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本文利用强氧化剂臭氧 O3 对空气中的冠状病毒进行杀灭试验。经不同臭氧浓度、湿度、温度处理灭活的冠状病毒于 1 0日龄鸡胚培养一代 ,进行对流免疫电泳试验检测。结果表明 ,臭氧浓度在高于 2 0 .3mg/ m3 ,作用时间超过 1 5 min时就可将病毒完全杀灭。湿度和温度对臭氧的杀毒效果也有显著影响 ,即湿度越大灭活效果越好 ,温度越高杀毒效果越明显  相似文献   

山东省长岛县科委关于臭氧化消毒技术在鲍鱼育苗中应用已申报山东省科委立项。这一应用研究课题旨在通过探索臭氧消毒海水对鲍鱼育苗的作用机理,研究不同臭氧浓度处理海水对稚鲍成活率及生长速度的关系,总结出一套利用臭氧消毒海水清除病害的困扰、提高稚鲍成活率的育苗生产新工艺,推动鲍鱼育苗生产走上高效低耗、科学健康发展的轨道。 臭氧化消毒技术是利用其臭氧的强氧化  相似文献   

臭氧在卤虫卵孵化中的应用效果研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宫小明  刘淇  王群  李健 《海洋科学》2002,26(6):68-71
臭氧因具有强氧化性,可以起到灭菌、消毒、净化水质的作用 ,并且它在水中可迅速分解为氧气,不会造成对水体的污染[1,8,9],被认为是一种绿色环保型的“消毒剂” ,因而在水产养殖中的应用越来越广泛。以往人们的研究主要集中在臭氧对养殖鱼类的毒性及水体的杀菌效果等方面[5,6,8] 另有报道臭氧影响微藻中的脂肪酸和蛋白质的含量[7]。有关臭氧对卤虫卵孵化率的影响仅见有孙广明等[2]报道 :利用臭氧处理过的水进行卤虫卵孵化,可使其孵化率提高10%以上。但有关卤虫卵孵化的最佳臭氧浓度、臭氧对卤虫无节幼体的成活率影响、…  相似文献   

几种药物对中国对虾卵子的消毒试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文试验了几种药物对中国对虾卵子表面细菌的杀灭力以及卵子对消毒药物的耐受力。试验结果表明,利用适当浓度的药物对卵子消毒可以消除病原体的来源和传播途径,减少对虾育期各种疾病的发生而又不致于对卵子的孵化率产生显著影响。  相似文献   

用臭氧处理海水对鱼虾的急性毒性效应研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
姜国良  刘云  杨栋  吕艳 《海洋科学》2001,25(3):11-13
本实验检测了不同浓度臭氧残留对中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)、牙鲆(Paralichthys oilvaceus)存活率的影响。结果表明,对虾的耐受力要比牙鲆鱼强,中国对虾在臭氧浓度≥1.0mg/L时,可存活至少48h,而芽鲆在此浓度下3h后,即出现鳃部充血肿胀、呼吸频率加快等不适应现象,48h LC50为0.13mg/L。如果能正确控制臭氧的残留量,利用臭氧净化养殖用水是一个不容质疑的水质净化的好方法。  相似文献   

臭氧处理水技术原理及其在水产养殖中的应用综述   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
自从1785年发现臭氧以来,臭氧作为氧化剂、消毒剂、催化剂在世界范围内获得广泛的应用,如利用臭氧消毒技术进行饮用水的处理;用于水产养殖用水上,既起杀菌作用,又达到增氧效果,为水产高密度养殖创造有利条件;用于环境消毒、食品保鲜(特别海产品)、储藏、去色、去味、防霉,海水淡化等方面(1、2、3、4、5),由于臭氧处理水法,克服因使用氯和其他化学药品而产生的致癌物质,并造成二次污染,人们也逐渐认识到臭氧处理技术的重要性。水是水生动物的生存环境,水质的好坏直接关系到水产养殖生物成活与否,特别水产动物的苗种生产对…  相似文献   

臭氧在鱼类育苗中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文主要研究臭氧在鱼类育苗水质处理中的应用效果,观察不同浓度的臭氧对养殖水中细菌和弧菌的灭菌效果,及其对鱼苗孵化率和仔鱼存活率的影响。  相似文献   

光激发的臭氧是使用波长低于180nm的光量子激发氧分子(O2)而产生的,与常规的地臭氧的区别是:光臭氧为呈碱性负离子状态的气流,它的氧化电势为2.60V,不呈现氮氧化物,在水中的半衰期超过2h,是极强的氧化剂,其杀菌消毒效果远高于常用消毒剂。它可以一次同时完成杀菌消毒、净化水质和增氧三大任务,而且不产生二次污染,是当前水产养殖中水质消毒净化的理想物质具有极其广泛的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

完善污染物扩散基本方程。结合多组分扩散理论针对湿度变化对气体污染物扩散的影响进行研究,通过对气体污染物迁移、转化的基本方程进行修正,得到在无边界大气条件下1个稳定污染点源连续排放的扩散模型,并对方程进行了简化和求解;通过变湿度气态物扩散特性试验装置,对不同湿度条件下气体扩散性质进行了试验确定。得到了湿度变化条件下气体污染物扩散的一般规律。  相似文献   

本文从理论出发,通过大量的小型模拟实验,确立了海水流量、臭氧投加量、消毒时间三者的关系,从而制定了利用臭氧进行海水消毒净化工程的工艺流程。又经过实际工程的验证,其工艺流程是可行的,结果优于设计要求,从而创立了国内第一家利用臭氧进行海水消毒净化的优质工程,为沿海城镇以海水替代淡水提供了一个新的途径。  相似文献   

An analysis of the high-latitude ozone balloon sounding data derived from Canadian stations shows that, in the maximum of the 11-year cycle of solar activity (SA), the ozone content in the lower stratosphere is higher than in the SA minimum and, in the SA maximum, the lower stratosphere is warmer and the troposphere is colder than in the SA minimum. The ozone and temperature responses to the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the opposite phases of the 11-year cycle of SA show substantial differences: in the SA maximum, the QBO effects in the ozone and temperature cover a wider range of heights, the maxima of the effects manifest themselves at 5–10 km higher, and their amplitudes exceed the amplitudes of the effects in the SA minimum. The results indicate that the QBO is one of the “conductors” of the influence of the 11-year SA cycle in the Canadian sector of the Arctic.  相似文献   

The results of continuous minute measurements of the surface concentrations of ozone, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide during the 2002–2004 period at the environmental station of the Oboukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP), and the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University (MSU), are discussed. It is shown that the conditions of Moscow’s southwestern region remote from large local pollution sources reflect the general regularities of the variability of trace gases in an urban atmosphere. This is manifested in the mean annual value of the ratio NO/NO2 (a little less than 1), decreased daylight values of O3, increased values of the rest of the trace gases as compared to the background region, and the presence of a secondary nocturnal maximum in the diurnal cycle of O3. The features of the annual and diurnal cycles of the concentrations of the substances under analysis are discussed. In the diurnal cycle of the primary products of combustion (NO and CO), an excess of the morning maximum (over the evening one) is observed during both warm and transition periods and higher values of the night maximum (as compared to the daylight one) are noted for summer. The temperature stratification properties determined from the MSU long-term acoustic sounding data serve as a possible cause for both of the effects revealed. The annual cycle of the concentration of surface ozone is characterized by the highest values for spring and summer. The annual cycles of NO, NO2, CO, and SO2 do not demonstrate any obvious seasonal regularities. A significant seasonal variation of the ratio NO/NO2, which is associated with the oxidizing properties of the urban atmosphere, is revealed. The record high concentrations of trace gases in the atmosphere over Moscow are given, and the meteorological conditions for their accumulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Winter thermohaline properties of the northern Adriatic are analysed here with the aim of getting a better insight into dense water formation on the shelf. The hydrographic parameters collected in February in the 1967–2000 interval at two stations, the first located close to the eastern shore (station 1), and the second positioned near the Po river mouth (station 2), are compared. Two types of winter hydrographic conditions are distinguished: type A when bottom salinity and density are higher at station 1 than at station 2 and type B when these parameters are higher at station 2 than at station 1. Type A is more likely to occur in warmer and type B in colder winters. Both A and B distribution types can occur in periods when the Adriatic is under the influence of very saline waters of Mediterranean origin. Interannual changes in density are, at both stations, more dependant on haline than on thermal variations. At both stations temperature was somewhat higher in the early seventies than during the eighties and nineties, while salinity and density were lower in the early seventies and early nineties than in other years of the analysed period. By comparing the 1967–2000 changes in hydrographic conditions in February to monthly values of northern Adriatic surface fluxes and Po river discharge rates, it is shown that winter thermohaline characteristics in the region depend on processes which occur much earlier, i.e. during the previous autumn and late in spring of the preceding year, and even during the previous winter, 12 months before.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal variation of the neustonic zooplankton community in the surface layer (above 30 cm in depth) of 16 stations in southern waters of Korea from April 2002 to April 2003. In the neustonic community, copepods accounted for 59% of total organisms, as the most predominant group, while other dominant groups were invertebrate larvae, cladocerans, tunicates and fish eggs. Pontellid copepods, a major group of neustonic zooplankton, showed a marked seasonal variation and displayed a significant positive correlation with temperature (P < 0.05). Fish eggs appeared from spring to early summer in the inshore waters while tunicates and oceanic copepods (Eucalanus spp. and Euchaeta spp.) were dominant in the offshore waters during high temperature periods. This suggests that the distribution pattern of the neustonic zooplankton is seasonally affected by the hydrological conditions of in- and offshore waters. The abundance of zooplankton was higher in the surface layer (< 15 cm) than in the subsurface layer (15–30 cm), and was also higher at night than during the daytime. Of the dominant copepod families, the density of acartiid and pontellid copepods was higher in the surface layer than the subsurface layer. The density of acartiid and corycaeid copepods was significantly higher during daytime than nighttime. This indicates that the surface layer in temperate regions may provide a favorable habitat for neustonic copepods despite the dynamic environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes atmospheric ozone variability at different altitudes over St. Petersburg for the period 2009–2014 on the basis of surface observations at the Peterhof station, satellite measurements with an SBUV instrument, and numerical simulations. Simulation data on temperature, wind velocity, humidity, and surface pressure are taken from the MERRA reanalysis database. Based on ozone measurements, numerical modeling, and reanalysis data, characteristics of ozone seasonal and interannual changes are identified; the role of photochemical and dynamic factors in ozone variations is estimated.  相似文献   

The results of the 1995–2008 observations of the concentrations of ozone and nitric oxides in the surface air over the Trans-Siberian Railway using a mobile laboratory (the TROICA experiments) are analyzed. The features of the spatial distribution and time variability of these gases over the continent within the latitudinal belt 48°–58° N are revealed individually for polluted and background conditions. The characteristic features of their distribution are a decrease in the concentration of nitric oxides and an increase in the concentration of ozone in an eastward direction. On the whole, the process of photochemical ozone formation over the territory of Siberia is slow. Noticeable increases in the concentration of ozone are associated with both forest and steppe fires and with the transboundary transport of pollution from the countries of eastern Asia. The dry precipitation of trace gases plays a significantly larger role in Siberia than in coastal and high-altitude unpolluted regions due to powerful and long temperature inversions.  相似文献   

A combined three-dimensional global model of the chemistry and dynamics of the lower and middle atmosphere (up to 90 km from the Earth’s surface) is described. With the use of this model within the AMIP2 (1979–1995) program, numerical calculations were performed with consideration for the interactive coupling between the ozone content, radiation heating, and atmospheric circulation. Comparisons were made between calculated and observed data on the ozone content and temperature. Heterogeneous processes on the surface of polar stratospheric clouds were shown to be important for a correct simulation of the spatial and temporal distribution of atmospheric ozone.  相似文献   

为更清楚了解浙东海域浮游植物的初级生产力情况,于2006年8月(夏季)和2007年1月(冬季)在浙东海域28°00′~30°00′N、122°00′~127°30′E设置了3条调查断面,共布设25个观测站位,现场采用荧光连续法对叶绿素a进行测定,初步研究了该海域叶绿素a的空间分布特征,并探讨了水体温度、营养盐和浊度对叶绿素a分布的影响。结果表明:夏季,叶绿素a分布趋势为近岸(平均质量浓度为2.01μg/L)>外海(平均质量浓度为0.52μg/L),其主要垂直分布类型为递增型、递减型和单峰型;冬季,叶绿素a分布趋势为外海(平均质量浓度为0.50μg/L)>近岸(平均质量浓度为0.33μg/L),主要垂直分布类型为递增型、均匀型、单峰型和双峰型。夏季调查海域浮游植物叶绿素a平均质量浓度为0.93μg/L,明显高于冬季(0.46μg/L)。温度、营养盐和浊度是影响研究区夏、冬季叶绿素a分布的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

ArestudyofostracodeassemblagesinthesurfacesedimentsoftheHuanghaiSea¥ZhouBaochun;ZhaoQuanhong;HuangWeiandGaoJianxi(Departmento...  相似文献   

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