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This study has reviewed recent studies about impact of the Rossby wave propagation on the weather of East Asia.Then,we have focused on the northward progression of the subtropical high affected by the propagations and their interaction.The following results are obtained:(1) The two kinds of meridional Rossby wave propagations often affect the East Asian weather in summer,which propagate in two conflicting directions(northwest-southeastward and southwest-northeast-ward).This is considered as the interaction of the large-scale systems between high and low latitudes with wave propagation,especially to the circulation systems around East Asia.(2) The northward progression of the subtropical high is largely restrained,aecompanied by the southward shift of the convective activity in middle latitudes,under the strong and persistent Rossby wave propagation from high to low latitudes.And the opposite role could be found in the Rossby wave propagation from low to high latitudes.  相似文献   

位于东亚中纬度上空的东亚高空副热带西风急流是东亚季风环流系统中的重要成员,我国夏季降水雨带的季节内变化受东亚高空副热带西风急流位置季节内异常变化影响。根据1979~2008年中国降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及NOAA ERSST V3月平均海表温度资料,利用统计分析和物理量诊断方法对夏季东亚高空副热带西风急流位置季节内异常的东亚大气环流特征及外强迫信号的物理过程进行了探讨。研究指出:6月东亚高空副热带西风急流位置异常主要受欧亚大陆中高纬东传的Rossby波列位相变化影响,春季北大西洋海温异常是欧亚大陆中高纬度Rossby波列位相变化的最显著的外强迫信号;7月东亚高空副热带西风急流位置异常主要受西太平洋热带向副热带传播的Rossby波列位相变化影响,春季西太平洋热带海温异常是西太平洋热带向副热带传播的Rossby波列位相变化的最显著的外强迫信号;8月东亚高空副热带西风急流位置异常主要受南亚大陆向东亚大陆热带、副热带传播的Rossby波列位相变化影响,春季印度洋海温异常是南亚大陆向东亚大陆热带、副热带传播的Rossby波列位相变化的最显著的外强迫信号。  相似文献   

通过对大气环流格点模式GAMIL性能的检验表明, 模式较好地再现了东亚地区大气环流型态、高空西风急流变化及表面加热场的季节变化。在此基础上, 设计敏感性试验研究了冬季西太平洋黑潮暖流关键区加热异常对高空西风急流影响, 数值试验结果表明冬季西太平洋黑潮暖流区加热正异常将引起东亚大槽偏东, 大陆冷高压、阿留申低压及位于低纬太平洋上的西太平洋副高均有所增强, 从而导致了冬季风环流加强。相应地, 东北太平洋上出现了明显的气旋差值环流, 而在中高纬大陆海洋交界地区出现反气旋式差值环流; 同时, 西风急流区南侧的低纬地区位势高度及温度场为正异常, 而北侧的中高纬地区为负异常, 这种分布将使得急流区经向气压梯度和南北温差加大, 导致急流的增强。模式结果分别从热力适应理论及热成风的角度验证了黑潮暖流区表面加热异常对急流的影响机理。  相似文献   

简要比较了中国科学院大气物理研究所对2005年夏季中国降水跨季度预测与实况的异同,并对2005年夏季我国主要雨带及降水偏少区的形成与东亚热带、副热带以及中高纬度大气环流系统的配置进行了分析。对2005年夏季西太平洋副高的异常活动预测不好,这是造成跨季度降水预测有失误之处的主要原因之一。2005年夏季在亚洲对流层中高层,沿着副热带急流轴准静止Rossby波有几次能量传播过程,西太平洋副高的北抬与西伸与副热带急流中Rossby波的活动强度有一定的对应关系,因而产生了亚洲不同地区高影响性的灾害性天气。  相似文献   

2009年夏季西太平洋副热带高压北抬原因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康志明  桂海林  王小光 《气象》2013,39(1):46-56
利用数值模式再分析数据和常规观测资料,分析研究2009年6-8月西太平洋副热带高压(以下简称副高)连续5次北抬至偏北位置,且异常稳定维持,造成江淮流域干旱少雨(空梅)之缘由.通过合成、相关等分析方法探讨西风带、副热带、热带主要大气环流系统之间的相互影响和作用,并利用全型涡度方程探讨副高北抬和强度维持的主要机制.结果表明:(1)西风带波动的传播与副高变化关系密切,西太平洋副高的北抬过程起始于中段副高(140°~160°E)强度加强;(2)副高北抬之前孟加拉湾东部有明显的对流活动,对于副高的北抬和加强有一定的指示意义,而副高南侧的对流活动与副高北抬之间是一种伴随关系;(3)涡度场变化分析可知,副高北抬的关键因素是中高纬度槽脊变化引起的东亚沿海负涡度的增加.  相似文献   

盛夏两类东亚高空西风急流北跳的动力过程   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
林中达 《大气科学》2011,35(4):631-644
在气候态上,7月底东亚高空西风急流中心突然从40°N北跳到45°N以北.逐年统计分析显示此次急流北跳存在两类典型方式:急流北侧西风强度增强引起的北跳(第一类)和急流中心西风强度的减弱引起的北跳(第二类).本文基于1958年到2002年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用波活动通量诊断这两类典型北跳相应的动力过程,进一步...  相似文献   

本文以850 hPa、200 hPa月平均风场和西太平洋副热带高压脊线北抬至25°N日期资料及福建省25个代表站(县)5—7月的降水资料为基本分析素材。首先标定福建入夏异常的标准与年例,其次揭示850 hPa2、00 hPa 6月风场与异常年例的基本特征,进而探讨了对福建入夏早晚的影响关系。结果表明:在低层索马里-阿拉伯海区的越赤道气流强劲,南海至东亚低纬区域西南风偏大,西太平洋区域低纬度地区南风减弱、东风强劲,且东西风交汇区偏西;而在高层辐合区东风范围偏大,索马里-阿拉伯海区的区域东风风速强劲,青藏高原南侧和副高主体季节性位移的关键区以吹东风为主,东亚区域经向度小,位于青藏高原至我国东部区域范围内,形成一逆时针“距平”风环流;在此高低层风场特征的匹配下,有利于福建提早进入夏季;反之亦然。  相似文献   

东亚夏季风环流和雨带的季节内变化   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:7  
苏同华  薛峰 《大气科学》2010,34(3):611-628
基于常规气象要素资料及变差度方法, 分析了东亚夏季风环流的演变特征, 发现东亚地区在夏季期间存在两次明显的次季节突变, 主要表现为西太平洋副热带高压 (副高) 的两次东退北跳, 第一次是在6月中旬, 第二次是在7月下旬。由于副高与雨带密切相关, 雨带在演进过程中也呈现出两次明显的突跳, 分别对应于江淮流域至日本一带梅雨期以及中国华北和东北雨季的开始。较第一次北跳而言, 副高的第二次北跳更为明显。副高的第一次北跳主要受南海地区对流活动加强的影响, 而第二次北跳则是暖池对流活动与高纬地区环流共同作用的结果。暖池地区向东北方向传播的Rossby波列以及高纬地区东传的Rossby波通过锁相作用使得副高强烈北跳。此外, 副高与其西部边缘凝结潜热的相互作用导致副高发生季节内的低频振荡。 风场变差度的分析表明, 高纬地区对流层中低层环流的调整随着夏季季节进程逐渐减弱, 这与中高纬地区温差的变化有关。而高纬地区高层环流的调整在夏季后半期随着高度的增加却逐渐增强, 这与高层环流从夏到冬的季节变化有关。从风场相似度的变化上还可以看到, 副高第二次北跳后东亚地区呈现出明显不同的环流状态。 南半球环流对于南海及暖池地区对流活动的增强有重要影响。6月中旬, 南海与暖池地区对流活动的增强是由于南海西边界西风加强并向东扩展造成的, 这与马斯克林高压 (马高) 的加强密切相关。而在7月中旬, 澳大利亚高压 (澳高) 的增强使其东北部的越赤道气流加强, 南半球大量冷空气侵入到暖池地区, 加强了暖池地区的不稳定性以及低层的辐合, 从而使暖池地区的对流活动增强。但在夏季前半期, 暖池对流活动也可调制澳高强度与其东北部越赤道气流强弱的关系, 使得二者呈现出相反的变化趋势。南半球冬季期间, 澳高在振荡中减弱, 这与澳洲大陆下垫面温度及上游马高的能量频散有关, 前者影响澳高的变化趋势 (减弱), 而后者影响澳高的低频振荡。  相似文献   

冬季风异常年份的环流特征及其与华南前汛期降水的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了1963—1982年资料,研究了冬季风异常年份的环流特征及其与华南初夏降水的关系。结果表明:冬季风强年,500百帕西太平洋副高偏弱,亚洲西风环流弱,东亚槽南伸,200百帕115°E西风急流强而偏北。冬季风弱年的环流特征与此相反。强冬季风年后期环流演变特点,中高纬度环流逐渐向夏季型过渡,而副热带环流则变化强烈。弱冬季风年后期中高纬度环流在2月下旬至3月上旬有一个反复的过程,副热带环流则是逐步增强北上的。强冬季风年初夏500百帕西太平洋副高较正常年偏强,位置偏北,西脊点偏东,100百帕南亚高压偏西,华南及珠江三角洲前汛期降水偏少。弱冬季风年初夏环流特点与此相反,华南及珠江三角洲前汛期降水偏多。   相似文献   

韩荣青  李维京  董敏 《气象学报》2006,64(2):149-163
用时空滤波和Morlet小波方法,分析了1958—2000年夏季东亚(20°—45°N,110°—135°E)不同纬带(由南到北分为4个区域)的降水分别与太平洋同一纬带上大气30—60 d振荡(ISO)沿纬圈传播的关系及其成因机制。发现太平洋上经向风ISO向西传播的强或弱,是东亚夏季风区降水偏多或偏少的必要条件。对逐年夏季的分析表明,无论当年东亚夏季风强与否,在所划分的几个东亚季风区所有涝的年份里,太平洋同一纬带上大气ISO向西传播都明显较强,而在这些区域绝大多数旱的年份里,相应的ISO向西传播明显较弱。进一步分析发现,经向风ISO的纬向传播对应着大气经向型环流系统的移动,向西传影响东亚夏季风区降水的ISO有来自低纬中东太平洋东风流中的低频气旋(如副热带东风带中ISO的演变);也有来自中高纬度阿拉斯加湾及鄂霍次克海一带低频低压(如洋中槽)和高压(如阻塞高压和东北太平洋高压)的向南向西频散。因此东亚夏季旱涝不但与热带季风有关,而且与中东太平洋副热带东风系统中ISO的向西传播、中高纬度长波调整时低频扰动向西南经北太平洋副热带的传播密切相关。  相似文献   

Persistent heavy rainfall events (PHREs) over the Yangtze–Huaihe River Valley (YHRV) during 1981–2020 are classified into three types (type-A, type-B and type-C) according to pattern correlation. The characteristics of the synoptic systems for the PHREs and their possible development mechanisms are investigated. The anomalous cyclonic disturbance over the southern part of the YHRV during type-A events is primarily maintained and intensified by the propagation of Rossby wave energy originating from the northeast Atlantic in the mid–upper troposphere and the northward propagation of Rossby wave packets from the western Pacific in the mid–lower troposphere. The zonal propagation of Rossby wave packets and the northward propagation of Rossby wave packets during type-B events are more coherent than those for type-A events, which induces eastward propagation of stronger anomaly centers of geopotential height from the northeast Atlantic Ocean to the YHRV and a meridional anomaly in geopotential height over the Asian continent. Type-C events have "two ridges and one trough" in the high latitudes of the Eurasian continent, but the anomalous intensity of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) and the trough of the YHRV region are weaker than those for type-A and type-B events. The composite synoptic circulation of four PHREs in 2020 is basically consistent with that of the corresponding PHRE type. The location of the South Asian high (SAH) in three of the PHREs in 2020 moves eastward as in the composite of the three types, but the position of the WPSH of the four PHREs is clearly westward and northward. Two water vapor conveyor belts and two cold air conveyor belts are tracked during the four PHREs in 2020, but the water vapor path from the western Pacific is not seen, which may be caused by the westward extension of the WPSH.  相似文献   

东亚地区夏季阻塞过程的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
阻塞过程是一种大尺度的大气环流持续性异常现象 ,它一旦出现会造成大范围的天气和气候异常。对阻塞过程的定义多种多样 ,有根据阻塞的气候特征进行定义的 ,也有根据阻塞的天气特征进行定义的 ,研究时根据不同的情况应选择不同的定义。人们用平衡态理论、外源强迫下的共振理论、非线性孤立波理论、斜压性及波流相互作用等理论对阻塞过程进行了研究 ,得到了许多有意义的研究结果。东亚夏季的阻塞过程对中国的天气气候有重要影响 ,东北地区的夏季低温、华北地区的干旱、长江中下游和江淮地区的梅雨和洪涝灾害等都与东亚阻塞过程有关。人们对东亚夏季的阻塞过程形成原因的研究很多 ,发现乌拉尔山阻塞高压崩溃后 ,Rossby波的传播、青藏高原及其附近地区暖湿空气的传输和赤道西太平洋海温异常激发的遥相关波列等对东亚夏季阻塞过程的形成有重要影响  相似文献   

The activity of low frequency oscillation (LFO) widely exists in East Asia during the period of1991 excessively heavy rain over the Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin (Jianghuai).Both the rainfallamount of Jianghuai and the atmosphere from subtropical area to mid-high latitudes have thedominant period of 10—20 d,while the atmospheres in tropical area and high latitudes have thedominant period of 30—60 d.Compared with normal Meiyu season,the anomaly of the 1991 Meiyu process may be reflectedin the following two low frequency synoptic events:(a) The Meiyu process onsets extremely early(in the second dekad of May,which is nearly one month earlier than in normal Meiyu) and isimmediately followed by the first episode of heavy rain.(b) In the first dekad of July,there occursthe heaviest episode of rainfall of the whole Meiyu season,and it is even the heaviest rainfall forthe recent 30 years in China.For these two periods,corresponding to the adjustment of large-scalesituation from“double blocking high”to“bipolar blocking high”,the propagation direction of LFOin East Asia has a distinct seasonal variation,from eastward/northward propagation (passingthrough Jianghuai) during the first episode to westward/southward propagation during the thirdepisode.Oscillations of different frequency bands are superposed in phase.The LFO activity of thecold and warm/moist airs over Jianghuai can be strengthened through those LFO propagationprocesses in East Asia,although they may have different directions in three episodes.Particularly,the eastward (westward) propagation in low latitudes makes the southwest (southeast) airflowtransport intensively the low frequency warm/moist air to the south of Jianghuai from the IndianOcean (tropical West Pacific Ocean) in the first (third) episode.Such warm/moist airs meet andinteract with the cold air which vigorously invades Jianghuai persistently,and finally three episodesof heavy rain occur in mode of LFO.  相似文献   

夏季东亚西风急流扰动异常与副热带高压关系研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用1979—2003年NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料, 探讨夏季 (6—8月) 200 hPa东亚西风急流扰动异常与南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压的关系。研究指出:夏季200 hPa东亚西风急流扰动动能加强 (减弱), 东亚西风急流位置偏南 (偏北)、强度偏强 (偏弱); 东亚西风急流扰动动能强弱不仅与北半球西风急流强弱和沿急流的定常扰动有关, 而且还与东亚地区高、中、低纬南北向的扰动波列有关, 亚洲地区是北半球中纬度环球带状波列异常最大的区域。夏季200 hPa东亚西风急流扰动动能加强 (减弱), 南亚高压的特征为位置偏东 (偏西)、强度加强 (减弱); 西太平洋副热带高压的特征为位置偏南 (偏北)。东亚环流特别是500 hPa西太平洋副热带高压对东亚西风带扰动异常的响应由高空东亚西风急流南侧的散度场及其对流层中下层热带和副热带地区的垂直速度距平场变化完成。  相似文献   

基于NCEP2再分析资料,利用全型线性位势诊断方程详细分析了1998年7月长江流域二度梅建立过程中西太平洋副热带高压(副高)异常调整的物理机制。研究表明,1998年二度梅的重新建立是由于副高南撤增强所致,期间以副高南、北两侧位势高度的“此长彼消”为显著特征。这一调整过程可以分为副高的减弱南撤和增强维持两个阶段,而且是由高、低纬天气系统共同影响的结果。地转涡度项和摩擦力散度项在这其中起到重要贡献,尤以前者贡献最大。在不考虑边界条件作用下,地转涡度项对位势高度的贡献量级为101 gpm,而摩擦力散度项则为100 gpm,后者的影响仅局限于对流层低层。对于北侧位势高度而言,受中高纬度Rossby波调整所产生的低压槽影响,地转涡度项使其持续减弱,而南侧位势高度由于赤道反气旋加强北上,地转涡度项使其由减弱转为增强。摩擦力散度项则通过正反馈作用,分别使得上述的减弱趋势和增强趋势更明显。   相似文献   

基于574台站的逐日降水资料及NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,在比较2010年梅雨期前后(6月7—11日和18—22日)我国东部两次强降水过程的大尺度环流型差异的基础上,从Rossby波活动通量及热带对流活动探讨了这两次强降水过程的异同。结果表明,相同之处在于:两次强降水过程期间中高纬度地区都存在Rossby波向下游传播,中纬度地区呈现双阻型式,低纬度地区西太平洋副热带高压(以下简称西太副高)强度偏强、西伸脊点位置偏西。不同之处在于:1)第一次降水过程中Rossby波的波源位于北欧地区附近,贝加尔湖地区为低槽,使得冷空气南下到36°N左右;同时孟加拉湾活跃的对流系统使西太副高加强西伸到95°E左右,冷暖空气交汇,导致强降水发生;2)第二次降水过程中Rossby波的波源位于北欧地区和中西伯利亚地区附近,东亚地区的低槽较第一次过程明显加深,有利于冷空气到达长江中下游地区(30°N左右),西太平洋暖池地区活跃的对流系统使得西太副高加强西伸到90°E左右,冷暖空气在长江中下游及其以南地区交汇,导致强降水发生。  相似文献   

An extreme rainstorm hit southern China during 13–17 December 2013, with a record-breaking daily rainfall rate, large spatial extent, and unusually long persistence. We examined what induced this heavy rainfall process, based on observed rainfall data and NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data through composite and diagnostic methods. The results showed that a Rossby waveguide within the subtropical westerly jet caused the event. The Rossby wave originated from strong cold air intrusion into the subtropical westerly jet over the eastern Mediterranean. With the enhancement and northward shift of the Middle East westerly jet, the Rossby wave propagated slowly eastward and deepened the India–Burma trough, which transported a large amount of moisture from the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea to southern China. Strong divergence in the upper troposphere, caused by the enhancement of the East Asian westerly jet, also favored the heavy rainfall process over Southeast China. In addition, the Rossby wave was associated with a negative-to-positive phase shift and enhancement of the North Atlantic Oscillation, but convergence in the eastern Mediterranean played the key role in the eastward propagation of the Rossby wave within the subtropical westerly jet.  相似文献   

利用多重尺度摄动法,对低纬大气Kelvin波和Rossby波的波包演变进行了分析,得到两波的非线性相互作用方程为耦合的非线性复系数Landau方程组。数值计算表明两波相遇将使波振幅变化,波宽变窄;两波非线性相互作用可能是低纬强烈天气突然爆发的原因之一。  相似文献   

Based on the NCEP DOE AMIP II daily reanalysis data (1979–2005), the evolution of the East Asia/Pacific (EAP) teleconnection pattern during the pre-rainy period of South China is studied on the medium-range time scale. It is found that positive and negative EAP patterns share a similar generation process. In the middle and upper troposphere, Rossby wave packets emanating from the northeast Atlantic or Europe prop-agate toward East Asia along the Eurasian continent waveguide and finally give rise to the three anomaly centers of the EAP pattern over East Asia. Among the three anomaly centers, the western Pacific subtropical center appears the latest. Rossby wave packets propagate from the high latitude anomaly center toward the mid-latitude and the subtropical ones. The enhancement and maintenance of the subtropical anomaly center is closely associated with the subtropical jet waveguide and the incoming Rossby wave packets from the upstream. In the lower troposphere, Rossby wave packets emanate from the subtropical Asia toward East Asia. Positive and negative EAP patterns could not be regarded as "mirrors" to each other with simply reversed phase. For the positive pattern, the positive height anomaly center around the Scandinavia Peninsula keeps its strength and position during the mature period, and the Rossby wave packets thus propagate persistently toward East Asia, facilitating a longer mature time of the positive pattern. As for the formation of the negative EAP pattern, however, the incoming Rossby wave energy from the upstream contributes to both the enhancement and southeastward movement of the negative anomaly belt from the Yenisei River to the Bering Strait and the positive anomaly center around Mongolia. At the peak time, the two anomlous circulations are evolved into the Northeast Asia and the mid-latitude anomaly centers of the negative pat- tern, respectively. The energy dispersion of Rossby wave packets is relatively fast due to the predominant zonal circulation in the extratropics, causing a shorter mature period of the negative pattern. During the pre-rainy period of South China, the prevalence of the EAP pattern significantly affects the rainfall over the region south of the Yangtze River. The positive (negative) EAP pattern tends to cause positive (negative) precipitation anomalies in that region. This is different from the earlier research findings based on monthly mean data.  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料、数值预报产品,对2010年9月21日发生在内蒙古中西部的罕见冷式切变线区域性暴雨过程的异常环流特征进行了分析。分析表明:本次暴雨的发生与大气环流异常有关。欧亚中高纬西风带持续呈两槽一脊形势,亚洲中高纬度盛行纬向西风气流;东亚中低纬西太平洋副热带高压和南亚高压偏北偏强,热带低纬超强台风凡亚比在我国登陆,因此不同纬度环流系统的整体异常及其相互作用是本次暴雨发生的关键。  相似文献   

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