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堰塞坝是由于崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等形成的天然坝体,不同于人工土石坝,堰塞坝坝体结构松散,颗粒级配不均匀,在较高水头作用下坝体可能发生渗透破坏而导致溃坝,严重威胁下游人民群众的生命及财产安全。由于堰塞坝存在较大粒径颗粒,常规的渗透试验装置难以满足要求,本文研制了直径为60cm的大直径渗透试验仪,进行了不同堰塞坝级配材料的渗透破坏试验,并探讨了堰塞坝体材料渗透特性的主要影响因素。研究发现:(1)堰塞坝材料的渗透破坏形式取决于材料级配,粗颗粒含量较多时为管涌破坏,细颗粒含量较多或粒径缺失时为流土破坏;(2)堰塞坝渗透系数随干密度的增大而减小,主要取决于细料填充粗料孔隙的程度,单独使用不均匀系数或曲率系数不适用于评价渗透系数的变化;(3)基于试验数据提出了用于堰塞坝渗流破坏形式的判别公式,并推导出堰塞坝管涌破坏的临界水力坡降计算公式。  相似文献   

滑坡堰塞坝是大型滑坡堆积体堵塞河道形成的土石坝。正、反粒序结构作为大型远程滑坡所特有的2种具有显著差异的地质结构特征,2种情况下坝体的破坏模式差异及稳定性影响因素亟需试验研究。文章通过室内水槽物理模型实验,对比不同粒径、不同结构的滑坡堰塞坝坝体的破坏过程差异,探究了正、反粒序结构条件下堰塞坝的稳定性差异、破坏模式及影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)堰塞坝破坏模式的变化取决于浸润线在下游坡面的出露位置,相比上游水位有一定的延迟性;(2)正、反粒序堰塞坝的破坏模式取决于坡体渗流与下游坡面临界起动坡降的关系;(3)细砂层的位置分布,不同埋深细砂层的起动临界坡降差异和细砂与中粗砂的孔隙率差异是造成正、反粒序坝体破坏差异的主要原因。该研究成果可为大型滑坡堰塞坝的防灾减灾提供理论指导。  相似文献   

堰塞坝溃坝模型实验研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
堰塞坝是天然形成的坝体,结构比较松散、稳定性差、渗透作用强,发生溃决危险性大、概率高、突发性强,而且破坏可能性高及产生的洪水威胁人们的生命和财产安全,因此需要系统、全面的研究。作者从单坝溃坝、级联溃坝及堰塞坝处置的溃坝试验进行详细的回顾,总结及分析了国内外学者在堰塞坝溃坝模型实验取得的成果及局限性,进一步分析了单坝溃决的颗粒级配、密实度、含水率、沟床坡度等因素,最后讨论了溃坝因素与溃决模式、溃决特征、溃决流量、溃口演化的关系。基于模型实验相似理论及模型比尺、实验测试手段、堰塞坝处置三个方面,提出了今后的研究重点。  相似文献   

山区特大地震往往导致大量堰塞湖,例如2008年汶川地震形成了至少257个堰塞湖,并且主震后发生了大量余震,这些余震可能会影响堰塞坝体的安全状态。通过大型振动台模型试验,研究了余震及库水耦合作用下堰塞坝体的破坏及溃决机理和过程。共进行了两组不同材料的振动台模型试验,分别模拟含黏粒较多且颗粒较小(坝体Ⅰ)和基本不含黏粒且颗粒较大(坝体Ⅱ)的两种坝体。在不同水位条件下进行振动台试验。研究成果表明:(1)地震和库水耦合作用下堰塞坝体的主要溃决方式是漫顶溢流,主要溃决过程为地震力使松散的堰塞坝体发生沉陷,库水渗入使沉陷加剧,最终水位上升漫过坝顶发生溢流冲蚀破坏。(2)地震一般不会直接引起堰塞坝体的破坏。地震力对坝体稳定性的主要影响是使坝体发生沉陷变形。在地震和库水耦合作用下,坝体沉陷比单一因素作用下更为剧烈,因此地震作用会使漫顶溢流提前发生。(3)地震和库水耦合作用下坝体Ⅰ沉陷量大于坝体Ⅱ,说明现实中由大粒径岩土体组成的堰塞坝体具有更好的稳定性。  相似文献   

余震作用下堰塞坝体破坏及溃决过程大型振动台试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山区特大地震往往导致大量堰塞湖,例如2008年汶川地震形成了至少257个堰塞湖,并且主震后发生了大量余震,这些余震可能会影响堰塞坝体的安全状态。通过大型振动台模型试验,研究了余震及库水耦合作用下堰塞坝体的破坏及溃决机理和过程。共进行了两组不同材料的振动台模型试验,分别模拟含黏粒较多且颗粒较小(坝体Ⅰ)和基本不含黏粒且颗粒较大(坝体Ⅱ)的两种坝体。在不同水位条件下进行振动台试验。研究成果表明:(1)地震和库水耦合作用下堰塞坝体的主要溃决方式是漫顶溢流,主要溃决过程为地震力使松散的堰塞坝体发生沉陷,库水渗入使沉陷加剧,最终水位上升漫过坝顶发生溢流冲蚀破坏。(2)地震一般不会直接引起堰塞坝体的破坏。地震力对坝体稳定性的主要影响是使坝体发生沉陷变形。在地震和库水耦合作用下,坝体沉陷比单一因素作用下更为剧烈,因此地震作用会使漫顶溢流提前发生。(3)地震和库水耦合作用下坝体Ⅰ沉陷量大于坝体Ⅱ,说明现实中由大粒径岩土体组成的堰塞坝体具有更好的稳定性。  相似文献   

易贡滑坡堰塞湖溃坝洪水分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滑坡堰塞坝体主要由块石、碎石土等松散材料组成,随着上游水位的不断上升,极易失稳,一旦决口将对给下游人民的生命财产安全造成极大的威胁。因此,研究堰塞坝溃坝问题具有重要的学术意义和应用价值。2000 年 4 月 9 日,西藏林芝地区波密县易贡藏布河扎木弄沟发生大规模山体滑坡堵塞易贡藏布江,形成坝高60m,长约2500m,库容可达288108m3,体积约28108~30108m3的滑坡堰塞湖, 2000年6月10日堰塞坝溃决。本文以易贡堰塞湖溃坝为例,从连续性方程及Navier Stokes方程出发,结合标准型湍流模型,并采用VOF方法进行自由面处理,基于流体计算软件Fluent模拟分析了溃坝洪水在下游弯曲河道的演进过程及不同位置的流速变化。数值模拟结果与实测资料记录基本一致,表明该模型能够模拟溃坝洪水在地形复杂弯曲河道中的演进过程。  相似文献   

为研究易贡滑坡-堰塞坝溃坝链生灾害的动力学特征,基于遥感影像数据建立三维数值模型,运用DAN3D和FLOW3D对易贡滑坡-碎屑流-堰塞坝溃坝全过程进行模拟研究。运用DAN3D模拟滑坡-碎屑流过程,得到滑坡碎屑堆积分布特征及速度变化规律,滑坡持续时间300 s,平均速度35 m/s。基于DAN3D获得的滑坡碎屑堆积分布建立等比例堰塞坝模型,运用FLOW3D模拟溃坝后洪水演进过程,得到洪水演进过程水流特征变化规律,通麦大桥处洪峰流量130 000 m3/s与实测值接近。对易贡滑坡灾害链全过程的模拟和动态特征分析可为高山峡谷区类似的滑坡-堰塞坝溃坝链生灾害风险评价提供参考。  相似文献   

深切峡谷河道滑坡灾害影响的水动力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以虎跳峡滑石板边坡拉裂区失稳可能形成的滑坡为研究对象,依据滑石板边坡稳定性分析结果预测滑坡规模,在分析深切峡谷天然河道滑坡灾害特点的基础上,从滑坡涌浪、堰塞体上游壅水过程、堰塞溃坝水流挟带块石粒径等方面,对滑石板滑坡可能造成的两家人水电站各厂址区域危害进行分析预测,得出的结论可作为两家人工程厂址选择可行性论证的决策依据。提出了基于Delft3D软件水动力学数值模拟的滑坡堰塞体上游水位壅高过程仿真分析方法,以及应用水利水电工程立堵截流抛石粒径计算理论进行堰塞体溃坝水流挟带最大块石粒径估算的方法,为深切峡谷天然河道滑坡灾害防治措施和滑坡后果影响的综合分析提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,频发的地质构造活动和极端气候灾害诱发了大量堰塞坝,严重威胁上下游群众的生命财产安全。开挖泄流槽是最常用降低堰塞坝溃决风险的措施,由于时间非常急迫、交通极度瘫痪,其开挖量非常有限,因此如何利用有限的开挖量将溃坝风险降低至最小是亟待解决的问题。本文基于水土耦合冲刷机理,提出了考虑不同泄流槽方案的堰塞坝溃决机理分析方法,并应用于唐家山堰塞坝。该方法根据水力学参数和坝体抗冲刷性参数动态计算瞬时坝体冲刷率,进而分析泄流槽对溃决全过程的影响,从而自动获取最优的泄流槽设计方案。将此方法应用于唐家山堰塞坝案例发现:唐家山堰塞坝泄流槽最优设计时溃坝洪峰流量为1700m3·s-1,小于实际峰值流量6500m3·s-1,主要是因为增大泄流槽的纵坡率,显著增强溃坝前的冲刷并形成双洪峰,从而有效降低了溃决峰值流量。由于复合槽相对较小的水力半径限制了溃坝前的冲刷,使得临溃时水位较高,因此溃坝峰值流量比单槽大,溃坝风险降低效果不如单槽。  相似文献   

滑坡堰塞坝是由斜坡失稳堵塞河道而形成的天然坝体,且易溃坝诱发洪水,对沿岸群众生命财产构成巨大的威胁。为提升主动减灾防灾能力,急需构建了一种快速预测与判断滑坡堵江成坝能力的方法。通过文献资料查阅,结合遥感技术,提取了70处典型滑坡的地貌特征参数,其中50处为堵江成坝滑坡。运用K-S检验和M-W U检验方法分析了滑坡地貌特征因子的敏感性,利用Boruta算法确定了因子重要度,筛选了滑坡体积、面积、高差、长度及河宽共5个地貌特征参数。基于此,利用Bayes判别法与逻辑回归方法,分别建立了滑坡堰塞坝形成的预测模型,准确率超过90%。选取高重要度且差异显著的因子,利用比值法建立了滑坡堵江成坝阈值判据,实现了滑坡堰塞坝形成的快速判定。统计不同诱因下滑坡地貌特征,对比V-W_r经验公式,确定了滑坡堰塞坝形成与诱因间的关系,为进一步构建不同诱因下滑坡堰塞坝形成预测模型提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

Landslide dam failure can trigger catastrophic flooding in the downstream. However, field observation of such flooding is rarely available, while laboratory experimental studies are sparse. The mechanism of landslide dam failure and the flood has so far remained insufficiently understood. Here, we present an experimental investigation of landslide dam failure and the flood. A total of 28 runs of experiments are carried out in a flume of 80 m × 1.2 m × 0.8 m, with differing inflow discharge, dam composition, dam geometry, and initial breach dimension. An array of twelve automatic water-level probes is deployed to measure the stage hydrographs along the flume, and the video recording of the dam failure processes facilitates an estimation of the widening of initial breach. Under the present experimental conditions with dams composed of homogeneous materials, landslide dam failure is primarily caused by erosion of overtopping flow, and lateral mass collapse is also considerable during the cause of breach widening. Cohesive clay may act to mitigate the seepage through the dam and thus its subsidence and appreciably modulate the dam failure process and the flood. However, the impacts of clay may be readily overwhelmed by a large inflow discharge and initial breach. Gravels in the dam may appreciably depress the rate of the dam failure process and thus modify the flood. The present work provides new experimental data set for testing mathematical models of the flood flow due to landslide dam failure.  相似文献   

Inundation caused by landslide dams may occur in the upstream and downstream of the dams. A proper flooding hazard assessment is required for reaction planning and decision-making to mitigate possible flooding hazards caused by landslide dams. Both quick and detailed procedures can be used to evaluate inundation hazards, depending on the available time and information. This paper presents a systematic approach for the assessment of inundation hazards and risks caused by landslide dam formation and breaches. The approach includes the evaluation of dam-breach probability, assessment of upstream inundation hazard, assessment of downstream inundation hazard, and the classification of flooding risk. The proposed assessment of upstream inundation estimates the potential region of inundation and predicts the overtopping time. The risk level of downstream flooding is evaluated using a joint consideration of the breach probability of a landslide dam and the level of flooding hazard, which is classified using a flooding hazard index that indicates the risk of potential inundation. This paper proposes both quick and detailed procedures for the assessments of inundation in both the upstream and downstream of a landslide dam. An example of a landslide dam case study in southern Taiwan was used to demonstrate the applicability of the systematic approach.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of landslide dam breaching due to overtopping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The breach of landslide dam often causes significant disaster in the inundated area; the prediction of breach hydrograph is in high demand for the dam breach risk evaluation. In this study, according to the model tests and Tangjiashan landslide dam breach case, the surface erosion accompanied by intermittent mass failure is known as the key breaching mechanism for landslide dam due to overtopping failure. The downstream slope angle would gradually decrease during the dam-breaching process, whereas a planar wedge failure occurs when the breach slopes at the dam crest and downstream breach channel fail. Based on the breach mechanism, a numerical model for landslide dam breach due to overtopping is developed to simulate the coupling process of water and soil. The model focuses on the breach morphology evolution during the breaching for the sake of the improvement of breach hydrograph prediction. Furthermore, the model can handle one- and two-sided breach, as well as incomplete and base erosion at the vertical direction. The case study of Tangjiashan landslide dam-breaching feedback analysis testifies the rationality of the present model with the relative errors less than 10% for peak discharge, final breach widths, and time to peak. The sensitivity analysis indicates that the final breach depth and soil erodibility affect the breach flow prediction of the landslide dam significantly, whereas the one- or two-sided breach mode is less sensitive.  相似文献   

The standard procedure in Quebec, Canada, for evaluating the failure of an embankment dam, per the Loi sur la sécurité des barrages, specifies a 30-min-long failure scenario with a breach width equal to four times the maximal height of the dam. We demonstrate a new method for evaluating the flood overtopping failure scenario for embankment dams with concrete upstream slope protection, using Toulnustouc dam for example computations. Our new methodology computes safety factors for a range of potential failure mechanisms taking into account geotechnical, hydraulic, and structural factors. We compile the results of our investigations of the various dam failure mechanisms and compare the corresponding dam failure hydrographs to the current hydrograph specified in the standard analysis procedures. Our investigations tend to invalidate the current standard procedures for evaluating the failure of rock-fill dams with concrete upstream faces, by indicating that the current standard procedures underestimate the peak failure discharge and overestimate the time to the peak discharge.  相似文献   

Shan  Yibo  Chen  Shengshui  Zhong  Qiming  Mei  Shengyao  Yang  Meng 《Landslides》2022,19(6):1491-1518

The existing empirical models do not consider the influence of material composition of landslide deposits on the peak breach flow due to the uncertainty in the material composition and the randomness of its distribution. In this study, based on the statistical analyses and case comparison, the factors influencing the peak breach flow were comprehensively investigated. The highlight is the material composition-based classification of landslide deposits of 86 landslide cases with detailed grain-size distribution information. In order to consider the geometric morphology of landslide dams and the potential energy of dammed lakes, as well as the material composition of landslide deposits in an empirical model, a multiple regression method was applied on a database, which comprises of 44 documented landslide dam breach cases. A new empirical model for predicting the peak breach flow of landslide dams was developed. Furthermore, for the same 44 documented landslide dam failures, the predicted peak breach flow obtained by using the existing empirical models for embankment and landslide dams and that obtained by using the newly developed model were compared. The comparison of the root mean square error (Erms) and the multiple coefficient of determination (R2) for each empirical model verifies the accuracy and rationality of the new empirical model. Furthermore, for fair validation, several landslide dam breach cases that occurred in recent years in China and have reliable measured data were also used in another comparison. The results show that the new empirical model can reasonably predict the peak breach flow, and exhibits the best performance among all the existing empirical models for embankment and landslide dam breaching.


终碛坝广泛分布于世界各地的高山和极高山区。为了探究终碛坝的溃决过程,了解溃口的演变特征,文章以嘉龙错终碛坝的原位实验,模拟了终碛湖漫顶溃决过程。通过分析实验结果发现:(1)根据观察,将终碛坝溃决过程划分为坝体下游坡面冲刷、“溯源侵蚀”、出水口下切和溃口拓宽四个阶段。(2)上游湖区崩塌体激发的涌浪会造成溃口内的瞬时流量增加数倍,从而使得在有涌浪和无涌浪的条件下,“溯源侵蚀”过程出现陡坎和斜坡两种下切型。(3)通过分析溃口下切侵蚀过程,发现溃口的下切侵蚀发展过程主要受到坝体孔隙比和细粒含量的影响,并且溃口中点侵蚀率与水流剪应力存在一定的线性关系,符合线性侵蚀模型。通过分析发现,嘉龙错终碛坝的侵蚀系数为0.051,临界启动应力为237.64 Pa。与堰塞坝相比,可侵蚀系数比更小,而临界启动应力更大。  相似文献   

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