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黄土滑坡和降雨关系尤为密切。为深入研究降雨入渗对滑坡的促发作用,在对陕西西安地区“9·17”灞桥滑坡现场勘察的基础上,利用数值模拟方法系统研究了黄土边坡在降雨入渗条件下土体相关物理力学指标的变化响应特征及时空分布规律;从滑动面安全系数变化的角度分析了边坡的失稳过程,并揭示了该类滑坡的启动机制。结果表明:(1)降雨入渗首先引起坡面土体的基质吸力逐渐降低,而且不同分布位置的降幅不同;(2)滑坡启动前,坡体的高体积含水量范围随降雨明显扩大,且体积含水量表现出从古土壤层向邻近黄土层递减的规律;(3)边坡的水平方向位移自坡面中部向坡体的上下部呈放射状递减特征,垂直方向位移由上至下逐渐减小,而临界滑动面的安全系数也随降雨入渗过程逐步递减;(4)节理处土体的孔隙水压力和体积含水量的变化响应时间及幅度都早于且强于坡体其他区域,坡体内最大剪应变的区域分布与坡面基本平行,模拟结果与原型滑坡一致;(5)基于黄土独特的水敏性、地质构造和人类工程活动等诱因的影响,加上节理裂隙为水的入渗和运移提供了优势通道,降雨加速了黄土潜蚀和坡体结构破坏过程,改变了边坡内部应力场、位移场和水文地质条件,进而促发了滑坡。  相似文献   

三峡库区大型-特大型滑坡发育,尤以层状岩质滑坡的危害性大。因库区各段地质条件差异使得滑坡成因模式各不相同,这影响了滑坡的运动形式和岩土体解体程度。在收集三峡库区51处典型的大型-特大型层状岩质滑坡调查资料基础上,根据堆积岩体结构和区段地质条件反推该段滑坡破坏成因模式,而不同成因模式下的滑坡坡体渗透性不同,分析已有滑坡对库水位变动存在的复活响应差异,据此得出以下结论:①在成因模式上,除顺层滑移型滑坡在库区中均有分布外,从库首至库尾随着岩层倾角的逐渐减缓,滑坡成因模式从崩塌型、反倾弯曲型逐渐过渡到平推式;②在坡体渗透性上,成因模式造成的岩体结构变化与坡体中的泥质含量共同作用,导致顺层滑移型滑坡前后缘渗透性存在较大差异;反倾型滑坡渗透性则整体变化较小;③在库水位变动影响下,不同坡体渗透性与滑面形态共同决定了滑坡的复活变形差异。   相似文献   

降雨入渗和人工开挖是诱发黄土滑坡的重要因素, 为了研究在这2种诱因作用下关中地区黄土滑坡失稳过程及其对稳定性的影响, 以陕西省长武县杨厂村老庙滑坡为研究对象, 通过现场调查、地质测绘和钻孔勘探, 查明了该滑坡变形特征, 定性分析了滑坡变形演变过程; 基于滑坡变形前15 d内日降雨量实测值, 采用有限元软件, 对坡脚开挖后连续降雨作用下滑坡形成过程进行了仿真模拟; 基于强度折减法对该滑坡稳定性变化规律进行了研究。结果表明: ①关中地区特殊的地层结构是滑坡变形的内因, 降雨是最主要的诱发因素; ②滑坡失稳演化过程表现为: 坡体处于蠕滑状态, 坡脚开挖后, 坡体前缘失稳, 牵引中后缘坡体向下错动而产生张拉裂缝, 在降雨作用下, 雨水沿裂缝渗入坡体深部, 滑坡中部岩土体浸水后抗剪强度降低, 从而导致黄土层与红黏土层接触面饱水形成贯通滑带, 诱发深层滑坡; ③滑坡开挖后较初始状态, 稳定性系数降幅为0.102, 此后受连续降雨影响, 稳定性系数在前10 d以平均0.010/d的速率缓慢下降, 第10~13 d以0.034/d的速率快速下降至最低, 第13 d以后开始回升。研究结果可以为该类滑坡防治提供有效依据。   相似文献   

研究库水位波动和降雨影响下滑坡的位移变形特征并分析其破坏机制,对了解三峡库区滑坡的演化过程具有重要意义。以奉节曾家棚滑坡为例,基于GPS地表监测位移分析了滑坡在不同特征库水位运行阶段的变化规律,结合灰色关联度模型确定了滑坡不同部位的变形在不同阶段的主要控制因素,借助GEO-Studio软件模拟了曾家棚滑坡在历史降雨和库水位波动耦合作用下的稳定性变化,并与定量分析结果进行了交叉检验。结果表明:曾家棚滑坡的运动状态随时间变化,从缓慢蠕变状态进入阶跃变形状态。平面上,中东部坡体与西部坡体相比,运动更加强烈;剖面上,前缘变形早且变形量大。曾家棚滑坡变形失稳过程为初期蓄水启动了曾家棚古滑坡,前缘首先发生变形;降雨作为中后期主控因素,和库水位波动联合作用共同诱发了滑坡多次阶跃变形,使滑坡前中后部形成贯通裂缝;最终由二十年一遇的暴雨诱发滑坡发生整体破坏。   相似文献   

一、历史的回顾在各种自然因素引发的各类地质灾害中,以降雨引发的滑坡(狭义的土体和岩体滑动)、泥石流发生的频度最高,分布的地域最广,造成的灾害最严重,是滑坡、泥石流预报研究的主要对象。目前一般认为,雨水渗入斜坡岩土体后导致其内部孔隙压力增大及有效应力减小是降雨引发滑坡、泥石流的主要机制。  相似文献   

赣南地质环境复杂,沉积岩、岩浆岩与变质岩交叉并存;岩浆岩广泛分布,岩体破碎;褶皱、断裂构造发育;风化作用强烈,边坡稳定性差。研究这一地区的变形破坏模式,可以科学有效地对边坡进行防治。大量的野外调研显示,赣南边坡常见的类型主要有土质边坡、类土质边坡、岩质边坡和岩土二元结构边坡4类;赣南边坡常见的变形破坏模式主要有:沿原有结构面滑动、沿顶部拉裂-滑动、土体拉裂-崩塌、圆弧形滑动、坡面冲刷5类。沿原有结构面滑动破坏多见于岩质边坡、类土质边坡中;其余破坏模式多发生于土质边坡、类土质边坡、岩土二元结构边坡的土体部分。根据赣南边坡不同的变形破坏模式,分别提出了科学的防治对策;并针对赣南地区降雨量大、降雨持时长等特点,强调了在边坡的施工过程中应及时修建边坡排水系统,及时进行坡面防护。   相似文献   

浙江省由短时强降雨诱发的泥石流灾害频发,严重威胁当地居民的生命财产安全,因此对此类泥石流进行危险性评价对浙江省“灾害智治”工作具有十分重要的理论与实际应用价值。为研究浙江短时强降雨诱发小型泥石流的危险性,选取武山坑泥石流为对象,通过现场调查、三维倾斜摄影与数值模拟等手段,查明了武山坑泥石流的地质环境与发育特征,揭示了由短时强降雨诱发的泥石流灾害链生过程特征,选用RAMMS软件对不同降雨频率下泥石流运动特征进行了模拟,获取了泥石流深度、流速、堆积范围等特征参数,并基于特征参数进行了泥石流危险性评价。研究结果表明:陡坡处松散岩土体在短时强降雨作用下发生浅层滑坡,随后在坡面与沟道地形控制下向沟口运移,运动过程中通过侵蚀作用扩大泥石流规模,最终在宽缓堆积区沉积。随着研究区降雨强度增大至50 a一遇及100 a一遇,泥石流冲出规模扩大,但受限于堆积区宽缓的地形条件,未能于沟口形成有效冲出;但堆积扇上游居民区泥石流深度、流速等强度指标显著增大,堆积区内高强度区域面积大小由7 276 m2增大至12 660 m2。结合泥石流活跃性分析结果,采取形成区雨量监...  相似文献   

本文以郴州市龙家背滑坡为研究对象,分析该滑坡的成因过程及机理。经勘察研究发现,此滑坡属推移式与牵引式复合型的岩土混合滑坡,破坏模式为典型的拉裂-蠕滑缓动型变形破坏模式。郴州独特的煤系地层是滑坡产生的主要内因,通过UU试验分析二叠系上统龙潭组页岩煤系地层特殊岩土力学性质,总结其力学参数随含水率的升高显著下降的变化规律,并分析对比滑带土室内试验结果,发现经地下水软化后的滑带的含水率约为35%,强度较干燥状态下降约71.4%;坡脚切方施工是最终形成复合式滑坡的触发因素,运用改进毕肖普法计算挖方前后坡脚土体的稳定性,坡体稳定性系数由1.13下降至0.93,坡体失稳滑动。郴州市山岭地区独特的煤系地层,加之春秋多暴雨的特殊气候条件,在工程建设中极易触发产生滑坡等次生灾害。本文依托此龙家背滑坡,分析其破坏过程及成因机理,为今后城市建设中的灾害防治提供参考和理论支持。  相似文献   

黄土滑坡是一类典型的地质灾害,但目前并没有针对这类滑坡的区域性预警模型。介绍了黄土滑坡的分类和滑带特征研究现状,讨论了降雨型滑坡的两类预警模型:降雨型滑坡临界雨量模型,包括区域统计概率预警和临界雨量阈值预警;物理预警模型,主要为通过建立力学稳定性分析和降雨入渗模型耦合得到的预警模型。分析了降雨或地下水作用下土体含水量变化对滑坡稳定性的影响研究和黄土滑坡的预警研究现状,最后根据前人研究现状讨论了现有预警模型的特点并提出了未来降雨型黄土滑坡预警可能的发展方向。   相似文献   

动水驱动型顺层岩质滑坡数量多、灾害频发、危害大, 是滑坡地质灾害领域的研究重点, 但目前对于滑坡启滑机制的认识仍不充分, 滑坡的准确预报还面临巨大挑战。鉴于此, 以含软弱夹层的中倾角顺层岩质滑坡为研究对象, 通过构建理想的单层滑带滑坡物理模型, 开展了一系列动水作用下的滑坡模型试验研究。结果表明, 动水作用下顺层岩质滑坡从开始变形至失稳滑动需经历初始变形、缓慢变形、加速变形和失稳破坏4个阶段, 而各个阶段的演化特征与滑面粗糙度和倾角密切相关。滑面倾角越大或粗糙度越小, 滑坡体从开始变形至失稳滑动所需的时间则越短; 相应地, 坡体加速变形阶段越不明显, 滑坡破坏的突发性越强。滑带内的渗流冲蚀作用会使滑带土中的骨料流失, 导致其抗剪强度降低, 进而引发坡体滑动。与此同时, 上覆坡体的压剪作用以及变形演化过程亦将反过来影响冲蚀强度。基于滑带土黏聚力随水力梯度和冲蚀时间的变化关系, 提出了渗流驱动下滑带土黏聚力演化模型, 可较好地描述滑带土黏聚力的退化过程。滑面粗糙度的存在不仅显著影响了滑带的冲蚀劣化规律, 还改变了滑带不同区域的破坏模式。此外, 通过考虑滑面粗糙度对滑带不同区域破坏模式的影响, 开展了动水多效应关联分析, 建立了滑坡地质体力学分析模型, 实现了动水作用下顺层岩质滑坡动态稳定性的有效评估。本研究成果可为实际动水驱动型顺层岩质滑坡的预测和防治提供理论参考。   相似文献   

Debris flows often occur in landslide deposits during heavy rainstorms. Debris flows are initiated by surface water runoff and unsaturated seepage under rainfall conditions. A physical model based on an infinitely long, uniform and void-rich sediment layer was applied to analyze the triggering of debris-flow introduced in landslide deposits. To determine the initiation condition for rainfall-induced debris flows, we conducted a surface water runoff and saturated-unsaturated seepage numerical program to model rainfall infiltration and runoff on a slope. This program was combined with physical modeling and stability analysis to make certain the initiation condition for rainfall-introduced debris flows. Taking the landslide deposits at Wenjiagou gully as an example, the initiation conditions for debris flow were computed. The results show that increase height of surface-water runoff and the decrease of saturated sediment shear strength of are the main reasons for triggering debris-flows under heavy rainfall conditions. The debris-flow triggering is affected by the depth of surface-water runoff, the slope saturation and shear strength of the sediment.  相似文献   

The initiation mechanism of debris flow is regarded as the key step in understanding the debris-flow processes of occurrence, development and damage. Moreover, migration, accumulation and blocking effects of fine particles in soil will lead to soil failure and then develop into debris flow. Based on this hypothesis and considering the three factors of slope gradient, rainfall duration and rainfall intensity, 16 flume experiments were designed using the method of orthogonal design and completed in a laboratory. Particle composition changes in slope toe, volumetric water content, fine particle movement characteristics and soil failure mechanism were analyzed and understood as follows: the soil has complex, random and unstable structures, which causes remarkable pore characteristics of poor connectivity, non-uniformity and easy variation. The major factors that influence fine particle migration are rainfall intensity and slope. Rainfall intensity dominates particle movement, whereby high intensity rainfall induces a large number of mass movement and sharp fluctuation, causing more fine particles to accumulate at the steep slope toe. The slope toe plays an important role in water collection and fine particle accumulation. Both fine particle migration and coarse particle movement appears similar fluctuation. Fine particle migration is interrupted in unconnected pores, causing pore blockage and fine particle accumulation, which then leads to the formation of a weak layer and further soil failure or collapses. Fine particle movement also causes debris flow formation in two ways: movement on the soil surface and migration inside the soil. The results verify the hypothesis that the function of fine particle migration in soil failure process is conducive for further understanding the formation mechanism of soil failure and debris flow initiation.  相似文献   

Loose deposits, rainfall and topography are three key factors that triggering debris flows.However, few studies have investigated the effects of loose deposits on the whole debris flow process.On June 28, 2012, a catastrophic debris flow occurred in the Aizi Valley, resulting in 40 deaths.The Aizi Valley is located in the Lower Jinsha River,southwestern Sichuan Province, China. The Aizi Valley debris flow has been selected as a case for addressing loose deposits effects on the whole debris flow process through remote sensing, field investigation and field experiments. Remote sensing interpretation and laboratory experiments were used to obtain the distribution and characteristics of the loose deposits, respectively. A field experiment was conducted to explore the mechanics of slope debris flows, and another field investigation was conducted to obtain the processes of debris flow formation, movement and amplification. The results showed that loose deposits preparation, slope debris flow initiation,gully debris flow confluence and valley debris flow amplification were dominated by the loose deposits.Antecedent droughts and earthquake activities may have increased the potential for loose soil sources in the Aizi Valley, which laid the foundation for debris flow formation. Slope debris flow initiated under rainfall, and the increase in the water content as well as the pore water pressure of the loose deposits were the key factors affecting slope failure. The nine gully debris flows converged in the valley, and the peak discharge was amplified 3.3 times due to a blockage and outburst caused by a large boulder. The results may help in predicting and assessing regional debris flows in dry-hot and seismic-prone areas based on loose deposits, especially considering large boulders.  相似文献   

Early warning model of debris flow is important for providing local residents with reliable and accurate warning information to escape from debris flow hazards. This research studied the debris flow initiation in the Yindongzi gully in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan province, China with scaled-down model experiments. We set rainfall intensity and slope angle as dominating parameters and carried out 20 scaled-down model tests under artificial rainfall conditions. The experiments set four slope angles(32°, 34°, 37°, 42°) and five rainfall intensities(60 mm/h, 90 mm/h, 120 mm/h, 150 mm/h, and 180 mm/h) treatments. The characteristic variables in the experiments, such as, rainfall duration, pore water pressure, moisture content, surface inclination, and volume were monitored. The experimental results revealed the failure mode of loose slope material and the process of slope debris flow initiation, as well as the relationship between the surface deformation and the physical parameters of experimental model. A traditional rainfall intensity-duration early warning model(I-D model) was firstly established by using a mathematical regression analysis, and it was then improved into ISD model and ISM model(Here, I is rainfall Intensity, S is Slope angle, D is rainfall Duration, and M is Moisture content). The warning model can provide reliable early warning of slope debris flow initiation.  相似文献   

Debris flow is one of the major secondary mountain hazards following the earthquake. This study explores the dynamic initiation mechanism of debris flows based on the strength reduction of soils through static and dynamic triaxial tests. A series of static and dynamic triaxial tests were conducted on samples in the lab. The samples were prepared according to different grain size distribution, degree of saturation and earthquake magnitudes. The relations of dynamic shear strength, degree of saturation, and number of cycles are summarized through analyzing experimental results. The findings show that the gravelly soil with a wide and continuous gradation has a critical degree of saturation of approximately 87%, above which debris flows will be triggered by rainfall, while the debris flow will be triggered at a critical degree of saturation of about 73% under the effect of rainfall and earthquake(M>6.5). Debris flow initiation is developed in the humidification process, and the earthquake provides energy for triggering debris flows. Debris flows are more likely to be triggered at the relatively low saturation under dynamic loading than under static loading. The resistance of debris flow triggering relies more on internal frication angle than soil cohesion under the effect of rainfall and earthquake. The conclusions provide an experimental analysis method for dynamic initiation mechanism of debris flows.  相似文献   

The triggering mechanisms of debris flows were explored in the field using artificial rainfall experiments in two gullies, Dawazi Gully and Aizi Gully, in Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces, China, respectively. The soils at both sites are bare, loose and cohesive gravel-dominated. The results of a direct shear test, rheological test and back-analysis using soil mass stability calculations indicate that the mechanisms responsible for triggering debris flows involved the decreases in static and dynamic resistance of the soil. The triggering processes can be divided into 7 stages: rainfall infiltration, generation of excess runoff, high pore water pressure, surface erosion, soil creep, soil slipping, debris flow triggering and debris flow increment. In addition, two critical steps are evident: (i) During the process of the soil mass changing from a static to a mobile state, its cohesion decreased sharply (e.g., the cohesion of the soil mass in Dawazi Gully decreased from 0.520 to 0.090 kPa, a decrease of 83%). This would have reduced the soil strength and the kinetic energy during slipping, eventually triggered the debris flow. (ii) When the soil mass began to slip, the velocity and the volume increment of the debris flow fluctuated as a result of the interaction of soil resistance and the sliding force. The displaced soil mass from the source area of the slope resulted in the deposition of a volume of soil more than 7 - 8 times greater than that in the source area.  相似文献   

Rainfall is an important factor to trigger the debris flow.Numerical simulation on the responses of slopes and the initiation of debris flow under rainfall was processed by using the software FLAC2D based on the soil parameters in Weijia Gully,Beichuan County,Sichuan Province,China.The effects of the slope angle,rainfall intensity,soil parameters on the developments of the stress and pore pressure and deformation of the slope were studied.It indicates that large displacements of the slope are mainly located near the slope toe.With the increase of the rainfall intensity the stability of the slope decreases and so the debris-flow is easy to occur.  相似文献   

Slope debris flows in the Wenchuan Earthquake area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Avalanches and landslides, induced by the Wenchuan Earthquake on May 12, 2008, resulted in a lot of disaggregated, solid material on slopes that could be readily mobilized as source material for debris flows. Rainstorms triggered numerous slope debris flows with great damage to highways and rivers over the subsequent two years. Slope debris flows (as opposed to channelized debris flows) are defined as phenomena in which high-concentration mixtures of debris and water flow down slopes for short distances to highways and river banks. Based on field investigations and measurements of 19 slope debris flows, their main characteristics and potential mitigation strategies were studied. High rainfall intensity is the main triggering factor. Critical rainfall intensities for simultaneous occurrence of single, several and numerous slope debris flow events were 20 mm/day, 30mm/day, and 90 mm/day, respectively. Field investigations also revealed that slope debris flows consist of high concentrations of cobbles, boulders and gravel. They are two-phase debris flows. The liquid phase plays the role of lubrication instead of transporting medium. Solid particles collide with each other and consume a lot of energy. The velocities of slope debris flows are very low, and their transport distances are only several tens of meters. Slope debris flows may be controlled by construction of drainage systems and by reforestation.  相似文献   

The production of runoff in the source area of a debris flow is the consequence of a reduction in soil strength. Gravel soil is widely distributed in the source region, and the influence of its clay content on soil strength is one of the important questions regarding the formation mechanism of debris flows. In this paper, the clay content in gravel soil is divided into groups of low clay content(1%, 2, 5%), moderate clay content(3.75%, 5.00%, 6.25%, 7.5%) and high clay content(10.0%, 12.5%, 15%). Tests of the unconsolidated undrained shear strength and consolidated drained shear strength were performed. The unconsolidated undrained shearing(UU) experiment simulates the rapid shear failure of loose gravel soil under the conditions of brief heavy rainfall. The consolidated drained shearing(CD) experiment simulates creep failure of consolidated sediment during extended rainfall. The pore water pressure first increased and then decreased as the clay content increased, and the increase in pore pressure was relatively high in the gravel soil sample when the clay content is in the range of 3.25-7.50%, and stress in the gravel soil is relatively low for a moderate clay content. Gravelly soils with a moderate clay content are moreprone to debris-flow initiation. This paper presents a mathematical formula for the maximum shear stress and clay content of gravel soil under two conditions. The key processes whereby the soil fails and triggers a debris flow—volume contraction of soil, expansion of clay soil, and rise of pore pressure―cause reductions in the soil friction force and enhancement of the water content in the clay particles, and subsurface erosion of soil reduces the soil viscosity, which eventually reduces the soil strength so that the soil loses its stability, liquefies and generates a debris flow.  相似文献   

Debris flow can cause serious damages to roads, bridges, buildings and other infrastructures.Arranging several rows of deceleration baffles in the significant influence on the mobility and deposition characteristic of debris flow. The deposit amount first increased then decreased when the flow density rises,flow path can reduce the flow velocity and ensure better protection of life and property. In debris flow prevention projects, deceleration baffles can effectively reduce the erosion of the debris flow and prolong the running time of the drainage channel.This study investigated the degree to which a 6 m long flume and three rows of deceleration baffles reduce the debris flow velocity and affect the energy dissipation characteristics. The influential variables include channel slope, debris flow density, and spacing between baffle rows. The experimental results demonstrated that the typical flow pattern was a sudden increase in flow depth and vertical proliferation when debris flow flows through the baffles. Strong turbulence between debris flow and baffles can contribute to energy dissipation and decrease the kinematic velocity considerably. The results showed that the reduction ratio of velocity increased with the increase in debris flow density,channel slope and spacing between rows. Tests phenomena also indicated that debris flow density hasand the deposit amount of debris flow density of 1500kg/m~3 reached the maximum when the experimental flume slope is 12°.  相似文献   

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