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龙湖周边机井开采对地下水流影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人工湖、库和河流等将改变区域水文循环过程,特别是地表水与地下水交换关系。本文对郑州市规划的龙湖入渗水利用和龙湖周边机井布设方案进行比较分析。龙湖水体形成后,湖区与周围地下水位的2.5m落差将使湖水大量入渗补给地下水,大范围抬升湖区周围地下水位,龙湖周围低洼处将有发生盐碱化的危险,威胁到紧靠龙湖的西部国家森林公园和规划中的东北部生态回廊绿地。本文利用美国地质调查局(USGS)颁布的三维地下水数值模型(MODFLOW),模拟不同湖底防渗措施和机井开采方案下龙湖周围地下水位变化以及龙湖入渗量,对龙湖周边布井方案可行性和降低地下水效果加以分析和比较。  相似文献   

陈喜  刘传杰 《地球科学进展》2004,19(13):180-184
人工湖、库和河流等将改变区域水文循环过程,特别是地表水与地下水交换关系。本文对郑州市规划的龙湖入渗水利用和龙湖周边机井布设方案进行比较分析。龙湖水体形成后,湖区与周围地下水位的 2.5m落差将使湖水大量入渗补给地下水,大范围抬升湖区周围地下水位,龙湖周围低洼处将有发生盐碱化的危险,威胁到紧靠龙湖的西部国家森林公园和规划中的东北部生态回廊绿地。本文利用美国地质调查局(USGS)颁布的三维地下水数值模型(MODFLOW),模拟不同湖底防渗措施和机井开采方案下龙湖周围地下水位变化以及龙湖入渗量,对龙湖周边布井方案可行性和降低地下水效果加以分析和比较。  相似文献   

王钢城  黄超 《世界地质》2009,28(3):367-370
江雄水库施工中认为坝区存在较严重的渗漏问题, 由此, 在设计中对河床段坝基采用了上墙 (防渗墙) 下幕(帷幕灌浆) 组合防渗结构, 对两岸坝肩采用了帷幕灌浆防渗结构处理措施。利用渗流理论, 在分析坝区地质条件和概化水文地质模型的基础上, 建立了坝区三维渗流数值模型, 对坝区防渗处理设计条件下(方案Ⅰ和Ⅱ) 的坝基渗漏及渗透变形进行了计算和比较分析。结果表明, 两种防渗方案均可行, 但方案Ⅰ优于方案Ⅱ。  相似文献   

根据十家子河龙城桥至铁路桥段河道状况及城市景观要求,对十家子河3号人工湖建设工程库区的防渗方案进行了比选,结果表明,在充分论证的基础上,采用湖底土工膜防渗方案技术,并利用三道坝的蓄水及河道整理形成3号人工湖,对充库供水进行了初步分析,避免在今后人工湖实际运行中因库区淤积造成河道行洪断面变小,影响上下游河道行洪安全,和维持人工湖的正常运行。  相似文献   

郑州市郑东新区龙湖这样大规模的城市人工湖建设在我国尚属首次。在平均湖深4.5 m的前提下以及已有研究成果的基础上,采用现场调研、室内外试验、水质分析及数值分析计算相结合的综合研究方法,结合实际工程经验对龙湖开挖及防渗方案进行研究,结果表明,龙湖主湖区开挖宜采用干法和湿法相结合的“综合开挖”方案;防渗宜采用水中抛土和碾压铺盖相结合的方案,这样既能保证成湖,又不会对周边地区地下水系统和地质环境造成大的影响,还能满足水质要求,从施工设备和工程投资角度来讲也是合理可行的。另外,在龙湖正式开挖之前,应先在现场进行试挖工程,对开挖、防渗设计进行优化。  相似文献   

通过水文地质勘察,查清了扎塘赤泥库向牟老泉和百花湖方向的岩溶渗漏通道,根据弥散试验和长期水质监测资料,建立了水动力弥散叠加模型,进行了渗漏污染预测评价。对岩溶渗漏通道采取了垂直帷幕注浆、库内封堵落水洞、赤泥铺盖等综合防渗措施,历时10年,实现了在岩溶发育地区对高浓度碱水进行防渗治理的预定目标,杜绝了扎塘赤泥库废水外排,治理工程取得了显著的效果,保护了岩溶水资源环境。   相似文献   

绥化市红兴水库渗漏分析及渗控方案模拟预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决水库建成后渗漏较为严重的问题,依据黑龙江省绥化市红兴水库初期蓄水失败后补充的地质勘探资料,分析水库渗漏的主要原因是库区内的粘土层分布不连续。采用三维数值模拟计算,建立红兴水库区地下水流概念模型及其数学模型,运用FEFLOW 软件的剖分功能对研究区进行了刻画;在此基础上,对无防渗方案和拟修4种防渗墙方案的防渗效果进行了模拟预测和对比。结果表明:有坝段防渗对渗漏总量的控制具有十分明显的作用,可以使水库渗漏总量减少约70%;渗漏量及渗透比降基本随防渗长度的增大呈线性趋势减小;南岸东侧防渗1 000 m、西侧防渗1 700 m时,为防渗效果最好的方案。  相似文献   

磨盘山水库兴建遇到的主要地质问题是坝基渗漏及渗透稳定问题,将影响水库工程效益的发挥和大坝的安全运行,需采取适当的渗控工程措施。通过对坝基土颗粒组成及结构的分析,判别可能发生渗透破坏的类型,确定抗渗比降和允许比降。应用Visual MODFLOW进行水库坝区渗流场的三维渗流数值模拟分析,通过对18种渗控计算方案渗流场、渗流要素及防渗效果的统计分析,依据坝基土的允许比降,在安全、经济、合理原则的基础上,确定哈尔滨市磨盘山水库坝基渗控设计首选方案为:左岸防渗长度200 m、帷幕灌浆标准5 Lu。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市磨盘山水利枢纽区三维渗流数值模拟模型研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
哈尔滨市磨盘山水库防渗型式拟采用垂直砼防渗墙及帷幕灌浆方案。为了分析左岸不同长度防渗对水库渗漏量及坝基渗透稳定性的影响。对磨盘山水利枢纽区渗流场进行了三维数值模拟研究。结果表明,随着左岸防渗长度的增大。渗漏量及下游渗流出口渗透比降基本呈线性趋势减小。当左岸防渗长度为200m时。渗漏量及各渗透比降均小于允许值,为推荐的渗控方案。  相似文献   

本文构建了某尾矿库水平衡模型和水质模型,定量分析了尾矿库渗水对下游地表水质的影响,为该尾矿库是否需要构建防渗设施以及采取何种防渗方案提供依据。首先对尾矿坝的二维渗流场进行分析,计算得到的渗流量作为水平衡和水质模型的输入参数。再建立尾矿库的水平衡模型和水质模型,模拟尾矿库在无防渗设施和有防渗设施不同工况下尾矿库渗水、库内盈余水和下游河水的水质情况。水质预测结果分析表明,尾矿库渗漏会显著影响下游河水水质,建议对该尾矿库采取全库水平防渗方案,具体包括尾矿坝上游坝坡铺设HDPE土工膜,库内基底及边坡铺设1 m厚防渗黏土层,且防渗黏土层渗透系数要求达到10-5~10-6 cm/s,尾矿库干滩长度要求大于200 m,精选尾矿和粗选尾矿分开排放,其中精选尾矿采用水下排放方式,并保持浸没。  相似文献   

承德坝上高原位于我国北方生态脆弱区,近年来正面临着自然湖泊面积萎缩和局部地下水位下降等问题。为查明坝上高原东部月亮湖萎缩原因,更好服务生态环境支撑区建设,笔者在野外调查和资料收集分析基础上,对坝上高原地区的生态环境变化和月亮湖萎缩原因进行了详细研究,初步认为:(1)1975—1993年为月亮湖水面面积较快增长期,1993年湖面面积最大,为0.43 km2;1993—2013年为缓慢萎缩期,2013年之后为较快萎缩期;(2)年际尺度上月亮湖区降水量和蒸发量都呈增加趋势,但因温度升高和下垫面条件改变引起的蒸发量增加趋势更明显;(3)人类活动对湖泊面积影响作用也不容忽视,人工林面积增加、旅游开发后的道路硬化、地下水开采和牲畜饮水增多可能也是湖泊快速萎缩的重要原因。建议坝上高原地区未来发展节水型生态旅游,同时实施湖区及周边地区地下水禁限采,强化水源涵养保护。  相似文献   

山东西南部南四湖流域环境地质综合调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文论述了水体污染、矿山环境地质灾害、地下水环境异常、南四湖淤积、地球化学环境与地方病等环境地质问题,探讨了煤炭开采对南四湖湖容演变的积极影响。湖体及主要人湖河流污染严重;流域内煤炭资源开发引起的矿山环境地质灾害比较严重,地面塌陷面积达112.395km^2;各种固体废弃物积存总量6412.68万t;矿井排水对矿区地下水资源造成严重破坏。地方病以地氟病和克山病为主。在对流域内环境地质问题综合分析的基础上,提出了对流域环境地质问题的治理措施。  相似文献   

Stable isotopes of the water molecule (δ18O and δD) for groundwater, lake water, streams, and precipitation were coupled with physical flux measurements to investigate groundwater–lake interactions and to establish a water balance for a structurally complex lake. Georgetown Lake, a shallow high-latitude high-elevation lake, is located in southwestern Montana, USA. The lake is situated between two mountain ranges with highlands primarily to the east and south of the lake and a lower valley to the west. An annual water balance and (δ18O and δD) isotope balance were used to quantify annual groundwater inflows of 2.5?×?107 m3/year and lake leakage outflows of 1.6?×?107 m3/year. Roughly, 57% of total inflow to the lake is from groundwater, and 37% of total outflow at Georgetown Lake is groundwater. Stable isotopes of groundwater and springs around the lake and surrounding region show that the east side of the lake contains meteoric water recharged annually from higher mountain sources, and groundwater discharge to the lake occurs through this region. However, springs located in the lower western valley and some of the surrounding domestic wells west of the lake show isotopic enrichment indicative of strong to moderate evaporation similar to Georgetown Lake water. This indicates that some outflowing lake water recharges groundwater through the underlying west-dipping bedrock in the region.  相似文献   

Solution-subsidence and other types of collapse failures developed in the vicinity of Sazlıca have been a major source of environmental problems such as groundwater pollution, soil erosion, and foundation failures. Extensive pumping of water from the Lake Dipsiz during irrigation seasons creates landslide developments at the shores of the lake. Five stages of landslide development were observed in the unconsolidated soils around Lake Dipsiz. Bowl-shaped solution-subsidence features with depths from 1 to 3 m and diameters between 1 and 60 m were formed due to excess pumping, and recharge and discharge features of unconfined aquifer. The pumping activities must be controlled to prevent further environmental problems. Lake Dipsiz and other subsidence developments are the groundwater exposure areas highly vulnerable to contamination. The proposed remedies for overcoming the environmental problems are the establishment of conservation areas around such natural features; ceasing the removal of top soil, controlling the urbanization, and keeping the livestock farming away from the areas susceptible to pollution. Received: 2 June 1997 · Accepted: 16 January 1998  相似文献   

基于野外调查、取样分析以及遥感影像等,介绍了银川平原水文地质条件及水资源利用概况,探讨了土壤盐渍化、湖泊湿地萎缩、地下水盐化、地下水超采以及土地荒漠化等水环境问题及其演化成因。结果表明:银川平原地下水主要接受渠系渗漏及灌溉入渗、大气降水入渗、平原周边地下侧向径流、洪水散失、黄河水等补给,地下水排泄方式主要是排水沟排泄、蒸发和人工开采等,大部分地区潜水埋深在3 m以内;地表水主要来源于黄河引水,水资源利用效率不高;土壤盐渍化总面积8.17×104hm2,呈逐年缩减的趋势,主要分布于银川平原北部,平原南部仅分布在邵岗东部、灵武东部秦渠和东干渠等;湖泊湿地总体呈逐渐减少趋势,主要分布在银川平原北部,永宁以北、平罗以南区域比较集中,滩涂沿黄河两岸分布;潜水总含盐量自西向东、自南向北不断增大;银川和石嘴山深层地下水超采严重,地下水降落漏斗面积已超过500 km2;沙漠化土地分布在银川平原的东西两侧;土壤盐渍化及地下水盐化主要由潜水位埋深过浅,蒸发强烈造成的。最后,提出了防治上述水环境问题的对策:进一步加强水资源管理以及地表水与地下水联合调配;提高农业水资源利用效率;完善田间工程配套,实现渠道防渗管道化;改进田间灌溉技术;严格污水排放,积极开展污水净化处理,实行污水资源化;加强对水土环境质量的系统监测。  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of the implementation of hydrochemical and isotopic techniques to identify and explain the processes that govern solute exchange in two groundwater-dependent shallow lakes in the Southeastern Pampa Plain of Argentina. Water samples (lakes, streams, spring water and groundwater) for hydrochemical and stable isotopic determination were collected and the main physical–chemical parameters were measured. The combination of stable isotope data with hydrogeochemical techniques was used for the identification of sources and preferential recharge areas to these aquatic ecosystems which allowed the explanation of the lake water origin. The hydrochemical processes which explain Los Padres Lake water chemistry are evaporation from groundwater, CO2 input, calcite dissolution, Na+ release by Ca2+ and Mg2+ exchange, and sulfate reduction. The model that best aligns with La Brava Lake hydrochemical constraints includes: mixing, CO2 and calcite dissolution, cationic exchange with Na+ release and Mg2+ adsorption, and to a lesser extent, Ca/Na exchange. This model suggests that the fractured aquifer contribution to this water body is greater than 50 %. An isotopic-specific fingerprint for each lake was identified, finding a higher evaporation rate for La Brava Lake compared to Los Padres Lake. Isotopic data demonstrate the importance of these shallow lakes as recharge areas to the regional aquifer, becoming areas of high groundwater vulnerability. The Tandilia Range System, considered in many hydrogeological studies as the impermeable bedrock of the Pampean aquifer, acts as a fissured aquifer in this area, contributing to low salinity waters and with a fingerprint similar to groundwater isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry and isotopes were used to understand the origin and geochemical evolution in the Habor Lake Basin, northwestern China. Groundwater samples were taken, and the isotopic compositions δD, δ18O and major ions were analyzed. The groundwater can be divided into three types: the Quaternary groundwater, the shallow Cretaceous groundwater and the deep Cretaceous groundwater. The groundwater chemistry is mainly controlled by the feldspar weathering and dolomite weathering, the dissolution of Glauber’s salt, and cation exchange. Chemistry of lake water is mainly controlled by evaporation and precipitation. The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in groundwater cluster along the local meteoric water line, indicating that groundwater is of meteoric origin. Comparing with shallow groundwater, deep groundwater is depleted in heavy isotopes indicating that deep groundwater was recharged during late Pleistocene and Holocene, during which the climate was more wetter and colder than today.  相似文献   

One of the most highly publicized and protracted land-use conflicts currently being waged in the western United States involves Mono Lake, a large, hypersaline water body that lies in the lee of California's Sierra Nevada. Since 1940, when the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power began to divert the tributary streams that feed Mono Lake, the lake surface has dropped 45 ft (14 m), lake volume has been halved, and lake salinity has doubled. Dust storms resulting from deflation of newly exposed playa surfaces have increased in intensity, and the spatial dimensions of lacustrine habitats have been reduced. Islands used by nesting gulls have become peninsulas, permitting coyotes to invade and disrupt the rookeries.An essential first step in resolving the Mono Lake predicament involves quantifying the relationship between lake behavior and the environmental variables that lie at the center of the controversy. This article documents these relationships, and explores some of the problems inherent in developing a management plan for Mono Lake. The approach taken here may be useful in resolving environmental problems at other of the world's closed lakes which, in increasing numbers and to an increasing degree, are being drawn down by the diversion of water.  相似文献   

白洋淀渗漏对周边地下水的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为查明受污染的白洋淀地表水渗漏范围,对周边地下水主要离子水化学的影响,并评价地下水是否适用于灌溉,在该区域现场测定了地表水及地下水pH、EC(Electric Conductivity)和ORP(Oxidation-Reduction Potential)等参数,采样分析各水体D、18O和主要离子组成,结合判别分析和钠吸附比RSA(Sodium Adsorption Ratio)讨论。结果表明,淀水渗漏使浅层地下水电导率升高,氧化还原电位值降低,且更加富集重同位素;唐河污水库周边浅层地下水SO42-和Na+含量明显增大。浅层地下水的δ18O值结合水位埋深有效地标记了淀水渗漏影响地下水的范围。浅层地下水主要受到白洋淀渗漏的影响,唐河污水库附近的浅层地下水受污水库渗漏影响。污染地表水渗漏使得浅层地下水水质普遍下降,白洋淀西部和唐河污水库周边浅层地下水不适宜用于灌溉。  相似文献   

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