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连云港地处江苏省的东北部,著名的海州湾畔,是横贯中国的陇海铁路的东端起点。港口背依云台山,面临东西连岛,这里气候温和,雨量充沛,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季分明,风景秀丽,是终年不冻的优良港湾。该港始建于1933年,解放前夕,由于战争摧残,造成码头倒塌,航道淤塞,濒于瘫痪。解放后,虽经修复、改造、扩建,直到1972年,也仍然是只有三五千吨级的中型泊位的小港。连云港大规模的改造和扩建,是从1973年开始的,当时周恩来总理发出“三  相似文献   

张学思的案头,有一张自订的工作计划表,他的工作是井井有条,每日一记载,每月一小结,十几年如一日,从不间断,张学思工作非常严谨,他的办公室纸篓里,除了烟盒、烟蒂以外,从不扔片纸只字,凡带有机密字样的文件,他从不用秘书转送,总是亲自到保密室取送。凡是工作问题,从不和家属谈半句。凡经他批阅的文件,他都做到心中有数,准确无误,答案具体,处理得当。那怕有一个标点符号的错误,也逃不过他的眼睛。他的工作作风非常深入细致,只要他在司令部,就要每天亲自参加作战的交接班,随时掌握战备情况,即使外出,他也让秘书代他去参加,每天向他报告。对于基层  相似文献   

缢蛏微卫星序列分离及特性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)基因组文库中微卫星序列的特性及微卫星引物的遗传特征.采用磁珠富集珐和PCR 筛选法,以CA15为探针,快速分离含有微卫星序列的阳性克隆.结果表明,在筛选的210个白色菌落中,得到58个微卫星序列,阳性克隆率为27.6%,核心重复序列为两碱基和三碱基的微卫星居多,其中完美型占39.7%,非完美型39.7%,复合型占10.3%,非完美型与复合型共存的占10.3%.微卫星重复次数主要集中在20~40次之间,占66%,最高为63次.除探针中使用的CA重复单元外,还观察到AG/TC,AT/TA,AAC/TTG,CAA/GTT,TGA,AAT,AGAA,GTTT/CAAA,AAAT/TTTA,TTTC,CCTA,TCTA,TCCC,TGCC,GTTTCT,CTGTT,CACACC,TATACA,TTTTG的重复序列.利用Primer Premier5.0设计引物24对,经过初步筛选得到适合的微卫星引物18对,为今后未知微卫星标记的开发,群体遗传结构的分析,优良品种的选育提供基础.  相似文献   

软体动物血细胞及体液免疫研究进展   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
依据70-90年代部分资料,对软体动物血细胞及体液免疫研究进行简介评述,已有的资料表明,在软体动物中,如双壳类动物,其机体防御反应,血细胞是主要的作用因素,主要依赖于血细胞的蚕噬,包囊,形成细胞结等细胞免疫反应,但对于血细胞的分类及各自的功能尚无论,软体动物的体液免疫,是非线异性的血淋巴中的一些酶及调节因子,如溶菌酶,葡萄苷酶,凝集素等,发挥重要作用,同时,软体动物中α2-巨球蛋白的发现在研究体液  相似文献   

“文如其人”,读过鲁迅先生文章的同志,即使不看署名,也会知道是鲁迅先生写的,读过李白的诗,不用看作者,就知是李白的作品。因为他们的作品,跟他们为人一样,有自己鲜明的性格,形成了自己的风格。一个刊物,也要跟作者的文章一样,有自己的特色,有自己的风格,一个刊物转裁了另一刊物的文章,作者一读便知是什么杂志上的文章。《海洋开发》杂志,创刊一年多来,在各方面关怀与帮助下,如同一个婴儿一样,开始  相似文献   

车忱 《海洋世界》2007,(1):69-72
在蔚蓝色的地球上,人们居住的陆地被海水隔开。但海水没有成为阻挡人们发现世界的障碍,人们驾驶各种船只,在海面上航行,不断发现新的世界。随着航运业的发展,海边能够停靠大型船只,且风平浪小的地方逐渐变成了港口城市。航运业带动了其他行业的发展,所以,港口城市的经济一般比较发达。船只从一个国家的港口出发,到达另一个国家的港口,因此,说港口是国家的名片,并不为过。飞机出现以后,客轮的数量减少了,但大宗货物的运输仍然离不开海运,因此,多数港口城市每天仍然是一片繁忙景象。即使是那些航运业已经衰败的港口城市,由于历史上的繁荣,也留下了许多著名的人文景观,而成为著名的旅游城市。从本期开始,我们将陆续为读者送出十二张名片,请您收藏。  相似文献   

金秋时节,碧波万顷的大海,一艘艘军舰,一列列水兵,蓝披肩,黑飘带,还有那欢快的浪花……。这如诗如画的场面,令人神往。然而,在这诗情画意的水兵生活背后,有许多令人肃然起敬的故事,又有令人捧腹大笑的生活插曲,构成了人  相似文献   

浩瀚的大海,藏匿着太多神奇而难解的秘密,常常让人捉摸不透。那是1962年6月,位于太平洋东岸的秘鲁气候突然反常,刚剐还热浪滚滚,暑气灼人,突然由晴转阴,凉风阵阵,寒气袭人,犹如深秋骤至。不仅海水水温大大降低,而且颜色也变得异常吓人,原本清澈的海水一下子变成绛紫色,混浊的  相似文献   

正松江鲈鱼是上海松江的著名特产鱼类,其肉质细嫩洁白,味道极其鲜美,因此驰名中外,备受好评。三国演义中有段故事,曹操宴请宾客,满桌佳肴,唯独缺鱼,曹操着急万分,站在旁边的佑慈,急中生智,献出绝技,在墙上画些鱼,用口一吹,活蹦乱跳的鱼呈现在眼前,此鱼非凡,天下鱼都是两个鳃,此乃四个鳃,这种鱼便是被称为天下第一鱼的松江鲈鱼。松江鲈鱼貌不惊人,甚至于有点丑陋,但它的肉质洁白似雪,肥嫩鲜美,少刺无腥,食之能口舌留香,回味不尽,而且营  相似文献   

抹香鲸是鲸的有齿的一类,背色红黑,长约15-20米,头占体长的1/4;额骨中有半液体,名鲸头油,可供工业用;肠消化道中的分泌物,为灰褐色的蜡状物质,谓之龙涎香,具有令人喜爱的麝香气味,是一种极好的固香剂,几乎与黄金等价,很久以前就被作为高级香料,用于高档香水制造业。抹香鲸消化道所分泌的龙涎香,早在11世纪,就从海洋中由海水冲到了岸边,被人们发现,并引  相似文献   

鳚亚目 4 科 33 属 95 种,鰕虎鱼亚目 5 科 98 属 259 种,刺尾鱼亚目 5 科 11 属 65 种,鲈形目 19亚目 104 科 535 属 1799 种。  相似文献   

Soil-sized particulates have been collected on board ship by a mesh technique from the lower troposphere of the North, Equatorial and South Atlantic Ocean, northern and southern Indian Ocean, South and East China Sea and various coastal localities.Spectrographic analysis reveals that, on average, the particulates have concentrations of Mn, Ni, Co, Ga, Cr, V, Ba, and Sr which are of the same order of magnitude as those in average crustal material. In contrast, the average concentrations of Pb, Sn, and Zn are one order of magnitude higher than those in average crustal material.Within this “world-wide” average there are significant geographical variations in the distributions of Pb, Sn, and Zn which may be related to anthropogenic sources.On the basis of trace-element distributions lower tropospheric soil-sized marine particulates have been divided into four genetic components; local, zonal, inter-zonal, and global. The proportions of these components vary geographically, and each component may have both a natural and an anthropogenic fraction.  相似文献   

Tautog, Tautoga onitis, is an abundant species of fish in estuaries of the northeastern United States. Planktonic tautog larvae are abundant in summer in these estuaries, but there is little information on rates of growth of tautog larvae feeding on natural assemblages of food in the plankton. We examined abundance and growth of larval tautog and environmental factors during weekly sampling at three sites along a nearshore‐to‐offshore transect in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA during summer 1994. This is the first study of a robust sample size (336 larvae) to estimate growth rates of field‐caught planktonic tautog larvae feeding on natural diets, using the otolith daily‐growth‐increment method. The study was over the entire summer period when tautog larvae were in the plankton. The sampling sites contrasted in several environmental variables including temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and chlorophyll a concentration. There was a temporal progression in the abundance of tautog larvae over the summer, in relation to location and temperature. Tautog larvae were first present nearshore, with a pronounced peak in abundance occurring at the nearshore sites during the last 2 weeks in June. Larvae were absent at this time further offshore. From late June through August, larval abundance progressively decreased nearshore, but increased offshore although never approaching the abundance levels observed at the nearshore sites. The distribution and abundance of tautog larvae appeared to be related to a nearshore‐to‐offshore seasonal warming trend and a nearshore decrease in DO. Otoliths from 336 larvae ranging from 2.3 to 7.7 mm standard length had otolith increment counts ranging from 0 to 19 increments. Growth of larval tautog was estimated at 0.23 mm·day?1, and length of larvae prior to first increment formation was estimated at 2.8 mm indicating that first increment formation occurs 3–4 days after hatching at 2.2 mm. Despite spatial and temporal differences in environmental factors, there were no significant differences in growth rates at any of three given sites over time, or between sites. Because larval presence only occurred at a narrow range of temperature (17–23.5 °C) and DO (6.5–9.3 mg·l?1), in situ differences in growth did not appear to be because of differences in larval distribution and abundance patterns relative to these parameters.  相似文献   

Results of trace-metal analyses of water samples obtained during a cruise with the Soviet R.V. “Akademik Kurchatov” in the Indian Ocean are presented. The determinations were performed on board with atomic absorption spectrophotometry after a two-stage dithiocarbamate—Freon extraction procedure. Trace-metal concentrations found are in the same range as those found recently for similar open-ocean areas by other workers. The values for lead and zinc are probably high due to contamination. Vertical profiles indicate biogenic processes as controlling factors for the increase of cadmium, copper and nickel concentrations with depth. Iron shows an irregular depth distribution as a result of large random variations in concentration.  相似文献   

In June 1981, dissolved Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, and Mn were determined from two detailed profiles in anoxic Baltic waters (with extra data for Fe and Mn from August 1979). Dramatic changes across the O2H2S interface occur in the abundances of Cu, Co, Fe, and Mn (by factors of ?100). The concentrations of Zn, Cd, and Ni at the redox front decrease by factors between 3 to 5.Equilibrium calculations are presented for varying concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and compared with the field data. The study strongly supports the assumption that the solubility of Zn, Cd, Cu, and Ni is greatly enhanced and controlled by the formation of bisulfide and(or) polysulfide complexes. Differences between predicted and measured concentrations of these elements are mainly evident at lower ΣH2S concentrations.Cobalt proved to be very mobile in anoxic regions, and the results indicate that the concentrations are limited by CoS precipitation. The iron (Fe2+) and manganese (Mn2+) distribution in sulfide-containing waters is controlled by total flux from sediment-water interfaces rather than by equilibrium concentrations of their solid phases (FeS and MnCO3). The concentrations of these metals are therefore expected to increase with prolonged stagnation periods in the basin.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved nutrients (NO3, PO4, Si), germanium species, arsenic species, tin, barium, dimethylsulfide and related parameters were measured along the salinity gradient in Charlotte Harbor. Phosphate enrichment from the phosphate industry on the Peace River promotes a productive diatom bloom near the river mouth where NO3 and Si are completely consumed. Inorganic germanium is completely depleted in this bloom by uptake into biogenic opal. The GeSi ratio taken up by diatoms is about 0·7 × 10?6, the same as that provided by the river flux, confirming that siliceous organisms incorporate germanium as an accidental trace replacement for silica. Monomethylgermanium and dimethylgermanium concentrations are undetectable in the Peace River, and increase linearly with increasing salinity to the seawater end of the bay, suggesting that these organogermanium species behave conservatively in estuaries, and are neither produced nor consumed during estuarine biogenic opal formation or dissolution. Inorganic arsenic displays slight removal in the bloom. Monomethylarsenic is produced both in the bloom and in mid-estuary, while dimethylarsenic is conservative in the bloom but produced in mid-estuary. The total production of methylarsenicals within the bay approximately balances the removal of inorganic arsenic, suggesting that most biological arsenic uptake in the estuary is biomethylated and released to the water column. Dimethylsulfide increases with increasing salinity in the estuary and shows evidence of removal, probably both by degassing and by microbial consumption. An input of DMS is observed in the central estuary. The behavior of total dissolvable tin shows no biological activity in the bloom or in mid-estuary, but does display a low-salinity input signal that parallels dissolved organic material, perhaps suggesting an association between tin and DOM. Barium displays dramatic input behavior at mid-salinities, probably due to slow release from clays deposited in the harbor after catastrophic phosphate slime spills into the Peace River.  相似文献   

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