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20 0 2年 8月 2 6日— 9月 4日在东海赤潮高发区 ( 2 9°0 0′— 32°0 0′N、1 2 2°0 0′— 1 2 3°30′E)进行了夏季航次的调查 ,利用春、夏季东海赤潮高发区的调查数据 ,系统分析比较了其营养盐结构和分布特征 ,并初步探讨了夏季爆发的中肋骨条藻赤潮与营养盐的关系。与 2 0 0 2年春季相比 ,2 0 0 2年夏季调查海区中SiO3 Si、PO4 P、NH4 N、DON和PN平均浓度比春季有所增加 ,而NO3 N、NO2 N、DOP和PP浓度则有所减小。夏季各种形态磷营养盐主要由PO4 P和PP组成 ,其中PO4 P比春季明显增加 ,PP略有减少 ,DOP显著减少 ;各种氮形态营养盐主要由DIN和DON组成 ,与春季相比DON比例略有增加 ,DIN略有减少。DIN仍以NO3 N为主并有所增加 ,而NH4 N比例基本不变 ,NO2 N有所减少。主要溶解无机态营养盐 ,如SiO3 Si、PO4 P和NO3 N ,以及PP的平面分布整体上呈沿岸海域浓度高、外海浓度低的趋势 ,等值线与海岸线平行的趋势已减弱 ,甚至消失。NO2 N和NH4 N具有明显的水团分布特征 ,与春季有所不同 ;DON和PN与春季具有相同的斑点状分布趋势。另外 ,本航次调查中在 1 1站发现中肋骨条藻赤潮 ,该站表层SiO3 Si浓度较高 ,PO4 P很低 ,其余溶解态氮营养盐及PP与调查海区表层平均浓度接近 ,PN较高。营养盐结构中 1 1站表层  相似文献   

湛江流沙湾马氏珠母贝的养殖容量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008年3月—2009年1月调查分析流沙湾浮游动植物的生物量、叶绿素a含量、初级生产力、马氏珠母贝Pinctada martensii含壳重与鲜组织重的比值、养殖贝类和野生滤食性动物的滤水率、潮间带和潮下带底栖贝类及吊养区附着滤食性动物现存量等,应用营养动态模型和贝类养殖容量估算模型估算滤食性动物的总容量,扣除野生滤食性动物现存量,最终确定马氏珠母贝的养殖容量。结果显示,2种模型估算马氏珠母贝的养殖容量分别为19637.5t和20126.4t,平均养殖容量19881.95t。依据流沙湾马氏珠母贝的通常养殖密度(1.05×105个.hm-2)和平均商品规格(41g.个-1)计算,流沙湾马氏珠母贝的适养面积为461.83hm2。  相似文献   

双壳贝类同化率研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张涛 《海洋科学》1998,22(4):46-50
通过研究双壳贝类同化率和环境因子的关系,探索最适养殖环境,可以为人工控制条件养殖双壳贝类提供理论依据;同时,可判断一个海区对双壳贝类养殖的适宜情况,为选择适宜养殖海区及确定养殖模式提供依据。双壳贝类除了对海区浮游植物和有机碎屑等贝类饵料有影响外,对生物沉积也有重要作用。双壳贝类通过滤水作用摄食海水中浮游植物和有机碎屑,又通过排粪作用(假粪和粪便)和排泄作用把废物排入海中,从而影响海区中营养盐的组成和分布,严重时造成局部海区富营养化,成为引发赤潮的一种诱因。双壳贝类排粪量的多少与同化率高低有关。因此,双壳贝类…  相似文献   

林秀春  蔡立哲  金亮 《台湾海峡》2007,26(2):289-294
2005年6月至2006年3月对湄洲湾北岸灵川贝类养殖滩涂的小型底栖动物进行研究,并探讨了贝类养殖对滩涂底栖环境可能造成的影响.结果表明:小型底栖动物的总平均密度为65.7±37.5个/cm2,春季(3月)的密度比其它季节高.线虫和桡足类是小型底栖动物密度的主要组成,其中线虫平均密度为63.9个/cm2,约占密度组成的97.3%;桡足类平均密度为0.77个/cm2,约占密度组成的1.2%.许多站次的线虫和桡足类数量之比(N/C)均超过100,多贝类养殖的Y断面的小型底栖动物密度、N/C均比寡贝类养殖的F断面高.  相似文献   

三亚湾近3年营养盐含量变化及其输送量的估算   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2001—2003年监测资料,对三亚湾N、P、Si营养盐含量变化及其输送量进行了研究分析。N、P、Si平均含量分别为1.93、0.10和8.43μmol.L-1,显示出低N和P、高Si的分布状况。夏季N限制出现率仅为10.5%—29.2%,N限制可能性较小;秋季P限制出现率达到66%—79.4%,P限制可能性较大;Si限制出现率为零,Si限制可能性几乎没有。湾外海水营养盐的输送占较高的比例,在2001—2003年的3年时间里,约有670.6t NO2--N、6 174t NO3--N、3 752t NH4+-N、100 800t SiO32--Si和1 246.2t PO43--P从外海向湾内输送,其中,NO3--N的输送量占DIN输送量的60%以上,而SiO32--Si的输送量明显高于N、P输送量。  相似文献   

依据2016年5月、6月苏北浅滩海域两次调查资料分析了调查海域溶解态营养盐的结构与分布特征。结果表明:DIN(dissolved inorganic nitrogen,溶解无机氮)的主要存在形态是NO_3~-—N(nitrate,硝酸盐),NO_2~-—N(nitrite,亚硝酸盐)占DIN比重最少,DON(dissolved organic nitrogen,溶解有机氮)为TDN(total dissolved nitrogen,溶解态总氮)的主要存在形态,DOP(dissolved organic phosphorus,溶解有机磷)未检出。从N、P、Si的比值来看,调查海域属于磷限制。NO_3~-—N、PO_4~(3-)—P(phosphate,磷酸盐)、SiO_3~(2-)—Si(silicate,硅酸盐)浓度水平分布呈近岸高、远岸低的趋势;而NO_2~-—N、NH_4~+—N、DON的分布无明显规律。与5月相比,6月除NO-2—N浓度升高外,其他各项溶解态营养盐浓度均明显降低;NO_3~-—N、PO_4~(3-)—P、SiO_3~(2-)—Si的高值区向近岸方向收缩。NO_3~-—N、PO_4~(3-)—P、SiO_3~(2-)—Si与盐度有显著或高度负相关关系,说明NO_3~-—N、PO_4~(3-)—P、SiO_3~(2-)—Si主要来自近岸淡水的输送。  相似文献   

大亚湾养殖水域沉积物-海水界面营养盐扩散通量   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
1998年5月10日和11日分别在大亚湾的大鹏澳和澳头养殖水域现场调查,分析了底层海水、上覆水、沉积物间隙水中营养盐的含量和磷的化学形态。结果表明:大亚湾养殖水域NH,HPO和H4SiO4含量从大至小为:间隙水,上覆水,底层海水;NO和NO含量变化不大。估算了沉积物一海水界面营养盐扩散通量,NH,NO,NO,HPO,H4SiO4平均通量分别为302.0,-0.06,-1.82,2.53,47.96μmol·(m2·d)-1。水体和沉积物中磷的主要化学形态分别为DOP(占TP的54%)和无机态(占总态的60%)。大亚湾养殖水域浮游生物生长由磷控制。沉积物间隙水中NO,NO,HPO,H4SiO4的浓度垂直分布变化不大,而NH的浓度垂直分布呈指数下降特征。  相似文献   

胶州湾大沽河口潮滩水体N、P营养盐的时空分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2009年2、5,8和11月对大沽河口潮滩水体N、P营养盐浓度、盐度、溶解氧含量和大型底栖动物的调查,研究了大沽河口潮滩N、P的时空分布特征。结果表明,DIN在冬、春,秋季以NO3-N为主,其次为NO2-N和NH4-N。在夏季,NO3-N、NO2-N和NH4-N在DIN中所占比重相当。N/P比值在夏季接近Redfield比值,在其它季节偏高。NO3-N浓度在冬季较高、夏季偏低;NO2-N浓度的季节变化不明显;NH4-N浓度在夏季较高、冬季偏低;PO4-P浓度在夏季较高、秋季偏低。NO3-N、NO2-N和PO4-P浓度主要自河道向东西潮滩递减,从近岸向湾内递减;NH4-N浓度无显著平面分布趋势,但在夏、秋季的西潮滩较高。NO3-N、NO2-N和PO4-P的分布主要受大沽河淡水注入的影响,同时在夏季受到浮游植物的吸收作用的显著影响,而NH4-N的分布则可能主要受到潮滩贝类等底栖动物NH4-N排泄作用的影响。潮滩在冬、春季为P中等限制潜在性富营养,在夏季为中等营养,在秋季为P限制潜在性富营养。  相似文献   

浙江沿岸的贝类资源及其增养殖   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了浙江沿岸的贝类资源和增养殖的概况 ,现已报道的贝类有 61 4种 ,其中主要经济种类有 68种 ,目前已进行生产性养殖的有 1 5种 ,主要有泥蚶、缢蛏、长牡蛎、僧帽牡蛎、贻贝、泥螺、文蛤、青蛤等。 1 997年全省海水养殖贝类产量达 35.2 5× 1 0 4 t,养殖面积为 4.38×1 0 4 km2。指出了贝类增养殖中存在的问题 ,并提出了改进的对策和措施。  相似文献   

福建泉州湾贝类养殖容量评估   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对泉州湾叶绿素a、初级生产力、生态效率、浮游植物有机碳含量、养殖贝类有机碳含量及其含壳重与鲜组织重比值、潮间带和潮下带及吊养区附着滤食性动物现存量等的调查和检测,应用营养动态模型、沿岸能流模型估算贝类生态容量及扣除野生滤食性动物现存量来估算贝类养殖容量。还采用方建光模型估算贝类养殖容量,并采用统计分析法估算贝类及其各品种的适养面积。3种模型估算的贝类养殖容量分别为43 171t、220 991×104个,46 388 t、237 464×104个,44 049t、225 490×104个。贝类适养总面积为2 878hm2,其中牡蛎Ostrea1 349hm2,缢蛏Sinoncvacula con-stricta1 268 hm2,菲律宾蛤仔Ruditapes philippinarum117hm2,翡翠贻贝Perna viridis144hm2。1999年实际养殖面积2 615 hm2,尚有263 hm2可扩大养殖面积。还讨论了模型的实用性等问题。  相似文献   

The phosphorus cycle is studied during 2013–2014 in the Sanggou Bay(SGB), which is a typical aquaculture area in northern China. The forms of measured phosphorus include dissolved inorganic phosphorus(DIP), dissolved organic phosphorus(DOP), particulate inorganic phosphorus(PIP), and particulate organic phosphorus(POP).DIP and PIP are the major forms of total dissolved phosphorus(TDP) and total particulate phosphorus(TPP),representing 51%–75% and 53%–80%, respectively. The concentrations and distributions of phosphorus forms vary among seasons relative to aquaculture cycles, fluvial input, and hydrodynamic conditions. In autumn the concentration of DIP is significantly higher than in other seasons(P0.01), and higher concentrations are found in the west of the bay. In winter and spring the phosphorus concentrations are higher in the east of the bay than in the west. In summer, the distributions of phosphorus forms are uniform. A preliminary phosphorus budget is developed, and shows that SGB is a net sink of phosphorus. A total of 1.80×10~7 mol/a phosphorus is transported into the bay. The Yellow Sea is the major source of net input of phosphorus(61%), followed by submarine groundwater discharge(SGD)(27%), river input(11%), and atmospheric deposition(1%). The main phosphorus sink is the harvest of seaweeds(Saccharina japonica and Gracilaria lemaneiformis), bivalves(Chlamys farreri),and oysters(Crassostrea gigas), accounting for a total of 1.12×10~7 mol/a. Burial of phosphorus in sediment is another important sink, accounting for 7.00×10~6 mol/a. Biodeposition by bivalves is the major source of phosphorus in sediment, accounting for 54% of the total.  相似文献   

The Role of Suspended Oyster Culture on Nitrogen Cycle in Hiroshima Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The predominance of bivalves affects the cycle of materials in the coastal ecosystem. In the present study, the role of suspended oyster culture on the nitrogen cycle was demonstrated for the northern Hiroshima Bay. The nitrogen cycle was considered as two systems, (1) the primary production (PP) system and (2) the oyster culture (OC) system. The results show that about 26% of N productivity was supplied to process by cultured oysters in the OC system. This process varies seasonally due to the seasonal variations of PON, physiological activities and biomass of oysters. The N processing rates were found to be high in summer and low in winter. The biodeposition and excretion of N in the OC system are 3.0 and 2.1 ton N d–1, while the natural sedimentation rate and N regeneration in the PP system are 8.3 and 18.0 ton N d–1, which indicates that the PP system is a major system regenerating N in the water column. The release of total dissolved N from the bottom to the water column is about 8.3 ton N d–1. The amount of N harvested as oyster product was about 1.3 ton N d–1, which is about 10% of daily N loading in north Hiroshima Bay. According to the N cycle developed in the present study, the results suggest the significant role of suspended oyster culture on the nitrogen cycle in Hiroshima Bay. In addition, our results indicate that oyster production was efficiently harvested, suggesting that oyster culture could probably be used as a tool to remove N from Hiroshima Bay.  相似文献   

Rates of urea supply from the decomposition and the excretion of zooplankton were determined for samples collected in Suruga Bay. Five species of Zooplankton were incubated in filtered seawater at 20‡C for 276 hrs after being forced to die in a refrigerator. More than 77.6 % of body nitrogen of the Zooplankton was liberated, except forEuphausia similis, which showed a lower decomposition rate of 53.0 %. In the liberated nitrogen. 4.8 to 9.8 % was determined as urea. Incubation experiments of two species of zooplankton at 13‡C during 12 hrs, showed that the organisms excreted 0.86 and 0.73Μg-at. N indi.−1 d−1 as total soluble nitrogen. Urea accounted for 8.3 and 6.8 % of the excreted total soluble nitrogen.  相似文献   

海水中总氮和总磷的同时测定   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
早期总氮和总磷的过硫酸钾法氧化分析分别是在碱性和酸性介质中进行[1,2],样品分别保存,然后分别氧化测定,工作较繁琐。1977年Koroleff用过硫酸钾氧化法同时氧化水体中的总氮和总磷,使样品的保存和氧化分析工作简化。1981年Valderrama对该方法测定天然海水中的总氮和总磷做了进一步研究,总氮和总磷同时氧化后,水样中的硝酸盐和磷酸盐用手工分别进行分析。Walsh1989年和Karl等1993年曾采用UV光氧化法对海水中总溶解氮和总溶解磷进行同时氧化后,用自动分析对氧化后的无机氮和磷进行…  相似文献   

To evaluate the relative importance of possible food sources, including riverine particulate organic matter, reeds, benthic microalgae, seaweeds, cultured laver (Porphyra) and coastal phytoplankton, for commercial bivalves and co-occurring benthic animals, 73 macrofaunal species were collected from intertidal and subtidal soft bottoms in the inner part of Ariake Sound, Kyushu, southern Japan, and their isotopic compositions were analyzed. The results revealed that (1) both intertidal and subtidal food webs were constituted of 3 trophic levels, (2) suspension-feeding bivalves utilize a mixture of benthic microalgae and coastal phytoplankton, and omnivores and carnivores incorporate benthic microalgae and phytoplankton through their intermediate prey, and (3) 3 bivalves (Scapharca kagoshimensis, Modiolus metcalfei and Atrina lischkeana) inhabiting both intertidal and subtidal bottoms showed similar seasonal fluctuations, suggesting no difference in the diet composition among the species and between the 2 habitats. We conclude that a large biomass of benthic microalgae which was approximately equal to that of phytoplankton and the strong tidal currents that would resuspend benthic microalgae and transport them to subtidal bottom areas account for the benthic microalgal and phytoplankton based trophic structure in the inner part of Ariake Sound.  相似文献   

为查明秦皇岛近海大面积褐潮连年暴发的成因,在2013年3—11月对该地区主要入海河流和沿岸褐潮暴发区的生源要素污染进行了连续调查研究。调查结果表明,所调查入海河流普遍为劣V类地表水,总氮(TN)超标严重,按照氮污染程度由高到低排列依次为大蒲河洋河戴河石河汤河东沙河。各河流中的碳、氮、磷、硅等污染物浓度在时间变化上没有统一规律。基于综合污染指数法的评价结果显示,大蒲河和洋河为重度污染,戴河和汤河从先前的轻度污染加重为中度污染。从污染物入海量上看,TN和化学需氧量(COD)是排放量最高的两种河源污染物,其中溶解态氮占TN的74.6%。在所调查河流中,洋河和大蒲河分别贡献了TN的38.2%和33.2%,同时大蒲河还贡献了75.8%的活性磷酸盐和37.7%的活性硅酸盐,而75.9%的COD来自汤河、洋河和大蒲河。秦皇岛河源污染物排放在时间上较为集中在6—9月的丰水期,但各河流单独的排放具有随机性,没有统一的季节性规律,表现出受人为调控影响明显的特点。秦皇岛沿岸褐潮暴发区的生源要素变化与河源污染物排放有显著性相关(P=0.05)。  相似文献   

根据2012年3、5、8和12月4个航次长江口及邻近海域的调查数据,研究了氮、磷、硅营养盐及总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)的浓度特点,及其与盐度的相关性和叶绿素a的变化特征。结果表明,总溶解无机氮(DIN)、硅酸盐(Si O3)和TN的浓度分布均表现出自长江口至外海迅速降低的特征,且与盐度呈现显著负相关性。磷酸盐(PO4)的浓度降低程度随远离河口而减弱,且与盐度的相关性相对较弱,可能存在外海水补充;而TP则在长江口浑浊带海域呈现出较高浓度,且与盐度的相关性不明显,可能是受浑浊带泥沙吸附所致。在调查海区内,DIN与TN的平均值在夏季较低,结合叶绿素a数据分析,认为浮游植物吸收作用降低了DIN和TN的浓度。通过分析各营养盐之间的比值特征,进一步考察了营养盐来源及其对浮游植物生长的可能限制情况,其中N/P比值的变化同样揭示了N主要来自于长江水而P有部分来自于外海水的特征。该比值呈现远离河口而降低的特征,且在浑浊带无明显季节变化。春季和夏季有超过90%的调查站位显示潜在P限制,且均位于外海区。与历史资料对比发现,春季和夏季潜在P限制站位的比例明显升高,而潜在Si限制站位比例在春季和夏季降低。本文研究认为,营养盐含量及组成结构反映了该海域浮游植物群落组成和优势种的演替。  相似文献   

Water quality of a lowland stream in a New Zealand dairy farming catchment   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
A small stream in a predominantly dairying catchment in the Waikato region of New Zealand was monitored for 2 years at three sites. Total nitrogen (TN) concentrations were up to 7.09 g m‐3 in winter, with the bulk comprising nitrate nitrogen (NO 3‐N). During summer NO 3‐N was near zero and TN mostly comprised organic nitrogen. Maximum concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) were 1.64 and 0.555 g m‐3, respectively, and peaks coincided with spring and autumn applications of phosphorus fertiliser. Ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations exceeded 1 g m‐3 on several occasions and mean concentrations at the three sites were 0.165–0.272 g m‐3. Faecal coliform and enterococci bacteria concentrations were 64–26000 and 7–23000 cfu per 100 ml, respectively. Specific yields of TN and NO 3‐N (35.3 and 30.7 kg ha yr‐1, respectively) were much greater than any previously reported for New Zealand pasture catchments, whereas TP and DRP yields (1.16 and 0.54 kg ha yr‐1, respectively) were more in accord with other studies. Greater use of land treatment of liquid wastes will reduce stream inputs of faecal organisms, NH4‐N and P.  相似文献   

河口富营养化与流域氮、磷营养物的输入直接相关,制定河口营养物基准,可用于控制河口及其近岸海域富营养化,为环境管理的科学决策提供依据。大辽河是渤海最大的入海河流之一,河口污染较为严重;本文采用频数分布法、非参数分析法和实验室模拟压力响应关系法探讨大辽河口及近岸海域营养物基准的推导,最终得到大辽河口总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)及叶绿素a(Chl-a)推荐基准值分别为1.008 mg/L,0.067 mg/L和1.175 mg/m3,以期为大辽河口及其近岸海域富营养化评估和营养物标准制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted at the end of June 2011 in the coastal region of the northeastern part of the Black Sea. The bulk of the Noctiluca scintillans population was observed in the thermocline and reached a density of 40000 ind./m3. Analysis of digestive vacuoles content showed that Noctiluca could consume cells of Neoceratium tripos and N. furca, which had been considered inedible for Black Sea zooplankton, as well as temporary cysts of dinoflagellates, presumably of the toxic genus Alexandrium. The Noctiluca population consumed in total 10–30% of the abundance of temporary cysts, 2–29% of primary production, and 2–9% of potential Calanus euxinus egg production. For the first time, the excretion rates of ammonium nitrogen and mineral phosphorus were measured for N. scintillans. Our calculations showed that in summer, excretion by Noctiluca contributed from 4 to 18% and from 15 to 53% of phytoplankton total nitrogen and phosphorus requirements, respectively. The specific growth rate of Noctiluca (0.17–0.35) in summer, estimated from data on the daily food intake and respiration rate, was close to the values obtained in spring.  相似文献   

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