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2.大禹疏壶口 壶口瀑布,是黄河干流中最壮观的瀑布,它以平均1000个流量(立方米/秒)的速度,从30多米的高处在这宽仅20多米的峡口中倾泻而下,激起50米高的水花,飞出彩虹,浪沫漂到下游100-200米岸上,给游人身上增添点点泥沫。  相似文献   

设k∈N,f(z)为复平面上的超越亚纯函数,φ(z)、ak-1(z),…,a0(z)为f(z)的小函数,且φ(z)≠0.置P(f)(z)=f^(k)(z)+ak-1(z),f^(k-1)(z)+…+a1(z)f(z)+a0,(z),且P(f)(z)不恒为常数.当k≤4时,满足Nr)(r,1/f)=S(r,f);k≥5,满足N4)(r,1/f)=S(r,f),则T(r,f)〈20N^-(r,1/φfP-1)+s(r,f).  相似文献   

设f(z)为复平面上的超越亚纯函数,不具有形式Cexp(-Bz/A),其中A、B及C为复数,则T(r,f)可被f(z)的极点计数函数及Af(z)f'(z)+Bf ̄2(z)的a计数函数(a≠0)所控制。  相似文献   

老马从土地局退休回家那天,正是柳絮满天飞扬的春季。老马心情不好,老马不是留恋他在土地局局长的官位,实在是对干了几十年的土地工作有些恋恋不舍。老马回临河村,是土地局的小车送回来的。车至村西苍河桥,他固执地下了车,与司机挥挥手,便在满野的绿色中慢慢地往村里走。  相似文献   

乡下人爱喝酒 一杯乡情下肚 整个村子就醉了 乡下 一条石板路的乡下 摇摇晃晃地 醉倒在门前 连凋零的犬吠 也一朵一朵地漾着酒气乡 下青 草 青青的野草 躺在土地上 躺在梦中 我的心上 满地的绿 在清晨 在遥远的乡下 我的父亲 挥舞着镰刀 收割阳光 也收割绿色的歌谣 青青的野草 在春天里令我心动 在乡下 在我家门前 静静地等待 等我牵着牛 带你回家落 叶 树叶落了 一地的黄叶像睡着了 梦里有许多河流 依然很清澈 树叶落了 风要轻轻地刮过来 那是睡着的心 别把它吹醒…  相似文献   

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东方刚现出鱼肚白,便听到砰砰的敲门声。“准是訾鸣又来啦!”高翔满有把握地说。“您俩光腚就在一块,后来又同窗八九年,人恁熟,咋会猜不着?”妻子表示赞同。其实,訾鸣昨晚10点从这儿才走。原因是高翔冒着生命危险,把其溺水的独生儿子救了出来,自己反倒被水呛得呕吐,以致吃药打针。对此,他感激不尽,放心不下。“翔哥,气喘咋样?”他未进门就问。“上午的事,下午就好了,为这,让你跑几趟。要是你碰上孩子落水,也一定会救!”高翔对所谓“舍己救人”淡然置之,不当回事,没觉察到訾鸣内心充满歉疚。他们两个人同村、同学,又同在乡政府工作。高翔管理…  相似文献   

西宁经济技术开发区是2000年7月3日,经国务院批准成立的国家级开发区.成立西宁经济技术开发区是党中央、国务院实施西部大开发以来,为了扩大吸引外资规模、提高利用外资水平、扩大对外开放、促进青海经济快速发展所采取的重大举措。为青海和西宁的经济发展和改革开放提供了前所未有的良好机遇和发展空间,必将成为青海经济建设发展的前沿阵地和重要窗口。西宁经济技术开发区将成为青海改革开放的实验地、工业经济的聚集地、高新技术的孵化器、经济发展的排头兵。  相似文献   

四人共同走上台,欢庆锣鼓敲起来,要给大家说点啥?储量情怀! 张灯结彩合家欢,全厅同志乐团圆,我们学说三句半,拜年!  相似文献   

风和日丽,春意融融,阳明县国土资源局会议室内座无虚席,人们排着长队,表情严肃,有条不紊地将一张张钞票装进捐款箱,向遭受冰雪灾害的同胞献上一份爱心。  相似文献   

This paper reports for the first time a species of polychaetous family Paraonidae, Paraonella platybranchia (Hartman, 1961), a rare species found previously only in the coast near the boundary between the United States and Mexico, and it was recently discovered in the samples collected in 1982 from Chinese side of the Yellow Sea. This is the first record of the species in China as well as in the Northwest Pacific. Supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. O72715)  相似文献   

Species,Thracia granubsa of the Family Thraciidae from the China Seas was first reported and described as new to science by Adams et Reeve (1850). No other species was found there for more than 100 years until the author (1980) in his studies on Chinese bivalvia, discovered the second new species,Trigonothracia jinxingae, described in this article. This paper deals with 6 species, three of which are new to science, collected from the littoral and sublittoral zones of the China Seas. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica, Qingdao. Contribution No. 1471 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

This paper describes 14 species of the family Dentaliidae collected from China by the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica during the surveys on marine invertebrate animals and benthos in the past years. Of which 4 species are considered as new to science; 2 species are first recorded in China. The system adopted is mainly that of T. Habe (1964), but reference is also made to the works of W. Emerson (1962), P. Palmer (1974) and S. D. Chistikov. About 20 Chinese species of Dentaliidae have been described. We consider our study is still not complete and are sure that more species shall be found in further studies. Contribution No. 1456 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

This paper reports two species of the family Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia), Otopleura nitida (A. Adams, 1854) and Rugadentia manzakiana (Yokoyama, 1922). The former was from the South China Sea and the latter was from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. The study was based on the collections deposited in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is for the first time that these species have been recorded in China seas. In the current contribution, we describe and illustrate these two species, and compare them with similar species.  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic Hangfanggou Formation is well exposed in Shangsanjiao and Xiasanjiao villages area,Baimashi town of Huludao,western Liaoning,China.Recently,abundant fossil plants were collected from the Hangfanggou Formation.One new species,Anomozamites sanjiaocunensis sp.nov.(Bennettitales),is described in this study.This is the first report of the genus Anomozamites from the Haifanggou Formation based upon the leaf morphology and epidermal structures.The discovery of the new species extends significantly the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Anomozamites in the Middle Jurassic.It also shows that Anomozamites was a common member of Bennettitales once lived in the Middle Jurassic warm temperate region.The new species also improves the knowledge on understanding the leaf morphology,epidermal features and the diversity of Anomozamites during the Middle Jurassic.The epidermal characters of the new species and its associated plants reveal that the plants grew in a warm and moderately humid environment in the warm temperate zone.The presence of some deciduous plants,such as ginkgoaleans,czekanowskialeans and conifers,indicate the climate with seasonal fluctuations in temperature.  相似文献   

Eucheuma gelatinae (Esper) J. Agardh has vegetative and reproductive features distinguishing it from other species ofEucheuma. The occurrence of reproductive nemathecia containing carpogonial branches, auxiliary cells and post-fertilization stages including gonimoblast and pericarp initiation, fusion cell formation stages and carposporophyte development are described and ilustrated for the first time for this species. Contribution No. 2380 of the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

We collected leiognathid fishes from the Hainan Island and Beibu Gulf between November 2007 and December 2008. Ten of these specimens were identified as Nuchequula blochii (Valenciennes 1835), which is the first record of this species in China’s waters. These specimens are distinguished by the combination of these characteristics: breast fully scaled, cheek naked, anteroventral profile of the lower jaw almost straight, a conspicuous dark blotch distally on the anterior part of spinous portion of dorsal fin, a yellow blotch distally on posterior part of spinous portion of dorsal fin, and a dark blotch on nape. This paper reviews the genus Nuchequula and describes three species that occur in China’s waters.  相似文献   

Eucheuma gelatinae (esper)J.Agardh has vegetative and reproductive features distinguishing it fromother species of Eucheuma.The occurrence of reproductive nemathecia containing carpogonial branches,auxiliary cells and post-fertilization stages including gonimoblast and pericarp initiation,fusion cell foram-tion stages and carposporophyte development are described and ilustrated for the first time for this species.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThemainpurposeofthisstudywastodeterminethemagnitudeandfrequencyofharmfuldiatomanddinoflagellateoutbreaksinHongKong’swesternandeasternwaters (e .g.LammaStraitsandPortShelterrespectively)fortheperiodJanuary 1 997toDecember1 999.Thiswasdoneinordertod…  相似文献   

Weekly phytoplankton samples were taken from western Hong Kong (Lamma) from Jan. 1997 to Dec. 1999 and from Port Shelter in Eastern Hong Kong from January 1998 to December 1999. During that time diatom blooms occurred repeatedly at both sites but never in synchrony. One species would bloom at one site and then weeks later it or another species would bloom at the other site; while the 1998 red tide of the mucus producing dinoflagellateGymnodinium mikimotoi occurred at both sites. It first occurred at the Port Shelter site in March and did not appear at the Lamma site until April. With the single exception of this species, no other dinoflagellate reached bloom concentrations at the Lamma site. In addition, dinoflagellate abundance at the Lamma site was significantly lower (P<0.05) than that at the Port Shelter site. This was correlated with a significantly higher turbidity (i. e. low Secchi transparency) and higher turbulence (stronger currents) at the Lamma site. Annual variation in surface temperature correlated with total surface phytoplankton abundance at both our sample sites. Phytoplankton abundance increased in spring as water temperatures warmed. In fall, as surface water temperatures began to decline and the monsoon rains became less frequent there was a reduction in phytoplankton abundance associated with the reduction in temperature and light. Because so many variables co-occur with temperature (e. g. the amount of rainfall light intensity and light duration etc.) it is not possible to cite temperature as the causal factor associated weth controlling phytoplankton abundance at our two sample sites. Our data support the rather controversial notion that percentage-wise, there are relatively more harmful bloom forming species in nutrient-rich coastal waters than there are in the world's oceans. 16% of the dinoflagellate species and 10.3% of the diatom species observed at our two sample sites were classed as harmful. These percentages were higher than those cited by Sournia (1995) for the worlds oceans (9.6% and 6.8% respectively). This raises the possibility that there are relatively more toxic species in the nutrient-rich coastal waters of the world than there are in the mid ocean nutrient-poor areas of the world. Some reasons for this are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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