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1959年我处在党委和处党总支的直接领导下,全体同志们通过了反右倾鼓干劲的整风学习,思想解放,干劲冲天,大搞群众运动,大闹技术革命,出现了一个高产优质的大跃进局面。这一年完成的工作量如以1958年为基础,则三角测量为194%,水准测量为103%,地形测量为221%,三者平均为203%,为我处1957年工作量的7.1倍。  相似文献   

1 引言 对制图学理论方面的研究已经持续进行了大约二十五年,可以说,与过去相比,对制图学的理论思考大大增强了。由于制图技术水平的提高及自动化的引入,制图学理论也得到了迅速发展,这种发展主要表现在新理论或新概念的不断产生。  相似文献   

范明华 《地图》1993,(1):53-56,52
我国在实行对外开放、对内搞活的经济方针以来,旅游事业发展迅速,为旅游地图的繁荣提供了巨大的消费市场。旅游地图是适应旅游事业发展需要的一种专题地图,它服务于旅游,直接起到旅游管理、旅游规划、旅游宣传和指导旅游的作用。近年来,旅游地图如雨后春笋般地涌现。目前我国各省会城市、开放的大中城市和著名的风景名胜区和景点都出版了旅游地图。旅游地图不但从数量上有所增加,而且质量也  相似文献   

国家测绘总局所属各生产单位1961年的劳动保护工作,在各级党委的直接领导下已经进一步加强了。主要是:加强了对劳动保护工作的组织和领导,进行了安全生产教育,初步制订并试行了规章制度,适当地解决了必要的防护用品,初步建立了安全组织,从分局到作业小组一般都指定了专人或兼职负责安全的工作人员;开始注意了对发生伤亡事故原因的分析和采取相应的预防措施;重视了对安全生产工作经验的总结;贯彻了劳逸结合和对职工生活的安排。通过这些工作,进一步加强了职工的安全思想,大大地消灭了不安全的因素,减少了伤亡事故,使职工的死亡率由1960年的千分之2.1下降到千分之1.5,降低了29%。总的说来,1961年的劳动保护工作是有成绩的,对完成生产任务起了一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

莫洛金斯基公式用于X,Y,Z到B,L,H的转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟国君 《测绘通报》1989,(3):8-10,13
本文利用同心相似椭球的特性,对莫洛金斯基公式进行改化,成功地解决了由X,Y,Z到B,L,H的转换。  相似文献   

本文介绍了香港回归及京九线开通后,给京九沿线地区经济发展创造的良好条件,论述了开展京九沿线地区国土资源及其开发条件调查、评价的必要性和利用遥感进行调查的可能性,以及主要的调查任务  相似文献   

著名印度学家、语言学家、翻译家季羡林在2009年夏天,走完了漫长而充实、幸福与痛苦并存的人生,享年98岁。季老出身贫苦,青年留学德意志,正逢二战,在德国哥廷根的日子里,季老饱尝轰炸、饥  相似文献   

秦昭 《地图》2009,(6):80-89
加拿大东部在霜降以后本来天气已经转凉了,有几天夜间的最低温度都到了零度以下。但是像每年秋天一样,十月初气温又回升了。近一个星期的时间里天天阳光灿烂,暖烘烘的像又回到了夏天。人们把刚穿上没几天的毛衣又脱下来换回了T恤衫。大家都在说:印第安夏天来了,赶紧再享受一下入冬前的最好时光吧。  相似文献   

我们哈尔滨测量高等专科学校测量工程公司是在学校原测量大队基础上于1993年初创建的。公司自成立以来,便以其雄厚的技术力量,丰富的作业经验,现代化的仪器装备,以及公司全体员工的敬业精神,在测绘领域已独创一席之地,为祖国的四化建设,特别是世人瞩目的1996年亚冬会做出了贡献。 两年来,我们已先后为城建、油田、煤田、亚冬会的索道、跳台、滑雪场等完成了许多大中小型测绘工程项目和科研项目。已创产值160多万元,实现利润40多万元,上缴利税12万元,为改善学校办学条件做出了贡献。  相似文献   

在毛主席关于理论问题重要指示的指引下,我国登山队于五月二十七日再次从北坡登上世界最高峰——珠穆朗玛峰,创造了人类征服大自然的光辉业迹。参加珠峰科考的测绘战士,怀着为社会主义祖国争光的豪情壮志,在登山队的协助下,战胜千难万险,胜利地完成了精确测定珠峰高程的任务,取得了完整的测量资料,为我国测绘事业谱写了光辉的新篇章。  相似文献   

none 《测量评论》2013,45(34):259-260

Among colonial dependencies Uganda is but a small territory; but it is comparatively prosperous and is compact. In such circumstances the integration under one departmental organization of survey and registration and of the administration of the State's responsibilities for lands and mines proves to be a convenient and economical arrangement, which works, in the balance, to the advantage of the survey branch. The Annual Report for 1938 deals with all the activities of a diversely occupied department, which controlled revenue collections of over £56,000, and mineral exports valued at £225,000.  相似文献   

The qibla problem—determination of the direction to Mecca—has given rise to retro-azimuthal map projections, an interesting, albeit unusual and little known, class of map projections. Principal contributors to this subject were Craig and Hammer, both writing in 1910. A property of retro-azimuthal projections is that the parallels are bent downwards towards the equator. The resulting maps, when extended to the entire world, thus must overlap themselves. An unusual recent discovery from Iran suggests that Muslims might have been prior inventors of a similar projection, by at least several centuries. A later corollary by Schoy leads to a new "cylindrical" azimuthal map projection with parallels bending away from the equator, here illustrated for the first time.  相似文献   

Categorical maps, comparisons, and confidence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The comparison of categorical maps is a common problem in several different contexts. Differences between categorical maps can be characterized and measured in a variety of ways. In 2004 we invited individuals from remote sensing, geographical information analysis, spatial modelling, and landscape ecology to participate in a virtual workshop in order to compare strategies for comparison. This revealed that the key dimensions of comparison relate to (1) the map characteristics considered, (2) the nature of the comparison, (3) the handling of geographical space, (4) the units of computed measures, and (5) the tests of significance.Ferko Csillag deceased  相似文献   

“4D”技术及其应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍“4D”(即数字地面模型、数字正射影像、数字栅格地图和数字线划地图)系列产品的生产流程、关键技术、及其在耕地保护、防灾减灾救灾和城市规划等方面的应用方法。  相似文献   

Integrating a GIS has been a common way to combine the functionality of two or more systems for some time. A three-dimensional model of integration is described which shows the range of linkages that can be achieved. Extremely flexible and dynamic linkages between systems can now be created through the recent advances of client/server and object-oriented technology. An expert system shell is coupled with a GIS to create a generic spatial rule-based toolbox called SES (spatial expert shell). An expert system developer using this toolbox can transparently access spatial data and relationships from a GIS by linking application objects to spatial classes. These spatial classes include methods that format and send requests to the GIS server. Thus the linkage is determined at run-time allowing a flexible interwoven interaction between the expert system and the GIS.  相似文献   

We pose the central problem of defining a measure of complexity, specifically for spatial systems in general, city systems in particular. The measures we adopt are based on Shannon’s (in Bell Syst Tech J 27:379–423, 623–656, 1948) definition of information. We introduce this measure and argue that increasing information is equivalent to increasing complexity, and we show that for spatial distributions, this involves a trade-off between the density of the distribution and the number of events that characterize it; as cities get bigger and are characterized by more events—more places or locations, information increases, all other things being equal. But sometimes the distribution changes at a faster rate than the number of events and thus information can decrease even if a city grows. We develop these ideas using various information measures. We first demonstrate their applicability to various distributions of population in London over the last 100 years, then to a wider region of London which is divided into bands of zones at increasing distances from the core, and finally to the evolution of the street system that characterizes the built-up area of London from 1786 to the present day. We conclude by arguing that we need to relate these measures to other measures of complexity, to choose a wider array of examples, and to extend the analysis to two-dimensional spatial systems.  相似文献   

Rameswaram Island located on the southeast coast of India bounded by Gulf of Mannar (GoM) on the south and Palk Bay (PB) on the north, respectively, is unique in nature. The southeastern part of Rameswaram Island known as Dhanushkodi foreland is a long sand spit of about 20?km length. Shoreline erosion/accretion rates are computed based on End-Point Rate, Linear Regression Rate and Net Shoreline Change from Indian Remote sensing Satellite, Linear Imaging Self scanning Sensor III images from 1998 to 2012. Along the PB coast of Dhanushkodi foreland, eroding shorelines are dominant except Arichamunai, whereas it is reversing along GoM. Inter-annual shoreline change revealed that changing trend and stability of Island are affirmed with statistical approaches. An equilibrium shoreline trend is noticed on both the sides of Dhanushkodi foreland. Annual shoreline change rate indicates erosion and accretion in northern and southern coastline of Dhanushkodi foreland varies, respectively.  相似文献   

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