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基于青海和甘肃区域地震台网记录的宽频带地震波形和震相观测数据,利用近震全波形反演方法和双差定位方法分别对2022年1月23日青海德令哈MS5.8地震进行全矩张量反演和地震序列重定位研究。矩张量反演结果表明主震为一次典型走滑型地震,最佳断层面节面Ⅰ走向78°、倾角88°、滑动角-22°,节面Ⅱ走向169°、倾角68°、滑动角-177°,矩心深度为9 km,矩震级为MW=5.5。定位结果显示余震优势展布方向为NNW-SSE,长度约16 km,余震震源深度优势分布在7~12 km之间。综合分析表明,节面Ⅱ与余震精定位所勾勒出的断层面走向和倾向较为一致,推断NNW走向的断层面为可能发震断层面,认为德令哈地震是发生在祁连山断裂带的向W倾、倾角约为68°的右旋走滑断裂上。在印度板块向欧亚板块俯冲挤压作用下,青藏高原东北部构造块体应力不断积累,造成祁连山断裂带内断层失稳而发生此次青海德令哈MS5.8地震。  相似文献   

2022年1月8日青海省海北州门源县发生MS6.9地震,震中距离2016年1月21日门源MS6.4地震震中约33km,两次门源地震均发生在冷龙岭断裂附近,但在震源机制、主发震断层破裂过程及地震序列余震活动等方面显著不同。针对两次门源地震序列的比较分析,对研究冷龙岭断裂及其附近区域强震序列和余震衰减特征等具有重要研究意义。通过对比分析2022年门源MS6.9地震和2016年门源MS6.4地震余震的时空演化特征,发现二者在震源过程和断层破裂尺度上存在明显差异,前者发震断层破裂充分,震后能量释放充分,余震丰富且震级偏高;而后者发震断层未破裂至地表,余震震级水平偏低。综合分析两次门源地震序列表现出来的差异性,认为其可能与地震发震断层的破裂过程密切相关,且同时受到区域构造环境的影响。  相似文献   

2019年12月26日湖北应城发生M4.9有感地震,其震感波及武汉大部分地区。为了分析该地震的发震构造及余震活动性,本文利用波形拟合方法测定了不同速度模型下该地震的震源机制解和矩心深度,并用Bootstrapping抽样反演技术评价反演结果;此外,利用模板匹配技术匹配主震和目录余震波形,获取了更为完整的余震目录。结果显示,应城地震以走滑为主,矩心深度7.5km左右,矩震级MW4.67;应城地震有1个前震和17个余震,余震序列缺少M2~4事件,表明应城地震为孤立型地震,M2以下地震的b值为0.8。  相似文献   

采用吉林、黑龙江、辽宁和内蒙古地震台网记录的地震波形数据,利用ISOLA近震全波形反演方法对2019年5月18日吉林宁江MS5.1地震进行全矩张量反演。结果表明,该地震的最佳断层面解节面Ⅰ走向304°/倾角81°/滑动角26°,节面Ⅱ走向210°/倾角65°/滑动角170°;最佳矩心深度6km,矩震级MW5.0。根据宁江MS5.1地震序列展布形态,推断节面Ⅱ可能为优势发震断层面,即本次地震的主控断裂为扶余-肇东断裂,和与其正交的第二松花江断裂共同控制着余震展布方向。全矩张量解在Husdon震源类型图上的投影显示本次地震具有明显的非双力偶成分,是1次体积增加的张性破裂。根据区域地质构造特征和震源区接收函数、电磁测深和地下热结构等地球物理研究结果,综合分析认为在西太平洋板块作用形成俯冲带的同时,也相应地产生了热物质上涌,这些地球物理过程可能会改变莫霍面形态,使其向上突起并作用于活动断层,从而形成此次吉林宁江MS5.1地震。  相似文献   

采用CAP(Cut and Paste)方法反演了2016年1月21日青海门源MS6.4地震的震源机制解,其最佳双力偶解节面I走向339°,倾角49°,滑动角111°:节面Ⅱ走向129°,倾角45°,滑动角68°,矩震级MW5.92,矩心震源深度约为9 km,地震破裂类型为逆冲型地震。结合余震序列展布及震区的活动构造特征,判定发震断层面为节面I,推测此次地震的发震断裂为冷龙岭断裂。  相似文献   

韩光洁  孙丽  杨志高 《中国地震》2023,39(3):680-688
利用远场台阵反投影技术可以较少地依赖先验经验,于震后快速获得震源破裂过程时空分布特征,并据此估算矩震级。本文使用美国阿拉斯加宽频带台阵记录到的远场直达P波数据,基于反投影方法,对2023年9月9日摩洛哥MW6.9地震震源破裂过程及震级进行分析。结果显示,地震破裂走向以NE-SW向为主,地震能量在10~20s集中在震中距10km范围内释放,与震源机制解和震中区亚特拉斯山脉走向基本一致。震源破裂持续时间结合在全球分布均匀的GSN台网记录到的P波最大位移数据,在震后约15min即可快速估算出本次地震矩震级为MW7.0,与中国地震台网中心和美国地质调查局发布震级基本一致。  相似文献   

2019年5月26日(北京时间)秘鲁北部发生M7.8地震,震源深度为100km。本文利用国际地震学研究联合会数据管理中心(IRIS/DMC)提供的远场波形数据,通过波形反演方法快速反演得到此次地震的矩张量解和破裂过程。W震相快速矩张量解反演结果表明此次地震是一次中深源正断层型地震事件,可能是由于正在向下俯冲的纳斯卡板块产生规模巨大的伸展变形所致。远震体波反演有限断层模型结果显示此次地震的发震断层为高倾角的NNW向断层面,破裂从初始破裂点开始,由震中主要向NNW方向延伸破裂,最大滑移量约3m;地震破裂时间约为70s,在40~60s时释放了整个地震80%的地震矩能量,主要破裂区域在震后40s后才开始形成,在40s之前,破裂的集中程度和地震矩释放的规模均较弱,断层在破裂开始后逐渐加速破裂,约50s时地震矩释放速率达到峰值,60s后破裂迅速愈合。  相似文献   

地震前后气体地球化学信息的研究在地震监测预报中具有较高的应用价值。为研究2021年5月22日青海玛多MS7.4地震与CO时空变化之间的关系,在以瓦里关大气观测站地面数据验证大气红外探测仪(AIRS)反演数据可靠性的基础上,提取玛多MS7.4地震前后AIRS反演的CO数据,通过滑动均值法、差值法对玛多地震前后不同尺度的CO浓度数据进行处理和分析。结果表明:利用卫星遥感数据提取CO地球化学信息是可靠的。时间上,玛多MS7.4地震前两个月CO浓度开始波动,出现峰值,地震发生后恢复平静;空间上,震中位置的CO浓度在近地面变化尤其明显,震中及附近区域的CO浓度从3月开始逐渐升高,由离散分布逐渐向震中和发震断裂带聚拢靠近,到4月底达到最大异常18.60×10-9,异常高值中心的连线与发震断层江错断裂走向、地表破裂分布一致。排除背景值和季节变化的影响,推断CO浓度异常变化是地震引起的,主要归因于地下气体释放和岩石挤压碰撞产气,气体逸散后在大气圈中发生的一系列化学反应起次要作用。  相似文献   

2009年7月9日19时19分,云南姚安发生MS6.0地震。10日17:02、13日00:01又相继发生MS5.2、MS4.7地震。利用近震CAP方法反演震源机制解发现,此次地震震源破裂方式以走滑为主,主震震源机制解2个节面走向分别为203°、295°。已有的考察资料尚未显示活动,故难以确定实际发震面。为此,采用相对质心震中确定破裂方向性的方法,利用主震与参考地震之间的P波到时差和CAP反演输出的波形时移,计算得到姚安地震起始震中与质心震中间的差异,推断震源机制解中走向为295°的节面为实际发震面,并对定位误差、发震时刻不准确以及机制解差异等因素进行了分析,发现这些因素对确定发震断层影响不大。  相似文献   

2017年8月9日新疆博尔塔拉州精河县发生MS6.6地震,震中44.3°N、82.9°E,震源深度11km,精河地震发生在库松木契克山前断裂附近,基于远震波形记录反演的震源机制为逆冲型,地质调查结果显示主震破裂未出露地表。利用地震精定位研究余震的空间分布,结果显示,余震展布与库松木契克山前断裂的走向基本吻合,且余震主要分布在主震西侧,单侧破裂特征明显,余震的深度集中在5~15km。基于M-t图分析序列的衰减特征发现,截至2017年8月20日,序列中ML2.0、ML3.0余震相对丰富,衰减基本正常。G-R关系给出的b值为0.54,外推最大余震震级为MS5.6,h值为2.17,均显示该序列为主-余型。MS≥4.0余震的等待时间与发生时间较好地满足双对数线性关系,同样为主-余型地震的特征。断层面上静态滑动量分布相对单一且集中,最大滑动位于沿倾向10km处附近,与地质调查主震断层未出露地表的结果一致,同时也表明主震破裂较充分。基于数字波形资料计算出的余震视应力与震级间很好地符合指数关系,扣除震级变化影响后的序列视应力未出现显著高值,也表明此次破裂的能量释放比较充分。  相似文献   

On July 3rd, 2015, a MW6.4 earthquake occurred on Pishan County, Xinjiang, located in the front of western Kunlun thrust belt, which is the largest earthquake(MW6.0~7.0)in the past 40 years in this region. In this study, we collected both the near-filed geodetic coseismic deformation observations including 4 GPS sites and one high-resolution ALOS-2 InSAR imagery, and far-field teleseismic P waveforms from 25 stations provided by IRIS/USGS, to invert the fault parameters(strike and dip)and coseismic rupture model of 2015 MW6.4 Pishan earthquake. Using the finite fault theory, a non-linear simulated annealing algorithm was employed to resolve our joint inversion problem. The strike (120°~130°) and dip angle(35°~40°)of optimal models are different from that of some previous studies, and the dip change is strongly constrained by combined data than that of strike. In fixing the geometric parameters of optimal fault model, we also considered data weight(5)(geodetic data/teleseismic P waveforms)and constrained weight from moment and smooth factor(2.5). Clearly, our results indicate that the slip distribution mainly concentrates in the depth range from 9 to 16km and a length range of 20km along the strike direction, which is similar to the spatial distribution of the relocated aftershocks. The maximum slip is~95cm. The seismic moment release is 5.45×1018N·m, corresponding to MW6.42. Compared with the single data set, geodetic data or teleseismic waveform, our joint inversion model could simultaneously constrain the seismic moment and slip distribution well, thus avoiding effectively a lower-resolution rupture distribution determined by teleseismic-only inversion and a bias released moment estimated by the geodetic-only inversion. Importantly, we should consider both the near-field geodetic data and far-field teleseismic data in retrieving the rupture model for accurately describing the seismogenic structure of active fault in western Kunlun region.  相似文献   

2001年昆仑山口西地震经历了一个相当复杂的破裂过程,迄今为止用不同资料、不同方法和模型得到的同震破裂发布具有很大差异.我们采用地震前后GPS和InSAR观测数据得到的同震位移反演该地震的同震破裂分布,检验各种可能的模型参数,得到在数据与平滑优化约束下尽可能详尽的结果.建模过程经历三个步骤:(1)采用直立断层模型反演,根据解的分辨率和拟合差的折中曲线得到最优平滑约束;(2)改变断层倾角,找到使得观测数据和正演计算拟合最好的断层倾角;(3)根据前面两步得到的最优平滑约束和断层倾角求得地震同震破裂分布.比起前人的研究结果,我们得到的地表走滑分量随断层分布与地质考察数据符合得更好.我们还发现形变沿断层两盘并不对称,断层南盘的位移比北盘大10%~20%.这种位移场的不对称性可以由倾角约为80°~81°的南倾断层所解释.我们首次用大地测量数据揭示了太阳湖断层东端和东昆仑主断层西端~50 km的左阶断层上吸收了0.1~0.2 m的正断层分量,昆仑山口断层段吸收了~0.8 m的逆冲分量.地震释放的总地震矩为9.3×1020 N·m, 对应于 Mw8.0的地震.  相似文献   

In this paper, we briefly describe the principle of tracking energy radiation sources of large earthquakes using fre- quency-domain far-field array technique, present general steps of tracking energy radiation sources, and take the 2001 Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake as an example to analyze key factors for setting parameters while pro- cessing data. Using broadband waveform data from a seismic array in Ethiopia and Kenya (EK Array), we obtain that the rupture initiation point of the 2001 Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake is located in the east of Buka Daban Peak (35.92°N, 91.70°E), and the rupture duration time is less than 160 s, the rupture length about 520 km, with 180 km in the west of the initiation point and 340 km in the east, respectively. The western segment of the earth- quake fault bends towards southwest near Buka Daban Peak, which is in concordance with the surface rupture trace. The eastern segment apparently bends towards northeast near Xidatan, which is in agreement with the strike of Xidatan fault, but 30 km away from Xidatan fault. In addition, the results imply that the western segment of the earthquake fault appears erect while the eastern segment appears to be gradually dipping southwards.  相似文献   

The slip distribution and seismic moment of the 2010 and 1960 Chilean earthquakes were estimated from tsunami and coastal geodetic data. These two earthquakes generated transoceanic tsunamis, and the waveforms were recorded around the Pacific Ocean. In addition, coseismic coastal uplift and subsidence were measured around the source areas. For the 27 February 2010 Maule earthquake, inversion of the tsunami waveforms recorded at nearby coastal tide gauge and Deep Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) stations combined with coastal geodetic data suggest two asperities: a northern one beneath the coast of Constitucion and a southern one around the Arauco Peninsula. The total fault length is approximately 400 km with seismic moment of 1.7 × 1022 Nm (Mw 8.8). The offshore DART tsunami waveforms require fault slips beneath the coasts, but the exact locations are better estimated by coastal geodetic data. The 22 May 1960 earthquake produced very large, ~30 m, slip off Valdivia. Joint inversion of tsunami waveforms, at tide gauge stations in South America, with coastal geodetic and leveling data shows total fault length of ~800 km and seismic moment of 7.2 × 1022 Nm (Mw 9.2). The seismic moment estimated from tsunami or joint inversion is similar to previous estimates from geodetic data, but much smaller than the results from seismic data analysis.  相似文献   

The Horios inverse method based on spectral decomposition was applied to estimate coseismic slip distribution on the rupture plane of the 14 November 2001 <i<M</i<<sub<S</sub<8.1 Kunlun earthquake based on GPS survey results. The inversion result shows that the six sliding models can be constrained by the coseismic GPS data. The established slips mainly concentrated along the eastern segment of the fault rupture, and the maximum magnitude is about 7 m. Slip on the eastern segment of the fault rupture represents as purely left-lateral strike-slip. Slip on the western segment of the seismic rupture represents as mainly dip-slip with the maximum dip-slip about 1 m. Total predicted scalar seismic moment is 5.196?×10<sup<20</sup<N·m. Our results constrained by geodetic data are consistent with seismological results.  相似文献   

通过分析 2 0 0 1年昆仑山口西MS8.1地震前后的GPS资料和 1 979— 2 0 0 2年的水准测量资料 ,获得了地表同震位移场。利用这些同震位移数据 ,以震后详细野外地质调查破裂数据为约束 ,反演了破裂断层面上的同震滑动分布。结果表明 ,破裂下界深度为 1 4 .2~ 2 1km(70 %置信区间 ) ,最佳破裂深度 1 7km。虽然在太阳湖段和主破裂带西端的中间区域未观测到地表破裂 ,但反演的结果表明此区域存在 2~ 3m左右的左旋水平走滑 ,与InSAR资料分析得到的结果一致。地表以下的破裂西端止于太阳湖段 ,而东端似乎在地表破裂迹线以东 30km范围内仍存在 1 .5~ 2 .0m的左旋滑动。反演的垂直位移表明断层在东经 93°以西部分大体表现为南盘上升 ,而东经 93°以东部分表现为北盘上升。由大地测量和地表破裂调查得到的地震矩释放为 6 .1× 1 0 2 0 N·m ,与地震波资料的反演结果基本一致  相似文献   

根据中国和全球地震台网记录的波形记录,采用W震相矩张量反演、反投影分析及有限断层模型反演方法,研究了2016年3月2日印尼7.8级地震破裂过程,分析讨论印尼地震震源运动学特征.结果表明:此地震为一次对称的双侧破裂走滑型事件,北北东─南南西向的断层节面(走向5°/倾角85°)为发震断层面.标量地震矩约6.19×1020 Nm,矩震级为7.79,最大的滑动量约11 m,位于破裂起始点北东,沿着断层走向约30 km处.破裂平均速度2.0~2.2 km·s-1,破裂持续时间35 s,破裂在5~25 s内释放的能量,约占总能量的97%.最终形成了总长度90 km左右的断层.印尼地震具有破裂持续时间短、破裂速度慢、高滑动能量带相对集中等显著特点.本研究对进一步增进海洋岩石圈地震的震源特性认识有重要参考意义.  相似文献   

Introduction The study on deep crustal faults has been one of the most vigorous subjects in seismology. In the past, 3-D deep seismic sounding and 3-D seismic tomography were usually used for this pur-pose. But it is difficult to obtain the fine structures of the faults in deep crust by these methods. Recently, seismologists in the world pay more attention to the fault zone trapped waves. Since the fault-zone trapped waves arise from coherent multiple reflections at two boundaries of the fau…  相似文献   

The observation of the fault-zone trapped waves was conducted using a seismic line with dense receivers across surface rupture zone of the M=8.1 Kunlun Mountain earthquake. The fault zone trapped waves were separated from seismograms by numerical filtering and spectral analyzing. The results show that: a) Both explosion and earthquake sources can excite fault-zone trapped waves, as long as they locate in or near the fault zone; b) Most energy of the fault-zone trapped waves concentrates in the fault zone and the amplitudes strongly decay with the distance from observation point to the fault zone; c) Dominant frequencies of the fault-zone trapped waves are related to the width of the fault zone and the velocity of the media in it. The wider the fault zone or the lower the velocity is, the lower the dominant frequencies are; d) For fault zone trapped waves, there exist dispersions; e) Based on the fault zone trapped waves observed in Kunlun Mountain Pass region, the width of the rupture plane is deduced to be about 300 m and is greater than that on the surface.  相似文献   

2001年MW7.8昆仑山地震是近半个世纪以来青藏高原发生的最大震级地震。同震破裂产生的巨大应力扰动驱动控制着显著震后形变。二十年尺度的大地测量数据记录了地震后长时间、大范围、时空依赖的震后形变演化过程及差异,揭示了昆仑山地震破裂段复杂的断层分段震后运动学特征、分段摩擦性质差异和青藏高原中北部岩石圈流变性质/结构横向各向异性。本文简要回顾昆仑山地震后基于二十年尺度时序InSAR和GPS的震后形变观测方法和时空特征,特别是时空密集的InSAR观测,是该构造区震后GPS观测的重要补充及其不可替代的观测手段;总结大范围震后形变模拟方法及其揭示的震后运动过程、多种动力学机制及其关系。最后总结提出昆仑山地震震后形变20年研究取得的科学认识及尚待深入研究的科学问题,一方面要持续性地对东昆仑断裂带大范围地表形变进行观测研究;另一方面,要不断更新震后形变模型,进一步深化对该断裂带地震周期形变、区域构造对周期形变控制作用、复杂断层运动时空演化机制的认识。   相似文献   

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