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We report on measurements of the near-field dispersion of contaminant plumes in a large array of building-like obstacles at three scales; namely, at full-scale in a field experiment, at 1:50 scale in a wind-tunnel simulation, and at 1:205 scale in a water-channel simulation. Plume concentration statistics extracted from the physical modelling in the wind-tunnel and water-channel simulations are compared to those obtained from a field experiment. The modification of the detailed structure of the plume as it interacts with the obstacles is investigated. To this purpose, measurements of the evolution of the mean concentration, concentration fluctuation intensity, concentration probability density function, and integral time scale of concentration fluctuations in the array plume obtained from the field experiment and the scaled wind-tunnel and water-channel experiments are reported and compared, as well as measurements of upwind and within-array velocity spectra. Generally, the wind-tunnel and water-channel results on the modification of the detailed plume structure by the obstacles were qualitatively similar to those observed in the field experiments. However, with the appropriate scaling, the water-channel simulations were able to reproduce quantitatively the results of the full-scale field experiments better than the wind-tunnel simulations.  相似文献   

Plume meandering and averaging time effects were measured directly using a high spatial resolution, high frequency, linescan laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique for measuring scalar concentrations in a plume dispersing in a water channel. Post-processing of the collected data removed time dependent background dye levels and corrected for attenuation across the laser beam to produce accurate measurements over long sample times in both a rough surface boundary-layer shear flow and shear free grid-generated turbulent flow. The data were used to verify the applicability of a meandering plume model for predicting the properties of mean and fluctuating concentrations. The centroid position of the crosswind concentration profile was found to have a Gaussian probability density function and the instantaneous plume spread about the centroid fluctuated log-normally. A modified travel-time power law model for averaging time adjustment was developed and compared to the widely used, but much less accurate, 0.2 power-law model.  相似文献   

Summary Paper reviews recent laboratory and numerical model studies of passive gaseous tracer dispersion in the atmospheric convective boundary layer (CBL) with surface and elevated wind shears. Atmospheric measurement data used for validation of these two model techniques are briefly discussed as well. A historical overview is given of laboratory studies of dispersion in the atmospheric CBL. Model studies of tracer dispersion in two CBL types, the (i) non-steady, horizontally homogeneous CBL and (ii) quasi-stationary, horizontally heterogeneous CBL, are reviewed. The discussion is focused on the dispersion of non-buoyant plume emitted from a point source located at different elevations within the CBL. Approaches towards CBL modeling employed in different laboratory facilities (water tanks and wind tunnels) are described. The reviewed numerical techniques include Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Lagrangian modeling. Numerical data on dispersion in the sheared CBL is analyzed in conjunction with experimental results from wind-tunnel CBLs.  相似文献   

Daily mean values of the Priestley-Taylor coefficient, ¯, are derived from a simple model of the daily growth of a convective boundary layer. For a particular control set of driving environmental variables, ¯ is related to the prescribed bulk surface resistance, rS by 1/¯ = 1/0 + mrS for parameters 0 and m. The dependence of the parameters 0 and m on weather is explored and a potential use of this linear relation to provide information about regional values of rS is indicated.  相似文献   

A simple Lagrangian stochastic model for the trajectories of particle pairs in high Reynolds-number turbulent flows is presented. In this model, the velocities of particle pairs are initially correlated but subsequently each particle moves independently. The independent single-particle trajectories are simulated using Thomson's model [J. Fluid Mech. 180, 529–556, 1987]. This two-particle model exactly satisfies the well-mixed condition for Gaussian turbulence when length scales, characterizing the two-point Eulerian velocity correlation function, vanish. Temperature variances, due to heat released as a passive scalar from an elevated plane source, within a model plant canopy (Coppin et al. Boundary Layer Meteorol. 35, 167–191, 1986) are shown to be well predicted by the model. It is suggested that for strongly inhomogeneous flows, the two-point Eulerian velocity function is of secondary importance in determining the simulated trajectories of particle pairs compared to the importance of ensuring satisfaction of the two-to-one constraint (Borgas and Sawford. J. Fluid Mech. 279, 69–99, 1994); i.e ensuring that one-particle statistics obtained from the two-particle model are the same as those obtained from the corresponding one-particle model. Limitations of this modelling approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition can provide a significant fraction of the nitrogen loading to coastal waters. The Delmarva Peninsula, on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, is a region with intense poultry production that may supply a significant source of atmospheric ammonia (NH3). There is a need to quantify ammonia NH3 from representative growing methods in this region in order to more accurately estimate agricultural NH3 emissions and to develop best management practices. In this study, NH3 emissions were determined at an 18,600-bird tunnel-ventilated chicken house using a modified sampling grid (a planar arrangement normal to the length of the house) with Ogawa passive samplers to characterize the emission plume downwind from the house. This improvement in the sampling strategy, compared to a previous study, simplified the inverse Gaussian plume analysis which improved the confidence in the emission factors. In this study, a total of four separate plume characterizations were conducted over the final 3 weeks of the 6-week broiler grow-out cycle. The mean emission factor observed at the tunnel-ventilated house, 0.13 g NH3–N/bird-day, was an order of magnitude lower than that previously observed at a nearby side-wall ventilated house. Although not all growing variables were measured, the large difference in emission factors between the two ventilation regimes suggest that modern, tunnel-ventilated houses may result in a significant decrease in NH3 emissions compared with traditional growing methods. This variability in emission factors underscores the need for characterizing chicken houses under various conditions and determining the factors that control these atmospheric emissions.  相似文献   

Air flow inside an array of cubes is simulated. Cubes (edge length 0.15 m) are arranged in a regular array, separated by 0.15 m in the streamwise and spanwise directions. Numerical simulations are performed based on Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations (RANS), solved in a computational fluid dynamics model (CFD), with standard k–ε turbulent closure (two prognostic equations are solved for the turbulent kinetic energy k and its dissipation ε, respectively). Simulations are validated against wind-tunnel data using a technique based on hit-rate calculations, and calculated statistical parameters. The results show that the horizontal velocity is very well modelled, and despite some discrepancies, the model that fulfils the hit-rate test criteria gives useful results that are used to investigate three-dimensional (3-D) flow structures. The 3-D analysis of the flow shows interesting patterns: the centre of the canyon vortex is at 3/4 of the canyon height, and stronger downward than upward motions are present within the canyon. Such behaviour is explained by the presence of a compensation flow through the side of the canyon, which enters the canyon from the upper part and exits from the lower part. This complex 3-D structure affects the tracer dispersion, and is responsible for pollutant transport and diffusion.  相似文献   

A microscale air pollutant dispersion model system is developed for emergency response purposes. The model includes a diagnostic wind field model to simulate the wind field and a random-walk air pollutant dispersion model to simulate the pollutant concentration through consideration of the influence of urban buildings. Numerical experiments are designed to evaluate the model's performance, using CEDVAL(Compilation of Experimental Data for Validation of Microscale Dispersion Models) wind tunnel experiment data, including wind fields and air pollutant dispersion around a single building. The results show that the wind model can reproduce the vortexes triggered by urban buildings and the dispersion model simulates the pollutant concentration around buildings well. Typically, the simulation errors come from the determination of the key zones around a building or building cluster. This model has the potential for multiple applications; for example, the prediction of air pollutant dispersion and the evaluation of environmental impacts in emergency situations; urban planning scenarios;and the assessment of microscale air quality in urban areas.  相似文献   

The study focuses on a way to parameterize the effect of subgrid scale convective motions on surface fluxes in large scale and regional models for the case of light surface winds. As previously proposed, these subgrid effects are assumed to scale with the convection intensity through the relationship: where is the mean velocity of the wind, U0 the velocity of the mean wind, w* the free convection velocity, and an empirical coefficient to be determined. Both observations and numerical simulation are presently used to determine the free convection coefficient .Large eddy simulation of a fair weather convective boundary layer case observed during TOGA-COARE is performed. Comparisons between observations and the simulation of surface properties and vertical profiles in the planetary boundary layer are presented. The simulated vertical turbulent fluxes of heat, moisture and buoyancy range well within estimates from aircraft measurements.The most important result is that the true free convection coefficient , directly estimated from simulation, leads to a value of 0.65, smaller than the ones estimated from temporal and spatial variances. Using observations and simulation, estimates of from temporal and spatial variances are obtained with similar values 0.8. From both theoretical derivations and numerical computations, it is shown that estimates of the true from variances are possible but only after applying a correction factor equal to 0.8. If this correction is not used, is overestimated by about 25%. The time and space sampling problem is also addressed in using numerical simulations.  相似文献   

1. Introduction In our previous paper, MSPAS (Modi?ed Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Scheme) was fully introduced andthe e?ectiveness of the model was also well proved (Liuet al., 2004). In this paper, some sensitivity experi-ments are performed to test the sta…  相似文献   

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