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南水北调西线一期工程滑坡崩塌体稳定性评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄志全  刘希林 《山地学报》2005,23(5):579-584
南水北调西线工程的主要目标是解决西北、华北地区缺水问题。在现有资料和工作深度的基础上,对工程区滑坡崩塌体的稳定性进行了评价研究。研究表明:在整个工程区,库区内崩塌最为发育,滑坡较少;在不同的库区,岸坡的变形呈现出空间不均匀性。崩塌堆积体主要发生在碎裂(松散)岩质岸坡地段,分布于库区的崩塌堆积体中,稳定和基本稳定的占崩塌堆积体总数的25%,潜在不稳定的占崩塌堆积体总数的50%;分布于库区的滑坡堆积体中,潜在不稳定或不稳定的滑坡数量较多。  相似文献   

水库库区形成以后,由于水位的上升变动往往触发相当数量的坍塌和滑坡,对库岸稳定性造成严重影响.以小湾水电站库区新民坝子滑坡为例,在岸坡地质条件及变形破坏特征调查的基础上,对其变形破坏机制和稳定性进行分析和评价,得出其变形破坏方式为前缘一后缘逐级后退式失稳模式,且现状处于欠稳定状态;通过概化其地质模型,采用FLAc3D数值模拟手段进行流固耦合分析,得出水位上升至调查水位1 160 m高程和正常蓄水位1 240 m高程时的岸坡稳定性状况,计算结果表明蓄水至1 240 m高程后岸坡存在产生较大规模失稳的可能.这对类似库岸滑坡的调查分析具有一定参考意义.  相似文献   

朱渊  余斌  陈源井  王涛  亓星 《山地学报》2012,(5):599-606
2011-06-06贵州省望谟县北部普降百年一遇暴雨,引发大规模群发性泥石流灾害,给当地居民生活及交通造成严重损害。其中以打蒿沟泥石流灾害尤为突出,该流域内支沟发育,沟床比降相对较缓,但陡峻的岸坡和较大的汇水面积为泥石流的发生提供了良好的水动力条件。打蒿沟地处碎屑岩发育地区,松散堆积体较厚,并受岸坡坡度影响浅层滑坡发育,现场调查共19处。另外流域内人为破坏严重,村民沿沟垒筑大量梯田也为泥石流活动提供了特殊的人工物源。通过对其4条支沟的研究发现,泥石流形成特征并不一致,其中坡度较缓的2#支沟浅层滑坡发育,为浅层滑坡型泥石流;而坡度较陡的其他3条支沟浅层滑坡发育较少,以沟床物源为主,为沟床启动型泥石流。通过对沟道两侧斜坡坡度的调查统计和分级得出流域内25°~40°的岸坡最易形成浅层滑坡,且当山坡呈上缓下陡时,更利于滑坡的形成。打蒿沟在强降雨条件下依然可暴发泥石流,规模会有所减小,但在类似2011-06-06这类稀遇暴雨作用下仍可造成较大危害。  相似文献   

甘肃省庆阳地区地形以沟谷岸坡为主,黄土层覆盖厚度大,特别是该区北部环县以滑坡为主的地质灾害较为发育。甘肃环县樊家川乡山体滑坡尤为典型,近年来降水量较大,强暴雨等极端天气频发,防灾减灾形势非常严峻,故本文以环县樊家川乡山体滑坡为例,分析其特征以及变形影响因素,以期对陇东黄土地区的山体滑坡类地质灾害防治提供参考。  相似文献   

滑坡变形监测系统深部与地表变形关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滑坡的孕育、演变、发生是一个累进性变形破坏过程,开展滑坡变形的长期监测工作对滑坡稳定性评价、滑坡的预测预报及治理具有重要的工程意义。目前,滑坡变形监测多集中于坡体表部,很难系统获得反映滑坡稳定性的深部变形资料。本文以某溃屈型滑坡为例,初步分析了滑坡深表部变形的关系,为滑坡稳定性分析及变形破坏趋势预测提供了依据。  相似文献   

安县雎水河流域地质灾害发育、分布及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
安县雎水河流域属龙门山山脉与四川盆地过渡地区,地形切割强烈,地层岩性复杂,活动断裂发育,特别是"5.12"汶川特大地震后,区内地质环境变得十分脆弱,大型、特大型崩塌滑坡泥石流流十分发育,具有数量多、规模大、分布范围广,呈区域性密集分布等特征.在"成兰线雎水河段卫星遥感解译图"的基础上,通过对该流域两次详细的地质测绘调查,分析了地质灾害的发育、分布特性及其影响因素,进而对灾后重建提供一定的参考依据.研究得出的主要认识有:(1)地质灾害在流域内分布范围广、密度大、呈密集性分布,"成群成带性"现象明显;(2)地质灾害的分布与地形地貌有密切的关系,大多数地质灾害发生在高程800~1 500 m,坡度30°~50°的范围内;(3)地质灾害主要沿雎水河及其支流两岸发生,多呈线性分布;(4)发震断裂控制着地质灾害的分布,在断层的上下盘分布表现出明显的差异,断层上盘的地质灾害数量明显多于下盘,距发震断裂10 km范围是地质灾害最为发育的区域;(5)地层岩性与地质灾害的类型有密切的关系,坚硬、较坚硬岩组中的崩塌数量远远多于软弱泥页岩、千枚岩岩组,软岩、极软岩岩组中的滑坡比坚硬岩中相对要多;(6)不同的岸坡结构控制着地质灾害的发育、分布,横向岸坡中崩滑最为发育,其次为斜向倾内层状岸坡.另外,中陡倾岸坡中的地质灾害较缓倾岸坡发育;(7)地质灾害的类型、发育分布与也与坡体结构、岩体结构及其组合特征有一定的关系.研究发现,顺层边坡中如发育有陡倾坡内的结构面,则易形成滑坡,而反倾边坡中如发育有倾坡外的结构面则更易形成崩塌.  相似文献   

新丰江水库消涨带岸坡侵蚀研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水库消涨带是随水库水位涨落不时出没的库岸,坡面裸露,泥沙侵蚀强度大,生态环境恶劣.本研究采用野外定点观测方法,研究了新丰江水库消涨带花岗岩风化壳泥沙侵蚀机理,实测各类坡面的侵蚀模数,估算了总侵蚀量,并把塌岸与陆上花岗岩风化壳的崩岗和滑坡发生机理作比较.  相似文献   

2017年6月24日,四川省茂县叠溪镇新磨村突发特大滑坡碎屑流灾害,造成大量人员伤亡及房屋损坏,针对该滑坡特征及成因机制,相关学者已经取得一定研究成果,然对其动力学过程与特征的认知还相对缺乏。为解决这一问题,本文引入兼具欧拉算法和拉格朗日算法优势,适用于大变形及长距运动模拟计算的物质点法进行模拟分析。通过分析滑坡全程位移时程曲线、速度时程曲线和等效塑性应变变化特征,揭示其动力演化过程。现场调查与模拟结果表明,崩滑体启动后呈整体运移,与下方坡体碰撞解体,转化为碎屑流,不同时刻同一位置的坡体形态、质点等效塑性应变发展趋势以及能量时程变化曲线均进一步反映碎屑流碰撞破碎和刮铲侵蚀的过程。数值模拟计算与Scheidegger提出的理论计算方法获得的碎屑流速度特征吻合,可以在一定程度上反映滑坡的致灾能力。模拟结果综合反映了滑坡启动及动力演化过程。  相似文献   

新丰江水库消涨带岸坡侵蚀研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
水库消涨带是随水库水位涨落不时出没的库岸,坡面裸露,泥沙侵蚀强度大,生态环境恶劣。本研究采用野外点定观测方法,研究了新丰江水另消涨带花岗风化泥沙侵蚀机理,实测各类坡面的侵蚀模数,估算了总侵蚀量,并把塌岸与陆上花岗岩石风化壳的崩岗和滑坡发生机理作比较。  相似文献   

肖家桥堰塞湖位于四川省安县茶坪河上游的深山峡谷之中,这里是龙门山南段茶坪山的东南坡。堰塞湖紧邻2008—05—12T14:28汶川8.0级地震的发震构造——龙门山主中央断裂带,系地震时茶坪河右岸肖家桥山坡受震动形成滑坡,堵塞河道而成。肖家桥滑坡在茶坪河河谷内形成一道长约270m、  相似文献   

据优势面分析原理和方法,对金龙山地区斜坡各种结构面所作的优势面分析结果显示:浅层强风化岩体中顺坡向剪切裂隙,是控制浅层顺层滑坡发生发展的滑动优势面;深层弱风化岩体中粘土岩风化软弱夹层、斜坡上段拉张裂隙与斜坡下段顺坡向剪切裂隙三者相组合,是控制深层顺层滑坡发生的滑动优势面。当地受滑动优势面控制的滑坡变形破坏模式有:浅层为蠕滑—拉裂,深层为滑移—弯曲。  相似文献   

黑河金盆水库工程大坝右岸滑坡工程地质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为判断黑河金盆水库工程大坝右岸斜坡的性质(是变形体或滑坡),并有利于指导工程施工,在进行了详实的野外地质调查之后,作者分析认为该斜坡实际上为一古滑坡。在地表及平硐调查中所见滑坡周界清晰,变形破坏现象明显,为查明滑坡性质提供了客观证据。近两个月的位移监测资料亦进一步证实了上述结论的正确性。在此基础上,考虑到工程的重要性及施工时间的紧迫性,作者建议对底滑面以上的滑坡堆积体予以全部开挖清除。  相似文献   

位于河北省宽城县某拟建铁路将穿越一老滑坡体,体积约77×104 m3,并在滑坡前缘以路堑方式穿过,因开挖施工导致老滑坡复活.在现场地质调查基础上,阐明了滑坡所在的地质环境条件和发育特征,系统分析了老滑坡的形成原因和复活机理,即老滑坡是受附近断层影响,岩体完整性较差,而前缘河流冲刷和回漩旁蚀降低了边坡的整体稳定性,在暴雨或地震诱发下形成,而修建铁路的路堑开挖则是导致前缘抗滑段失效而复活的主要原因.在现场试验和室内试验成果基础上,分别对沿现滑面和古滑面在不同工况下的稳定性进行计算,并系统分析了铁路路堑边坡开挖对滑坡稳定性的影响程度,并对滑坡治理提出了措施建议.  相似文献   

川藏公路拉月滑坡的块状破坏特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
孔纪名  张小刚  强巴 《山地学报》2003,21(2):228-233
拉月滑坡位于东久河左岸,为典型的高位岩质滑坡。1967—08—29拉月一带山体突然发生特大型滑坡,体积超过千万立方米,是川藏公路线上著名的“拉月大塌方”灾害。文章应用块状岩体稳定性分析方法,对同结构岩石块体相互嵌合、形成具不同稳定状况的的岩体结构、控制了滑坡的发生的特点进行了分析,证明该方法判别岩质滑坡的稳定性是非常有效的。岩质滑坡在西藏与西南地区都十分普遍,因此,通过对拉月滑坡块状破坏过程的分析,对其它岩质滑坡的稳定性判别具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

A large landslide on the urban fringe of metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A granitic rock avalanche, one of the largest Quaternary landslides in Arizona outside the Grand Canyon with a volume of approximately 5.25 M m3 and a width a little under 0.5 km, ran 1 km from the eastern McDowell Mountains. With lateral levees and pressure ridges, the rock avalanche deposit displays many features found on classic sturzstroms. Failure occurred along a major joint plane paralleling the slope with a dip of 44°, when a major base level lowering event in the Salt River system would have undermined the base of the failed slope, and probably during a period of more moisture than normally available in the present-day arid climate. Failure at the subsurface weathering front highlights the importance of the dramatic permeability change between grussified regolith and relatively fresh bedrock. Rock varnish microlaminations (VMLs) dating, in concert with other geomorphic evidence, suggests that the rock avalanche deposit is slightly older than 500 ka. The rock vanish results also have important implications for sampling strategies designed to use cosmogenic nuclide to date Quaternary landslide deposits. Discovery of a large landslide in close proximity to the extending urban fringe of metropolitan Phoenix argues for a more careful analysis of landslide hazards in the region, especially where rapid development excavates bedrock at the base of steep mountain slopes and where the subsurface weathering front is near the surface.  相似文献   

The role of post-Little Ice Age (LIA) Neoglacial retreat on landslide activity is investigated in 19 alpine basins along the upper Lillooet River Valley, British Columbia. We examine how Neoglacial scouring and glacial recession have modified hillslope form and slope stability, and construct a decision-making flowchart to identify landslide hazards associated with glacial retreat. This work is based on field mapping, GIS analysis, statistical associations between landslides and terrain attributes, and a comparison between Neoglaciated and non-Neoglaciated terrain within each basin.The bedrock landslide response to glacial retreat varies appreciably according to lithology and the extent of glacial scour below the LIA trimline. Valleys carved in weak Quaternary volcanics show significant erosional oversteepening and contain deep-seated slope movement features, active rock fall, rock slides, and rock avalanches near glacial trimlines. Basins in stronger granitic rock rarely show increased bedrock instability resulting from post-LIA retreat, except for shallow-seated rock slides along some trimlines and failures on previously unstable slopes. In surficial materials, landslides associated with post-LIA retreat originate in till or colluvium, as debris slides or debris avalanches, and are concentrated along lateral moraines or glacial trimlines.Significant spatial association was also observed between recent catastrophic failures, gravitational slope deformation, and slopes that were oversteepened then debuttressed by glacial erosion. Eight out of nine catastrophic rock slope failures occurred just above glacial trimlines and all occurred in areas with a previous history of deep-seated gravitational slope movement, implying that this type of deformation is a precursor to catastrophic detachment.  相似文献   

高位滑坡的运动转化形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高位滑坡剪出口高于坡脚,它一旦滑离滑坡发生区,运动可能转化成四种形式:1.崩塌:由滑体经分级解体滑过剪出口处依次向前倾倒而成;2.碎屑流动或3.碎屑滑动:由滑动块体经碎屑化而成;4.泥石流:在适当的细粒物质量和水体条件下生成的碎屑流动。  相似文献   

Steep terrain and high a frequency of tropical rainstorms make landslide occurrence on natural terrain a common phenomenon in Hong Kong. This paper reports on the use of a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) database, compiled primarily from existing digital maps and aerial photographs, to describe the physical characteristics of landslides and the statistical relations of landslide frequency with the physical parameters contributing to the initiation of landslides on Lantau Island in Hong Kong. The horizontal travel length and the angle of reach, defined as the angle of the line connecting the head of the landslide source to the distal margin of the displaced mass, are used to describe runout behavior of landslide mass. For all landslides studied, the horizontal travel length of landslide mass ranges from 5 to 785 m, with a mean value of 43 m, and the average angle of reach is 27.7°. This GIS database is then used to obtain a logistic multiple regression model for predicting slope instability. It is indicated that slope gradient, lithology, elevation, slope aspect, and land-use are statistically significant in predicting slope instability, while slope morphology and proximity to drainage lines are not important and thus excluded from the model. This model is then imported back into the GIS to produce a map of predicted slope instability. The results of this study demonstrate that slope instability can be effectively modeled by using GIS technology and logistic multiple regression analysis.  相似文献   

张溪滑坡--台风诱发滑坡成因分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
彭社琴  陈明东 《山地学报》2005,23(6):725-728
14号台风“云娜”造成我国东部沿海地区发生多处滑坡地质灾害,张溪滑坡便是其中个案。通过对张溪滑坡成因进行分析,得出了张溪滑坡是在一定厚度覆盖层、特定地形条件、植被条件下,台风风力加载作用及暴雨的淘蚀、软化、增重等一系列过程共同作用下滑动失稳的滑坡。它与暴雨型滑坡的形成机理有显著不同,这一分析成果对类似滑坡的研究和防治具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

Lake Shewa in northeastern Badakhshan, Afghanistan, was dammed sometime in antiquity when a large rock avalanche (sturzstrom) from the fault‐shattered and strongly weathered Archean gneisses of the Zirnokh peaks to the north moved into the Arakht River valley. This rock avalanche dammed up the river and its tributaries to a dam thickness of c. 400 m, producing a 12‐km‐long lake that is as much as 270 m deep, leaving c. 80 m of freeboard to the top of the dam. At least four separate instances of slope failure have been mapped at the site of the landslide dam, as well as a rock glacier, using remotely sensed data, historical maps, and Google Earth?. Spring seepage through the dam face has caused several recent subsidiary debris slides, which if continued at a large enough scale for long enough, or with additional seismicity from the active strike‐slip faults that cross beneath the landslide dam, could threaten its integrity. Otherwise the clean water that emerges from the dam face could be the source of an unvarying mini‐hydroelectric power source, in addition to the agricultural irrigation that it provides at the present time.  相似文献   

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