的意义。本文基于ESTARFM时空数据融合模型,利用MODIS数据模拟了2000年后无法得到的Landsat数据;利用NDWI和MNDWI 2种水体指数并辅以DEM数据分析了1976-2014年西藏色林错湖湖面面积的时空变化;综合湖区周围6个气象站点的气象数据(1970-2014年),探究了湖面面积变化的原因及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明:(1)利用ESTARFM时空融合模型得到的Landsat-Like数据与真实的Landsat数据在水体信息提取方面具有较高的相关性,R2可达0.93,时空数据融合的结果可用于湖泊水体的信息提取;(2)近40年来(1976-2014年),色林错湖处于持续扩张状态,面积呈较显著的增长趋势,增加了近711.652 km2,增幅为42.36%,年平均增长速率约为18.728 km2a-1,增长最快时可达55.954 km2a-1;湖面面积变化先后经历了平稳变化-迅速变化-平稳变化3个阶段;北部湖区在40年间变化最为明显,向北扩展了约22.812 km;2003-2005年,南部湖区已与雅根错湖连为一体,随后二者共同扩张;(3)气温的持续升高造成的冰雪融水补给增加可能是导致湖泊面积扩张的主要因素,风速的降低为次要因素,湖面的面积变化与降水量、日照时数的变化相关性不明显。  相似文献   

本文在苏锡常地区已有三期矢量数据(1988、1995和2000年)的基础上,对2008年TM影像进行监督分类,经过人工解译辅助处理得到20世纪80年代以来4期土地利用时间序列数据。研究了近30年来,苏锡常地区建设用地扩展及其对耕地占用的态势。主要结论有:(1)从整体扩展面积看,1988年到2008年建设用地面积扩展总计2 354.55km2,其中,城市扩展面积最大,为1257.26km2,占到总扩展面积的一半,其次,是建制镇的扩展,面积达695.91km2,农村居民点扩展面积为355.96km2,扩展最少的是工矿交通用地,为45.42km2;(2) 城市扩展所占用的土地资源主要来源于对耕地的占用。从三个不同时期来看,1995-2000年耕地转化为建设用地最少,为262.36km2,1988-1995年占用耕地面积656.36km2,而在2000-2008年耕地被占用高达1 343.56km2。这些数据为我国东部城市化地区土地利用规划与管理政策的制定提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Mass loss of glaciers in the Chinese Altai was detected using geodetic methods based on topographical maps(1959), the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM) Digital Elevation Model(DEM)(2000), and the Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer(ASTER) stereo images(2008). The results indicate that a continued and accelerating shrinkage has occurred in the Chinese Altai Mountains during the last 50 years, with mass deficits of 0.43 ± 0.02 and0.54 ± 0.13 m a-1 water equivalent(w.e.) during the periods 1959-1999 and 1999-2008, respectively.Overall, the Chinese Altai Mountains have lost 7.06 ±0.44 km3 in ice volume(equivalent to-0.43 ± 0.03 m a-1 w.e.) from 1959-2008. The spatial heterogeneity in mass loss was potentially affected by comprehensive changes in temperature and precipitation, and had a substantial correlation withglacier size and topographic settings. Comparison shows that in the Chinese Altai Mountains glaciers have experienced a more rapid mass loss than those in the Tianshan and northwestern Tibetan Plateau(TP), and the mass balance of glaciers was slightly less negative relative to those in the Russian Altai, Himalaya, and southern TP.  相似文献   

有幔源基性岩浆和表壳物质的加入。   相似文献   

以1972、1989、1996、2006、2017年5个不同时段的Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI遥感影像数据、数字高程模型(DEM)数据和气象数据为数据源,通过计算机自动提取与人工目视解译相结合的方法获取南阿尔泰山中部地区各时段的冰湖信息,利用GIS空间分析方法对该地区的冰湖面积进行统计,并分析研究区冰湖在不同规模、不同坡度、不同海拔状态下的时空变化特征。结果表明:①近45年来南阿尔泰山中部地区的冰湖面积呈"先减后增"趋势。1972-1996年研究区的冰湖面积从411.14 km2减少至400.83 km2,共减少了10.31 km2,减少速率为0.43 km2/a。从1996-2017年冰湖面积增加了15.42 km2;增长率为0.514 km2/a。②研究区冰湖分布主要集中在海拔低于2 200 m、坡度小于25°的区域,不同海拔区间和不同坡度区间的冰湖面积均呈"先减后增"趋势。③结合气温、降水、冰川面积以及冰储量变化数据分析发现,南阿尔泰山中部地区冰湖对气候变化具有明显的响应。温度、降水量及冰川融水是影响冰湖面积变化的主要因素;且这三者之间存在一种平衡关系,即温度升高冰川消融速度加快,从而对冰湖的收支平衡产生直接影响。当冰湖的补给量(即冰川融水和降水量之和)大于由温度升高引起的蒸发量时,冰湖面积会呈增长趋势;反之亦然。1970-1980年整个阿勒泰地区年代际降水量减少了19.28 mm,温度上升了0.25℃,因此1972-1989年研究区冰湖的蒸发水量大于补给水量,导致该时段冰湖面积呈退缩态势。1989-1996年该区降水量增加了19.67%,温度升高了0.62℃,但是增加的降水量却无法弥补由温度升高引起的冰湖蒸发量,因此1989-1996年研究区冰湖面积仍处于退缩状态。1996-2017年由于温度和降水量大幅增加导致冰湖面积呈不断增长趋势。   相似文献   

Glacier area changes in the Qangtang Plateau are analyzed during 1970-2000 using air photos,relevant photogrammetric maps and satellite images based on the multi-temporal grid method.The results indicate that the melting of glaciers accelerated,only a few of glaciers in an advancing state during 1970-2000 in the whole Qangtang Plateau.However,the glaciers seemed still more stable in the study area than in most areas of western China.We estimate that glacier retreat was likely due to air temperature warming during 1970-2000 in the Qangtang Plateau.Furthermore,the functional model of glacier system is applied to study climate sensitivity of glacier area changes,which indicates that glacier lifespan mainly depends on the heating rate,secondly the precipitation,and precipitation increasing can slow down glacier retreat and make glacier lifespan prolonged.  相似文献   

Accurate measurements of glacier elevation changes play a crucial role in various glaciological studies related to glacier dynamics and mass balance. In this paper, glacier elevation changes of Urumqi Glacier No.1 between August 2015 and August 2017 were investigated using Sentinel-1 A data and DInSAR technology. Meanwhile, the atmospheric delay error was corrected with the MODIS MOD05_L2 products. The weight selection iteration method was applied to calibrate the glacier elevation changes in the mass balance years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. Finally, the geodetic method was employed to calculate the elevation change values of individual stakes of Urumqi Glacier No.1. Moreover, the elevation change values corrected by the weight selection iteration method were verified. Results showed as follows:(1) the elevation of Urumqi Glacier No.1 glacier affected by atmospheric delay was 1.270 cm from 2015 to 2016. The glacier elevation affected by atmospheric delay from 2016 to 2017 was 1.071 cm.(2) The elevation change value of Urumqi Glacier No.1 was-1.101 m from 2015 to 2016, and the elevation of Urumqi Glacier No.1 decreased by 1.299 m from 2016 to 2017. The overall thickness of Urumqi Glacier No. 1 was thinning.(3) By comparing the elevation change results of individual stakes with corresponding points corrected by the weight selection iteration method, the mean squared errors of difference were 0.343 m and 0.280 m between the two mass balance years, respectively.(4) The accuracy of elevation change in non-glaciated areas was 0.039 m from 2015 to 2016 and 0.034 m from 2016 to 2017. Therefore, it is reliable to use Sentinel-1 A data and the study method proposed in this paper to calculate the elevation change of mountain glaciers with very low horizontal movement.  相似文献   

利用1990-2010年的TM影像和DEM数据,通过面向对象的分类方法提取了玛纳斯河流域南山4个时期的冰雪分布信息,并结合近20 a(1987-2007年)的气温资料对研究区冰雪时空分布特征和变化原因进行了研究。结果表明:(1)1990-2010年间,研究区冰雪面积从1442.32 km2退缩到710.54 km2,面积减少了50.7%。(2)1990-2010年间,冰雪变化主要呈现退缩的态势,尤其在海拔4000 m以下,面积减少更为剧烈,在海拔4000 m以上相对平缓。这种现象在研究区东区表现的更为明显,西区相对较小。(3)自1987年以来,气温的升高是冰雪面积不断退缩的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

Glaciers in the Shaksgam valley provide important fresh water resources to neighbourhood livelihood. Repeated creation of the glacier inventories is important to assess glacier–climate interactions and to predict future runoff from glacierized catchments. For this study, we applied a multi-criteria technique to map the glaciers of the Shaksgam valley of China, using Landsat Thematic Mapper(Landsat TM)(2009) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model version two(ASTER GDEM V2) data. The geomorphometric parameters slope, plan, and profile curvature were generated from ASTER GDEM. Then they were organized in similar surface groups using cluster analysis. For accurate mapping of supraglacial debris area, clustering results were combined with a thermal mask generated from the Landsat TM thermal band. The debris-free glaciers were identified using the band ratio(TM band 4/TM band 5) technique. Final vector maps of the glaciers were created using overlay tools in a geographic information system(GIS).Accuracy of the generated glacier outlines was assessed through comparison with glacier outlines based on the Second Chinese Glacier Inventory(SCGI) data and glacier outlines created from high-resolution Google Earth? images of 2009. Glacier areas derived using the proposed approach were 3% less than in the reference datasets. Furthermore, final glacier maps show satisfactory mapping results, but identification of the debris-cover glacier terminus(covered by thick debris layer) is still problematic. Therefore, manual editing was necessary to improve the final glacier maps.  相似文献   

Glacier changes since the early 1960s,eastern Pamir,China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Glaciers in the eastern Pamir are important for water resources and the social and economic development of the region.In the last 50 years,these glaciers have shrunk and lost ice mass due to climate change.In order to understand recent glacier dynamics in the region,a new inventory was compiled from Landsat TM/ETM+ images acquired in2009,free of clouds and with minimal snow cover on the glacierized mountains.The first glacier inventory of the area was also updated by digitizing glacier outlines from topographical maps that had been modified and verified using aerial photographs.Total glacier area decreased by 10.8%±1.1%,mainly attributed to an increase in air temperature,although precipitation,glacier size and topographic features also combined to affect the general shrinkage of the glaciers.The 19.3–21.4 km~3 estimated glacier mass loss has contributed to an increase in river runoff and water resources.  相似文献   

Glaciers in the western Nyainqentanglha Range are an important source of water for social and economic development. Changes in their area were derived from two Chinese glacier inventories; one from the 1970 1:50,000 scale Chinese Topographic Maps series and the other from Landsat TM/ETM+ images acquired in 2009. Analyses also included boundaries from 2000 and 2014 Landsat TM/ETM+ images. A continuing and accelerating shrinkage of glaciers occurred here from 1970 to 2014, with glacier area decreasing by 244.38 ± 29.48 km~2(27.4% ± 3.3%)or 0.62% ± 0.08% a~(–1). While this is consistent with a changing climate, local topographic parameters, such as altitude, slope, aspect and debris cover, are also important influences. Recession is manifested by a rise in the elevation of the glacier terminus. The shrinkage of glaciers with NE, N and NW orientations exceeded that of other aspects, and glaciers with SE and S orientations experienced less shrinkage. Changes in the average positive difference of glaciation(PDG) show that the western Nyainqentanglha Range has unfavorable conditions for glacier maintenance which is being exacerbated by a warming climate since 1970.  相似文献   

Maritime-type glaciers in the eastern Nyainqêntanglha Range, located in the southeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, are an important water source for downstream residents and ecological systems. To better understand the variability of glaciers in this region, we used the band ratio threshold(TM3/TM5 for the Landsat TM /ETM+ and TM4/TM6 for Landsat OLI) to extract glacier outlines in ~1999 and ~2013. After that, we also generated a series of glacier boundaries and monitored glacier variations in the past 40 years with the help of the Chinese Glacier Inventory data(1975) and Landsat TM, ETM+ and OLI data. The total glacier area decreased by 37.69 ± 2.84% from 1975 to 2013. The annual percentage area change(APAC) was ~1.32% a-1 and ~1.29% a-1 in the periods 1975-1999 and 1999-2013, respectively. According to the lag theory, the reaction time is probably about 10 years and we discuss the variations of temperature and precipitation between 1965 and 2011. Temperature and precipitation increased between 1965 and 2011 at a rate of 0.34°C /10 a and 15.4 mm/10 a, respectively. Extensive meteorological data show that the glacier shrinkage rate over the period may be mainly due to increasing air temperature, while the increasing precipitation partly made up for the mass loss of glacier ice resulting from increasing temperature may also lead to the low APAC between 1999 and 2013. The lag theory suggests that glacier shrinkage may accelerate in the next 10 years. Small glaciers were more sensitive to climate change, and there was a normal distribution between glacier area and elevation. Glaciers shrank in all aspects, and south aspects diminished faster than others.  相似文献   

Glaciers were solid reservoirs and important water resources in western China, but they were retreating significantly in context of global warming. Laohugou Glacier No. 12 was the largest valley glacier in Qilian Mountains. In this study, realtime kinematic (RTK) data, topographic map and WorldView-2 satellite imagery were used to measure changes in terminus, extent and volume of Laohugou Glacier No. 12. Results showed that Laohugou Glacier No. 12 was shrinking significantly since 1957. From 1960 to 2015, the terminus reduction of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 was 402.96 m (3.99%) in total, and glacier length decreased to 9.7 km from 10.1 km. Reduction of glacier area and volume were the most obvious. From 1957 to 2015, glacier area and volume decreased by 1.54 km2 (7.03%) and 0.1816 km3, respectively. Reduction trend of terminus and area was slowing in 1950 -1980s, even stable for a period in the mid-1980s, and then accelerated. Ice core analysis result and nearly meteorological station data shown an increasing trend of temperature in 1957 -2015, it was a main reason of continuous retreating of Laohugou Glacier No.12.  相似文献   

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