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欧洲景观生态学研究展望   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
随着土地利用变化的加剧以及社会经济体制的改变,欧洲传统景观生态学近切需要改革和创新。如何保持景观生态学在未来社会中的重要地位并发挥它解决实际问题的作用是摆在欧洲景观生态学家面前的迫切课题。介绍了欧洲景观生态学目前的研究热点,对未来欧洲景观生态学的发展趋势、研究框架和主要研究领域进行了展望,以期对中国景观生态不的发展有所借鉴。  相似文献   

在生态学与其它地球科学相汇合的领域里,人类生态学是有很强生命力和发展潜势的新兴学科,代表了现代生态学的一个重要研究方向。本文辨析了人类生态学的历史演变、哲学思想和科学功能,提出了一个发展人类生态学的学科框架。  相似文献   

恢复生态学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
谢运球 《中国岩溶》2003,22(1):28-34
回顾了恢复生态学的发展过程, 阐述了恢复生态学的定义及常用术语, 归纳了恢复生态学的理论基础和研究内容, 并对恢复生态学国内外研究现状、问题及其发展方向进行了简单综述。   相似文献   

雪生态学研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
文章从雪盖与气候系统、雪盖的物理特性及其与生态学的关系、雪化学过程与养分循环、冰雪微生物、雪盖与小型动物、雪盖和植被等 6个方面综述了当前世界雪生态学研究进展,并对雪生态学近期需要研究的问题进行了讨论。总体来看,当前国际雪生态学研究存在如下发展趋势:①强调全球气候变化对雪盖的影响及其反馈作用;②注重雪和雪盖的物理特性及其生态功能;③对雪盖生态系统的养分循环过程的研究报道增加;④冰雪微生物的超微结构、生理学、生理生态学、生态学、生命史、生物化学的研究得到了较快发展;⑤雪盖小型哺乳动物的生理、生态、形态适应性研究得到更多重视;⑥有关极端环境下的植物生理生态适应性及其与雪环境梯度变化关系的研究兴趣增加;⑦过程研究、定量研究、数值模拟研究在各个方面都更加得到重视。  相似文献   

论地质生态学教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了地质生态学是研究地球的一门交叉学科,用以研究地质地理学中的生态学问题,并且把人类经济活动影响下“岩石圈-生物圈”自然技术系统中发生的作用作为地质生态学的自然科学研究内容。论述了地质生态学教育在培养地质生态学专家时,如何证他们掌握在有关不同环境中形成生态环境作用理论模型的广泛自然科学知识,同时使他们有足够的管理生态环境实际措施方面的专业知识。  相似文献   

树轮生态学研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
树轮生态学体系庞大, 涉及众多研究方向, 讨论主要限定在水平梯度和垂直梯度上树轮气候响应模式研究、森林生态系统对环境变化响应和狭义树轮生态学所定义的虫灾、火灾以及涉及人为活动影响如环境污染方面的研究. 基于讨论所限定的树轮生态学的部分研究领域, 通过与国际研究水平的对比, 找出我国树轮生态学研究的不足, 并进一步展望了未来国内树轮生态学的发展. 通过吸取国外先进成果从而弥补国内树轮生态学研究的不足, 结合全球变化研究的背景, 在不同区域开展树轮生态学不同研究领域的研究, 定能更进一步推动我国树轮生态学研究的全面发展.  相似文献   

生态灾害及其对我国的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日趋严重的生态灾害威胁着人类社会的持续发展,这是当今世界面临的最严峻挑战,本文对生态灾害定义、类型、发生机制、危害过程进行了探讨,简要分析了我国生态灾害基本状况、产生背景、发展趋势及其对社会经济发展所产生的影响,并提出生态灾害研究及防治对策的几项建议。  相似文献   

对1995年世界景观生态学大会和景观生态学发展的国内外现状进行了思考。当今景观生态学与国际生态学的研究热点(全球变化、生物多样性和持续发展)基本一致,但又有自己的特色,其重点领域包括:①生态空间理论与景观异质性研究;②景观变化模型与未来景观规划;③景观系统分析与GIS应用等。由于经济发展和社会生态意识的不同,使得该学科在各地区间的发展很不平衡。着重就我国的本领域研究状况与国际水平作了比较  相似文献   

土壤生态学是研究土壤与周围环境相互关系的一门科学。土壤生态系统由土壤、生物以及环境因素所构成,是一个为物质流和能量流所贯穿的开放系统,具有三个明显的特征:(1)是一个可解剖的样块或实体;(2)是一个开放系统;(3)是一个能量转换器。  相似文献   

1 污染生态学的概念及其起源 污染生态学是以污染条件下生态系统效应为核心,研究以人类为主体的生物系统与受污染环境之间相互作用规律及其机理的新兴学科。它是环境生物学的一个分支,也是逆境生态学的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

九寨沟7.0级地震诱发大量地质灾害对九寨沟景区景观、生态和基础设施造成了较大破坏,景区公路沿线灾害频繁,公路受损严重,多处中断,其中五花海与熊猫海之间的老虎嘴路段因地形地质条件极其复杂,受损最为严重。在九寨沟生态极其敏感区进行恢复重建等工程活动中,仅靠地灾评估无法满足工程方案评价的需要,同时须考虑工程活动、地灾和生态之间的相互影响。本文首次结合地灾风险评估,建立了生态敏感区的生态风险评估标准,在对九寨沟老虎嘴路段联合进行地灾评估和生态风险评估的基础上,对该路段道路恢复重建方案进行了评价论证,最终确定道路恢复重建方案。  相似文献   

有害藻华的预测技术和防灾减灾对策研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有害藻华给海洋生物、海水养殖业、海洋环境和公共健康安全造成了极大的威胁,已经成为世界性的海洋环境灾害之一.近几十年,我国近海有害藻华的发生频率和发生规模不断扩大,给国家经济发展和公共医疗卫生造成了极大的经济损失和不利影响.主要介绍了国内外常用的有害藻华预测技术,并参考国内外有效的有害藻华防治措施,为我国有害藻华的防灾减灾工作提出建议.我国亟需逐步建立有害藻华综合预警报业务体系和完备的应急减灾体系,才能进一步提升有害藻华等海洋环境灾害的应对能力.  相似文献   

陈万利 《江苏地质》2014,38(1):165-168
以徐州市地质灾害详细调查资料为依据,总结了徐州市地质灾害的主要类型,归纳分析了徐州市地质灾害形成的地质环境条件、诱发因素、发育现状及造成的损失。根据近年来省内外尤其是徐州市地质灾害调查评价和邳州石膏矿区地面塌陷现状及预防措施的建议,结合徐州市地质灾害隐患的具体特点,提出了加强地质灾害防治的有关制度建设、宣传培训工作、科学部署地质灾害防治、监测工程、强化建设项目的地质灾害危险性评估等地质灾害防灾减灾措施。  相似文献   

全球环境变化与综合灾害风险防范研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
实现可持续发展,需要加深理解全球环境变化对可更新资源保障能力和灾害发生频率、强度和时空格局的影响。近年来发生在世界各国的巨灾造成了严重的灾情,如2008年中国南方的冰冻雨雪灾害,2007年孟加拉国的台风灾害,2005年的美国卡特里娜飓风等。加强对全球环境变化背景下的综合灾害风险防范研究已成为一个迫切需要解决的可持续发展问题。为此,在CNC IHDP的领导下,CNC IHDP RG工作组向IHDP提出了开展全球环境变化与综合风险防范研究的建议。经过2年多的努力,作为IHDP新一轮国际性核心科学计划——综合风险防范(IHDP IRG)已经得到IHDP SC的认可,即将于2009年4月在德国波恩IHDP科学大会期间正式宣布启动。该核心计划为从事风险研究、管理和具体实践方面的全球顶级专家和组织搭建交流平台,并引导未来国际综合风险防范研究从综合灾害风险防范的科学、技术与管理问题入手,通过案例对比,从多学科角度,对综合灾害风险防范的理论和方法进行创新性研究,以推动全球综合减灾实践的深入发展。CNC IHDP RG作为这一核心科学计划的倡议、发起和主要组织者,通过该计划的成功实施,不但可以在国际上充分展现我国综合灾害风险研究领域的成果,更将有助于大幅度提升中国在全球环境变化研究中的国际地位。  相似文献   

宋国虎  李强  王灿  向波 《云南地质》2020,(1):110-117
云南石屏县地处云南高原南缘,县域总体地势北高南低,倾向红河河谷,地质构造复杂,地质环境条件比较脆弱。经实地调查,其地质灾害的类型主要有滑坡、崩塌和泥石流,这些地质灾害点大多沿断裂带集中分布。石屏县山高坡陡的地形地貌是地质灾害发生的重要控制因素,雨季的强降雨及人类生产活动常常是地质灾害产生的诱发因素。  相似文献   

In recent years, the frequency of geological disasters gradually increases in the gully region of the Loess Plateaus centred with Yanhe River Basin. The research on the forming of the geological disasters in gully region and the disaster process will help us further understand the development of geological disasters and the disaster process. According to the detailed survey of geological disasters in Yan’an City, the river and gully erosion is the main natural predisposing factor that caused the geological disasters in the river gully region. In the forming of ditches and gullies, the surface water system changes the stress form of the original slope and reduces the strength combination of the slope in ways of water erosion and gravity erosion. Gully’s forming stage and stratigraphic contact form have some influence on the geological disasters and disaster process.  相似文献   

自然灾害灾情评估研究与实践进展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
自然灾害灾情评估是科学开展灾害管理工作的基础。灾情评估以单次灾害过程的灾前预评估、灾中应急评估、灾后综合评估以及区域灾情评估为主要内容,基于历史灾情统计资料的评估方法、基于承灾体易损性的评估方法、现场抽样调查统计方法、遥感图像或航片识别法、基层统计上报方法、经济学方法等是灾情评估的主要方法。灾情评估的目标从对灾情的估算和统计扩展到对灾情大小的分级,评估内容上逐步重视灾害的社会经济影响评估,评估方法上注重多种方法的综合应用,以及建立灾情评估系统是灾情评估研究与应用的主要发展方向。国内外研究和实践成果在减灾工作中的实际应用亟待加强,迫切需要形成包括对单次灾害过程的灾前预评估、灾中应急评估、灾后综合评估以及区域灾情综合评估在内的自然灾害灾情评估的内容体系、评估指标体系、评估标准体系和评估方法体系。  相似文献   

The Philippines is highly susceptible to both geophysical and climate-related disasters. This article explores Filipinos knowledge and perception of climate change and their association with what action Filipinos take to prepare for rapid onset natural hazards such as typhoons. Data for this study were collected from a nationally representative random survey of 5,184 adults conducted between March and April of 2017. Filipinos self-report relatively low levels of knowledge of climate change and cited increased temperatures, shifts in seasons, and heavier rains as the most likely consequences. Levels of disaster preparedness in the Philippines differ widely by region. Although most Filipinos perceive that natural hazards are a risk to them, only a third of Filipinos undertake measures to prepare for disasters. Filipinos who perceive climate-related changes directly impacting their households report taking greater action to prepare for disasters. Filipinos who believe they have been directly impacted by climate-related changes are also more likely to prepare for disasters, take planning actions, and undertake material actions to prepare, such as dwelling improvements. Other factors associated with disaster preparedness include gender, membership in an association, wealth, risk perception, and prior exposure to and losses due to disasters. The findings imply that, while posing different challenges and requiring different responses, adaptation to climate change and disaster preparedness are inherently associated and potentially mutually reinforcing. Policies and programs would arguably benefit from a more unified intervention framework that links climate change adaptation and disaster preparedness.  相似文献   

The Philippines is highly susceptible to both geophysical and climate-related disasters. This article explores Filipinos knowledge and perception of climate change and their association with what action Filipinos take to prepare for rapid onset natural hazards such as typhoons. Data for this study were collected from a nationally representative random survey of 5,184 adults conducted between March and April of 2017. Filipinos self-report relatively low levels of knowledge of climate change and cited increased temperatures, shifts in seasons, and heavier rains as the most likely consequences. Levels of disaster preparedness in the Philippines differ widely by region. Although most Filipinos perceive that natural hazards are a risk to them, only a third of Filipinos undertake measures to prepare for disasters. Filipinos who perceive climate-related changes directly impacting their households report taking greater action to prepare for disasters. Filipinos who believe they have been directly impacted by climate-related changes are also more likely to prepare for disasters, take planning actions, and undertake material actions to prepare, such as dwelling improvements. Other factors associated with disaster preparedness include gender, membership in an association, wealth, risk perception, and prior exposure to and losses due to disasters. The findings imply that, while posing different challenges and requiring different responses, adaptation to climate change and disaster preparedness are inherently associated and potentially mutually reinforcing. Policies and programs would arguably benefit from a more unified intervention framework that links climate change adaptation and disaster preparedness.  相似文献   

The Philippines is highly susceptible to both geophysical and climate-related disasters. This article explores Filipinos knowledge and perception of climate change and their association with what action Filipinos take to prepare for rapid onset natural hazards such as typhoons. Data for this study were collected from a nationally representative random survey of 5,184 adults conducted between March and April of 2017. Filipinos self-report relatively low levels of knowledge of climate change and cited increased temperatures, shifts in seasons, and heavier rains as the most likely consequences. Levels of disaster preparedness in the Philippines differ widely by region. Although most Filipinos perceive that natural hazards are a risk to them, only a third of Filipinos undertake measures to prepare for disasters. Filipinos who perceive climate-related changes directly impacting their households report taking greater action to prepare for disasters. Filipinos who believe they have been directly impacted by climate-related changes are also more likely to prepare for disasters, take planning actions, and undertake material actions to prepare, such as dwelling improvements. Other factors associated with disaster preparedness include gender, membership in an association, wealth, risk perception, and prior exposure to and losses due to disasters. The findings imply that, while posing different challenges and requiring different responses, adaptation to climate change and disaster preparedness are inherently associated and potentially mutually reinforcing. Policies and programs would arguably benefit from a more unified intervention framework that links climate change adaptation and disaster preparedness.  相似文献   

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