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The distribution of selected critical elements in the sedimentary rocks of the Carboniferous coal-bearing series within the Polish Coal Basins is presented.Critical elements such as Be,Mg,Si,P,Sc,V,Co,Y,Nb,In,Sb,La,Ce,Hf,Ta,W,Bi were analysed using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP/MS).Concentrations of elements such as Sb,Bi,In and,to a slightly lesser extent,Nb,as well as Sc,show average concentrations higher than those from the upper continental crust.The average concentrations of elements like Hf,Mg,P,Y,La,and Ce are slightly lower than in the upper continental crust.Other elements,such as Be,Co,Si,Ta,W and V have average concentrations that are similar,but slightly enriched or slightly depleted,relative to the upper continental crust.The research showed enrichment of some critical elements in the analysed samples,but not high enough that extraction would be economically viable.Statistical methods,which include correlation coefficients between elements and cluster analysis,reveal a strong positive correlation between elements like Be,Bi,Nb,Sc,Ta,W and V.Very high,almost total,positive correlation is also noted between La and Ce.  相似文献   

谭锡畴 《地质论评》1943,8(Z1):41-66
引言易门安宁禄丰三县,为云南中部产铁区域,土炉冶炼,采挖已久,惟关於矿产之价值,矿床之种类,作科学之研究者,至近年来,始有其人,最初有法人来克里者,曾考察易门铁矿,  相似文献   

云南矿产概论   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
谢家荣 《地质论评》1941,6(Z1):1-42
云南矿产向称丰富,中外报告,言之屡矣。自抗战军兴,增加後方生产,为当务之急,于是滇省之地下富源,遂益为国人所重视。经济部地质调查所,西南联大地质系,本省建设厅及经济委员会等先後派员,实地测勘,所得结果俱极重要,惜多散见於分刊物及简报中,尚无概括之论述,足资一般之参考  相似文献   

“地质论评”在中国地质学会困苦的支持下,八年来幸未间断。这是我们的领导当局之苦心,与工作同人之努力,所收的效果。对于学会出版物,黄汲清,尹建猷,谢季骅,李赓阳,王斐轩,及帮助编印诸君,都尽了不少义务。他们求学之专,生活之苦,检讨之严,服务之热,都到了可敬佩的地步。出版  相似文献   

马以思女士原籍四川成都,先祖以经营金矿,举家迁居於东北边陲,女士於民国八年十月廿五日生於黑龙江,天资聪慧,幼年习日文颇有成就,九一八事变後,父伯严公携眷内迁,  相似文献   

李四光 《地质论评》1942,7(6):253-266
长江流域和东西江流域,除了在广西的东北角兴安附近,曾用人工勾通水系而外,可以说是两个完全独立的排水区域,这两个区域的干流,大致成东西向,而在这两个区域之间,也有断断续续的山脉,形成天然的界线,这些山脉或分水岭,普  相似文献   

汤克成  姚瑞开 《地质论评》1941,6(Z2):302-303
攀枝花及倒马坎,位盐边县西南,踞金沙江北岸。攀枝花山势陡峻,距江边约三公里,倒马坎山小坡平,即濒江干。铁矿藏量颇丰,质亦良佳,且密迩永仁煤田,及盐边县属乌拉阿卡坭红果等煤区,洵可大量开采,西南钢铁事业,至有望焉。  相似文献   

关于甘肃及青海境内之第三纪红色地层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
路兆洽 《地质论评》1948,13(Z2):258-261
一、绪言在甘肃及青海境内,包括祁连山南北,秦岭以北,并六盘山东西地带,第三纪红色地层,颇佔重要地位,惟迄今对其命名,时代,及分层等尚末能一致,兹就著者各处观察所得,并与前人所论比较论证,期能获得进一步之认识。  相似文献   

刘祖彝 《地质论评》1944,9(Z1):67-74
吾人对於某区矿脉系之发育,与矿质之富集,能找出一定则与规律,则与学术及实用方面,不无特殊意义,窃以为利用单纯地质构造关系,探求填充矿脉发育所在,其可能性稍大,但矿质之富集,条件甚多,常因所在地质情形不同,及其他复  相似文献   

李广源 《地质论评》1944,9(Z1):127-128
刘莊先生字伊璜,山东泰安县人,生於民国八年,双亲早世,赖祖叔抚育成人;颖悟非凡,沈静寡言,乐交游,重情感。十二岁就读泰安省立第三初级中学;十五岁考入山东省立济南高级中学,课馀之暇,喜习纲球,技术甚精。旋於民国廿五  相似文献   

Delaunay三角网内插特征点算法研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
在Delaunay三角剖分网的基础上,对内插特征点算法进行了研究,提出了一种快速内插点算法。根据本算法的特点,提出了一种快速确定点所在的三角形的方法。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the formulation and the numerical performance of a fully implicit algorithm used to integrate a rate-dependent model defined within a breakage mechanics framework. For this purpose, a Generalized Backward Euler (GBE) algorithm has been implemented according to two different linearization strategies: The former is derived by a direct linearization of the constitutive equations, while the latter introduces rate effects through a consistency parameter. The accuracy and efficiency of the GBE algorithm have been investigated by (1) performing material point analyses and (2) solving initial boundary value problems. In both cases, the overall performance of the underlying algorithm is inspected for a range of loading rates, thus simulating comminution from slow to fast dynamic problems. As the viscous response of the breakage model can be recast through a viscous nucleus function, the presented algorithm can be considered as a general framework to integrate constitutive equations relying on the overstress approach typical of Perzyna-like viscoplastic models.  相似文献   

This article describes a method that determines the position of a point relative to a fixed boundary. Its advantage over the other existing algorithms described below is that in most cases it is necessary that only part of the algorithm be executed to determine the position of the point. A possible inconvenience of using this algorithm is that the contour boundary has to be entered as data. For problems where the boundary often changes the algorithm is not suitable in its present form. The applications envisaged here are to cases where the position of a very large number of points have to be determined relative to one fixed polygonal boundary whose shape is known in advance, for example, blanking out of contours in automatic contouring, or selecting drill holes which lie in the particular part of a mineral deposit.  相似文献   

智能化、无人化开采是煤炭行业发展的必然趋势,精准地质信息探测是当前智慧煤矿建设中的重点研发方向之一,其中巷道信息的精准探测和巷道三维模型的快速获取是地质透明化的重要数据来源。对比分析传统巷道建模方法及其优缺点,提出利用三维激光扫描重建技术构建高精度透明工作面巷道模型的技术思路。在分析煤矿井下工况环境长距离三维激光扫描面临的技术难题的基础上,研究三维激光扫描原理和空间点坐标计算方法,并提出透明工作面巷道三维激光扫描重建技术流程,其关键技术包括:三维激光扫描系统动态标定和坐标转换方法;点云预处理技术中基于统计滤波法的大尺度噪声滤波方法和基于移动最小二乘的小尺度噪声滤波算法;点云关键点提取与特征描述技术中SIFT特征检测算法和FPFH特征描述算法;点云配准技术中基于FPFH特征描述算法的粗配准技术和基于迭代最近点算法的精配准技术。以准格尔煤田唐家会煤矿某工作面为研究对象,利用自主研发的移动式三维激光扫描系统从三维激光扫描施工流程、巷道点云数据采集、边界轮廓线提取、巷道与工作面联合建模等方面进行实践应用。结果表明,提出的基于三维激光扫描技术的工作面巷道三维重建思路在技术上是可行的,能为复杂巷道的快速三维扫描、重建提供一条可行的技术路径。   相似文献   

This paper presents a reformulation of the original Matsuoka–Nakai criterion for overcoming the limitations which make its use in a stress point algorithm problematic. In fact, its graphical representation in the principal stress space is not convex as it comprises more branches, plotting also in negative octants, and it does not increase monotonically as the distance of the stress point from the failure surface rises. The proposed mathematical reformulation plots as a single, convex surface, which entirely lies in the positive octant of the stress space and evaluates to a quantity which monotonically increases as the stress point moves away from the failure surface. It is an exact reproduction, and not an approximated one, of the only significant branch of the original criterion. It is also suitable for shaping in the deviatoric plane the yield and plastic potential surfaces of complex constitutive models. A very efficient numerical algorithm for the implicit integration of the proposed formulation is presented, which enables the evaluation of the stress at the end of each increment by solving a single scalar equation, both for associated and non‐associated plasticity. The algorithm can be easily adapted for other smooth surfaces with linear meridian section. Finally, a close expression of the consistent Jacobian matrix is given for achieving quadratic convergence in the external structural newton loop. It is shown that all this results in extremely fast solutions of boundary value problems. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对探地雷达图像进行处理,提取目标的精确轮廓,从而正确估计出地下管线的管径、埋深等参数是自动定位的关键技术。考虑到地下管线的回波形状是已知的,理论上为双曲线,作者采用加入形状约束的改进Snake算法(Active Contour Model)对探地雷达图像进行目标提取,并对其在实用中不稳定的特点,做了进一步改进。对于Snake算法的初始包络自动提取,作者在文中也提出了一种新的方法。实验结果表明本方法迅速可靠,已应用于实际的探地雷达中。  相似文献   

紧支小波变换算法实现及边界点处理   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文讨论了紧支小波变换的具体实现方法,并对其边界点进行了合理的处理,使得对信号的分解和重构具有很高的保真度。  相似文献   

正交各向异性介质中地震记录的有限差分数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
本文首先介绍了正交各向异性介质弹性波动方程的建立过程,然后讨论了高阶有限差分算法的实现原理、算法的稳定性和收敛性以及吸收边界条件的选取,并对正交各向异性介质作了正演模拟。通过波场快照、共炮点地震记录和VSP模拟记录等正演分析,结果表明该算法在模拟各向异性介质中弹性波的传播是有效的  相似文献   

可控源音频大地电磁(CSAMT)是探测含煤地层富水区及采空区的重要地球物理方法,但其探测深度误差比较大,采用电性标志层进行深度校正,达到精确解释地层的目的。首先,提出基于电场单分量视电阻率计算方法,只需通过平移即可获得全区视电阻率,无需迭代,简单快速。接着,分析视电阻率微分极值与电性标志层的关系,通过测井电阻率曲线识别出电性标志层,然后通过比值计算深度校正系数,在全区进行插值得到任意测点的校正深度。对新元煤矿31004工作面R280测线数据进行深度校正处理,结果表明:校正后的深度和实际地层基本吻合。最后,通过已知充水采空区边界、淋水点以及钻孔揭示的结果进行对比验证,达到了预期效果。该方法为CSAMT在含煤地层进行精细化数据处理和解释提供了新的思路。   相似文献   

三维层状地质结构下整体迭代射线追踪法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
作者在文中对三维任意界面情况下的两点间射线追踪问题进行了研究,从Fermat原理出发,对射线路径上的旅行时,采用一阶Taylor不完全展开等办法,推出了三维情况下计算射线路径的整体迭代算法。并通过模型计算证明了本方法的稳健性以及计算的高精确度和高效率。为三维结构下地震偏移和层析成像提供了一种可行的射线追踪方法。  相似文献   

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