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环沟格特蛤(Katelysia rimularis)的生殖周期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周年采集环沟格特蛤分别测定生长指标并用组织切片观察性腺发育的状况,以确定性腺发育的周期和时间。组织的光镜研究说明环沟格特蛤雌雄性腺发育均可分为增殖期,生长期,成熟期,排放期和休止期。  相似文献   

通过石蜡切片对扁平钳蛤进行性腺发育组织学观察,结果表明,扁平钳蛤雌雄性腺的发育都可分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期和休止期5个时期。增殖期为滤泡形成期,出现了精原细胞和卵原细胞,贴近滤泡壁分布;在生长期,性腺面积、滤泡数目和生殖细胞数目都明显增大,卵母细胞和精母细胞形成;成熟期雌性滤泡内充满卵细胞,其生发泡透亮,核仁清晰可见,雄性滤泡内充满着蓝紫色的精子,精子尾部聚集在滤泡中央,呈鲜红色;排放期滤泡破损,卵细胞和精子排放,性腺面积减小;休止期滤泡腔萎缩,基本无生殖细胞残留。扁平钳蛤生殖周期为一年,5—6月处于性腺发育增殖期;7—10月性腺进入繁殖期,包括生长期、成熟期和排放期;11月进入休止期;其他月份性腺基本不发育。  相似文献   

通过组织切片对虎纹蛙性腺发育过程进行研究,根据其细胞学特征,雌性虎纹蛙的性腺发育过程分为卵原细胞期、初级卵泡期、生长卵泡期和成熟卵泡期;在第一个性周期内,从卵原细胞到成熟卵泡整个发育阶段需要2a。雄性虎纹蛙的生殖细胞成簇排列,性腺发育分为精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞以及精子形成5个阶段;性成熟期为1a。并报道了虎纹蛙的镶嵌型性腺。  相似文献   

以2龄马氏珠母贝为材料,建立S1(对照组)、S2(术前处理后不插核)、S3(术前处理后插核)和s4(不做术前处理直接插核)四个试验组,每组500个个体。比较研究了术前处理和休养期间各组软体部干重和糖、脂肪、蛋白质含量的差异。试验结果如下:(1)术前处理后,S2和S3组软体部干重显著小于S1组(P〈0.05);S2组短期休养后恢复到S1组水平:S3组在休养期结束后仍然显著小于S1组(P〈0.05)。(2)插核后,S4组软体部干重显著小于S1组(p〈0.05);休养20天后恢复到S1组水平;(3)术前处理后,S2和S3组的软体部糖、脂肪含量明显下降。(4)插核后,S4组的软体部糖、脂肪含量明显下降。(5)试验期间,各组蛋白质含量总体呈上升趋势。结果表明术前处理能够有效降低育珠贝的生理活性:术前处理的马氏珠母贝表现出补偿生长效应,并在营养限制或创伤后的恢复过程中,首先利用体内储存的糖原和脂肪。  相似文献   

施氏獭蛤人工育苗技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施氏獭蛤(Lutraria sieboldii Reeve)俗称象鼻螺,隶属瓣鳃纲(Lamellibranchia)、异齿亚纲(Heterodonta)、帘蛤目(Veneroida)、蛤蜊总科(Mactracea)、蛤蜊科(Mactridae)、獭蛤属(Lutraria),自然分布于热带、亚热带的海区,在我国主要分布在浙江、广东、广西和海南的部分沙或沙泥底质的海区。施氏獭蛤足部和水管非常发达,肉质鲜美,经济价值较高。其生长速度较快,一龄贝平均壳长可以达到6cm以上,养殖1.5a即可达到理想的商品规格,适于人工养殖。李琼珍等对大獭蛤的胚胎、幼虫及稚贝发育及盐度对大獭蛤胚胎发育的影响进行了研究,蔡英亚等对施氏獭蛤的生态进行了研究,但至今还没有关于施氏獭蛤人工育苗取得成功的报道。由于施氏獭蛤的自然资源有限,目前只是在广西和广东的部分地区进行小规模养殖,养殖所用的种苗绝大部分为天然苗种,种苗成为制约施氏獭蛤规模化养殖的瓶颈。为此,笔者2004年4月进行了施氏獭蛤人工育苗实验。  相似文献   

通过组织切片对虎纹蛙性腺发育过程进行研究,根据其细胞学特征,雌性虎纹蛙的性腺发育过程分为卵原细胞期,初级卵泡期,生长卵泡期和成熟卵泡期;在第一个性周期内,从卵原细胞到成熟卵泡整个发育阶段需要2a。雄性虎纹蛙的生殖细胞成簇排列,性腺发育分为精原细胞,初级精母细胞,次级精母细胞,精子以及精子形成5个阶段;性成熟期为1a  相似文献   

研究以江蓠为养殖基质的双齿围沙蚕的配子发生及性腺发育。结果表明:1)根据双齿围沙蚕卵细胞形态特征、内部结构、卵径大小,卵母细胞的发生可划分为第Ⅰ时相(卵原细胞)、第Ⅱ时相(小生长期初级卵母细胞)、第Ⅲ时相(大生长期初级卵母细胞,卵黄形成前期、卵黄形成中期、卵黄形成后期)和第Ⅳ时相(成熟卵母细胞,胶膜形成前期、胶膜形成后期)等4时相;根据各时相卵子的数量变化及体腔中其他结构的形态变化,将雌性性腺分为Ⅰ期卵巢、Ⅱ卵巢、Ⅲ卵巢、Ⅳ卵巢和Ⅴ期卵巢等5个阶段。2)根据双齿围沙蚕体腔内精母细胞的大小、形态和所处的位置,将双齿围沙蚕的精子发生划分为精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞和精子;根据各时相精子的形态和数量变化以及体腔中其他组织器官的形态变化,将双齿围沙蚕的雄性性腺划分为Ⅰ期精巢、Ⅱ期精巢、Ⅲ期精巢、Ⅳ期精巢和V期精巢等5个阶段。3)Ⅰ-Ⅳ期的性腺主要包含对应时相的生殖细胞,同时,也存在有少量其他时相的生殖细胞,生殖细胞的发育速度并不完全一致。  相似文献   

进行了施氏獭蛤(Lutraria sieboldii Reeve)的人工育苗、幼虫发育及行为观察实验。结果显示:在施氏獭蛤幼虫发育过程中,壳顶后期幼虫只有鳃丝及足出现,而没有眼点出现,发达的足和鳃丝是幼虫变态的标志;幼虫变态期明显的分为3~5d的爬行期和3~5d的附着期;爬行期幼虫有单条水管形成,附着期幼虫只有一条分叉的足丝,水管为单管型;底栖稚贝期开始形成两条水管,底栖稚贝早期的幼虫不具备潜沙能力,只进行爬行活动,随着水管的快速发育,幼虫逐渐具备潜沙能力,幼虫壳长达2500μm、水管长达6000μm以上时,最终具备和成体一样的完全潜沙能力。  相似文献   

为探讨通过人工诱导获得驼背鲈成熟亲鱼的途径,在室内水池进行驼背鲈驯养研究;用口服和注射性激素、控温、控光、营养强化、模拟生态条件等方法处理驼背鲈以诱导其性腺发育。结果表明,控光和模拟生态条件不能有效诱导性腺发育;激素、控温和营养强化相结合可诱导驼背鲈性腺发育并成熟。对其中1 组诱导成熟的亲鱼(雌、雄各1 尾)进行人工催产后,亲鱼自然产卵受精,孵出仔鱼2 万尾。驼背鲈在驯养条件下生长较快;通过人工控制和诱导可达到性腺发育和成熟,性腺发育速度较快。  相似文献   

湛江地区光裸星虫的生殖细胞发育和生殖周期   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用活体观察和常规石蜡切片技术对湛江地区光裸星虫生殖周期、生殖细胞的发育及形态结构进行研究。结果表明:星虫雌雄异体,无肉眼可见生殖腺结构,原生殖细胞在体腔液中发育;雌性生殖细胞根据其卵膜的形成和卵黄积累情况可以分为4个发育阶段,小生长期、大生长期、成熟前期和成熟期;雄性生殖细胞也分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期和变态期4个阶段;成熟的生殖细胞经肾管排出体外。生殖季节为5~9月,其中7~8月为高峰期。  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of bream A bramis brama(L.) was studied from 546 fish collected from the lower reaches of the Irtysh River in Xinjiang, north-west China, from March to November 2013. The overall sex ratio(M/F) was 1.06:1, and was not significantly diff erent from the theoretical 1:1 ratio( P 0.5). However, there was a dominance of males during the pre-spawning season(1.33 in March and 1.56 in April, P 0.5), while females were dominant during the peak spawning season(0.88 in June, P 0.5). The monthly variation in gonadosomatic index(GSI) and proportion of gonads at each macroscopic maturity stage, indicated that A. brama spawned once a year with peak spawning occurring from late May to June. The unimodal distribution of oocyte diameter each month indicated that A. brama is a single spawner, with a high degree of spawning synchronicity. The standard lengths(SL 50) and ages( A 50) at first maturity for males and females, were 178 and 204 mm, and 5.6 and 6.8 years, respectively. The mean absolute fecundity(AF) was 77 311 eggs per fish, and mean relative fecundity(RF) was 162 eggs per gram of body weight(BW). The AF of A. brama increased linearly with increasing of gonad weight(GW), eviscerated weight(EW) and standard length(SL), but was not significantly correlated with age. As, A. brama in the lower reaches of the Irtysh River reaches reproductive maturity relatively late in their life span, is mature for a short period and spawns in aggregations, this fish is vulnerable to overexploitation.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of biochemical components in clam (Saxidomus purpuratus Sowerby 1852) was investigated from March 2012 to February 2013 in relation to environmental condition of Sanggou Bay and the reproductive cycle of clam. According to the histological analysis, the reproductive cycle of S. purpuratus includes two distinctive phases: a total spent and inactive stage from November to January, and a gametogenesis stage, including ripeness and spawning, during the rest of the year. Gametes were generated at a low temperature (2.1°C) in February. Spawning took place once a year from June to October. The massive spawning occurred in August when the highest water temperature and chlorophyll a level could be observed. The key biochemical components (glycogen, protein and lipid) in five tissues (gonad, foot, mantle, siphon and adductor muscle) were analyzed. The glycogen content was high before gametogenesis, and decreased significantly during the gonad development in the gonad, mantle and foot of both females and males, suggesting that glycogen was an important energy source for gonad development. The protein and lipid contents increased in the ovary during the gonad development, demonstrating that they are the major organic components of oocytes. The lipid and protein contents decreased in the testis, implying that they can provide energy and material for spermatogenesis. The results also showed that protein stored in the mantle and foot could support the reproduction after the glycogen was depleted.  相似文献   

Patinopecten yessoensis is a commercial valuable species. This study deals with the effect of nutrient effects of the broodstock(mainly ovaries) on the larvae. Concentrations of total carbohydrate, total protein and total lipid in the gonads of P. yessoensis from three Hatcheries(Hatchery 1, Hatchery 2, and Hatchery 3) were determined before and after spawning. The relationship between the nutrient concentration in ovaries before spawning(BC) and that of larvae(LC) was assessed as well as the change in nutrient levels in ovaries after spawning(DC). Results indicate that the BC of total carbohydrate(7.66%) and total lipid(14.48%) in ovaries were significantly higher than in testes(5.20%, 5.20% respectively), whereas the BC of total protein in the ovaries was lower(61.76%) than in the testes(81.67%). The different gonadal composition suggests the different nutrient demands between male and female broodstocks in breeding season. P atinopecten yessoensis gonads contained a higher proportion of lipids, in comparison to other bivalves, which might be a response to the low ambient water temperatures. Further analysis of fatty acids showed that the concentrations of n-3PUFA, EPA and DHA in larvae(LC) were positively correlated with BC and DC, indicating the significant nutrient influence of broodstocks on the larvae. As these fatty acids are important in metabolism, and have been demonstrated to be influential to the viability of the larvae, larval growth and the settlement, spat growth, and juvenile survival in many bivalves, they could possibly be used as indexes to evaluate, and predict condition of broodstocks and larvae.  相似文献   

The limited knowledge about the relationships between environmental factors and the maturation and reproductive seasonality of nemerteans is mostly obtained from field studies, and in many cases is conjectural. Few species have been studied under well-controlled laboratory conditions. In this work, the effects of temperature and photoperiod on gonad development and spawning of Cephalothrix hongkongiensis were observed by rearing worms under different temperatures and photoperiods. Worms reared at 4℃ and 6℃ showed no growth or gonadal development, and all died within 109 days. At 8℃ and 12℃, gonads could be seen from 90 days to the termination of the 360-day experiment, but no spawning was observed. Worms maintained at 16, 24, and 28℃ showed both gonadal development and spawning, and matured faster at higher temperatures. Under a fixed temperature(16℃), photoperiod did not have any significant impact on maturation and spawning. It is likely that temperature plays a major role in regulating the maturation and reproductive cycle of C. hongkongiensis.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the biochemical composition and the reproductive cycle of pen shell Atrina pectinata in Bohai Sea were investigated from May 2013 to April 2014. Histological analysis indicated that the reproductive cycle of A. pectinata can be divided into two phases, inactive stage and gametogenesis, which were equally and significantly influenced by seawater temperature and food availability. Gametogenesis began in late autumn(October), and completed in June and July. Spawning took place in August, coinciding with the highest water temperature and the richest phytoplankton. The significantly high glycogen content in adductor muscles sustained throughout the late active and ripeness stages, but plummeted during spawning and inactive stages. The protein content in female gonads exhibited a synchronous increase along with oocyte diameter and lipid content, suggesting that the female gonads could accumulate protein and lipid for vitelline in A. pectinata. Furthermore, the RNA/DNA ratio was found to be a useful index to indicate the level of gonad maturation in both males and females. The findings of the present study provided a foundation for the fishery resource administration and the aquaculture development of this species.  相似文献   

Although chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) is a primary pelagic fish species, we have only limited knowledge on its key life history processes. The present work studied the age and growth of chub mackerel in the East China and Yellow Seas. Age was determined by interpreting and counting growth rings on the sagitta otoliths of 252 adult fish caught by the Chinese commercial purse seine fleet during the period from November 2006 to January 2007 and 150 juveniles from bottom trawl surveys on the spawning ground in May 2006. The difference between the assumed birth date of 1st April and date of capture was used to adjust the age determined from counting the number of complete translucent rings. The parameters of three commonly used growth models, the von Bertalanffy, Logistic and Gompertz models, were estimated using the maximum likelihood method. Based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), the von Bertalanffy growth model was found to be the most appropriate model. The size-at-age and size-at-maturity values were also found to decrease greatly compared with the results achieved in the 1950s, which was caused by heavy exploitation over the last few decades.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the biochemical composition and the reproductive cycle of pen shell Atrina pectinata in Bohai Sea were investigated from May 2013 to April 2014. Histological analysis indicated that the reproductive cycle of A. pectinata can be divided into two phases, inactive stage and gametogenesis, which were equally and significantly influenced by seawater temperature and food availability. Gametogenesis began in late autumn (October), and completed in June and July. Spawning took place in August, coinciding with the highest water temperature and the richest phytoplankton. The significantly high glycogen content in adductor muscles sustained throughout the late active and ripeness stages, but plummeted during spawning and inactive stages. The protein content in female gonads exhibited a synchronous increase along with oocyte diameter and lipid content, suggesting that the female gonads could accumulate protein and lipid for vitelline in A. pectinata. Furthermore, the RNA/DNA ratio was found to be a useful index to indicate the level of gonad maturation in both males and females. The findings of the present study provided a foundation for the fishery resource administration and the aquaculture development of this species.  相似文献   

The predictability of certain environmental factors that affect the life cycle of the seabob shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862) was evaluated in a study of its reproductive biology in an area adjacent to Babitonga Bay, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Monthly sampling was conducted from July 2010 through June 2011 at depths of 5, 8, 11, 14, and 17 m. 76 004 individuals were obtained, with a pronounced peak in absolute abundance in austral autumn (34 208), coinciding with the annual closed season from March to May. Grain size composition of the sediment showed the closest relationship to the distribution of individuals (multiple linear regression, P <0.05), related to their burying habit. The observed correlations between the abundance of reproductive males (bearing spermatophores) and females with spent gonads (cross-correlation, P <0.05), and between reproductive males and reproductive females (with a 1-month lag) suggest that the peak of reproductive males preceded the peak of female ones. This result agrees with the pattern expected for females, which copulate in post-ecdysis (spent gonads). Spawning seemed to take place at greater depths, as evidenced by the concentration of reproductive females in these areas. The reproductive activities observed here confirm that this species follows a tropical/subtropical reproductive pattern, spawning continuously throughout the year, with the highest peaks in spring and autumn. The data indicate that the juvenile recruitment period observed in August-September resulted from the reproductive output noted in April–May. Additionally, the reproductive period recorded in November led to the juvenile peak observed in March–May.  相似文献   

Breeding and mass scale larval rearing of clownfish Amphiprion percula is very limited in brackishwater. We designed an indoor program of A. percula culture in brackishwater with a salinity of 24±1, during which the impacts of feed type, water temperature, and light intensity, on the efficiency of its reproduction, were revealed. The fish were accommodated along with sea anemones in fibre glass tanks to determine the influence of brooder diet on breeding efficiency. Higher reproductive efficiency [number of eggs laid (276 22.3 eggs)] was observed when fish were fed live Acetes sp. rather than clam (204 16.4 eggs), trash fish (155 12 eggs) and formulated feed (110 10 eggs). The spawning rate was increased during September and October (water temperature, 28.74 0.55°C) on average of 2.4 spawning per month; and low spawning rate was in January (water temperature, 24.55 0.45°C) on average of 1 spawning per month. Among three light intensities (100, 500, and 900 lx) set to evaluate larval survival rate, larvae showed the highest survival rate (65.5%) at 900 lx. The breeding method specifically in brackishwater developed in the present study is a new approach, will help the people from the regions of estuary and backwater to enhance their livelihood and it will lead to reduce the exploitation from the wild habitat.  相似文献   

Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is the flagship species of the Changjiang River. The migration route of this species is blocked by the first dam, the Gezhou Dam, and its reproduction is affected by the Three Gorges Dam (TGD), one of the largest dams in the world. We studied the impact of the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) since 2003 on the spawning stock and the natural reproduction of the Chinese sturgeon by using our monitoring data from 1997 to 2013. Results indicate that TGR impoundment has delayed the first spawning dates of the fish from middle-late October to late November, decreased the amount of spawning activities from twice to only once each year, and significantly reduced egg production. In particular, the fish did not demonstrate any spawning activities in 2013. Therefore, TGR impoundment significantly affects the natural reproduction of the fish downstream of the TGD. The spawning stock size of the fish is also predicted to further decrease in the future, which will lead to a risk of population extinction. Ecological regulations must be imposed on decreasing the water temperature to 20°C before mid-October and increasing water discharge downstream of the TGD in October to induce spawning of the Chinese sturgeon.  相似文献   

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