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船位监控系统(vessel monitoring system,VMS)数据在渔船作业特征挖掘分析方面已有较多应用。本文以粤渔10000/10011双拖渔船2017年8月16日—9月16日的VMS数据为例,详细分析了该双拖渔船的作业状态,研究了航次和网次提取方法,并对捕捞强度的空间分布进行了分析。研究结果表明,粤渔10000/10011有4个航速区间,分别为<1.0 m/s、1.0~1.8 m/s、1.8~2.9 m/s和>2.9 m/s,对应渔船的抛锚和慢速、夜间拖网航速、白天拖网航速和巡航状态;2017年8月16日—9月16日期间,粤渔10000/10011共进行了5个航次19个网次的拖网作业,其捕捞强度空间分布呈现近岸海域高离岸海域低的特征,且夜间拖网主要在离岸海域,白天拖网会转移到水深相对浅的近岸海域。  相似文献   

2020年6月15日—7月15日,我国首次中国毛虾(Acetes chinensis)限额捕捞试点于江苏连云港实施。本研究提取62艘毛虾网船在限额捕捞期间的421700条北斗船位数据经纬度、航速、航向等信息,运用缓冲区叠加分析法、DBSCAN密度聚类算法、平均中心算法、核密度估计以及数据库查询对捕捞努力量等管控要素进行分析研究。结果显示,所有毛虾网船累计作业239个航次、1942个网次,捕捞过程分为航行、抛锚布网、等待渔获、收渔获、停航等5个状态,中国毛虾捕捞状态船位点呈直线分布,总捕捞时长为4413.73h,82.4%的单网次捕捞时长为1.5—3.5h,各网次捕捞产量呈现多核心空间分布模式,总捕捞努力量为108106343 m~2·h,计算62艘的捕捞总产量值约为2328 t,比上报产量高12.6%;本文通过北斗船位数据解译和提取捕捞努力量以计算中国毛虾捕捞产量及资源空间分布情况,有效应用于中国毛虾限额捕捞,为解决我国单品种限额捕捞难点积累了宝贵经验。  相似文献   

东、黄海底拖网渔业渔捞努力量修正方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔捞努力量在渔业资源研究中是一个重要参数。在以往的东、黄海底拖网渔业资源研究中,投网次数常作为渔捞努力量的度量单位。在底拖网渔业中有很多影响渔捞努力量的因素,其中船型大小、实际捕捞时间的长短以及网具改进是主要因素。本文针对这三个因素应用上海市海洋渔业公司的资料,提出了一种修正方法,并对修正后标准渔捞努力量的效果进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

从6月1日零时开始,我国南海海域将首次实行伏季休渔制度。南海休渔的时间将历时2个月,在北纬12度以北的南海海域(含北部湾),禁止所有拖网(含拖虾、拖贝)、围网以及掺缯作业。自1988年我国在渤海全年禁止实行拖网作业(即两船之间拉一张网,从海面到海底一扫而过,网扫过的海域,大鱼小鱼无一能幸免于难。这是对渔业资源破坏最大、捕捞率最高的一种作业方式),  相似文献   

毛里塔尼亚底拖网作业渔场时空分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛里塔尼亚位是我国在西非的主要入渔国家之一。把握底拖网作业渔场时空分布及其规律是渔业生产的重要内容。本研究根据2010—2015年上海某渔业公司在毛里塔尼亚海域的底拖网渔船生产统计数据,采用频度分析法和渔场重心法对底拖网作业渔场时空分布进行研究。研究认为,毛里塔尼亚底拖网作业渔场分布在16.90°W~17.70°W、19.70°N~20.80°N海域,主要集中在17.40°W~17.60°W、20.20°N~20.70°N海域。平均网次产量为27~77kg,总体平均网次产量为43.98kg。研究认为,渔场重心呈现出规律的分布,基本上分布在1个经纬度范围内。1~4月份渔场重心主要分布在17.38°W~17.59°W、20.49°N~20.56°N海域;7~8月主要分布在17.21°W~17.33°W、20.26°N~20.48°N海域;9~11月主要分布在17.43°W~17.54°W、20.40°N~20.64°N海域;12月主要分布在17.08°W、20.00°N附近海域。作业渔场时空分布规律的掌握,有助于毛里塔尼亚海洋渔业的合理生产。  相似文献   

魏军 《海洋世界》2013,(5):58-59
2012年1月25日方位:37°43、5′S,154°40、1′E航向:航向150°航速:7节经过两天的调整,大家都恢复到航海状态,中午准备做米饭好好吃点,因为昨天没有做饭。米放入锅里,我拿了5升水的桶准备往里倒,船倾斜太厉害大约有20度,我稳定了一下双手举起桶,刚倒了一点突然船向右猛地掀了一下,整个人  相似文献   

闽江口及附近海域渔业资源现存量评析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据2006年夏季(8月)和冬季(1月)、2007年春季(4月)和秋季(10月)在闽江口及其附近海域利用底拖网作业的渔业资源调查资料,应用传统扫海面积法以及△-分布模型法分析了福建闽江口及其附近海域(25°42′-26°27′N,119°42′-120°15′E)的渔业资源现存量.研究结果表明,闽江口及其附近海域的鱼类、甲壳类的资源密度较高,而头足类资源密度较低.渔业资源密度秋季居首位,约为2569.11kg·km-2,夏季次之,约为1 120.23kg·km-2,而冬、春季资源密度较低,分别为867.16和553.60.29kg·km-2.年平均渔业资源现存量约为4599t,渔业潜在资源量达32451t.渔业资源分布与水温、水深关系较密切.该海域渔业资源已经明显衰退,急需加强渔业资源的管理和保护.  相似文献   

双船中层拖网网位控制的静力学解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中层拖网是开发利用中上层鱼类资源的重要工具之一,能否有效实施对拖网作业水层的控制,是实现瞄准捕捞和提高捕捞生产效率的关键。本文提出了1种基于有限元原理的拖网曳纲形状与张力的理论计算方法,以期依据中层拖网拖曳过程中不同拖速、曳纲长度和重锤配备条件下曳纲响应的计算机模拟结果,预测拖网可能的作业水层,以实现中层拖网网位控制,为中层拖网曳纲设计和网位调整提供理论依据。  相似文献   

基于渔业统计数据的南海区渔业资源可捕量评估   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
科学确定海洋渔业可捕量是开展捕捞限额管理的前提和关键。南海区渔业资源种类繁多,无明显大宗经济鱼种,且产量统计不够完善,使得可捕量的量化评估较为困难。根据渔业产量统计数据,利用一种简化的产量模型对南海区渔业资源总可捕量以及11个重要经济类群的可捕量进行了评估。结果表明,南海区渔业资源最大可持续产量为308.6万t,总可捕量为246.9万~277.8万t。从11个重要经济类群的评估结果来看,这些类群在20世纪90年代后均遭受过不同程度的过度捕捞。目前状态较好,未处于过度捕捞状态的有蓝圆鲹和竹荚鱼、沙丁鱼类、马面鲀类、鲷类、鳓类和鲐类等6个恢复力较高的类群;而其他5个恢复力较低的类群,尤其是海鳗类和石斑鱼类,目前处于过度捕捞状态。  相似文献   

黄渤海区捕捞结构的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2010年对黄渤海沿海32个主要渔港、渔村和5家网具生产厂家的实地调查和现场测量资料,结合2009年度三省一市(河北、辽宁、山东、天津)的渔具渔法调查报告以及1983~2009年中国渔业年鉴中记载的捕捞产量分类统计资料,对黄渤海区捕捞结构进行了研究.研究结果表明,黄渤海区主要捕捞品种有30种之多,其中年渔获量超过万吨的有14种鱼类、5种甲壳类、4种头足类、2种海蜇和6种贝类.渔业资源品种的多样性决定了黄渤海区捕捞结构的多样化和多层次的特点,现有9大类19型23式130种网型或作业方式,同时受渔业资源变动的影响,捕捞网具也在变化,不断有旧的渔具消失和新的网具出现.其中,拖网是主要作业方式,贡献率为38.47%~51.79%,且近几年还有上升的趋势;其次为刺网,贡献率从1983年最低时的7.66%逐步上升到目前的30.14%;第三为张网,贡献率从1985年最高时的34.31%下降到目前的10.49%;围网和钓具的贡献率一直较低,均不足4%,其他渔具的贡献率为5.98%~13.30%.目前黄渤海区渔业结构的调整方向应当是减少拖网作业,控制刺网总量,限制张网、陷阱类渔具和地笼,鼓励发展钓渔业  相似文献   

Selecting indicators of the response of the benthic community to fishing effort restrictions is important for testing the efficacy of management actions that seek to minimise ecosystem degradation. Components of epifaunal communities are sensitive to trawling, and concordant measurements of trawling effort can be used to establish a link between response and impact variables. Trawling effort on Mediterranean fishing grounds can be assessed, but the lack of data from communities inhabiting these areas makes establishing the response–impact relationship difficult. This study addresses this challenge by investigating benthic communities from the NW Mediterranean subjected to a gradient of fishing effort, and confirms that indicators based on functional components of epibenthos can be a useful tool to describe the response of communities to disturbance across habitat types.  相似文献   

Heino O. Fock   《Marine Policy》2008,32(4):728-739
A method is presented to define principal areas for fisheries at high spatial resolution applicable to be implemented into marine spatial planning procedures. Vessel monitoring system (VMS) data from 2005 to 2006 are acquired to determine vessel-based fishing effort. Principal areas for the German exclusive economic zone (EEZ) are defined as areas in which 75% of the effort of either year is carried out. Examples are given for the 5 most abundant fisheries in the German EEZ in terms of vessel-based effort, i.e. gill netting, pelagic trawling, demersal otter board trawling and beam trawling >300 and <300 HP. A historical comparison for demersal otter board trawling shows relative stability of spatial utilization patterns in the North Sea section of the EEZ.  相似文献   

福建近海五种主要捕捞作业适宜捕捞力量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢振彬  颜尤明 《台湾海峡》1998,17(1):104-109
本文根据福建省定置、拖、围、刺、钓五种捕捞作业在本省近海的捕捞力量和渔获量,并以1994年单位功率的渔捞效率为基准进行逐年捕捞力量的标准化,应用Schaefer和Fox两同电脑分别估算它们的fMSY和MSY。结果两处在算的fMSY和MSY的平均值是:定置网为8.90尤明等37.41万t;推网为55.88万KW,35.51万t;为桃围网为7.12万KW,10.06万t;刺网为15.19万KW,9.5  相似文献   

Seamounts, knolls, pinnacles and other “seamount-like” features are prominent and widely distributed features of the New Zealand marine environment, and also the focus of important commercial fisheries and some exploratory mineral mining. There is considerable debate about the effects of such activities on the benthic habitat of deep-water seamounts. In 2001 a study was undertaken of eight seamount-features on the Chatham Rise, an area that has been heavily trawled for orange roughy since the early 1990s. Half of the study seamounts were considered unfished and the other half fished. Benthic macro-invertebrate assemblages of each seamount were sampled using epibenthic sleds, whilst the presence of habitat-forming fauna (e.g., live corals), substrate type and indications of trawling (e.g., trawl door marks) were determined using a towed underwater camera. Fisheries catch-effort data were examined to determine the amount and distribution of bottom trawling effort on the seamounts. Analyses of camera data revealed that unfished seamounts possessed a relatively large amount of stony coral habitat comprising live Solenosmilia variabilis and Madrepora oculata (predominantly on the seamount peaks) whereas fished seamounts had relatively little coral habitat. Indications of trawling were observed over six times more frequently on seabed images from fished as opposed to unfished seamounts, and appeared related to the amount of fishing effort on individual seamounts. Multivariate analyses of sled data revealed a significant difference in macro-invertebrate assemblage composition between fished and unfished seamounts. The variability observed in assemblage composition between seamounts can in part be explained by the relative fishing pressure measured by a fishing effects index. The results of the study are discussed with respect to management of seamount habitat, and the need for ongoing monitoring and research to derive conservation practices that allow for sustainable seamount fisheries.  相似文献   

The East Sea, with an average depth of 1700 m, has long been subject to heavy fishing pressure, resulting in derelict fishing gear. Most derelict fishing gears, such as fishing nets, fishing ropes, and crab pots, sink to the seabed and do not degrade. This gear results in “ghost fishing,” which has adverse impacts on deep benthic habitats. Recently, the Korean government has started to remove derelict fishing gears from the deep seabed of the East Sea by bottom trawling with heavy hooks (50–80 kg) and ropes. A total of 207.8 and 252.2 tons of marine debris in 2009 and 2010, respectively, were removed from the seabed, most of which were derelict fishing gears. Contrary to monitoring surveys and clean-up in shallow waters, removal of marine debris from remote deep habitats is much more difficult and dangerous for removal crews.  相似文献   

Two predominant currents, the warm Kuroshio Current and the cold Oyashio Current, meet in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. The dynamics of physical oceanographic structures in this region, including frontal zones and meandering eddies, result in a highly productive habitat that serves as a favorable feeding ground for various commercially important species. Neon flying squid, Ommastrephes bartramii, is an important oceanic squid, which is widely distributed in the North Pacific Ocean. Based on the catch data collected by Chinese squid jigging fleets and relevant environmental data, including sea surface temperature(SST) and fronts(represented by gradients of SST and thermocline) during 1998–2009, the variations of oceanic fronts and their influence on the fishing grounds of O. bartramii were evaluated, and the differences in distribution of fishing grounds of O. bartramii in 2000 and 2002 were compared by describing the differences in vertical temperature between 0–300 m. It was found that the preferred horizontal temperature gradient of SST for O. bartramii tended to be centered at 0.01–0.02°C/nm, which attracted nearly 80% of the total fishing effort, and the preferred horizontal temperature gradients at the 50 m and 105 m layers were mainly located at 0.01–0.03°C/nm, which accounted for more than 70% of the total fishing effort during August–October. The preferred vertical temperature gradient within the 0–50 m layer for O. bartramii tended to be centered at 0.15–0.25°C/m during August and September and at 0.10–0.15°C/m in October, implying that the mixed surface layer was distributed at depths of 0–50 m. It was concluded that the vertical temperature gradient was more important than the horizontal temperature gradient in playing a role in forming the fishing ground. The results improved our understanding of the spatial dynamics of the O. bartramii fishery.  相似文献   

Climate variability and pelagic fisheries in northern Chile   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A time series analysis of long-term climate variability in northern Chile (18°21′–24°00′S) shows anomalies associated with the El Niño events and the longer warm period observed since 1976, followed by a cooling trend since mid 1980s. The succession of pelagic fisheries, anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and sardine (Sardinops sagax), occurring in this fishing zone was analyzed taking into account the landings, the CPUE abundance index, the fishing effort, and the environmental variables. The anchovy production model is a negative linear function of fishing effort and turbulence. For sardine, the production model is a negative linear function of fishing effort and a quadratic function of the sea surface temperature.An analysis of the relationship between recruitment, adult biomass and the environment shows that the annual recruitment of anchovy increases with turbulence intensity until wind speed reaches a value of 5.46 m s−1, decreasing for higher values. For sardine, the recruitment increases with turbulence intensity until 5.63 m s−1, stabilizing thereafter.It is deduced that the climatic variations associated to the El Niño events affect the abundance of coastal pelagic fishes, without forgetting the most likely effects upon its distribution and the fishing effort. However, it is the long-term variability that mainly affects the fishing activity.  相似文献   

Commercial fisheries are heavily dependent upon the combustion of fossil fuels and as such contribute to increased atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and the concomitant impact on the world's climate. The fuel use and greenhouse gas intensity of a fishery is a function of several variables. One that has not been previously investigated is the role of fisheries management. Using historical gear-specific fuel use and landings data, we employ scenarios to examine the potential impact that recent changes in the management of the New England fishery for Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) may have on fishery-related fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, we consider the direct effect of the seasonal ban of midwater trawling in favor of purse seine and fixed gears within Atlantic herring fishing Area 1A. We also evaluate the indirect effect of reductions to the Area 1A total allowable catch of Atlantic herring on the regional supply of bait and the resulting potential need to import bait herring from Canada. Our results indicate that because of the five-fold lower fuel intensity of purse seining, relative to midwater trawling (21 L/ton versus 108-118 L/ton), the seasonal ban on midwater trawling has the potential to markedly reduce overall fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the herring fishery. These results indicate that management decisions can strongly influence energy demands and resulting greenhouse gas emissions of fisheries. We urge those involved with fisheries management to take this into account when developing policy and management measures.  相似文献   

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