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Abstract— Radiochronometry of L chondritic meteorites yields a rough age estimate for a major collision in the asteroid belt about 500 Myr ago. Fossil meteorites from Sweden indicate a highly increased influx of extraterrestrial matter in the Middle Ordovician ~480 Myr ago. An association with the L‐chondrite parent body event was suggested, but a definite link is precluded by the lack of more precise radiometric ages. Suggested ages range between 450 ± 30 Myr and 520 ± 60 Myr, and can neither convincingly prove a single breakup event, nor constrain the delivery times of meteorites from the asteroid belt to Earth. Here we report the discovery of multiple 40Ar‐39Ar isochrons in shocked L chondrites, particularly the regolith breccia Ghubara, that allow the separation of radiogenic argon from multiple excess argon components. This approach, applied to several L chondrites, yields an improved age value that indicates a single asteroid breakup event at 470 ± 6 Myr, fully consistent with a refined age estimate of the Middle Ordovician meteorite shower at 467.3 ± 1.6 Myr (according to A Geologic Time Scale 2004). Our results link these fossil meteorites directly to the L‐chondrite asteroid destruction, rapidly transferred from the asteroid belt. The increased terrestrial meteorite influx most likely involved larger projectiles that contributed to an increase in the terrestrial cratering rate, which implies severe environmental stress.  相似文献   

The thermal evolution of the Geminid meteor stream and the Phaethon–Geminid stream Complex (PGC) are summarized. Sodium contents of Geminid meteor streams are altered thermally, perhaps during orbital motion in interplanetary space due to the short perihelion distance of the orbit (q ~ 0.14 AU). However, the temperature of meteoroids is less than the sublimation temperature of Na in alkali silicates, suggesting that the parent body 3200 Phaethon itself might have suffered from the thermal processing. On the other hand, a breakup event on PGC parent is suggested by the existence of dynamically associated asteroids (Phaethon, 2005 UD and 1999 YC) sharing pristine features (C, B types). A possible mechanism behind the breakup is the sublimation of ice inside the PGC parent due to its thermal evolution. It is tempting to guess that the PGC parent might be evolved dynamically from the outer part of the main asteroid belt where the residence of ice-rich asteroids (main belt comets) into current PGC-like orbit.  相似文献   

Oort cloud comets occasionally obtain orbits which take them through the planetary region. The perturbations by the planets are likely to change the orbit of the comet. We model this process by using a Monte Carlo method and cross sections for orbital changes, i.e. changes in energy, inclination and perihelion distance, in a single planet-comet encounter. The influence of all major planets is considered. We study the distributions of orbital parameters of observable comets, i.e. those which have perihelion distance smaller than a given value. We find that enough comets are captured from the Oort cloud in order to explain the present populations of short period comets. The median value of cos i for the Jupiter family is 0.985 while it is 0.27 for the Halley types. The results may explain the orbital features of short period comets, assuming that the active lifetime of a comet is not much greater than 400 orbital revolutions.  相似文献   

Oort cloud comets occasionally obtain orbits which take them through the planetary region. The perturbations by the planets are likely to change the orbit of the comet. We model this process by using a Monte Carlo method and cross sections for orbital changes, i.e. changes in energy, inclination and perihelion distance, in a single planet-comet encounter. The influence of all major planets is considered. We study the distributions of orbital parameters of observable comets, i.e. those which have perihelion distance smaller than a given value. We find that enough comets are captured from the Oort cloud in order to explain the present populations of short period comets. The median value of cos i for the Jupiter family is 0.985 while it is 0.27 for the Halley types. The results may explain the orbital features of short period comets, assuming that the active lifetime of a comet is not much greater than 400 orbital revolutions.  相似文献   

Establishing connections between meteorites and their parent asteroids is an important goal of planetary science. Several links have been proposed in the past, including a spectroscopic match between basaltic meteorites and (4) Vesta, that are helping scientists understand the formation and evolution of the Solar System bodies. Here we show that the shocked L chondrite meteorites, which represent about two thirds of all L chondrite falls, may be fragments of a disrupted asteroid with orbital semimajor axis a=2.8 AU. This breakup left behind thousands of identified 1–15 km asteroid fragments known as the Gefion family. Fossil L chondrite meteorites and iridium enrichment found in an ≈467 Ma old marine limestone quarry in southern Sweden, and perhaps also ∼5 large terrestrial craters with corresponding radiometric ages, may be tracing the immediate aftermath of the family-forming collision when numerous Gefion fragments evolved into the Earth-crossing orbits by the 5:2 resonance with Jupiter. This work has major implications for our understanding of the source regions of ordinary chondrite meteorites because it implies that they can sample more distant asteroid material than was previously thought possible.  相似文献   

We perform numerical simulations to study the secular orbital evolution and dynamical structure of the quintuplet planetary system 55 Cancri with the self-consistent orbital solutions by Fischer and coworkers. In the simulations, we show that this sys-tem can be stable for at least 108 yr. In addition, we extensively investigate the planetary configuration of four outer companions with one terrestrial planet in the wide region of 0.790 AU ≤ a ≤ 5.900 AU to examine the existence of potential asteroid structure and Habitable Zones (HZs). We show that there are unstable regions for orbits about 4:1, 3:1 and 5:2 mean motion resonances (MMRs) of the outermost planet in the system, and sev-eral stable orbits can remain at 3:2 and 1:1 MMRs, which resembles the asteroid belt in the solar system. From a dynamical viewpoint, proper HZ candidates for the existence of more potential terrestrial planets reside in the wide area between 1.0 AU and 2.3 AU with relatively low eccentricities.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation of the Oort cloud is used to explain the observed orbital distributions and numbers of Jupiter-family (JF) and Halley-type (HT) short-period (SP) comets. Comets are given initial orbits with perihelion distances between 5 and 36 au, and evolve under planetary, stellar and Galactic perturbations for 4.5 Gyr. This process leads to the formation of an Oort cloud (which we define as the region of semimajor axes a > 1,000 au), and to a flux of cometary bodies from the Oort cloud returning to the planetary region at the present epoch. The results are consistent with the dynamical characteristics of SP comets and other observed cometary populations: the near-parabolic flux, Centaurs, and high-eccentricity trans-Neptunian objects. To achieve this consistency with observations, the model requires that the number of comets versus initial perihelion distance is concentrated towards the outer planetary region. Moreover, the mean physical lifetime of observable comets in the inner planetary region (q < 2.5 au) at the present epoch should be an increasing function of the comets’ initial perihelion distances. Virtually all observed HT comets and nearly half of observed JF comets come from the Oort cloud, and initially (4.5 Gyr ago) from orbits concentrated near the outer planetary region. Comets that have been in the Oort cloud also return to the Centaur (5 < q < 28 au, a < 1,000 au) and near-Neptune high-eccentricity regions. Such objects with perihelia near Neptune are hard to discover, but Centaurs with characteristics predicted by the model (e.g. large semimajor axes, above 60 au, or high inclinations, above 40°) are increasingly being found by observers. The model provides a unified picture for the origin of JF and HT comets. It predicts that the mean physical lifetime of all comets in the region q < 1.5 au is less than ~200 revolutions.  相似文献   

We consider a model of the in situ Oort cloud which is isotropic with a random distrihution of perihelia directions and angular momenta. The energy distribution adopted has a continuous range of values appropriate for long-period (>200 yr) comets. Only the tidal torque of the Galaxy is included as a perturbation of comet orbits and it is approximated to be that due to a quasi-steady state distribution of matter with disk-like symmetry. The time evolution of all orbital elements can be analytically obtained for this case. In particular, the change in the perihelion distance per orbit and its dependence on other orbital elements is readily found. We further make the assumption that a comet whose perihelion distance was beyond 15 AU during its last passage through the Solar System would have orbit parameters that are essentially unchanged by planetary perturbations. Conversely, if the prior passage was inside 15 AU we assume that planetary perturbations would have removed the comet from the in situ energy distribution accessible by the galactic tide. Comets which had their perihelia changed from beyond 15 AU to within 5 AU in a single orbit are taken to be observable. We are able to track the evolution of 106 comets as they are made observable by the galactic tidal touque. Detailed results are obtained for the predicted distribution of new (0 < 1/ < 10–4 AU–1) comets. Further, correlations between orbital elements can be studied. We present predictions of observed distributions and compare them with the random in situ results as well as with the actual observed distributions of class I comets. The predictions are in reasonable agreement with actual observations and, in many cases, are significantly different from random when perihelia directions are separated into galactic northern and southern hemispheres. However the well-known asymmetry in the north-south populations of perihelia remains to be explained. Such an asymmetry is consistent with the dominance of tidal torques today if a major stochastic event produced it in the past since tidal torques are unable to cause the migration of perihelia across the latitude barriers ±26°.6 in the disk model.  相似文献   

Our understanding of planet formation depends in fundamental ways on what we learn by analyzing the composition, mineralogy, and petrology of meteorites. Yet, it is difficult to deduce the compositional and thermal gradients that existed in the solar nebula from the meteoritic record because, in most cases, we do not know where meteorites with different chemical and isotopic signatures originated. Here we developed a model that tracks the orbits of meteoroid-sized objects as they evolve from the ν6 secular resonance to Earth-crossing orbits. We apply this model to determining the number of meteorites accreted on the Earth immediately after a collisional disruption of a D∼200-km-diameter inner-main-belt asteroid in the Flora family region. We show that this event could produce fossil chondrite meteorites found in an ≈470 Myr old marine limestone quarry in southern Sweden, the L-chondrite meteorites with shock ages ≈470 Myr falling on the Earth today, as well as asteroid-sized fragments in the Flora family. To explain the measured short cosmic-ray exposure ages of fossil meteorites our model requires that the meteoroid-sized fragments were launched at speeds >500 m s−1 and/or the collisional lifetimes of these objects were much shorter immediately after the breakup event than they are today.  相似文献   

We investigate the first stage of the dynamical evolution of Oort cloud comets entering the planetary region for the first time. To this purpose, we integrate numerically the motions of a large number of fictitious comets pertaining to two samples, both with perihelion distances up to 5.7 au and random inclinations; the first sample is composed of comets whose orbits have at least one node close to 5.2 au, while the second is not subject to this constraint. We examine the orbits when the comets come to aphelion after their first perihelion passage within the planetary region, and find that there is a clear statistical dependence of the energy perturbations on the Tisserand parameter. There appear to be two main processes, of comparable importance, governing the shortening of semimajor axes to values of less than 1000 au, i.e. planetary close encounters, especially with Jupiter, and indirect perturbations due to the shifting of the motion from barycentric to heliocentric and back; the former process mostly affects comets crossing the ecliptic at about 5.2 au, or on low-inclination orbits, while the latter mostly affects comets of small perihelion distance. This last result may help to understand the relative paucity of Halley-type comets with perihelion distances larger than about 1.5 au.  相似文献   

Tsuko Nakamura 《Icarus》1981,45(3):529-544
The mean orbital evolution of long-period comets for 16 representative initial orbits to short-period comets is calculated by a Monte Carlo method. First, trivariate perturbation distributions of barycentric Kepler energy, total angular momentum, and its z component in single encounters of comets with Jupiter are obtained numerically. Their characteristics are examined in detail and the distributions are found to be simple, symmetric, and easy to handle. Second, utilizing these distributions, we have done trivariate Monte Carlo simulations of the orbital evolution of long-period comets, with special emphasis on high-inclination orbits. About half of the 16 initial orbits are traced up to 5000 returns. For each of these orbits, the mean values of semimajor axis, perihelion distance, and inclination; their standard deviations, survival, and capture rates; as well as time scales of orbital evolution are calculated as functions of return number. Survival rates of the initial orbits with high inclination (~90°) and small perihelion distance (~1–2 AU) have been found to be only two or three times smaller than those of the main-source orbits of short-period comets established quantitatively by Everhart. The time scales of orbitsl evolution of the former, however, are nearly 10 times longer than the latter. There is a general trend that, for smaller perihelion distance, the survival efficiency becomes higher. The results of this paper should be considered a basis for a succeeding paper (Paper II) in which the physical lifetime of comets will be determined, and a comparison with the orbital data will be done.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the capture of comets into Halley-type and Jupiter-family orbits from the nearparabolic flux of the Oort cloud. Two types of capture into Halley-type orbits are found. The first type is the evolution of near-parabolic orbits into short-period orbits (with heliocentric orbital periods P < 200 years) as a result of close encounters with giant planets. This process is followed by a very slow drift of cometary orbits into the inner part of the Solar System. Only those comets may pass from short-period orbits into Halley-type and Jupiter-family orbits, which move in orbits with perihelion distances q < 13 au. In the second type of capture, the perihelion distances of cometary orbits become rather small (< 1.5 au) during the first stage of dynamic evolution under the action of perturbations from the Galaxy, and then their semimajor axes decrease as a result of diffusion. The capture takes place, on average, in 500 revolutions of the comet about the Sun, whereas in the first case, the comet is captured, on average, after 12500 revolutions. The region of initial orbital perihelion distances q > 4 au is found to be at least as important a source of Halley-type comets as the region of perihelion distances q < 4 au. More than half of the Halley-type comets are captured from the nearly parabolic flux with q > 4 au. The analysis of the dynamic evolution of objects moving in short-period orbits shows that the distribution of Centaurs orbits agrees well with the observed distribution corrected for observational selection effects. Hence, the hypothesis associating the origin of Centaurs with the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt and the trans-Neptunian region exclusively should be rejected.  相似文献   

We discuss the dynamical connection of long-period and nearly parabolic comets with hypothetical transplutonian planets. The statistics includes 792 comets with periods P > 200 years. The orbital plane of the parent planet can be determined from the observed distribution of the perihelia and poles of cometary orbits. The radius of a planetary orbit can be calculated using the Radzievsky-Tisseran criterion. We calculated the minimum distance of each of the 792 orbits to 11 hypothetical planetary orbits. Testing for the kinematic connection of comets with transplutonian planets yielded a negative result. The presence of the nodes of cometary orbits in the transplutonian region is shown to be the result of a geometric effect. We found a high concentration of the nodes and perihelia of cometary orbits in the zone of the terrestrial planets.  相似文献   

Analytic expressions are derived for the perturbation of planetary orbits due to a thick constant density asteroid belt. The derivations include extensions and adaptations of Plakhov's analytic expressions for the perturbations in five of the orbital elements for closed orbits around Saturn's rings. The equations of Plakhov are modified to include the effect of ring thickness and additional equations are derived for the perturbations in the sixth orbital element, the mean anomaly. The gravitational potential and orbital perturbations are derived for the asteroid belt with and without thickness, and for a hoop approximation to the belt. The procedures are also applicable to Saturn's rings and the newly discovered rings of Uranus.The effects of the asteroid belt thickness on the gravitational potential coefficients and the orbital motions are demonstrated. Comparisons between the Mars orbital perturbations obtained using the analytic expressions and those obtained using numerical integration are discussed. The effects of the asteroid belt on the Earth based ranging to Mars are also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The properties of cometary dust-swarms in almost parabolic long-period orbits are examined. In general their self-gravitation is stronger than the solar disruptive influence for all except the relatively small part of the orbit within planetary distances during which the sun dominates by so great a factor that the individual particles of the swarm pursue independent orbits apart from the possibility of collisions between them. At aphelion the internal relative speeds of particles are only a few centimetres per second, but at and near perihelion they may rise to the order of a kilometre per second. For purely dynamical reasons the extent of the swarm in directions perpendicular to the orbital motion will strongly diminish as perihelion is approached and correspondingly increase thereafter, while the dimension along the orbit will change in direct proportion to the orbital velocity. Every particle must cross through the median orbital plane near perihelion, and collisions between a proportion of the particles will occur at speeds capable of fragmenting them into myriads of smaller dustparticles, also heating them at and near the colliding elements of their surfaces. Increase of reflected sunlight will result and also release of material in gaseous form by solar plus collisional heating. Sufficiently finely divided dust particles will be driven out of the comet by radiation-pressure to form a dust-tail, while suitable gaseous compounds if present will be driven out to give a gas-tail. For Sungrazing comets, complete gasification must occur at and near perihelion, and very considerable extension along the orbit. Such comets would recondense to small solid particles on receding again from the Sun. The effect of passage of the solar system through interstellar gas-clouds is shown to be capable of substantially affecting the angular momentum of a comet about the Sun, thus accounting for the existence of comets with high values of perihelion-distance. This same process would enable cometary particles to adsorb interstellar gases at their surfaces and regenerate their gas-content. The mass-loss by a comet at each return strongly indicates, that comets cannot have originated at the same time as the planets, a result further supported by the rapid expulsion of entire comets through purely dynamical action of the planets. That the quiescent structure of comets consists of a vast widely spaced swarm of minute dust-particles receives circumstantial support from the highly varied and peculiar properties long since recorded for numerous comets. These properties exhibit such erratic diversity as to make clear that only a theory involving considerable range of essential parameters can be capable of accounting for them adequately.  相似文献   

Planetary impact probabilities for long-period (near-parabolic) comets are determined by averaging Öpik's equations over inclination and perihelion distance for each planet. These averaged values compare well with the results of more elaborate Monte Carlo calculations. The impact probabilities are proportional to the square of the normalized capture radius of each planet, which in turn is a function of the planet's radius and mass, so that the major planets have the highest impact probabilities. Encounter velocities have an average value of 312 times the planetary orbital velocity but the most probable encounter velocities are slightly higher than this for the terrestrial planets and slightly lower for the major planets. Comparison of the impact probabilities with the cratering record, corrected for gravity and velocity effects, indicates that long-period comets may account for 3 to 9% of the observed large crattes (diameter > 10 km) on the terrestrial planets. The inclination and perihelion properties of the impact probabilities obtained from numerical averaging provide a simple method for determining the impact probabilities for nonuniform distributions. The perihelion distribution of long period comets from J. A. Fernandez ((1981) Astron. Astrophys.96, 26–35) results in a crater production rate quite similar throughout the solar system, unlike that of a uniform perihelion distribution.  相似文献   

An overview is given of close encounters of nearly parabolic comets (NPCs; with periods of P > 200 years and perihelion distances of q > 0.1 AU; the number of the comets is N = 1041) with planets. The minimum distances Δmin between the cometary and planetary orbits are calculated to select comets whose Δmin are less than the radius of the planet’s sphere of influence. Close encounters of these comets with planets are identified by numerical integration of the comets’ equations of motion over an interval of ±50 years from the time of passing the perihelion. Close encounters of NPCs with Jupiter in 1663–2011 are reported for seven comets. An encounter with Saturn is reported for comet 2004 F2 (in 2001).  相似文献   

Abstract— We present noble gas analyses of sediment‐dispersed extraterrestrial chromite grains recovered from ?470 Myr old sediments from two quarries (Hällekis and Thorsberg) and of relict chromites in a coeval fossil meteorite from the Gullhögen quarry, all located in southern Sweden. Both the sediment‐dispersed grains and the meteorite Gullhögen 001 were generated in the L‐chondrite parent body breakup about 470 Myr ago, which was also the event responsible for the abundant fossil meteorites previously found in the Thorsberg quarry. Trapped solar noble gases in the sediment‐dispersed chromite grains have partly been retained during ?470 Myr of terrestrial residence and despite harsh chemical treatment in the laboratory. This shows that chromite is highly retentive for solar noble gases. The solar noble gases imply that a sizeable fraction of the sediment‐dispersed chromite grains are micrometeorites or fragments thereof rather than remnants of larger meteorites. The grains in the oldest sediment beds were rapidly delivered to Earth likely by direct injection into an orbital resonance in the inner asteroid belt, whereas grains in younger sediments arrived by orbital decay due to Poynting‐Robertson (P‐R) drag. The fossil meteorite Gullhögen 001 has a low cosmic‐ray exposure age of ?0.9 Myr, based on new He and Ne production rates in chromite determined experimentally. This age is comparable to the ages of the fossil meteorites from Thorsberg, providing additional evidence for very rapid transfer times of material after the L‐chondrite parent body breakup.  相似文献   

The orbital evolutions of the asteroid 3040 Kozai and model asteroids with similar orbits have been investigated. Their osculating orbits for an epoch 1991 December 10 were numerically integrated forward within the interval of 20,000 years, using a dynamical model of the solar system consisting of all inner planets, Jupiter, and Saturn.The orbit of the asteroid Kozai is stable. Its motion is affected only by long-period perturbations of planets. With change of the argument of perihelion of the asteroid Kozai, the evolution of the model asteroid orbits changes essentially, too. The model orbits with the argument of perihelion changed by the order of 10% show that asteroids with such orbital parameters may approach the Earth orbit, while asteroids with larger changes may even cross it, at least after 10,000 years. Long-term orbital evolution of asteroids with these orbital parameters is very sensitive on their angular elements.  相似文献   

Julio A. Fernández 《Icarus》1980,42(3):406-421
The orbital evolution of 500 hypothetical comets during 109 years is studied numerically. It is assumed that the birthplace of such comets was the region of Uranus and Neptune from where they were deflected into very elongated orbits by perturbations of these planets. Then, we adopted the following initial orbital elements: perihelion distances between 20 and 30 AU, inclinations to the ecliptic plane smaller than 20°, and semimajor axes from 5 × 103 to 5 × 104 AU. Gravitational perturbations by the four giant planets and by hypothetical stars passing at distances from the Sun smaller than 5 × 105 AU are considered. During the simulation, somewhat more than 50% of the comets were lost from the solar system due to planetary or stellar perturbations. The survivors were removed from the planetary region and left as members of what is generally known as the cometary cloud. At the end of the studied period, the semimajor axes of the surviving comets tend to be concentrated in the interval 2 × 104 < a < 3 × 104 AU. The orbital planes of the comets with initial a ≧ 3 × 104AU acquired a complete randomization while the others still maintain a slight predominance of direct orbits. In addition, comet orbits with final a < 6 × 104AU preserve high eccentricities with an average value greater than 0.8 Most “new” comets from the sample entering the region interior to Jupiter's orbit had already registered earlier passages through the planetary region. By scaling up the rate of paritions of hypothetical new comets with the observed one, the number of members of the cometary cloud is estimated to be about 7 × 1010 and the conclusion is drawn that Uranus and Neptune had to remove a number of comets ten times greater.  相似文献   

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