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考虑航磁水平梯度变化的ΔT网格化方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
实测航磁横向水平梯度反映垂直于测线的磁场梯度,比传统航磁ΔT数据包含测线之间更多的磁场信息.针对航磁数据网格化问题,采用Hardwick提出的方法,利用航磁水平梯度与ΔT数据构建拟测线,并结合Akima插值法,开展了双方向测线型ΔT网格化方法研究,最终实现了考虑航磁水平梯度变化的ΔT网格化;针对网格化结果中的虚假异常采取了有效滤波方法.通过理论模型数据和实际数据网格化处理,表明该方法可以突出航磁测线之间的异常细节、更清晰地反映线性构造或磁性体走向,提高了网格化的精度和分辨率.  相似文献   

为了评价航磁成图数据精度,通常在完成精细调平等处理后依据航空磁测总精度评价方法进行评价.但经过精细调平或反复调平可以使成图数据精度达到很高,不能反应实际情况.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种基于位场曲面延拓的航磁成图数据精度评价方法,该方法是将航磁数据经各项改正后、精细调平前的测线数据通过非规则网延拓算法延拓至切割线测点(或交叉点)处,再计算二者的均方根偏差来进行精度评价.该精度评价方法不需要经过精细调平也可避免多次调平,不需要舍弃交叉点,并且克服了交叉点处点位坐标不一致的问题,可以客观地评价航磁成图数据的精度,也作为评价航磁数据精度的一种新方法,同时也可用该曲面延拓方法进行曲面数据处理成图.通过模型测试和实际资料处理,验证了该方法的正确性和实用性.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种全张量磁梯度数据的斜导数边界识别方法,该方法利用全张量磁梯度数据定义了北向斜导数、东向斜导数和垂向斜导数.模型试验表明,北向和东向斜导数无法有效识别磁性异常体边界,异常形态复杂虚假异常较多,而垂向斜导数在高纬度斜磁化或者垂直磁化条件下可以清晰而准确得识别地质体的边界,具有一定的深度识别能力.与现有磁张量梯度的边界识别方法相比,识别效果好,可以有效均衡不同深度地质体的响应.将上述方法应用于大兴安岭地区实测航磁三分量数据转换得到的全张量数据,获得了研究区浅部磁性体的分布,并与三分量数据进行联合解释,取得良好的地质效果.  相似文献   

在异常选编工作中,往往需要剔除掉区域背景场的干扰,从而寻找浅部异常的一些信息,因为区域背景场往往是由一些火山岩、侵入岩所引起,当然也不排除大型矿床所引起的可能性,航磁总场是区域场和局部场的叠加,因此异常往往会因为某种方式被忽略掉.梯度数据具有压制深部异常体、突出浅部异常体信息的特点,这就为梯度数据能够方便地提取异常提供了理论支持.在中国的北部某地区进行了航磁全轴梯度测量飞行,获得了横向梯度、纵向梯度和垂向梯度数据,利用实测数据总结出梯度数据与地质体异常之间的关系,确定了异常选编原则,为今后梯度数据确定异常奠定了基础,同时分析了实测的垂向梯度数据相比于转换的垂向梯度数据在异常反映上信息更丰富.  相似文献   

高精度航磁图件是航磁数据的提升和体现,通过航磁异常图的编制可以使航空物探资料更广泛的应用于实际地质工作.航磁异常图编制的关键技术在于每个环节都要选择适合于大面积数据拼合的特殊手段,以保证整体网格的数据质量.本文对编图关键技术进行了总结和阐述,这些技术包括:编图数据的准备,构建磁场调平框架,航磁数据微调平,网格化数据,网格拼接,长波长滤波技术等.  相似文献   

提出一个新的带通滤波器——延拓回返垂直二次导数,该滤波器可通过调节延拓回返高度及次数来达到调频目的,以突出勘探目标层段的信息.利用该技术对松辽盆地深层勘探程度最高的徐家围子断陷的航磁资料进行目标处理,与钻井资料对比表明,经处理后的航磁资料可以较好地反映火山岩的分布特征.以航磁资料为主结合钻井、地震资料预测了徐家围子三套火山岩的平面分布.指出航磁异常梯度带是火山岩储层的发育区带,近烃源岩或沟通烃源岩的航磁异常梯度带是火山岩天然气的富集区带.该认识对今后松辽盆地的勘探部署有着十分重要的指导意义,对我国其他地区的火山岩勘探也具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

为了深入研究吐鲁番中南部地区航磁异常特征及其地质意义,本文基于1:50000航空磁力ΔT总场异常数据计算了航磁化极异常,并对航磁化极异常数据利用正则化滤波方法进行了异常的分解、利用罗森巴赫Ⅱ式进行了垂向二阶导数异常的换算,获取了吐鲁番中南部地区区域磁力异常、局部磁力异常及垂向二阶导数异常.结合已有的地质及地球物理研究成果,对航磁异常特征进行了深入分析,并就磁力异常与地表地质信息之间的关系进行了深入研究,探讨了本区断裂分布、岩浆岩分布及磁性特征.研究结果表明,研究区太古界总体表现为较强磁性,元古界、古生界、中生界及新生界总体表现为弱磁性.研究区构造复杂,断裂构造特征具有明显的分区性.研究区岩浆活动明显受构造控制,岩体长轴与构造走向一致.研究区中性岩表现为弱磁性,而酸性岩则大致以独峰山—梧桐沟一线为界表现为北弱南强的磁性特征.  相似文献   

介绍了高精度航磁调查在西天山东段的应用效果.在高精度航磁图上,展现出多个不同磁场背景及磁异常特征区,它们是不同构造、岩浆活动、地层及岩性分布的综合反映.该区不仅区域磁场特征明显,而且局部异常信息也极为丰富.在最新的高精度航磁图上,已知铁矿异常特征明显,为矿区外围勘探和同类地区寻找新的铁矿提供了依据.利用高精度航磁资料,新发现了五十余处铁矿异常,在2007年进行了地面查证的5处异常中,有4处见矿.这些新的铁矿异常的成功发现不仅带来了巨大的经济效益,也为今后利用高精度航磁测量在类似地区进行找矿积累了经验.  相似文献   

在地质体具有较强剩磁或自退磁效应的情况下,获得地质体总磁化方向对磁法勘探的数据处理、反演及解释具有重要意义.与传统航磁总场测量相比,航磁矢量(三分量)测量能够获得地磁场的矢量信息.基于三分量磁异常一阶矩与磁源磁矩的积分关系,我们实现了基于航磁矢量数据的磁源总磁化方向估算.针对该方法易受相邻异常影响,从而使多异常的估算难以确定磁源中心位置的问题,分析了在不同磁化倾角下,估算的磁化偏角、倾角与实际磁源中心位置的关系,并根据该关系采取了限定估算区域的方法,获得了多异常的估算结果.将该方法应用于东天山启鑫地区实测航磁三分量数据,估算了具有强剩磁的启鑫岩体总磁化方向,并将估算的方向应用于化极计算.化极结果显示,减少了启鑫岩体磁异常受斜磁化的影响,且与磁异常模量计算结果类似.该方法假设磁源均匀磁化,估算结果可视为地质体总磁化方向的整体体现,对强剩磁地质体磁异常的数据处理、反演及解释具有实际意义.  相似文献   

频率域的快速傅立叶变换法是由航磁总场转换梯度分量和梯度分量之间相互转换的常用方法.但是,利用实测数据资料对方法的应用效果进行分析的研究较少,尤其是梯度分量之间的转换,主要是由于同时观测水平及垂直梯度的三轴向梯度测量技术刚刚起步,可利用的相关数据资料较少.本文首先利用模型研究了转换方法的特点,在此基础上重点对实例的转换结果进行分析.我们进行了总场转换梯度和水平梯度与垂直梯度间的相互转换计算,并将两组转换结果与实测梯度进行了详细的对比和分析.该实例的转换结果表明,总体来看利用总场转换的梯度,和梯度分量之间相互转换的结果都与实测梯度数据具有较好的对应关系,但相比而言,梯度之间的转换结果与实测数据吻合的更好.转换结果与实测数据的良好一致性,证明了转换方法的有效性,同时也验证了各测量参量的可靠性.  相似文献   

分析了应用区域航磁资料研究区域地温场的方法,提出了在探井井温资料控制下采用指数形式的方法计算地温梯度,并建立起居里深度与近地表地温梯度、指数因子的关系,给出了求取近地表地温梯度、指数因子的方法及公式,推导了不同深度地温及平均地温梯度的计算公式.通过对松辽盆地北部区域地温场计算结果分析认为,应用区测航磁资料结合一定数量的井温资料可较好地预测区域地温场,为盆地评价提供较为可靠的地温场资料.  相似文献   

在中国北部某地区首次开展了航磁三分量矢量飞行测量.本次测量是国内第一次直接测量航磁异常三分量Z_a、H_(ax)、H_(ay)数据,即文中提到的垂直分量V、北分量N、东分量E.由于三分量磁测数据具有矢量空间性,因而凭借其全空间矢量,在反演过程中可以更直接地发挥指向性作用.更为丰富的测量资料参与反演,所得到的最终结果为构造解释提供了更有力的约束,从而有助于减少地质解释过程中的多解性,提升解释结果的可靠性.本文以模型试验为切入点,首先进行三个分量各自的欧拉反褶积处理模型试验,以模型试验结果总结了不同的分量经反演后各自对理论模型边界刻画的特点.而后依据以上特点,将三个分量各自的反演结果进行叠加.与总场的反演结果相比,三个分量反演的叠加结果改善了模型体边界的识别效果,获得了更为准确的模型体位置信息.在总结了模型试验相关规律的基础之上,按照类似步骤分别对实测航磁三分量数据进行了欧拉反褶积处理,再将三个分量实测数据各自的反演结果进行叠加,以叠加后的结果进行构造解释.利用不同分量各自的反演特点,综合发挥多分量的资料优势,最终以三分量反演的叠加结果为依据,有效地识别了区内断裂,更加准确地刻画出断裂的形迹位置,揭示了不同性质断裂的世代关系,显示了良好的应用效果.  相似文献   

Recent advancements in geophysical exploration have been realized through reliably integrating unmanned aerial vehicle platforms with lightweight, high-resolution magnetometer payloads. Unmanned aerial vehicle aeromagnetic surveys can provide a contemporary data product between the two end-members of coverage and resolution attained using manned airborne and terrestrial magnetic surveys. This new data product is achievable because unmanned aerial vehicle platforms can safely traverse with magnetometer payloads at flight elevations closer to ground targets than manned airborne surveys, while also delivering an increased coverage rate compared to walking conventional terrestrial surveys. This is a promising new development for geophysical and mineral exploration applications, especially in variable terrains. A three-dimensional unmanned aerial vehicle aeromagnetic survey was conducted within the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, northwest of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, in July 2017. A series of two-dimensional grids (∼500 m × 700 m) were flown at approximate elevations of 35, 45 and 70 m above ground level using a Dà-Jiāng Innovations multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (S900) and a GEM Systems, Inc., Potassium Vapour Magnetometer (GSMP-35U). In total, over 48 line-km of unmanned aerial vehicle aeromagnetic data were flown with a line spacing of 25 m. The collected aeromagnetic data were compared to a regional heliborne aeromagnetic survey flown at an elevation of approximately 85 m above the terrain, with a line spacing of 100 m, as well as a follow-up terrestrial magnetic survey. The first vertical derivative of the gathered unmanned aerial vehicle total magnetic field data was calculated both directly between each of the different flight elevations, and indirectly by calculating the values predicted using upward continuation. This case study demonstrates that low flight elevation unmanned aerial vehicle aeromagnetic surveys can reliably collect industry standard total magnetic field measurements at an increased resolution when compared to manned airborne magnetic surveys. The enhanced interpretation potential provided by this approach also aided in delineating structural controls and hydrothermal fluid migration pathways (a pair of adjacent shear zones) related to gold mineralization on site. These structural features were not clearly resolved in the regional manned airborne magnetic data alone, further demonstrating the utility of applying high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle aeromagnetic surveys to mineral exploration applications. The conclusions and interpretations drawn from the unmanned aerial vehicle aeromagnetic data, coupled with historical data, were applied to make a new gold mineralization discovery on the site, assayed at 15.7 g/t.  相似文献   

位场数据网格化的反插值法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
位场不规则分布数据的网格化是位场数据分析处理的首要问题.本文借鉴反插值法的原理,提出利用基于预条件共轭梯度的反插值法实现位场数据的网格化.其中,插值算子采用高斯权系数,滤波算子采用Laplacian算子,预条件算子采用滤波算子的逆.通过理论模型和实际航磁数据的网格化试验分析,验证了本文的反插值法适合地球物理位场特征,网格化速度快,精度高,效果好.  相似文献   

East Anatolia is a region of high topography made up of a 2-km high plateau and Neogene and Quaternary volcanics overlying the subduction-accretion complex formed by the process of collision. The aeromagnetic and gravity data surveyed by the Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) of Turkey have been used to interpret qualitatively the characteristics of the near-surface geology of the region. The residual aeromagnetic data were low-pass filtered and analyzed to produce the estimates of magnetic bottom using the centroid method and by forward modelling of spectra to evaluate the uncertainties in such estimates. The magnetic bottom estimates can be indicative of temperatures in the crust because magnetic minerals lose their spontaneous magnetization at the Curie temperature of the dominant magnetic minerals in the rocks and, thus, also are called Curie point depths (CPDs). The Curie point depths over the region of Eastern Anatolia vary from 12.9 to 22.6 km. Depths computed from forward modelling of spectra with 200–600 km window sizes suggest that the bottom depths from East Anatolia from the magnetic data may have errors exceeding 5 km; however, most of the obtained depths appear to lie in the above range and indicate that the lower crust is either demagnetized or non-magnetic. In the interpretation of the magnetic map, we also used reduction-to-pole (RTP) and amplitude of total gradient of high-pass filtered anomalies, which reduced dipolar orientation effects of induced aeromagnetic anomalies. However, the features of the RTP and the total gradient of the high-pass filtered aeromagnetic anomalies are not highly correlated to the hot spring water locations. On the other hand, many high-amplitude features seen on the total gradient map can be correlated with the ophiolitic rocks observed on the surface. This interpretation is supported by Bouguer gravity data. In this paper, we recommend that the sources of the widespread thermal activity seen in East Anatolia must be investigated individually by means of detailed mapping and modelling of high resolution geophysical data to assess further the geothermal potential of the region.  相似文献   

The residual aeromagnetic and gravity anomalies of inner East Anatolia, surveyed by the Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) of Turkey, display complexities. Some faults, which are known and new lineaments, are drawn from maxspot map derived from the location of the horizontal gradient of gravity anomalies. Tectonic lineaments of inner East Anatolia exhibit similarities to the direction of East Anatolian Fault Zone. Anticlockwise rotation, approximately −30°, defined from disorientations of aeromagnetic anomalies. The lineaments obtained from maxspots map produced from the gravity anomalies and disoriented aeromagnetic anomalies are in-line with the mobilistic system revealed by the palaeomagnetic data. These Alpine age continental rotations caused westward wrenching of the global lithosphere and led to significant tectonic reactivation and deformations. GPS measurements, current tectonic knowledge and the results of the evaluation of potential field data were combined in a base map to demonstrate similarities.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic activity affects aeromagnetic surveys. Geomagnetic variations are quite complex and can be quantified in different ways. A measure of geomagnetic activity that is useful for planning aeromagnetic surveys is the Pc3 pulsation index developed by the Australian Space Weather Agency. Purposeful to developing guidelines for planning aeromagnetic surveys in Canada, we study the variations in Pc3 index amplitude over Canada in 2000. This study shows distinct patterns associated with the sub-auroral zone, the auroral zone, and the polar cap. Average Pc3 index activity is higher during the months of February, July, September, and November in the auroral and sub-auroral zones. The station in the polar cap exhibits maximum activity near midday during the summer months. Detailed analysis of a magnetic storm shows that Pc3 index amplitude during the beginning of the solar storm is least important at the polar cap. The mean Pc3 index also relates to solar wind parameters such as the solar wind velocity and the vertical polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field. Analysis of the morning maximum of the Pc3 index observed in the auroral zone can be used to develop guidelines for planning aeromagnetic surveys in Canada and other areas of the world affected by auroral zones.  相似文献   

The residual aeromagnetic total field intensity anomalies in central Anatolia were calculated from the regional aeromagnetic anomalies surveyed by the Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) of Turkey. The residual aeromagnetic data were analyzed to produce Curie point estimates by the method of OKUBO et al. (1985). The Curie point depth of central Anatolia varies from 7.9 km and 22.6 km. The shallowest Curie point depths were observed around the Cappadocia and Erciyes Volcanic complexes in central Anatolia. A good correlation was deduced between the Curie point depths and the heat-flow data measured previously, which is most certainly important for the geothermal resources of the region. The shallow Curie point depths also correlate well with the hot spring locations in central Anatolia.  相似文献   

骆遥  王明  罗锋  田嵩 《地球物理学报》2011,54(7):1912-1920
通过分析解析信号概念,指出目前重磁场解析信号事实上是重磁场梯度解析信号.在借助解析信号分量满足二维希尔伯特变换关系的基础上,提出重磁场直接解析信号的概念,并阐述重力异常及化极磁异常希尔伯特变换——直接解析信号的含义,并给出基于直接解析信号对位场增强的四种处理方法:直接解析信号模、水平分量模、改进Tilt angle和改...  相似文献   

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