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采用双向稳定水流、清水定床、局部动床的试验方法,用正态模型研究长江口深水航道整治一期工程南导堤丁坝群坝头局部冲刷问题。结果表明,航道开挖和双本坝的存在使得下游流速有所增加,影响程度落潮大于涨潮。坝头局部冲刷主要受落潮流控制,在沿深度为单一砂粉底质情况下,坝头冲刷坑深度分别达到27m和29m;考虑到原状底质下部为极难起动的粘土,实际冲刷坑底界到达粘土层后就不再刷深,此时冲刷坑深度为7.4m和4.7m,冲刷坑的平面范围有所加大。工程设计提出的护坦尺度能较好地保护坝头前沿滩地,适当缩小护坦尺度也能起到保护作用,但冲刷范围明显增大。  相似文献   

模型变率对潮流波浪作用下局部冲刷深度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据窦国仁波浪潮流共同作用下的全沙模型相似理论,设计5个变率分别为2.5、4、6、8.33和12.8的长江口深水航道北槽概化物理模型,进行潮流和潮流波浪共同作用下的丁坝坝头清水和浑水冲刷试验,研究不同动力条件和不同工程布置下变率对冲刷坑发展过程及冲刷深度的影响,给出了变态模型与正态模型冲刷坑稳定冲刷深度的关系式。  相似文献   

本文使用数学模型的方法,探讨不同工程阶段(1998年1月至2008年2月)北槽河床冲淤特征的动力机制。应用Delft3D模型建立了精度较高的长江口~北槽三维嵌套流场模型,为分析整治工程对北槽河床冲淤的影响,设计了4个数值试验来计算不同工程节点时北槽海域的流场分析,分别采用相同的外部驱动力(洪季)和不同工程节点的北槽地形与工程配置。通过比较不同工程节点的潮周期平均流场的平面分布、典型横断面分布和航道剖面分布及变化,发现:随着导堤、丁坝工程的建设,新建导堤和丁坝对应区段的主槽水动力显著增强,可见"双导堤+丁坝群"的束流效果明显;新建坝田,受导堤、丁坝影响水动力急剧减弱。不同工程阶段影响下,北槽海域水动力的"强弱变化"分布与同期河床"冲淤变化"格局基本吻合,因此,深水航道整治工程阶段影响下的水动力强弱变化是引发北槽河床冲淤变化的主要动力因素。  相似文献   

耦合海洋和溢油模型,建立起1个适用于长江口深水航道内溢油轨迹预报模型。海洋模型考虑了深水航道中导堤丁坝的影响,能够较好地模拟深水航道内流场,使物理场更加可信;溢油模型采用前国际上常用的随机游走和拉格朗日油粒子追踪法,预测油粒子的漂移扩散轨迹和扫海面积。研究表明:在深水航道中段发生的溢油事故,油粒子的漂移分布和扫海面积受导堤丁坝和流场的共同影响,涨急时刻溢油24h后油粒子的分布和扫海主要分布在导堤丁坝附近,落急时刻溢油的油粒子则大部分分布于导堤丁坝外,扫海面积也比涨急时刻大,对九段沙自然保护敏感区域产生一定程度的潜在生态影响。本文用数值实验的方法验证了海洋模型中考虑导堤丁坝与不考虑导堤丁坝相比,溢油轨迹预测是有差别的,考虑了导堤丁坝会对油粒子在导堤丁坝附近的漂移和扩散起阻挡约束和聚集的作用,没有考虑导堤丁坝的溢油扫海面积增大。  相似文献   

长江口北槽深水航道工程对九段沙冲淤影响研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
根据1989~2003年长江口九段沙附近地形图,在地理信息系统软件MapInfo的支持下,分析了北槽深水航道工程对九段沙冲淤演变的影响。在长江来沙减少总的情势下,九段沙总的淤积速率在明显下降,但北槽深水航道工程使局部冲淤形势发生逆转:九段沙顶端到江亚南沙大片区域淤积速率显著增强,沿北槽深水航道南导堤外缘形成一个10km长的淤积带;九段沙东侧水下三角洲受工程的影响不大,淤积速率持续降低并底端发生冲刷。  相似文献   

陈维  匡翠萍  顾杰  秦欣 《海洋科学》2013,37(4):75-80
根据长江口南沙头通道、横沙通道和南北槽分汊口的断面水深变化及长江口南北港和南北槽的分流比变化实测资料,分析了长江口北槽深水航道淤积的原因。结果表明,北槽深水航道上段淤积受多种因素影响,其中,南沙头通道和横沙通道的发展对深水航道影响最大。南沙头通道的发展在加大落潮流量的同时,对南港南岸会产生一定的冲刷,后经沙洲的阻挡,把泥沙带向南港北岸,在北槽进口段处落淤,直接影响了进入深水航道的落潮量;横沙通道由于直接贯通了北港北槽的水沙交换,因而削弱了南港和北槽之间的水沙交换,促使北槽深水航道上段产生淤积,这也是南槽河道上段刷深的一个主要原因,而南槽河道的发展必然减少了进入北槽的落潮量,进一步加剧了北槽深水航道上段的淤积。同时,科氏力与北槽南导堤分流口鱼咀工程对深水航道也造成了一定的不可忽视的影响。研究成果对治理北槽深水航道淤积问题保障深水航道正常运行具有十分重要的科学实践意义。  相似文献   

长江口北槽柱状沉积物粒度分布特征及沉积环境指示意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究长江口北槽深水航道的泥沙回淤机制及来源,通过对长江口北槽深水航道中部南、北导堤两侧坝田区域所采浅钻柱状样的沉积物特征、粒度参数特征、粒度成分和沉积速率特征等的分析,探讨北槽深水航道水动力条件和泥沙沉积环境。结果显示,柱状样以黏土质粉砂为主,受径流和潮汐作用,分选性都较差,偏态均为正偏,北导堤和南导堤两侧柱状样的分选系数、偏态和峰态在同一侧相互之间的特征较一致,且三组分组成接近;南北导堤异侧之间的粒度特征差异较为明显,北导堤一侧的平均粒度比南导堤的小,北导堤坝田附近的柱状样粒级百分比在垂向上波动变化较大,南导堤则表现的较为单一;南北导堤的敏感组分主要集中在粒级100μm部分。结合资料和测年数据,综合得出,由于北导堤和南导堤的涨落潮不对称,导致了其粒度特征上的不同;北槽淤积中的流域供沙逐渐减少,泥沙来源逐渐转变为滩槽交换供沙为主;北槽受深水航道工程影响巨大,泥沙沉积过程复杂,还需深入研究。  相似文献   

长江口12.5米深水航道2010年贯通后,发挥了巨大社会经济效益,同时航道回淤量大、维护压力大、维护费用高的问题突出。本研究基于北槽四边界水沙通量观测成果,分析提出了北槽航道回淤泥沙来源;针对回淤原因,在已建减淤工程经验总结的基础上,提出了本次减淤的研究思路,优化了减淤工程方案的比选指标体系;采用三维潮流泥沙数模、清水动床物模、经济技术综合分析等手段,通过"加高范围"、"加高高程"及"加高位置"比选,研究推荐了减淤工程方案。利用实测回淤量分析了工程减淤效果。研究结果表明,南导堤越沙是洪季北槽的重要泥沙来源,对北槽高浓度含沙量场有一定贡献。提出了可通过加高北槽南侧的导堤,实现减少通过南导堤越堤进入北槽的泥沙量,从而减小北槽含沙量水平,同时改善北槽下段流态,降低水沙横向输移,进而降低航道回淤的减淤思路。研究推荐的长江口12.5米深水航道减淤工程为南坝田挡沙堤加高工程及先期工程方案。先期工程位于S4~S9丁坝坝田,在现有南坝田挡沙堤的基础上加高S4~S8区段,并延长至S9丁坝,工程全长约23.8 km,高程+3.5 m。工程于2015年11月开工建设,2016年7月主体工程完工,工程减淤效果显著,2016—2018年年均减淤量约954×105m3/a,近三年已节省航道维护疏浚费用约5亿元。  相似文献   

河口整治工程的实施效果与堤坝的结构型式密切相关,在河工模型上直接研究局部复杂结构对整治效果的影响有较大难度。以长江口深水航道治理二期工程北导堤NⅡC区段空心方块斜坡堤结构为个例,采用水槽试验和动床模型相结合方法,通过水槽试验确定可以在特定河工模型上使用的概化透水结构,使在模型上精确模拟局部复杂结构对整治效果的影响成为可能。研究成果认为,二期工程NⅡC区段2 600 m导堤不建对北槽出口段的整治效果有明显影响,NⅡC区段导堤高程降低1 m或采用空心方块斜坡堤透水结构对整治效果影响不大。  相似文献   

长江口横沙东滩近30年来自然演变及工程影响的GIS分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用长江口深水航道治理一、二期工程实施前后的地形资料,在GIS软件及相关的统计分析软件的支持下,分析了治理工程对横沙东滩冲淤演变的影响。结果表明:横沙东滩在长期的自然演变过程中滩地面积相对稳定,但20世纪90年代中期以来,由于长江来沙量减少,滩地面积出现减小的趋势;深水航道北导堤工程(1998—2000年5月)使横沙东滩的冲淤形势发生了较大的变化:横沙东滩窜沟扭曲、萎缩,白条子沙及其以东浅水区域淤积加剧;促淤工程实施后,形成了一个有利泥沙沉积的环境,过境泥沙的大量淤积及人工吹泥上滩使得横沙东滩淤长速度显著加快。  相似文献   

In order to examine the effectiveness of engineering protection against localized scour in frontof the south groin-group of the Yangtze Estuary Waterway Improvement Project,Phase I,an undistort-ed physical model on a geometric scale of 1:250 is built in this study,covering two groins and their adacentestuarine areas.By use of rinsing fix-bed model as well as localized mobile-bed model,the experiment isundertaken under bi-directional steady flow.According to the experimental results,waterway dredgingleads to the increase in steram velocity,the increase being larger during the ebb than during the flood.Con-struction of the upstream groin has some influence on the flow patterns near the downstream groin.Local-ized scour in front of the groin-heads is controlled mainly by ebb flow.In the case of a riverbed composedentirely of silt,the depths of localized scour in front of the two groin-heads are 27 m and 29 m,respectively.In reality,the underneath sediment of the prototype riverbed is clay whose threshold ve  相似文献   

Five generalized physical models of drfferent distortion ratios were bruit according to DOU Guo-ren‘s similarity theory of total sediment transport modeling for estuarine and coastal regions. Experiments on local scour in front of groins were made under the actions of tidal currents and waves with clear and sediment entraining water. The scour depths under different dynamic actions are compared. The effect of the distortion ratio on the depth of scour hole is discussed. A relationship between scour depths for distorted and undistorted models is given.  相似文献   

In most of the previous studies on local scour around pile foundations, wave-induced pore pressure response has not been taken into account. The local-scour and pore-pressure responses around a large-diameter monopile in combined waves and current have been physically modeled with a specially-designed flow–structure–soil interaction flume. In the series of experiments, the time developments of the scour-depth and the pore-pressure in the proximity of the model pile were measured simultaneously. Experimental results indicate that the wave-induced upward seepage under the wave troughs may weaken the buoyant unit weight of the surrounding sand, which brings the sand-bed more susceptible to scouring. The superimposition of the waves on a current has much effect on the time-development of local scour and the resulting equilibrium scour-depth, which is particularly obvious when the sand-bed is in the clear-water regime under the current or waves alone respectively. It is observed that the maximum flow velocity at the boundary layer for the following-current case is larger than that for the opposing-current case, which further results in faster time development of scour depth and greater equilibrium scour depth for the following-current case.  相似文献   

从作为河道整治或护岸的辅助建筑物的丁坝的原型观测、模型试验到工程实践等多种手段对钱塘江强潮河口段各个历史阶段护塘丁坝的研究成果进行了回顾和总结。钱塘江护塘丁坝技术在抗击强涌潮的过程中被不断推进、发展和创新,为钱塘江海塘的防护发挥了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Effects of T-shape groin parameters on beach accretion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of various groin parameters (length, head length and opening) and wave parameters (wave height, wave period and wave angle) on the accretion of the area protected by T-shape groins are studied in a physical model. The model studies are performed using regular waves in a basin. A numerical model which depends primarily on a CERC model is employed to examine the effects of some of the above parameters. Good agreement is found in the results of physical and numerical models. The results of a numerical model are compared with field data obtained by deep sounding measurements at Of coasts, Trabzon Province, Turkey. The finding from this study may be employed in designing T-shape groins.  相似文献   

The concrete blocks used on a jetty in Shanghai were made in 1909 and 1910. Having been exposed in nature for 80 years, now there are 4600 pieces of blocks left on the jetty. Comprehensive inspections, such as external appearance examination, core-drilling of concrete blocks, ultrasonic detection, nuclear densimeter inspection and in-door and out-door chemical analysis, show that 75% of the blocks are of the rebound number of 21 - 23, and the saturated limit compressive strength and dry limit compressive strength of 10MPa; the carbonized depth of concrete is 1 - 2 mm. Compared with the state of the jetty in 1968, already used for 60 years then, the jetty is expected to serve another 40 years or more after being repaired.  相似文献   

Distribution of shipworms (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) in the New Zealand region   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Bankia neztalia was found in temperate waters around New Zealand, mainly south of New Plymouth and Tauranga. Bankia australis was found in warm‐temperate waters north of Nelson; it requires water temperatures above 19–20°c for successful breeding and is euryhaline. Lyrodus pedicellatus also occurred in warm‐temperate waters north of Nelson and had a lower water temperature limit for survival of about 10 °c. Lyrodus medilobatus occurred in warm‐temperate waters on the north‐east coast of the North Island north of Tauranga. Nototeredo edax is uncommon and occurred over the same range as B. australis.

The presence of shipworms in wood collected from depths of greater than 50 m around New Zealand is reported. Teredora princesae is recorded from driftwood around New Zealand.  相似文献   

J.-M. Zhang  J.H. Zhang  G. Wang  Y. Chen   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(17-18):1716-1726
This paper presents safety evaluations of jetties found on soft clays at Huanghua Port to protect the channel from deposition due to long shore transport. It is likely to be the most critical for the jetties during construction, as far as excess pore water pressure and its effects on the embankment stability are concerned. A rubble mound jetty and a caisson jetty are considered as design alternatives for comparison. Finite element analysis and limit equilibrium analysis are carried out to evaluate the stability of the jetties during construction. For the rubble mound jetty, effective stresses in the soft clays are calculated associated with consolidation, so as to estimate the shear strength increased thereby. With the effective stresses and shear strength, the critical situation of the rubble mound jetty is revealed by the limit equilibrium analysis. For the caisson jetty, wave action is concerned, which is transformed into distributed forces on the caisson. Both the finite element analysis and the limit equilibrium analysis indicate a potential general shear failure of the caisson jetty and the foundation.  相似文献   

—Most terminals for tankers are piers and sea islands,while other types include single pointmoorings and multiple-buoy moorings.The LNG and LPG carrier moored to the jetty is a very commonterminal for transfer of gas in open seas.It is important to estimate the motions and line tensions of theLNG carrier when it moors to a jetty in metocean environment.Normally,the motions of the LNG carrierwould be restricted by the loading arm,which is connected to LNG carrier's manifold.An example of125,000m~3 LNG carrier moored to a jetty exposed to a set of environment conditions is given.Amathematical model which is based on the equations of motion in the time domain is used to the analysisof LNG moored to an offshore jetty exposed to waves,swell,wind and current.By means of a time do-main computer program TERMSIM computations are carried out to determine and optimize the lay-outand/or orientation of the jetty and mooring gear in terms of forces in mooring lines and fenders and theenvelope of motions of the loadi  相似文献   

王轲道  王建 《海岸工程》2004,23(2):19-24
研究了茅家港环抱式突堤航道防护工程对茅家港犀段的海犀水动力和海犀地貌的影响,分析了该岸段海犀水动力变化和海岸地貌演变的原因,结果表明,堤内和东堤外侧的水动力变弱,滩面淤积;西堤外侧的水动力变强,滩面冲蚀;口门处的水动力增强,航道位置稳定且冲蚀加深;口门以外的水动力未变化,航道不稳定.  相似文献   

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