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近几年来随着我国经济改革开放,各大医院不断进口国外先进医疗设备,特别是CT扫描机的进口数量愈来愈大。从1979年至今我国共进口CT扫描机已达五、六万台。还远远没有满足需要。随着医疗水平的提高,要求CT的人愈来愈多,申请购买CT的医院也愈来愈多。用户都想购买一台质量好,价钱低的CT,那么,购买CT主要应从哪几项提出要求呢?我  相似文献   

武装部队的医疗队由于铁路和公路交通的毁坏和阻塞,在相当一段时间里难以进入一些城镇、乡村和村镇,所以遭到地震破坏的广大地区和受灾居民无人救援。在这样困难的情况下,可通过直升机运送的武装部队医疗队有效地进行医疗保健工作。如果建立了野外流动医院,也可直接把地震和山崩受灾地区的重病号和受伤者空运到野外流动医院,或送到一些具有必要医疗设施的医院里进行最后治疗。野外流动医院可以建立流动医院随时派出流动外科医疗队,以便把抢救的生命垂危和肢体受伤的病人立即送往医院治疗。如果灾民营里发生大量的  相似文献   

九十年代出现了螺旋CT并得到迅速发展,其滑环数据传输技术和螺旋插值软件使扫描速度得到大幅度提高,为CT辅助临床诊断开辟了新的领域。我们从1998年至今,利用已有CT产品的经验和自己的开发力量,研制并生产了我国第一台医用螺旋CT,迄今已有两台在用户医院安装。我们基于低压滑环的螺旋CT具有1秒完全扫描、5秒建象、三维成象等较高的性能指标和较低的价格。总体性能达到国际市场中档CT的水平,填补了国内空白。  相似文献   

一、引进最近四年内,二手X线CT机的引进不断增加。本文所谓的二手CT,是国外已用过的在1985年之前生产的CT扫描仪转手运到我国销售的,据有关统计,全国现有已有各种型号的X线CT扫描装置(以下简称CT)五百余台,其中二手CT约占40%。就河南省而言,现有CT机29台,其中二手CT机有12台,占41%;郑州市现有CT8台,其中二手CT为4台,占50%。引进二手CT的医院多数为地、市级医院,也有省级医院  相似文献   

10多年来 ,泛美卫生组织 ( PAHO)和世界卫生组织 ( WHO)致力于提高对如何减轻甚至避免那些卫生设施易受自然灾害损坏方面的认识。事实上 ,加勒比海和拉丁美洲的医院没有必要因地震或飓风的事情而困扰。然而 ,所发生的经常完全如此。不夸张地说 ,在加勒比海的很多卫生设施都随一个接一个的风暴而“飘”走了。 1 966年在基兹 ( St.Kitts)和尼维斯开业的 JN·法兰西医院已遭过 1 0次飓风的重大破坏。 1 995年的路易斯( L uis)飓风严重地袭击了该医院 ,随后进行了修复 ,但在 1 998年乔治 ( Georges)飓风中JN·法兰西医院的屋顶又一次被摧…  相似文献   

介绍了建立医院和医院之间PACS系统的意义;信息传输技术的不断发展,为建立院间PACS系统提供了物质基础,采用固定IP地址的中间存储空间和采用适当无损压缩方法是建立院间PACS系统的关键。  相似文献   

基于石家庄市地震应急避难场所及医院的实际情况,利用百度地图API接口,开发了应急避难管理系统。该系统将避难场所及医院信息存储在MySQL数据库中,通过数据的检索、调用,将避难场所及医院的位置、面积、可容纳人数等信息显示在系统中。实现了信息展示、路线规划等功能,在突发事件发生后可减轻灾难损失,提高公共服务能力。  相似文献   

概述:PACS(PictureArchivingandCommunicationSystems)即图像归档与传输系统,是医院的医学图像信息管理系统,图像主要来源于医院的放射医疗设备(如X-CT、UFCT、MAI机以及PET等)。传统的放射科医生的诊断方式主要是根据由特定影像设备产生的胶片,凭借医生多年的诊断经验判断是否有病变及其具体情况。这种利用胶片的诊断和存储方式随着影像设备的不断更新换代已经越来越不适应医院的管理发展需要。随着计算机技术的飞速发展,使用计算机取代胶片保存手段应用于医院管理的想法已产生了,PACS正是这种思想发展的结果。PACS…  相似文献   

香港山顶地区的明德医院于1990年12月开始使用超速电脑CT 扫描机。这是除美国和日本外在亚太地区首家唯一装备有此种扫描机的医院。Imatron 超速CT 扫描机是目前使用电子射束技术的最先进的诊断成像系统。超速CT 扫描机完全放弃了传统的机械旋转探测器或X 射线管组合,既克服了广泛使用的常规CT 扫描机在扫描速度上的难关,又解决了X 射线管的热散失问题。  相似文献   

198 6年 1 0月 ,一次里氏 7 5级的地震袭击了萨尔瓦多 ,造成 1 0 0 0多人死亡 ,数千人受伤或无家可归 ,以及数百万美元的损失。本杰明布卢姆儿童医院 1 2层高的塔楼受到结构性破坏 ,提供门诊服务的 3层楼被摧毁。这些破坏使得医院全部疏散 ,对病人和受害者的治疗均在帐篷里进行。鉴于 1 986年地震的破坏后果 ,因此在重建被地震破坏的设施时采取了减灾措施。对塔楼进行了翻新改造 ,加固了建筑物的外墙 ,并重新修建了门诊楼。重建共花费了数年时间 ,在此期间 ,一座临时设施被用于医院的治疗服务。1 993年 ,翻新改造和重建后的本杰明布卢姆医院…  相似文献   

— The July 17, 1998 tsunami killed over 2,100 people, injured at least 800 severely enough to require hospitalization, permanently displaced over 10,000 and disrupted the social and economic framework of the coastal communities of eastern Saundaun Province, Papua New Guinea. Initial response to the disaster was delayed 16 hours because of the failure to communicate the magnitude of the impact outside the affected area. Once the scope of the disaster was known, international assistance was rapid and substantial. Medical teams, supplies, air transport and mobile field hospitals were provided to assist national medical personnel and facilities. Seven care centers were established for the displaced survivors. Nineteen countries and 17 NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) donated money, relief and rebuilding supplies valued at over 6 million US$ in addition to substantial contributions from national recovery funds and the Catholic Diocese. The three Malol villages, two Arop, four Sissano and the Warupu village were permanently abandoned and new villages established inland. Closure of the lagoon and restriction of coastal fishing impacted adjacent villages as well as tsunami survivors. By the second anniversary of the tsunami construction of schools, water and sanitation systems and some roads had been completed. Survivors were provided tools and building supplies to construct new homes, canoes and fishing equipment. Relief and recovery efforts were complicated by coordination difficulties among the many responding agencies and organizations, the disruption of daily routines for both survivors and villages hosting the care centers, and the intrusion of outside aid workers in a region that had been isolated before the disaster. Adaptation to the new village sites has been difficult due to their inland locations that are hotter, more insect-infested and have water and sanitation difficulties. The high number of casualties from the tsunami was the result of several factors: Population concentrated in the area of maximum tsunami impact. Date and time of occurrence. Siting of villages on vulnerable sand spits. Failure of residents to self-evacuate after feeling the earthquake. Substantial delay in mobilizing response. However, further losses were likely reduced because of the rapid deployment of air transport and medical teams, and massive international relief support. The tsunami has affected long-term tsunami mitigation in the Sissano region through the relocation of villages, heightened awareness and education programs. It has also had a significant effect on mitigation in other countries by illuminating the potential dangers of landslide-generated tsunamis and in media coverage of tsunami hazards.  相似文献   

Lack of basic sanitation systems threaten environmental and human health in low income urban communities. In 2005, the Government of Zimbabwe carried out a cleanup exercise in urban areas involving the destruction of illegal structures which left many people homeless. As a solution to this problem, the government embarked on an extensive housing construction exercise on unserviced land; the ‘Garikai/Hlalani Kuhle’ development programme. The objective of this paper was to investigate the sanitation status in one such area (Cowdray Park Extension, Bulawayo) and determine a sustainable sanitation system for the improved collection of wastewater from the unserviced low income urban area. The study was carried out between October 2010 and February 2011. The sanitation status as well as the residents’ preferences for improved sanitation and the economic set up of the community for the study area was determined through use of questionnaires to the residents. The local authority was then consulted to recommend sanitation facilities and system for the area that met regulatory requirements. A literature study identified sanitation options that were applicable to low income and high density urban areas. The baseline survey found that 61% of the people in the study area lacked sanitation facilities and practiced open defecation. The majority of the residents (70%) preferred ‘flush and discharge’ system sanitation facilities, which was in line with the local council’s requirements. On-site sanitation options were found not to be feasible as per the council regulations and the findings of the literature study, for areas with a high density of houses. Therefore a sewerage system was designed using the conventional sewerage design approach as well as the simplified sewerage design approach in order to determine the collection system that would best meet the needs of the community. In conclusion, the community was in dire need of a sanitation system and a waterborne offsite sanitation system was found to be a feasible option. The simplified sewerage system was found to deliver the same hydraulic benefits for collecting wastewater as the conventional but was 33% cheaper to construct and hence more affordable for the community. It was recommended that stringent environmental monitoring of the sanitation system be put in place to minimise any potential environmental impacts.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the experiences acquired through several research projects on the history of water and sanitation services by two multidisciplinary teams. Challenges have been faced in identifying feasible objectives, realistic resources, time allocations and unexpected external factors. Water history can preserve cultural heritage, promote reputation management, record vanishing knowledge, and discover new facts.  相似文献   

教育系统和卫生系统地震灾害损失评估方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
历次地震灾害调查发现,中小学校舍和乡镇卫生院(所)房屋震害较重,教学设施、设备和医疗防疫器材损失严重。结合地震现场工作实际,在现行地震灾害损失评估方法的基础上探讨了教育系统和卫生系统的地震灾害调查和经济损失评估方法。  相似文献   

Sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation is an important part of the millennium development goals (MDGs). For most African countries, an extensive effort is needed for the last three remaining years for the achievement of the MDGs, especially in Sub‐Saharan Africa. Current practices for water and wastewater treatment in Africa are insufficient to ensure safe water and basic sanitation. To address this challenge, joint efforts are needed, including transforming to green economy, innovating technologies, improving operation and maintenance, harvesting energy, improving governance and management, promoting public participation, and establishing water quality standards.  相似文献   

“现场搜索、营救、医疗卫生”是震后抗震救灾过程中最为关键的3个方面,医疗卫生工作的完善程度直接关系到疫情的发生与否以及严重程度如何,对保障人民群众生命安全和身体健康具有重要影响.因此抗震救灾中的医疗卫生工作必须得到高度的重视.本文基于1013份玉树地震救灾情况的问卷调查结果,吸取了汶川地震等以往地震的经验和教训,对震后...  相似文献   

Nitrate levels in the ground water of the Central Valley of Costa Rica have increased in relation to the past. Previous studies determined that the unseweved sanitation systems in the recharge areas are the main source of nitrogen. Calculations are made in this study to estimate the maximum population density allowable without improved sewage systems in order to keep the nitrogen levels in ground water below the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Results were achieved employing a mass balance that involved the concentration and rate of domestic effluents and the flow rate in the aquifer, as well as an estimation of the effects caused by the agricultural activity. It was concluded that, in general terms, the population density must not exceed 45 inhabitants per hectare. Otherwise, sewage systems and treatment plants are necessary. These conclusions provide a basis for urban growth planning, which will protect ground water quality. The method used in this case should apply to similar situations.  相似文献   

Although water resources managers speak of a water crisis in Africa, the management of ground water has to date not featured strongly in national and regional African water agendas. Examination of the physical environment of the continent and, in particular, the water resources in relation to the socioeconomic landscape and regional development challenges makes it clear that widely occurring, albeit largely low-yielding, ground water resources will be crucial in the achievement of water security and development. Ground water is important primarily in domestic water and sanitation services, but also for other local productive needs like community gardens, stock watering, and brick-making, all essential to secure a basic livelihood and thus to alleviate poverty. Despite the importance of small-scale farming in Africa, there is little information on the present and potential role of ground water in agriculture. In contrast to its socioeconomic and ecological importance, ground water has remained a poorly understood and managed resource. Widespread contamination of ground water resources is occurring, and the important environmental services of ground water are neglected. There appear to be critical shortcomings in the organizational framework and the building of institutional capacity for ground water. Addressing this challenge will require a much clearer understanding and articulation of ground water's role and contribution to national and regional development objectives and an integrated management framework, with top-down facilitation of local actions.  相似文献   


Santa agricultural area is a key production site for crops in Cameroon. This study aimed to look at the risk factors, knowledge and health implications of water pollution across 10 villages, in the area: 140 water points were visited and questionnaires randomly administered to water users, while health data were collected from the two local hospitals. Water sources are tap, stream, rain, well and spring and the water is used for agriculture, domestic activities, hygiene and sanitation. Pesticide pollution was illustrated by activities such as spraying, mixing and management of waste containers and purification methods are chlorination, boiling, sedimentation, filtration and refrigeration. Waterborne diseases are cholera, typhoid (the most prevalent), diarrhea, dysentery and skin diseases. Many water sources are close to toilets, farms and dumping sites. We found that 75% of respondents were not satisfied with the quality of water. Our results will be interest for water management, and to educate users on the risks linked to current practices.  相似文献   

Following the empirical evidence of a clear correlation between rainfall events and cholera resurgence that was observed in particular during the recent outbreak in Haiti, a spatially explicit model of epidemic cholera is re-examined. Specifically, we test a multivariate Poisson rainfall generator, with parameters varying in space and time, as a driver of enhanced disease transmission. The relevance of the issue relates to the key insight that predictive mathematical models may provide into the course of an ongoing cholera epidemic aiding emergency management (say, in allocating life-saving supplies or health care staff) or in evaluating alternative management strategies. Our model consists of a set of dynamical equations (SIRB-like i.e. subdivided into the compartments of Susceptible, Infected and Recovered individuals, and including a balance of Bacterial concentrations in the water reservoir) describing a connected network of human communities where the infection results from the exposure to excess concentrations of pathogens in the water. These, in turn, are driven by rainfall washout of open-air defecation sites or cesspool overflows, hydrologic transport through waterways and by mobility of susceptible and infected individuals. We perform an a posteriori analysis (from the beginning of the epidemic in October 2010 until December 2011) to test the model reliability in predicting cholera cases and in testing control measures, involving vaccination and sanitation campaigns, for the ongoing epidemic. Even though predicting reliably the timing of the epidemic resurgence proves difficult due to rainfall inter-annual variability, we find that the model can reasonably quantify the total number of reported infection cases in the selected time-span. We then run a multi-seasonal prediction of the course of the epidemic until December 2015, to investigate conditions for further resurgences and endemicity of cholera in the region with a view to policies which may bring to the eradication of the disease in Haiti. The projections, although strongly depending on still uncertain epidemiological processes, show an endemic, seasonal pattern establishing in the region, which can be better forestalled by an improvement of the sanitation system only, rather than by vaccination alone. We thus conclude that hydrologic drivers and water resources management prove central to prediction, emergency management and long-term control of epidemic cholera.  相似文献   

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