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1IN TR O D U C TIO NIntervening opportunity theory states thatthe num berofpeople traveling a given distance isdirectly proportionalto the num ber of opportunity at that distance, and in-versely proportional to the num ber of intervening op-portunity or t…  相似文献   

Theoretic and practical significance has been highlighted in the research of the roles and functions of destinations,as destinations are restricted by the spatial structure based on tourist flow network from the perspective of relationship.This article conducted an empirical analysis for Tourism Region of South Anhui(TRSA) and revealed the necessity and feasibility of studying the roles and functions of destinations from tourist flow network’s perspective.The automorphic equivalence analysis and centrality analysis were used to classify 16 destinations in TRSA into six role types:tourist flow distribution center,hub of tourist flows,passageway destination,common touring destination,attached touring destination,and nearly isolated destination.Some suggestions were given on suitable infrastructure construction and destinations service designs according to their functions in network.This destination role positioning was based on tourist flow network structure in integral and macroscopic way.It provided an important reference for the balanced and harmonious development of all the destinations of TRSA.In addition,this article verified the applicability of social network analysis on tourist flow research in local scale,and expanded this method to destination role and function positioning.  相似文献   

Place attachment has been a research focus in the fields of park and recreation management.Place attachment plays an important role in promoting sustainable development of parks and mountain tourism destination,however,there are limited studies that identified the spatial patterns of place attachment,especially in the context of mountain tourism destinations in China.Also,the geospatial spectrum of visitors is usually broad,examining the multivariate relationships among spatial proximity,perceived authenticity,and place attachment are essential for mountain tourism destinations to promote destination image and strengthen emotional bonding with targeted visitor groups.In this study,we selected an iconic and highly visited park,Jiuzhai Valley National Park in China,as our study site and conducted an on-site visitor survey to collect 557 samples.Study uses factor analysis and the structure equation model to analyze the relationship among spatial proximity,perceived authenticity,and place attachment.Results validate the two-dimension structure of place attachment and perceived authenticity.Study findings suggest that spatial proximity has significant impacts on existential authenticity and place identity,but has no significant impacts on place dependence.Perceived authenticity has a positive impact on place attachment.Study results advance the theories of place attachment and provide effective strategies to enhance emotional attachment between visitors and mountain tourism destinations.  相似文献   

Monitoring and minimizing tourist’s water consumption is essential for the sustainable development of mountain destinations in the world. However, available data and a generally accepted protocol on such measurement are still limited. This study uses water footprint accounting to quantify tourist’s water demand in the Liming valley, a World Heritage site and a rapidly growing tourism destination in Northwest Yunnan, China. Both the water for direct and indirect use is taken into account based on the consump...  相似文献   

伏牛山是河南省的著名山脉 ,是我国亚热带向北暖温带的过渡带 ,是长江、黄河、淮河三大水系的分水岭 ,是华北地台和扬子地台的结合部。这里动、植物资源丰富 ,自然景观优美迷人 ,开发以旅游观光 ,生态示范 ,休闲度假、科普探险为一体的生态旅游区非常理想 ,是河南省近期重点开发的两条旅游线之一。文章从地质资源等方面详细介绍了伏牛山的概况 ,全面分析了伏牛山特殊的旅游价值和开发优势 ,提出了伏牛山生态旅游开发的基本思路 ,为伏牛山的系列开发提供了较好的科学依据。  相似文献   

Push-pull factors in mountain resorts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The push-pull framework provides a useful approach for examining the tourist motivation. This paper takes the world heritage—Huangshan Mountain as a sample. From the two different aspects of pull and push factors, the underlying features of visitors’ motives to Huangshan Mountain are analyzed with the help of factor analysis. As a result, five push factors and four pull factors are identified. Further analyses investigate differences in the push and pull factors among different socio-demographic subgroups with one-way ANOVA analysis. The result of the study affords us useful references for development, protection and marketing expansion of mountain resorts. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Social Science Foundation of China (No. 03BJY084) Biography: WANG De-gen (1973-), male, a native of Huangshan of Anhui Province, lecturer, specialized in tourist market and tourist planning. E-mail: dgwang73@263.net  相似文献   

The effect of tourism on water environments has received a high degree of interest in the study of eco-tourism.Based on the analysis of the relationship between tourist activities and the water environment in the Liupan Mountain eco-tourism zone,the case study area,a Water Environment of Tourism Area Model(WETAM) is built to simulate the temporal and spatial changes in water quality and the response saturation thresholds under four sewage treatment scenarios.The results imply the following:(1) WETAM performs well in modeling a water environment to represent the dynamic process of water quality change in response to tourist activities.(2) Under four sewage treatment scenarios(fundamental,low,medium,and high),the threshold shows an obvious uptrend.(3) The response threshold of water quality with respect to the interference of tourist activities fluctuates seasonally due to changes in tourist density.(4) The thresholds differ significantly among five tourism functional areas.According to the response saturation threshold of the water environment,effective control based on the scale and intensity of tourist activities is important for a successful transformation of this tourism destination's development strategies.Therefore,the integrated management of water pollution in tourism areas plays a crucial role in sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

Mountains as archetype frame some metageographies of the vertical dimension. Mountain metaphors, thus, have remained as key guidance in developing not only animistic belief systems and religious cults, but also military strategies, economic potential, and scientific innovation. This paper seeks to explain the need to integrate western knowledge, where mountains became known via natural history's mechanistic explanations, with other epistemologies. Mountain scientists therein developed linear approaches that required exploration, experimentation, and pragmatic interpretation of generalizable mountain phenomena. Little is known, however, about other civilizations' more encompassing cognition due to heuristic explanations of mountain myths. Local knowledge holders therein developed approaches that required familiarization, observation, and romantic meditation about situated mountain phenomena. Using a multimethod approach of human geography that includes onomastics, geocritical discourse analysis, political ecology, and critical biogeography, the author posits that there is a paradigmatic shift of geographic fad, when even "nature" is thought of as a "social construct" in the socioecological mountainscapes. Between these tendencies of either Cartesian or Spinozan dogmas about scientific objectives, methods and implications, mountains continue to elicit geographical research. The author thus concludes that integrating narratives of mountain studies with geocritical analyses of political ecology that allow for transgressivity and referentialilty of mountain cognition can be done with transdisciplinary science. Montology, henceforth, couples dialectic thinking with the trifecta of spatiality, complexity and historicity in highlighting mountain microrefugia for biocultural conservation. Use of montological approaches will bring mountain scientists to a new level, where the application of local ecological knowledge and cutting-edge technological instrumentation could render sustainable mountain communities, in dynamic biocultural heritage scenarios.  相似文献   

Tourism development surely has social, economic and environmental impacts on tourist destinations.The study on resorts residents‘ attitudes can help understand the nature of tourism development and the extent to which it may influence on tourist destinations. By now, researches on residents‘ perception and attitudes are plenteous in the international circle and achievements are great, yet few are found in developing countries. As a most representative cultural tourist destination, World Cultural Heritage-Xidi and Hong villages in Yi County of Anhui Province, are drawing the attention of both tourists and academic circles. This article, taking Xidi and Hong villages as examples, seeks to analyze ancient village residents‘ attitudes towards tourism impacts and then tries further to explore the connection between tourism development and residents‘ attitudes. Both qualitative and quantitative surveys are applied in the exploratory investigation into local residents‘ attitudes of tourism impacts. Based on abundant face-to-face interviews with the local households, tourism enterprises concerned, local government and tourists from July to August of 2002, we are able to have a better understanding of local residents‘ attitudes to community life, and perception of tourism impacts on society, economy and environment. By this we can promote domestic study on resorts residents‘ attitudes, and provide some theoretical grounds for establishing tourism development planning and perfect community participation system at tourist destinations.  相似文献   

遥感数据因其全覆盖的优势被广泛应用于山地植被信息的调查和研究。为了实现山区植被类型的高精度提取,本文以太白山区为实验区,结合山地植被的垂直地带性分布规律,利用太白山植被垂直带谱、高分辨率遥感影像(GF1/GF2/ZY3)和1:1万的数字表面模型(Digital Surface Model, DSM)数据,进行了多层次、多尺度的影像分割,构建了具有植被垂直带谱信息的地形约束因子,并据此进行样本选择和面向对象的分类,分类总精度达92.9%,kappa系数达到0.9160。该方法相比于未辅以垂直带谱信息的分类,总精度提高了10%。研究结果表明,分类过程中加入具有垂直带谱信息的地形约束因子,能显著地提高样本选择的效率和准确率,为后续的植被分类提供了精度的保证。通过人机交互的方式,将垂直带谱知识应用到分类中,可以有效地提高山地植被分类的精度。  相似文献   

Tourism development surely has social, economic and environmental impacts on tourist destinations. The study on resorts residents’ attitudes can help understand the nature of tourism development and the extent to which it may influence on tourist destinations. By now, researches on residents’ perception and attitudes are plenteous in the international circle and achievements are great, yet few are found in developing countries. As a most representative cultural tourist destination, World Cultural Heritage—Xidi and Hong villages in Yi County of Anhui Province, are drawing the attention of both tourists and academic circles. This article, taking Xidi and Hong villages as examples, seeks to analyze ancient village residents’ attitudes towards tourism impacts and then tries further to explore the connection between tourism development and residents’ attitudes. Both qualitative and quantitative surveys are applied in the exploratory investigation into local residents’ attitudes of tourism impacts. Based on abundant face-to-face interviews with the local households, tourism enterprises concerned, local government and tourists from July to August of 2002, we are able to have a better understanding of local residents’ attitudes to community life, and perception of tourism impacts on society, economy and environment. By this we can promote domestic study on resorts residents’ attitudes, and provide some theoretical grounds for establishing tourism development planning and perfect community participation system at tourist destinations. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Social Science Foundation of China (No. 03BJY084) Biography: WANG Li (1974-), female, a native of Ma’anshan City of Anhui Province, master candidate, specialized in tourism geography, tourism sociology and tourism planning. E-mail: shine_wl@sohu.com  相似文献   

 景观感知对旅游地规划设计具有基础性作用,但人文旅游地内部的景观感知空间分异至今没有微观尺度上的研究方法出现。本文提出了景观视角分组基础上的景观语义特征点抽象方法,并建立了单文化景观和多文化景观语义感知度计算模型,以解决人文类型旅游地内部景观感知的强度空间分异计算问题。利用数字高程模型,在清西陵旅游地实现了文化景观语义感知度的实证研究:以中国传统的皇家陵寝选址文化及其表征的封建等级体系为语义准则,提取了4个代表性陵墓文化景观不同景观视角下的78个特征点,并赋予不同景观视角及每个特征点相应权重系数;利用视域分析、叠置分析等方法计算得到旅游地景观文化感知度;尝试利用感知度计算结果对现有观光线路进行观景点语义挖掘并设计了优化方案。论文为人文地理学景观感知定量化表达提供了思路,为旅游地规划、景观与线路设计等提供了技术途径。  相似文献   

《山海经》中的“东山”区位地理考古研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《山海经》是一部中国最古老的地理著作。其中“五藏山经”篇中所讲的西、南、北、中山都分布在中国大陆,只有东山的记述在国内一直找不到,三千多年来我国古书上多“无注”或称“其山水无可考”。美国女学者亨利埃特·默茨(HenrietteMertz)通过实地考察后所写的《淡淡的墨迹(Palegnk-TosoOreientRecordsofChineseExplorationinAmerica1953)》证明“东山”海外部分竟分布在美洲大陆,它们就是落基山脉、内华达山脉、喀斯喀特山脉以及海岸山脉,它们的距离,山峰数与动植物的种类与《山海经》记载的都基本相同。该书主题提示这样写的:“《山海经》-印第安人-中国的影响-美洲-中国人的发现和探索”。书中结语还特别强调:“对于在4000年左右,就已踏着白雪皑皑的山顶和峻峭的山峰而徒步考察无畏的中国人后面,我们所能做的,首先要向他们顶礼膜拜、鞠躬致敬。”  相似文献   

Together with the main aim of preserving nature, national parks are also expected to play an important role for the local communities, driving economic activities toward the lens of sustainable development. This contribution aims to present an exploratory study on the relationship between the presence of a protected mountain area, the Gran Paradiso National Park(GPNP), in the North West of the Italian Alps, and the classification of tourism destinations, according to Weaver model of destination management. Starting from the model,the authors provide a quantitative analysis using a set of variables and indicators to comprehensively assess the differing patterns assumed by the municipalities within the borders of the GPNP and those that are not.The provisional results illustrate that the municipalities within the border of a protected area are more likely to be grouped alongside the sustainable mountain destinations. Meanwhile,research outcomes confirm that a protected area does not necessarily contrast the tourism industry but instead may boost local development by driving it within the borders of the sustainable development,switching from the area's only preservation function to a flywheel for the local communities.  相似文献   

The Longmenshan fault is a thrust fault which runs along the base of the Longmen Mountains in Sichuan province,southwestern China.The southern segment of the fault had two distinct responses to the Ms 8 Wenchuan and Ms 7 Lushan earthquakes.This study determines characteristics of the structural geology of the Longmenshan fault to evaluate how it influenced the two aforementioned earthquakes.This research was done within a Geoinformation Technologies(Gi T) environment based on multi-source remote sensing and crustal movement data extracted from the Global Positioning System(GPS).The spatial distribution of the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone was comprehensively analyzed to study both earthquakes.The study revealed that the Wenchuanand Lushan earthquakes occurred on two relatively independent faults.In addition,there was a nearly constant-velocity crustal movement zone between the two epicenters that probably had a compressive stress with slow motion.Furthermore,the central fault and a mountain back fault gradually merged from north to south.The Lushan earthquake was not an aftershock of the Wenchuan earthquake.The research showed that fault zones within 30–50 km of State Highway 318 are intensive and complex.In addition,crustal movement velocity decreased rapidly,with a strong multi-directional shear zone.Thus,activity in that zone was likely stronger than in the northern part over the medium to long term.  相似文献   

秦巴山地是中国的南北分界线,也是黄河和长江的分水岭,其山体效应的定量化影响秦巴山地山体垂直带的分布格局、非地带性因素的作用强度和机理,以及中国暖温带和北亚热带的具体位置的确定。山体基面高度是影响山体效应最重要和关键的地形因子,其定量化和数字化提取是秦巴山地山体效应定量化研究的重要内容。本研究针对秦巴山地山体效应的定量化研究,使用30 m分辨率的STRM-1数据,分别基于山体特征线和流域分区2种方法提取了秦巴山地的山体基面高度分区,并根据地形起伏度和坡度,确定基面范围,计算了山体基面高度值。结果表明:① 基于山体特征线的方法将秦巴山地分为93个基面高度分区,基于流域分区的方法将秦巴山地分为209个基面高度分区,根据2种分区结果提取的基面高度值相差不大且均体现了秦巴山地地势的特点;② 秦巴山地山体基面高度从东向西呈阶梯状递增的趋势;③ 从南到北,秦巴山地的东段和中段均呈先增高后降低的趋势,即从大巴山向北至汉江谷地降低,再向北至秦岭升高;④ 山地的不同侧翼的山体基面高度不同,秦岭南坡的基面高度(1000~1809 m)明显高于北坡(850~1300 m)。秦巴山地山体基面高度与其植被带分布上限联系密切,实现山体基面高度的数字化提取,为山体效应的定量化研究提供了重要的技术支持。  相似文献   

Protected areas have become important tourism products that promoted as attractions by the tourism industry. Taking the Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve in Northeast China as a case, this study addresses visitor needs as a basis for developing a tourism strategy aimed at enhancing tourist opportunities at this reserve. A factor-cluster approach was employed to identify visitor segment profiles based on their visit motivations. Through random sampling, a pencil-and-paper questionnaire in Chinese language was collected from 637 domestic tourists in the study area. A principal components analysis of motivations revealed eight motivational factors, and four distinct groups of tourists – Nature travelers, Cultural landscape tourists, Food shopping enthusiasts, and Eclectic adventurers – were identified. Understanding the differences in these visitor segments will help the management authority effectively analyze nature reserve attributes and provide alternative activities and services to tourists. Finally, within the dual framework of market segmentation and destination management some management recommendations and marketing implications are suggested.  相似文献   

TheQuaternalypaleo--environmentoftheLushan,HuangshanandTianmumountainsisasignificantacademicproblemtowhichmuchattentionhasbeenpaidbymanyresearchersingeosciencecircle.Manyscholarshavestudiedtheproblemandgotalotofachivementsoverthepastyears(Lee,1933;Lee,1936;Lee,1947;Ren,1953;Huang,1963;Li,1974;Shi,1989).HOWever,identicalviewsandconclusionshavenotbeenreachedyetuptillnow,especiallylackingofcomprehensivestudyforsedimentsintheseregions.Inrecentyears,applyingsedimentalcomprehensiveindexgotfromv…  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism, as an integral part of sustainable development, emerged as a logical outcome of preventing the uncontrolled and excessive use of tourism resources and attractions. This study analyzes whether mountain tourism development in Serbia can be sustainable and feasible in the long term. Given the heterogeneity of mountains in Serbia in terms of tourism development, the subject of this research is the achieved level of sustainable tourism development in mountains in the most developed and most visited region in Serbia-?umadija and Western Serbia: Zlatibor, Kopaonik, Tara, Zlatar, Mokra Gora and Go?. The sustainable tourism development level was analyzed by using five groups of the EU's comparative indicators: economic, social, cultural, environmental and tourist satisfaction indicators. The results showed that the development of tourism in the examined mountains is not fully aligned with sustainable development. The tourist satisfaction indicator has the most acceptable values, which is a good basis for further harmonization of tourism development on the principles of sustainability. Economic indicators, especially the ratio of overnight stays and accommodation capacities, show the most unacceptable values, which indicate the need for implementing changes in the process of tourism development in the coming period. The analysis of sustainable tourism in mountain areas in ?umadija and the Western Serbia undoubtfully points out that it is necessary to significantly change the current tourism product portfolio, which implies harmonizing mountain tourism development with global trends. Certainly, a comparative analysis that looks at the degree of sustainability of mountain tourism in some countries of the Alpine region, such as Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia, contributes to this. The more intensive development of tourism throughout the year would significantly improve indicators of sustainable tourism in all analyzed mountain areas of ?umadija and Western Serbia. This would improve the value of economic indicators, which are marked as the most unsustainable. The development of tourism in the summer season, especially recreational and adventure tourism, would improve the social and cultural component of sustainable tourism. Environmental dimension of sustainable tourism would be enhanced by the development of ecotourism. By connecting spatially close mountains(Zlatibor, Zlatar, Tara and Mokra Gora) into a unique and integrated tourism destination, synergistic effects would be achieved resulting in international recognition and making the region of ?umadija and Western Serbia competitive on the European market.  相似文献   

The primary objective of landslide susceptibility mapping is the prediction of potential landslides in landslide-prone areas.The predictive power of a landslide susceptibility mapping model could be tested in an adjacent area of similar geoenvironmental conditions to find out the reliability.Both the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and the 2013 Lushan Earthquake occurred in the Longmen Mountain seismic zone,with similar topographical and geological conditions.The two earthquakes are both featured by thrust fault and similar seismic mechanism.This paper adopted the susceptibility mapping model of co-seismic landslides triggered by Wenchuan earthquake to predict the spatial distribution of landslides induced by Lushan earthquake.Six influencing parameters were taken into consideration: distance from the seismic fault,slope gradient,lithology,distance from drainage,elevation and Peak Ground Acceleration(PGA).The preliminary results suggested that the zones with high susceptibility of coseismic landslides were mainly distributed in the mountainous areas of Lushan,Baoxing and Tianquan counties.The co-seismic landslide susceptibility map was completed in two days after the quake and sent to the field investigators to provide guidance for rescue and relief work.The predictive power of the susceptibility map was validated by ROC curve analysis method using 2037 co-seismic landslides in the epicenter area.The AUC value of 0.710 indicated that the susceptibility model derived from Wenchuan Earthquake landslides showed good accuracy in predicting the landslides triggered by Lushan earthquake.  相似文献   

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