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湖北省中尺度试验区地形对气象要素场的综合影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文分析了试验区特殊地形的热力、动力作用,得到了与地形尺度相当的平均意义下的地形风环流系统,揭露了它的演变规律及散度场的时空特点,发现地形风辐合场与试验区降水有关。最后讨论了试验区温压距平场的时空特征和试验区地形对气象要素场的综合影响。  相似文献   

东风低空急流暴雨的中尺度分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐双柱  王丽  叶成志  谢义明  毛亮 《气象》2006,32(2):28-33
东风低空急流暴雨在湖北比较少见。使用卫星云图、武汉多普勒雷达资料和地面中尺度资料,针对2004年6月4~5日发生在湖北中东部地区的一次东风低空急流暴雨过程进行了中尺度分析,得到:(1)东风低空急流暴雨是在有利的大尺度背景场条件下,在特定的地域触发产生的;(2)东风低空急流在暴雨的形成和发展中起到重要的作用;(3)东风低空急流暴雨是由中尺度回波团和中尺度复合体造成的;(4)东风低空急流暴雨是在多种尺度天气系统相互作用的情况下发生发展的,而中小尺度系统是其产生的最直接的系统。  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原地形对其东侧低空急流动力影响的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
陈玉春  钱正安 《高原气象》1993,12(3):312-321

利用中尺度数值模式WRF对2020年6月1日的阳江特大暴雨进行模拟和分析。结果表明:WRF的模拟结果很好地再现了该次暴雨的过程。通过控制试验和地形敏感性试验对比,发现将阳江及附近地区的山地移除后,降水区远离阳江地区,发生在粤西北山区。进一步分析表明,边界层急流为这次降水的发生发展提供了充沛水汽的前提条件。阳江附近山地对边界层急流的阻挡和抬升作用是降水发生发展的关键因素:一方面地形阻挡边界层急流增强相当位温水平梯度,增强对流不稳定性;另一方面,地形对边界层急流的抬升作用增强辐合上升运动产生对流。同时,边界层急流出口区配合低空急流入口区的抽吸作用,导致降水系统发展强盛。  相似文献   

利用WRF模式对2011年7月2-3日山东地区发生的一次强降水过程进行了模拟分析。影响这次降水的环流形势不同于典型的华北降水环流形势。副热带高压呈带状分布,控制着整个中国东南部区域,高压中心位于台湾海峡区域,脊线位于25°N 附近。研究发现,在这次降水过程中由于在山东附近区域上空有很强的非地转风,地转适应的过程会激发中尺度重力波。重力波沿着高空急流南侧自西向东传播,波长在150km~200km之间。由于低层满足位势不稳定条件,200hPa 上的波动对降水有激发作用,200hPa 辐散中心是造成深厚对流的主要原因,是造成降水在时间和东西向分布不连续的原因之一。  相似文献   

利用常规观测、T213、雷达和MM5中尺度模式输出资料对2004年6月23—24日湘西北地区的暴雨和大暴雨进行了天气动力学和中尺度分析。结果表明:这场暴雨是在有利的天气背景条件下产生的,造成强降水的雨团在时空尺度上具有中尺度系统的特征,中尺度辐合线和低空急流为降水发生提供了有利的触发条件。  相似文献   

在地形相关函数与地形高度函数近似相等的假设下,利用一种解析方法得到多种典型地形影响下的大气中尺度运动的定常解析解以及对应的气流运动情况。结果表明,在地形上风方的水平方向不呈现波动形态;低(浅)的地形不会在大气中形成急流和转子。对各种有一定高(深)度的地形,当Froude数Fr 1/π时,大气波动仅出现在地形附近,低层流线接近地形,向上则波动有所减弱;当1/πFr1/(2π)时,该波动不仅出现在地形附近,还出现在地形的下风方,波长与地形的水平尺度无关,仅取决于背景场,且向上波动仍有所减弱;当Fr1/(2π)时,在地形下风方的大气中层,会形成一支急流,再往下风方,该急流又分为两支,一支位于大气高层,一支位于大气低层,并又会在大气中层再度汇合;在该急流的一侧或两侧,会出现转子;在奇异值Fr=(nπ)-1上出现间断,扰动会出现一个急剧增强的现象。  相似文献   

中尺度地形对大气铅直运动和强降水的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文概略地综述了关于地形(特别是中尺度地形)强迫在大气扰动的一些经典工作,它们都是由简化的理想情况引出的一些基本物理概念和原理,但这些知识有助于我们科学地去思考和解释那些更具体复杂的现象,文中还着重对地形扰动中的铅直运动作一些定性推论和讨论,因不它对强降水的触发,加强和持续有地接影响,此外还联系到长江流域的一些有关的观测现象和问题.  相似文献   

华东中尺度地形对浙北暴雨影响的模拟研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
以一次梅雨降水为例,利用中尺度模式进行一系列中尺度地形对降水的增幅影响的敏感性试验。结果表明,中尺度地形对强降水区域的分布和强度有很大的影响,强降水中心位于地形附近,地形引起的12小时降水增幅高达总降水的90%以上;中尺度地形作为一种外界迫动,初始在低层形成气旋性辐合和水汽热量的集中,然后通过凝结潜热释放所造成的中高层增温和高层辐散,使得地形垂直环流加强和向上伸展。于是在降水、潜热释放与地形垂直环流之间出现一种正反馈机制,导致地形对降水的强烈增幅;同时午后下垫面加热所形成的不稳定层结也有利于地形垂直环流的不稳定发展,产生新的雨峰;初始场的中尺度扰动似乎在降水的地形性增幅中并不起明显作用。  相似文献   

"2004.6"湘西北低空急流暴雨的中尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规观测,T213、雷达和MM5中尺度模式输出资料对2004年6月23-24日湘西北地区的暴雨和大暴雨进行了天气动力学和中尺度分析.结果表明这场暴雨是在有利的天气背景条件下产生的,造成强降水的雨团在时空尺度上具有中尺度系统的特征,中尺度辐合线和低空急流为降水发生提供了有利的触发条件.  相似文献   

By using an ageostrophic shallow water model, it is pointed out that a kind of lateral boundary meso-scales jet can be established near the plateau or coast. The characteristic width of this kind of jet is proportional to the scale ofL c=L0(C0/Vg), whereL 0=C 0/f is the radius of Rossby deformation,C 0=(g * H)1/2 the speed of gravity wave and g* the reduced gravity. In general,L c is of the order of one hundred kilometes and tens of kilometers in the atmosphere and in the ocean respectively. The large-scale geostrophic current is an important background condition for forming this kind of jet. From this view point it seems that this kind of atmospheric meso-scale jet only occurs in late spring and summer in the eastern part of Asia, because there is a large-scale south monsoon over there. For the ocean, this kind of meso-scale jet seems to be a semi-persistant system and not to show a significant seasonal variation, and it can be established on both sides of the ocean.  相似文献   

The Ekman boundary layer over orography: An analysis of vertical motion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A model of the planetary boundary layer is used to determine the field of vertical motion over large-scale orography. This model represents Ekman boundary-layer dynamics modified by the inclusion of accelerations of the geostrophic wind under the geostrophic momentum approximation. The orography is represented by a circular mountain. The inviscid solution is provided by the sum of a constant translation and a steady, uniform potential vorticity, anticyclonic vortex. The boundary-layer solution vanishes on the mountain, but is matched to the inviscid solution as the top of the boundary layer is approached. The vertical velocity field at the top of the boundary layer is determined by integration of the continuity equation. The field of motion is largely determined by descent from above into the anticyclonic circulation, as in the classical Ekman model. Contributions that arise from the inclusion of accelerations are associated with boundary-layer advection and ageostrophic divergence that produce vorticity tendencies. Finally, the boundary-layer vertical motion is shown to be comparable in magnitude to the vertical motion forced by inviscid flow over the orography, although the distributions of each are significantly different. Effects of mountain asymmetry and a changing pressure field, that can be treated more fully by numerical model simulations, are not considered in the present study.On leave at the University of Colorado, 1990.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations show that inclusion of meso-scale bathymetry can enhance poleward eastern boundary undercurrents.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model simulating the effects of topography and altitude on precipitation is presented. Topography has its maximum effect on precipitation when the angle which the wind makes with the slope direction approaches zero and the inclination of the slope is near 45°. The smaller the angle , the greater the influence of slope on precipitation. When <45°, the larger the inclination, the greater the influence of slope on precipitation and the less the difference in precipitation between the windward and the leeward slopes. When <45°, the reverse holds. But for in the range of 0°–45° and in the range 30°–60°, differences in precipitation on both the windward and leeward slopes are not so well marked and can be neglected in general. In condition of uniform slope inclination, precipitation on the windward slope increases with altitude at first and then decreases after attaining a height (H m ) of maximum precipitation; alsoH m is greater, the drier the air mass. When the terrain on the windward side is stepped in shape, it is possible that more than one height of maximum precipitation will occur.  相似文献   

In this paper, the influences of orography on the boundary layer flow with the approximation of geostrophic momentum are studied. The wind velocity at the lower boundary will not always be zero when the orography exists. So the structure of the boundary layer flow, as well as the vertical velocity at the top of the boundary layer, is affected. There are three factors affecting the vertical motion at the top of the boundary layer: lifting due to orography; divergence due to Ekman flow, and advection of the geostrophic momentum. These effects and the features of the flow within the boundary layer are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The influence of orography in the Stavropol Territory on convection development is studied. The ascending motions induced by orography, under certain directions of the airflow in the surface layer, are calculated using the technique proposed by Chogovadze. The resulting field of vertical motions is used to determine the distribution of the cloud condensation level over the Stavropol Territory and tendencies of convective cloud development.  相似文献   

A numerical model is used to study the properties of pollutant dispersion over a large uniformly-sloped surface in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. By simulating the structure of boundary layer flow to improve the advective wind field and vertical eddy diffusivities included in the advection-diffusion equa-tion, this numerical model permits an estimation of the distribution of pollutant concentration for more real-istic atmospheric diffusion conditions.  相似文献   

钟中  元慧慧  李杰  范海燕 《气象科学》2010,30(5):639-645
本文利用中尺度数值模式的高分辨率模拟结果,研究了夏季东亚副热带西风急流一次短时间尺度强度变化过程中的中尺度西风扰动特征和相应的动量输送特征。结果表明,此次急流强度短时间尺度变化以急流轴线为界,北侧增强,南侧减弱。急流整体增强和急流内部中尺度西风扰动的积累效应有关。急流入口区(出口区)南侧主要为西风动量水平通量辐散区(辐合区),北侧为辐合区(辐散区),西风动量水平辐合辐散区的水平尺度只有百公里左右,也属于中尺度范围,并且辐合辐散区一般位于地形坡度较大区域上空。西风动量的垂直输送与西风动量水平通量散度分布几乎一致,但数值小一个量级以上。  相似文献   

肖庆农,伍荣生AStudyonFrontalMotionoverOrography¥XiaoQingnonsandWuRongsheng(DepartmentofAtmosphericSciences,NanjingUniversity,Naming...  相似文献   

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