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张健 《地质科学》2014,(3):739-753
太阳系内类地行星具有相似的岩石层包围金属核的圈层结构,在行星幔的热演化历史起源方面具有同时性和同源性,并且都在早期变形重力位能加热的基础上随放射性热能衰减而冷却。但是,由于半径、密度、粘度以及表层构造属性等物理条件的差异,其热演化历史各具特色。依据基本的热对流和热传导方程,我们计算分析了类地行星热物理条件差异对行星幔热演化历史的影响。计算表明,类地行星热演化的早期,行星幔热对流是主要的散热方式。半径较大的行星表面热流密度大,平均散热量也大。半径较小的行星内部温差小,粘滞系数高,对流能力低,提早进入传导散热状态,且传导散热的岩石层也比大行星厚。不同边界层热物理条件下,类地行星幔热演化历史会分别出现逐渐冷却的平稳式、包含热柱上涌的波动式、行星幔幕次翻转的周期式等特点不同的热演化过程。火星内部曾经存在的地幔热柱构造与火星地幔热动力学演化过程密切相关。我们从火星地幔热动力学演化模型出发,定量计算与地幔热柱构造演化相关的地幔热动力学演化特征,通过三维球壳数值模拟,研究了火星地幔热演化历史上可能存在的热柱活动造成的火星热演化历史的非单调变化,火星地幔对流环结构随时间的演变方式,以及与边界相关的地幔热柱对火星地形的影响。  相似文献   

月球的化学演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
月球是一个发生了化学分异的星球,它由月壳、月幔±一个小的金属月核组成。大量观察事实显示月球曾经有过岩浆洋,岩浆洋的结晶分异主导了月球的化学演化。目前主流观点认为,月球是在太阳系演化的早期,至少45亿年前,一个火星大小的星球,与即将完成原始吸积的地球胚胎发生偏心撞击,造成地球的熔融,形成岩浆洋,飞溅出来的物质迅速吸积形成绕地球运动的月球,并且在月球上形成了全球规模的岩浆洋,进而发生了结晶分异。,由于月球上没有海洋和板块俯冲,岩浆洋分异是其化学演化的主要途径。月球岩浆洋的80%~85%在大撞击后的100Ma内已经固化,这可能是由于月球体积小、表面没有大气包裹所致。月球极贫水,因此在岩浆结晶过程中斜长石首先结晶。斜长石由于密度小于玄武质岩浆而漂浮在岩浆洋的表层,橄榄石等密度大的矿物则堆积在岩浆洋的底部。随着结晶分异的进行,残余岩浆不断富集不相容元素,包括K、U等放射性元素;与此同时,密度较大的钛铁矿开始结晶,造成高钛堆晶岩密度大于其下的橄榄石堆晶岩的不稳定结构,进而发生月幔翻转,引发一系列岩浆活动,进而形成月球上特有的镁质系列、碱质系列等岩石。由于月球氧逸度较低,Eu主要以+2价形式存在,因此斜长石高度富集Eu,相应地除高地斜长岩外,其他岩石均表现为Eu高度亏损的特点。与此同时,Re在低氧逸度下表现为强亲铁元素的特点,Re/Os在月球岩浆过程中不发生分异。月球的体积远小于地球,因而其演化时间远远短于地球,很多原始的分异被完整地保留下来。因此月球的化学演化是类地行星早期演化过程的“化石”,尽管与现代的地球存在较大差异,但是对于认识地球早期演化具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Mantle convection is the method of heat elimination for silicate mantles in terrestrial bodies, provided they are not too small or too hot. Bodies that are small (~Moon or smaller, possibly even Mercury) may rely largely on conduction or melt migration, and bodies that are very hot (Io, very early Earth) may use massive melt migration (magma oceans) and heat pipes. In the standard, simple picture, we can use scaling laws to determine the secular cooling of a planet, likelihood and form of volcanism, and the possibility of a core dynamo. Contrary to popular belief, small planets do not cool faster than larger planets (provided they convect) but they do tend to have a slightly lower internal temperature at all times and thus may cease to be volcanically active at an earlier epoch. On the other hand, a larger volume fraction of a small planet may be involved in melt generation. However, our understanding of heat transfer by mantle convection is limited by three very important, largely unsolved problems: The complexities of rheology, the effects of compositional gradients, and the effects of phase transitions, especially melting. The most striking manifestation of the role of rheology lies in the difference between a mobile lid mode (plate tectonics for Earth) and a stagnant lid mode (other large terrestrial bodies). This difference may arise because of the role of water, but perhaps also because of melting, or size (gravity), or the vagaries of history. It has profound effects for the differences in history of Earth, Venus and Mars, including their surface geology, volatile reservoirs and magnetic fields. Since thermal convection is driven by small density differences, it can also be greatly altered or limited by compositional or phase effects. Melt migration introduces additional complications to the heat transport as well as being a source for the irreversible differentiation that might promote layering. Our limited understanding and ability to model these processes continues to limit the development of a predictive framework for the differences among the terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

The Moon has an anorthositic primordial continental crust. Recently anorthosite has also been discovered on the Martian surface. Although the occurrence of anorthosite is observed to be very limited in Earth's extant geological record,both lunar and Martian surface geology suggest that anorthosite may have comprised a primordial continent on the early Earth during the first 600 million years after its formation. We hypothesized that differences in the presence of an anorthositic continent on an Earthlike planet are due to planetary size. Earth likely lost its primordial anorthositic continent by tectonic erosion through subduction associated with a kind of proto-plate tectonics(PPT). In contrast, Mars and the Moon, as much smaller planetary bodies, did not lose much of their anorthositic continental crust because mantle convection had weakened and/or largely stopped, and with time, they had appropriately cooled down. Applying this same reasoning to a super-Earth exoplanet suggests that, while a primordial anorthositic continent may briefly form on its surface, such a continent will be likely transported into the deep mantle due to intense mantle convection immediately following its formation. The presence of a primordial continent on an Earth-like planet seems to be essential to whether the planet will be habitable to Earth-like life. The key role of the primordial continent is to provide the necessary and sufficient nutrients for the emergence and evolution of life. With the appearance of a "trinity" consisting of(1) an atmosphere,(2) an ocean, and(3) the primordial continental landmass, material circulation can be maintained to enable a "Habitable Trinity" environment that will permit the emergence of Earth-like life. Thus, with little likelihood of a persistent primordial continent, a super-Earth affords very little chance for Earth-like life to emerge.  相似文献   

Venus is similar to the Earth in size, mass, composition and distance to the sun. However, Venus has neither plate tectonics nor dynamo that exists on the Earth. The lithosphere of Venus is very thick based on its topography and gravity. The admittance and correlation between Venusian geoid and topography are very high, suggesting that they are strongly influenced by the internal dynamical process of Venus. Analyses show that there may be 10 Hawaii-like mantle plumes in Venusian mantle. Data from Venus Express has shown evidence for recent active volcanism among several of these plumes. The distribution of impact craters on Venus shows that Venusian surface has a young age and the age is averaged about 500 Ma, suggesting that Venus may have experienced a global resurfacing event. However, whether this resurfacing is catastrophic or equilibrium is still under debate. It is also unclear whether Venus had plate tectonics in the past, is it always in stagnant lid regime, or might it have an entirely different mode?In general, the style of mantle convection on Venus is quite different from that of the Earth which is manifested by the plate tectonics. Here we reviewed the main observations including gravity, topography and surface tectonics which provide constrains on the interior structure and dynamics of Venus, and recent advance in the interior structure and dynamics of Venus. This review aims to provide new insights into the interior dynamics of Venus.  相似文献   

Apatite preserves a record of the halogen and water fugacities that existed during the waning stages of crystallization of planetary magmas, when they became saturated in phosphates. We develop a thermodynamic formalism based on apatite-merrillite equilibria that makes it possible to compare the relative values of halogen and water fugacities in Martian, lunar and terrestrial basalts, accounting for possible differences in pressure, temperature and oxygen fugacities among the planets. We show that each of these planetary bodies has distinctive ratios among volatile fugacities at apatite saturation and that these fugacities are in some cases related in a consistent way to volatile fugacities in the mantle magma sources. Our analysis shows that the Martian mantle parental to basaltic SNC meteorites was dry and poor in both fluorine and chlorine compared to the terrestrial mantle. The limited data available from Mars show no secular variation in mantle halogen and water fugacities from ∼4 Ga to ∼180 Ma. The water and halogens found in present-day Martian surface rocks have thus resided in the planet’s surficial systems since at least 4 Ga, and may have been degassed from the planet’s interior during a primordial crust-forming event. In comparison to the Earth and Mars, the Moon, and possibly the eucrite parent body too, appear to be strongly depleted not only in H2O but also in Cl2 relative to H2O. Chlorine depletion is strongest in mare basalts, perhaps reflecting an eruptive process characteristic of large-scale lunar magmatism.  相似文献   

The magma ocean concept was first conceived to explain the geology of the Moon, but hemispherical or global oceans of silicate melt could be a widespread “lava world” phase of rocky planet accretion, and could persist on planets on short-period orbits around other stars. The formation and crystallization of magma oceans could be a defining stage in the assembly of a core, origin of a crust, initiation of tectonics, and formation of an atmosphere. The last decade has seen significant advances in our understanding of this phenomenon through analysis of terrestrial and extraterrestrial samples, planetary missions, and astronomical observations of exoplanets. This review describes the energetic basis of magma oceans and lava worlds and the lava lake analogs available for study on Earth and Io. It provides an overview of evidence for magma oceans throughout the Solar System and considers the factors that control the rocks these magma oceans leave behind. It describes research on theoretical and observed exoplanets that could host extant magma oceans and summarizes efforts to detect and characterize them. It reviews modeling of the evolution of magma oceans as a result of crystallization and evaporation, the interaction with the underlying solid mantle, and the effects of planetary rotation. The review also considers theoretical investigations on the formation of an atmosphere in concert with the magma ocean and in response to irradiation from the host star, and possible end-states. Finally, it describes needs and gaps in our knowledge and points to future opportunities with new planetary missions and space telescopes to identify and better characterize lava worlds around nearby stars.  相似文献   

根据行星探测的资料,综合分析了水星、金星、地球(包括月球)、火星的大气层和水体的发育特征,对比了金星、火星的大气层与水体同地球的差异。类地行星质量小、体积小、密度大、旋转慢、卫星少甚至没有、挥发性元素较类木行星少、距离太阳较近,早期残留的原始大气层已经被早期太阳在金牛变星阶段的强烈太阳风所驱赶,加上巨大而频繁的撞击作用,使原始大气层被驱赶殆尽。现在的大气层是次生的,是由行星内部的去气作用形成的。类地行星的大气层、水体的发育和表生作用的特征与行星的质量大小(表征行星内部能量的大小和构造活动的强烈及持续时间)及行星与太阳的距离等因素有关。在类地行星中,地球和金星质量最大,逃逸速度最大,可将更多的气体“束缚”在它们表面,因此它们的大气有着复杂的组成和较大的密度。火星质量较小,逃逸速度不到地球的一半,在漫长的演化历史中,大气逐渐逸散进入太空,大气密度变得很稀薄。水星质量更小,而且最靠近太阳,不仅太阳风的驱赶作用强烈,而且表面温度高,气体分子的热运动更加剧烈,加剧了大气的逸散,所以水星的大气层极为稀薄,并且主要为太阳风成分。月球质量最小,几乎没有大气层,更没有水体的发育。行星的热演化历史对大气层和水体发育具有重要的制  相似文献   

As we continue searching for exoplanets,we wonder if life and technological species capable of communicating with us exists on any of them.As geoscientists,we can also wonder how important is the presence or absence of plate tectonics for the evolution of technological species.This essay considers this question,focusing on tectonically active rocky(silicate) planets,like Earth,Venus,and Mars.The development of technological species on Earth provides key insights for understanding evolution on exoplanets,including the likely role that plate tectonics may play.An Earth-sized silicate planet is likely to experience several tectonic styles over its lifetime,as it cools and its lithosphere thickens,strengthens,and becomes denser.These include magma ocean,various styles of stagnant lid,and perhaps plate tectonics.Abundant liquid water favors both life and plate tectonics.Ocean is required for early evolution of diverse single-celled organisms,then colonies of cells which specialized further to form guts,appendages,and sensory organisms up to the complexity of fish(central nervous system,appendages,eyes).Large expanses of dry land also begin in the ocean,today produced above subduction zones in juvenile arcs and by their coalescence to form continents,although it is not clear that plate tectonics was required to create continental crust on Earth.Dry land of continents is required for further evolution of technological species,where modification of appendages for grasping and manipulating,and improvement of eyes and central nervous system could be perfected.These bioassets allowed intelligent creatures to examine the night sky and wonder,the beginning of abstract thinking,including religion and science.Technology arises from the exigencies of daily living such as tool-making,agriculture,clothing,and weapons,but the pace of innovation accelerates once it is allied with science.Finally,the importance of plate tectonics for developing a technological species is examined via a thought experiment using two otherwise identical planets:one with plate tectonics and the other without.A planet with oceans,continents,and plate tectonics maximizes opportunities for speciation and natural selection,whereas a similar planet without plate tectonics provides fewer such opportunities.Plate tectonics exerts environmental pressures that drive evolution without being capable of extinguishing all life.Plate tectonic processes such as the redistribution of continents,growth of mountain ranges,formation of land bridges,and opening and closing of oceans provide a continuous but moderate environmental pressure that stimulates populations to adapt and evolve.Plate tectonics may not be needed in order for life to begin,but evolution of technological species is favored on planets with oceans,continents,plate tectonics,and intermittently clear night sky.  相似文献   

The evolution of terrestrial planets (the Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Moon) was proved to have proceeded according to similar scenarios. The primordial crusts of the Earth, Moon, and, perhaps, other terrestrial planets started to develop during the solidification of their global magmatic “oceans”, a process that propagated from below upward due to the difference in the adiabatic gradient and the melting point gradient. Consequently, the lowest melting components were “forced” toward the surfaces of the planets in the process of crystallization differentiation. These primordial crusts are preserved within ancient continents and have largely predetermined their inner structure and composition. Early tectono-magmatic activity at terrestrial planets was related to the ascent of mantle plumes of the first generation, which consisted of mantle material depleted during the development of the primordial crusts. Intermediate evolutionary stages of the Earth, Moon, and other terrestrial planets were marked by an irreversible change related to the origin of the liquid essentially iron cores of these planets. This process induced the ascent of mantle superplumes of the second generation (thermochemical), whose material was enriched in Fe, Ti, incompatible elements, and fluid components. The heads of these superplumes spread laterally at shallower depths and triggered significant transformations of the upper shells of the planets and the gradual replacement of their primordial crusts of continental type by secondary basaltic crusts. The change in the character of the tectono-magmatic activity was associated with modifications in the environment at the surface of the Earth, Mars, and Venus. The origin of thermochemical mantle plumes testifies that the tectono-magmatic process involved then material of principally different type, which had been previously “conserved” at deep portions of the planets. This was possible only if (1) the planetary bodies initially had a heterogeneous inner structure (with an iron core and silicate mantle made up of chondritic material); and (2) the planetary bodies were heated from their peripheral toward central portions due to the passage of a “thermal wave”, with the simultaneous cooling of the outer shells. The examples of the Earth and Moon demonstrate that the passage of such a “wave” through the silicate mantles of the planets was associated with the generation of mantle plumes of the first generation. When the “wave” reached the cores, whose composition was close to the low-temperature Fe + FeS eutectic, these cores started to melt and gave rise to superplumes of the second generation. The “waves” are thought to have been induced by the acceleration of the rotation of these newly formed planets due to the decrease of their radii because of the compaction of their material. When this process was completed, the rotation of the planets stabilized, and the planets entered their second evolutionary stage. It is demonstrated that terrestrial planets are spontaneously evolving systems, whose evolution was accompanied by the irreversible changes in their tectono-magmatic processes. The evolution of most of these planets (except the Earth) is now completed, so that they “dead” planetary bodies.  相似文献   

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.07.005   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Hadean history of Earth is shrouded in mystery and it is considered that the planet was born dry with no water or atmosphere. The Earth-Moon system had many features in common during the birth stage. Solidification of the dry magma ocean at 4.53 Ga generated primordial continents with komatiite. We speculate that the upper crust was composed of fractionated gabbros and the middle felsic crust by anorthosite at ca. 21 km depth boundary, underlain by meta-anorthosite (grossular + kyanite + quartz) down to 50–60 km in depth. The thickness of the mafic KREEP basalt in the lower crust, separating it from the underlying upper mantle is not well-constrained and might have been up to ca. 100–200 km depending on the degree of fractionation and gravitational stability versus surrounding mantle density. The primordial continents must have been composed of the final residue of dry magma ocean and enriched in several critical elements including Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, P, K, and Cl which were exposed on the surface of the dry Earth. Around 190 million years after the solidification of the magma ocean, “ABEL bombardment” delivered volatiles including H2O, CO2, N2 as well as silicate components through the addition of icy asteroids. This event continued for 200 Myr with subordinate bombardments until 3.9 Ga, preparing the Earth for the prebiotic chemical evolution and as the cradle of first life. Due to vigorous convection arising from high mantle potential temperatures, the primordial continents disintegrated and were dragged down to the deep mantle, marking the onset of Hadean plate tectonics.  相似文献   

Our blue planet Earth has long been regarded to carry full of nutrients for hosting life since the birth of the planet.Here we speculate the processes that led to the birth of early life on Earth and its aftermath, finally leading to the evolution of metazoans.We evaluate:(1) the source of nutrients,(2) the chemistry of primordial ocean,(3) the initial mass of ocean,and(4) the size of planet.Among the life-building nutrients,phosphorus and potassium play a key role.Only three types of rocks can serve as an adequate source of nutrients:(a) continent-forming TTG(granite),enabling the evolution of primitive life to metazoans;(b) primordial continents carrying anorthosite with KREEP(Potassium,Rare Earth Elements, and Phosphorus) basalts,which is a key to bear life;(c) carbonatite magma,enriched in radiogenic elements such as U and Th,which can cause mutation to speed up evolution and promote the birth of new species in continental rift settings.The second important factor is ocean chemistry.The primordial ocean was extremely acidic(pH = 1-2) and enriched in halogens(CI,F and others),S,N and metallic elements(Cd,Cu,Zn,and others),inhibiting the birth of life.Plate tectonics cleaned up these elements which interfered with RNA.Blue ocean finally appeared in the Phanerozoic with pH = 7 through extensive interaction with surface continental crust by weathering,erosion and transportation into ocean.The initial ocean mass was also important.The birth of life and aftermath of evolution was possible in the habitable zone with 3-5 km deep ocean which was able to supply sufficient nutrients. Without a huge landmass,nutrients cannot be supplied into the ocean only by ridge-hydrothermal circulation in the Hadean.Finally,the size of the planet plays a crucial role.Cooling of massive planets is less efficient than smaller ones,so that return-flow of seawater into mantle does not occur until central stars finish their main sequence.Due to the suitable size of Earth,the dawn of Phanerozoic witnessed the initiation of return-flow of seawater into the mantle,leading to the emergence of huge landmass above sea-level,and the distribution of nutrients on a global scale.Oxygen pump also played a critical role to keep high-PO2 in atmosphere since then,leading to the emergence of ozone layer and enabling animals and plants to invade the land. To satisfy the tight conditions to make the Earth habitable,the formation mechanism of primordial Earth is an important factor.At first,a ’dry Earth’ must be made through giant impact,followed by magma ocean to float nutrient-enriched primordial continents(anorthosite + KREEP).Late bombardment from asteroid belt supplied water to make 3-5 km thick ocean,and not from icy meteorites from Kuiper belt beyond cool Jupiter.It was essential to meet the above conditions that enabled the Earth as a habitable planet with evolved life forms.The tight constraints that we evaluate for birth and evolution of life on Earth would provide important guidelines for planetary scientists hunting for life in the exosolar planets.  相似文献   

S. Fred Singer 《Earth》1977,13(2):171-189
The study of the Earth—Moon system provides the connecting link between purely astronomical studies of the origin of the solar system and its planets, and geophysical and biological studies of the evolution of the Earth's geology, its surface features, atmosphere and hydrosphere, and of terrestrial life.A coherent account is presented here, based on the hypothesis that the Moon formed separately and was later captured by the Earth. The adoption of this hypothesis, together with the observed depletion of iron in the Moon, sets some important constraints on the development of condensation and agglomeration phenomena in the primeval solar nebula, which led to the formation of planetesimals, and ultimately to planets.Capture of the Moon also defines a severe heating event within the Earth, whereby its kinetic energy of rotation is largely dissipated internally by the mechanism of tidal friction. From this melting event dates the geologic, atmospheric, and oceanic history of the Earth. An attempt is made to account for the unique development of the Earth, especially in relation to Mars and Venus, its neighboring planets.  相似文献   

It now appears probable that all of the terrestrial planets underwent some form of global chemical differentiation to produce crusts, mantles, and cores of variable relative mass fractions. There is direct seismic evidence for a crust on the Moon, and indirect evidence for distinct crusts on Mars and Venus. Substantial portions of these crusts have been in place since the time that heavy bombardment of the inner solar system ceased 4 Ga ago. There is direct evidence for a sizeable core on Mars, indirect evidence for one on Mercury, and bounds on a possible small core for the Moon. Core formation is an important heat source confined to times prior to 4 Ga ago for Mercury and the Earth, but was not closely linked to crustal formation on the Moon nor, apparently, on Mars. The tectonic and volcanic histories of the surfaces of the terrestrial planets Moon, Mars, and Mercury can be used, with simple thermal history models, to restrict the earliest chemical differentiation to be shallow (outer 200–400 km) for the first two bodies and much more extensive for Mercury. Extension of these models to an Earth-size planet leads to the prediction of a hot and vigorously convecting mantle with an easily deformable crust immediately following core formation, and of the gradual development of a lithosphere and of plates with some lateral rigidity in Late Archean—Proterozoic times.  相似文献   

行星构造:寻求地球演化的踪迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖智勇  许志琴 《地质学报》2021,95(1):259-275
地质构造是记录地球内、外动力地质作用过程的标志。和地球相似,太阳系其他天体上也发育丰富的地质构造。以研究天体表面的地质构造及其动力学机制为目的的"行星构造学"是建立在构造地质学、遥感地质学和地球物理学等学科基础上的一门新兴前沿学科。由于天体的大小、组分和轨道位置不同,表面构造特征及其形成机制各异。对比研究地球和其他天体上的构造特征,是完善地球动力学的重要途径。水星和月球的热演化轨迹大致相同,内部持续冷却造成全球收缩,表面形成大量的挤压构造,而伸展构造仅局部发育。火星的岩石圈主要通过热传导散热,表面发育大量的挤压构造,且其形成时间可能呈单峰式分布。同时,火星表面的伸展和挤压构造和大火山群紧密相关,表明深部动力过程影响了火星上的区域构造。金星和地球的大小相似,但金星表面的最大年龄远小于地球大陆地壳的平均年龄,~80%的早期地质记录完全被后期的岩浆-构造活动抹去,表面发育大量的火山-深大裂谷系,说明"幔柱"活动对金星的构造演化至关重要,因此热传导可能也是当前金星岩石圈的主要散热方式。以上天体的岩石圈形变均以垂直运动为主。在外太阳系,一些卫星的表壳主要由冰水和其他挥发分组成,有些卫星存在下伏的液态水圈,潮汐作用可能是驱动其构造演化的主要动力。在特殊的应力来源和物质特性的共同作用下,在这些卫星上发育大量的走滑断层和疑似俯冲消减带。行星地质构造从能量和物质属性的角度探究构造运动的物理和化学过程,与地球动力学研究相辅相成,对揭示地球早期动力学过程的关键科学问题具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

The Earth formed through a hot accretion process. Almost simultaneously, the core and the mantle were separated from each other. At the final stages of the accretion process, the outer layer approximately 2000 km thick was molten, thus representing a magma ocean. This magma ocean produced the primary crust of the Earth. Surface waters were precipitated from the atmosphere and released from the crystallizing magma ocean. The plate tectonic processes started at around 4.3 to 4 Ga BP. In the Archean, the overall tectonic mechanism was quite specific, due to substantially higher mantle temperature and thicker oceanic crust. The normal plate tectonics acted during the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic with the periodic assembly of continents, which are known as supercontinent cycles.  相似文献   

水星是离太阳最近的类地行星,它有着类似月球的外表和类似地球的内部,其重要的构造特征主要表现在以下方面:广泛分布的撞击坑;全球线性构造(格子构造)体系;叶片状悬崖;与Caloris盆地相关的构造;局部的拉张构造,其中叶片状悬崖是仅存在于水星的独特构造.类地行星(除地球以外)的构造形迹主要形成于星球历史的早、中期,同时小行星体的构造演化通常被认为是行星热演化以及外部作用(如强烈撞击或者潮汐)共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

Melting relations of primitive peridotite were studied up to 25 GPa. The change of the liquidus phase from olivine to majorite occurs at 16 GPa. We confirmed the density crossover of the FeO-rich peridotite melt and the equilibrium olivine (Fo90) at 7 GPa. Sinking of equilibrium olivine (Fo95) in the primitive peridotite melt was observed up to 10 GPa. The compression curves of FeO-rich peridotitic and komatiite melts reported in this and earlier work suggest that the density crossover in the Earth's mantle will be located at 11–12 GPa at 2000°C, consistent with an previous estimation by C.B. Agee and D. Walker.

The density crossover can play a key role in the Moon and the terrestrial planets, such as the Earth, Venus and Mars. Majorite and some fraction of melt could have separated from the ascending diapir and sunk downwards at the depths below the density crossover. This process could have produced a garnet-rich transition zone in the Earth's mantle. The density crossover may exist in the FeO-rich lunar mantle at around the center of the Moon. The density crossover which exists at the depth of 600 km in the Martian mantle plays a key role in producing a fractionated mantle, which is the source the parent magmas of the SNC meteorites.  相似文献   

Jun Korenaga 《地学学报》2008,20(6):419-439
The chemical composition of the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) indicates that the present‐day thermal budget of Earth is likely to be characterized by a significant excess of surface heat loss over internal heat generation, indicating an important role of secular cooling in Earth’s history. When combined with petrological constraints on the degree of secular cooling, this thermal budget places a tight constraint on permissible heat‐flow scaling for mantle convection, along with implications for the operation of plate tectonics on Earth, the history of mantle plumes and flood basalt magmatism, and the origin and evolution of Earth’s oceans. In the presence of plate tectonics, hotter mantle may have convected more slowly because it generates thicker dehydrated lithosphere, which could slow down subduction. The intervals of globally synchronous orogenies are consistent with the predicted variation of plate velocity for the last 3.6 Gyr. Hotter mantle also produces thicker, buoyant basaltic crust, and the subductability of oceanic lithosphere is a critical factor regarding the emergence of plate tectonics before the Proterozoic. Moreover, sluggish convection in the past is equivalent to reduced secular cooling, thus suggesting a more minor role of mantle plumes in the early Earth. Finally, deeper ocean basins are possible with slower plate motion in the past, and Earth’s oceans in the Archean is suggested to have had about twice as much water as today, and the mantle may have started as dry and have been gradually hydrated by subduction. The global water cycle may thus be dominated by regassing, rather than degassing, pointing towards the impact origin of Earth’s oceans, which is shown to be supported by the revised composition of the BSE.  相似文献   

Composition of terrestrial planets records planetary accretion, core–mantle and crust–mantle differentiation, and surface processes. Here we compare the compositional models of Earth and Mars to reveal their characteristics and formation processes. Earth and Mars are equally enriched in refractory elements (1.9 × CI), although Earth is more volatile-depleted and less oxidized than Mars. Their chemical compositions were established by nebular fractionation, with negligible contributions from post-accretionary losses of moderately volatile elements. The degree of planetary volatile element depletion might correlate with the abundances of chondrules in the accreted materials, planetary size, and their accretion timescale, which provides insights into composition and origin of Mercury, Venus, the Moon-forming giant impactor, and the proto-Earth. During its formation before and after the nebular disk's lifetime, the Earth likely accreted more chondrules and less matrix-like materials than Mars and chondritic asteroids, establishing its marked volatile depletion. A giant impact of an oxidized, differentiated Mars-like (i.e., composition and mass) body into a volatile-depleted, reduced proto-Earth produced a Moon-forming debris ring with mostly a proto-Earth's mantle composition. Chalcophile and some siderophile elements in the silicate Earth added by the Mars-like impactor were extracted into the core by a sulfide melt (∼0.5% of the mass of the Earth's mantle). In contrast, the composition of Mars indicates its rapid accretion of lesser amounts of chondrules under nearly uniform oxidizing conditions. Mars’ rapid cooling and early loss of its dynamo likely led to the absence of plate tectonics and surface water, and the present-day low surface heat flux. These similarities and differences between the Earth and Mars made the former habitable and the other inhospitable to uninhabitable.  相似文献   

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