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为了研究生物冰核Snomax的成核性能,在静态等温云室中对Snomax的成核性能进行测试分析,得出其成核率、核化速率、成核阈温等性能参数,结果表明在-4~-18℃,Snomax成核率在108/g~1011/g范围内变化,不同温度、过冷水含量、冰核浓度对Snomax催化产生的冰晶形态有重要影响。此外,对比分析测试了AgI焰剂与Snomax的成核性能,试验结果表明AgI焰剂成核率比Snomax高出3~4个数量级,但亲水性Snomax冰核蛋白具有更快的核化速率和环境友好性。通过对比两种冰核的成核特性,分析了生物冰核在人工影响天气作业中可能的应用。  相似文献   

碘化银是优越的成冰物质。但由于所采用的碘化银烟粒的发生方法不同,每克碘化银所能产生的冰核数目(即成核率),可相差3至4个数量级。因此,对碘化银烟粒发生技术的成核率进行检定,是加强人工降水与防雹作业设计的基础工  相似文献   

一个用于人工冰核研究的2m3等温云室   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文介绍了一个以研究人工冰核为主要目的的2m~3等温云宝及其结构、测量仪器、实验程序及性能特点。井用对三种不同配方发生的碘化银气溶胶成核率检测结果与国外同类云室的结果进行了比较。已进行的各种试验表明,云室性能稳定,重复性好,是进行人工冰核研究的有效的专用设备。  相似文献   

箭载催化剂冰核生成率的检定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本支介绍了JBR-56型火箭箭载催化剂冰核生成率的检测。得出箭载碘化银8克每箭的冰核总数高于现使用的三七高炮弹每弹(含4克碘化银)的成冰核总数,就每克碘化银的成核率相比,无量级上的明显增加。在温度高于-12℃范围内,箭载的成核率仍然偏低,不理想,我们认为这可能是所使用的爆炸法所限。  相似文献   

一个观测冰核的15 L混合云室   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
小型混合云室常用于自然冰核浓度的观测和人工冰核成核率的检测。使用表明:由于受云室容积、造雾方法和操作程序等因素的影响, 检测结果有很大差异, 难以相互比较。为提高检测数据的可信性, 设计并制作了15 L混合云室。云室由F22压缩机系统制冷, 最低能达到-28℃。为减小云室温度的波动, 在云室外围设计有装满乙二醇-水溶液的夹套。在溶液中, 安装了1个1 kW的电加热器, 接通后可使云室升温。在夹套外, 采用发泡技术形成约10 cm厚的绝热层, 以使云室与外界绝热。云室运行时, 可通过控制压缩机和电加热器得到实验温度。此外, 为拓宽检测冰核浓度的检测范围, 设计了玻璃片接取显微镜读数和糖盘接取目测读数两种可供选择使用的冰晶观测方法, 前者在冰晶浓度高时使用 (人工冰核), 后者在低浓度时使用 (自然冰核)。另一个重要改进是:先由一个超声雾化器产生常温雾, 而后使常温雾穿过一个低温狭缝进行预冷, 当雾温等于或低于云室温度后再进入云室。这一措施不仅避免了瞬时高度过饱和, 而且还减小了对云室温度的扰动。该云室在弹载催化剂成核率的改进实验中发挥了重要作用, 曾用它对多个人工冰核复合配方进行了检测和对比。结果表明:云室具有较好的稳定性和重复性, 整体性能优于以往的同类云室。这一结果是由于改进了提供过冷雾的设计和冰晶接取方法得到的。  相似文献   

1995和1996年春季北京地区大气冰核浓度的观测与研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
利用毕格型混合云室于1995和1996-春季在北京西郊观测了4种温度条件下的大气冰核浓度.分析了冰核浓度逐日变化特点,与1963-的观测(方法相同)结果进行了对比分析.发现30 a来,冰核浓度平均约增加了15倍.根据严重污染天气条件下能见度与冰核浓度的相关分析,推测人类活动作为冰核源的权重,冰核浓度增加.分析发现大气中高活性冰核在大气中的滞留时间明显小于低活性冰核.结合冰核活性与粒子尺度的相关,分析推测了大气冰核浓度随高度递减的特点,推测高活性冰核随高度递减更快.分析中参考了世界各地的观测结果,并对不同观测方法观测的结果进行了分析对比,对其中一些地区差异和特点进行了探讨.冰晶浓度与云中气溶胶粒子浓度的相关分析表明,两者有较好的正相关关系.高冰晶浓度常对应有较窄的粒子谱和较小的浓度峰值直径.利用飞机观测的云中雪粒子浓度与冰粒子浓度资料分析结果表明两者有正相关;初步分析表明,大气冰核浓度除对冰云微结构和云中降水过程有重要影响外;还可能对云的辐射特征产生影响,从而影响大气气候过?#  相似文献   

用滤膜法观测大气冰核的静力扩散云室本项目是在中国气象局云物理基金资助下完成的。它是通过模拟冰核活化环境对大气冰核(或人工冰核)浓度进行观测,研究冰核活化机制,为云物理和人工影响天气的研究提供基本参数的设备。该设备由大气气溶胶粒子滤膜取样器、扩散云室及...  相似文献   

党娟  苏正军  房文  方春刚 《气象科技》2018,46(3):619-624
碘化银焰剂是人工影响天气作业中重要的冷云催化剂,目前国内使用的碘化银焰剂有多种配方,有必要对它们的成冰性能进行统一评估。本研究采用1m^3等温云室,对我国人影作业中使用的7种碘化银焰剂(编号为1~7号)进行了统一检测。结果表明:7种焰剂成核率的量级按每克催化剂计算在10^(10)~10^(13)g^(-1)(-8^-18℃)之间,用指数函数拟合能较好地反映成核率随温度的变化;在低温段(≤-16℃),各焰剂成核率较高,不同焰剂之间的成核率差异相对于高温段(>-16℃)要小;在高温段,3、4、7号焰剂也具有较高的成核率,成冰性能要好于其他焰剂;7种焰剂的核化速率不同,-8℃时90%的冰核完成核化的时间在7.8~18min之间,推断该温度下的成核机制以接触核化等慢过程为主。  相似文献   

播撒碘化银粒子进行人工防雹的数值试验   总被引:16,自引:13,他引:16  
黄燕  徐华英 《大气科学》1994,18(5):612-621
本文在二维完全弹性冰雹云数值模式中,引入冰晶浓度和播撒物质AgI粒子的守恒方程,建立了一个二维催化模式,考虑了人工冰核的三种成核机制,即凝华核化(包含凝结—冻结核化)及与云、雨滴的接触冻结核化,模拟了几种不同冰雹云、不同催化方案下的人工防雹催化效果,指出了防雹的最佳催化方案和适宜催化作业的冰雹云条件。  相似文献   

在已有的三维对流云模式的基础上新植入了同质冻结和异质核化方案,结合一次山地雷暴个例,通过敏感性试验来探讨大气冰核浓度对对流云微物理过程和降水的影响。模拟结果表明:①冰核浓度的改变会对对流云的动力场及各水成物粒子产生明显作用。增加冰核浓度,冰相粒子的数浓度随之增加;同时,凝华过程中释放大量潜热导致云中上升气流增强。由于水汽含量一定,各水成物粒子"争夺"水汽,使得云滴、冰晶和霰的增长均受到抑制,难以成为较大尺寸的降水粒子。②冰核浓度的增加,"贝吉龙效应"导致云滴的尺度减小,削弱了云-雨转化过程。雨滴、云滴混合比的减小抑制了雨滴对云滴的收集。同时,小尺度的霰粒子削弱了霰融化为雨滴的物理过程,最终导致地面累积降雨量降低。  相似文献   

非感应起电是指云中冰相粒子间通过相互碰撞而发生的电荷转移现象,尤其以冰晶与霰粒子的碰撞过程为主,被证实是云中电荷产生的主要方式之一。沙尘作为大气冰核的重要组成成分,为了研究沙尘冰核对云中非感应起电过程的影响,本文将两种不同的非感应起电参数化方案(Takahashi方案,以下简称TAK方案;Saunders and Peck 1998方案,以下简称SP98方案)耦合至一维半云和气溶胶分档云模式中。该模式能够显性地追踪每个水成物粒子中云凝结核和冰核的质量大小,模拟每个冰核的核化过程,以及每个冰粒子的碰撞过程,从而确定霰粒子的数浓度和每个冰相粒子的电荷密度。对不同初始沙尘浓度的非感应起电过程进行了敏感性试验,模式模拟结果表明:随着沙尘粒子数浓度的增多,云中冰晶粒子与霰粒子的数浓度都分别增加,初始起电现象发生的时间提前,空间电荷密度大小增加;SP98方案和TAK方案都能模拟出1981年7月19日的一次积云观测个例的偶极型垂直分布,但SP98方案更接近实况。  相似文献   

沙尘气溶胶对云和降水影响的模拟研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用二维分档云模式,对比背景大气气溶胶分布,讨论了扬沙和沙尘暴天气条件下矿物气溶胶对云微物理结构、光学特性以及降水形成的影响.结果表明:扬沙和沙尘暴天气增加大气中大核和巨核的浓度,促进云中水汽的活化,使降水提前出现,暖云和冷云降水量均大幅增加,但可忽略巨核增加对云光学厚度和反照率的作用;当矿物沙尘粒子同时作为有效的云凝结核和冰核参与云的发展时,冰核浓度增加使水成物有效半径减小,抑制了暖云和冷云降水,云内存留的大量冰晶增强云的光学厚度和反照率.  相似文献   

王雨  银燕  陈倩  王旭  肖辉 《大气科学》2017,41(1):15-29
将DeMott冰核浓度参数化方案引入到WRF中尺度数值模式中,模拟了新疆阿克苏地区一次多单体型强对流风暴,并对背景大气条件和沙尘条件下气溶胶作为冰核,对云中微物理结构和降水变化的影响进行了敏感性试验和对比分析,结果显示:在背景大气条件和沙尘条件下增加冰核浓度对降水中心强度影响较小,并且总体上看降水分布变化不大,但是降水局部的变化量较明显;不同背景条件下IN(Ice Nuclei)浓度的增加使得冰晶和雪的质量混合比和数浓度均有较大幅度的增加,其中雪的主要源项为凝华增长过程,而霰增长主要来源于冰相粒子碰并过冷云滴,并且在背景大气和沙尘条件下增加IN都使得霰的数浓度增加,尺度减少。  相似文献   

Model simulations and hydrological reanalysis data for 2007 are applied to investigate the impact of long-range desert dust transport on hydrometeor formation over coastal East Asia.Results are analyzed from Hong Kong and Shanghai,which are two representative coastal cities of East Asia.Long-range desert dust transport impacts mainly spring and summer clouds and precipitation over coastal East Asia.In spring,clouds and precipitation come mainly from large-scale condensation and are impacted mainly by dust from the Gobi,Sahara,and Thar deserts.These desert dusts can participate in the precipitation within and below the clouds.At lower latitudes,the dust particles act mainly as water nuclei.At higher latitudes,they act as both water nuclei and ice nuclei.The effect of Gobi,Sahara,and Thar dust on large-scale clouds and precipitation becomes stronger at higher latitudes.In summer,clouds and precipitation over coastal East Asia come mainly from convection and are impacted mainly by dust from the Taklamakan,Arabian,and Karakum-Kavir deserts.Most Taklamakan dust particles can participate in precipitation within convective clouds as ice nuclei,while Arabian and Karakum-Kavir dust particles participate only as water nuclei in precipitation below the clouds.The effect of Taklamakan dust on convective clouds and precipitation becomes stronger at lower latitudes.Of all the desert dusts,that from the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts has the relatively largest impact.Gobi dust impacts climate change in coastal East Asia by affecting spring water clouds at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

Mineral dust particles are known to be efficient ice nuclei in the atmosphere. Previous work has probed heterogeneous ice nucleation on various laboratory dust samples including Arizona Test Dust, kaolinite, montmorillonite, and illite as atmospheric dust surrogates. However, it has recently been suggested that NX illite may be a better representation of atmospheric dust. Hiranuma et al. (2015) performed a laboratory comparison for immersion ice nucleation on NX illite, but here we focus on depositional ice nucleation because of its importance in low temperature cirrus cloud formation. A Raman microscope setup was used to examine the ice-nucleating efficiency of NX illite. Organic coatings on the NX illite particles were also investigated using a mixture of 5 dicarboxylic acids (M5). The ratio of NX illite to M5 was varied from 1:10 to 100:1. It was found that NX illite efficiently nucleates ice with Sice = 1.07 ± 0.01 at ?47 °C, with Sice slightly increasing at lower temperatures. In contrast, pure M5 is a poorer ice nucleus with Sice = 1.30 ± 0.02 at ?40 °C, relatively independent of temperature. Further, it was found that M5 coatings on the order of several monolayers thick hindered the ice nucleating ability of NX illite. Optical images suggest that at colder temperatures (< ?50 °C) 1:1 NX illite:M5 particles and pure M5 particles nucleate ice depositionally, while at warmer temperatures (> ?50 °C) subsaturated immersion ice nucleation dominates. These experiments suggest that mineral dust particles may become less active towards ice nucleation as they age in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Some cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) constitute a reservoir of latent ice-forming nuclei (IFN) active by condensation-followed-by-freezing and by sorption. Evaporated droplets occasionally left aerosol particles that acted as sorption IFN at temperatures as high as −5°C and water vapor supersaturation over ice of 0.2%. The newly formed aerosol particles (residues of evaporated droplets) are all mixed particles. The discovery of IFN produced from CCN promotes new insights into the process of ice formation in clouds; in an evaporating parcel of a cloud the rate of formation of ice particles will be enhanced by continuous production of IFN. Aerosol particles left behind after evaporation of a cloud may provide a source of IFN for formation of some of the cirrus clouds.  相似文献   

This paper presents airborne measurements of ice nuclei (IN) number concentration and elemental composition from the mixed-phase Arctic cloud experiment (M-PACE) in northern Alaska during October 2004. Although the project average IN concentration was low, less than 1 L−1 STP, there was significant spatial and temporal variability, with local maximum concentrations of nearly 60 L−1 STP. Immersion and/or condensation freezing appear to be the dominant freezing mechanisms, whereas mechanisms that occur below water saturation played a smaller role. The dominant particle types identified as IN were metal oxides/dust (39%), carbonaceous particles (35%) and mixtures of metal oxides/dust with either carbonaceous components or salts/sulphates (25%), although there was significant variability in elemental composition. Trajectory analysis suggests both local and remote sources, including biomass burning and volcanic ash. Seasonal variability of IN number concentrations based on this study and data from SHEBA/FIRE-ACE indicates that fall concentrations are depleted relative to spring by about a factor of five. Average IN number concentrations from both studies compare favorably with cloud ice number concentrations of cloud particles larger than 125 μm, for temperatures less than −10 °C. Cloud ice number concentrations also were enhanced in spring, by a factor of ∼2, but only over a limited temperature range.  相似文献   

新型扩散云室搭建及其对黄山地区大气冰核的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏航  银燕  陆春松  蒋惠  杨磊 《大气科学》2014,38(2):386-398
本研究利用自行搭建的大气冰核高压静电采样器和静力真空水汽扩散云室,并结合其他大气冰核及气象要素观测仪器,于2011年5~9月及2012年9~10月在黄山三层不同高度上同时进行大气冰核及相关气象要素的连续观测。结果显示:黄山地区总冰核数浓度平均为18.74 L-1,凝结冻结核化冰核数浓度平均为0.79 L-1,凝华核化冰核数浓度平均为0.19 L-1。黄山地区冰核数浓度,随着高度的增加而减小;且存在春季较高、秋季居中、夏季较少的季节变化规律;下午达到一天中的最高值,夜晚达到一天中的最低值;总冰核数浓度较北方少。黄山山顶冰核数浓度随活化温度的升高而减小,随过饱和度的升高而增大,随风速的增强而增大,长期主要由西南风向山顶的输送,且其主要由大粒子来充当。  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution of 327 clay mineral particles retrieved from four Antaretic ice smaples corresponding to present and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) climate conditions. Illite, chlorite, smectite and kaolinite were identified in all samples. Focusing on kaolinite, because of its use as a possible tracer of low latitude soils, we find a significantly smaller amount for LGM samples while the dust concentration in snow during the LGM was about 30 times higher than for present climate conditions. This can be interpreted as change in the contribution of the Australian source with climate.A second approach was based on the modeling of the desert dust cycle using an Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) under both present-day and ice age conditions. Unlike mineralogical results, the model suggests the prevalence of the Australian dust source in the deposits over East Antarctica under both present-day and LGM climate conditions. However the model fails to reproduce the strong increase in dust deposits during the LGM. This discrepancy could be partly due to the lack of a higher latitude dust source in the model.The stronger dust input recorded in ice cores for the LGM could be related to an additional active high latitude source (possibly close to South America) overlapping the atmospheric background coming from low latitude areas.  相似文献   

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