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通过均值过滤及Morison热滞后校正公式对存在温度误差的原始盐度进行修正。经过均值滤波后盐度尖峰现象消失,在温跃层由于热滞后导致的条状盐度抖动现象减小,上下行剖面盐度误差从0.013减小到0.004,总体修正盐度修正率提高3.05倍。结果表明利用该分段修正方法修正水下滑翔机搭载温盐深剖面仪(CTD)存在的盐度“尖峰”及热滞后误差效果显著。  相似文献   

温度、盐度和压力是海洋重要的基本物理特性参数。温盐深测量仪(Conductivity Temperature Depth,CTD)是海水温盐剖面观测的关键仪器,在海洋经济开发、海洋观测、海洋国防建设方面有着极为重要的意义。本文介绍了几种典型的温盐深测量设备及移动观测平台,重点论述了CTD在Argo浮标、水下滑翔机等海洋移动观测平台上的应用现状,分析了水下滑翔机搭载的CTD在热滞效应、湍流等因素影响下产生的测量误差。最后探讨了以水下滑翔机为代表的海洋移动观测平台搭载CTD测量技术的发展趋势及应用前景。  相似文献   

走航式海洋多参数剖面测量系统(MVP)是一种集成程度和自动化程度都较高的海洋调查设备,能对多要素进行同时观测,获得高水平空间分辨率的数据资料。MVP由于温度和电导率传感器响应时间的不匹配,下放速度过快(峰值速度4m/s)而造成非常严重的盐度尖峰现象。本研究通过结合F法、GM法和Grose法提出的盐度尖峰订正方案,提出了一种新的方法Match conductivity and temperature response times法,对压力、温度和电导率传感器三者进行响应时间的匹配来减弱盐度尖峰。与SBE-9型CTD资料进行对比发现订正后的资料误差比订正前减小80%,与CTD盐度曲线互相关程度为0.917。对比35N断面修正前后的盐度资料发现订正后温盐跃层处出现的低盐区域消失,与CTD断面资料对比结果显示MVP资料比CTD资料在细结构上更具有优势。  相似文献   

走航式海洋多参数剖面测量系统(moving vessel profiler,MVP)是一种集成程度和自动化程度都较高的海洋调查设备,能对海洋多要素进行同时观测,获得水平方向的高分辨率数据资料。由于温度和电导率传感器响应时间的不匹配,MVP下放速度过快(峰值速度4 m/s)而造成非常明显的盐度尖峰现象。本研究结合Fofonoff(F)法、时间常数指数递归数字滤波(Giles and McDougall,GM)法和Grose提出的盐度尖峰订正方案,提出了一种新的方法,即MCT(match conductivity and temperature response time)法,通过对压力、温度和电导率传感器进行响应时间的匹配来减弱盐度尖峰。将SBE-9型CTD资料作为标准,发现订正后的资料与CTD盐度曲线的互相关系数为0.917,误差比订正前减小80%。对比35°N断面修正前后的盐度资料,订正后温盐跃层处出现的低盐区域消失。MVP的应用比常规海洋调查仪器CTD对于海洋现象的观测更有优势。  相似文献   

海洋科学的发展离不开精确的数据,然而各种海洋观测仪器在复杂的海洋环境中作业难免产生测量误差,导致观测数据需要进行实时(或延时)质量控制。中国Argo计划在搭载多个航次布放剖面浮标的同时,对航次中获取的船载CTD(conductivity, temperature, and depth)仪观测资料、自动剖面浮标观测资料以及实验室高精度盐度计测量数据进行了实时比对。分析结果显示,利用实验室高精度盐度计对现场观测数据尤其是船载CTD仪观测资料进行质量控制,于温盐数据(特别是深层)的实时/延时校正非常重要;如某航次未经标定的船载CTD仪所测1000dbar以深范围内海水盐度,与实验室高精度盐度计的差值达到±0.1左右,远远落后于国内海洋调查规范对盐度准确度±0.02的一级测量要求,该具体实例更加突显了船载CTD仪在航次前后送往权威部门进行检测的必要性和重要性,从而确保每个航次获取的CTD资料的质量。建议有条件的情况下,在进行深海大洋船载CTD仪观测时要进行现场实验室高精度盐度计的质量控制工作及比对试验,以提高我国深海大洋观测数据的质量。  相似文献   

水下滑翔机作为一种新型移动观测平台,可以对热带气旋过境期间引发的海洋响应进行全方位的观测,利用获取的观测数据能够进一步增强台风预报的准确性。从水下滑翔机相较于其他热带气旋观测方式的优势展开,基于“海燕”系列水下滑翔机观测到的台风“天鸽”(Hato)引起的海洋温盐异常历史数据, 并结合同期卫星的观测数据和 JMA(Japan Meteorology Agency)最佳台风路径数据库,分析研究水平和垂直方向上的海洋温盐异常响应。验证了 4 台“海燕–II”水下滑翔机具有对 2017 年台风“天鸽”引起的海洋响应进行精细化剖面观测的能力,可以完整捕捉台风过境引起的垂直混合现象以及降雨对其观测区域内盐度变化的影响,并分析水下滑翔机观测数据得出台风期间海洋响应的程度与其距离台风的位置有关,即台风期间水下滑翔机观测海域与台风路径距离越近,其温盐异常变化越明显,并且台风路径右侧海域相较于路径左侧海域的温度异常幅度更大。  相似文献   

数据集整体的时空覆盖率制约了海洋科学研究的时空尺度,而海洋仪器的性能和观测方式直接决定了海洋数据的可靠性。以观测仪器作为主要衡量指标,结合数据集的时空覆盖率,对以温度和盐度为数据集主体的自持式拉格朗日环流剖面观测(Argo)数据集、全球温盐剖面数据集(GTSPP)、世界海洋数据集(WOD)进行分析和比对,确定了三者关系:Argo和GTSPP都是WOD的数据源,而GTSPP中包含了Argo实时数据的80%。在此基础上研究确定了目前温盐数据的主要观测仪器为Argo浮标、XBT和CTD,并对这三种仪器的误差来源和量级进行详细分析:由于全球自动观测与传输需求,Argo数据存在电子信号不稳定导致的随机误差,而且在高纬度强温跃层地带出现较强的虚假盐度尖峰,再是自由漂移的特性导致1%~2%盐度剖面漂移超过0.02 PSS-78;由于下降方程的不断演变,全球半数XBT数据提供者并未提供仪器型号,导致数据整体的可靠性下降;由于CTD基本采用船载观测,因此成本高、共享数据少且多集中近海。因此在对全球温盐数据进行应用时,应综合考虑观测仪器的可靠性和时空覆盖率,有效实现对资料本身误差和真实海洋现象的甄别。  相似文献   

由测温滞后效应引起CTD测量中盐度曲线的尖峰(SPIKE)现象已成为当今CTD测量技术发展的障碍之一。本文介绍一种应用计算机数据处理技术修正补偿测温滞后效应的方案,该方案不同于其它方法。它以实验数据为基础,经过曲线拟合计算得到一系列修正系数,根据热交换理论和定律推导的典型公式进行修正补偿,力求获得与海上现场情况更趋于一致的效果。  相似文献   

海水温盐深剖面测量技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张龙  叶松  周树道  刘凤  韩月琪 《海洋通报》2017,36(5):481-489
温盐深是反应海洋物理学特性的重要参数,是海洋水文观测的基本要素。CTD剖面仪(Conductivity-Temperature-Depth profiler)是进行海水温盐剖面观测的主要仪器,利用CTD剖面仪可精确测得水下不同深度上海水的温度和电导率参数,进而能够推算出海水盐度、密度、声速等相关信息,对于海洋经济开发、海上国防建设、海洋环境保护等都具有非常重要的意义。本文介绍了温盐深剖面测量技术的基本原理与发展现状,对几种典型的温盐深测量设备及各种海洋观测平台中搭载的CTD传感器进行了介绍,论述了CTD传感器的标定和测试技术,并对其发展趋势进行了分析。  相似文献   

水下滑翔机其通过集成生物、化学、物理传感器可以测量如温度、盐度、溶解氧等多种海洋基础水文要素,其利用卫星定位系统获得实际出水速度和理论出水模型获得理论出水速度之差可以计算深度平均流,。本文利用海翼水下滑翔机获得温盐场及卫星定位数据评估深度平均流,结果显示利用温盐场获得深度平均地转流与水下滑翔机获得深度平均流相关系数0.95,表明其流场的一致性,同时根据船载观测ADCP误差分析法估算深度平均流误差约为0.036 m/s。借助深度平均流可以估算绝对地转流,包括正压地转流和斜压地转流。在零动力面的假设下,我们选取了海翼号水下滑翔机在南海的一组实验对流量误差进行了评估。该实验为2019年1月3日-2月16日海翼号水下滑翔机自南向北穿越西沙群岛附近一个中尺度涡观测。观测结果表明,该中尺度涡为冷涡流核,在涡心以南,绝对地转流为东向流,最大流速约为0.48 m/s;涡心以北,绝对地转流为西向流,最大流速约为0.47 m/s,稍弱于南侧。受不均匀时空观测计划影响,本文未对流量做出估计。  相似文献   

Profiles observed by Sea-Wing underwater gliders are widely applied in scientific research. However, the quality control(QC) of these data has received little attention. The mismatch between the temperature probe and conductivity cell response times generates erroneous salinities, especially across a strong thermocline. A sensor drift may occur owing to biofouling and biocide leakage into the conductivity cell when a glider has operated for several months. It is therefore critical to design a mature real-time QC procedure and develop a toolbox for the QC of Sea-Wing glider data. On the basis of temperature and salinity profiles observed by several Sea-Wing gliders each installed with a Sea-Bird Glider Payload CTD sensor, a real-time QC method including a thermal lag correction, Argo-equivalent real-time QC tests, and a simple post-processing procedure is proposed. The method can also be adopted for Petrel gliders.  相似文献   

温差能驱动的水下滑翔器设计与实验研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
论文设计开发了一种新型的温差能驱动的水下滑翔器,并对它做了水域实验研究。文章讨论了温差能驱动的滑翔器运动机理及其在垂直剖面的运动分析,得到稳态运动的参数解。结合能够把水域温差能转变为机械能的热机设计以及滑翔器的主要机械结构和控制硬件系统设计,完成了滑翔器的初步设计与开发。滑翔器在千岛湖进行了水域实验,实验结果表明,此水下滑翔器完全能够利用温差能实现预定的滑翔运动。  相似文献   

为满足水下滑翔器连续获取海洋剖面水文动力高质量数据的应用需求,利用自主研制的电磁感应式电导率传感器,集成快速响应的热敏电阻与压力传感器,以PIC18F2520单片机为电路系统的核心控制器,设计出一种适用于水下滑翔器搭载的微型化、低功耗、重量轻的SZQ1-1新型CTD传感器。该CTD测量仪经实验室多次标定,数据质量达到海试要求。2016年10月,该CTD传感器与海鸟SBE19 Plus在青岛胶州湾进行了海试比测。海试结果证明,该CTD传感器与SBE19 Plus测量结果相近,实时获取的温、盐、深剖面数据精度满足水下滑翔器的搭载要求。  相似文献   

本研究基于中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所自主研发的水下滑翔机在热带东太平洋观测获取的连续剖面温盐数据,并通过与多套不同数据的比测,证实国产水下滑翔机观测的温盐数据准确可靠,未来可大范围应用于深海大洋。观测结果首次发现该海域北太平洋中央水(NPCW)(50~100 m)的60~80 m层分布着中间层低盐水,分析认为该低盐水来源于水团下方的加利福尼亚流系水(CCS),中间层低盐水形成的动力机制主要受跃层附近的内波控制,并与内波强度密切相关,同时受上层(20~60 m)障碍层的影响,该中间层低盐水仅仅出现在60~80 m。本研究发现内波与障碍层能够通过影响动能与热能的传输进而促进水团新结构的形成,相关成果丰富了内波与障碍层对上层海洋响应的研究,具有重要的科学价值。  相似文献   

A new method is presented to process and correct full-depth current velocity data obtained from a lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP). The analysis shows that, except near the surface, the echo intensity of a reflected sound pulse is closely correlated with the magnitude of the difference in vertical shear of velocity between downcast and upcast, indicating an error in velocity shear. The present method features the use of echo intensity for the correction of velocity shear. The correction values are determined as to fit LADCP velocity to shipboard ADCP (SADCP) and LADCP bottom-tracked velocities. The method is as follows. Initially, a profile of velocity relative to the sea surface is obtained by integrating vertical shears of velocity after low-quality data are rejected. Second, the relative velocity is fitted to the velocity at 100–800 dbar measured by SADCP to obtain an “absolute” velocity profile. Third, the velocity shear is corrected using the relationship between the errors in velocity shears and echo intensity, in order to adjust the velocity at sea bottom to the bottom-tracked velocity measured by LADCP. Finally, the velocity profile is obtained from the SADCP-fitted velocity at depths less than 800 dbar and the corrected velocity shear at depths greater than 800 dbar. This method is valid for a full-depth LADCP cast throughout which the echo intensity is relatively high (greater than 75 dB in the present analysis). Although the processed velocity may include errors of 1–2 cm s−1, this method produced qualitatively good current structures in the Northeast Pacific Basin that were consistent with the deep current structures inferred from silicate distribution, and the averaged velocities were significantly different from those calculated by the Visbeck (2002) method.  相似文献   

The South China Sea(SCS) is the largest semi-enclosed marginal sea in the North Pacific. Salinity changes in the SCS play an important role in regional and global ocean circulation and the hydrological cycle. However, there are few studies on salinity changes over the SCS due to lack of high-quality and long-term observations. In the past decade, the deployment of floats from the Argo program in the SCS and their accumulated temperature and salinity profiles have made it possible for us to examine salinity changes over the entire basin. In this study,salinity changes were investigated with Argo and underwater glider temperature and salinity observations and gridded temperature–salinity objective analyses(UK Met Office Hadley Centre EN4.2.1 objective analysis and China Argo Real-time Data Center BOA_Argo). The results indicated that the subsurface water in the entire SCS became significantly saltier during 2016–2017. The most significant salinity increase was found during 2016 in the northeastern SCS. The subsurface water in the northeastern SCS exhibited a salinity maximum above 35, which was recorded by three Argo floats during 2015–2016. Such high salinity water was rarely observed and reported prior to the Argo era. Average salinity of 2016–2017 along the 25.5σ_θ–23.5σ_θ isopycnal surfaces in the whole SCS is 0.014-0.130 higher than the climatology. Increases in subsurface salinity started from the northeastern SCS and extended southwestward gradually. Moreover, the subsurface salinity changes, especially in the northern SCS,exhibited a semiannual lead behind the subsurface Luzon Strait transport. Further analysis indicated that the predominance of advection, driven by subsurface Luzon Strait transport, led to salinification along the western boundary of the SCS. In other parts of the SCS, negative wind stress curl trends tended to preserve the high salinity characteristics of the subsurface water.  相似文献   

水下滑翔机是开展海洋无人移动观测的重要平台,其实际航行轨迹往往与预设路径存在较大差异,多台水下滑翔机协同观测时,难以始终保持预设的组网阵列.本研究提出一种基于牛顿力学积分的水下滑翔机群协同控制算法,根据水下滑翔机群出、入水的异步性调节水下滑翔机入水前的运动参数.基于对水下滑翔机受力分析,利用牛顿力学积分还原水下滑翔机在...  相似文献   

Underwater glider is an autonomous underwater vehicle that glides by controlling their buoyancy and attitude using internal actuators. By changing the vehicle's buoyancy intermittently, vertical motion can be achieved. Characteristics of glider motion include upward and downward movement in a saw tooth pattern, turning and gliding in a vertical spiral motion and gliding without using thrusters or propellers. This paper presents the modelling and identification on net buoyancy, depth and pitching angle of an underwater glider system. A ballast tank subsystem is considered appropriate for the identification process since it is the main parameter for the motion control. By selecting the ballast rate as the input, three aspects of the dynamics of a glider can be observed: buoyancy, depth of the glider and pitching angle. The MATLAB System Identification ToolboxTM is used to obtain a mathematical model of the glider ballast-buoyancy, ballast-depth and ballast-pitching angle conditioning system. The best three parametric estimation models are chosen, and the results of the comparison between simulated and estimated outputs are presented. The information obtained from the modelling and identification approaches are used for USM's Underwater Glider Prototype controller design. The information observed during this procedure are utilised for optimisation, stability, reliability and robustness analysis of the underwater glider.  相似文献   

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