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近50年长三角地区水系时空变化及其驱动机制   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
基于1960s、1980s以及2010s三期1:5万地形图中水系数据,选取河网密度(Dd)、水面率(WSR)、干流面积长度比(R)、支流发育系数(K)和盒维数(D),探讨了长江三角洲地区水系近50年的时空格局及变化特征,并分析了城市化对水系结构的影响.结果表明:①近50年来,长三角水系河网密度、水面率数量特征呈下降趋势,其中武澄锡虞、杭嘉湖和鄞东南地区河网密度减少近20%;结构特征发生变化,秦淮河流域干流面积长度比增加显著,杭嘉湖地区支流发育系数衰减达46.8%;河网复杂度衰退,武澄锡虞和杭嘉湖地区的盒维数衰减分别达7.8%和6.5%.②城市化影响水系的空间分布,高度城市化地区河网密度、水面率、支流发育系数以及盒维数最低.③城市化深刻改变着水系的演化过程.1960s-2010s期间,高度城市化地区的河网密度、水面率衰减剧烈达27.2%和19.3%,河网主干化趋势加剧,河网复杂度下降4.91%.1980s-2010s期间,低度城市化地区支流衰减达53.3%,河网密度大幅下降14.6%.④城镇用地的扩张、水利工程的修建和农田水利活动是改变长三角水系的主要方式.  相似文献   

平原水网地区快速城市化对河流水系的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
吴雷  许有鹏  徐羽  袁甲  项捷  徐兴  徐勇 《地理学报》2018,73(1):104-114
为了揭示平原水网地区快速城市化对河流水系的影响,基于1:50000地形图和30 m空间分辨率遥感影像数据,采用格网化河网密度、支流发育系数和分形维数等水系指标,分析了20世纪80年代至21世纪10年代苏州市河流水系的时空变化特征,探讨了土地城市化水平与河网密度变化之间的定量关系。结果表明:① 苏州市河流长度衰减了10.55%,其中干流长度增加了3.24%,一级支流与二级支流的长度分别减少了18.87%和11.76%;河网密度在空间上以减小为主,其中干流河网密度在空间上以增加为主,支流河网密度在空间上以减少为主。② 支流发育系数由3.36下降至2.78,水系结构趋于主干化;水系分形维数由1.70下降至1.63,水系形态趋于简单化。③ 土地城市化率高于40%时,河流水系衰减趋于明显,且土地城市化水平越高,河流减少的越多。为满足不同的经济社会发展需要,不同等级河流对土地城市化的响应不尽相同:为提高城市防洪排涝能力,一级河流总体上有所增加;土地城市化率小于40%时,部分二级河流被侵占以增加耕地面积,并新开挖了许多三级河流以提高农田排涝与灌溉能力;土地城市化率大于40%时,大量支流被填埋并转换为建设用地,而且等级越低的河流衰减的越严重。  相似文献   

逐层分解选取指标的河系简化方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张青年 《地理研究》2007,26(2):222-228
地图综合理论与方法的研究重点之一,是依据上下文环境进行结构化选取和化简。水系作为地图的基本要素之一,在地图综合中必须依据水系的类型和河网密度进行化简,以保持河网密度差异等宏观特征。本文提出了一种基于支流数量差异的选取指标分配与河系简化方法,将选取数量在河流的各个子流域上按比例分配并递归分配到下一层次的子流域,在各个子流域依据长度和间距选取河流,从而实现顾及密度差异的结构化选取。在软件开发基础上进行了选取试验,并对照手工综合的河系图进行了分析。结果表明,基于支流数量差异的比例选取方法切实可行,能够有效地保持树状河系的特点和河网密度的区域差异。  相似文献   

黑河上游水系发育特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
龚家栋  李吉均 《中国沙漠》2000,20(4):389-392
对黑河上游山区部分的水系发育特征进行了分析。在1:250 000比例尺的地形图上,黑河河道可以划分为五级。根据Horton的地貌关系统计结果,黑河水系特征不都服从于Horton的河道定律。河道数量定律适用于本地区,但河道分岔比较高。河道长度定律不适用于本地区,在半对数纸上,平均河道长度的累计值与河道级序有较好的直线关系,而河道总长度与级序则呈双对数直线关系。河道频率及河网密度与河谷局地气候呈正相关,湿润气候条件下,河道频率与河网密度较大;反之,干旱气候条件下,河道频率与河网密度较小。但河流的产流则与区域降水量有关。河川径流的泥沙含量与河流切割程度呈正相关,祁连山北坡河流的泥沙主要来源于横向深切河谷。  相似文献   

城市化背景下嘉兴市河流水系的时空变化   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
基于1960s,1980s和2010s的三期水系数据,通过构建定量描述河流水系变化特征的指标体系,对嘉兴市河流水系的时空变化特征及其与城市化的关系进行研究.结果表明:① 近50年来,嘉兴市的河流水系呈现出剧烈衰减的趋势,其中河流发育系数,河网密度和水面率分别减少了58.91%,28.49%和14.09%,但在城市化不同阶段,河流水系衰减的程度并不完全一致.② 在整个城市化进程中,河流发育系数和干流面积长度比变化的空间差异非常大,河网密度和水面率变化的空间差异相对较大,而盒维数和河流曲度变化的空间差异相对较小.③ 河流发育系数,盒维数和河网密度的衰减趋势为城区>近郊>远郊,水面率的衰减趋势为远郊>近郊>城区,河流曲度的衰减趋势为近郊>城区>远郊,但干流面积长度比的空间变化趋势不明显.④ 城市化对河流水系变化的影响十分显著,且城市化水平越高的地区河流水系的变化越剧烈,而城市化对干流面积长度比与河流曲度的影响大于其对河流发育系数与河网密度的影响.  相似文献   

李敏慧  吴保生  陈毅 《地理学报》2022,77(11):2878-2889
黄河源区不同地貌环境下的河网发育模式、平面形态等具有显著差异,存在羽状、矩形状、对称羽状和树状4种典型的河网类型。选取黄河源区83个典型子流域,计算了河网平面特征参数,探讨了河网参数与地形和气候因子的关系及河网类型的分布规律。结果表明,4类河网平面特征差异性通过流域宽长比、河网密度和流域内河流流向最大频数得到了较好的体现。流域坡度和降雨量对河网密度及流向的影响显著,且能较好解释河网密度及流向最大频数的变化;降雨对流域宽长比的影响显著。羽状主要分布在源区上游北部边缘地带,气候干旱,地表裸露,流域坡度均值为4.5°,流域高差均值为730 m。矩形状集中分布在若尔盖地区,气候相对湿润,且有大量的沼泽湿地,流域坡度和流域高差均值分别为2.3°和177 m。对称羽状处于高山峡谷地带,流域坡度和流域高差均值分别为16.9°和1167 m,降雨量变化范围大。树状分布在黄河源中游山区及中下游的冲积地貌,流域坡度和流域高差均值分别为15.4°和968 m,植被覆盖较好。结合4类河网的空间分布特征及河网参数与环境因子的多元回归分析结果分析,认为地形是决定河网平面形态分异的主要原因;当地形限制减小,气候条件和植被覆盖情况对河网的发展起了重要作用。  相似文献   

针对城镇扩张引起的水系衰减、结构单一化等问题,以湘江流域城市群为例,基于2001年、2015年两期同时期遥感数据,采用ENVI和ArcGIS等技术手段,运用拓扑学原理,选取河网密度、水面率、支流发育系数和面积长度比等水系数量、形态格局指标,研究湘江流域城市群水系形态格局演变规律。基于此,再结合三维城镇化,分析其水系形态格局时空演变规律。结果表明:(1)近15年来,湘江流域城市群河流长度、河流数量、水面率和河网密度都呈现衰减趋势,河流长度衰减最为明显;(2)研究区一二级支流的支流发育系数下降,二级支流的衰减受人类活动影响最大,主干河流面积长度比变化相对较小;(3)河流衰减有明显的区域分异规律,城市化程度越高,河流水系衰减越明显。研究区中,长沙市水系衰减最为严重,湘潭市水系变化不大。  相似文献   

基于GIS的福建省人口统计数据空间化   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
该文以2000年第五次全国人口普查数据为基础,分析福建省各市县平均人口密度与海拔高度、土地利用、河网密度、道路网密度以及与海岸线的距离和居民点密度之间的相关性。并以GIS软件和SPSS统计软件为工具,通过较为客观的方式赋予各影响因子对人口分布的影响权重,运用多源数据融合技术对福建人口统计数据进行空间化处理和分析。  相似文献   

水平分辨率对DEM流域特征提取的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
选取石质山地与黄土丘陵过渡区宛川河流域作为研究区,利用1∶5万、水平分辨率10~100 m栅格DEM提取流域特征参数进行分析。结果表明:DEM水平分辨率对数字河网的提取精度有影响,提取的流域面积差别很小,河流长度、河道总长、河道坡度以及河网密度有偏差,流域平均坡度变化明显,长度和坡度特征参数的变化导致流域汇流时间及滞时不一致。  相似文献   

探究河西走廊山洪灾害危险性分布特征,可为该地区山洪灾害监测、预警和防治工程规划提供科学支持,对保障地区人民生命财产安全具有重要的社会意义。从河西走廊山洪灾害防治及预警角度出发,根据河西走廊山洪灾害发生的机制,选取高程标准差、坡度、植被覆盖度、降水、河网密度、泥石流沟密度6个影响因子,以Arc GIS和IDRISI为平台,构建河西走廊山洪灾害危险度区划多准则决策支持模型,完成了河西走廊山洪灾害危险度区划图。结果表明:河西走廊山洪灾害危险度与6个危险因子是函数关系。其中,高程标准差、坡度和植被覆盖度与危险度呈多项式分布,降水、河网密度和泥石流沟密度则与危险度成正相关性;河西走廊山洪灾害极高度危险区460 km~2,占研究区总面积的3.12%;高度危险区1383.76 km~2,占研究区总面积的7.54%;中度危险区2166.85 km~2,占研究区总面积的11.26%;低度危险区154 787.63 km~2,占研究区总面积的65.01%;极低度危险区33 847.89 km~2,占研究区总面积的13.07%。  相似文献   

龙门山位于青藏高原东缘,是青藏高原周缘山脉中陡度变化最大的山脉,也是全球气候和构造活动最为强烈的地区之一,因此成为研究构造、气候如何影响山脉地貌演化过程这一科学问题的良好素材。在位于龙门山北段的平通河流域,汶川地震导致该区强烈的隆升、剥蚀作用,对研究该区地貌演化过程具有重要的启示意义。通过对平通河流域基于DEM数据的地形坡度、水系分布、河流发育程度等的分析,并综合研究区构造特征和岩性特征,获得该流域不同区域的地貌演化方向,其中两个区域的地貌演化最为剧烈:1.平通河流域位于北川-映秀断裂和彭灌断裂之间的地区,未来将发生较快的隆升,地貌向高、陡的方向演化,河流下切作用使河谷两岸形成更加陡峭的地形;2.在北川-映秀断裂上盘附近地区,在构造和气候作用下侵蚀、搬运作用强烈,山体将被快速剥蚀削低,但在河谷两岸也会形成更加陡峭的地形。  相似文献   

On August 28, 1981, the Crow Canyon drainage basin in central Nevada was burned by a lightning-generated wildfire that destroyed the vegetation cover consisting primarily of juniper trees, sagebrush, and desert grasses. The geomorphic impact of the wildfire was assessed on the basis of aerial photography, measurements of sediment movement on hillslopes using charred tree trunks as erosion indicators, and surveys of the valley floor, axial channel, and alluvial fan. Aerial photographs indicate the valley floor was untrenched prior to the fire. The combination of foliage destruction and heavy runoff in the spring following the wildfire initiated channel downcutting that has now reached as much as 3.9 m in depth. Entrenchment of the valley-fill in the lower 2.2 km of the drainage network produced as much as 48, 142 m3 of sediment. Much of the channel incision occurred during 1982 and 1983, years characterized by above-normal precipitation. Approximately 17,608 m3 of sediment were deposited on a preexisting alluvial fan at the mouth of the basin. Following initial channel entrenchment and deposition on the fan, a spatially out-of-phase episode of channel cutting was initiated on the fan apex, a process that is redistributing sediment down-fan. Thus, one geomorphic disturbance has produced two discrete depositional events on the fan. Moreover, the geomorphic instability was still evident over a decade after the wildfire. [Key words: wildfire, degradation, channel entrenchment, soil erosion, complex-response.]  相似文献   

Roads and road drainage accompany the development of the physical landscape for cultural purposes. The addition of a road network to a small stream basin creates a situation of geomorphic disequilibrium by adding to the length of surface drainage channels. Effects of road drainage on the geomorphic equilibrium of small stream basins are analyzed using Horton's Law of Stream Lengths. The effects of different types of road networks are analyzed using an hypothetical stream basin and eight hypothetical road networks, suggesting a method of predicting the location and extent of disequilibrium in a stream basin system as a result of road drainage.  相似文献   

Uplifting frontal ridges are one of the most conspicuous geomorphic features that mark the frontal parts of actively converging mountain belts. Growth of these ridges can lead to the simultaneous development of a drainage system that is defined by watersheds, stream network and long profiles of channels. In the present study, shape parameters of watersheds, stream network characteristics and pattern of network growth, shape of long profiles, and the SL index have been investigated in a part of NW Himalaya to understand the relationship between endogenic tectonic processes and exogenic fluvial processes. This explains the tectonic control on drainage systems in the uplifting frontal ridge. This watershed analysis was carried out using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and a number of anomalies have been identified and analysed. The most striking is the asymmetric development of watersheds on either side of an almost straight ridge crest. Watershed asymmetry along the ridge crest is characterized by larger area and less elongated watersheds in the southern flank (forelimb) in comparison to the northern flank (backlimb). Drainage network and long profile analysis establishes that the larger watershed area in the forelimb is due to dominance of headward erosion and its impact on drainage network growth. Dominance of headward erosion is due to slope variation in response to forelimb development along a fault-related fold. Even through, headward erosion has shifted the ridge crest; it is parallel with the trace of the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT). The parallel ridge crest with reference to the HFT is indicative of the tectonic control of the HFT on the development of the watersheds. Hence, a well developed linkage between tectonic processes (fold development) and surface processes (headward erosion) is responsible for variation in watershed and drainage network pattern across the ridge crest. The study also investigates the role of planform ridge curvature on watershed development. The effect is more pronounced on an asymmetric ridge, such as the Mohand ridge, than on a symmetric ridge.  相似文献   

This paper explores how, and to what extent, a phase of relief-rejuvenation modifies the mode of surface erosion in an approximately 63 km2 drainage basin located at the northern border of the Swiss Alps (Luzern area). In the study area, the retreat of the Alpine glaciers at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) caused base level to lower by approximately 80 m. The fluvial system adapted to the lowered base level by headward erosion. This is indicated by knickzones in the longitudinal stream profiles and by the continuous upstream narrowing of the width of the valley floor towards these knickzones. In the headwaters above these knickzones, processes are still to a significant extent controlled by the higher base level of the LGM. There, frequent exposure of bedrock in channels and especially on hillslopes implies that sediment flux is to a large extent limited by weathering rates. In the knickzones, however, exposure of bedrock in channels implies that sediment flux is supply-limited, and that erosion rates are controlled by stream power.The morphometric analysis reveals the existence of length scales in the topography that result from distinct geomorphic processes. Along the tributaries where the upstream sizes of the drainage basins exceed 100,000–200,000 m2, the mode of sediment transport and erosion changes from predominantly hillslope processes (i.e., landsliding, creep of regolith, rock avalanches and to some extent debris flows) to processes in channels (fluvial processes and debris flows). This length scale reflects the minimum size of the contributing area for channelized processes to take over in the geomorphic development (i.e., threshold size of drainage basin). This threshold size depends on the ratio between production rates of sediment on hillslopes, and export rates of sediment by processes in channels. Consequently, in the headwaters, erosion rates and sediment flux, and hence landscape evolution rates, are to a large extent limited by weathering processes. In contrast, in the lower portion of the drainage basin that adjusts to the lowered base-level, rates of channelized erosion and relief formation are controlled mainly by stream power. Hence, this paper shows that base-level lowering, headward erosion and establishment of knickzones separate drainage basins in two segments with different controls on rates of surface erosion, sediment flux and relief formation.  相似文献   

Modeling the runoff subsystem for large drainage basins requires simplification in representing natural processes owing to the spatial variability of mass and energy transfers in a watershed. Many models represent temporally and spatially distributed watershed variables by some form of aggregation or lumping. Scale becomes a factor in the lumping decision because some of the variables are spatially continuous while others are spatially discontinuous. The effects of scale differences on lumping in large watersheds is examined using the 27,300 km2 drainage area of the Deschutes River, Oregon. The watershed is modeled using three different spatial aggregations for representing the runoff subsystem. Agreement between modeled and observed monthly runoff for water years 1951-60 is analyzed to evaluate the magnitude of the difference between corresponding observed and modeled values. Increasing the number of spatial units in the model from 1 to 9 reduces all of the error terms by about 35 percent, but 20 spatial units in the model reduce the error terms by 50 percent or more. These data provide explicit evidence of improved modeling accuracy achieved by employing a disaggregated watershed model to represent spatially heterogeneous conditions in a large drainage basin. [Key words: watershed modeling, scale, large watersheds, hydroclimate, Deschutes Basin.]  相似文献   

We analyze geomorphic properties extracted from LiDAR and SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data to test whether the damage zone along the central San Jacinto Fault (SJF) zone can be resolved with remotely-sensed data in a quantitative fashion. The SJF is one of the most active faults in southern California, with well expressed geomorphology and a fast slip rate, as seen in the geology and by GPS. We use ArcMap and the TauDEM toolbox to compare several morphometric parameters, including drainage density (Dd), on both sides of the fault, using a 1 km and a 5 km buffer for the LiDAR and SRTM data, respectively. We also analyze the spatial patterns of Dd near the fault, using two different definitions of spatial Dd. The high resolution of the LiDAR data allows us to focus on a single fault, eliminating the effects of parallel nearby faults. From the LiDAR data we find that the highest Dd values occur in areas between two fault strands, followed generally by rocks on the northeast side of the fault, with the lowest Dd values occurring on the southwest side of the fault. The SRTM data shows a band of high Dd values centered on the main fault trace with ~ 1 km width. Our results indicate that there is a strong correlation between drainage density and proximity to the fault, with zones of structural complexity along the fault displaying the highest Dd. We interpret this to largely be an effect of degree of rock damage, as these are areas that are expected to be more damaged, and field observations support this contention. If we are correct, then it appears that the northeast side of the SJF is generally more damaged. South of the trifurcation area there is evidence that the signal is reversed on the larger scale, with more damage on the southwest side of the fault inferred from the SRTM data, possibly caused by extension between the Coyote Creek and Clark faults. The implications of the observed asymmetry could be geological evidence for rupture propagation direction, because a preferred propagation direction is predicted to produce asymmetric damage structure that would be recorded in the volume of rock surrounding a fault.  相似文献   

This research examines variations in bankfull cross-sections along a steep stream of the Dolomites (Cordevole stream, Belluno, Northern Italy). Field measurements were conducted to determine variations in the channel top-width at bankfull stage in relation to the drainage area and to the length of the flow path. After grouping the bed morphologies according to the Montgomery and Buffington [Montgomery, D.R., Buffington, J.M., 1997. Channel-reach morphology in mountain drainage basins. Geol. Soc. of Am. Bull. 109 (5) 596–611.] classification, we analyzed the increase in bankfull width for the dominant stream units (cascades, step pools, isolated pools and colluvial reaches at the head of the basin). We observed that the morphologies more related to the drainage area are colluvial reaches and pools; the less adaptable are steps and cascades. These differences likely result from the absence of lateral constriction in the colluvial reaches and pools, whereas the presence of coarser sediments in the bed can affect the transverse adjustments in steps and reaches dominated by cascades. Linkages between cross-section geometry and parameters related to flow (i.e. drainage area and stream power) have been analyzed together with the distribution of surface grain sizes and its coarsening pattern. The existence of distinctive bankfull widths between different morphological units points out the degree of susceptibility to be modeled according to the channel slope, reference diameter (D90), and contributing area.  相似文献   

大尺度分布式水文模型数字流域 提取方法研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
构建大尺度分布式水文模型是当前大气水文模型耦合研究的一项重要内容。本文介绍一 种根据1km DEM 生成更大网格尺度DEM 数据, 同时可以保持流域河网信息并减缓高程、坡度 等地貌参数信息量衰减速度的有效方法———ZB算法。利用该方法和常规的网格平均法生成黄河 唐乃亥以上流域的5km、10km、15km 和20km 两套DEM 数据, 分别提取高程、坡度、地形指数、河 网密度、主河道长度、流域面积等流域特征参数, 并与1km DEM 提取的上述参数进行比较, 对两 种方法作出评价。结果显示, 随着网格尺度的增大, ZB 算法获得的DEM 数据可以保持河网的连 续性, 提取出合理的流域范围, 减缓地形信息量的衰减速度。该方法满足构建大尺度分布式水文 模型提取数字流域的需要。  相似文献   

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