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甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI,Very Long Baseline Interferometry)能够提高深空探测器测定轨的精度,目前应用于深空探测中的多为差分VLBI技术(?VLBI).差分VLBI相关相位中存在时间间隔,把不同时间段的相位无整周模糊度地连接起来能清晰地反映卫星运动轨迹,有助于提高卫星的测定轨精度和开展行星无线电科学研究.同时,VLBI相时延因其超高的精度有广泛应用,但解算条件苛刻.基于此,首先利用两个频点的差分相位与单频点相位变化趋势一致的思想,研究了一种新方法连接差分VLBI单频点的相位;然后提出一种利用窄带宽(1 MHz)中的两个频点相位解算相时延的方法,并用嫦娥三号(CE3)着陆器的数据做了实际解算和验证;最后给出了仅利用数天VLBI相时延对着陆器进行定位的方法,得到的结果为(44.1239°N,19.5106°W),和事后基于美国月球侦察轨道器(LRO)窄角相机(NAC)影像数据的定位结果(44.12189°N,19.51129°W)相比,差异为百米左右,验证了仅利用VLBI相时延也能进行着陆器定位的有效性.  相似文献   

针对采样返回任务中多探测器精密短弧定轨问题,研究了甚长基线干涉测量(Very Long Baseline Interferometry,VLBI)技术在两探测器间的交替观测模式、2π模糊度解算方法和数据差分处理方法,给出了星载信标的设计原则和方案。利用日本SELENE探月卫星的两个小卫星R-star和V-star的同波束VLBI相关相位生成了交替VLBI相位观测量,对其进行了差分处理求解差分时延,然后利用差分时延和测速测距数据进行定轨计算。对差分时延的分析表明,交替VLBI差分群时延RMS值为46 mm,测量精度与同波束VLBI差分群时延相当;交替VLBI差分相时延RMS值为1.6 mm,测量精度与同波束VLBI差分相时延相当。定轨结果表明,交替VLBI在进行多探测器的短弧定轨时能达到同波束VLBI相当的精度。  相似文献   

精密单点定位(Precise Point Positioning,PPP)不需要基准站的支持,具有广阔的应用前景.但是PPP获得高精度定位需要一个收敛过程.为了加快PPP的收敛,讨论利用多模卫星导航系统加快PPP的收敛.实验表明多模卫星导航系统使用了更多的观测量,收敛速度明显加快,三维误差收敛到10 cm、15 cm和20 cm需要时间减少的平均百分比分别为42%、78%和74%.同时也表明在山区等卫星高度截止角较高的困难地区,在单一系统无法实现定位的情况下,多模卫星导航系统也可以明显加快PPP的收敛,获得较好的定位结果.  相似文献   

随着RTS (Real-Time Service)工程的发展,时频用户可以运用实时精密单点定位(Precise Point Positioning, PPP)技术进行时间传递研究.作为RTS工程的主要参与者,CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales)分析中心开展PPPWIZARD (Precise Point Positioning with Integer and Zero-difference Ambiguity Resolution Demonstrator)工程验证实时PPP模糊度固定技术.为了探究多系统观测值和实时PPP模糊度固定对时间传递的性能提升,在综合GPS (Global Positioning System)、GLONASS (GLObal NAvigation Satellite System)、 BDS (Bei Dou navigation System)和Galileo的多系统观测值的基础上,使用CNES分析中心播发的实时产品开展PPP时间传递验证实验,检验了4种不同PPP模式的工作性能.实验结果证明,在多种不同工作模式当中,综合运用多系统观测值和GPS模糊度固定技术进行PPP时间传递的标准差结果最小,标准差相比于传统GPS PPP时间传递平均下降38.1%.  相似文献   

基于VLBI资料的ERP高频变化求解方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在天测与测地VLBI资料分析软件CALC/SOLVE中,对地球自转参数(ERP)高频变化的解算采用了附加约束的连续分段线性拟合方法,即要求在两个历元节点之间ERP变化率小于某事先约定值,并要求ERP在历元节点上连续.实测资料分析表明,当资料点密度较低时,引入约束条件和要求连续均有助于提高解的稳定性,但也人为降低了解的客观性,使各历元节点ERP解算结果之间相关.为此,基于CALC/SOLVE的用户偏导功能,实现了ERP高频变化的直接求解模块,不附加约束,也不要求连续.实测资料分析表明对ERP高频变化的直接求解模式更为可取.对于长时段VLBI资料的ERP高频变化求解,需要考虑岁差和章动模型偏差(天极偏移)的影响,编写相应的求解模块,并成功实现了1979至2003年长时段ERP高频变化求解.比较表明,在考虑了岁差章动模型偏差的影响时能够显著提高解的精度.为此,在基于VLBI资料解算ERP高频变化时,建议采用直接求解模式,并考虑岁差章动模型偏差的影响.  相似文献   

在一些特定的GNSS定位应用中(比如城市或者山区),因为信号的遮挡,接收机无法同时跟踪到4颗以上的卫星以估算三维位置和钟差。提出一种新的DS-R(Doppler Shift-Range)定位算法:在任意历元,同时观测2颗可视卫星的多普勒频移和码相位,可以等效地获得4个观测方程。DS-R算法利用2颗可视卫星就能实现实时的三维定位。结合多频观测和三频相-码组合新方法,DS-R算法具有与标准单点定位相当的定位性能。DS-R算法为位置估算提供双倍的冗余信息,当可见卫星数较小、传统的定位算法失效时,可作为一个较好的替代定位算法。  相似文献   

在空间目标光学观测资料定轨中常常会遇到多个目标的观测被标记为同一个目标的情况,由于包含了多个目标的数据,定轨过程无法收敛或者完全错误.从极大似然估计角度,采用EM(Expectation Maximum)方法提出一种将轨道改进和识别过程相互融合的处理方法,并在具体实现过程中给出一种稳健估计方法.数值模拟表明方法简便、有效、可行.采用站间差历元差的手段,对当前电离层变化值进行求解与预测,可以将电离层延时误差的变化控制在一定范围,满足频率传递的要求.  相似文献   

利用精密星历解算卫星坐标是实现全球定位系统高精度差分定位的首要基础,受限于全球定位系统精密星历的采样时间间隔,为了得到任意时刻的卫星坐标,需要对全球定位系统精密星历数据做内插和外推处理。分析卫星位置随时间变化的规律后,采用广义延拓法对卫星的一段轨道构造以时间为坐标的内插和外推模型,在不引入较大位置误差的同时简化了卫星坐标的计算过程,并与拉格朗日插值法进行对比实验。研究结果表明,利用广义延拓法内插时误差小于5 cm,且在外推30 min内仍然能维持精度,明显优于拉格朗日插值法。  相似文献   

求取FITS(Flexible Image Transport System)文件头中以键/值对形式记录的坐标参数是FITS图像在天球参考系中定位的关键,研究坐标参数求解的一般过程具有重要意义.通过结合观测相机相关参数、天文照相图片识别算法以及WCS(World Coordinate System)理论能够有效实现坐标参数的求解,其中,CCD参数可确定图像对应天区在星表中的坐标范围,从而与星表结合可构建区域星表;天文照相图片识别完成了图像与区域星表间的匹配,得到一定数量恒星的CCD平面坐标与其天球坐标的对应表;WCS根据球面到平面不同投影方式建立两个坐标系之间的传递函数,选择其中一种并代入对应表中数据,解算函数的转换参数从而确定图像像素及其对应的天球坐标.FITS图像作为天文领域科学数据传输与分析的主流数据格式,仅限于在专业天文软件中进行查看、编辑及分析,在天文科普教育中存在局限性.因此,研究一种通用的图像可视化方法意义非凡.通过对FITS与PNG或JPEG图像进行格式转换,以AVM(Astronomy Visualization Metadata)的形式将FITS文件头中的坐标参数转换为元数据并添加到PNG或JPEG的文件头中,能够满足天文爱好者在非天文软件平台下查看及分析天文图像的一般需求.整体设计流程通过java编程实现并通过SExtractor、虚拟天文台可视化工具WWT、图片查看器等软件进行了相关测试.  相似文献   

北斗卫星导航系统于2012年12月对亚太地区正式投入运行。为了对相关性能参数进行全面的分析比较,利用2014年4月在北京采集的观测时间56 h历元间隔10 s的原始双频数据,分别得到北斗与全球定位系统的静态伪距单点定位结果。北斗的可见卫星数多于全球定位系统,但是由于星座布局尚未完善,北斗的位置精度因子(Position Dilution of Precision,PDOP)均值为2.49,略大于全球定位系统的位置精度因子均值2.12。北斗的单位权中误差均值为2.28 m,全球定位系统为2.50 m,说明北斗的测距精度优于全球定位系统。北斗粗差出现的频次为0.57%,全球定位系统为1.02%,北斗的可用性优于全球定位系统。剔除粗差值后,北斗在水平、高程的内符合精度(3.24 m,4.40 m)优于全球定位系统(3.90 m,5.57 m),但与标准坐标的差值(8.50 m,3.73 m,-0.80 m)不如全球定位系统(4.50 m,2.25 m,0.56 m),即稳定性优于全球定位系统,但准确性不如全球定位系统。可以预计,随着北斗星座系统的完善,定位性能会进一步提高。  相似文献   

星载GPS精密测轨研究及应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
星载GPS定轨系统由于其全天侯、价格低、不受卫星高度的影响可达到米级、分米级乃至厘米级的测轨精度等特点已成为低轨道卫星精密定轨的要求,概述了星载GPS系统的组成和定轨原理,给出了星载GPS测轨的几种主要方法和数学模型,同时根据TOPEX卫星星载GPS实测数据分析了各种定轨方法的测轨精度以及影响定轨精度的各种因素。  相似文献   

Spectropolarimetric features of thermal cyclotron radiation of solar coronal loops and the possibility of interpretation of the observed reversal of the sense of polarization of centimeter and decimeter waves are discussed. To this end, thermal cyclotron radiation is computed in terms of the simplest model of a three-dimensional hot loop (a half-torus). Such a loop is shown to be capable of changing appreciably the properties of the radiation of a solar active region at centimeter and decimeter wavelengths. A detailed analysis is performed to determine the conditions under which the radiation spectrum of an active region containing a coronal loop may have a complex pattern with several maxima or relatively narrow-band cyclotron lines, and the sense of polarization may change several times in the wavelength interval considered. These conditions are modelled by such parameters as the structure of the magnetic field, electron density, and size of the loop. The results of the computations of two-dimensional brightness temperature distributions at different wavelengths for ordinary and extraordinary waves at fixed points of the loop and the integrated parameters of the flux and polarization of radiation in terms of the model discussed are reported. Cases are considered where the line of sight is crossed by one or two loops. The expected distribution of polarization across the source in the model considered is compared to the results of RATAN-600 observations of the solar active region AR 7962 made on May 12–14, 1996.  相似文献   

As a key technique in deep space navigation, radio interferometry can be used to determine the accurate location of a spacecraft in the plane-of-sky by measuring its signal propagation time delay between two remote stations. To improve the measurement accuracy, differential phase delay without phase ambiguity is usually desired. Aiming at the difficulties of resolving phase ambiguity with few stations and narrowband downlink signals, a new method is proposed in this work by taking advantage of the Earth rotation. The high accurate differential phase delay between the spacecraft and a calibrator can be achieved not only in the in-beam observation mode but also in the out-of-beam observation mode. In this paper we firstly built the model of phase ambiguity resolution. Then, main measurement errors of the model are analyzed, which is followed by tests and validations of the model and method using the tracking data of the Cassini mission and Chang'E-3 mission. The results show that the phase ambiguities can be correctly resolved to generate a 10-picosecond level accuracy differential phase delay. Angular measurement accuracy of the Cassini reaches the milli-arc-second level, and the relative position accuracy between the Chang'E-3 rover and lander reaches the meter level.  相似文献   

A type of pulsation in a time scale of seconds superimposed on microwave burst at 9.375 GHz has been found during the twenty-second solar active maximum period by us. This phenomenon is quite different from radio spike emission at decimeter and long centimeter wavelengths. The flux level of the bursts rises as the repetition rate of pulsations increases, following an approximate linear relationship. This feature resembles that at mm wavelength, but some other features are different. Some mechanisms for interpretation have been proposed.  相似文献   

LP估计在星载GPS运动学定轨中的应用及精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为得到高精度的星载GPS运动学定轨,必须利用观测精度高的相位观测值,但是相位观测值预处理后,仍然存在残余小周跳.在残差服从正态分布情况下LS法是最佳参数解算方法,但该方法不能解决资料的系统误差消除问题,LP估计是处理资料残差分布含有系统误差的有效方法之一.基于LS、LP方法的有效条件和GPS数据预处理的特性,将LP估计方法引入星载GPS运动学定轨数据处理中,以CHAMP卫星资料为例,研究了LP估计在星载GPS运动学定轨中的应用及其精度分析.实践表明:在处理含有残余小周跳的相位观测值时,LP估计比LS更有效,提高了星载GPS运动学定轨精度,但随着残余周跳的进一步修复,LP估计相对于LS估计的优越性越来越弱,在资料完全没有系统误差,残差服从正态分布的情况下,LP估计不能很好地体现其优越性,精度反而低于LS估计.  相似文献   

A method for high-order treatment of uncertainties in preliminary orbit determination is presented. The observations consist in three couples of topocentric right ascensions and declinations at three observation epochs. The goal of preliminary orbit determination is to compute a trajectory that fits with the observations in two-body dynamics. The uncertainties of the observations are usually mapped to the phase space only when additional observations are available and a least squares fitting problem is set up. A method based on Taylor differential algebra for the analytical treatment of observation uncertainties is implemented. Taylor differential algebra allows for the efficient computation of the arbitrary order Taylor expansion of a sufficiently continuous multivariate function. This enables the mapping of the uncertainties from the observation space to the phase space as high-order multivariate Taylor polynomials. These maps can then be propagated forward in time to predict the observable set at successive epochs. This method can be suitably used to recover newly discovered objects when a scarce number of measurements is available. Simulated topocentric observations of asteroids on realistic orbits are used to assess the performances of the method.  相似文献   

After GRACE and GOCE there will still be need and room for improvement of the knowledge (1) of the static gravity field at spatial scales between 40 km and 100 km, and (2) of the time varying gravity field at scales smaller than 500 km. This is shown based on the analysis of spectral signal power of various gravity field components and on the comparison with current knowledge and expected performance of GRACE and GOCE. Both, accuracy and resolution can be improved by future dedicated gravity satellite missions. For applications in geodesy, the spectral omission error due to the limited spatial resolution of a gravity satellite mission is a limiting factor. The recommended strategy is to extend as far as possible the spatial resolution of future missions, and to improve at the same time the modelling of the very small scale components using terrestrial gravity information and topographic models.We discuss the geodetic needs in improved gravity models in the areas of precise height systems, GNSS levelling, inertial navigation and precise orbit determination. Today global height systems with a 1 cm accuracy are required for sea level and ocean circulation studies. This can be achieved by a future satellite mission with higher spatial resolution in combination with improved local and regional gravity field modelling. A similar strategy could improve the very economic method of determination of physical heights by GNSS levelling from the decimeter to the centimeter level. In inertial vehicle navigation, in particular in sub-marine, aircraft and missile guidance, any improvement of global gravity field models would help to improve reliability and the radius of operation.  相似文献   

In 2009, in five Russian observatories photometric observations of Jupiter’s Galilean satellites during their mutual occultations and eclipses were carried out. Based on these observations, an original method was used to ascertain astrometric results such as the difference between the coordinates of pairs of satellites. Fifty-three phenomena were successfully observed. A total of 94 light curves of satellites were measured. The error in the coordinates of satellites due to random errors in photometry, calculated on all data obtained, was 0.041″ in right ascension and 0.046″ in declination. The discrepancies between the theory and observations in these coordinates was found to be 0.060″ and 0.057″, respectively. The results were uploaded to the common database for all observations of natural satellites of planets at the Natural Satellites Data Center (NSDC), which is available online at http://www.sai.msu.ru/neb/nss/index.htm. For the first time in the practice of photometric observations of satellites in epochs of mutual occultations and eclipses a new method of observation was tested, which eliminates from astrometric results the major systematic errors caused by an inaccurate account of the background level. The tests were conducted in the Terskol Observatory and the observatory of the Crimean laboratory of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University. The application of the new method showed that the elimination of the background level at these observatories was carried out correctly.  相似文献   

单站精密定位 (PrecisePointPositioning ,以下简称PPP)是在同时固定GPS精密星历和卫星钟的前提下 ,利用载波相位和伪距资料进行单台站的精密点定位 .采用该方法时不同台站之间不存在共同的待估参数 ,即各台站互不相关 ,这一特点大大降低了计算量 .采用美国喷气推进实验室JPL发展的数据处理软件GIPSY处理APSG联测资料 ,计算表明PPP的重复率相当于目前国内普遍采用的双差解算结果 .采用较好保持地面网构型的无基准算法 ,计算表明通过Helmert参考系转换后 ,PPP的解算结果与双差算法的外符精度大致相当 .解算表明 ,采用PPP处理 1 0 0个台站约需 3 .5小时 ,而处理同样的资料采用双差算法则需 1 8~2 0小时 .对于我国即将建成的大科学工程或地震监测的多达 2 0 0 0个接收机的GPS网而言 ,在保持精度前提下的节省计算资源和计算时间的PPP解算方案值得广泛的应用  相似文献   

The radio emission from Jupiter at 10, 21 cm wavelength has been measured with a spatial resolution of the order of 1 Jupiter radius. This may be analytically reduced to the emission per cubic centimeter of source at each measured frequency. The theoretically predicted synchrotron emission of electrons as a function of frequency, magnetic field and electron energy can then be compared to the observed source emissivity to obtain the number density and ‘temperature’ of the electrons. Present observations taken at different epochs are not sufficiently reliable to infer peak energies within an order of magnitude. Nevertheless the present results indicate that electrons diffuse in rapidly (in a time of the order of months) conserving the first adiabatic invariant and reach a peak energy at about 2 Jupiter radii. The electron energy decreases rapidly nearer the planet because of energy lost to radiation in the large magnetic field close to the planet.  相似文献   

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