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The H observations of a selected sample of bright Be stars are presented. The available infrared observations at K band (2.2 m) of these stars have been used to find the infrared excess emission. The analysis of the combined data show thatL H, the luminosity of the H emission line, is proportional toL IR, the luminosity of the infrared excess emission. The linear correlation betweenL IR andL H shows that both the infrared excess and the H line originate in a common region. It is also detected that the infrared excess emission is produced throughout the whole envelope whereas the H is emitted in some defined region of the circumstellar (CS) envelope.  相似文献   

Large field H observations of the Milky Way between Carina and Aquila were made through a narrow interference filter 15 wide. Characteristic large-scale features of the observed region are extended emission areas in Carina, Norma-Scorpius and Scutum-Sagittarius and some weak isolated nebulosities near the Coal Sac, Centauri and Normae. H photographs, a chart mapping the emission, and a list of identified emission regions are given.  相似文献   

We analyze a time series of high resolution observations near the solar limb, obtained in H and the Mg b1 line. We identified arch-shaped dark mottles, which are thin, faint H structures observable under very good seeing conditions, best seen in H +0.75 Å. Their mean length is about 15, their mean height about 6 and indicative lifetimes is of the order of 5 min. They show negative (away from the observer) line-of-sight velocities. A possible interpretation is that material flows from the apex towards the feet of the arches.  相似文献   

We analyze the emission component of galaxy nuclei at very low intensity levels (W(H)2Å). This emission level is considerably lower than that of classical LINERS like NGC 1052. We have access to weaker emission lines by averaging spectra with similar line ratios for H [NII], and [SII]. From the resulting spectrum for very low level emission nuclei, the [SII] 6717, 6731/[SIII] 9069, 9532 line ratio criterion (Diazet al., 1985a) unambiguously shows that shock-wave heating is the mechanism responsible for the ionization in such objects.  相似文献   

This investigation shows that statistically there are significant time delays between H and hard X-ray (HXR) emissions during solar flares; most impulsive flares produce HXR emissions up to 1 min before and up to 2 min after the onset of H emission. HXR emissions are also found to be peaked up to 2 min before the H emissions.  相似文献   

The location of H filaments is compared with maps of the photospheric line of sight velocity V and the magnetic field H . It is found that (1) H filaments are associated with regions of ¦V ¦ 300m s–1, (2) always both positive as well as negative velocities are present under H structures, (3) stable (long lasting) portion of filaments frequently occur at the position of H = 0 as well as V = 0 lines, (4) this association remains valid for the longitudes less than 50° from central meridian.  相似文献   

D3 and H pictures of prominences were obtained with a 21-in. Lyot coronograph and a Fabry-Perot etalon used as a narrow band filter. The monochromatic images of quiescent, quasiquiescent and loop-prominences were studied. The comparison of the isophotes of quiescent and quasi-quiescent prominences in D3 with those in H shows the similarity of the prominence structure at both wavelength, although there is a strong tendency for an increase in the intensity ratio D3/H in the upper region of prominences. It seems that it is due to lower temperature in the upper regions of prominences. Probably, the relaxation processes establishing ionization equilibrium play some role. Measurements of the knot intensities of the loop-prominence show strong variations of the intensity ratio D3/H (more than one order of magnitude).  相似文献   

Quasi simultaneous H and radio observations of LSI+61o303 during August-September 1993 are presented. The radio data show that during the studied epoch the outburst has peaked at radio phase 0.6, at level100 mJy. No significant variations in the H profile at phases 0.5 to 0.65 have been detected. A remarkable increase of the EW and FWHM of the H blue peak is observed at radio phase 0.23. Possible reasons are considered.  相似文献   

The results of new observations of moustaches in H filtergrams and in H spectra are presented and their relations to photospheric and chromospheric phenomena are studied. The main findings and conclusions are: (1) previous results on basic data (size, brightness, lifetime, etc.) are essentially confirmed; (2) limb observations located the moustaches at the base of the structured H chromosphere, just above the level of the emission of H±1 Å. At the disk moustaches are, in general, covered by absorbing and slightly Doppler-shifted chromospheric elements which determine the H core in the moustache spectrum. However, absorption-free moustaches with an H emission core revealing a pure (true) moustache spectrum have also been found; (3) moustaches have been found to coincide with continuous facular granules; it is suggested that they are an extension of facular granules into the chromosphere rather than a low-level flare-like phenomenon.Mitteilung aus dem Fraunhofer Institut, No. 114.  相似文献   

N. Mein  Y. Avignon 《Solar physics》1985,95(2):331-342
Observations of a type III radio event and of concurrent H absorbing features are related. They were obtained with the Nançay Radioheliograph and the Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass spectrograph operating in H at Meudon. We are looking for the signature at chromosphere levels of the acceleration of the elctron beams triggering the type III bursts. Some promising results are pointed out: the relationship between velocities in H and the occurrence of the type III bursts, the shape of H line which reveals turbulent motions, the presence of parasitic magnetic polarity and the probable existence of a shock wave. A schematic scenario of the phenomenon is proposed, taking into account the observational constraints.  相似文献   

H. Zirin 《Solar physics》1978,58(1):95-120
I have studied a number of flares for which good X-ray and optical data were available. An average lag of 5.5 s between hard X-ray (HXR) start and H start, and HXR peak and Ha peak was found for 41 flares for which determination was possible. Allowing for time constants the time lag is zero. The peak H lasts until 5–6 keV soft X-ray (SXR) peak. The level of H intensity is determined by the SXR flux.Multiple spikes in HXR appear to correspond to different occurrences in the flare development. Flares with HXR always have a fast H rise. Several flares were observed in the 3835 band; such emission appears when the 5.1–6.6 keV flux exceeds 5 × 104 ph cm-2 s-1 at the Earth. Smaller flares produce no 3835 emission; we conclude that coronal back conduction cannot produce the bright chromospheric network of that wavelength.The nearly simultaneous growth of H emission at distant points means an agent travelling faster than 5 × 103 km s-1 is responsible, presumably electrons.In all cases near the limb an elevated Ha source is seen with the same time duration as HXR flux; it is concluded that this H source is almost always an elevated cloud which is excited by the fast electrons. A rough calculation is given. Another calculation of H emission from compressed coronal material shows it to be inadequate.In several cases homologous flares occur within hours with the same X-ray properties.Radio models fit, more or less, with field strengths on the order of 100G. A number of flares are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Observations of C100 and C125 atomic carbon recombination lines were made at the Algonquin Radio Observatory, towards the neutral interface separating theHii region DR21 (at RA=20h37m14s, Dec=+42°0900) from its associated molecular cloud. An analysis of the Cn observations in conjunction with a simple model of a neutral interface enabled the derivation of the following parameters: electron density of 300 cm–3, electron temperature of 30 K, microturbulent velocity of 2.3 km s–1, and depth of the neutral interface of 0.01 pc. A single,stimulated emission model is sufficient to reproduce the Cn observations in the wavelength range from 4.6 cm (C100) to 21 cm (C166). All the known Cn data do support a pressure equilibrium between the neutral interface and theHii region, after the usual allowance is made for carbon depletion on grains.  相似文献   

We consider the effect that coherent motion has on the observed brightness of moving clouds above the photosphere. We find that steady state clouds (constant N e and T e ) that are moving perpendicular to the line of sight will appear brighter in H for speeds between 8 and 100 km/sec and dimmer for speeds greater than 135 km/sec. The brightening and dimming are due to apparent Doppler shifts of the respective H absorption and the Lyman- emission profiles seen by the absorption profile of the moving cloud.We apply this analysis, along with optical depth and geometrical considerations, to the observed brightness variations of the 1 March 1969 limb eruptive prominence. We find that all of the observed brightening and dimming can be explained by the motions, and that no significant change in the prominence N e or T e was necessary during the observed H event. This conclusion is significant in interpreting an X-ray burst that began as the prominence velocity increased abruptly at the time of maximum H intensity. The thermal X-ray peak occurred 150 sec later when the prominence had become faint again. There was no associated flare that was visible in H. We discuss the relative brightness of H and D 3 in a specific moving prominence knot.We note that the observed range of limb speeds (30–150 km/sec) may be due to the combined H Doppler brightening and Lyman- dimming effects. We also discuss generally the H brightness of disk surges (bright and dark) and flares, and sprays and puffs that occur at or near the limb.Now at the Dept. of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Colorado, and High Altitude Observatory (NCAR) Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.  相似文献   

A flare event occurred which involved the disappearance of a filament near central meridian on 29 August 1973. The event was well observed in X-rays with the AS & E telescope on Skylab and in H at BBSO. It was a four-ribbon flare involving both new and old magnetic inversion lines which were roughly parallel. The H, X-ray, and magnetic field data are used to deduce the magnetic polarities of the H brightenings at the footpoints of the brightest X-ray loops. These magnetic structures and the preflare history of the region are then used to argue that the event involved a reconnection of magnetic field lines rather than a brightening in place of pre-existing loops. The simultaneity of the H brightening onsets in the four ribbons and the apparent lack of an eruption of the filament are consistent with this interpretation. These observations are compared to other studies of filament disappearances. The preflare structures and the alignment of the early X-ray flare loops with the H filament are consistent with the schematic picture of a filament presented first by Canfield et al. (1974).  相似文献   

Photometric reductions of the spectrograms obtained during the third flight of the Soviet Stratopsheric Solar Station are discussed. A comparison of photometric scans in H and its far wings near to the continuum leads to the conclusion that chromospheric mottles are at least several times broader than photospheric granules. The optimum size of mottles is about 0.8–1.1. The H profiles of mottles are practically the same as those obtained from the ground observations. The broadening of mottles is considered as an effect of expansion of magnetic arcs growing up to chromospheric levels.  相似文献   

The eruptive prominence observed on 27 May 1999 in H at Ondejov Observatory is analyzed using image-processing techniques. To understand the physical processes behind the prominence eruption, heated structures inside the cold H prominence material are sought. Two local minima of intensity (holes), the first above and the second below the erupting H prominence, have been found in the processed H images. A comparison of H images with the SOHO/EIT and Yohkoh/SXT images showed: (a) the cold H prominence is visible as a dark feature in the EIT images, (b) the upper local minimum of intensity in the H image corresponds to a hot structure seen in EIT, (c) the lower minimum corresponds to a hot loop observed by SXT. The physical significance of the H intensity minima and their relation to the hot structures observed by EIT and SXT is discussed. The time sequence of observed processes is in favor of the prominence eruption model with the destabilization of the loop spanning the prominence. For comparison with other events the velocities of selected parts of the eruptive prominence are determined.  相似文献   

In the previously published Parts I and II of the paper, the author has constructed a formal long-periodic solution for the case of 11 resonance in the restricted problem of three bodies to 0(m 3/2), wherem is the small mass parameter of the system. The time-dependencet(, ,m), where is the mean synodic longitude and is related to the Jacobi constant, has been expressed by ahyperelliptic integral. It is shown here that with the approximationm=0 in the integrand, the functiont(, , 0) can be expanded in a series involving standardelliptic functions. Then the problem of inversion can be formally solved, yielding the function (t, , 0).Similarly, the normalized period (,m) of the motion can be approximated by theHagihara hyperelliptic integral (, 0), corresponding tom=0. This integral is also expanded into elliptic functions. Asymptotic forms for (, 0) are derived for 0 and for 1, corresponding to the extreme members of thetadpole branch of the family of orbits.  相似文献   

In the present paper, H-evolutive curves of chromospheric events are compared with flux evolutive curves of X-ray events observed at the same time in different spectral regions. A correspondence between the emissions E(I H/I chr)'s at higher and higher H-intensity levels, and the X-ray fluxes F()'s in harder and harder -ranges is shown. Further, the present observations seem to indicate the existence of a single triggering mechanism during the flash-phase of a flare. It is also shown that these results may be in agreement with Brown's model for chromospheric flares.  相似文献   

We present two large flares which were exceptional in that each produced an extensive chain of H emission patches in remote quiet regions more than 105 km away from the main flare site. They were also unusual in that a large group of the rare type III reverse slope bursts accompanied each flare.The observations suggest that this is no coincidence, but that the two phenomena are directly connected. The onset of about half of the remote H emission patches were found to be nearly simultaneous with RS bursts. One of the flares (August 26, 1979) was also observed in hard X-rays; the RS bursts occurred during hard X-ray spikes. For the other flare (June 16, 1973), soft X-ray filtergrams show coronal loops connecting from the main flare site to the remote H brightenings. There were no other flares in progress during either flare; this, along with the X-ray observations, indicates that the RS burst electrons were generated in these flares and not elsewhere on the Sun. The remote H brightenings were apparently not produced by a blast wave from the main flare; no Moreton waves were observed, and the spatially disordered development of the remote H chains is further evidence against a blast wave. From geometry, time and energy considerations we propose: (1) That the remote H brightenings were initiated by direct heating of the chromosphere by RS burst electrons traveling in closed magnetic loops connecting the flare site to the remote patches; and (2) that after onset, the brightenings were heated by thermal conduction by slower thermal electrons (kT1 keV) which immediately follow the RS burst electrons along the same loops.  相似文献   

Dermendjiev  V.N.  Petrov  N.I.  Detchev  M. Tz.  Rompolt  B.  Rudawy  P. 《Solar physics》2001,202(1):99-107
Series of H spectra and slit-jaw H filtergrams of a quiescent prominence taken at Pic du Midi Observatory on 7 November 1977 are studied. The observations have been digitized by means of an automated Joyce Loebl microdensitometer. The image processing of the H filtergrams reveals an internal structure of the prominence consisting of several arches. Series of high-resolution H spectra obtained with the slit position located on a selected part of one of the prominence arches have been chosen for Doppler-shift analysis. The obtained time series of the line-of-sight velocity reveal large velocity variations near the periphery of the arch and a strong dependence of the velocity (in sign and magnitude) on the position along the slit. The prominence arch shows also cyclic displacements along the line-of-sight direction implying Alfvén string-mode oscillations.  相似文献   

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