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一次引发暴雨的东北低涡的涡度和水汽收支分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对2005年7月25~29日引发较大范围持续性暴雨的东北低涡的结构、涡度和水汽收支进行了分析研究,结果表明:1)东北低涡是一个较深厚的冷性涡旋.初期,气旋性涡度出现在对流层中层,然后向中低层及高层伸展.而低涡加强阶段,气旋性涡度在对流层高层增加得最快,并逐渐向中低层传播,诱发地面气旋的发展;由于高低空锋生的相互作用,在低涡南部形成了深厚的近乎垂直的低层略前倾的"弓形"锋区.2)对涡度收支的计算表明,水平涡度平流项和水平辐散项对低涡的发展、加强起到最主要的作用.但在不同阶段,这两项的作用和大小各不相同.3) 对流层高层位涡大值区在低涡东部向下传播,有利于低涡的发展加强,与低涡暴雨的落区位置较为接近.此外对卫星云顶亮度温度(TBB)的分析,发现低涡暴雨典型的涡旋云带中对流活动旺盛的地区与局地暴雨的位置对应.4) 低涡暴雨的水汽初期主要来自北部,随着低纬地区西南季风的增强,沿副高西侧从低纬到中高纬建立起一条较强的水汽输送带,东北地区水汽收支以南北向的辐合为主.5)将2005年和1998年夏季6~8月的东北低涡暴雨个例的天气形势配置进行逐月比较,发现持续的较大范围的低涡暴雨过程与亚洲中高纬的阻塞形势、低涡的维持、西太平洋副热带高压的位置及夏季风和低纬系统的水汽输送有密切的关系.  相似文献   

登陆台风引发的暴雨过程之诊断研究   总被引:62,自引:10,他引:52  
孙建华  赵思雄 《大气科学》2000,24(2):223-237
对9406(Tim)台风登陆北上并与西风带槽相互作用,引发我国东部大暴雨的过程进行了诊断研究,并与北美的个例进行了对比。发现Tim与北美的Hazel、Agnes、Camile飓风虽同属于低纬度系统北移被中纬度西风槽所“捕获”,但上述北美飓风均转变为锋面气旋,发展过程基本上与挪威学派经典的A类气旋及Petterssen定义的B类气旋相似,而Tim不属于上述两类情况。对涡度方程的诊断表明,此过程在低层除平流项外,散度项也比垂直输送项和扭转项大一个量级。而高空散度项、垂直输送项和扭转项同量级,此时扭转项的贡献也不可忽视。对水汽来源的诊断表明,对华北和东北的降水而言,尽管孟加拉湾有丰沛的水汽输送至东亚,但是南海和西太平洋的水汽输送仍有重要贡献。  相似文献   

利用GMS-5卫星水汽通道资料分析了1995年夏秋季热带对流层中上层水汽场的分布及其变化。分析表明:南印度洋-澳大利亚-南城市平洋地区是夏秋季对流层中上层最好干的地区,赤道太平洋、北太平洋是相对干区;夏秋季南亚和中国南部是对流层中上层最潮湿的地区,夏季比秋季更潮湿,反映出季风在这一地区的活动特点,月平均水汽场从8月到9月,高湿带观点华北平原突然南跳到南海海面,表明对流层中上层的水汽场在9月份发生突变,比大气环流的10月突变早1个月完成;青藏高原夏季东南部为湿区,秋季西北部为湿区。  相似文献   

一次强雷雨过程中对流参数对潜势预测影响的分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在利用观测资料和1°×1° NCEP再分析资料对2003年7月4~5日的一次强雷雨过程的天气形势、暴雨特征分析基础上,从雷暴和强暴雨的发生条件入手,探讨了一些强对流参数的物理意义、计算方法及其在此次强雷雨发生潜势预测中的指示意义.结果表明: 始终稳定维持在乌拉尔山、鄂霍茨克附近的高压脊为此次强雷雨提供了有利的环流背景; 来自孟加拉湾、印度洋一带和南海地区的暖湿气流与南下的冷空气在淮河流域交汇,并形成一条东西向稳定的梅雨锋; 梅雨锋及其上发生发展的中尺度扰动是此次强降雨的主要制造者; 对流有效位能 [Con  相似文献   

利用高分辨率观测资料和ERA5再分析资料, 分析造成2021年11月7—8日东北极端暴雪的温带气旋结构特征及爆发性发展机制, 结果表明:温带气旋发生在高空冷涡背景下, 地面气旋在黄海形成后出现爆发性快速增强并沿东北地区东部北上。地面降雪区主要分布在气旋西侧, 且降雪强度与气旋的发生发展密切相关;地面气旋在爆发性发展后由叶状云系演变为逗点涡旋云系, 并表现出明显的锋面断裂和暖锋包卷;其垂直结构也先后出现高空锋区断裂、干暖核形成和中性锢囚锋区加强;西伯利亚高压脊、华北高空槽和东北高压脊3个异常中心构成Rossby波列, 随着高度异常中心不断东移及波能量向下游地区频散, 华北高空槽区的波作用通量明显增大导致华北冷涡快速增强, 涡度因子的急剧增大有利于地面气旋爆发性发展;随着平流层位涡高值区沿等熵面不断向南发展和向下传播, 导致中层冷涡快速发展并向下伸展, 诱发地面气旋爆发性增强。  相似文献   

The impact of mid- and upper-level dry air, represented by low relative humidity (RH) values, on the genesis of tropical cyclone (TC) Durian (2001) in the South China Sea was investigated by a series of numerical experiments using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. The mid-level RH was lowered in different regions relative to TC Durian (2001)'s genesis location. Results suggest that the location of dry air was important to Durian (2001)'s genesis and intensification. The rapid development of the TC was accompanied by sustained near-saturated mid- and upper-level air, whereas low humidity decelerated its development. Water vapor budget analysis showed that moisture at mid and upper levels was mainly supplied by the vertical convergence of moisture flux and the divergence terms, and consumed by the condensation process. The horizontal convergence of moisture flux term supplied moisture in the air moistening process but consumed moisture in the air drying process. With a dryer mid- and upper-level environment, convective and stratiform precipitation were both inhibited. The upward mass fluxes and the diabatic heating rates associated with these two precipitation types were also suppressed. Generally, convection played the dominant role, since the impact of the stratiform process on vertical mass transportation and diabatic heating was much weaker. The vorticity budget showed that the negative vorticity convergence term, which was closely related to the inhibited convection, caused the vorticity to decrease above the lower troposphere in a dryer environment. The negative vorticity tendency is suggested to slow down the vertical coherence and the development rate of TCs.  相似文献   

东北冷涡加强减弱过程的涡度收支和动能诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对东北冷涡加强和减弱阶段的涡度和动能的收支进行诊断分析。结果表明:无论在加强还是减弱阶段,冷涡区域范围整层的涡度变化均很明显;涡度平衡方程中,散度项、水平平流项及余项均是主要项,正涡度的增长和减弱对冷涡加强和减弱有重要贡献;动能收支方程中的各项也有明显差异,且在对流层中上层均有较强的能量交换过程。  相似文献   

一次台风变性并入东北冷涡过程的动力诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁钊明  王东海 《大气科学》2015,39(2):397-412
台风北移变性并入东北冷涡是造成东北地区夏季大范围暴雨的主要形式之一, 但其中的热动力结构变化特征及其物理机制尚不清晰。本文利用美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)的再分析资料对一次台风变性并入东北冷涡过程进行动力诊断分析, 分析结果显示:冷涡冷空气的不断侵入以及台风移动形成的相对冷平流使得台风暖心结构消亡, 其低层低压辐合和高层高压辐散结构消失, 变性并入东北冷涡后气旋整层偏冷, 低层出现冷中心。台风变性并入东北冷涡过程中, 冷涡中心附近高空急流南侧的反气旋切变抑制气旋直接往高空发展, 而急流轴左侧的热动力分布特征有利于垂直涡度的发展, 变性后的气旋环流向冷涡的移近有利于急流轴维持倾斜, 从而促进气旋向高空冷涡倾斜发展。同时, 冷空气在气旋低层附近堆积导致等假相当位温线发生倾斜, 造成垂直涡度在气旋中层倾斜发展。台风变性并入东北冷涡后, 高空冷涡槽底的正垂直涡度平流促进气旋由中层直接向高层发展, 而高空冷涡槽底急流促进正垂直涡度平流的维持。气旋高空环流的发展反过来削弱了东北冷涡的高层环流, 导致高空冷涡中心出现北撤。  相似文献   

080125南方低温雨雪冰冻天气持续降水的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用WRF模式对2008年1月25—29日中国低温雨雪冰冻天气过程进行模拟。结果表明,雨雪期间长江中下游及以南地区长时间存在着高低空急流的耦合形态,且低空急流不断向雨雪区域输送暖湿水汽,使该地区低层的水汽辐合,促进大范围雨雪发生和维持:强高空辐散的抽吸作用,促进低空辐合、整层上升运动加强以及正涡度的维持.干冷空气从对流层高层倾斜南下加强了对流不稳定能量的积累.本次雨雪冰冻天气过程中存在明显的干侵入,降水区北侧对流层高层高位涡干冷空气沿等相对湿度(RH)线密集带侵入低层,促使雨区低层位涡中心迅速增大,促进强降水发生;本次过程表明位涡和降水有很好的对应关系,这对降水预报有很好的指示意义。由于极涡偏强促使冷空气南下,南方近地面浅薄冷空气使雨水结成冰导致灾害发生。  相似文献   

水平涡度与夏季风环流变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在斜压涡度发展理论的基础上,讨论了大尺度大气运动中水平涡度向垂直涡度转化的情况,并用以刻划夏季风变动。将声坐标中涡度方程的有关项在2坐标中分离出水平涡度向垂直涡度转化的主要项,经尺度分析得出,在对流层中、高层,这些转化项中的水平分量是大尺度大气斜压性涡度发展的主要因子。通过对1998年4—8月的GAME(GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment,全球能量和水分循环试验(GEWEX)的子试验:亚洲季风试验,简称GAME)再分析资料进行实际计算发现,转化项在东亚夏季风上升支的600 hPa及以上层次对P坐标垂直涡度的局地变化贡献很大,不能忽略。同时发现水平涡度向垂直涡度的转化对南海季风爆发和江淮梅雨入梅及其发展过程均有指示性意义。南海季风爆发以后,在中国东南部地区,转化项的大小与夏季风的活跃和中断等活动吻合,转化项的变化反映了西太平洋副高在中国大陆的活动规律。  相似文献   

A heavy rainfall event that occurred in Shandong Province in 26 28 August 2004 was caused mainly by Typhoon Acre and cold air activities related to a westerly trough. The event was triggered by an inverted typhoon trough, which was closely associated with the intensification of the low-level southeasterly flow and the northward transport of heat and momentum in the periphery of the typhoon low. A numerical simulation of this event is performed using the nonhydrostatic mesoscale model MM5 with two-way interactive and triply-nested grids, and the structure of the inverted typhoon trough is studied. Furthermore, the formation and development mechanism of the inverted typhoon trough and a mesoscale vortex are discussed through a vorticity budget analysis. The results show that the heavy rainfall was induced by the strong convergence between the strong and weak winds within the inverted typhoon trough. Dynamic effects of the low-level jet and the diabatic heating of precipitation played an important role in the development of the inverted typhoon trough and the formation of the mesoscale vortex. The vorticity budget analysis suggests that the divergence term in the low troposphere, the horizontal advection term, and the convection term in the middle troposphere were main contributors to positive vorticity. Nonetheless, at the same pressure level, the effect of the divergence term and that of the adveetion term were opposite to each other. In the middle troposphere, the vertical transport term made a positive contribution while the tilting term made a negative contribution, and the total vorticity tendency was the net result of their counteractions. It is found that the change tendency of the relative vorticity was not uniform horizontally. A strong positive vorticity tendency occurred in the southeast of the mesoscale vortex, which is why the heavy rainfall was concentrated there. The increase of positive vorticity in the low (upper) troposphere was caused by horizontal convergence (upward transport of vorticity from the lower troposphere). Therefore, the development of the inverted typhoon trough and the formation of the mesoscale vortex were mainly attributed to the vorticity generated in the low troposphere, and also the vertical transport of vorticity from the low and middle troposphere.  相似文献   

The evolution of the tropospheric temperature fields over Indian and South China Sea monsoon areas and their thermal mechanisms are compared and analyzed during the period from March to June, 1996. The results show that the onsets of the Indian and South China Sea summer monsoons are closely associated with the seasonal warming in the troposphere over the zonal belt of 10°N~30°N in these areas, which leads to the inversion of meridional temperature gradient. During the pre-onset period, the warming over the South China Sea monsoon region is mainly due to the warm horizontal advection and diabatic (latent) heating processes. Meanwhile, the warming is suppressed by the vertical adiabatic process (cooling). In spring over the Indian monsoon region, the significant adiabatic heating due to the subsidence motion, which compensates the cooling due to the strong cold advection and diabatic cooling processes, results in a larger warming rate than over the South China Sea monsoon region. However, the meridional temperature gradient over the Indian monsoon region is so large during the late winter and early spring that it takes longer time to warm the troposphere to have the reversion of meridional temperature gradient than it does over the South China Sea monsoon region. It results in the phenomenon that the South China Sea summer monsoon generally breaks out earlier than the Indian summer monsoon.  相似文献   

The linear regression and horizontally stepwise correction are conducted on the observational data from AMSU-A L1 B of NOAA polar orbit satellite to invert a 40-layers(from 1,000 h Pa to 0.1 h Pa) dataset of atmospheric temperature with a horizontal resolution of 0.5°×0.5° after the correction of satellite antenna pattern and limb adjustment. Case study shows that the inversion data of temperature can reveal the detail structure of warm core in tropical cyclone. We choose two categories of tropical depressions(TDs) over the South China Sea, including the non-developing TDs and developing TDs. Both of them are developed downward from the middle and upper level to the lower level. Comparison between the evolutions of warm core in the two categories of TDs indicates that the warm core is developed downward from the middle and upper troposphere to the sea surface in all the downward-developing TDs. The difference is that in the group of further developing TDs, the warm core in the upper troposphere is intensified suddenly when it is extending to the sea surface. The warm core in the upper and lower troposphere is strengthened in a meantime. But the similar feature is not observed in the non-developing TDs. Then it may be helpful to judge the TD development by monitoring the change in its warm-core structure.  相似文献   

基于NCEP 6 h一次,0.5°(纬度)×0.5°(经度)水平分辨率的GFS(Global Forecasting System)再分析数据,利用数值模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting),对2014年11月上旬西北太平洋一次极端强度的爆发气旋事件进行了模拟。在成功复制爆发气旋主要特征的基础上,较详细的分析了本次爆发气旋快速发展的有利环境条件,并利用分片位涡反演的方法,对此次爆发气旋的快速发展过程进行了研究,主要结论如下:(1)本次爆发气旋的爆发性发展阶段维持了约27 h,其最大加深率约为3.98 Bergeron(气旋加深率单位),最低中心气压约为919.2 hPa。(2)爆发气旋的快速发展与对流层高层高空急流对热量的输送,对流层中层西风带短波槽槽前暖平流和正涡度平流的有利准地转强迫,以及对流层低层暖锋伴随的暖平流过程密切相关。(3)分片位涡反演的结果表明,对流层顶皱褶对应的平流层大值位涡下传和降水凝结潜热过程造成的正位涡异常是本次爆发气旋快速发展的主导因子,而对流层低层的斜压过程贡献相对较小。在气旋爆发期的前期和强盛期,降水凝结潜热释放是爆发气旋发展的最重要因子,而在爆发期后期,随着降水的减弱和爆发气旋的东北向移动,对流层顶皱褶作用所造成的正位涡异常成为维持气旋快速发展的最有利因子。  相似文献   

热带气旋"蒲公英"两次登陆过程的灾害与结构特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004年7月1~3日,热带气旋“蒲公英”自生成到影响浙江沿海地区期间,不仅持续时间长、强度大,移动路径长、变化较复杂,而且创下了近3年来台湾风灾损失的最高纪录,同时也给浙江等沿海地区造成了一定的经济损失。作者主要利用卫星云图资料、NCEP再分析资料,从宏观上对热带气旋“蒲公英”两次登陆过程中的强度及其引发的风雨灾害进行了分析。结果表明,“蒲公英”登陆台湾期间,东亚环流形势呈典型的鞍形场分布,有利于处于两高之间热带气旋“蒲公英”的维持和北上转向。而在其登陆浙江沿海地区后,浙江沿海地区处于较强的偏东气流中,“蒲公英”中心处于高空槽后,气流下沉以及缺少水汽和能量充沛供应使得其减弱为热带风暴。无论是其登陆台湾还是浙江沿海地区,台风垂直方向始终呈深厚气旋性涡柱结构,但中心附近低层辐散,中层辐合,不利于中心附近的对流发展。相反,台风外围螺旋云带内不仅中低层辐合,高层辐散,辐合层较深厚,且存在高湿和强上升运动,因而有利于对流云团的发展。对流云团发展强度的不同使得“蒲公英”两次登陆期间引发的风雨灾害明显不同。  相似文献   

Cut-off lows (COLs) are significantly associated with many convective events and anomalous regional climate in the Northeast China. By using 49-year NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, COL events are detected and tracked by an objective and automatic method based on synoptic concept model. Based on this dataset and daily rain-gauge records in Northeast China during 1979–2005, seasonal climatology of COLs and associated precipitation patterns over Northeast China are investigated. Most COLs have a short lifetime of less than a week and have a spatial size ranging from 500 to 1,000 km, with slight seasonal differences. Temporal variation of COL occurrence exhibits a seasonal cycle, with a peak in summer, and considerable interannual variability. The COLs tend to occur more frequently over the northern Northeast China Plain, and the center for maximum frequency shows a zonal oscillation, with an extension to continent in summer and a shift to western North Pacific coast in winter. Most COLs form to the east of Lake Baikal and decay over the western North Pacific coast. COLs are apt to move along east or southeast passages around the year, and tracks are relatively more complicated in warm seasons. About a quarter of annual mean precipitation over Northeast China is associated with COLs. Moreover, COL-associated precipitation contributes greatly to total precipitation in northern and northwestern parts of Northeast China, and the ratios of COL contribution are stronger during spring and autumn than in summer.  相似文献   

The heavy rainfall caused by interactions between the monsoon depression and the middle-latitude systems in Australia has been investigated in this paper. For a better understanding of the Australian monsoon depression (AMD) and its synoptic-scale interaction with the middle-latitude systems, some key meteorological parameters have been calculated, including the vorticity budget, moisture budget, temperature advection, frontogenesis function and potential vorticity. The results show that interaction between the lower and mid-latitude systems does exist leading to the merging of the extratropical low with frontal systems and the AMD, meanwhile both the low-level cold air from the mid-latitude and the warm moist air that was lifted by the front were very favorable for the formation and the intensification of heavy rainfall, which was quite different from the rainfall caused by the AMD alone. Second, the obvious temperature advection and gradient were detected, so the baroclinicity was favorable to the intensification of the front, as well as to the development of the upper-level jet. Next, isentropic analysis revealed that the south-west cold-flow sank and met the warm flow coming from the northern part of Australia, thereby forming the obvious baroclinic zone in the lower troposphere. A high-PV anomaly area located in the upper level of the troposphere, which overlaid the low-level frontogenesis zone, also existed. The upper-level PV maximum extended downwards forming a vertical PV column when the extratropical low intensified. Furthermore, the AMD is a warm-cored vortex located in middle and upper troposphere with a deep and thick moisture layer, and there were some differences in the vorticity and moisture budgets of the two different stages. Finally, based on the above-mentioned analysis, a conceptual model describing the interactions between the lower and middle-latitude systems in the southern hemisphere was proposed.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料和中国国家级地面气象站基本气象要素日值数据集,研究了1979~2016年(38年)夏季江淮地区区域性极端日降水事件的统计特征及其与Rossby波活动的联系.结果 表明:在38年夏季(6~7月)中,江淮地区区域性极端日降水量的95百分位阈值为33.95 mm d-1,且共有63次极端日...  相似文献   

热带气旋“尤特”(2006)南海突然减弱的机理分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
应用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对热带气旋“尤特”(2006)在我国南海突然减弱的机理进行了分析。结果表明:水汽通道的切断是热带气旋“尤特”突然减弱的必要条件,“尤特”突然减弱对水汽来源切断的响应时间大约为12 h;对流层中低层水汽辐散区的出现,抑制了低层水汽向高层输送,导致“尤特”突然减弱;在其减弱过程中,贯穿对流层的位涡柱高值区不断向对流层中层收缩并加强,同时与平流层高位涡区迅速分离;在热带气旋“尤特”突然减弱前6 h,环境风垂直切变突然增大,同时在“尤特”不断减弱的过程中,环境风垂直切变呈现总体逐步增大的趋势。  相似文献   

屠妮妮  李跃清 《干旱气象》2014,32(6):962-971
利用NCEP再分析格点资料、常规观测资料、自动站降水资料、0.1°×0.1°的FY-2E云顶亮温资料,对2013年6月29日至7月1日发生在四川东部的大暴雨过程进行分析,结合涡度收支方程重点分析了引发这次大暴雨的西南涡结构。结果表明:在西南低涡发生发展过程中,对低涡发展起直接作用的是水平辐合辐散项和水平平流项,低涡形成前水平辐合辐散项起主要贡献,低涡形成后水平平流项贡献增大,并在对流层中低层以正贡献为主,扭转项贡献最小,而垂直输送项在低涡形成前期以正贡献为主,低涡减弱阶段以负贡献为主;在西南低涡形成前期,对流层高层有位涡大值区向下传输至中层,中高层正位涡叠加在低层负位涡之上,有利于低层低涡的发展及不稳定能量的存储与释放,是低涡维持发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

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