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The Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008 is the most destructive earthquake in China in the past 30 years in terms of property damage and human losses. In order to understand the earthquake process and the geo-morphological factors affecting the seismic hazard, we simulated the strong ground mo-tion caused by the earthquake, incorporating three-dimensional (3D) earth structure, finite-fault rupture, and realistic surface topography. The simulated ground motions reveal that the fault rupture and basin structure control the overall pattern of the peak ground shaking. Large peak ground velocity (PGV) is distributed in two narrow areas: one with the largest PGV values is above the hanging wall of the fault and attributed to the locations of fault asperities and rupture directivity; the other is along the north-western margin of the Sichuan Basin and caused by both the directivity of fault rupture and the ampli-fication in the thick sediment basin. Rough topography above the rupture fault causes wave scattering, resulting in significantly larger peak ground motion on the apex of topographic relief than in the valley. Topography and scattering also reduce the wave energy in the forward direction of fault rupture but increase the PGV in other parts of the basin. These results suggest the need for a localized hazard as-sessment in places of rough topography that takes the topographic effects into account. Finally, had the earthquake started at the northeast end of the fault zone and ruptured to the southwest, Chengdu would have suffered a much stronger shaking than it experienced on 12 May, 2008. 相似文献
2008年5月12日中国汶川地区发生Mw7.9地震,震中位置103.4°E,31.0°N.主要发震断层空间展布长达300多公里,由南西方向到北东方向呈现明显的分段性,汶川—映秀段逆冲为主兼有少量的右旋走滑分量;安县—北川段为逆冲-右旋走滑的断层错动;青川段以右旋走滑为主兼有少量逆冲分量.采用改进后的复合震源强地面运动预测模型,建立了长为320 km,宽为20 km的断层破裂运动学模型,实现了断层分段、空间倾角、滑动方向连续变化的动态设定.数值模拟结果给出了近断层两侧(上、下盘)的地面加速度的分布特征,并同卧龙、郫县走石山及绵竹清平强震观测记录进行了对比分析.模拟加速度时程曲线无论在波形、持续时间、频率分量、峰值大小同观测记录都具有较好的相似性.利用现有83个已知经纬度台站的强震实测数据及数值模拟的结果同Boore等的新一代衰减关系(NGA)进行比较,对比模拟与实际观测水平峰值加速度的一致程度.近断层峰值加速度分布特征则进一步显示了在汶川、北川和青川附近明显的高值分布区域,同野外地质调查相一致.进一步的分析结果也表明,汶川—映秀段逆冲为主的断层上盘的运动量远大于断层下盘,在距离断层地表出露位置5 km处,峰值加速度N-S、E-W及UP方向分量的比值分别为1.72∶1、2.5∶1及1.77∶1.本文中给出的动态复合震源模型和近断层区域强震模拟的计算方法,对大震强地面运动的预测及实现近实时强地面运动分布特征的圈定(Shaking Map)有着重要的实际意义. 相似文献
Rupture directivity and hanging wall effect in near field strong ground motion simulation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A random synthesis procedure based on finite fault model is adopted for near field strong ground motion simulation in this paper.The fault plane of the source is divided into a number of sub-sources,the whole moment magnitude is also divided into more sub-events.The Fourier spectrum of ground motion caused by a sub-event in given sub-source,then can be derived by means of taking the point source spectrum,attenuation with distance,energy dissipation,and near surface effect,into account.A time history is synthesized from this amplitude spectrum and a random phase spectrum,and being combined with an envelope function.The ground motion is worked out by superposition of all time histories from each sub-event in each sub-source,with time lags determining by the differences between the triggering times of sub-events and ddistances of the sub-sources.From the example of simulations at 21 near field points in a scenario earthquake with 4 dip angles of the fault plane,it is illustrated that the procedure can describe the rupture directivity and hanging wall effect very well.To validate the procedure,the response spectra and time histories recorded at three near fault stations MCN,LV3 and PCD during the Northridge earthquake in 1994,are compared with the simulated ones. 相似文献
综合运用四川省地震台网与紫坪铺水库地震台网的观测资料,精确地测定了2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9地震的震源位置与发震时刻.指出,对汶川地震这样的大地震精准定位,必须克服或尽量减少远台观测对地震精确定位的局限性、地壳介质模型的不完善性以及识别与检测初至波震相的不一致性等因素的影响.通过分析对比、反复试验,从上述台网中精心选取了方位分布均匀、具有近震源台站约束、直达P波震相确系由初始破裂辐射出的15个地震台的直达P波到时数据,反演得出精确度比区域性地震台网常规测定的精确度高一个数量级的汶川大地震的定位结果,即:发震时刻(北京时间):2008年5月12日14:27:57.59plusmn;0.03 s;震中位置:31.018deg;Nplusmn;0.3 km,103.365deg;Eplusmn;0.3 km;震源深度:15.5 kmplusmn;0.3 km. 相似文献
Ruizhi Wen Zhenghua Zhou Xiaojun Li Cheng Yang Yuhuan Wang Quan Liu Xiaotao Yin Mindu Zhou Jianwen Cui Institute of Engineering Mechanics China Earthquake Administration Harbin China Earthquake Administration of Gansu Province Lanzhou China Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province Kunming China 《地震学报(英文版)》2009,(2):181-187
In this paper, the mobile strong ground motion observation for the destructive earthquake is introduced.Considering the characteristics and its spatial distributions of aftershock, 59 strong ground motion instruments were installed along the Longmenshan fault area, and more than 2 000 records have been accumulated.It shows that it is necessary to per-form the mobile strong ground motion observation after the destructive earthquake, and the precious collected data could be applied for further research. 相似文献
运用经验格林函数法模拟了2008年5月12日汶川8.0级大地震的近场强地面运动.拟合过程中,首先参考其他学者反演结果给出的滑动量分布的特征,确定强震动生成区的大致范围;然后利用Somerville等(1999)提出的地震矩与凹凸体面积间的经验关系式确定强震动生成区(SMGA)细小划分的初值,继而利用遗传优化算法确定以上两者的最优值及其他震源参数.数值模拟波形同实际地震观测记录在时间域和频率域分别进行了比较,结果显示,在所选取的18个观测台中,多数台站的数值模拟结果同实际观测结果符合得很好,特别是大于1 Hz的高频部分.我们发现断层面上有5个强震动生成区,其中两个的位置与其他学者反演的滑动量集中分布区相一致,但强震动生成区规模和上升时间比Somerville等(1999)获得的定标率外延的估计值要小. 相似文献
The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake with Mw7.9 occurred at Yingxiu County in Longmenshan thrust fault belt, southwest China, having triggered a huge amount of slope failures. This paper applied a detailed inventory with more than 190,000 slope failures and strong ground motion records of 187 seismic stations to analyze the qualitative and quantitative relations between slope failure distribution and seismic parameters. The results revealed that slope failure distribution was exponentially decreased with the increment of epicentral distance and distance from surface fault rupture; peak ground acceleration (PGA) on the hanging wall side was apparently larger than that on footwall side. Linear correlation between concentration of slope failures (LNC) and the percentage of the area affected by slope failure (LAP) and PGA was demonstrated by statistical analysis, which revealed that 0.18~0.21 g horizontal PGA was the threshold value of the occurrence of slope failure. Furthermore, this paper presented an empirical model for the attenuation relation of slope failure distribution. 相似文献
利用中国强震动台网获得的汶川地震近断层强震动数据,研究汶川地震近断层地震动的强度和频率的非平稳特征,并对其非平稳特征的原因进行初步分析.研究表明近断层地震动强度和频率表现出很强的非平稳特性,这种非平稳特征主要受震源破裂机制、台站方位和局部场地条件的影响.破裂传播正向和反方向上地震动强度和频率的时间过程有显著的不同.在破裂正向上,地震动加速度记录表现为大幅值、短持时的强度过程,强度过程的持续时间为15 s左右,加速度时程的主要周期约为0.4 s,地震动速度时程有较明显的速度脉冲,脉冲周期可以达到8 s;在破裂的反方向上,地震动强度过程的时间跨度长达90 s,加速度记录的主要周期约为0.6 s,速度时程中没有明显的脉冲.小波功率谱的分析结果表明破裂正向上速度脉冲表现为在很小的时间尺度和频域内能量的集中,值得注意的是,观测到的速度脉冲的周期长达8 s,比Chi-Chi地震和Kobe地震中观测到的脉冲周期要长,这可能与汶川地震的震级相对较大有关. 相似文献
利用汶川地震中得到的靠近映秀—北川主断裂的64个强震台站的三分量记录数据, 对加速度记录进行基线校正的基础上获取近断层地面运动的永久形变位移, 并将由强震记录获取到的地面位移结果与GPS观测到的同震位移进行对比分析, 研究汶川MS8.0地震的近断层地面运动的位移特征. 结果表明: ① 在靠近映秀—北川主断层的上盘和下盘, 东西相向的地面运动非常剧烈. 下盘的51SFB, 51MZQ和51JYH台东西向位移均为负(即地面运动向西), 其中51SFB台位移量最大, 达到1.49 m; 上盘的51WCW台位移向东, 位移量为1.26 m. ② 地面运动的位移分布主要表现为以龙门山断裂带的映秀—北川断裂为核心的相向运动, 东西方向上的永久位移要大于南北方向. 从断层机制上来讲, 断层的错动以逆冲运动为主(即逆冲位移要大于走滑分量的位移), 这与震源机制反演及地质考察的结果一致. ③ 大的地面永久位移集中分布在以龙门山断裂带为中心的狭长范围内, 离开发震断裂地面位移的衰减很快. 相比而言, 在发震断层的下盘一侧(即四川盆地)的地面位移的衰减比上盘一侧明显要快. 相似文献
利用汶川地震中得到的靠近映秀-北川主断裂的64个强震台站的三分量记录数据,对加速度记录进行基线校正的基础上获取近断层地面运动的永久形变位移,并将由强震记录获取到的地面位移结果与GPS观测到的同震位移进行对比分析,研究汶川Ms8.0地震的近断层地面运动的位移特征.结果表明:①在靠近映秀-北川主断层的上盘和下盘,东西相向的地面运动非常剧烈.下盘的51SFB,51MZQ和51JYH台东西向位移均为负(即地面运动向西),其中51SFB台位移量最大,达到1.49m;上盘的51WCW台位移向东,位移量为1.26 m.②地面运动的位移分布主要表现为以龙门山断裂带的映秀-北川断裂为核心的相向运动,东西方向上的永久位移要大于南北方向.从断层机制上来讲,断层的错动以逆冲运动为主(即逆冲位移要大于走滑分量的位移),这与震源机制反演及地质考察的结果一致.③大的地面永久位移集中分布在以龙门山断裂带为中心的狭长范围内,离开发震断裂地面位移的衰减很快.相比而言,在发震断层的下盘一侧(即四川盆地)的地面位移的衰减比上盘一侧明显要快. 相似文献
The effect of seismic super-shear rupture on the directivity of ground motions using simulated accelerations of a vertical strike-slip fault model is the topic of this study. The discrete wave number/finite element method was adopted to calculate the ground motion in the horizontal layered half space. An analysis of peak ground acceleration (PGA) indicates that similar to the sub-shear situation, directivity also exists in the super-shear situation. However, there are some differences as tbllows: (1) The PGA of the fault-normal component decreases with super-shear velocity, and the areas that were significantly affected by directivity in the PGA field changed from a cone-shaped region in the forward direction in a sub-shear situation to a limited near-fault region in a super-shear situation. (2) The PGA of the fault-parallel and vertical component is not as sensitive as the fault-normal component to the increasing super-shear velocity. (3) The PGA of the fault-normal component is not always greater than the fault-parallel component when the rupture velocity exceeds the shear wave velocity. 相似文献
The Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008 is the most destructive earthquake in China in the past 30 years in terms of property
damage and human losses. In order to understand the earthquake process and the geo-morphological factors affecting the seismic
hazard, we simulated the strong ground motion caused by the earthquake, incorporating three-dimensional (3D) earth structure,
finite-fault rupture, and realistic surface topography. The simulated ground motions reveal that the fault rupture and basin
structure control the overall pattern of the peak ground shaking. Large peak ground velocity (PGV) is distributed in two narrow
areas: one with the largest PGV values is above the hanging wall of the fault and attributed to the locations of fault asperities
and rupture directivity; the other is along the northwestern margin of the Sichuan Basin and caused by both the directivity
of fault rupture and the amplification in the thick sediment basin. Rough topography above the rupture fault causes wave scattering,
resulting in significantly larger peak ground motion on the apex of topographic relief than in the valley. Topography and
scattering also reduce the wave energy in the forward direction of fault rupture but increase the PGV in other parts of the
basin. These results suggest the need for a localized hazard assessment in places of rough topography that takes the topographic
effects into account. Finally, had the earthquake started at the northeast end of the fault zone and ruptured to the southwest,
Chengdu would have suffered a much stronger shaking than it experienced on 12 May, 2008.
Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant Nos. EAR 0738779 and OCE 0727919), the National Basic Research Program
of China (Grant No. 2004CB418404), and partially by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40521002) 相似文献
Development of attenuation relation for the near fault ground motion from the characteristic earthquake 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A composite source model has been used to simulate a broadband strong ground motion with an associated fault rupture process. A scenario earthquake fault model has been used to generate 1 000 earthquake events with a magni-tude of Mw8.0. The simulated results show that, for the characteristic event with a strike-slip faulting, the character istics of near fault ground motion is strongly dependent on the rupture directivity. If the distance between the sites and fault was given, the ground motion in the forward direction (Site A) is much larger than that in the backward direction (Site C) and that close to the fault (Site B). The SH waves radiated from the fault, which corresponds to the fault-normal component plays a key role in the ground motion amplification. Corresponding to the sites A, B, and C, the statistical analysis shows that the ratio of their aPG is 2.15:1.5:1 and their standard deviations are about 0.12, 0.11, and 0.13, respectively. If these results are applied in the current probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), then, for the lower annual frequency of exceedance of peak ground acceleration, the predicted aPG from the hazard curve could reduce by 30% or more compared with the current PSHA model used in the developing of seismic hazard map in the USA. Therefore, with a consideration of near fault ground motion caused by the rupture directivity, the regression model used in the development of the regional attenuation relation should be modified accordingly. 相似文献
2008年5月12日汶川大地震发生后,中国地震局迅速组织开展了强余震流动观测,沿龙门山断裂附近布设了59台强震动仪器.在观测期间发生了万余次余震,流动观测台网获得了2000多组3分量的强余震记录.本文介绍了流动观测台布设的技术方法与关键步骤,初步处理了2008年5月25日青川6.4级最大余震的地震动记录,并分析了此次地震动衰减特征.此次流动观测充分表明,在大地震发生后,及时有效地开展强震动流动观测是十分必要的,其获得的余震地震动记录可为进一步的科研工作提供宝贵的基础资料. 相似文献
为考查远场地震动的场地相关性并评价一些场地特性分析方法的适用性,采用不同方法对汶川地震山东省12个远场台站的强震记录进行了分析.选取台站分别位于按建筑抗震设计规范(CBC)场地划分中的Ⅰ—Ⅲ类场地上.地震动记录的分析方法包括傅里叶幅值谱法,地震反应谱法,水平与竖向谱比率法,参考点谱比率法,以及尾波分析等.结果表明,按傅里叶幅值谱法,地震反应谱法,水平与竖向谱比法计算得到的卓越周期均远大于台站场地的卓越周期,不同方法得到的结果之间也有较大差别,且主要反映长周期地震动的卓越频率;参考点谱比率法的结果未反映地震动的卓越周期,也与场地的卓越周期差别较大;对完整记录尾波分析所得的结果比较接近场地的卓越周期.希望本文能为考虑远场地震作用时设计谱的建立,以及场地特性估计时地震动分析方法的选取提供参考依据. 相似文献
以2008年5月12日的MS8.0级汶川地震强震记录为基础,根据场地条件和断层距,选取198组三分量近场加速度记录,按照台站相对于破裂传播方向的位置将其划分为破裂前方和破裂后方两类场点.为了考虑破裂传播的方向性和地震辐射图对地震动不同分量的影响,将每组地震动的两个正交水平分量旋转成为垂直断层走向和平行断层走向的分量,然后分别对破裂前、后方向上的垂直断层、平行断层和竖向分量地震动的三个基本工程参数——峰值、反应谱和持时进行定量对比和分析.研究结果表明,汶川地震中地震动的峰值、反应谱和持时均显示出了明显的方向性特征:(1) 在峰值方面,破裂前方场点的峰值明显大于破裂后方的峰值,而且破裂前、后方的峰值差别随着断层距的增大而逐渐减小;(2) 在反应谱方面,在反应谱的各个自振周期段,破裂前方的平均反应谱明显高于破裂后方的平均反应谱,并且当周期大于2 s时,破裂前、后方反应谱谱比最高可以达4倍左右;(3) 在持时方面,破裂后方场点的持时明显大于破裂前方的持时,差别也可达数倍.因此,虽然汶川地震是一次以逆冲为主兼具右旋走滑的地震,但是由于此次地震以单侧破裂为主,破裂传播的方向性使得近场地震动的峰值、反应谱和持时三个基本参数中均体现出了明显的方向性特征. 相似文献
选取分布在北川—映秀中央断裂两侧断层距120 km以内的40个强震动台站的记录,对汶川地震近断层地震动竖向和水平向加速度峰值、速度峰值、竖向和水平向加速度反应谱及谱比值进行了统计分析.研究表明:(1)地震动加速度峰值有显著的上盘效应,经验衰减模型的结果表明,在距地表破裂3~60 km的范围内,龙门山发震断层上盘一侧竖向与水平向的加速度峰值要比衰减模型得到的平均值大30%~40%.上盘的加速度峰值残差大部分是正值,而断层下盘残差大部分为负;水平地震动的东西分量幅值总体要大于南北分量,东西分量衰减相对较慢.(2)地震动长周期成分较弱,加速度反应谱值随周期增大而迅速减小,在周期1.0 s 时,即使在靠近中央断裂的最大加速度反应谱值也只有0.5 g;地震动加速度反应谱谱比值(竖向/水平向)沿龙门山断层周围的分布,在较长周期(T=0.2 s, 0.5 s, 1.0 s)与短周期(T=0.05 s, 0.1 s)有明显的不同.(3)近断层竖向地震动显著,地震动加速度峰值比在(竖向/水平向)可达1.4.在龙门山发震断层的上盘,地震动加速度峰值比整体上比下盘要大,竖向地震动尤为剧烈.部分近断层记录的地震动谱比值(竖向/水平向)在短周期(< 0.1 s)甚至超过1.5,统计分析还表明谱比值在短周期段(< 0.1 s)随断层距的增大而减小. 相似文献