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对中华乌塘鳢Bostrichthys sinensis (Laceped)仔、稚,幼鱼的游泳、摄食、探索等行为生态方面进行实验观察,发现中华乌塘鳢仔、稚、幼鱼在不同发育阶段的游泳行为有五种类型:底壁旋转、阶梯型游泳、滑翔运动、巡游和疾游。摄食方式有两种类型:摄食时呈现特殊的姿态和不呈现特殊姿态。中华乌塘鳢仔、稚鱼的摄食姿态属于“鲐鱼型”。仔、稚鱼在探索食物时主要以巡游速度游泳。探索过程中,除视觉之外,味觉、触觉等可能起着重要的作用。文中对这些行为的生态学意义也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

鲻鱼胚胎和卵黄囊期仔鱼的发育与营养研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
区又君  李加儿 《海洋学报》1997,19(3):102-110
在不同温度下,鲻鱼胚胎和卵黄囊期仔鱼的发育、生长和营养吸收具有如下特点:(1)温度能影响胚胎发育时间和初孵仔鱼及其卵黄囊的大小;(2)初孵仔鱼生长迅速,24h以后缓慢生长;(3)卵黄囊依照先卵黄球、后油球的顺序被吸收,吸收速度为先快后慢:(4)仔鱼在卵黄球完全吸收时初次摄食,开始摄食时间较长,饥饿的仔鱼在开口后呈负生长;(5)仔鱼的营养可概括为内源性营养-混合营养-外源性营养阶段;(6)温度对卵黄囊期仔鱼生长速度的影响主要体现在器官分化速度、卵黄囊吸收速度和开口摄食时间不同.  相似文献   

采用实验生态学方法,进行了鮸鱼仔稚鱼发育生长方式及其生态学意义研究。结果表明,鮸鱼的形态学变化和器官分化主要发生在仔鱼期。仔鱼期头部和尾部快于躯干部的生长。仔鱼头部(拐点:9.80mm体长)、眼径(8.87mm)和口径(23.40mm)的正异速生长为仔鱼的呼吸和摄食提供了有利条件;尾长(16.40mm)正异速生长为减少仔鱼运动能耗和成功逃避捕食者准备了条件;虽然躯干部生长比较缓慢,但是体高呈现正异速生长(11.20mm),这可能与仔鱼消化系统为满足其迅速发育的营养需要而快速生长及鳔的发育有关。结果表明,鮸鱼在早期发育阶段优先发育对生长生存起关键作用的器官,即运动、视觉和摄食器官。但在稚鱼阶段,其主要长度量度相对于体长指标均呈现负异速成长。  相似文献   

横带髭鲷(Hapalogenys mucronatus)为我国东南沿海具有良好发展前景的养殖鱼类,目前亟待突破其规模化苗种培育的瓶颈技术问题。为探究横带髭鲷仔鱼发育阶段的摄食和生长特性,采用实验生态学方法,在水温(24±0.2)℃、盐度为26的条件下对饥饿仔鱼形态发育、生长、不可逆点及投喂状态下的摄食节律进行研究。结果表明,孵化出膜后的初孵仔鱼,3日龄开口摄食,进入混合营养期,3日龄卵黄囊消耗完毕,油球于8日龄消耗完全,混合营养期为5d。饥饿组仔鱼全长呈先增长后下降趋势,拐点出现在3日龄,在4日龄有畸形仔鱼出现。饥饿仔鱼初次摄食率为10.12%,最高初次摄食率出现在7日龄,为85.06%;PNR出现在7日龄和8日龄之间,至9日龄全部死亡。早期仔鱼(7日龄)的摄食高峰出现在7:00、11:00和15:00,晚期仔鱼(14日龄)在7:00、11:00、15:00和19:00四个时间段,摄食高峰均出现在白天,属于典型的白天摄食类型,随着仔鱼的生长发育,摄食高峰有所延长。横带髭鲷仔鱼最佳开口摄食时间在3日龄,掌握仔鱼的摄食高峰期,在此时间段驯化配合饲料,对于活体饵料向配合饲料的驯食转化具有重要实践意义。  相似文献   

海洋鱼类仔鱼在早期发育和饥饿期的巡游速度   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
本文运用红外光源和录象系统首次对大西洋鲱(Clupea harengus L.)的两个地理种群:苏格兰西海岸和波罗的海鲱、大西洋鳕(Gadus morhua L.)和欧洲江鲽(Platichthyslesus L.)由人工授精来源的卵黄囊期仔鱼以及苏格兰西海岸鲱的较大仔鱼(36和60日龄)在早期发育和饥饿期的巡游速度作了测定。仔鱼巡游模式的发育和完善符合种的发育和生长过程。卵黄囊期仔鱼在卵黄囊耗尽前后仍不能建立外源性摄食,或较大仔鱼在停食后,其巡游速度都有增快的倾向,一般均在抵达“不可逆点”(PNR,即the point-of-no-return)前两天左右达到高峰值。所记录到的平均[一次游泳过程或1000毫秒(ms)间期]和最大(20 ms间期)巡游速度的高峰值分别为1.1—1.2和2.3—3.4BL/s(体长/秒,鲱),1.7和5.7BL/s(鳕)以及1.6和4.1BL/s(江鲽)。此外,本文还对饥饿仔鱼的巡游速度和摄食生态的相互关系作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

为确定花鲈仔鱼初次摄食的不可逆点(PNR),通过人工催产、孵化获得花鲈仔鱼,在水温(21±1)℃、盐度26条件下,开展了初孵仔鱼的饥饿实验,研究了在饥饿状态下花鲈仔鱼的不可逆点(PNR)及投喂状态下仔鱼期的摄食节律。研究表明,花鲈仔鱼孵化后,4日龄开始摄食外源食物,进入混合营养期,6日龄卵黄囊消失,进入外源营养期,混合营养期仅2d。饥饿组仔鱼生长呈现先增长后下降的趋势,部分仔鱼身体出现畸形。白天为室内自然光照(500~800lx),夜间为人工光源(200~250lx),在此条件下,早期仔鱼(5日龄)在14:00和20:00摄食率高于50%;晚期仔鱼(11日龄)在08:00、14:00和20:00摄食率均高于50%,属于典型的白天摄食类型,且随着仔鱼的生长发育,摄食高峰期逐渐延长。研究结果表明,在(21±1)℃的水温条件下,花鲈仔鱼的最佳投喂时机在4日龄,9日龄至10日龄抵达不可逆点,仔鱼的主要摄食时间为午后到傍晚,夜间弱光照条件下也会进行摄食。  相似文献   

北海鲱卵黄囊期仔鱼的摄食能力和生长   总被引:54,自引:1,他引:54  
殷名称 《海洋与湖沼》1991,22(6):554-560
于1986年对大西洋鲱(clupea harengus L.)——北海种群卵黄囊期仔鱼在早期发育和饥饿期的摄食能力和生长作了实验研究。结果表明:(1)孵化后第6天(饲养水温13.1±0.4℃),仔鱼初次摄食,此时,卵黄容量从初孵时0.182mm~3降至0.020mm~3以下,眼、口、肠管、肛门、胸鳍等器官的功能基本形成,巡游模式建立;孵化后第8天,卵黄耗尽,混合营养期持续仅2天;不能建立外源性营养的仔鱼,第11天进入PNR期,第17天全部死亡。(2)仔鱼在不同饥饿阶段初次摄食率和摄食强度的变化式型是:开始较低,随即上升,高峰出现在卵黄耗尽后1—2天;此后就逐步下降;记录到的最高初次摄食率约为50%,最高摄食强度每尾仔鱼在4h内平均摄取3—4个轮虫。(3)仔鱼在初孵期的生长率平均为0.233mm/d;进入摄食期后,饥饿仔鱼的生长几乎停止;同期摄食仔鱼的生长率亦下降,为0.130mm/d;摄食仔鱼(N=309)在孵化后30天内的长度(L,全长)和日龄(d)的相关式为:L(mm)=0.180d+7.06。  相似文献   

环境因子对海产鱼类受精卵及早期仔鱼发育的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
任何一种海产鱼类要实现大规模人工养殖,皆有赖于高质量鱼苗的充分供应。对于鱼类早期生活习性的掌握,是鱼苗稳产的关键。了解环境因子对海产鱼类受精卵、早期仔鱼发育的影响,将有助于我们主动控制饲养条件,创造最佳饲养环境。常见的影响海水鱼类早期发育的环境因素包括:(1)盐度;(2)光照;(3)溶解氧量;(4)温度;(5)pH值;(6)其他因素。评价一种因素对鱼类早期发育影响的指标包括:(1)孵化率、孵化期;(2)早期仔鱼的体长;(3)卵黄囊的体积及吸收效率;(4)一定时期内仔鱼的成活率及体长、体重。各种因素对不同种类的海水鱼的影响并不完全相同,因此不…  相似文献   

鞍带石斑鱼仔稚幼鱼骨骼发育与生长特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骨骼发育对于养殖鱼类苗种培育至关重要,骨骼畸形会影响仔稚幼鱼的外部形态及功能需求。作者利用骨骼染色技术和显微测量的方法对鞍带石斑鱼(Epinepheluslanceolatus)仔稚幼鱼的骨骼发育及生长特性进行连续观察和测量。实验结果表明:鞍带石斑鱼初孵仔鱼不存在骨与软骨结构,鞍带石斑鱼在变态前期和变态早期(长棘期)仔鱼的全长、颅骨长度、脊柱长度及尾鳍复合物的长度增加缓慢,骨骼发育过程中与摄食、呼吸及游泳功能相关的骨骼优先发育,如颅骨(颌骨、鳃)和鳍元件,且骨化顺序与发育顺序基本一致。进入变态晚期(收棘期),营养摄取及利用的器官发育趋于完善,稚鱼进入快速生长阶段。此外,在仔稚鱼发育早期,颅骨、脊柱以及尾鳍复合物中存在异速生长特性,呈现为在变态前期和变态早期(长棘期)颅骨和尾鳍复合物为正异速生长,而脊柱为负异速生长;在变态晚期(收棘期)和变态后期,颅骨为负异速生长,而脊柱和尾鳍复合物为近等速生长。因此,鞍带石斑鱼仔稚幼鱼的颅骨、脊柱及尾鳍复合物骨骼发育的异速生长现象与摄食、呼吸及游泳功能相适应。  相似文献   

实验生态条件下研究十溴联苯醚(BDE-209)的急性毒性胁迫对褶皱臂尾轮虫(Branchionus plicatilis)运动行为与摄食行为的影响,探讨可用以表征胁迫-响应的生物标志物。结果表明:(1)BDE-209胁迫24h显著性增加了褶皱臂尾轮虫的运动抑制率,由此得到24h半数有效抑制浓度(24h-EC_(50))为9.084mg/L,但未达到半数致死作用;(2)当分别以四种海洋微藻:小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)、青岛大扁藻(Platymonas helgolandica)、等鞭金藻8701(Isochrysis galbana)和小新月菱形藻(Cylindrotheca closterium)为单一饵料来源时,褶皱臂尾轮虫对四种饵料单胞藻的滤水率(F)和摄食率(G)均随着胁迫时间和胁迫浓度的增加而不断下降,呈现出明显的浓度依赖性,说明BDE-209胁迫能显著抑制褶皱臂尾轮虫的摄食作用。(3)将其中三种微藻等生物量混合投喂时,褶皱臂尾轮虫对三种微藻的滤水率和摄食率与单一饵料投喂条件相比均发生变化,且对各种微藻的选食率(Sr)和摄食总生物量均随着胁迫时间和浓度的增加呈下降趋势,选择性指数(Si)发生变化,对小球藻的摄食选择性最高。滤水率的变化较其它指标更敏感,可用以指示浮游动物在个体水平上响应外源环境变化的标志物。结果表明,BDE-209胁迫能有效改变褶皱臂尾轮虫的摄食与选食行为,且其最适宜的饵料是小球藻。  相似文献   

Early life stages from a marine fish species, Fundulus heteroclitus, were exposed to sublethal doses of 3,3',4,4',5 pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126) to evaluate its effects on ecologically relevant responses: growth and behavior. A few hours after fertilisation, eggs were treated topically with PCB126 (2.5-50 pg egg?1). Four days post-hatching (dph), morphological changes (body length and malformations), spontaneous locomotor activity (active swimming speed, rate of travel, % inactivity), prey capture ability (Artemia franciscana nauplii) and whole body EROD activity were evaluated in larvae. Untreated larvae collected at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 dph were also examined. PCB126 did not increase the mortality or malformation rates. Body length and spontaneous locomotor activity were altered only in larvae treated with the highest dose. Treatment with PCB126 caused a dose-responsive reduction in prey capture ability (rate of decline in the number of Artemia) and induction of EROD activity. The lowest observed effective dose for both of these responses was 5.0 pg PCB126 egg?1 or 5.0 TCDD-toxic equivalents pg g?1 egg, using a TCDD-toxic equivalent factor of 0.005 and an egg mass of 5 mg. Prey capture efficiency (number of Artemia captured per feeding strike) was reduced at ≥ 10.0 pg egg?1. In untreated developing larvae, prey capture ability and efficiency increased as post-hatching development progressed and EROD activity remained low. The pattern of behavioral responses observed in PCB126-exposed Fundulus larvae differed from that observed in less-developed larvae indicating that other mechanisms than retarded development were involved. Behavioral dysfunction was a more sensitive response to PCB126 than morphological alterations and it occurred at environmentally relevant concentrations.  相似文献   

王楠  李超伦 《海洋与湖沼》2012,43(3):480-485
海月水母在全球范围内大量暴发,严重危害海洋生态系统的健康以及鱼类资源的可持续利用。本文以卤虫无节幼体为饵料,初步研究了水母伞径和饵料密度对海月水母个体捕食率的影响以及海月水母的昼夜捕食节律。研究结果表明,海月水母的伞径对其捕食率的影响极显著(P<0.01),在1—8cm范围内,随着伞径的增加个体捕食率线性增加,两者之间的关系式为y=0.044x+0.125(R2=0.9036)。饵料密度对海月水母捕食率的影响显著(P<0.05),在0.25—26.11mgC/L范围内,随饵料密度的增加个体捕食率呈线性增加趋势,关系式为y=0.508x(R2=0.958)。在饵料充足时,海月水母没有昼夜捕食节律。在高饵料密度下海月水母出现过剩捕食,但是捕食行为依然活跃。上述结果既为量化评估海月水母对浮游动物群体的捕食压力提供了基础参数,同时水母过剩捕食行为说明依据生物量和代谢率的推算结果可能低估自然海域水母队浮游动物的捕食压力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide the first detailed data concerning the diet and feeding activity of the giant red shrimp, Aristaeomorpha foliacea, in the Eastern Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean), in relation to season, size class and sex. Feeding activity in A. foliacea was intense, based on its low vacuity index and high prey diversity, with a diet dominated by mesopelagic prey and less frequent occurrence of benthic taxa. Giant red shrimp displayed a highly diversified diet that exhibited slight seasonal fluctuations. The diets of both sexes consisted of 60 different prey categories belonging chiefly to three groups: crustaceans (e.g. decapods, such as Plesionika spp. and Pasiphaeidae, amphipods), cephalopods (mainly Enoploteuthidae) and fishes (Myctophidae, Macrouridae). These three prey categories accounted for 72–82% of the relative abundance and total occurrence for males and 70–88% for females, respectively. Variation in food availability, as well as increased energy demands related to gonad development and breeding activity, appear to be critical factors driving temporal changes in feeding strategy. Feeding activity increased during spring and summer, which coincides with reproductive activities (mating, gonad maturation, egg‐laying). Females seem to be more active predators than males, consuming prey with greater swimming ability. However, ontogenetic shifts in diet were also apparent, despite high dietary overlap among small, medium and large females. Large individuals, which are more efficient predators, selected highly mobile prey (e.g. fishes), whereas small individuals consumed low‐mobility prey (e.g. copepods, ostracods, tanaids and sipunculans).  相似文献   

Understanding the role that consumers play in an ecosystem requires knowledge about food selection and intake rates. However, such basic data are often difficult to obtain, particularly for marine animals that are not easy to observe. To overcome this problem, a beak movement sensor was employed on a free‐ranging loggerhead turtle in a neritic foraging habitat at the Domitian littoral (SW Italy). In combination with gastrointestinal content analysis from six turtles found dead in the same area we sought to identify which beak movement patterns were associated with which prey type, and to quantify the ingestion of the various prey types. Brachyuran crabs (100% occurrence), in particular Liocarcinus vernalis, and small molluscs (66% occurrence) were found most frequently in the stomach and intestine of the turtles. Beak movements revealed average ingestion rates of (mean ± SE) 0.27 ± 0.13 food items per minute and that feeding occurred predominantly during dives >4 m and during early morning and evening. Interestingly, the time spent feeding amounted to only 2.2% of the total observation time, whereas feeding‐associated dives added up to just above 10% of the total time. We thus established that loggerhead turtles in this area are specialised on brachyuran crabs, on which they prey with high success during the short time dedicated to foraging. This information strengthens our knowledge about turtle–prey and turtle–habitat interactions, which are essential data to delineate the role that turtles play in this and similar marine ecosystems. Moreover, since the same area is also intensively used by the regional bottom trawl fishery, our results have important conservation implications, because they clearly show the time of day and water depths for which fishing activity should be regulated to reduce the number of turtles that are currently being incidentally caught in this area.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour of adults of the marine calanoid copepod Centropages hamatus was studied in laboratory experiments with ciliates and phytoplankton as food sources. The ingestion rate of algal (flagellates, diatoms) and ciliate prey (oligotrichs) as a function of prey concentration could be described by a Holling type III functional response, with close to zero ingestion rates at concentrations below 5 µg C l− 1. In general, ingestion of ciliates was higher than ingestion of algae, and maximum feeding rates by adult males reached were half the feeding rates of adult females at prey concentrations exceeding 50 µg C l− 1. When diatoms and ciliates were offered together C. hamatus (both sexes) fed exclusively on ciliates as long as they contributed with more than 5% to the mixture. This indicates the capability of active prey selection and switching between suspension feeding and ambush predation. Therefore, the feeding behaviour of adult C. hamatus can be characterised as omnivorous with a preference for larger motile prey. This implies a trophic level above two, if there is a sufficient abundance of protozoan food available.  相似文献   

Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) larvae were exposed either directly to the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of crude oil or indirectly via oil-contaminated prey (OCP) (Artemia salina) for <- 28 days, to determine the relative effects of diet and water as routes of contamination. Larvae were affected rapidly by 0·9 ppm WSF, which caused high larval mortality, reduced swimming ability and rapid reductions in feeding rates. Larval length was significantly reduced by 0·7 ppm WSF in 7 days and by 0·3 ppm WSF within 14 days. The WSF exposure also caused similar reductions in larval weights. Highly contaminated prey (6 ppm prey exposure) caused significant mortality, but surviving larvae appeared robust. The OCP did not affect swimming, feeding, or growth. Exposure of larvae was not significantly extended by OCP, which rapidly depurated WSF in clean water (98% in 1 day). Therefore, OCP is probably not an important source of low molecular weight petroleum contamination to larval fish in the marine environment.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of the deep-sea blue–red shrimp Aristeus antennatus were determined based on the analysis of 1047 stomach contents, sampled in the Greek Ionian Sea (E. Mediterranean). The diet of this economically and biologically important decapod was studied in relation to the season, size class and sex. The diet of A. antennatus consisted of 54 different prey categories, and belonged mainly to smaller crustaceans (e.g. natantian decapods, euphausiids, tanaidaceans), molluscs, polychaetes, chaetognaths and, to a lesser extent, fishes. The above prey categories consisted of 71–82% of the relative abundance and total occurrence for males and 61–81% for females. Females seemed to be better fed than males (stomach fullness, food quality). A. antennatus displayed a highly diversified diet and the different feeding patterns were discussed. Diet composition showed slight seasonal fluctuations. The observed slight differences on A. antennatus diet among the western, central and eastern Mediterranean could be attributed to the more oligotrophic character of the eastern part of the basin. The principal factors driving the changes in the feeding strategy of this decapod among the seasons are the increased energy demands related to sexual requirements and the food availability in the marine environment. The ontogenetic changes in the shrimp's diet were relatively clear. Larger individuals exhibited selecting prey with a good swimming capacity (e.g. fishes), while the smaller individuals consumed prey with low mobility (e.g. copepods, ostracods).  相似文献   

大亚湾核电站邻近水域桡足幼体现场摄食研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桡足类种类多、数量大、分布广, 在食物链中处于中间环节, 对海洋生态系统的结构稳定起着重要作用。桡足类幼体获取的营养直接影响其发育, 进而影响桡足类成体补充乃至种群的稳定。本研究于2015年夏季分别在大亚湾核电站邻近海域S1 (进水口水域)和S2 (排水口水域)站进行了调查采样, 应用分子生物学方法检测了桡足幼体现场摄食食物组成。结果显示: 1)两个站的桡足幼体内共检测到16种不同食物, 包括浮游植物(硅藻)11种, 后生动物2种、真菌、Ichthyosporea 和卵菌类各1种共5大类, 其中硅藻(47.30%, 克隆数百分比, 下同)和被囊动物类后生动物(41.89%)是其主要的食物类群; 2)在S1和S2站桡足幼体内分别检测到9种和10种食物, 但主要食物类型有差异, S1站较多后生动物(61.54%), 而S2站较多硅藻(68.57%); 3) S2站的桡足幼体杂食偏植食程度更高, 其杂食性系数(0.31)低于S1站(0.72)。结果表明, 桡足幼体能根据食物环境有选择地摄食植物饵料和动物饵料, 调节食物营养结构; 温排水影响水域桡足幼体更偏向植食性, 尤其是硅藻, 暗示全球变暖可能导致桡足幼体食性偏移。  相似文献   

Patellid limpets are key species on rocky shores, structuring intertidal assemblages through their grazing. Their role as prey for fish is, however, often overlooked in studies of intertidal ecosystem functioning. The shanny Lipophrys pholis is a common predator of limpets on rocky shores in Northern Europe and, in this study, we examined the characteristics of its predation on limpets based on prey size. The limpet size range that adult L. pholis (10–12.5 cm) can eat was examined in the laboratory using Patella depressa in 0.2 cm classes, varying between 0.5 cm and 3.0 cm in maximum shell length. There was a limpet size refuge above 1.8 cm, while all smaller sizes were readily consumed by the shanny. The predator attacking behaviour was also examined and found to vary with prey size. Limpets up to 0.8 cm were crushed by the jaw‐constricting force and eaten whole, whereas larger prey were prised from the substratum and the body subsequently separated from the shell. To examine whether there was a L. pholis preference for P. depressa size, a two‐stage laboratory experiment was done using two size classes defined as small (0.7–0.8 cm maximum shell length) and large (1.5–1.6 cm maximum shell length). In the first stage, the predator was given each limpet size class separately. In the second stage, the fish was given a choice between the two classes. Lipophrys pholis was shown to have a preference for the large size class (1.5–1.6 cm). The average number of limpets consumed by the shanny was examined for the duration of one high‐tide typical of the central region of Portugal (≈ 4 h). On average, approximately five limpets (up to an eight limpet maximum) were consumed. The present study shows that L. pholis has a feeding preference based on limpet size, which suggests that the limpet population structure and intra‐ and inter‐specific interactions may be influenced by the shanny predation.  相似文献   

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