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中国河流地貌研究进展——纪念沈玉昌先生100年诞辰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年是中国现代河流地貌研究的开拓者和奠基人沈玉昌先生100年诞辰,本文对中国河流地貌研究进展进行综述,以资纪念。研究涉及4个方面:① 水系发育与河谷地貌演变,包括大江大河水系历史发育和山区河流地貌;② 侵蚀与产沙过程,包括有物理成因基础的侵蚀产沙模型、侵蚀产沙过程的尺度效应、植被对侵蚀的影响及临界现象、坡面细沟发育过程模拟等;③ 河床过程与河型,包括河道冲淤过程、河床演变、河型成因与演变等;④ 河流地貌系统研究,包括流域系统不同子系统的耦合关系、河流地貌系统中的高含沙水流和多营力地貌过程、河流地貌系统对于自然因素变化和人类活动的响应、河流地貌系统中的泥沙灾害和河流地貌系统的实验研究等。50年前沈玉昌先生与钱宁先生提出在地貌学与河流动力学相结合的基础上发展中国河流学科。文中对此方面的进展进行了综述,并提出了需要深化和解决的问题。  相似文献   

地貌过程研究回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地貌学是现代地理科学的一个重要分支学科。本文对中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所建所以来在地貌研究领域的主要研究成果进行了综述,包括河流地貌、黄土高原与坡地地貌、青藏高原及南极地貌与第四纪、喀斯特与旅游地貌、地貌实验与模拟、地貌制图共六个方面,对地理资源所地貌研究团队目前的研究方向进行了介绍,并就提高地理资源所地貌研究在学科发展和服务国家建设中的作用提出了建议。  相似文献   

昆仑山是青藏高原北部一个高寒干旱的自然地理单元。它是亚洲中部高峻挺拔的巨型山系之一,跨经度16°以上。山地东段与西段的自然状况明显不同。本文主要论述东、西段地貌景观的差异性:山地西段呈现横向岭谷相间的形态,处于青壮年地貌发展阶段;山地东段以纵向低山与高位山间盆地为特点,高原地貌特征明显,属老年地貌发展阶段。  相似文献   

额济纳平原生态环境退化的发生、发展过程中,极端干旱多风气候因素起着主控作用。典型的干旱荒漠气候及地质地貌条件是额济纳平原生态环境退化的动力条件和物质基础。人为地破坏自然植被,并影响河流来水量,导致水源减少成为额济纳平原环境退化的根本原因。  相似文献   

本文应用地貌学、年代学、沉积学、历史地理学等方法,讨论了东江三角洲的范围,分析了周边地貌和三角洲地貌的特征,研究了构造、气候、河流、海洋诸因素对地貌发育的影响,提出了地貌发育过程的5个阶段的新看法。  相似文献   

针对土壤干旱,利用大气和土壤耦合模式对干旱过程进行数值模拟研究。在数值模拟方法上,引入美国国家大气研究中心和宾西法尼亚大学联合开发的第四代中尺度区域数预报模式MM4作为与土壤耦合的大气运动模式;将区域中尺度大气运动模式MM4与土壤水传导模式耦合,通过对土壤湿度的连续计算来试验模拟出干旱过程的几个阶段的状态。在大气与土壤耦合的过程中,主要考虑了4个的方面作用:分别是地表水蒸发、蒸腾作用、地表水渗透和地面风场。在进行区域干旱过程模拟试验中,以土壤湿度作为干旱划分指标,针对壤土选取长江中下游地区,1999年8月1日至30日的地面、高空资料进行连续计算。试验分三个阶段:第一阶段为长江中下游地区土壤供水量满足农作物需水量阶段;第二阶段为根系层土壤供水量小于农作物生长需水量阶段;第三阶段为长江中下游地区农作物干旱阶段。在对模拟试验的结果进行了分析后,得到了一些干旱形成过程的初步结论。  相似文献   

靳鹤龄  董光荣 《中国沙漠》2001,21(4):367-373
和田河是典型的干旱荒漠河流,也是塔里木盆地惟一南北向横贯塔克拉玛干沙漠的河流,流域的第四纪沉积以风成相与河流相冲洪物为主,其厚度达到250m以上,据其沉积特征推断时代为中更新世。18 ka MP以来麻扎塔格山下60km处河流向东摆动了3次,形成了三道古砂堤,造成河流摆动的原因是新构造运动、强烈的风沙活动和河流季节变化,河流及其摆动对沙漠及沙漠地貌影响主要表现在两方面:一是给沙漠及其风沙地貌发育提供丰富的碎屑物质;二是控制风沙地貌发育的活动性,并抑制了风沙地貌向高大复合沙山发育的速度。  相似文献   

肖萍 《地理教学》2013,(1):22-25
正【课标分析】课程标准要求:"结合实例,分析造成地表形态变化的外力因素"及"举例说明地表形态对聚落分布的影响"。课标首先要求学生以河流地貌为例,分析外力作用对地表形态的影响,认识河流侵蚀地貌和堆积地貌的形成与发展过程,其次要求学生运用图文资料分析河流地貌对聚落分布的影响。【教材分析】教材设置了"河流侵蚀地貌与堆积地貌""河流地貌对聚落分布的影响"这两个问题作为段落的标题。  相似文献   

试论国外河流地貌学的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分四个阶段论述国外河流地貌学研究的发展,阐述了现代河流地貌学在一些领域中取得的成就,以及研究方法和技术的进展。  相似文献   

尤联元 《地理研究》1988,7(2):115-116
地貌研究室是中国科学院、国家计委地理研究所最早建立(1958年)的室组之一。现有人员38名,其中具有高级职称的科研人员13人。设有孢粉分析、岩矿分析、河流地貌、坡地、碳14和氚同位素分析等五个实验室。地貌研究室目前的主要研究方向是:河流地貌、坡地和侵蚀地貌、喀斯特、地貌形成过程及环境演变,以及区域地貌和地貌制图等。  相似文献   

金德生  乔云峰 《地理科学进展》2016,35(11):1420-1430
作为中国现代河流地貌研究的开拓者和奠基人,沈玉昌先生对开创流水地貌实验研究的初衷,为后人创新流水地貌实验开拓了先河,特撰写本文纪念先生100周年诞辰。主要内容有:①憧憬河流地貌实验与筹建流水地貌实验室。包括先生的初衷、实验室调研与筹建、实验试运行及起步实验;②流水地貌实验室扩建及实验研究蓬勃发展。包括结合国家重大及地方委托项目开展的一系列实验研究,开拓流域地貌系统及坡面发育演变的实验,建立河流地貌过程响应实验相似型理论;③河流地貌实验的新进展。包括河流地貌实验室建设及实验装置更新,河型系统发育演变过程实验的新进展,穹隆与坳陷非均匀升降对河流地貌系统发育影响的实验等。最后进行了展望,为了使中国实验流水地貌学研究继续深化,需要进行6个方面创新探索,特别是:加强构造运动、气候变化及人类活动快速变化导致的非稳定状态河流动力地貌过程实验研究,揭示其复杂性、敏感性及前兆性特征,加强实验研究力量的协作与融合,加强流水地貌实验研究的综合性、交叉性学术交流。  相似文献   

实验流水地貌学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金德生 《地理学报》1991,46(1):57-65
本文简述了地貌实验研究的概况,罗列了我国主要的地貌实验室、站,叙述了我国30多年来,河型造床试验、边界条件及构造运动对河型发育影响实验,应用河流地貌实验、试验理论和技术方面的进展情况,指出实验研究中存在的问题,在回顾基础上,展望了流水地貌实验研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

沈玉昌与中国现代地貌学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沈玉昌 《地理研究》1997,16(1):77-84
沈玉昌教授是我国着名的地理学家和杰出的地貌学家。在60年的地理科学工作中,他对我国现代地貌学发展做出了卓越的贡献。从河流地貌、地貌区划与地貌制图、应用地貌等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

Image merging has gained acceptance in geological remote sensing, however it has rarely been applied in geomorphology. We report on the usefulness of principal components substitution (PCS) to merge IRS panchromatic data with multispectral Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery, to map commonly encountered desert geomorphological features, and in relative age dating of alluvial surfaces. The merged data were applied to the identification and mapping of geomorphological features along two geolo-gically different mountain fronts in central Saudi Arabia. Two types of geomorphological maps have been created. A morphogenetic map that distinguishes between aeolian landforms, fluvial landforms, desert pavements, and gypsum crusts. Second, a morphochronological map, which shows the relative age of four geomorphic surfaces developed on an alluvial fan. The construction of the two maps is supported by field observations and laboratory measurements. Using the optimum index factor (OIF), a TM band 1, 5 and 7 image (of 20 merged composites) was found to be the optimum colour composite image for the geomorphological features in this arid environment. We discuss our findings in the context of the spatial and spectral properties required for applied geomorphological remote sensing.  相似文献   

关于流水动力地貌及其实验模拟问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金德生 《地理学报》1989,44(2):147-156
流水动力地貌是地表水流运动过程与地球表层物质相互作用的产物,具有显著的环境效应。流水动力地貌学是界于流水动力学、泥沙力学及流水地貌学之间的新兴的富有生命力的边缘科学。运用基于牛顿力学相似论及系统论异构同功原理的物理模型可以有效地研究流水动力地貌特征、成因机制及作用过程。数学模拟与物理模型相互印证,开辟了一条富有发展前景的流水动力地貌研究途径。  相似文献   

Geomorphometry,the science of digital terrain analysis(DTA),is an important focus of research in both geomorphology and geographical information science(GIS).Given that 70% of China is mountainous,geomorphological research is popular among Chinese scholars,and the development of GIS over the last 30 years has led to significant advances in geomorphometric research.In this paper,we review Chinese progress in geomorphometry based on the published literature.There are three major areas of progress:digital terrain modelling methods,DTA methods,and applications of digital terrain models(DTMs).First,traditional vector-and raster-based terrain modelling methods,including the assessment of uncertainty,have received widespread attention.New terrain modelling methods such as unified raster and vector,high-fidelity,and real-time dynamic geographical scene modelling have also attracted research attention and are now a major focus of digital terrain modelling research.Second,in addition to the popular DTA methods based on topographical derivatives,geomorphological features,and hydrological factors extracted from DTMs,DTA methods have been extended to include analyses of the structure of underlying strata,ocean surface features and even socioeconomic spatial structures.Third,DTMs have been applied to fields including global climate change,analysis of various typical regions,lunar surface and other related fields.Clearly,Chinese scholars have made significant progress in geomorphometry.Chinese scholars have had the greatest international impact in areas including high-fidelity digital terrain modelling and DTM-based regional geomorphological analysis,particularly in the Loess Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau regions.  相似文献   

试论地貌学的系统结构与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈志明 《地理研究》1985,4(4):62-70
本文运用系统论科学学的观点阐述地貌学的现代结构,进而探讨学科发展的未来结构.  相似文献   

Geomorphometry, the science of digital terrain analysis (DTA), is an important focus of research in both geomorphology and geographical information science (GIS). Given that 70% of China is mountainous, geomorphological research is popular among Chinese scholars, and the development of GIS over the last 30 years has led to significant advances in geomorphometric research. In this paper, we review Chinese progress in geomorphometry based on the published literature. There are three major areas of progress: digital terrain modelling methods, DTA methods, and applications of digital terrain models (DTMs). First, traditional vector- and raster-based terrain modelling methods, including the assessment of uncertainty, have received widespread attention. New terrain modelling methods such as unified raster and vector, high-fidelity, and real-time dynamic geographical scene modelling have also attracted research attention and are now a major focus of digital terrain modelling research. Second, in addition to the popular DTA methods based on topographical derivatives, geomorphological features, and hydrological factors extracted from DTMs, DTA methods have been extended to include analyses of the structure of underlying strata, ocean surface features and even socioeconomic spatial structures. Third, DTMs have been applied to fields including global climate change, analysis of various typical regions, lunar surface and other related fields. Clearly, Chinese scholars have made significant progress in geomorphometry. Chinese scholars have had the greatest international impact in areas including high-fidelity digital terrain modelling and DTM-based regional geomorphological analysis, particularly in the Loess Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau regions.  相似文献   

Geomorphology-oriented digital terrain analysis: Progress and perspectives   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Digital terrain analysis(DTA) is one of the most important contents in the research of geographical information science(GIS). However, on the basis of the digital elevation model(DEM), many problems exist in the current research of DTA in geomorphological studies. For instance, the current DTA research appears to be focused more on morphology, phenomenon, and modern surface rather than mechanism, process, and underlying terrain. The current DTA research needs to be urgently transformed from the study of landform morphology to one focusing on landform process and mechanism. On this basis, this study summarizes the current research status of geomorphology-oriented DTA and systematically reviews and analyzes the research about the knowledge of geomorphological ontology, terrain modeling, terrain derivative calculation, and terrain analytical methods. With the help of DEM data, DTA research has the advantage of carrying out geomorphological studies from the perspective of surface morphology. However, the study of DTA has inherent defects in terms of data expression and analytic patterns. Thus, breakthroughs in basic theories and key technologies are necessary. Moreover, scholars need to realize that DTA research must be transformed from phenomenon to mechanism, from morphology to process, and from terrain to landform. At present, the research development of earth science has reached the critical stage in which the DTA research should focus more on geomorphological ontology. Consequently, this study proposes several prospects of geomorphology-oriented DTA from the aspects of value-added DEM data model, terrain derivatives and their spatial relations, and macro-terrain analysis. The study of DTA based on DEM is at a critical period along with the issue on whether the current GIS technology can truly support the development of geography. The research idea of geomorphology-oriented DTA is expected to be an important exploration and practice in the field of GIS.  相似文献   

We examine the question of determining the place of geomorphology in the system of Earth sciences. The study revealed that, in spite of the differences in understanding the subject matter of science, there are at least seven integrating and generally accepted techniques of geomorphological investigations themselves: orographic analysis, cartometry, remote analysis of hidden landforms, morphometry, geomorphological mapping, modeling of geomorphological systems and conceptual development of the methodology. Emphasis is placed on the important role of geomorphological mapping in understanding all processes on land cover and the history of its development, assessing the natural resources and natural hazards, and in forecasting the evolution of the landscape. The technique of representing results from geomorphological investigations as a geomorphological map requires developing a classification of topographic features and landforms, and publications of A. N. Lastochkin and his followers are specifically focused on this issue. The integrating role of N. A. Florensov’s ideas of concepts concerning the continental orogenesis and geomorphological formations is pointed out. The autonomy of geomorphology in the system of Earth sciences is demonstrated but it is emphasized that it is not possible to further develop geomorphological knowledge outside the province of related Earth sciences, primarily geology and physical geography. A substantiation is given to the exclusiveness of the object of study (topography of land cover) and the subject (main topographic properties: morphology, genesis, age, and morphogenesis processes) which can be analyzed solely by geomorphological research techniques and development models.  相似文献   

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