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南京梁代石刻微侵蚀的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张捷  陈舒泛 《地理学报》1994,49(5):418-428,T001
从地貌学角度较系统地分析了梁代石灰岩石刻表面自然毁损的微侵蚀机制,本文指出,雨水沿缝合线渗流,经多种地衣及兰藻、绿藻等生物作用而大大加强了溶蚀作用,导致石刻的崩解,并讨论此种特殊微侵蚀形态的形成机制在地貌学理论研究中的意义。  相似文献   

四川乐山大佛风化的初步探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
秦中  张捷  彭学艺  王兴山 《地理研究》2005,24(6):928-934
四川乐山大佛石刻是我国重要的“世界文化与自然遗产”之一,石刻表面毁损非常严重。本文通过(1)检测石刻所在地区粉砂岩的样品成分(XRFS)获悉,SiO2含量高达84%;(2)安装微侵蚀测量装置(MEM)直接测得粉砂岩的表面侵蚀速率大约为0.216~0.305mm/a;结合(3)粉砂岩表面的相对硬度测试比较等途径,对石刻毁损的表面过程机制进行了初步的综合分析。结果表明,由于粉砂岩结构松散,经水浸后表面硬度急剧下降,而且当地的水、气等条件适宜于生物繁衍等特点,石刻风化毁损的原因主要在于水、生物等环境因素对粉砂岩胶结物有强烈的破坏作用。  相似文献   

桂林摩崖石刻的特点及其文化价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桂林不仅拥有甲天下的山水名胜和凭依自然山水兴造的古代城市建筑,而且拥有早自南朝下至明清与民国的历代摩崖石刻、壁书1643件、造像602尊。这些千百年来积淀起来的石刻壁书和造像与桂林自然山水名胜相得益彰,具有历史悠久、代有佳作、内容丰富、涉及广泛、分布普遍的特点,拥有极高的历史与文化艺术价值,值得深入研究。在此基础上,应加强对摩崖石刻的管理与保护。  相似文献   

到重庆旅游,不能不去大足看石刻。大足石刻是目前重庆地区惟一一处被联合国教科文组织列入《世界文化和自然遗产保护名录》的风景名胜。去大足,交通也很便利,沿成渝高速公路,出重庆东100公里便到了石刻景区——  相似文献   

2004年,在重庆市石柱土家族自治县桥头 乡境内的马鹿山大寨坎古驿道悬崖绝壁上,发现 多段地方志中未曾记载的古代摩崖石刻文字档 案,其中尤以距今825年的南宋《修道碑记》石 刻最为珍贵。 这批石刻,掩隐在大寨坎古栈道盘龙石到 寨顶长约1公里的悬崖绝壁上,因离古道较高, 又加之野藤垂悬掩隐,荒草覆盖保护,因而深藏 山中近千年。经文物考古工作者攀崖扶碑考证, 《修道碑记》刻于南宋淳熙五年(公元1178 年),这是目前该县发现的最早石刻文字。绝壁 摩崖石刻上还有元大德二年(公元1298年),明 万历十九年(公元1591年)、崇祯元年(公元 1628年),清乾隆五十九年(公元1794年)、道  相似文献   

从乡规民约石刻看历史时期云南民间的环境意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林移刚  刘志伟 《地理研究》2012,31(8):1512-1522
基层民众的环境意识对环境变迁起着重大作用。云南乡规民约石刻中包含大量保护生态环境的条款,这些条款体现了人们对环境与审美、环境与风水的关系的理解以及对森林水源涵养、水土保持的朴素认识。根据目前收集到的具有环保条款的乡规民约石刻,结合相关文献进行分析,将云南民间环境意识发展分为萌芽期、发展期、高潮期、低谷期、恢复期、下降期等6个阶段。民间乡规民约石刻的在时间轴上的分布规律和民间环境意识的变化是同步的。清代以前,云南地区植被覆盖率较高,自然环境良好,人口密度较小,对自然的破坏程度较小,环境问题尚不足以引起人们的注意。清代以后,随着人口压力的加大,经济开发对植被的不断破坏以及战争对正常社会生产生活秩序的打乱,云南民间环境意识也就不断增强。从空间方面看,云南环保型乡规民约石刻分布广泛、相对集中,主要分布在经济开发历史最为悠久、人口最密集、工农业最发达、同时也是毁林开荒最严重的地区。  相似文献   

平山胜境冠淮东文/何勇在风景佳丽的扬州蜀岗中峰上,雄踞着一座庄严的古刹,这就是名扬海外的大明寺,寺门前的东西院墙上,分嵌由清书法家蒋衡和王澍书写的“淮东第一观”与“天下第五泉”两块石刻,其中所指,一为寺西侧驰名遐迩的平山堂,一为堂旁西园中醇厚甘美的山...  相似文献   

爱情传说之一:斗门牛郎织女石刻 长安区斗门石刻:牛郎织女传说诞生地 作为我国四大民间传说之一的“牛郎织女”故事,不仅在中国妇孺皆知。在韩国、朝鲜、日本等国也广泛传播,源远流长。  相似文献   

胡善美 《福建地理》2000,15(4):35-38
本文介绍福州西禅寺古荔枝树的栽培历史、古籍记载、优良品种及某与之有关的文化景观(如楹联石刻)、啖荔雅韵、名人轶事等,为较深层次发掘、培育旅游点提供借鉴。  相似文献   

大足石刻是重庆市大足县境内的唐末、宋初时期的宗教摩崖石刻。 大足石刻以佛教题材为主,规模宏大,刻艺精湛,内容丰富,尤以北山摩崖造像和宝顶山摩崖造像最为著名。在我国古代石窟艺术史上占有举足轻重的地位。  相似文献   

Upland swamps are a form of topogenous mire that occur on the plateau areas of eastern Australia. These systems are well recognized for their ecological value, but little is known about their internal hydrological function and how this relates to their geomorphic structure and evolution. In this study, the geomorphic, sedimentological, and hydrological properties of an intact upland swamp on the Budderoo Plateau NSW are investigated. The geomorphic structure of the swamp is simple, and the sedimentology comprises basal layers of coarse sands, overlain by several layers of organic accumulation up to 3.3?m in thickness. Each of these sedimentary units has different hydrological behaviors (rates of water throughflow and discharge) that drive the overall function of the swamp in response to rainfall of various magnitudes and duration. Four hydrological response types have been identified in the functioning of this swamp. These response types (RT) are characterized by different peaks and recession responses to rainfall. The form of the hydrograph produced is controlled by antecedent water table position and the amount, timing and duration of rainfall. Depending on antecedent moisture conditions, the swamp can operate either as a store for water or as a rapid conduit for water throughflow and overland flow.  相似文献   

为了解南极淡水生态系统的水化学特征,完成了拉斯曼丘陵地区13个湖泊和菲尔德斯半岛10个湖泊以及雪样的调查分析。西南极乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛和东南极拉斯曼丘陵的气候条件不同,前者属于极地海洋性气候、气温不很低、湿润、风小、夏季较长;后者属于极地大陆性气候、气温低,冬天严寒、干燥、风大,夏季较短。因此,两地区的湖泊地貌、成因、发育、水生生物种群结构以及水化学状态存在较明显的差异,虽然水化学类型均比较单一,但矿化度却相差甚大。本文还对两区饮水水源进行了评价。  相似文献   

With the urbanisation drive comes steady growth in urban water demand. Although in the past this new demand could often be met by tapping unclaimed water sources, this option is increasingly untenable in many regions where little if any unclaimed water remains. The result is that urban water capture, and the appropriation of associated physical and institutional infrastructure, now often implies conflict with other existing uses and users. While the urbanisation process has been studied in great depth, the processes and, critically, impacts of urban water capture and appropriation are not well researched or understood. This paper undertakes a critical examination of the specific case of Hyderabad, one of India's fastest growing cities, to shed light more generally on the process of water capture by cities and the resultant impacts on pre-existing claims, particularly agriculture. It does this by examining the history and institutional response to Hyderabad's urban–rural water contest; how the results of that contest are reflected in surface and groundwater hydrology; and the eventual impacts on agriculture. The findings show that the magnitude, and sometimes even direction, of impact from urban water transfer vary in space and time and depend on location-specific rainfall patterns, the nature of existing water infrastructure and institutions, and farmers' adaptive capacities and options, notably recourse to groundwater. Broader consideration of the specific findings provides insights into policy mechanisms to reduce the possible negative impacts from the global, and seemingly inexorable, flow of water to the world's growing cities.  相似文献   

The sustainability of ecosystem restoration of refuse dumps in open-pit coal mines depends on plant species selection, their configuration, and the optimal usage of water resources. This study is based on field experiments in the northern refuse dump of the Heidaigou open-pit coal mine in Inner Mongolia of China established in 1995. Eight plant configurations, including trees, shrubs, grasses, and their combinations, as well as the adjacent community of natural vegetation, were selected. The succession of the revegetated plants, soil water storage, the spatiotemporal distribution of plant water deficits degree and its compensation degree were also studied. Results indicated that the vegetation cover (shrubs and herbaceous cover), richness, abundance, soil nutrients (soil organic matter, N and P), and biological soil crust coverage on the soil surface are significantly influenced by the vegetation configurations. The average soil water storage values in the shrub+grass and grass communities throughout the growing season are 208.69 mm and 206.55 mm, which are the closest to that of in the natural vegetation community (215.87 mm). Plant water deficits degree in the grass and shrub+grass communities were the lowest, but the degrees of water deficit compensation in these configuration were larger than those of the other vegetation configurations. Differences in plant water deficit degree and water compensation among the different configurations were significant (P<0.05). Plant water deficit degrees were predominantly minimal on the surface, increased with increasing soil depth, and remained stable at 80 cm soil depth. The soil moisture compensation in the natural vegetation, shrub+grass, and grass communities changed at 10%, while that in other vegetation communities changed between 20% and 40%. Overall, we conclude that the shrub+grass and grass configuration modes are the optimal vegetation restoration models in terms of ecohydrology for future ecological engineering projects.  相似文献   

兰州秦王川灌区水资源配置分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
水资源是干旱区社会经济发展的重要支撑。通过对秦王川区内、区际科学、合理配置水资源措施和手段的分析,以达到使水资源流向合理、流量优化,最大发挥其价值的目的,从而为确保秦王川经济社会的可持续发展奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

沱江流域水文对全球气候变化的响应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文研究了全球气候变化对沱江流域水文的影响。根据流域水量平衡模型和未来气候情景对水量平衡各分量的可能变化进行了计算。结果表明;径流对气温变化不敏感,但对降水变化十分敏感;降水变化±10%将引起径流量±35%左右的变化;此外,径流年内分配亦发生了明显的变化。这将对沱江流域未来水资源计划与管理带来一定程度的影响。  相似文献   

甘肃秦王川灌区农业节水途径探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 甘肃秦王川灌区水资源紧缺,兰州新区城镇化建设加速水资源消耗趋势,使灌区水资源供需矛盾日渐突出,农业节水势在必行。根据中国西北干旱地区农业节水取得的成效和灌区农业生产节水试验,提出适宜于秦王川灌区农业节水的5条具体途径:①发展以地面灌溉为主的先进灌溉技术;②渠道衬砌;③农业节水技术与地膜覆盖栽培技术相结合;④推行膜下滴灌技术;⑤倡导节水文化,共建节水型社会。通过这些农业节水技术的实施,使秦王川灌区从简单的农业灌溉,转变为农业、城乡生活、生态、工业等多元用水格局,促进灌区经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

Sediment cores were collected for pore-water analysis from the eastern end of Devils Lake, located in northeastern North Dakota, to determine diagenetic reactions occurring in surficial bottom sediments and to evaluate the impact of these reactions on chemical concentrations in the overlying lake water. Sediment pore waters are enriched in major ions and nutrients relative to lake water. The principal sources of major ions to pore water are saline sediments located in the upper 1 m of bottom sediment. The principal source of titration alkalinity and nutrients to pore water is microbial decomposition of sedimentary organic matter by sulfate reduction. Sediment pore waters in the eastern part of Devils Lake have higher major-ion concentrations and solute-flux rates than the sediment pore waters in the central part of the lake. In contrast, sediment pore waters in the central part of Devils Lake have significantly higher nutrient concentrations and solute-flux rates. Major-ion concentrations and solute-flux rates in sediment pore water increase from west to east. These trends indicate that bottom-sediment diagenetic processes are, in part, responsible for the observed concentration gradient in the lake. The higher nutrient concentrations and the higher nutrient diffusional-flux rates in Main Bay are the result of more labile sedimentary organic matter and the occurrence of sulfate reduction. Environmentally-reactive trace-metal concentrations (Cu, Pb, Zn, and Fe) in bottom sediments decrease from west to east with distance from the surface-water sources and with increasing surface-water salinity.  相似文献   

博斯腾湖的水盐平衡与矿化度   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
博斯腾湖曾是中国内陆区最大的淡水湖,因人类活动影响约在1968年演变为微咸水湖。本文依据湖泊水平衡太矿化度基本原理,结合博斯滕湖实际,分析计算了该湖各个时期的水盐平衡与矿化度;经推地整理,提出了预测矿化度的计算式,经检验与实测值基本吻合。  相似文献   

A two meter sediment core taken from an inter-dune pond in Whitefish Dunes State Park, Door Peninsula, Wisconsin, provides a record of paleoenvironmental changes in the area from approximately 3600 RCYBP to 5100 RCYBP. The hydrology of the Whitefish Dunes pond is now apparently dependent on ground water recharge from local precipitation that infiltrates into the dunes and from Clark Lane, making it very sensitive to low magnitude, short term climate fluctuations.Changes in lithology, molluscan species diversity, oxygen isotopes from gastropod shells, and sediment organic content permit division of the core into several intervals representing different environmental regimes. The basal sediments are older than 5130 RCYBP and resemble those of the Liberty Grove Member of the Pleistocene Horicon Formation. The oldest Holocene sediments recorded in the core are an organic rich layer dated at 5130 RCYBP, which accumulated in a depression on the surface of a sand bar. Continued rise in the local water table during the Nipissing Transgression produced paludal conditions in the area, which were followed by the onset of lacustrine conditions. During this interval, the area supported a diverse molluscan fauna. Minor, short term climate fluctuations are reflected in sediment and oxygen isotope changes which are absent from the record in deep water cores from Lake Michigan. This phase in the history of the area ended with the eutrophication of the pond and the development of dunes. Information from Whitefish Dunes pond and other onshore sites within the Lake Michigan basin are an important source of data for reconstructing the history of water levels and climate changes for this area of the Great Lakes drainage.  相似文献   

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